Lost islands of Indonesia - Labengki & Sombori islands

Lost islands of Indonesia - Labengki & Sombori islands

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far away from popular Bali are the Lost Islands  of Indonesia with Paradise beaches hidden caves   and huge Cliffs this secret set of islands rival  Thailand and the Philippines but remain largely   Untouched by tourism over the next couple of days  we will show you what it's really like in remote   Indonesia right now we are in Kendari which is  like a small little city in the southeast of   Sulawesi and The Adventure Starts Today doesn't  it yeah we put this experience on get your guide   and a driver should be here any minute to pick  us up yeah okay so first up we have a 40-minute   journey to get to the port and then from there  we'll be heading to these hidden Islands I have   just seen the sea ahead so hopefully that means we  are coming up to the port this is not a big busy   Port like you find in Bali we're just going down  this little like dirt track with big puddles in   the floor this is a bumpy this is a really bumpy  road here we go so I think this is our boat for   the next few days which going to be be touring  these islands oh look at this we've got loads   of room oh this is cool private boat this is so  cool oh bit wobbly this experience is actually   a private tour so we've got this whole boat and  these whole few days just to ourselves obviously   we might see some tourists along the way but I  don't think it's going to be that busy compared   to you know the other islands in Indonesia which  are a lot more touristy we are really remote right now whenever we visited non-touristy  Islands the boat is always super loud   that's just how it is but it's all part  of the experience we have a 2 hour journey   to get to Leni Island which is our first  island we're going to be visiting here we go so I think we can see the islands  we're heading to First it looks like   some mountainous Island it looks  incredible it looks like Hawaii   yeah look at it like right now it is  covered in the clouds but it looks pretty special so I think this journey is  definitely going to be longer than 2   hours because we are still so far away  from leeni Island but we have a little   bit of a problem because there is some  big gray clouds ahead of us where we are   heading so hopefully we don't get stuck  in a storm cuz that would not be ideal feel like I've still got ringing in my ears  from how loud that boat is but I think we've   just arrived somewhere I'm not sure what  we're doing it looks like a local Little   Village yeah I think a local Town see Hello  nice to meet you yeah yeah Joel perfect so   this is Labengki Island La small uh Lai yeah so  we have just checked in to our little home stay   where we're going to be staying for the next two  nights here on these Lost Islands of Labengki and   Sombori so this is our little Homestead we've  got a little mattress on the floor which is   actually pretty big and it's Chelsea which is  actually my team my football team so that's   pretty nice it's almost they knew I was coming  close our door to our room and let's start the   adventure so this afternoon we're going to be  exploring the island of Leni which is the Big   Island over there which was covered in rain  but luckily it is not raining now so this is   the village we're staying in our guest house is  just that one that's where our room is and this   whole village is actually a Bajau village  so all the people here are Bajau and if you   don't know that's like the sea Gypsy tribe who  are like can hold their breath really well and   they like fish and stuff so that's pretty  cool that we're staying amongst um these people one two you're going to my cave  oh so we go inside there that little hole oh well done a graceful than you yeah I just  scratched in the water it's like we're going into   like a little mermaid pool or something isn't it  yeah it's like the H2O moon pool okay let's go   through this cave then you can kind of see loads  of water washing out cuz apparently you can only   come into this cave when it's low tide because  otherwise it's covered in water wow we really   going to have to crouch down here it goes so low  yeah you definitely want to mind your head look wao your head you okay yeah good it's so  peaceful in here as well isn't it yeah   it's gone really quiet well you can start  to see the opening over there oh wow this   is our guide yayat he's showing us this  little secret Lagoon he's going to be   taking us around for the next couple  of days but obviously we can't stay   too long because we don't want to get  trapped When the tide goes up oh wow no way this is incredible how is this  even real right I think it's time   we go in it's a little bit Sandy here  but back there was really sharp on the   feet but oh here she goes oh into the  lake let's see if we can see anything it's so cool cuz this is just the first stop  of the many spots we're going to be visiting   over the next couple of days I don't know  about you but coming through that little   cave it's probably one of the coolest spots  I've been to just because it's so secretive   anyway we're going to have to head back through  the cave now and go onto our next spot it's hard   walking in flip-flops through water I feel like  my feet get suck down it was short but it was   very nice wasn't it love you bye back through  the cave we go and luckily the water's not got   any deeper so we're all right right now it's  hard to believe that all this goes underwater sometimes so we've just come into this like  Lagoon little area and it's like super flat   around here and I think we're going on to a  little pier or something also reminds me of   cck in Thailand like the amount of Green Jungle  everywhere it's so remote and like raw I love it   yeah same I kind of feel like we're going to  see some monkeys that kind of appear in the trees there we go all right let's go to the  view we've got to climb up because it is so   low the water this is the cool thing  about Indonesia because there are so   many islands there is just so much  to explore and there's just hardly   many tourists off like you know the main  islands barley Java and all that W this is   pretty pretty cool this reminds me when  I was in China walking along that plank walk just a little bit safer but you don't  have a harness on at this point oh wow that's   so beautiful look at that so peaceful at all  these spots I I can't even explain I think   it's all