Monthly Moments |June | The beach| Observer Live | East Jap | Summer House | River | Orchind Hunting

Monthly Moments |June | The beach| Observer Live | East Jap | Summer House | River | Orchind Hunting

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10 50. you want to get to the beach at 10 15. this is is i you know i'm sorry hi tomorrow vlog hi hi hi tell him what we're doing today we're going to the beach at what time at 10 15. what time is it normally so we're going to the beach in one minute okay all right let's go guys where are we to the beach guys you ready for the beach [Music] sad people i'm coming homie when was the last time you came in these waters last night [Music] high school oh my 20s you love it though [Music] hey [Music] my i really enjoyed it [Music] [Music] if what's happening here we're burying mermaids we're burning mermaids you get bird at home mermaid guys are being buried wow everywhere bury me bear mean gold wow [Music] oh wow oh wait the moment [Music] so you're burying me too [Music] ah the sun though guys it's very [Music] [Applause] activity [Music] i appreciate it [Music] that's even bigger [Music] [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music] and i got that mermaid too baby yep [Music] okay [Music] hi friends stop calling that my name is christia characters [Music] not today not today he didn't drive that one today [Music] thank god i'm bored this is part two take two [Applause] [Music] [Music] i might jimmy not enough steven say you need to win on or behalf of okay great just making sure i love this for us hold up though just count your own day just counting all day there's county on there wow go home roger [Music] you haven't been killed you no no no no it worked go on inside wait channel is [Music] today make sure you buy it back here [Music] foreign [Music] huh this is 19 year old robbery and a 73 year old robbery [Music] daddy you wake up hey hey giving you the best that i got [Music] [Music] [Music] good daddy i did it [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys so today my business was featured in the observer this is the front page there's a couple of style that's emma these are all the pieces and it's called the final straw that's kind of fun and they feature all of my products isn't that exciting so now i'm on the way to observer because they're gonna have a live and they want me to be on the live talking about the business i'm kind of late well i'm not late i'm just late to be early i like to be early i if you know me you know i'm an early person i hate russia being late and yes the court is still on my lap i feel like it's in its final days thank god oh yeah i'm on my way to the observer now for the live with novia mcdonald white funny story is novia i actually met her when i was at utec i think it was 17 or 18 and ever since she has just been so kind to me she's always looked out for me she's always featuring me she just never ever really leaves me out and that's such a big deal and i'm just always so grateful for that i mean even this opportunity right now to being alive like she just from the day she met me she's never left me out so i'm extremely appreciative of that i've gotten so many features in the observer in style page two all sorts of things and it's all because of her i remember my 23rd all-white birthday it was on page two for three days so yeah she's always looking out so i'll always get an extra mile for her guys [Music] hi guys loved her from long time absolutely brilliant she continues to be a profound entrepreneur follow her support her thank you bye guys sorry where are we going [Music] go to the beach oh this is gorgeous all right wow you better [Music] [Applause] oh oh say goodbye [Music] um [Music] please forgive me i know not what i do please forgive me i can't stop loving you don't deny me yeah that's pain i'm going through guys remember my last flawless bush video we didn't remember it i'm gonna tie it here and you can't go watch the last time tyrion caramel got flowers tyrion insisted right is [Music] bush foreign that's a lot of work i'ma try that's gonna try with the food right when are they gonna try very hard we don't think any time very hard all right fine i'll admit to [Music] awkward [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and the gasoline prices are quite high [Music] at one bar down there so i'll try and get treats here on a long time come on father taxi man down anyway [Music] guys anyway we gotta eat coyote for me please thank you very much krista you're very welcome right let me know i'm wearing this snapper right now [Music] okay the great [Music] i tell you everyone should have asked her exactly excited is shoes already like a real queen with your brother full till it broke and then there there's a guard bushman go out there with them who is right that it was blue all right what did you do last night okay i read okay i said yo blue stick with the original ralphie so you wanna go on top of that you want the pink and the red and the whites and the yellow capacity red like what [Laughter] so guys so excited to burn us so i came across try and find somewhere else to sit so you guys are on the shaded side now in the bushes tapa is back with a whole grocery bag of fern everybody today i worry [Music] guys you already know if you want the link for the wild orchids comment below if you like when you come to ulta bush have a soundtrack take these [Music] have one bromelia will you snapchat foolishness toner look at all these brownies that team red dots look at them it says w is a team business stop it see bread [Music] one with nature the current is so strong you see that hey guys so today we're supposed to be in casa b okay so today was supposed to be hurricane day this is a saturday what is it july third or fourth or whatever anyways i'll just dip my hair this weekend i should have showed you guys i'm gonna carry you guys to the hairdresser next time but yeah this is my hair i'm trying to get used to it and i'm being honest about the journey i know we should love our natural hair and everything and i'm working on this and actually saw a tic-tac where a girl was just like please free us from the bondage of wigs and braids as black women so i'm learning to light my hair my friend just told me he liked it so today i'm actually going to dinner with my friend janoy you guys have seen him in at least two to three vlogs now but yeah so for my birthday um it's like our annual thing where we'll get sushi and i know it's all the way in july and it's actually july 4th which makes it a month for my birthday celebrations and i'm just guessing my birthday gift but better late than never and he said he likes my hair so i'm trying to like it too i think i need earrings i think earrings on like lip color will help but look at my skin oh my goodness guys the spa that i'm going to is definitely working oh my gosh but yeah so i might take you guys with me to dinner or i might just show you the highlights but i'm happy feeling happy i love being around my friends good friends better than pocket money and i feel like god has must be really good friends so i'm always happy to spend some time with my friends so we're going to dinner and i'm excited because i haven't had sushi in the world say hi to the vlog hey guys welcome back to our youtube channel so that was short lived we came right back out we ditched the place because we don't like i don't know we went in there and nobody greeted us we sat down and then we're just sitting there and then nobody was saying anything either i guess he's supposed to go and order i don't know what the new east job is about but we left and we're going to find somewhere else to go [Music] also the decor is just wilding like it seems like it's now just a pickup place [Music] so guys what should i get what should i get drop shipping from shopping he's talking business that i'm talking food what are you saying about shopping by now are you gonna bless orange hey guys welcome to my vlog never done that before but we're going on a country trip say hi lassie hey and the glasses my hair is blocking everybody else hey guys we're going on a road trip with my friends boy and acquaintance shadow [Music] [Music] my pretty friend say hey to the vlog then come with the shouting again sorry about that look at these beautiful girls look at these beautiful girls look at them look at them they're beautiful show your outfit samantha we're waiting outfit we're waiting to see outfit oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah it's a photo up [Music] happiness i'm strong on that one we need to cherish a lot so that's like five chairs ready there we go [Music] cheers to you guys you guys are my favorite [Music] do you like it it's my meal guys it's a toast we're toasting to abundance andrews life more abundance so now yes the week came up oh god y'all need to get used to that like see meow noe and then before we go back [Music] [Music] to go to the river yeah okay all right

2021-07-24 03:39

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