LUXURY BEACH VANLIFE FOR $0 A NIGHT [Santa Teresa, Costa Rica]

LUXURY BEACH VANLIFE FOR $0 A NIGHT [Santa Teresa, Costa Rica]

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good morning so we're in santa teresa on the  nicoya peninsula on the coast of costa rica today   we're just gonna wander around a little bit see  what this town has to offer hopefully we'll get   some beach time some surfing in and we heard that  there's a pretty good skate park here so danny's   really excited about that oh yes slumming  it at the beach back of the van is swarming what is going on there you see next  to us fancy beach place nice pool   and we got the ocean right there so we  decided we're just gonna go take a walk   around town for a bit now and take the dog  of course and see what's going on around town we're thinking this must be a natural  thing all these swarms right now   probably after the rain one gotcha it's flying  into my shirt oh what better than in your mouth   sombrita was attacking him too huh looks like these things lose their wings  and then transform yes we dodged those   flying ants enough that we made it to  the skate park of santa teresa that's uh my favorite form of travel skatepark tourism  oh that thing looks sick transfer here   transfer there whoa this is a good skate  park yeah we have to look how good those   transitions are seems really well made  well we'll come back when it's dry we decided to walk back along the  beach hopefully there's less of those   swarms of wing dance and there's this cool trail  here said no atvs so overall i'm kind of liking   santa teresa what about you emily oh i love it  it's super fancy it's super nice not too fancy   um but not too touristy this doesn't seem like  there's that many people here from the right if   you keep going when you hit the beach here and go  right it would be like way more secluded i think yeah beautiful beach so this would  definitely be santa teresa and   wow those waves it must be around  that corner there where people serve is this like these rocks here gnarly spot to surf  well we made it back to the van and it looks like   there's horses here they're bridled up but i  guess they're free to roam that's pretty sick   anyway dinner time does anybody  know whose horses these are i got the key oh there's graham van dinner for the night fried  rice courtesy of the van chef wife   she put in some of these heart of palm  tasty he's cuckoo for catnip puffs   pretty proud of our little home  right now having our morning coffees   and we're getting really good solar right now 170  watts out of 200 so it's going right from the sun into our phones time for the morning walk   something just fell right there oh  we're parked just far enough away   here's sombrita defend you defend your brother not   a bad spot for the morning coffee that's  good they're playing she really needs it all these places seem deserted during the  week it's a party on sunday set up my foot   but check out these places here pretty  baller i guess this would be santa teresa   area a ton of these places along  the beach but i guess they're   expensive well we got the van all ready let's  go check out the town skate park surf who knows i don't know if you guys noticed in that  clip that i ran over that kid's bike after i   did that transfer the first time well emily  gave him a bunch of our stickers that we got   bmx stickers and stuff so that usually  smooths it over when i run over a bike super sweaty time to hit the ocean so  we're checking out another beach spot   here people have said they come  here with their vans during the day   we hear it's a better place for surfing so  danny really wants to cool off a little bit   go in the water where we were before had  just crazy waves and no one swimming so   kind of figured it was a little dangerous  to swim but here we've read it was easier   looking like a really good surf spot so here is  to hoping this puddle isn't a little mini pond   oh yeah that is a little deep it was a bit deep it  was a little bit deeper there's a bit of roots in   the middle nice we've been chatting it up with  that guy and uh he was helping us find a spot   to park very nice guy so i think i'm gonna  put it right over here get some solar power hey how'd it go good yeah we definitely found  the surfing beach here it's a wonderful   wonderful beach so many people surfing and  swimming and hanging out wow we love it here hello are there any hobbits in there i love our little sun shade here at the  beach relaxing the puppy is relaxing after   playing with so many dogs so now she's  chewing on some sticks and i'm reading   a book there's 25 surfers out there some  really good surfers yeah let's see if we can yeah i'm from the pacific but i love how everybody  comes out to the beach at sunset time and   just becomes such a scene west coast   three years today since our wedding when we  also started traveling full-time big day today we celebrate ordered up we received this book as a wedding gift to use for  special days instead of buying cards every year   well we decided to get a closer beach spot  to the fancy dinner we're gonna have later   so here we can have our own drinks our own  beach club what do you think little boy so you want to take a little anniversary walk wow so this must be pretty low tide  all this exposed rock is full of water   hopefully you can climb that  thing right there that'd be sick   whoa ah this side looks wild maybe we  won't climb it still need a scrape on a   anniversary sweet rock though and  then we're gonna walk down here   hopefully it's just like that flora blanca  resort probably down at the point honestly   so not too far i think it's at a half kilometer  and that'll be a really really fancy restaurant   resort spot 400 a night is the cheapest room  but you don't get an ocean view with that in spanish hermosa means beautiful and it's nice wow first tide pool discovery man i don't know if you guys can see that  lobster right there right under the rock there wow that looks like a sea slug kind of a jawn well here we are back to van what do you want  to do baby you wanna i don't know set up the sun   shade play scrabble yeah let's do it get that rose  out oh yeah let's crack that rose rose day all day   and snack ooh and let's get the cat out too  yeah hopefully he'll chill we've got grammy   in the little tent with us we're about to  play some scrabble gold fish goldfish edition so now we got this going you want to celebrate  babe yeah let's do it open that up rose all day but not every day in moderation stay thirsty friends well sombrita  got to play with the dog a couple dogs but one of   them was scared he comes in here calamity struck  and the dog came in here it wasn't his fault but   we messed up the board i think i actually got it  honestly very nice owners of the dog they said   they moved here from where emily switzerland  wow the most exclusive beach club you have to be in vanderson  you're getting that triple word oh no i actually i got a better one so we finished our game of scrabble we're gonna go   for a walk over to the next beach  we're heading to our fancy dinner oh this place is like a garden   this concludes the before dinner  drinks portion of the dinner   let's go see what world-class cuisine  they have to offer happy anniversary that's what all the fuss is  about he loves hair things the cat outside put the dog outside   so we're about to get on the ferry from playa  naranjo on the nicoya peninsula over to puntarenas   the ferry is about 70 minutes long and  it costs for two passengers and a car 20   or eleven thousand colonists  it's gonna be a fun ride goodbye nicoya peninsula let's check it out huh pretty small boat oh there we go there we go   now we hit the mother lode this  is the ones you like baby oh buddy so there's where we left from paqueras  but over here i'm pretty sure that's   where we spent the night because  remember each side had like a   thing you couldn't see past and then there  was these islands out front wasn't it   we spent the night like right in there  flying around putting it all together   um off the ferry we go

2021-07-29 23:47

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