okay there's cameras like this absolutely everywhere guys I mean you're you're you're being watched here 24/7 but I don't know I like it I like it I feel safe is this for good luck yeah yeah for Good Luck Good Luck Good Health everything huh believer believer okay to be a believer awesome thank you your turn my turn thank you right here I'm noticing that there's a lot of luxury brand name stores you got the Omega Dyson the Apple Store here you got the Nike store wow that is beautiful guys man this place is huge this Palace sits on 720,000 Square MERS good morning guys and welcome to Beijing China I'm super excited this is my first day here in the People's Republic of China and I'm so excited to be here I've been dreaming about coming to China for so many years and finally thanks to their 144-hour transit Visa I was able to make it inside of the country now right now I'm actually staying right here at the holiday in express dong dongen it's a really nice hotel about 80 to $100 a night depending on the room and it also includes breakfast and the breakfast was magnificent actually I only had a couple eggs and some fruit just to start the day because well I want to try some food out on the streets here in Beijing today now right now it is incredibly cold for a lot of you guys you're going to be like Chris what are you talking about 10° cus is not that cold but for me a boy from California Southern California it is cold and uh 10° Celsius is about 50 degrees Fahrenheit for all you people from North America but yeah the streets here are very calm this morning you see a couple people walking around on bicycles not a whole lot of movement man for being the capital city I didn't even notice that much movement when I was driving in from the airport last night which is yeah quite strange usually capital cities are very busy especially the airports this one here was not the case everything was incredibly smooth we made it to the hotel within like 30 minutes from the airports and yeah everything was smooth sailing if you guys want to see what it took for me to enter China feel free to watch the video prior to this one there is where I give you guys all the details of you know what it took to enter what kind of paperwork they asked for and whatnot all right we'll wait for this car to pull on out wow there's a Tesla you know that's what shocked me last night when I was pulling in there was so many Teslas I saw like more than I do in Southern California on a short drive which is quite strange because in a lot of countries in Asia that I've been to you know like in Thailand you can find Teslas but they're not extremely common here I'm noticing it's a very common car and there's also these bicycles all around which I have downloaded the app for however I don't want to use just yet because I want to keep on walking and just enjoying my first impressions of this place now right now I'm actually going to head towards the CCTV command Tower um it's one of the most iconic buildings in Beijing and then we'll head over to a temple and yeah we'll see what else we get into guys it's going to be a good day now I'm not going to the Forbidden City today or tianan Square hopefully I pronounced that right because I did book a tour for that tomorrow with the guide and then the day after I'm going to be heading to the Great Wall of China so I'm really excited the Great Wall is one of my last Wonders of the World all I'm missing is uh Christ the Redeemer of course modern wonders of the world so who knows maybe a Brazil trip is in the near future but yeah guys very calm beautiful I'm excited to see what the city looks like in the evenings because well right now it could potentially be like this because it's also a holiday week it is golden week here in Beijing which is a 7 to 8 Day holiday in China that is used to celebrate the uh starts or the beginning of the People's Republic of China wow the buses are awesome oh this here is a bus stop cool man incredibly clean right guys so quiet you know I'm not going to lie I was a bit hes inent on coming out here for many years because I've only heard negative things about China you know in the west the media only portrays it a certain way and you know they make it seem like this place is our enemy and when you get here man the people well everybody I've interacted with so far are incredibly kind uh the English language barrier is definitely M definitely present a lot of people don't speak English even the people at the hotels which was quite strange um but everybody's welcoming super nice and I have a feeling we're really going to like it here and I've watched a lot of videos from other creators and everyone says that they very much enjoy their time in Beijing all right well oh I hear some music playing I wonder where that's coming from it'd be cool if they're going to have like a parade or something so yeah the sun is shining but it's not warm at all oh yeah I definitely hear some music playing wow this is beautiful [Music] man I'm impressed I love how many people are on bicycles a look at the Corgi one thing I am going to say though guys that I did notice