Mérida is Weird - I like Weird (A complete guide for Travellers)

Mérida is Weird - I like Weird (A complete guide for Travellers)

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This. Is Eduardo. He. Was my tour guide while I was emeriti that. I believe. The best way to learn about a place when you're traveling, is. To follow around a local. After. Spending some time following. Him around I learned. Something. I think. Manatee that is a, little. While, weird. Now. Don't get me wrong I like, weird. What. Is weird - sound may not be so weird to others. So. What is weird, I. Think. Pugs are weird some. People think I'm weird I once. Ate Milk Bone in grade five. Eduardo. Is weird. He. Wants to recite a lot of interesting things his, grandpa told him. En. La vida que sir como la Spanish, but. There's two mierda, ECS, Adela. He, also likes to sing like Pavarotti. So. When I decided to take this year off my original plan was to start in Mexico and end up in Ecuador in three months I never. Left Mexico though. Some may find it weird that I spent so long in Mexico, and I often get asked is it safe medina, is actually, safer, than my home city of toronto. And. There. Are even direct flights here from toronto but what's weird is that if you don't pronounce Toronto, right nobody, knows where you're from. Let's. Start with the obvious the. Beautiful, pastel, facades, of merida, well. They. Make you hungry, the. Buildings, look. Like cakes. And sometimes. The buildings match, people's, outfits. Madatha. Is brain the second safest city in North, America. But. I found some cracks in this claim and it's, not the obvious, ones. Now. I've been to places in the world where there are no sidewalks I'm no. Expert in, sidewalk safety, but, I can walk a sidewalk, back home without a helmet you. Just learn to walk like a penguin, but. Amenity that it's these smooth ones you need to worry about. There. Is so polished, it's like walking on ice. And. When it's raining outside they're, slippery, er than the sled. You. Might want to bring crampons, so. Be really careful when, you're walking the streets Mary do that because you can get hurt. I don't. Want to move on but I, think that I need something, but I don't know why. When, I arrived here Eduardo offered, me a hammock I'm, like dude are you crazy I had, a perfectly, wonderful king-size. Bed at his Airbnb, I, didn't. Care that the Mayans have used them for over 2,000. Years. That. They're breezy, on hot night that, one-size-fits-all. Or, that his friend Nellie made it look like fun I wasn't. Sleeping in the hammock but, then Nellie told me about this saying here like when your friend calls you and asked you what you're up to you, say pat the under lip on it which, means you're, swinging in the hammock hitting the wall with your foot because you're just chilling, out. So. I have to tell you something I'm not really the type of person that likes to sit around and do nothing, hi I'm, Dan the leper ed you're. Kind of chilling. Out but. Then you're hitting the wall with your foot it's. Like exercise, right so. I rode the hammock and. Don't tell anyone but I couldn't, like playing around and do nothing kind. Of felt like a baby again but, that's not what's weird what's. Weird isn't, pretty sure they came up with this dance putting, away hammock. Once. Upon a time there was an overprotective, father and, this, little girl was his princess, but. One day she wanted, to meet a boy in the park he, didn't understand, why so. He asked what for she. Said to talk so. He made these me and you chairs so they could just talk, and nothing, more. Do. I mean. But. That's not really weird you see that celebrity, dog Bart talking, his dad in the mean--you chair about what to have for dinner. What's. Weird is he. Looks like a PUD but, he's not a pug. And. Here's. Another love, story, the. Maquette is a love Legend where our mine princess, was forbidden, to marry prints from a rival clan so. A shaman changed, the guy into, a shining beetle, that could be worn over her heart as a reminder, of their love. They. Can live up to four years and they feed off the fungus, that grows off, wood. Now. If the man I was supposed to marry was turned into a bug and. Crawling. Around on my heart I'd. Want. A divorce. Allow. Me to introduce you to Pedro the, lizard. Eduardo. Told me they're not native here, Pedro. And his buddies hitched a ride after, a big hurricane I, asked. Him how he knew that and he says he reads a lot and, then they found his stash magazines. And it all made sense. I spent. Enough time and metadata to notice something about the people here. They're. Happy, all the time, whether. They're just hanging, out. Working. In the kitchen. Eating. Chichay bonus, waiting. In line, delivering. Pizza. Putting. Away their Pug and even, when the cameras, are rolling. It's. Shocking, to learn that they have a history of violence. Mana. Divas rivalry, with their neighbors in Campeche now. Comes out of baseball baseball. Is a big deal here baseball, isn't really a violent sport, except. When Mexico and Canada played in the World Baseball Classic in.

