My 2024 Everest Trek | + 35 Tips & 1 BIG Problem

My 2024 Everest Trek | + 35 Tips & 1 BIG Problem

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Have you ever wanted to quit your job? In 2018, I quit my corporate job of 15 years. I'm a Physical Therapist now and only work 9 months of the year It wasn't easy, but I love to help people, and the freedom. This video we'll explore Nepal, cinematically.

Walk with us through the Khumbu for 12 days. The Monkey Temple The Old Palace Hindu Cremation Ceremonies Thamel at Night Ramechhap Airport to Lukla Very rough flight Short runway! We'll head to Phakding. Mostly downhill today. Spin left, for building karma. Trees I have never seen before. Buddhist Script Our first Tea House A new friend The mattresses are nice and firm Listen to these birds and the river. A great start to the morning.

The Dhudh Kosi River It's Spring and blossoms are out. Famous Dal Bhat These french fries blew our minds This mans skill! Sakura Hotel This chef was so good. I love Nepali food. A lodge stove, always welcome. The climb to Namche Bazaar was difficult. We're tired. A family of three dogs joined us.

Yaks are sweet It snowed over night! but quickly melted. Nepal's sun is intense! it's rivers are frequent. it's rain weathers the tablets it's winds blow hard through the valley and it's puppies are tired. Hot water for the lodge. Stoves are powered by Yak dung now. No more wood.