the trees like muffles and like makes  everything really peaceful yeah you can't even   hear the waves at all so this Lagoon is actually  like 50 % fresh water and 50% Sal water so when   it rains which it has been doing like earlier  and last couple of days apparently it fills   up more with fresh water and so that's why  it's looking like this Milky color but when   we tried to go in it was pretty cold so we're  probably going to swim in the sea probably a   little bit warmer oh I didn't even look back  when we came here look at this it looks so beautiful he's going to show us how  to get the boat because it's about 2   m down it looks really scary because you  can't can't see anything it just drops   off but you can literally just  walk down here okay easy stuff y it's a little bit um sketchy it's all right  there you go oh thank you yeah like a pro [Music] we have just arrived at the beach this is our  first lanki Beach and it literally looks perfect   like the palm trees look planted they're so lined  up it doesn't even look real does it wow look at   this land Hoy this looks like the type of beach  when you look up Tropical Paradise Beach this is   what comes up it is so in the Indonesian name is  Long Sandy Beach and it's exactly that this could   be the mold mes as we always say but it could  be no it couldn't be the males cuz there's rocks   everywhere there nothing like the males we've done  a great job of actually avoiding most of the rain   we've literally had a little bit and it looked so  stormy earlier so good on us bit of luck on our side look at this beach around me it's so  beautiful and the sand is like super white   I also keep seeing these super unique shell  I've never seen ones like these before but   I'm guessing that this is actually a dried  up piece of coral apparently they've had a   lot of coral bleaching here which is very sad  because it's such a beautiful untouched place   but still global warming it's happening oh  I have just seen something very exciting I   have seen our guide approaching with  two coconuts I'm really hoping those   for us otherwise he's he's been greeding he  having two to himself but yeah love coconuts thank you very much you just cut them  down yes from my friend from the tree uh   my friend's climbing you CL just now yeah  wow as fresh as possible thank you thank you it's good good coconut and next Sali got  our coconuts cheers you don't need straws you   just just need a coconut no plastic was here  oh God this camera and the coconut are really   heavy so another boat has just arrived but  apparently that's quite unusual cuz he says   like normally there's you get like tourists but  maybe every few days you never really have many   at the same time like if this was barley  this would be absolutely packed we were   just enjoying a beautiful little afternoon  in on the beach and now it sted to rain so   we're going to head back go back to our  guest house and get ready for our big day tomorrow the boat Journey Back was actually  pretty crazy I can't believe how quickly it   changed cuz most of the day it's been really  calm Waters we've now showered had dinner   and we're going to get ready for bed because  tomorrow we have a big day ahead of us where   we're going to be going to many different  spots but in another set of islands to sori   islands and these islands are supposed to  be like the best ones we're going to turn   the lights off and we're going to go to bed  but we will see you bright and early tomorrow morning good morning from Lai Island well the  small laveni island this is the village that   we are staying in full of about a 100 families  and we're just going to head across the island   today which is about a 5 minute walk and show  you one of the beaches here look at this even   in a super un touristy area they still have the  big lanki island like they do in Hollywood or   where else do they have these signs pretty much  everywhere in Asia it's like the Hollywood Hills   but every Asian kind of hotspot not Hotpot  but tourist attraction has signs like this   so you can get a good old photo oh yeah you got  to you got to get the sign photo perfect lovely   thank you we've just seen this Lighthouse over  on that hill and it'd be kind of cool to go up   it I'm not sure if we can yeah let's try and  head up here then we've just arrived at the   beach across the other side of the island look  at this it's a bit choppy this morning yeah hope   it's not like that on the boat right there's  a staircase let's go up and see what we can see here we are oh I'm not sure if we can get  in there it looks a little bit batter it looks   a little bit derel H should we have a look inside  big old Lighthouse see if we can have a look in   so as you can see those stairs kind of stop  and are pretty much broken so I think that's   a no going in there really it does kind of look  like they blocked it off and then someone like   smashed through it so probably shouldn't go  in there let's have a little sit down and I   want to have a little chat with you guys about  something these islands are so remote and un   touristy and you might be wondering how on  Earth did we find these islands and that's   where get your guide come in who are actually  the partners of today's video we were looking   for an adventure to do in Indonesia and that's  when we were looking on the getyou Guide website   and we found this 3-day experience and as soon  as we saw the photos we knew we had to come and   do this trip now the booking experience with get  your guide is super easy and you can either use   your phone and use the app or you can use their  website and the best thing is you actually get to   cancel up to 24 hours before the trip begins  so if you have a change of plans that's all   right and for spontaneous Travelers like Amilia  and myself that is perfect and you can also get   24/7 customer support now if you don't know who  get your guide is let me explain who they are   they are an online travel experience platform  with more than 110,000 curated things to do in   over 150 countries to exclusive attractions to  off the beaten path gems just like this one if   you've followed us at all in the past few years  you know how many crazy experiences we've had with   gety guide from climbing a volcano in Indonesia  going on a cruise boat in Vietnam and camping on   a remote island in Panama if you would like to  support our Channel then using the link in the   description whether you booking this exact tour  or doing any Tour on