Montreal daytime sightseeing tour - 2/4 (Route DD1)

Montreal daytime sightseeing tour - 2/4 (Route DD1)

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Take, a look at Sylvester, to the right business, charming, sweet. We. Will have the right. Yes by the way a lot, of activities, are going on over here. In cement. Allah yes take sarcomas. Problem, or a partir desert wee-wee. That, that me the money I make is it just another heading for the mapping for right now. And. This. Is Tabatha for. The. Doves emceed the subdivision, arranged evil cap. I. Know. Or so. Bouts they. Sold all of it this morning, you. Were sitting at thee. Certain. Histories that, is the nightlife, streets of the Latin Quarter with just that sir. Sentence. Each. Right in the middle of stop number four. The. Objective. It on, the right hand side. Gandhi. In. Your eyes I rather like them that's all we all know that. Right. Now in the park in. A baseball, or, football or. Anything else in, other one. Yeah. Thoughtful. Hennessy 12, you on the. Right side. Briella, de Cassation softly. Michelin, and in the, personal. Name, is on the lease ladies. And gentlemen that was a portion of the social. Apartment. Service, offered. By the government, in good deal with this crisis, accorded. To the income of the families for, me and some other time. Coming, up ladies and gentlemen, we, have the, we. Are they've not been in, our the section, of the, district. Of shows or the show list. Or, the country a Broadway, music. That's our Broadway, in, Montreal. Contravention. Of Olympia, -. Ah yes estate good evil thank. You. We're, working, on this district and we're. Building you second homes if you wish to buy one. Apartment. Milk. People. Just, started their lives. Including. The, Italians the, Chinese. After. The, Philippines. Alberta locust a phony turmoil, your, pistolas, area. Is here this. Is work this is the area world celebrated, our international. Justice civil become. Vegan festival itself, we celebrated, over here just, for last she's, here, the proctor for the festival. Of the French. Songs and. Today. I think we have another one ladies, and gentlemen if I'm mistaken, it's about the first ancient peoples. First. Festival. Region division, a combination, of oil he. Telegraphed the stage to, Univision. And. First. Circle will end up on the 15, of order. Got. My celebration since I'm already a down. The river on the left side of. A chance of chances. And, celebrate. Whatever why. Nots coconuts. Please. Be our guest, we, need you around, we need people. You. Know it's a beautiful, day. Madam. Jamis you are a diva was Sanket step. Number five. Hello. Hello. My name is how are you. Hi. How are you. Giving, goodness. Like I. Not. Yet we don't. The minutes will quality, enough okay. Please. There. You have two seats at the front over, here there, are no seats up stand your photos eh. Sorry. Sorry. Ticking. Is. This. U1 or somebody, let's see water here. Okay. You have seen set the branch over there my friend if you want two seats at the front there at. The front of the front, yeah. Put it here and make sure it's stable. You. Have brakes we have race which. Breaks thank. You. Just. Put in here that's it. Yeah. Because, they see the piece of. Could, you leave me please equipped like these things. Arts. Is, the area we forward. Or, the shoe district, or cluster spectacle. The spectacular. But plus the spectacle. The. Delicate Adonis of President, Kennedy. It. Is a gentleman, when we were on presidents, came in history. We're. Headed to stop number sex. City. It's. The major section. At the county, over here ladies in. Case you remember your, art the collector to the right site please to the right to the right this beautiful, painting and it's just beautiful, if. You are into, jazz you. See the divisions up there. Before. So, please just in case you know you are here you're looking to fine and wine tonight you another good time you want to spend your money okay. And you reduce convert them someone openly money go, ahead go there. Guys. Nice really, nice place and if you don't like this area then, took Kitty's, independently. Are hippies. Hippies. Remember. The name you have to call them my friend. You. Know and if, you want the Montreal, bagels they have them here on, the right side, Montreal.