is that there are cameras absolutely everywhere those CCTV things are in fact very much real and it is found everywhere guys oh man this is a park where yeah there's people playing playing like instruments dude that is awesome saxophones flutes actually that might not be a flute that's a [Music] trumpet miow [Music] miow miow very nice man very talented I love it so yeah that's definitely a trumpet man this is a park where like people gather around to play music that is beautiful to see oh over there they got a massage lady no way I wonder how much a massage cost that's pretty damn cool I wonder if she's there every day man what a place huh all right guys well I'll put the camera down for a minutes and I'll catch up with you guys once we make it somewhere else man my heart is full right now though there's nothing like there's no better feeling than uh showing up to a country for the very first time and then having you know all all the expectations and stereotypes that you had in your head completely yeah what how do you say it like completely not be valid like this place is awesome so I started walking down in this direction I made it actually past that black car and let me just tell you guys man it seems like it's going to be a very long walk to the CCTV headquarters it says actually 45 minutes on my Google Maps I just checked man I find it so weird that all my applications are working and everybody said that they would not work like everybody guaranteed that nothing would work and even without a VPN like my Google Maps everything is working just fine look let me show you guys so that you guys know that I am not full of myself look at this there's no VPN activated but watch this I can go um damn I just lost the CCT TV headquarters I don't know where it's at oh right there bam but look at this guys everything just works crazy so yeah 13 minutes by car definitely like that idea a lot more let's see if we can't wave down a taxi but yeah guys no VPN the only thing I am using is an Olaf eim and this is not sponsored as you guys know they do sponsor a lot of my videos but this is not sponsored at all if you do want to check them out check out the link down below you can save 5% and it works here in China man I haven't had to use a VPN it works and I'm kind of scared to turn it off or shut off my phone because then I'm like man something will will probably happen if I do that so yeah let's try and jump into a a taxi and I'm going to show them a picture of the CCTV headquarters and we'll make our way there I saw plenty coming down this streets right here so seems like a very busy Avenue there's one right there here's the buses I love all the Chinese lanterns on the on the light post but I will tell you something I do feel very nervous filming here unlike anywhere else in the world that I've been and that is simply because of all of the the cameras out and about and there's also a lot a lot of law enforcement presence that I'm going to be very careful and try not to film for you guys because like anywhere else in the world you never want to film long enforcement or military stations all right let's see if uh if a taxi can come down this way now my only problem is I have no change the ATM gave me all 100 R&B notes which is around uh $15 US so hopefully a taxi will be able to give me some change because last night when on my way to the hotel my driver didn't have any change and he was super nice he was about to get out and start looking but I just let him keep the whole 100 I wonder if you waved on the taxi the same way you do everywhere else in the world actually you know what guys I downloaded an application called DD which is just like uber Uber and let's see if it works CCTV headquarters Tower there we go man it's in English too look at that only 3540 cool let's try it it says 4 minutes man that was actually super easy I should have done that earlier this might be the way I get around this entire trip guys and I believe you can pay cash so yeah you can choose from Express six seaters all kinds of thing to continue this trip please prepaid the estimated Fair okay and I did sign up for Ali pay as well oh no you need you need we chats to do this oh no I can change it so yeah I can go credit or debit card actually or alip pay let's go alip pay this this is going to be my first Ali pay transaction so I was told um not told I watch YouTube videos like you guys prior to coming on out here and I was told that yeah I was told to download and sign up and put all of your payment uh options on here prior to entering China so I did this yesterday there's my uh my master card is there I don't know what it's asking me for 1 2 3 4 oh I had to set up a PIN to use this there we go man I already paid look at that guys incredible so yeah the DD application it's just like uber so I think now I will get a vibrating alert when my driver shows up so yeah I've already paid and a Volkswagen it's on the way okay be here in 4 minutes man that's clean I like China I like it a lot all right I'll catch up with you guys once we're in the car man crazy huh so yeah DD application I downloaded DD alipe