Mock The Week - Series 20 Episode 09

Mock The Week - Series 20 Episode 09

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i read about the things that  happened throughout the world bring it on hello and welcome to mock the week i'm  darrell bree and joining me this week are   maisy adam reese james and jen brister  angela barnes hugh dennis and ahersha we started around called picture of  the week i should have had a topical   image and ask them to tell me what  is happening so what's going on here   if you see something that doesn't  look right report it to a member see it say it slaughter it this is the new fast  and the furious movie too fast too expensive   i think this is possibly the 720 to ship creek is this uh boris is angry that he was denied a   family rail card because it  would bankrupt national race is he saying if you don't hand me that ipad and  let me watch peppa pig i'm going to scream this just uh just to clarify for anyone  watching in the north this is a train   he's probably saying no honestly grant if you get  me a coffee i'll give you a peerage this is boris   sitting on a train which is a nice  change from him lying on a bus looks like he's saying you put your right arm in  you put your right arm out because of me too you   can't bloody shake it all about don't you hate  it when there's a group of loud wankers on a   train so you go over to ask them to be quiet  and they get so angry they bankrupt your nan you can really tell can't you  how out of touch they are with   real people look i mean they're on  a train and not a single m s snack the green bars above their heads make it look like   they're on street fighter  and they've got full heads is boris johnson on the train because  he cancelled the eastern leg of hs2   absolutely right thank you very much you dennis yes this is under fire prime minister  boris johnson pictured here on the train   alongside transport secretary grant shops how has  the government come off the rails recently then   well with that i mean hs2 is a is a big u-turn  it's taken 12 years so far to not build it yeah   and we're going to finish bits of it by 2040 i  think and frankly i think i may well be dead by   the time it arrives but to be honest i feel that  about a normal train quiet so what they've done   is they've cut the eastern leg of hs2 which  is going to make it a lot more difficult for   me to get to yorkshire but to be honest i'm  not sure i'd have been that welcome anyway kiyostama came out and said that this uh that the  north of england has been betrayed um whereas andy   burnham said the north shall revolt we rise at  dawn i love that kia stomach said the north of   england has been betrayed that might as well  be what kierstama says if you pull a string on   his back that's all he ever says if you had if  you've got a kissed armature for christmas it   would just be the north has been betrayed  please put me down i need to self-isolate they worry so much about speed but  capacity's the problem really and i   think that's a thing that a lot  of men struggle to understand really it's a lot in my lungs i've never  thought well i delivered her some capacity i may have done it quickly but there was a load yeah but the tourism you know the cabinet is  mainly made up of men and they're they've never   ever been interested in hst have they and i think  it's mainly because boris has confused it with hrt what did the prime minister's love of this  week peppa pig peppa pig yes thanks sarah he   went to peppa pig world he used cameron's  loyalty card and he went straight through yeah did gammon's getting free to peppa pig i just assumed that being prime  minister means you're busy i don't have time to go to peppa pig world  ah why would you possibly go to peppa pig   it is very much a case of if you as a  solo childless male go to peppa pig world   you'll see a lot of people going yeah no he's over now he's in miss rabbit's shop of many  cash registers uh i know my peppa pig world   people are angry now that he went to peppa pig  world and mentioned peppa pig in a speech wait to   see how angry people are in two weeks when daddy  pig's been given the contract for the booster   yeah it was yeah confederation  british industry did a speech   which was in the northeast and then while  let's say not nailing the speech i'd be   safe to say there was one second a 21 second  gap where he totally lost his place and said   forgive me three times which is close to any  apology as any of us are ever going to hear   and then he going into the peppa pig and  a joke including going to them have you   been to peppa pig to a load of people who  live 450 miles away from peppa piglet they even when he wasn't speaking it wasn't great when  you actually listen to just the dead space of that   speech the way he breathes that's not right do  you hear it it's like a travelodge hair dryer i always see an amazing thing on the  side of a bus during the next campaign   just a picture of him with the way  he reads it's not right it's not   it's not right he just uses so many  words that don't make sense it's like   me when i was at university trying to meet  a word count in an essay did you ever get   halfway through an essay and just randomly  tangent into has anyone ever been to peppa pig it's amazing like peppa pig one completely blew   his mind can you imagine if he went  to euro disney he'd [ __ ] himself conservative mps oh they've discovered that some  of them are actually uh members of parliament yes   yeah yes a promoter shocked with their employers  uh it's sleazy isn't it it is on and on and on and   on and on it's such a disgrace this second  job