all right all right all right all right so I am back at the jjimjilbang the uh the sauna so I might have to stay here a couple more nights and so I stayed here last night, might have to stay here one more night um because there's a typhoon that has come through and so I guess that's how it works you have rainy season and then you have blistering hot season and then you have typhoon season and so I think it's the beginning of typhoon season and it's coming down and so so I might be chilling here all day the owners are super nice here and they're going to let me do some laundry which I don't have that many clothes. I wear the same thing every day so it's hopefully it's not too much trouble for them but yeah this is a nice place it's not the fanciest place in the world they uh they just have a shower and then they have that nice indoor sauna but uh it's just a real homey feel and you got the nice green garden and the vegetables and the flowers and everything and so not a bad place just to you know hang out for a day or two she says she's going to make me some Korean lunch later so looking forward to that okay smells kind of like the the bean soup that I had not too long ago oh wow okay this is top of the stove of the stove, the sauna crazy all these vegetables come from her garden from the garden to the plate I guess Yum Yum Yum yeah these are some some fish fish okay m yum yummy yum yum chewy oh man and tonight we're having ourselves a little barbecue a homestyle pork barbecue got a lot of the sides left over from lunch but they still look amazing and this is makori? so it's actually the first time I've had this in uh in Korea I've had a lot of soju and uh a few beers but first time to have this so yeah this looks like just one big piece of kimchi she had to cut off the head of it it's dark kimchi but Korean kimchi is made in Winter and eaten all year round okay this looks so good pepper some onion some of the paste the bean bean paste maybe little bit of rice in here I'll do the same this tomato was farmed by this friend it's pollution free it's pollution free it's organic awesome my bet it's delicious can I take it with my hands? oh I farmed this a lot but I'm going to eat it alone but I don't want to give it to you to eat all two eggplant but how many did you bring now [ __ ] you [ __ ] you they're an interesting couple so the owner has invited me out this morning she was like I'm about to uh cut some firewood, and I think reload the saune and I think she's just trying to tell me it'd probably be pretty cool to catch on video and so uh I'd really like to see it too it's kind of funky looking isn't it guessing this is all the the guy told me it's pinewood oh yeah smells good too okay so this is just the uh the back door of the sauna yeah okay feels like a dungeon in there I don't know the camera gets really steamy really quickly so I don't know if I can show you come on all right first things first you got to take out the mats all that heat comes from the middle of the room right there and so curious how often they have to change it out interesting how often do you have to do this? that is a lot more than I thought they use I did not realize they would be stacked up so high that's crazy and I'm uh getting my sauna for the morning out of the way it's still freaking really really hot in here as you can imagine I'm sweating can't do that for long wow that's so cool though where do you get all the wood from buy buy okay okay it is very pretty gives you energy look at that that is a lot of energy interesting very healing and like has a medicinal purpose to it I was curious about if uh you know the nice Nature Spa that I went to and Paju, if they do it like this but I'm sure they don't so hey the doggy woohoo hey don't run away yeah uh Tengi this is all the ash right here crazy which I'm sure it gets reused somehow hey Tengi hey Tengi sorry doing your business not giving you any privacy hey Tengi hey oh now you like it huh now what's up Tengi what it says the fastest dog in our country for herding wild boars is a Siberian Husky that's what the translation says but yeah so you use all of that okay she just uh spreads it all over her fields out here I mean really cool to get a glimpse into their way of life and how they how they go about their business every day I'm just getting a very very small taste of it and now you're all happy aren't you Tengi but I'm curious how much land they have but they obviously grow a lot of vegetables and they run the jjimjilbang they do the suana almost every day they said I mean can you imagine having to do that every single day that is crazy heyy hey hey hey hey hey hey don't bite don't bite there you go that's how you do it huh then they close the door how long do you have to wait before somebody can go in and use the sauna? 1 hour? because you have to wait until the dust settles before going in that makes sense I guess to make their life easier for the next time they go in there and they stack all the wood to the side so it's right there and uh they can do it I guess tomorrow and lastly the mats got to go back in this has to be a two-man job trying to do this by yourself I don't think it's possible it's impossible to go in like I took one step in there and it just like it's so hot like that's why they wrapped their faces and everything cause uh I thought maybe I could step in for one second and get a get a a shot of them putting the mats on but if you're not covered up it ain't happening yeah it's got to take so much out of them she looks so exhausted yeah it's just very interesting seeing you guys work and load it and I never seen anything like it and it's just really cool to get a glimpse into the old traditional Korean life channel channel name Nick K got some socks that go over your feet I didn't have it the first time I didn't see them I didn't