bad do maps which I can't figure out how to use because everything's in Chinese and Shadow Rockets those were oh Metro Link Metro Link is like a oh no metran is basically a downloadable map that gives you all the access to um all the Metro lines in Beijing so yeah pretty cool all right let's wait for our driver niow oh hello CV um see if I can show him a picture take a yes not there yeah there okay okay good I don't understand I'm sorry I don't understand no Chinese um CCTV headquarters uh picture okay I have no idea what's happening I think he's trying to tell me I didn't put the right location no I did though oh oh wrong destination okay okay okay I put the wrong destination okay I see I see what you're saying I put the edit drop off okay I put the wrong destination guys that's what he was trying to tell me man wait let me try and figure this out edit drop off use map okay good good there we go good okay man I was totally lost for a second I had put the yeah I was taking you the wrong way yeah it's a lot closer the map was the opposite direction so that was the confusion guys wow guys look at this Skyline it is super impressive man the roads are so clean so beautiful thank you so much have a nice day thank you you guys telling me don't forget my bag man that taxi driver was super nice so we have made it here to the CCTV building and man it is beautiful but I don't think you're allowed in I was reading that there are a couple sites that you can see like a couple different exhibitions but I think that's if you work inside of there because at this entrance that he left me man there's a lot of law enforcement present and people in suits I mean this is home to the most most important and most influential news and television stations in China so I don't know too much about it but it is super awesome oh wow look they got like some Twin Towers over in this direction a shell building and then I believe this one here is the Samsung building man it's impressive look at the skyline guys holy cow China world man this place is awesome yeah the architecture is absolutely insane I wish we could go inside I'm going to do a little bit of Google research right now and see if I can make it up in there but if not so we'll take a couple pictures and then we'll make our way over to a temple everybody recommended that I go to a place called llama Temple so maybe we'll make our way there after this but yeah let's do a little Meander around and let's see maybe we can in fact go on inside but I doubt it I talked to the to the guard up front tried to ask him a question but like I said the English barrier is definitely definitely a thing here in China you know you always hear people saying oh it's hard to communicate in English and many places in the world people say the same thing about Thailand for example which I don't understand in Thailand you know a lot of people speak English here however definitely very different wow it's beautiful though it is nice and what a different contrast to the side of the city that I was just on I'm not sure if I made a mistake or not but I just did some reading on Google and I wanted to come back and tell you guys this isn't the CCTV Tower I'm not sure if I said that I'm pretty sure I said CCTV headquarters but tourists are not in fact allowed to enter in here however tourists can visit the CCTV Tower which is 13 km from where I'm at right now and they actually have a rotating restaurant it's a bunch of cool stuff so who knows maybe we'll get the opportunity to do that this trip but yeah very cool guys and they do got some beautiful gardens around there man I'd love to enter what a beautiful place and yeah look see there's cameras like this absolutely everywhere guys I mean you're you're you're being watched here 24/7 but I don't know I like it I like it I feel safe you know I wish it was like this in the US to be honest with you I mean right now in Los Angeles guys I never feel comfortable just walking around like I never just walk around and explore especially in the evenings I don't do that [ __ ] no more like you know there's too much crime uh too many things you got to worry about you know it doesn't make it enjoyable anymore people don't like having fun people like starting drama um having a bunch of cameras like that all around the city you know gives you a sense of of safety at least for me I'm not one of those people that dive deep into like conspiracies and [ __ ] like that but I I like it I think it makes me feel very safe all right I'm going to order a Dei and we'll get on out of here and make our way towards the temple meow just got dropped off near the Llama Temple and I actually got off a little bit ear earlier because man it's starting to look real beautiful around here and there's a lot of good smelling food like they got some Beijing Fried Chicken there a bakery right here wow that smells incredible and the temple is actually just down this street guys what are they selling here Beijing th remove Brands yeah I'm not sure oh some some sort of beef and chicken oh this is like a butcher shop man that's pretty damn cool huh man I love this