thing when you consider the job market   right there's famously not enough jobs to  go around at the moment and a bunch of tory   southerners have got two each whereas some poor  northerners like anton deck have one between them i don't mind them having a second job if we  can choose the second job that they've got   like i'm totally open to that so  i don't i don't mind dominic rob   i don't know rodding my septic tank i'm completely i don't think we should i don't know  it's a bit rich for us to complain   about second jobs i mean hugh is a super  obsessed scientist and we know it yeah   i play right back for chelsea i  mean we've all got stuff going on i'm like all other irish people  thank you and i'm on the chase in other news what is going on here is that a photo finish at sports  day at the old people's home if biden's iphone has to be unlocked by his face   i reckon that turkey has an eighty  percent chance of being able to open   they're probably having a conversation  who's got the shortest life expectancy   is it the toughest ever round of  blindfolded prostate exam who am i   i think actually it might well be joe biden  just going no where has that turkey gone in fairness to her jill biden  absolutely nailed halloween this year yes of course this is youth person joe biden  senior pardoning turkey's name peanut butter   and jelly for thanksgiving it's been answered  this week that biden will be running for   office again in 2024. yeah but what was  historic about president biden's recent   colonoscopy it was the first colonoscopy  in history where they just found dust   the doctor came out of the room and he's like  we found a roman coin up there i really don't   know how that happened it was the um while he  was under anaesthetic yes camara camelot kamala   i'm never hamlet harris was uh had presidential  powers for an hour and 25 minutes yes it's the   only time a woman has had any presidential power  and um you know the white house was spotless but surely that's going to keep happening  isn't it with joe biden surely like every   day she's going to be end up being  president it's like oh we've got   an appointment with the carotidist oh we  spilled some soup always having a tricky poo if she is president when he's asleep she is  president they do put you to sleep though   because when i had a colonoscopy because i'm  a man of that age i said could i just do this   under local as opposed to general anesthetic and  the guy who was doing it turned to me and said   you won't thank me after the first three  or four feet oh they put feet in there now we play a round called hs too fast hs2 furious  this game involved jen and ahar so if you could   make your way to the performance area please it's  around as a standard challenge i launched a wheel   of news and wherever it chooses to stop one of our  performers will step forward and talk about that   subject okay here we go let's spin the wheel for  our first topic the first topic is parenting going yes i am a parent i have twins with my partner  um no we're not uh solicitors we are lazers just to uh just to be clear what our  situation is i am the non-biological mum   and my girlfriend is the biological mum and  yes that is how we refer to each other at home   lightweight boxes of detergent um she's personal i'm daz that's just how we do it   uh now look i don't know how everyone copes do  not down but i found it pretty difficult to create   boundaries uh for our children during lockdown  it was tricky and i think it was easier for my   parents because uh when i was a kid it was the  80s and it was easy to create boundaries for   your children in the 80s because if your kid was  misbehaving you just give them a slap yeah no one   judged you people didn't judge you society didn't  judge you in fact if you were misbehaving in   public as a kid it was quite normal for people to  look at you and go why is no one hitting that kid and the parents will be like oh thanks  sweetheart i've got my hands full it's got quite tense isn't it i feel like  there's a little bit of judgement there   no one judges you harsher than another  woman okay no one yeah because there's   always one mum doing it better than you  she can't keep that to herself you know   she can't keep it to herself she's like oh i'm  so sorry to hear your children aren't sleeping   poor you oh johnny here he's slept through since  birth do you know what i think it is i think it's   something to do with the energy you give your  children i really believe that and i think if you   give your children positive energy they really  feed off that energy and they internalize it yeah this is kind of woman that has a piece of  her daughter's placenta around her neck yeah   she makes her own almond milk i feel like  saying to it you want to know why your kid   is sleeping love well i'll tell you why  it's because you've bored him to death   with your penis percy all stop  worshiping [ __ ] thank you very much okay that leaves you without her let's see  what your topic is let's spin the wheel   it's home life where you come so  uh at the beginning of 2020 i just   started living alone for the  first time that was a good idea i'll see friends in the evenings it's fascinating  living on your own i recommend it you learn a lot   about uh your friends about society yourself  yeah well the first thing you learned is that   uh when you live on your own no one interferes  but equally no one checks like everything all   right in there it isn't it's fascinating you  learn how much of your normality was only ever   a performance for your flatmates i clocked within  about a fortnight that it was only