Memorial Day Camping 2016 at Henry Coe

Memorial Day Camping 2016 at Henry Coe

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I. Do. My. Pants are like different color - oh you're better yellow, my. Backpack got stuck there yeah. How. Much a little. Bit but, it depends on the, double line what does that mean again. I'm. Like a half already a half, a litre yeah, half, a liter of water, alright then let's go down there there I can. You grab my water bottle Mike sure. Hey. Look what I found. I. Don't. Know they, just kept going. That's, the parking lot. Oh. That, one straight, line yeah. Small. Little line. Like. Stop. Keep on turning. Click. Stop right. The. Software, has come for the file and save it. If. You turn right away. It. Just doesn't receive the file at, all. That. Basically that's the trip of the footage you lost I mean I have a couple as you going over the wall or anywhere else helping you but I didn't get the monkey bar oh. Yeah. Bald. Eagle egg. This. Is sitting in the middle of the trail. Surviving. Moister. Right yeah, moist. Or rotten wood. See. How big it goes you know what strong. Either's. Increase your vitality it, looks Thank. You bigger. Increase. Your call score. That's. Probably more dangerous another, stock oh. Wait. Here by six miles let's take it we're drinking this much water. Let's. Shape. I mean. Quite, rehydrate. From last night so like, we were fully hydrated then two nights before. Let. Them yep. Did. Everybody it sound like they said yeah we'll have probably. Can't feel two of you to, full boat what time of year you think we can go August, is my plan, looking goes earliest July's, wants. To July cuz last year in July. Was. Like right next to us and he's, just right behind this tree over there. Maybe. It's guarding something. Guarding. The mushroom. Oh. There's. Another one like. Circling. Us good, they're. Like we. Got some food right here. Still. Circling. Go. Home dude. Only. Six we're, halfway there with, this hole yesterday we're gonna do talk today be little. Bit.

Yeah. I'm gonna do a little late night. Home. Freshen up watching where your game over Eli. All. The reviews I read so far, it's. Just a bunch, oh man. I. Like. The first part. Within, you, the quality. Is. Pretty good I can think like, what's around. It, is a good job yeah. Damn. Boy we're gonna have to go up this hill guys. Hey. Tables, with both benches. Dean. I see the year of lake. Water. Flies. Everywhere yeah, they. Go over. There scouting, for, spots. Yeah, the. Leaves here are really sharp. That's. What I was thinking like out in the grass the, grassy field some, people do that. Ya. Know. Spike. Has cashews. Oh. Yeah. And then we walked all the way to, hotels. Like ten miles away. Like I like 1:00 in the morning. Yeah. Literally, ten miles away and by time we got back like I. Gave. It by the time we got back, Justin, was, really pissed. Really. Didn't was, a boxing, fight with the strip club boys yeah. Twice. The. First time was okay I don't I don't know why went twice first one wasn't okay and that's when I found you. You. Know. I mean I didn't want to go into the private room because it's like a hundred bucks or something but, it was happy hour right so. Instead of buying a drink for the girl that I'm drinking myself and I drank so much that, like. Those bad yeah, it was cheap to the drinker you know like five bucks a drink yeah. I'll. Do that not the private I can't do that private rooms I he'll expensive, yeah. Oh. Really. This. Time Oh cuz you're in Hawaii. Yeah. One. Of the first times you, know and they were like yeah we. Can yeah like I got you guys we got to sweets and it's great, and going there this is a normal room like, what I thought the suite. And. They don't all give you like. Yeah. You don't and the, suite we had. We. Switched, over. Hey. Guys. Who's. Pissed off. Unless. You felt like she did get a left lap dancing. But. This. Is nice combo. Like. A home this would be just like normal right here it's like almost good, man. Number. One percent of mrs.. Su. If. She was here I'd be like alright let's go. Go. Back to the daylight. Of. Course yeah, my. God. You could have any, five courses so if you want to. Probably. Well, I didn't want to because I mean you knows like 130. Bucks, you know. How. Night obviously. I could get four hundred thirty bucks. Don't. You have reserve. Teller events. The. Golden Gate Bridge. Oh. I. Heard that I smell. To. Pursue. Do. It. Rockman. Doctors. Man. Yes. Oh, yeah. We've still got the wash dishes till 2 yeah. It'll be a quick rinse though yeah, we'll just rinse it over there we're not compete out of it. So. Then when you wake up eight o'clock. Oh my goodness little eight men and a car gonna get out of the house until 8:30, oh man, little late dude, what, time. I usually. Try to get. Home. You only got. Using. Lying waiting lying oh no. No it's, $6,000. Initiation fee. And, then 500. Clym. Much easier than it looked. Monitor. Yeah. When. We describe hot we don't say hot as. Oh. Wait. How. Far is this place from. Okay. What that's, it, one was there no I mean once we get to the car oh. Oh. Oh. Taco. Restaurant right from. Here to the wrench probably another two, hours Oh, too soon, no honey minutes 20 minutes. We. Gotta stop us truth I'll. Be like. I'm. Gonna get a little Moslem, raisin. You. Don't have to worry about yeah, you guys go and then you guys can go first. We, swim into the Ciroc right here he's, about to get on the rock well. What are you talking about. Here. No, no you just go left. No. Way.

2018-09-07 05:42

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