I film to remember, Sarah writes to remember. That's a good combo. Light snow again and high mountains begin to appear more frequently The worlds highest bakery. Honey Latte and carrot cake. No more talking. Just watch these last moments. It's magic up here. okay so that was definitely a trip  of a lifetime I will never forget that trip   Sarah won't either so if you're traveling uh  to Nepal and looking to make it your trip of   the lifetime there's some things you need to  know first so we're going to go over key tips   we're going to go over gear and clothing which  is what I usually cover on this channel and then   we're going to talk about the one thing that I  think everybody that travels NE to Nepal needs   to be aware of so the very first tip I think  is that you should use a trekking company so   a lot of people say hey I can walk I can walk  up to a hotel I can get my own food but really   what guides are there for and porters are there  for it's really to make the experience better   in several key ways first is organizing the bus  trip you know you're not leaving usually in 2024   from Catman do anymore you're leaving from ramach  chop so you have to take a bus from Catman do to   ramach chop they set all that up for you they  also handle plane tickets I will tell you at   ramach chop the plane situation was kind of  chaotic and also if you end your trip early   they will do all the organizing of changing the  plane tickets and most importantly if something   goes wrong and I'm not even saying that that's a  high likely Hood but if something does go wrong   they're there to make the difference they've  got all the language ability all the mountain   skills they know where everything's at that's  kind of why you use a trekking company beyond   that carrying only just a little bit of weight  on your back for 12 days straight is much better   than carrying the full weight on on your back it  just makes the experience way better as you may   have seen we used Discovery World trekking which  I actually found through another YouTuber uh our   guide was sonum our Porter was Roshan and they  both absolutely made the trip better next tip   is when you're flying to Luca try to sit on the  leftand side of the plane because that's where   the better views will be once you get to Luca  don't eat any meat beyond that since everything   is carried up the refrigeration of meat cannot be  trusted so pretty much everybody past Luca turns   into a vegetarian when staying in catm do you'll  likely stay in THL we thought that Apple Maps did   a little bit better than Google Maps when trying  to navigate walking on about 30% of the place   we were trying to find Google Maps did not do a  good job but Apple Maps always did do a good job   always be sure to take a photo of your passport  and your visas in case they get lost if you're   buying puffy Lodge shoes so warm shoes that you'll  wear in a lodge be sure to get a rubberized bottom   on them you don't want to walk into some of  these bathrooms with just fabric on your feet   definitely one of the highlights of the trip that  I didn't expect at all was the sherpa Museum and   Nam Bazaar dedicate two maybe even 3 hours to  this place it's big big there's tons of photos   it costs a little bit but it's definitely worth  the money to get into the see this thing next you   need to assume that over 4,500 M of altitude that  you're going to have difficulty sleeping in goric   Shep I had the only problem of the trip I woke up  at midnight I think I was a little apnic I think   I was breathing a little shallow I woke up with a  splitting headache just so you guys know Sarah and   I are physical therapists and a technique that I  knew of coming into this was pursed lip breathing   we use it for various patients and COPD but it  there's evidence that it helps in these situations   and I used it to a good effect I got rid of that  headache within I would say five minutes so pit   breathing is just a deep breath in and then you  exhale like you're blowing out a birthday CLE like just do that over and over again without  getting into the science of it it helps get   oxygen in it helps get Co2 out and it should help  you if you're in that situation at altitude okay   speaking of oxygen your guide will likely have one  of these finger things these pulse oximeters it   measures your oxygen what I saw a lot of guides  doing was putting this on the finger getting   the first numbers and then immediately taking off  without considering how good of a signal they were   getting on it so when a guide puts this on your  finger to get the blood oxygen give it a little   second look for a nice little steady bump on the  line on the side that goes up and down up and down   that means it's getting a good s signal if you're  seeing like stuttering on the line it's not a good   signal so just wait and get a good signal by the  way I think the lowest in goric Shep for my blood   oxygen and Sarah's blood oxygen was 84% another  tip is that a lot of times the beds in these rooms   at the tea houses they'll be right by a window  so don't sleep with your head by the window turn   around and put your feet by the window it's much  warmer also when you arrive at catm do stay in   the hotel and book ahead to the hotel that you're  going to stay at the end of the trip so you you   can keep your luggage there these hotels are aware  that you may not show up on time but they're okay   with that they'll still take your luggage so book  the same one at the front and the same one at the   back also you always hear that you need to take  smaller bills as you go up by Because by the time   you're at goric Shep or luch they just don't have  the money to break a thousand rupe bill I really   didn't experience that everywhere we went they  could pretty much break anything next s and I both   took diox I actually took prophylactic ibuprofen  as well and it worked really well I told you I   had that one problem midnight at goric Shep but it  pretty quickly went away I think the strategy of   Diamox and ibuprofen is a pretty good strategy I  only took 200 milligram of ibuprofen and it worked   well the entire trip next if you have long hair  that takes a long time to dry don't take a shower   right before going to bed because your hair will  be wet and in those colder rooms that's not such a   good thing also and we didn't really realize this  when you're passing a Hindu or Buddhist Monument   always pass it on the left if you happen to  pass it on the right no one's going to bat