the continued   presence of either will or tom that meant that  i didn't always have at least some come on me i'm like my [ __ ] but  still an awful look you know i'm living my best life i'm living this  is what it looks like to see a young guy   living his best life what i was actually  living through was a low-grade mental   breakdown and a minor eating disorder  and this eventually came to a head after   a couple of months when right guys you  know how you think you can't get scurvy i am here to tell you that if for a period of  let's call it two months very little passes   your lips that is not gin or crisps you can  yourself begin to exhibit the telltale signs   of scurvy despite the fact that you  are not and i cannot stress this enough   never have been an 18th century naval explorer i'd have been fine if i just put lime in the gin it's fine i just started buying juice how bad  could it be if the cures are introduced but   i'm not a doctor i just look  like i'd make an excellent one thank you our next one is called if this is the answer what  is the question on the board of six categories jen   which category would you like uh world news  okay your topic is world news the answer is   40 000 what is the question is this how many  chin hairs i've found since i've turned 40. is it how many new imdb  entries as romesh had this year   is it how many winks does joe  biden have every afternoon   did you say winks i didn't say winks yeah  will this be the name of the final adele album is it if you wanted to prove that the sun  shone out of your ass what wattage bulb is it uh what is the decibel  level when a dad sneezes is it is it how many booster  shots have we given the queen   is it at the start of 2021 how  many energy companies there were   is it how many years old do i feel when i  go on tick-tock oh please do do me a favor   is it how many forms you have to fill in if you  want to import a sausage to northern ireland is it how many people a white guy has  to kill to get convicted in america is it how many visitors has  peppa pig world lost since boris how much does salt bay charge for a tap water   is it if you shout the word stevo in clapham  how many australians will flock to you i think the actual answer is is how  many how many protesters were there in   austria over covid regulations absolutely  right thank you very much very good yes the question was how many people marched  against covert restrictions in the austrian   capital of vienna this week the demonstration was  the largest single protest during a spate of civil   unrest that swept across europe as people took  to the streets to oppose new lockdown measures   in the face of a fourth wave of the coveted  19 pandemic what do you make of the protests   i can't get on board with this story without  resorting to stereotypes right because the   austrian health minister is called wolfgang  muckstein but the only way that could be   more austrian is if he made his announcements  from a tower his stepmother had locked him in   it's uh it was interesting seeing this uh  demonstration in austria because there were   loads of austrians on the street shouting down  with the fascist dictatorship and you're like   better late than never they're really not worried  about it spreading here though because there'll   be no writing in britain certainly no looting  because the shops haven't got anything in them   so what level is your bad at the  moment what the you know level [ __ ] well i didn't know the answer and i just uh  yeah i know europe has a dramatic spike which   first france and germany has almost brought it to  the level of the uk's with that for three months   the reason like we're supposedly okay is  because we had the great policy from borisov   everyone got ill last year yeah he now thinks  it's fine so now we're looking at europe like   we're a mean girl going oh you've got  a spike have you we did that last year   2020. stop trying to make covert  happen it's not gonna happen  

i like the german health minister said that by  the end of this he expected all of um everyone   to be either cured vaccinated or dead jesus you're  german like a german version of live laugh love in all these stories they keep describing  angela merkel as the outgoing german   chancellor which just makes it sound like  she's trying to be really fun on a dating app   i'm the lockdown who wants to party uh there look there are a lot of very angry people  because we've fed a lot of angry stuff for months   and months and months i occasionally hello stumble  into the crosshairs of people who are really angry   about this stuff particularly with the facts  and things uh at the weekend i got one because   apparently i did a photo shoot once in which i do  this or the one hand on my eye or i looked through   this because you get bored during photo shoots  and apparently this means i'm a fascist a secret   a fascist freeman oh is that because you're  showing the after yeah and i yeah it apparently   means that i am oh my cover is blown uh imagine  them just seeing somebody you know on a bus   like going with a baby like whoop  whoop oh you're radicalising a toddler where was it the symbol of it where is that  i don't know i don't know the fashion the   freemasons because any time i tried to ask  them they just went no we're not talking   to you about this i think it's an illuminati  thing it's an illuminati thing i think and if   you're like framing your eye am i part  of the illuminati thank you very much the illuminati not the brownies how has the tv out for a supermarket tesco upset  some people because it shows santa claus showing a   vaccine passport in