know I'm learning so much today okay M okay okay then going that way and then get one of those mats mhm okay oh like that okay very hot very hot right now okay I see okay I hope I can do it that is that is so intense it is so hot in there oh my gosh I guess yeah you have to do the blanket and the socks when they just do the fire like that I'm not used to it and it's very uh kind of uncomfortable if you don't have the blanket on and that air gets in there and I stayed in maybe maybe 2 minutes it probably was like 30 seconds enough to get a good sweat going and uh but man it's intense I mean part of me I hate my mind you know part of me thinks like it's worse than you want to think but like that would be a horrible way to go(die) like being stuck and locked in a room like that oh my gosh torture eggs these eggs you you cook in there? okay I mean it's hot enough to you know to cook eggs that is crazy yeah so all these eggs right here I don't know if they are about to go in or if uh they go in later yeah they're cool so I'm guessing she'll put them in later lasted even shorter the second time cause I don't know all I could think was like What if I'm stuck in here this would be a horrible way to go oh it's it's kind of painful it's really really tough so if you're not used to it it's hard it's really hard but doesn't take long to start sweating like crazy though tofu soup all right packed up and ready to go it's time to leave Hwacheon I've been here for I got here on Monday and it's Friday so yeah four nights here in Hwacheon rained for a couple days because of the typhoon but it's been a lovely lovely stay here I have to say the owners of this place are amazing um just if you get a chance and you're in this area come check it out uh they have that old traditional jjimjilbang the sauna super cool uh the owners so awesome they ended up I mean she fed me three meals that were incredible so amazing and she wouldn't she wouldn't take my money for the food and so not only that she's given me tomatoes and peaches and all kinds of stuff and so you know I paid for my stays here but other than that she wouldn't take any money you know she was giving me the makori and some beers and I don't know it's just been a a very wonderful stay here and so one thing I want to do to kind of return the favor and uh kind of pay it forward to you guys is uh I'm going to do the same thing that I did uh at my friend's coffee shop in Seoul there I paid for 25 coffees for you guys here I'm going to pay for five free stays and so I've already explained it all to her um you know you guys got to come here and just say hey are there any more Nick K's jjimjilbang free stays? and if there is if there's an empty box here then you can stay here for free and so yeah you guys have been just so nice so generous with the super chats and the donations on buymeacoffee and yeah I want to kind of pay it forward and spread the love and so just like the uh the coffee one come here sign your name I had a a lot of white space on this piece of paper so I ended up uh leaving space for you to you know share your thoughts and you know uh how was your stay here? just kind of leave your remarks there and so yeah uh let me see if I can't go catch her and say goodbye I mean she is such a a busy woman she's always doing something out here she's taking care of her garden looks beautiful she's taking care of the guests she's doing the the sauna, jjimjilbang she's over here working on the trash right now see you thank you so much okay and I will I will call you I'll message you okay so I have her information I don't think she has Instagram but we exchanged uh contacts and uh when I release this video I will let her know that some of you guys might come out here and stay so I hope you do and let me get this too so got it let's go goodbye bye oh my God she is so awesome come say hello to her like just meeting her and having a conversation with her is uh is more than worth it I think aright before i go i just want to share with you this awesome coffeeshop that I found here in Hwacheon i've been here a few times Didi I and I would come here and chitchat and have a coffee and good food the owners here are extremely awesome I'm having a little trouble again thank you so much i kind of did it to myself again i ran out of cash and i went to all the ATMs in this small town and none of them would accept international cards so when i paid for the jjimjilbang stays the owner said she would take credit cards but it wouldn't accept my card alright so i paid, i already told her I'd pay for it and 70,000 won was the last of my cash maybe because it's a small town, my card isn't working so i wanted to share this place with you guys, it's really delicious, they have good bread here good drinks, good salads, good sandwiches Manna, is the name of it if you're in Hwacheon and you want some good bread, come check it out this is why all these small towns are so freaking clean because this is what the elderly do they walk around town, and they clean it that's why places like Paju Book City and the towns north of Seoul that have awesome architecture and super nice buildings but the sidewalks look like.. look terrible overgrown with bushes and weeds, but look around look at the small towns here, they're all well maintained the Paju Book City towns, they don't have the elderly, they don't have the people that have lived there forever that cherish their small town and look out for it because they're only like 10, 15 years old, maybe uh this is the cutest thing ever these kids are going back to their kindergarten (or nursery school) and they all hold on to this little rope i'm sorry ah man that's one thing that i miss about my life in Japan and my old job is all the cute kids and seeing them every day, they can really brighten up your day to be honest
2024-09-18 06:32