city so much all right let's see if we can pick ourselves up a nice little snack huh man it's so beautiful the contrast I mean look look at where we just came from and now like we're in a in a older part of the city what is this a bakery man let me know what you guys think down in the comments section and let me know if you guys are still here in this part of the video if you're still here comment Chris loves China oh man it's beautiful look at that I love those like the facades huh super beautiful and you know what's crazy is like as you're walking around there is um like or as you're driving around you're looking at these old styled buildings and there's like KFCs inside of them McDonald's things like that which is pretty strange to see some some sort of rolls oh over there they got like some steam buns that sounds nice right about now I think we're approaching the the temple so you know what Let's cross this Treet and see if we can't um purchase something from this little stand right here I think we can just cross I've seen everybody just jaywalking yeah let's come and check them out now the only problem is I have no small money but I do have the alley pay so let's see if we can buy something hello miow how are you um what's the the best one I I want to try one piece um maybe this one what what flavor pistachio or matcha let's just see let's take one yeah one piece thank you alip I hope I can use Aly play wow that looks really good yes thank you okay so for alipay guys it's an application it looks just like this and basically all you got to do is do scan I guess let's try it this is my first time using the scan option um hey sorry there we go thank you so much all right well don't know what we're going to try but if anybody knows what this says right there that please let me know down in the comment section oh she's cutting it with some scissors oh yeah I'm excited for this [Music] one I'm trying to say what she said but I misunderstood it all right this is my kind of place right here this looks sweet shim okay I don't understand you need to see my alip again alip again oh I had to activate it pain I thought she was telling me the name of this thing no it's checking almost almost one second yeah see everybody's super nice I'm just genuinely confused but there we go oh man damn it's asking me to send a temporary code okay hold on guys this a pain in the butt right now let me try and figure this out so it's got to send a text to my mobile number from the US to activate alip pay what a pain in the butt let me see okay I think I got it all right so that took me a minute to understand so basically because it was my first time using Ali pay scan um I had to wait for a security verification email to verify my payments but yeah this came out to 30 R&B hopefully that was the price because she rang it several times and to be honest all the taxi rides were um about the same price so yeah I don't know what to what to expect but oh man this looks incredible look at this guys this is something that I've never had before yeah I don't even know I don't even know what I'm eating I don't even know where to what to expect let me take a nice little photo of this I probably shouldn't be eating it on top of the trash let's do it all right let's dive on into this bad boy let's see what this tastes like it looks like a giant Mochi to be honest with you guys looks very um squishy the texture doesn't look like it's going to be something I absolutely love but I'm going to try M yeah not for me I'm not going to spit it out cuz there a lot of people watching me but that is not for me mm- the texture is like nah bro can't do it I don't know what it was can't do it though M chis holy D I don't know what it was I think there's like the red bean paste inside of it which is like what you find inside of those steamed buns but the texture tasted like matcha powder on the outside I don't know in my opinion not not the best thing you could have all right but we tried it and now we know we don't like it that's what life's all about right wow I wonder what the line's for you know what I think we're going to actually come back here and sit down and have some food here in a bit after we visit the temple hopefully we can get some tickets I heard it opens at most things say that you need reservations and to purchase your tickets in advance but hopefully this one here is not the case look you got some textile shops souvenir shops yeah it's impressive all right I'll see you guys once we make it to the to the Llama Temple okay so just across the street is the Llama Temple let's walk on over there and see if we can grab ourselves a ticket there is a strong lime for presence here but I'm guessing that's because it's a religious site hello Lama Temple thank you all right so yeah this is the right spot we made it to the right spots and we have made it guys to the Llama Temple right behind me there's actually a lot of people walking on in there so let's Jump On In and explore and who knows it might be a free of entrance because it is a public holiday everything I read said avoid these places during the public