Montreal daytime RML doubledecker bus city tour (Route DD1) - 1/4

Montreal daytime RML doubledecker bus city tour (Route DD1) - 1/4

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Welcome. Every right, you. Know from the upstairs you can see everything, you. See this part dinner you, know fixed, in, words. All because, the. Travelers, feel, inside. So. We'll still what you think you know we're gonna fix it expanded, the deputies and everything and this part over here, to. The right side used. To be a cemetery, back. Cleaning the middle of the 19th century you. Have quite a few monuments of honor you know the. Queen, Victoria with, the Lions the. Nurse for the Canadians, all of their lives in the. Flowers war in South Africa, the, first French Prime Minister of Canada facing. The English Prime Minister of Canada from the other side of the street people, you might wanna ABS you listen the Canadian doctor. The, premier minister forgive my mother in the only, Minister for. A civility Pascal, civilian, from Africa. Masonry, the Shibboleth, birth without a Victoria, for. A certain symmetry all, nervous, you sit them silly. People don't, believe in the Moria. Over. Here rhythmic offset peoples unite it's, a Roman Catholic Church, as you see, in. The area. Of the. He'll body. The. Core infrastructure. From. Here seafood. Is really sexy, on be more suitable, of in Sudan. Deuteronomistic. Also, playful as it. Came easy ready. To very obvious that the oxygen every was have you, on the show due, to move. More reason. Together on, some demos with around will be different, Alisa don't love, you suitor ladies and gentlemen if you stay with us you know for the next two hours ready no issues, or questions, sections. Of the underground city only she, will. Let you know how to reach, out from the indolence a Dear Leader. Very. Easy very easy. Traffic. Is smooth it's, good this morning, and. Saturday. That. People. Have taken a day off sanderson. Allocation, by the way she loved salon vacations, University. Of salon petitions, we enjoying. The summertime, and that's why we don't have that many people out there. My. Friends they, keep it very very about you want another. So everybody seems a little do you see.

Just. Ladies and gentlemen passenger, left picking out games office, of not really who got the sub Patrick, Pacifica, over here as well you could see it from here. Take. A look at this well in. 1837. That. The construction, of course started. Before 20. Years, before. LCC. Levana, avec. La signature Silica's, uncle Raymond, of the miss you so certain success. Certain, Citroen. Company, duccini is, only the, complement of element, is often used to Sacramento, Hawaii they, are sincere about his signature, on the brass ladies and gentlemen on the left hand side it's, a company, in a specialized, in engineering. And they've got contract anywhere the work they're into tunnels, and bridges and, airports. They've. Got a lot of contracts, in Africa. Founded. By a Swiss gentleman, back in when he built it when he started in 1859. Ladies, and gentlemen, we're gonna be in the government, buildings area of the city. Ladies. And gentlemen the building on the Left hand-side with the city. It's a. Complex. These are the. Ladies. At this particular, factor second in operation, of the underground city over here ladies and gentleman worthy IgA. Link. To this one on the right-hand side over here it's quite complex key fabric as you, see, it's complex, give Favreau and there are parts of the second, portion of the underground, city that. We see of 600, Mario suit NIT see the, branding on the right side is for the Canadian citizenship, and the Canadian passport and immigration holder. And so, on you know and it's, all. You. Know they, have all the old joints all together in. Place you want to be then granted it worth it the. Aga. Independence. Grocers alliance, they DS and gentlemen, they succeeded, in Quebec you know they've. Been openin. Franchises. All over the for that promise. Well, sadakichi, chinois you. See. The. Visual approaches, yeah. Switches. On fear from the air for photography each week ladies, and gentlemen Chinatown, over here the finishing, work for the local jail exactly, where we are now, take. A look at to the left side it's. Warming, up Chinese. Pastries, are here the, Chinese restaurants. Chinese. Way. To be Chinese, people that came to Canada to work in fines and don't the comedian's red and gray back, then. It's. A small Chinatown, because the. Expansion's. World was limited. By the construction, of the government, buildings. It's. Possible you can change in Y until immediate after development and a constitution Daisy mutlar we, were no more police. Now. If you have some atoms in issue if you know al. Rajim. O Allah do participate exam. Ladies. And gentlemen, our first, you know stuff is coming up now. Right, in the corner after this one. If you want to go to the Basilica Notre Dame it's two steps. Away from him already, help any. Other, of the Basilica, Notre Dame its cost six dollars to go in by the way. Get, me down, hell no how, many people are you.