2013. Canadians. Aren't really violent, except. When it comes to hockey. The Canadians, were winning the baseball, game and the, Mexicans, got mad at us and started a fight. What's. Weird is if you're from Mexico why. Would you get mad at a Canadian have, you seen our winters. Snow. Birds is the term used to describe medians. That fly south for the winter. There's. A lot of them here and Mary that they spend so much time here, that you can give them directions with the names of the street corners the, main street corners have names, that's her directions were given back in a day these. Names are attributed, to landmarks, or legends, of these corners some. Of them very, few even explain, why like, Leticia, which, is a type of monkeys, out of someone call Z that it means they don't like it. Some. Of the legends are creepy like this one about the man leaving Condor, Eduardo. Is one of a few locals, that present explanations for almost all of them because he went to the library and looked it up. What's. Weird is here. Goes to the library. Eduardo. Once told me the. Best way to tell Merida is to live Merida. Did. He just say to leave Merida. So. Him Nellie and I left to see the ruins like look small. The. Famous Chichen Itza. The, beautiful, pink waters of Lascaux lavas. Which. Is where salts, is mined and the pink color comes, from algae, and plankton that live in the water the flamingoes eat this and this is why they're pink when. You see Nellie's photos it's kind of obvious what she does for a living. If. You've ever wanted to turn pink you have to find another way because the water it only works on flamingos. Via. Delete which was moved from its original location after, Spanish, settlers complained, about the mosquitoes. Many. Okay. The only reason to go too many is to, eat at this place. One. Of the best meals I've ever had. Nellie's. Hometown, of. Motul. We. Also came here just to eat. Progresso, Beach. Now. Don't tell Eduardo, that I told you but he went into the Gulf of Mexico here and rescued this girl kitesurfing. What's weird as she kept paid surfing, sonatas. The. Little tin cave. Do. You know what else is weird Eduardo's also stalagtite, musician. The. Magic, town of is amol, where. Everything is yellow. Edoardo. Was right the best way to see maybe that was to leave it but, that's not what's weird what's, weird is if you find the right spot on the ruins it's better than singing in the shower. The. Place where, the meteor that killed all the dinosaurs felt, I, had. A hard time believing Eduardo, a giant. Meteor came, down here and killed the dinosaurs. But. Then Veronica said, the same thing. And. When you look at the cenotes, it, does look like a giant meteor came down and made them. I'm. Gonna get fernika to build me a house here what's the chance of it hitting the same place twice. Everybody. Dances, in the street and minute Eva all the time every. Day this. Comes in handy when you're trying to work off all the delicious meals of the days of the week that's right there, are traditional, dishes here that coincide, to the days of the week monday, was popular, laundry day so pork, and beans were easy to cook on the stove all day over, a slow heat, there's, even a gelato shop that, serves pork, and bean flavor gelato on Mondays what's, weird is I didn't, heat it Tuesday. Is rayon Oh Negro because there's nothing better than staining, your newly clean clothes with delicious, black schmoly Wednesday, is lentil, stew on Thursdays. You have Z which, is shredded, deer but, now there's a hunting ban so don't ask me how I found this it was changed to puppet SUEZ after, the ban Fridays is a classic, dish from Campeche time the Kesang or. You can have pork pork soup. Saturday. Is choclo, mom. And. Of. Course on Sundays, you want the none other delicious, Conchita. Pibil. Because. There's nothing better than pork, fat after, a Saturday, night. Casa. De bola is Edom cheese from the Netherlands, which is used in a lot of cuisine, here like brothel, arena kiss. Oriano, and the. Marc Accetta which is invented, by ice cream maker Leopoldo. Menna who, needed to sell something during winter so how did it cheese from the Netherlands, end up here well there are a lot of theories the, one that makes most sense to me is not that it magically, washed up on shore or, that a rich family, brought it back from vacation this. Region has a history, of pirates so. It's likely that a ship headed towards the Dutch Antilles with.