holiday days but I think it's probably the best time to come oh no it is definitely full but you know what it's okay we're going to wait in line and we'll make our way inside so yeah definitely a very busy place but it's okay we're doing sseeing today so we got plenty of time I'll sit wait in this line and I'll let you guys know all of the details once we make it on up and to my surprise it actually looks like there's not too many foreigners it looks like there's a lot of Nationals uh a lot of citizens Chinese citizens here okay so yeah there's definitely a ticket booth so you do got to pay for an entrance Security office I see a ticket office up there I'll catch up with you guys once once we get a little closer but man it is actually moving it's moving quite fast like consistently it's not stuck I can see all the people still shuffling through meow one tickets ticket in hand only 25 R&B so about I want to say that's about $4 okay I'm surprised man that long ass line I know that line behind me literally took less than 10 minutes guys it was so fast incredibly quick all right hello man this line okay thank all right I guess this is the Foreigner line right here and we are in man that was easy and yeah no ticket uh required in advance so yeah I just looked on Google on my uh conversion app this was about $3.50 I wasn't too far off wow what an entrance I love the trees I've noticed that the city is incredibly green and yeah there's definitely a lot of um locals here I think it's because it is in fact fre during the public holidays that's why everybody is just showing their IDs to enter and I think that's because of all of the public holidays a lot of the uh tourists probably avoid these areas because literally everything that I was reading online said avoid all of the main attractions during the public holiday I just happen to plan my trip wrong like I always do and I came here during this part time of the of the week I mean of the year but I'm going to make the most out of it I'm still going to going to go and visit all the tourist attractions I'm still doing everything but I did book most of my tickets in advance guys I got most of my stuff on getyourguide.com and I think I got one trip on via tour hopefully I said that right but yeah you can book everything online you do obviously pay a bit more but coming to China for my first time I didn't want to miss out on anything I didn't want to risk going to the Great Wall in a taxi and not being able to get a ticket or any of that stuff you know so I recommend you guys do this same let me know what you guys think of this video so far are you guys excited to be exploring a new country with me and seeing something different don't tell me this thing's under construction bro I saw so many beautiful pictures of this place and right now it looks like the whole facade might be under construction that's crazy all right so this here is the main entrance let's head on in so yeah there's definitely a some Renovations being done you can see all the the Scaffolding in front of the temple but wow yeah what a place let's come have a look at these um I guess you can call it what a shrine a temple Shrine Bells man beautiful I see a lot of people buying like incense man that is impressive guys look at this look at the detail on that thing can you guys see all the Mandarin characters on there the Chinese characters I love exploring new places man so yeah a lot of people are burning these incense right now that's what that's that's the smoke that you're seeing see but they're just like sitting down holding them in their hands you know what I think a lot of these people purchased these prior to entering here because those are just candles to light them oh wait no no no yeah they definitely purchased them prior to coming on in here man beautiful place huh it's always nice visiting like um spiritual places oh so everybody lights them and does like a a prayer prior to entering the temple wow that's beautiful to see and I was reading online that this here is a Tian Buddhist temple and that it is one of the most popular in the city so yeah a lot of construction going on on the facade right now oh wow that is beautiful I just noticed this prayer wheel here and I'm seeing everybody rubbing their hands on it must be uh to bring you many blessings in your life for Good Fortune so we're going to do the same here in a second excuse me is this for good luck yeah yeah for Good Luck Good Luck Good Health everything huh believer believer okay to be a believer awesome thank you your turn my turn thank you and what is on there numbers or say don't know oh you don't know okay okay oh thank you [Music] thank you yeah yeah yeah have a good one such a nice guy but yeah he said I I was trying to ask him like what does it mean he's like I don't know man just follow everybody else go with the feeling my kind of my kind of guy right there man just go with the Vibes you know what I'm saying all right well you know what guys I'm going to hang around here and take a couple pictures and I'll catch up with you guys uh once we make it on out our time at that Temple was