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I can hold the camera so far away now. Look. And. It will um. Change the focus. What if you're viewing, gas. The journey begins. As it tends to do with. The drive, to the, airport. Where we're gonna park the car, and then check in the bags, wha what have you lost. I lost something. Cool. And now, we go, through security. We made it through. Now we've got to wait for the flight and then, going through the gate. Getting on the plane, getting. Off the plane. Going to. Collect the bags. And then we go and go hide the car, and now we have to drive to the airbnb. Go into the air maybe. It's now 2 am. Day 1, wrapped. Is ice second, um. Um, set of clothes because she spilled oil on the first one. She's got a roasted. Yeah so not only, did you copy me you called me after you spit all over your. Clothes. Did jasmine tell you. Rumor has it yeah, there's a yellow fruit here growing, yeah like a lemon or a peach or something yeah yeah and. Jasmine said that we can eat it. Okay, yeah yeah but i mean i wanted to eat it but he's run away, i mean. Is it legal for us to eat the tender of the maltese soil. Yes. It'll be fine. If it's not legit then we'll just cut this out. Okay. Just try actually just, just heat it up. That was a prank, that was not real. Don't worry, you'll have music it's an illusion. I i did it higher than all of them she was just not doing it because you didn't want to embarrass us, exactly. The cat the cat's name is tony macaroni. Can you believe it yeah i i can't believe it yeah i can't believe. That looks like tony macaroni, doesn't yeah it looks this just looks like, yeah. Tony macaroni i hope you're. Found. So. Of my flower. Oh yes i. Do. I feel so beautiful. Dad do you mean i do i do he feels flawless. Where's yours. You got nine, i don't deserve it, because. I don't need it anyway. Okay maybe i do need it how many can you fit, in there. That's got two i'm losing. Let's see how many we can fit into one, in one without having any bugs, or visitors. Bonus points. So mommy's, nil, i am on one. Seven's on one dad's on two one two dad is wiping the floor with us i like flowers. Jasmine is now gonna put another one, in my ear, oh dad's getting just been quick hurry up, dad's getting another one. No flowers are harmed in this video. Oh my god dad now. You're just showing off. So he's got. He's got one there. And two that that's three jasmine. Jasmine come on hook me up come on what i don't want to kill him i can't reach orange one. Orange one. Oh. Oh, one minus one. Dang it. Would you like anything yeah do a leaf do leaf. Yeah. And don't call me shirley. I don't think any of us are going to beat dad because he has the, the ear strength to hold them. Definitely. Like, just say that one again effortlessly.

Effortless. Effortlessly. Effortlessly. But spell it for me e, f, f, e. Effortlessly. Flawless. Even mom's roasting, you said. Jasmine you weren't there. What, i just said. Oh she said what. Magazine. Either was it it spoke. Any questions. We just stopped for lunch. Quite late actually. I never had a. Calzone, before. But i'm gonna, try it for science, have you had a cow's oven before has anyone here had a calzone. A calzone. Is a pizza, but that has crust on the top like the bottom of the pizza but also on the top. Enclosed. It's basically, a pizza, pie, pizza pie. Or a pizza. Very proud of. You. So. It is. 10 35. In the morning. And the plan was to go to lidl at like, nine. Which is why i woke up at eight, but here we are, 10, 35. On our way yeah on our way. What can we do. What can we do. I mean i woke up early but. That's why they buy i guess. Drivers, did not wake up yeah me and mum and i should wake up early let's just put it that way. Does that, have enough room. Are you squashed. No i'm okay. Because i'm getting slimmer that's why, i think so you know because it's more space today yeah it was another day. Yeah because it's more more, melting, than than getting in so that is it's two days ago yeah. He's gonna use this. I've gone slim or two inch two inch gone down. Well. Each side. Surface. Area. Oh. See. The camera doesn't pick it up. The camera does not do it justice. There's a sunset. There's like the, sun's behind the clouds. And it's just. Peeked over the, edge of them. It's fairy tale, today. Today was a bit of a jumble. But basically. In the morning. We went to the lidl. To do the shopping. I don't think we have any footage or in a little bit. I really got told off yeah. Um and then we went to the beach. We went in the water we're in the water and put we put the camera on dad's. Head. This, fireworks. That's uh, that's the direction that we're going in tomorrow i think, speaking of tomorrow, let's go there. We're now, to do the road trip now. It's 11 o'clock. Oh boy it sure is a hot one but not as hot the other ones out there today. We're going to schweikel. I think is how it's pronounced. Oh look, it's our tour guide, do you want krishna, or do you want a christian. We found krishna. She was in need of a ride. So, um, we offered to take her on our boat. Yeah. How can we. Get. Oh. Uh. Okay so we've been walking for, ages. I mean not walking, driving. We've been driving for ages. I finally done a good job. Of, driving. Okay. Um. So that was sketchy. Um. What's happened. We were going up this hill right. This hill, you can see, there's rocks, it's not smooth. Steep incline. And uh we almost got to the top, we must have been right there. It's just the last bit and uh. We stalled. And i couldn't get it i couldn't get it up he really tried though thank, you. That could have been the end of us all, yeah literally. Um, it's cool though, it's cool. Many thanks to the people of malta for helping us out, yeah. What are nice people, nice people. At least we ain't dead. True, we're not dead. But we're all kind of hungry now. And tired. So, um. We found a place to park. In the marketplace. And now we're just going to walk to find a cafe, and some food and then maybe go visit the sister we've gone the wrong way. We're leaving our tour guide. It's very helpful. Even if geography needs a bit of work. All right uh and we've got to go home now because that'll wait for us. Bye vlog, bye. Hello. Dad are we going, today. Yeah we should get there in like, half an hour. Straight. We are on the boat. Is. Now. Oh yeah. So, healthy.