A Boatload of cheese got, hijacked they. Tried it and we're like let's put this in everything. Manadena. Offers an incredible bounty. Of Yucatan's, freshest, produce I. Ran. A produce, market for seven years and some of this I've never seen before. Like. Chaya, mom. A. Fresh. Hibiscus, flowers. Black. Sapote, which looks gross but it tastes like a delicious caramelized. For Simic. The. Central Market can be daunting for even locals, so I recommend, taking a market tour with Aaron who's, an American chef and lives here in minute even. She's. Buying sapote, fruit here, which tastes like a brown sugar Eve pear. Eduardo. Introduced, me to this when I first arrived, in Madiba he said this, is where Chiclets, were originated, hiding. The. Bologna is from Venice on this route with. An afterlife. This. Is Raul an anthropologist. Who teaches Mayan culture, here he took his class on a field trip on how they make gum and he sent me these videos. The. White SAP is collected, from the Sapodilla, tree and it turns into gum which, they call Chiclets, a, former. President in Mexico, by the name of Antonio, Lopez, de Santa Ana became, friends with an American venture by the name of Thomas Adams, and gave, her a piece of Chiclets, and yep, you guessed it Chiclets. Was born good, luck trying to find some now it was discontinued. In, 2016. Okay. That was a fascinating story but did. You see what Walmart was charging for Chiclets. Yucatan. Is the birthplace of chocolate, when the Spaniards first tried it and they thought it was a bitter drink for pigs. But. They brought it to Europe added, sugar and the, rest is history, many. That is home to key chocolate, which is ranked second, in the world according, the National, Geographic Traveler, they. Use ancient, Mayan traditions, when making their chocolate. Here. You must try the Mayan, chocolate which. Is served with a variety of local spices. What's. Weird is the owners are actually from Belgium, but, I guess we know a thing or two about chocolate, they invented pralines, in 1912. Madatha. Is a largest, producer of the best honey, in the world it's, made from the Mel apana bees. You. Can eat it spread, it on wounds wrinkles. And cures illnesses. And it's, really hard to find here I was. Only able to find the honey at this shop but it does come with a certificate of authenticity and, it's, not cheap. There's. Something I should tell you about the Mel apana honey bee.

What's. Weird is the, bees they. Don't sting, why. Don't they have mosquitoes, that don't sting. Hey. See you I don't ever remember you drinking, coke but I noticed on your insta stories, that you. Seem to be drinking a lot of coke what's going on with that I, was. Drinking, a lot of coca-cola in Mexico. But. Ameri that the coca-cola trucks, are everywhere, I've, seen coca-cola trucks, before but never this many. See the thing is coca-cola. Mexico. Just, tastes better something. About the cane sugar, and the water. Then. I discovered, these Yucatan, Cheetos, that are made here and manatee them and the taste so good with Cote whence, I come in a little glass bottle they taste the best I started, to develop a problem but, apparently, I'm not the only one with this problem if you, know the right people you, can get Mexican, Coke in New York City and, Los Angeles, there. Were so many Coca Cola trucks I kind. Of felt sorry for this truck it was all sitting alone in the parking lot why, yeah. You are asking me because. I don't. Know we need sugar and, it's delicious. I. Wasn't. The only person to fall around Eduardo, on his follow me Yucatan, tours. After. All he is one of the best tour guides here and maybe that when, I tell people he's, a guru no one believes me. But. Really he's, such a guru if it, wasn't for him I wouldn't have learned all these weird things about met Eva like, that strange, symbol, he's standing under I could, tell you but it's way more fun just to follow him around on a tour. Me. Abuelo siempre medicean, a. Ho. Los. Ninos, dicen. La verdad, los. Viejos dicen. La quisieron. Yellow. Spend a hos dissing. Lo que van a ser. Thanks. For watching this episode of turn, left right here if. You like what you saw be sure to hit the subscribe and, like button at the bottom of your screen. Follow. Me on the social media, links below. Tap. The bell to be notified of upcoming episodes. And, please. Share with me your comments, below.

2020-01-26 12:49

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