incredible guys I had such a good time took a lot of great pictures great videos and now I think I'm a bit hungry that little thing that we ate beforehand definitely was not the move but I have a feeling we can find something else that's super delicious here on these streets before heading our way over to the CCTV Tower which is actually where I want to go after a little meal because everybody told me that you get incredible views of Beijing from up there and it's actually the ninth tallest tower in the world so they got a really cool observation deck and we'll go and check that out here in a minute but yeah definitely recommend that place the Llama Temple it was beautiful now I did notice a couple coffee shops a couple places to sit down and have a meal let's see what we come across but I'm going to look for something for something typical because look you can obviously not have typical things you can have KFC if you want they even have a the coffee right here but yeah I didn't come to China to eat KFC in fact I hate KFC I think it's the worst fast food joint in the world but look right next to the KFC spots they got some Local Foods that's cool what's over here oh they got the peaking duck look right here guys this is actually what we have to try while we're in Beijing the peing duck it's a must all right once I find where we're going to sit down I'll catch up with you guys oh look there's a coasta coffee wow what a beautiful coasta Coffee location oh man this is awesome all right I'm going to wander around you know what let me keep you guys in uh let me keep you guys here with me let's wander around and let's see what we come across what a beautiful little streets huh yeah this is when of those cities you really don't want to do well okay you want to do some research but you kind of just want to wander around and get lost as well damn what a place I have a feeling that's around here we're going to find ourselves some some good food Shing shinku cuisine in the alley man we're going to have to come back here and do like a street food tour okay whatever it was that we ate earlier are extremely popular cuz there're selling more there and here they got like some some proper sit down food Volkswagen bus bar man this is cool but this is definitely a place you want to come by later on in the evening I have a feeling you're a good photographer very very a that's very nice okay very nice I to you you want to send me yeah where is oh no WeChat sorry I don't have WeChat I'm a it's okay you can be my Moto I can be your model huh nice to meet you nice to meet you so I actually wandered down the side street and it's quite funny guys a lot of people have been stopping me and they asked for photos but I always think that they want a photo with me but they don't they just want to take photos of me so they told me to like pose certain directions it's quite funny guys but here in this little side street that I turned on I don't think we're going to have any luck with food there's a lot of food around here but it's all like Burger steaks pasta like Western food which I really don't want right now so I'm going to turn around and I'm going to headit back down the main streets and we'll see what else we can find before heading off to the CCTV Tower so I got some really bad news guys I effed up everything so basically I just received a text message from the guide for our tanaman square and forbidden City Tour and he was asking me where was I that the tour had already started and I was like bro I'm nowhere near there I thought my tour was on the fifth so no it was on the 4th and because of the golden week holiday there are no more tickets it's completely sold out 7 days ago so um right now I think I'm going to go get some food and we're going to change up the plans we're not going to go to the CCTV Tower no more we'll do that later on this week and instead we'll go to the Forbidden City because he told me that the ticket's valid I got it on my phone I just need to go pick up my passport at the hotel then I'll head over to the Forbidden City but he told me to avoid tenement Square because right now the line's about 4 hours long just to enter so we're going to try and avoid that we'll get to the Forbidden City but first let's grab ourselves a bite to eat and yes I am hella salty right now but man I can't yeah I don't even know what to say man I've had so much going on so much planning going on between not only this trip but you know the next four that I'm going on uh within the next month and a half so much planning that I think the dates got a little bit confused in my head but now I really got to go home and check my emails and make sure that my tour for the Great Wall of China is not tomorrow and in fact on Monday because if it's tomorrow then I have to go ahead and adjust on my schedule because I can't miss that one if I miss the gy Wall of China I'll be pissed all right let's go find some food I'm hungry man and right now everything has a line the only thing that doesn't is KFC and I'm not going to KFC I refuse let's get some food all right so I think I'm going to eat here at this spot