MSC Seaside - Episode 1 - Miami pre cruise stay

MSC Seaside - Episode 1 - Miami pre cruise stay

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Hi. Everyone welcome to episode 1 of our MSC seaside, Caribbean, cruise series. We. Started off our adventure with a flight from London Heathrow to Miami. The. Flight from London to Miami takes about ten hours despite, the lengthy flight we soon found ourselves flying, of Miami touching, down around 3:30, p.m. before. Embarking the ship way the 293 crew stay in Miami. After. Eventually. Get through passport control we made our way to the pickup point to meet our hotel transfer. A transfer. Took about 25 minutes we, really enjoyed the little trip, it was nice taken in the sights and seen the city a night all lit up. We. Soon arrived to our hotel the hotel Chelsea, on Washington, Avenue arriving. Just in time for happy hour. Hi. Guys, so you've arrived in, Miami. It. Was, a long flight. Security. Was nightmare but, one, hour delay 10-hour flight two, hours just go through yes security what's that about passport, control even and then we. Arrived in the hotel. Seven. O'clock which, was happy, hour so. Yeah it was happy hour but on my left it was so. This is our room we've got two. Double beds. Which. Luke's making the most of, so. No gonna freshen up and we're gonna head out explore. A South, Beach to, the city. So my you later. Just, headed out now we're. Going around. Miami so, we're gonna find some way to get a drink and then. Yeah. We'll take you along for the ride, do. You renounce for earlier on the, driver recommended, we visit Havana 1957. As we pass by it's been all away. The. Restaurant, was just a short walk from our hotel the. Havana 1957. Restaurant specializes, in authentic Cuban cuisine. So. Govern what did you go for. Cubana. Time. Wait, why. Drink, you have it forever corona, night, looky. You're. Gonna be again that's, right. So. We just have some food and now we're gonna go and find now, leave each. Heading. Down now thinks, Beach is closed so walk, yeah, we're heading down that way now anyway so. Our. Hotel was ideally situated close, to both Espanola, Way and Ocean Drive the, walk from Havana 1957. Only took about quarter, an hour we've made our way down to Ocean, Drive. Really. Live you know. Near. Us the wind but. Yeah a little explore and then probably call an early night time with people we've been awake for hours and. We get really, tired now. So. After having a little explore, and, going. Down to the beach and, seeing, all that lot we've, decided we're going cool at night because we're kind of a little bit jet-lagged.

Yeah. So you're gonna head back to the hotel, now have. A little snooze wake up fresh tomorrow and. Then head out and we're thinking of doing a off on top of us and I'm no score allow me a whole day tomorrow since, Lauren. Mornin. Em, so, yeah this is our first official day in Miami because, last night we got you quite late and so, now we're gonna go on a hop-on. Hop-off bus which, cost about what 4-yard dollars, $45. Each $45. Each so yeah we'll, see how that goes. Before. Heads into the big bus tours pickup point we needed a few leopards and caffeine. We. Got some coffee. After. Finishing our coffee we headed over to the first pickup point. Big. Bust holes offer a one-day pass which enables you to hop on and hop off any of their buses this. Is an ideal way to explore Miami. After. Taking in some of the sights and sounds of this incredible city we, soon found ourselves at the Wynwood Walls Art District. We. Had intended to get off at Wynwood Walls however, gavin missed the stop oh I was busy taking photos, and I was videoing so you should have been paying attention to, be fair they didn't announce to stop. Having. Mr. stop we decided to visit the Bayside Marketplace for the time being. Everyone. So we, just got off our hop-on hop-off bus. And. We, missed our stop the. Roads because. Yeah, we just missed it so now we're gonna go I, say. Stop it but. We will go back there so yeah. For now we're just gonna check this place out. The. Bayside Marketplace can be found in downtown Miami, on the banks of Biscayne Bay, here, you'll find a wide range of stores shops, bars and restaurants, as well as a beautiful marina. In, the, distance you can also see cruise ships which is very exciting if you're about to go on one. With. The weather being so warm we decided to get some drinks, Luke opted for a rum runner cocktail, I decided, to go for a corona the. Rum. Runner was so nice I decided to get another one by this time Gavin wanted one too. Right. Now now try. It's, not about it's like really sweet better. Smokes Oh No. I found. It I found the rum quite easy to drink. Everyone. So we've just had, a few drinks in the Bayside's like, food bet we had some. Rum runners which were really good beautiful. Now. We're going to get an uber to, go back to win, would win, with string. Art gallery. So we're gonna head back there now so in, a bit. As. We were trying to cram in as much as we could today we, decided to be quicker to ghin uber back to Wynwood Walls. Finally. We had made it back to Wynwood Walls. And. Now, we're gonna get. Loads. Of it missed war overly nice. Overly. Is. Like low so it's going to check this all out now. Since. When would wall started, it is seen over 50 artists, representing, 16, countries cover, over 80,000. Square feet of walled area and various forms of art we're, sure you'll agree the, artwork here looks absolutely fantastic. After. A short while at windward we, caught the hop-on hop-off bus again as I wanted to visit Little Havana. The. Right through Miami was fantastic, we really loved seeing all the sights it really was so much to see, unlike. A previous, bus this one had a live tour guide given commentary he was really knowledgeable had a really good sense of humor. Having. Passed through the financial, district, and smelling the money as our guide said we, found ourselves heading out towards Little Havana the. Guide recommended, we try some smoke two mojitos who, were we - I did someone say drink. Just, off the bus and now we're going to go again. As. You can see the mijitos looked amazing, and they tasted it -. So. Just a little mojito, in Little Havana Lido, and now we're going for a little walk and we're. Hoping to go to Miami, Beach turned in a bit so, see. You then. So. We just got a snack from like a bakery, and. They were speaking Spanish, no idea. Understand. Away they said but we've got these things I think mine's like cheese and ham, walk. It off trick them really, good ticking them off. Chicken. I just. Check out that then I even, eat these now we're gonna wait for her off on top of Bert and we go back to our Beach. Once. Again we hopped on the hop-on hop-off bus, I think, it's safe to say we got our money's worth. So, we have to swap from one hop off hop off bus to, another one which is right, at the front and, then we get to go back to Miami Beach so we're, not gonna wait for a hop on hop off bus we're gonna go and their goober. Back to Miami Beach because, it's been quicker otherwise, you have to wait another 15 minutes so we're just gonna head up to the and pick a point now and, get our uber.