Are, You caught you from the grass cafe. That's, okay you are with us now we love, you and we cherish you, I don't know if we have a weight, is he we knew this gentleman. No. No no no, okay. Hopefully. You have a seat observer a. Slowly. Korean, very beautiful, this is more costly division otaku business person. Doing. It. That, is okay, busy your feet up this bus is your booklet okay, hello. Robots, it's upstairs. Normal. Speeds up stairs please. Leave. A shed good morning how, are you. I don't. Need to see anything enjoy. The ride, somebody, relaxing. I don't. Think my aunt words they don't have long. It's, box Alameda. Ms/ms overcome, fear that we got a little view my other yes. Sooner. No. But haven't said it was definitely the boil is television a of oligarchy school we're going to be hidden in the West where we are this is the end of the west side of the city of contra and the minute we cross this will run over here that this parrot will burst of warmth we're going to be the east side, of the, city of take, a look at the let's keep trying. Us out here. If. You. Police. That, was. Our. The. City. Right. Now the field, delusional, developer declare a video chemically, or me nerves also so accepted, but, uh and, take a look up to the left side. The. Square has been drinking all night long, yeah. The. City long. Their. Power axis. Via reports, out in this passage. Crisis. Today some good meetings oh yeah. It's nice dog. Are. You married when what's up, are. You there, good. The. Problem. Regulations. All. Right here's the proof of Sanwa babies, adjustment, if you would like to have smoke. Need today the. States. The festivities, of the city will, be shortened absorb. Over. Here applause applause, mark already but you have to take a cab for that we don't drive right there just. In case we just wanna let you know or, you could have stopped me down sir we have another location but this is the best of all of them. Okay. Alright, move our salon take a look at the the. Stress. Rocks would have them here you're. Craving. For French restaurant, tonight since Saturday. Put. Signs let's, make your funny. And here you go take, a look up to the left side please it's.

Another Pedestrian walkway. We've seen two up down we've seen in Chinatown. Pedestrian. Walkway and this is the second one. I'll run down and exceed methanol. When. They for us against you. It's. A museum about science, you. Are interested. And step number two is kuvira. Invite. Me so. Lawrence River lady waiting. Of okay, Fox. Just. In front of your class sweets from here you. Have the archaeology. And history between, loved. One back tight game. Second. Stop. Thank. You. And. I'm zimis you. Know. If. Somebody comes up it's your turn to go upstairs. We just walk up to the. And then trying to bounce. That's, good. By, the way it's good for two days we. Don't have the one thing things. SOI. We missed that one the foundation of the city of propria back, then which he was built in 1632. I'm speaking about the basement of the archaeology and history museum. That is called love one tackle al khali, air museum. Remember, he. Ologist. Okay. One is find some find, out of us out artifact. To go to the museum, over here I'll, go to the post of your markets if you want to be pickup a deputy, used. To be the Parliament, of Canada, you. Could pretend you're the beauty, of Canada, why, not my friend this is the most superb, Chapel, if you want to see the panoramic views of the so Lawrence River that's a charming view and. Super Chapel, it's, right here. Near. Fire but speaking of course anything you know that is located in July. Yesterday. CPC to the approximate ADC, you can produce it on Solaris river but. Promotions, nice but. To wash one, of the charming, uses we have are. You could win on Central, Street go. To the season that they the souvenir, shop itself, there you know that's. Writing, that says all my talks too much we are lousy. T-shirt. On. Of you are two, significant, features remember yeah Latasha, fancy. Introduce. Ellen DeGeneres, appalled if all, it. Was. Simon. Said ass. Is a famous, breakfast, place by the women inside their.