So Nice, they say if you uh every time you swim in the water it adds 10 years to your life. Yeah. That's. True. We just arrived in medina, from the dingley. Dingley, cliffs. And we're gonna go, eat some. We're gonna go eat some. Oh. Oh cake. We just arrived in medina, and we're gonna go eat some, cake. First try. And also we need to find halal, franco. Okay, so earlier, on you, uh quahan was asking you. Where are we going, so where have you just been. This is like a. Place called medina. And it is like a, film city, climax. Area. So, old, and. Clean building. Very very nice, you just feel like staying, all the time there. You don't feel hungry, you don't feel thrusty. And it's so, nice. Nice weather. Warm weather. On top of the cake. You can't you can't miss it. Good. Is. Me. All of you. Actually, was fed up with elizabeth. My vlog-making, skills and she has decided to. Become an independent. Vlogger, so actually you have the floor take it away. I'll explain, oh my phone's in another. Can you, can you get my. Phone. So. So. Bye. Baby. Is. There's a jasmine in there look. Dude he's looking right at me. What a spikey's. Spikey. Man. Bye. So this is this is kinney. It is a classic maltese, drink, and uh if you come to montana you don't drink this drink. No worth yeah i haven't seen anything. But, not a lot of people like it yeah because apparently, it's quite bitter, it's just like a vinegar, basically. Well let let's try. What it looks like, it's like uh. Like a daisy beer. Huh. It's okay. You try. I'm drinking, candy, is a malta. Malta, special, drink. Yeah um. I'm not gonna, felt don't worry. Yes. Yeah it's all right. Oh this is my friend yeah it's all right, is it. It's, got that aftertaste. I see it and you have it nice. Dad can you explain what happened again. We went to petrol station, and we. I said okay buddy, put the car here i think that's the right place. And uh i couldn't work it out so i started looking at this and that that guy looked like stalking, me at the same time. So because eye contact and you just start smiling to each other, i said oh brother how are you. So how did you say that oh brother don't worry don't worry man you put this with this way oh by the way where are you from. From london, oh, how long you been living there, oh it's a long. A car and now i was using the wipes. Don't use it yeah this is my friendship, you can have that one. I said okay that's fine i'll remember you. He's lucky handkerchief. There's a symbol, of friendship as a symbol of friendship. Guys, if you're watching this make a note, if your friend hasn't given you, a towel like this they're not really your friend.

You Can see how much the lows in there isn't, i can i can smell it how much. There is how many attractions, in there yeah how much that traction, and feelings, how much the loyalty is yeah loyalty, that your wife is right here. No, i'm just thinking, that next time when you come to malta, you'll have that and you'll be holding it up, and you'll be going to the tv cameras is that i'm looking for my friend the friend who gave me this, thing is everybody, believe me that trust me and the smile on me only were apart from one person, you should say that about donny. I'm about to go home. Every time i have a holiday you always give the last word. Finish the. Episode, until next. Time. Wait let's do it. Again. I can't feel. It. You.

2020-09-10 12:54

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