As. I said earlier on we were trying to cram in as much as we could today so, rather than waiting the bus to take us back we decided to get an uber again. Passing. All of the cruise ships made us really excited as we would be getting on seaside tomorrow I. Knew. From, the, Bayside. Shopping, mall to. A hotel loads quicker it was just low swagger and cheap as well so we. Did that and now we're going to go down to Miami Beach and check. That out. We'd. Finally made it to Miami Beach even though was overcast and very windy it was still warm. We. Bring speech. Visiting. This tourist hotspot we just had to take some selfies as you do. Seeing. Cruise ships leaving in the distance we decided, to make away over to South Point here to, see if we could see other ships leaving earth close. We've. Seen two cruise ships are already yeah, I do if any moves coming I can't see behind us but we're just gonna walk out to the pier anyway and the war looks amazing, even though it's already cloudy and stuff it's like something out here is that wind is but, it looks really really blue and like this pretty light. Luckily. We timed it just right by, the time we got out onto the pier we caught explore the Seas leave in. Hi, guys hi. On. The way back to the hotel we found a bar called the scapegoat, so we decided to call in for a quick drink. So. We just had a few drinks set the scapegoat. And now. We're gonna go back to the hotel room and shower, and change and, whatever ready, for tonight we're gonna head out we're gonna go to the food market. Hi, guys so we've just had a quick. Shower and change and then we're gonna head out we've got a happy hour at the hotel and, then we're gonna go to we're, thinking to go into the time now yeah. So we're, just gonna head out now. After. Having a few drinks at the hotel we got an uber to the time out food market Miami, having. Read that you could get alligator here we were eager to try some that's, what holidays are all about try, new experiences. So. If comes channel, again, and I'm going to try, alligator. Yeah, yeah. So, we just have our alligator. Bites, and they're really, really. Really. Different and nice so, now we're gonna go and try some more American, cuisine. Being. Our first time in the US, we'd never tried a corn dog having, it so much bout them through films and TV Luke, was Tims dry one and, so the hunt began after. A very brief search the smells veneer by burger bar prove too tempting so, we gave in so.

We, Can find any corn dogs, so. He decide have some, big tips, instead to me, but. They're really, really, hot chili dog they're really hot but they were really nice so we've enjoyed that afterwards. We had a little stroll around Miami before call it a night we hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give it a like and, remember to, subscribe to our channel so you can stay up to date with our latest videos and store watching. You.

2020-04-29 23:37

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