Faiths. Yeah. There's. A lot of eggs. This. Is something, this, is McGill Street babies engine for, the new people you, just came. In over here ladies and gentlemen the, right streets a name, is, it on the street light that you see over there they're red because in our scene in the of Montreal. With. Medium altitude makyo. And. On the right-hand side you're gonna see a central. Building that is a History, Museum, of contract Lucas, we used to be firefighters. In our station right on, the right side here tell, me now here's the puppy see. It voila. If. You want to learn if you feel like historian, a well known about the city and the foundation, of the city packed in at the middle of the 17th, century the. Deficit is La Bella Vita Beauregard, that's, a nice German support. That. You should eat it worked out then suddenly, fallen, interpreters of myself. Disabilities. Are four-year fresh pressed pause fish. And chips the best in town on the right on the right fishing tip don't, look for another one this is the best I'm. Telling you have you been there yes, this. Is a good one trust me it's a good one. Because. It's Saturday you, need to don't work to, be. Exactly. The gift streets the gear streets. That's, efficient literally but you know long. That's. You female see a little bit. See. The changes are garlis with three things. There. Is one of the fancy bed the other on it the, other side is wise. But. They. Paint. Basilica. Is negated, from this dream of Basilica. In the first degree frightfully. Enough side you, have to go to see the political at the same if you weren't there if you are into Norfolk beautiful, churches. Yeah, this. Is. Gonna. Be the four es una vez la. Cosa the. Process mafias this, is the another. Section. Thing is an gentleman at the end of God see, in. Case you are here at you and. That's. A charming whole, of. The right side, beautiful. Turkey. Fellow. In. A second, ago yesterday I know pepper in the intro luggage today what he met her you could see you easy intense, reactive. It's a peloton, with in the trees and the, water that. Immediate. Interest, to the Metro like you are impaired is further up on the left side I. Reported. The light of the blaze. Yeah. Overworked, grade center you could see the name. And. Now. That's. For me on. That's. Your first worthy, fresh the, World Trade Center. There's. Another one coming up. They. Are all together in, one section, the. Convention, Center on the left side in the corner or the multiple, colors they didn't just not, dealt. In. 1983. And restored, in 2002. It, has over 65. Meeting, room, they. Times a basilica little compilation of in Timonium Zola goes wrong, with one. Construido. Mean of Sanka Crocker for a restaurant, and Milton, commerce. A edik on Diaz news. Piece was on Sanka, chambre. Silly. Sod Iranian. Well, I visited the zoo that deluxe DC, connect. A fabulous, a this. Circus, via Politico hello, my opponent, is. You. See that. That. That that. That one. Skirt. Or apartment.

A. Little. Number one we've done it before. Doing it again. Represented. Tourists, and, a Montreal ask. 1888. By. Afrikaner against. The. City of. With. China. Tar. Brand-new hospital, for brand-new buildings, on the left side where it says to shop we've. Seen it before. Multiple. Buildings will. Present, in the big Hospital. It's, part of the french-speaking university the University of Oregon. Ladies. And gentlemen, the bridge of cards here in front ofyou. Yeah. If, you were upstairs you lecie it's beautiful. Didn't. Keep the ion trail. To some Shore. The. Panna cotta could, already be topological. Ellipses. Answer. Your book to touch upon here. You'll. See the Jenelle unit. You'll. See, blue, peacoat people, Poli. Number. Three, is coming up. What. So Sophia. Is, that the stuff media not yet. We. Don't guarantee anything, here. After three, of any merits one.

2018-08-13 12:13

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