getto guide it helps us to   keep on traveling to these incredible places and  visiting more beautiful islands go on the website   and have a look at all the cool stuff you can do  and have some fun after that little chat it's time   we go back to our place and probably have some  [Music] breakfast right guys it is now time to   get on our boat and head to the islands of sori  which is about an hour away I think and these   islands are supposed to be even more beautiful  it is cloudy right now but hopefully we get some   sun a little bit later you excited for today  yeah I'm hoping it's not too choppy like last [Music] night we have just reached the somori islands  so this is another set of islands I think in the   central part of sui so it's a whole different  like Regency but this apparently is one of the   most famous most popular spots in the area oh  look at this climb we have to do yeah it's a   bit steep watch out the path has kind of broken  a little bit probably from the sea but give it a   good go so the journey here took probably about  an hour and a half and it is pretty choppy today   like it was yesterday evening so I'm hoping  on the way back it's not going to be as bad   because again we kind of got to go against  the waves I think we're nearly at the top   this walk is literally like a couple of minutes  straight up wow this looks incredible the sun's   not even out and it still looks so blue oh wow  look this literally looks like the Philippines   yeah or the classic rajer anat yeah the rer  anat I think I've seen online this is called   like mini rer anat is it yeah yeah I've seen  like a thing people call it Mini rajer [Music]   we've only been up here 5 minutes I managed to  just fly the Drone because it's beautiful but   as you can tell the rain started to come in so  unfortunately we're going to have to go back I   think we're going to a spot over there which is a  little bit more protected let's try and get back   to the boat before it starts pouring with rain be  careful it's a little bit slippery here as well yeah the sun has come out just in time for us  to go inside of a cave here we are go Berlin   save our nature telum cell I don't have a Telcom  cell Sim so we don't actually have much data here   well we don't have any data here so get Telcom  cell if you want data when you come to Le Binky   and some bori little tip for you oh wow look  at this this is cool any bats in here or any   animals no anyal oh bat yeah yeah b b in here  any spiders Amia like spiders no I don't I hate spiders I almost feel like I can see faces  in like the ston you know what I mean like   the stalagmites has like little eyes and mouths  do you know what I mean oh oh yeah maybe so all   in the ground on this cave they've got all these  shells so I'm guessing the water level used to   be like maybe 10 20 M deeper and that's that's  why all these shells have just deposited here   but it kind of just looks like a shell graveyard  with just all these things on the ground almost   like just Skull and Bones everywhere it is  amazing we're visiting all these spots and   we're like the only ones here like I think we've  seen one over boat yesterday when they were on   the beach but apart from that there's been no  one here back down we go I think we're going   to be heading to another spot and probably having  lunch cuz I'm pretty hungry now we've had a busy morning we have just arrived at the next  spot and I actually can't believe this I   didn't even know we were coming here um  and luckily because it is low tide that's   the reason we can come here but look at this  we have this beautiful sandar in the middle   of this like lagoon area with like massive  Cliffs everywhere that look like Thailand   I've never seen anything like this like a  sandbank in the middle of these rocks and   I haven't seen any photos online of this  no but I think we have been super lucky   even though the weather's not been on our side  The Tide Is and so we can see this beautiful [Music] [ __ ] mil is just like I don't know what  are you doing on the floor there I could   lie here forever it's so peaceful just taking  it in right yeah just leave me here this is my   new home this is so cool so at this end of  the beach there are like loads of starfish   hundreds but they're all trying to like move  back into the sea to like stay with the ti   so they don't get washed up on the beach and  you can see them moving I don't know about you   but I've never seen a starfish like move itself  before but it's quite cool to watch and then also   they keep leaving like starish shaped holes and  so you just have these little marks of where the   starfish were it's cool so we have just got our  lunch we have some fish which is probably caught   around here with some vegetables I think it's  like potato and then some Rices well but it's   pretty good and to be in this remote location and  have some good food not bad if you ask me this is   our view for lunchtime pretty good what did you  just do though I just fell on a rock on my foot really so Amelia definitely wasn't overreacting  this is her foot we have cleaned it we've put some   iodine in it how are you feeling it stings a bit  feels a bit bruised up maybe a little swollen but   we're all good enjoying my fish and rice oopsie  so our guide has just informed us that we're not   going to be able to go to the next spot which  is actually a cave I think which you can swim   in um because it is so choppy and like the waves  quite big um yeah we're not going to be able to   go it's not going to be safe unfortunately this  is our last stop on this boat trip but what a   way to end it I think this has to be one of  my favorite spots on the trip obviously the   ret andap Viewpoint we went to yesterday and  the beach we ended the day with yesterday was   beautiful but I mean this spot I've just  never seen it online or anything like a   random Sandbar in these beautiful mountains it  feels so unique like if this was in Thailand or   the Philippines it would be so so packed so  packed even in barley obviously it would be   so packed but here it is empty anyway guys  unfortunately that is the end of the video   and again if you do want to do this beautiful  tour then you can and I'll leave a link to the   get your guide um link down in the description  thank you so much for watching And subscribe for   more Indonesian videos where we're going to  be exploring this beautiful country see you

2024-09-10 19:46

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