an   eye you're not going to get yelled at or anything  but it's just common practice to pass on the left   another tip is if the water isn't working in  your room just check the water at the wall   whether it's a sink or the toilet a lot of times  the people that reset the rooms they'll turn the   water off so it's just a simple matter of turning  the water back on at the wall if you don't want   to buy water the simplest way to get water is  to fill up a bladder at a hotel sink and then   just filter from there the next tip that I have  have is don't overpack it's very easy to do you   start to think of all scenarios I'm actually  a very experienced hiker so I'm very used to   planning out what I'll bring and what is needed  I actually have a link below that shows my entire   system we're going to go over it further in detail  but to avoid overpacking check that link Out Below   all right so the next is a little personal but I  knew I would be peeing up to one or two times a   night one because it's cold and from cold camping  I know that's kind of me too but also the diox   diuretics make you pee so I brought a pea bottle a  16 oz or 500ml one and it was super useful to use   instead of waking up walking all the way to the  bathroom walking all the way back you could just   stand up pee then go right back to bed the next  I think is a huge one it's bring non-waterproof   Trail Runners so everybody brings boots I like a  trail Runner style boot that is waterproof but I   knew going into this trip from research and just  looking at the temperatures that you don't need   need a boot always the trip is warmer than you  think and boots are heavy the US Army did a study   one time every pound that's on your feet is like  having five lbs on your back it is a much more   comfortable experience to hike uphill in light  Trail Runners than big heavy boots ankle wise   like I said I'm a physical therapist unless  you have some sort of pathology some sort of   known ankle issue you don't really need boots  you know boots for me kind of started around   17 lbs of pack weight and above well you're  not carrying that you're only carrying 5 lbs   again I know this is personal choice definitely  do what you want to do but to me you don't need   heavy boots for the entire way up especially ones  that are waterproof waterproof boots in in warm   temperatures are just a recipe for sweaty feet  because the membranes don't breathe they always   say that it's breathable but it's not breathable  in the way you think it's breathable it's just   minuscule breathable so again bring something  that breathes and is light a Runner okay so the   absolute star of gear was this little light right  here I I just on a whim I thought I would bring it   cuz I thought it might be useful it was definitely  useful not so much for power outages although   those can happen mostly in Catman do oddly enough  but a lot of the rooms don't have light bulbs that   are working so instead of like going to get the  The Tea House management or whatever and looking   for a light bulb This little light will see you  through so many things you need to do next SAR and   I brought those little electric wall adapters for  us to Nepal but we never really needed them every   outlet that was available to us was like one of  those Universal types that fit all of them so we   never even used those adapters also for the lady  Sarah used uh I brought these things called dude   wipes they're just like wipes for crevices I use  those about every 3 days Sarah also discovered   that you can shave your legs with those so check  out dude wipes next I would bring earplugs and   backup earplugs There's Something About Dogs they  love to sleep all day but then they there's like   one represent ative or two that bark at each other  all night so bring earplugs to kind of block that   out the next bit of advice that I have is bring  your favorite medicines from home especially cold   medicines Nepali pharmacies are great they're  absolutely wonderful especially in price and   variety they have everything you need to a degree  but I was really at one point looking for DayQuil   um so if you have something at home that's kind  of a combo of drugs that hits several different   symptoms bring that uh Nepali pharmacies usually  had things that hit one or two symptoms uh so yeah   just plan plan accordingly for that and on top of  that I would absolutely assume that you will get   a little bit under the weather whether it's cold  symptoms or upper respiratory or lower respiratory   we'll go over a little bit more on that later and  just have enough with you to get through the trip   you've just flown around the world likely to  do this awesome trip be sure you're ready on   the medicines front speaking of you and being able  to do the trail I would bring electrolytes you'll   likely be underweight for the porters so bring  from home some nice electrolytes that you're   used to I'm telling you Nepal is warmer than you  think that's why I was talking about the trail   Runners that's why you'll see in my gear guide  below that I have really lightweight stuff and   I brought shorts Nepal everybody thinks of snow  they think of ice they think of huge mountains and   those are there but Nepal is basically on the same  latitude as Miami in the United States so it's   very Southern latitudes it's not very far north at  all so while you do have cold you do have sow snow   the latitude is not that high the sun is intense  because you're at that kind of lower latitude and   you're at higher altitude so just be sure to have  some electrolytes with you they definitely help   Sarah and I we also brought audio books to listen  to not because books paper books are heavy but   it's just kind of nicer to listen to a book when  you're kind of brain dead now the days aren't too   long but at altitude especially higher up you're  kind of brain dead it's just nicer to listen to a   book than to try to flip through and read a book  next when you go to ding you're definitely going   to hear about Cafe 4410 definitely hit that up all  of the services they had there were really nice   their coffees were nice their Bakery was nice  definitely hit that one up next once we got to   goric SHP we were told that there was no running  water there so no Taps so be prepared to buy water   there at goric Shep okay that's it for tips now  let's go over clothing and gear like I said I'm   kind of a gear guy that's what my Channel's known  for I looked and I have 1.5 million views just  