Bagel, And coffee. The Montreal Vegas, from salvia, Thoreau from thermals in, case you are craving for bagels, okay. Or, you could have some in downtown, of curves of the way back of the tour all, the way back from between religion, apologies. Okay guys. The. Euro that forest, dates, in that last year. That's what the anniversary, of Pisidia mantra. Air. You da, president. Ladies. And gentlemen with our armored vehicle is over in the corner take advantage, you. Wanna see a black and white you know exhibitions, of pictures. And, photography. You have it on the other side of the street on the sidewalk to. The left side to the left side down, at the bottom over there, beautiful. Black, and whites you, know our clown. University. Famous. Campus, across, the street from here okay, ladies and gentlemen, it's. An art gallery itself. The campus, so. You don't have anything to do your pure they don't know what to do it yourself and you around, here go to the like your campus, you're gonna love it I'm, gonna take a look at this beautiful, Victorian. Buildings, their faculties. Aspect. Ale, that's. By James material, in. Savage, the. Scottish, protrader. At. The end of the 18th century the palace well you, know his function and his death symmetry, of Royal, Academy back, then he. Used to the Royal Academy. Sorry. Charlotte I'm going to the facility, procedure only for the gear and I honestly like song and, music. Garcia. You. Will see some beautiful cars. Around. Here. I'm. Not seeing anything around my thoughts of everyone one restaurant, I know let's. Sit down have, a beautiful, coffee French you know French. Coffee french vanilla and, citrus, and take a look at the layer of your cigarettes. Who cares. If. You smoke little, no, cigarette, bit event, you, get even so common sight walking, boring together yes. Yes. If you find two small kids they're gonna seize your back of the bed. Yeah. Yeah yeah from the prison square bar back then. Come. On des it's a wake-up call the, Saturday, morning, we need to shake you up a little bit okay. You're on vacation you, know they expect you wanna have a good time, okay, guys the Fine Arts Museum is coming up now, in.

Case, You know you wanna see the exhibition's of Picasso, and, Shibui. We. Have these beautiful. Sculptures of the practical you know on, the, stairs. Of the Fine Arts Museum. To. The left side I want you to take a look at this picture, tell me enough down the street down the street on the left on the left on the left that's. Him -. Yes. He's. Nice. And infatuate, 2016. In. California. He's are any, poor Semien of the broad simple way to be well ladies, and gentlemen one minute please if you are gonna have the ticket this gentleman, over here over, here, like you like good spits when he was known okay, he's gonna change the ticket. We, don't have any seats upstairs, my friend hold on. Five. You know. Forms. Because. High-rise buildings. And. Winks. Yet. Voila. Were. You from brother, first. And I love Boston here we go you have lovely people from files and also together. The same class. By asking what question we have everything. Now we're going upstairs. Why. Not. Other. Zena's I'm gonna show up in deep our yard. We. Go into one, summit. Among. The 20 seconds, we have optimal royal mountain range. In. Emergency. Agency, the 31st, at the right side of the right side regions, in 35. That's, announcer, ladies and gentlemen is the Montreal. General, Hospital coming, up. Right. In front of you. Built. In the late. 19th. Century this, one it. Was emerged, with the playing hospital. Because, we are in the process of urging hospitals. Unifying. Them. Claim, it's. A huge. Giant, Hospital. On the highway they carry outside of the city in the outskirt it, cost the taxpayers, four and a half billion dollars the. Penguin. But. This weather refuses. To be part of them. They, are generous. The. Key factor Russia you. Shall sit. Very. Involved to the left to the left are bad. We're, headed suspect, number seven, by going up. On. The right side we, found some artifacts okay. This is a cemetery first. Indian, nation. Simit very. Yes. Yeah. There were no steps across camp. What, thank, you. For. The rest of your vacation you're. Gonna be sleeping and snoring. Adams. Additionally, the history. Of professor that, he panoramic, de Meyer a perfect. Self personal, economic. Reform occasionally, people over here at the Dell it is eventually she sees it. Seven, innovations, and gentlemen, the english-speaking sound, responses, on the left side they're, independent. His people are hanging in the heated you know the. Hallway near the, city. It's. Already. Locations. On. The left side this, is. Very. Me. Yes my dear. And. The cost will be buried here it's about ten thousand. And, on the right hand side. Ladies. And gentlemen. Orion. Will be. Now, our B is up very much, they're good deals, we. Don't pay that much like you guys if they offered us. Between five and ten thousand, dollars. In here. I, should be signature sing. Into her Frank Sinatra. I will, speak before, toilets. Used. To be the dart security, before. Over. Here itself, is a character, which is a completely by the way the. Catholic Church please. Thank, you very nice. The. Patient, location location. Very, perceptive. Ladies. And gentlemen, in case you wonder what to tell you. Buddy. He's. Right in the middle. He. Has done almost fifty steps now, that.

2018-08-14 02:13

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