an airport not in the  supermarket yeah in an airport where you do   have to show a vaccine park but people the  anti-vaxxers got all upset about them and i   just say well they should have seen the earlier  version where mrs claus died on a ventilator it's so easy to wind people up isn't it it's  it's not it's not too angry really fast yeah i   said in a complaint this was ridiculous  okay a couple of reasons first of all   he doesn't need a vaccine passport  this is a man famous for sneaking   okay he knows how to get around that secondly  he drives a sleigh doesn't go through airports   and thirdly the main thing i was living about he's  got a phone i've been writing him [ __ ] letters it is almost um it's almost poetic isn't  it that the people who are upset about this   think that covert 19 is fake but are very  very much still believing in some person wait till they find out the  tooth fairy's had the hpv vaccine   i think it's great they're boycotting tesco's  because it means now tesco's is the safest place   to shop there's no anti-vaxxers in there they  could do tk max next that's my christmas shopping   but iran agreed because the  north pole is full of snowflakes with a bit of a laugh down there  yeah freemasons lodge about that you're so subtle when you  see each other in the street the only group you've just joined with  that is the pirates of the caribbean   also if you do keep doing that dora you are  going to confuse a lot of lesbians as well   oh my god does this mean i'm now lesbian uh  you're a lesbian free person how do you feel   you've just let every lesbian in  britain know that you like scissoring   is that the scissoring coat is there  a scissoring coat holy crap no reason oh my god now we come to scenes we'd like to see so  if everyone can make the way over to the   performance area i'll read at this week's topics  and see what our panelists can come up with   okay here we go the first subject is  things you wouldn't hear on a quiz show   welcome to a question of sport question one  how the hell did paddy mcguinness get this gig and if you do win what will you spend  the money on plastic surgery i imagine   next up on naked attraction it's  the bonus round i said bonus well welcome back to the wheel of fortune  celebrity special where greta thundberg   has won an suv a patio heater  and two flights to america hello i'm richard osmond and i'm [ __ ] massive in this game show i'm just gonna  hold some gemstones on my forehead   and leave it up to the powers  that be this is the crystal maisy you opted to text your lads whatsapp  group instead of phone a friend   are you sure your final answer is shut up younoms   complete the following sentence alec baldwin  thought the gun was loaded with blank we asked for things a doctor might  find in a rectum you said cucumber   let's see if it's up there welcome to tippingpoint the show where we find out   the exact moment your mum  decided to leave your dad well let's see how you got on we asked you for a  capital beginning with c and you said capital c dwayne the rock johnson lord voldemort  and dara o'brien welcome to eggheads   so this next question is for one  million pounds which i will be paying   from my own pocket i will only ask  this question once what is for them now it's time for would i lie to you starring  o.j simpson bill clinton and the vote leave bus if confronted by a pack of wolves should  you a play dead or b run away let's find out and now for the million pound question reese  true or false there is a scissoring code the next topic is bad people to work  with welcome to yorkshire cricket club i'd uh i'll give it a couple of minutes  if i was you or maybe use another lift so uh we operate a hot desk policy here  but we also operate an ugly desk policy   and that's where you'll be sitting hey so for eileen's birthday she's  asked us to just do a quick whip around   i know the kinky [ __ ] uh yeah no he's all right to work with us  just he doesn't really contribute much to the   conversation he just waits till you finish  speaking and then presses a little buzzer yeah that's the funny thing about me i  don't eat sardines but i do smell of them   sorry the boss is angry at me for  making innocent everyday phrases   seem like threats just by cracking my  knuckles well i'm gonna send him a message i'm actually quite anal so stationary-wise   pencils rubbers paper clips um  all of that goes right out my ass oh i'm so glad that you've all enjoyed  the bread that i baked for you i made   it with yeast from my own urinary tract infection oh god i'm so sorry i've got  piles to do if i can find my cream the q3 projections aren't quite  good enough which means that the   gods are displeased and more blood is required my biggest weakness probably my  honesty there's three bodies under my desk oh uh your camera's off john yeah if you  just yeah if you just switch account just press   the button and switch your camera on was it  such a big deal you're a [ __ ] cameraman mate okay well there was one of you here  in analytics who at my pie chart uh sorry do you mind if i have tomorrow off i  just check my diary and uh it's my domio day we have a zero tolerance approach to bullying so  your fats becky [ __ ] you're gonna have to leave with a paper free office which says  well i like to work my ass with my hand lovely to meet you happy ending around the boys and that's the aim of the show this week's winners  are maisie adam reese jones and jim bristow congratulations to angela barnes judas and ahersha thanks for watching i'm daryl green good night is wow

2021-11-30 02:03

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