they got like some breakfast sandwiches with some sort of meat and egg now right now I actually got to open up the alley pay I've noticed that everybody's scanning this uh little barcode here and that's how they're paying so and scan it scan complete then it opens and I think you just put the total amounts here excuse me like that's like this okay on I think I got that guys man it's pretty easy oh yeah so look it's definitely like beef and eggs or pork man that looks insane guys so yeah it's like a a seasoned pork with eggs inside of a sandwich can't wait to get my hands on this here definitely a popular spot too because there's a lot of people walking on by so yeah once we get done with this with the sandwich we'll make our way over to the hotel I won't show you guys all that I'm going to run back there I got to pick up my passport and make our way over to the Forbidden City we got to get there before before we miss on out man that's a pretty decent size sandwich for for nine W which is man what is that yeah like a dollar to be honest with you guys I think that's close to a buck thank you thank you all right well we got our sandwich see if we can find a nice little spot to um to try this bad boy I found a little spot to prop up the camera real quick let's bite on into this sandwich man look at this it looks insane m [Music] m wow okay so it's a really well seasoned piece of pork in there very crispy has about two eggs on there as well and man the bread bread it's like a biscuit so soft fluffy falls apart as soon as you bite into it this year is a Hardy meal I mean Super filling and for 91 you can't go wrong M wow uh-uh holy cow I'm coming back here for that that spot is right next to the to the Llama Temple if you guys are around definitely worth the stop oh man too good I'm going to go ahead and Crush through this and I'll see you guys once I pick up my passport and we're on our way to the Forbidden City can't believe the day just switched up like that on me about an hour has passed by and now I am near the Forbidden City I actually had to get off about 20 minutes walking away because the streets were completely slammed and I was like you know what this looks like a nice area to walk around so right here I'm noticing that there's a lot of luxury brand name stores you got the Omega Dyson the Apple Store here you got the Nike store I also realized like there was a lot of luxury automotive shops here a lot of Rolls-Royce dealerships Ferrari Lamborghini pretty damn cool so right now wow the Apple Store looks incredible too bad I don't need to buy anything that actually might be a mall because I can see a Coach store in there wow that's awesome guys I might have to go check that out later on today here you got the Nike store who I which is like a Chinese electronic company that makes phones and stuff like that man this is cool all right you know what um I'm about another 10 minutes away from the entrance I'll catch up with you guys once we make it there but yeah this area is insane I might have to come back here and U make another video for you guys wow these are made out of Legos man that's pretty damn cool look at this Harry Potter Lego that is sick 20,000 bricks to to make this bad boy that's insane all right well I just wanted to show you guys this area because it's it's impressive man I had no idea that I was going to love China this much and it's only day one definitely has me contemplating going back home and applying for the long the long Visa so I can spend good quality time here in this country next year oh wow look at her outfits beautiful I've noticed a lot of women walking around in like uh traditional Chinese clothing and it's super nice to see and it's not like in Thailand where you see like all the tourists and temples dressed up that way here it's just like yeah Chinese woman pretty interesting right so I have officially made it to the Forbidden City and I believe this is how we're going to be entering right in here I got my passport in hand and he said the guy told me that with my passport I should be able to just come right on in so hopefully there's no long line and I'm really excited because this here is one of the most uh visited UNESCO world heritage sites in the entire world and this is actually where the Emperors lived for over 500 years I believe from the Ming all the way up into the King Dynasty which was in the 1400s wow what a place to be honest it doesn't look like there's a huge line but then again yeah not sure we'll see though a lot of people definitely see why everything I read online says any time of year is great to visit Beijing except the first week of October when does Chris book trip the first week of October all right let's see where we go Palace Museum entrance ticket check this way oh this must be an exit only all right now this whole area is actually surrounded by hotong as well so if you're coming to the Forbidden City definitely plan to spend a bit of time around here I mean just that 30 minute walk took me about an hour because I kept stopping looking inside of the shops talking to people it's a very nice place to