over gear so I've put a lighter pack link below  and that's just a way to list all the stuff the   key thing is a lot of you are planning for this  trip and you're looking for individual pieces of   gear but check in on this system I really hit  a really good gear system straight off the bat   because I looked at the temperatures I looked at  the weather I looked at the time of year and by   the way we went from April 10th to April 26th and  this gear system really worked well it's dialed   in it's a little spendy but that's just me that's  just what I want to do but check in on my system   versus what you have and just kind of compare  ask why I'm bringing stuff why you're bringing   stuff I always like to look at people's systems  like how all the gear works together and kind of   wonder why are they bringing that and not bringing  this if you have a question about why I'm bringing   something or why I'm not bringing something  comment below and I'll answer that I love   getting gear questions but yeah check that out  key in especially on this lamp cuz it was awesome   and really the sleeping bag that those were  kind of the two stars of the show uh the Western   mountaineering alpen light sleeping bag it was for  20° Fahrenheit and it was perfect um Sarah had a   similar bag we both slept in our shorts the entire  trip up the entire way up to goric SHP and there   were some really chilly nights now it's going to  be different because there were two of us in a   room and two people in a in those small Tea House  rooms can really kind of warm it up more than if   you're a one person uh that if you're one person  I'm also going to put if you need a little bit   more warmth than 20° an alternative to the alpen  light uh in the in the lighter pack link so it'll   be right below it'll be right below the the alpen  light that I use I'll put an alternative that's   even warmer than that one of course one of the  biggest things about sleeping bags is make sure   it's cut well roomy enough there's so many mummy  type bags that are just made for just seriously   skinny people unless you're seriously skinny get  the wider bags it just we better for rolling it'll   still be warm and plus it leaves room if you want  to wear more clothes to bed and it's just a better   system than these very common types of just super  mummy super tight you can't move in them at all   sleeping bags okay lastly let's go over what I  describe as the one large problem about visiting   Nepal now Nepal unfortunately in 2024 and 2021  had what were the worst wildfires ever recorded   and in 2024 when we got there we landed in Nepal  uh in April and it was very smoky and very hazy   and we just chocked it up to um a developing  country Catman do is also in a bowl and a lot   of mopeds uh every every year Nepali are getting  more money they're developing and so there was   just a lot of pollution in fact we looked it up  and the day we landed was about 250 aqi now to   put that in context where I live a normal Day in  the United States where I live is about 25 aqi so   on the day we landed it was 10 times the amount of  pollution that kind of we get hit with on a normal   day um it's kind of a lot it's a bit like living  under under kind of a forest fire in the United   States if you live near a forest and it kind of  affected the trip so we we started looking we   started noticing that a aqi was really bad really  poor all over the country did some more research   there were ton of wildfires okay um it affected me  in nam Bazar so it's lla fating Nam Bazar I really   wasn't climbing as well as I know I could have I'm  an experienced hiker we were actually going to go   do the the three passes track well we took a left  went towards thy and I could just tell I was not   hiking as well I had symptoms without getting in  the medical side of it side but I could tell it   was something bronchial so I knew I couldn't do  three passes so we backed out I went to a Nepali   Pharmacy got a Bronco dilator and a mucolytic  and almost immediately the symptoms decreased   and I was walking and climbing the way that I was  used to at that point we had kind of run out of   time to do three passes track so we went up and  did the EBC which I'm totally thankful for that   was an awesome trip but you need to be aware that  fire wildfires in April March April and May are a   thing Monsoon is usually June July August you're  not going to be there then but Monsoon also is   going to put out all of those wildfires and then  you have September October November Wildfire free   it's something to consider but remember 2024  was an off year A bad year so I don't want to   shade it any way for you I would still go in  March April May but be prepared for haziness   I mean look at these shots there's this shot this  shot this shot all of that is fire smoke Wildfire   smoke um so it's something to be aware of in  you're planning okay if you made it this far   we're in the deep in together please like this  video apparently it lets that YouTube algorithm   know that it's liked and it should be pushed  to others and also speaking of others if you're   going to Nepal with someone else share this video  with him send it to him right now but yeah I hope   you're planning for it if you weren't planning for  for it I hope you can do this trip uh it really   is a trip of a lifetime we will never forget this  trip and we want to go back so bad Anna Perna Mana   slooh um Lang Tang Valley they're definitely  on the list now okay thanks for watching

2024-06-28 02:35

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