spend some good quality time and it's starting to get pretty warm it was super cold this morning but now it's definitely warming up that's why you see a lot of people holding their jackets in hand a lot of people in short sleeves now but yeah guys actually look right alongside the river you can see the hutong that I was talking to you guys about and a lot of women in their traditional uh Chinese outfits too which is really beautiful to see and makes for awesome photos all right well let me find this line and we'll figure out how to get on in so I have made it to the entrance and honestly it doesn't look all that bad I'm about to walk straight through here tianan Square I heard I actually have to go all the way around to enter but I'm going to still try and make it there after this so hopefully I don't care if I got a wait in line I'm here I am going to come back to Beijing I know that for a fact but I'm here I want to see it so let's make our way in here and hopefully everything goes smooth oh thank God I see a lot of people with backpacks I was worried about that online it says no tripods no no big cameras none of that stuff so I was really worried about the backpacks cuz I saw like no luggages were allowed none of that but I think we'll be good oh man look at this guys the Forbidden City all right well you know what let me put the camera down because there's a lot of security and I'll catch up with you guys once we make it inside so my ticket worked man I'm super happy about that so if you guys want to uh book the same ticket but actually make the tour check out the get your guide link down below um because man it's really is a pain in the ass to make all of these reservations for tianan square and the Forbidden City on the national websites it is extremely hard everything's in Chinese no English and yeah if you go on getyourguide.com man you can just purchase it in the native language of your country and they coordinate absolutely everything obviously you pay a little bit more but saves you a lot of time and yeah leave every time I think I want to have kids soon I come to places like this and I'm like no never mind all right look at this wow that is beautiful guys man this place is huge so I was reading online that there's over like 9,000 rooms here and I believe that this Palace sits on 720,000 square m guys it is massive and yeah definitely you can see that when you're here it's super big a lot of people taking pictures now I'm not a historian that's why I booked the tour but I missed the damn tour so I'm reading stuff off of Google and I'm going to share a little bit of this stuff with you guys so it says here that the forbidden city is the Imperial Palace complex in the center of the Imperial City Beijing it was the residents of 24 mink and King Dynasty Emperors and their families that's crazy huh and it was and this was their residence for over 500 years up until the Years or or no from the years 1420 to 1924 the palace is now administered by The Palace Museum and it is one of the most popular UNESCO world heritage sites in the world so yeah you can see why I book the tour I don't even know where to start to be honest let's look at this map Hall of wuang Dian and the Hall of supreme Harmony is down this way yeah to be honest I am not big on the the history here in China I guess this well I mean this is pretty damn important history for the world to be honest with you um but that's why I booked the tour and I recommend you guys come to places like this with the tour however I'm here for a limited number of days so I'm going to walk around here like a lost so now and I pretty much lost my 40 bucks because the ticket to enter this place is only like six bucks online but I paid 40 because I booked it through get your guide and like I mentioned it comes with a guide all of those things that you don't get when you just show up here like this so yeah it's beautiful I'm glad I'm here but I love I'd love some information all right so I'm going to share with you guys a couple like shots and I'll see you guys outside so the courtyard where we first entered was actually on the back side of uh the Palaces behind me now we're in a new Courtyard and I believe this heads off into another Courtyard so yeah guys I've been walking around here pretty much lost met some cool little uh uh girls from Beijing who were like super interested in the United States and asking me about my favorite actors and my favorite mov movies man that's why you guys got to get out and travel because you can't listen to everything the media says no one here hates like any Americans all right I know that's all [ __ ] that the media portrays in the US but here man people are super interested in you people are super welcoming and if you come to China you're going to have a great time it's only day one I look forward to exploring so much more but from right here in the Forbidden City guys this is where I'm going to leave you until next time I hope you guys enjoyed this video please let me know what else you would like to see from China and let me know if you enjoyed it later guys [Music]
2024-10-19 13:20