ch think or had been anything [Music] one out of two look where you're going have y anything anything what pi hi for [Music] Pati don't see [Music] your time like I [Music] I fin went cheese was left remember cheese [Music] [Music] oh God Charlotte Charlotte what is this ready they have be here like a 12 are [Music] from Mexico one the best Mexican season in the world you want to try all [Music] we are the corner the [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I bet people take up Lo toward thein brece the wobble nice as you breathe in if the arms to the ear meet a chest find your standing balance from here I'm SL on top the side start to bend into your left leg as you might stay here what's her name again [Music] all say what your la yeah oh there you go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] was talk to see that what you give her got brother [Music] veryable what say it's ination just behind there so with a dog or without a dog there a whole gorgeous Garland of sunflowers which we must go to Anam yes we must no it's very sweet it's just by the illustration St over there so it's got like an arch of sunflowers Here Comes Jack Jack and our telling us exactly what we should do Jack are we ready to go oh my goodness go okay brilliant so everybody this if you'd all like to gather around and we're going to ask you to Applause as much as possible when we say it because the dogs really do pick up on the energy of a crowd they love it this event is our very first event and it's called cutest pup so we're going to ask all the pups to parade in a circle around the circumference of this Arena off you go and as they do that come we have a round of applause everybody here they go Anna we have up front a lovely mini daxi strutting her stuff very proudly followed by a cavali mix doing very well I love this Anna knows every cavali lovely little white chihuahua doing a little Gallup very eager to get keep the Applause going please everybody really in with a long Co Dai there's a Cav tiny little white Pomeranian and another long V Dai where all smooth coat a lovely little I think it's a taboo puppy but I do get confused Anna let me guess this one is that AA uu maybe Mitch pom SK it's a pom a py is aan Crossfire with a husky there's a box red labrador easy to see by oh my gosh a box red labrador is so good can I just say Anna wants to go on Mastermind to identify Bree and she would win she can identify a breed you only got the Pomsky wrong well it's not really a breed joke we're going to get technical today but let's not it's design a crossbreed okay so each of these dogs we're going to ask two questions when they they come up and then ask them to keep walking if you can keep walking as we bring you out of the ring first of all let's bring the little Jack rat cross if you'd like to come forward I've already forgotten the Jack r on now stand between Anna and myself fantastic give us the name of your dog Bella Bella how old 11 months and can Bella do any tricks whatsoever um no she's still learning them that's all right we're all still learning and I love Bella's little sweater where's Bella's sweater from and M to me is it a and M looks like it Anna your thoughts on Bella very quickly I think Bella's lovely I love her lovely black and white marking she's perfectly marked she a lovely shiny coat she's shown she's very inquisitive and not showing any signs of being nervous she might even take part in the circus who knows big applaud for Bella thank you so next up can we have the pom sky little pom ski I had never met a Pomsky before you'd like to stand between Anna and myself no this Pomsky smile oh how is your B 10 10 years 10 years old everybody and and has a David Bowie eye so one eye is blue and the other is brown yeah tell us a little bit about um your psky the name his name is Buddy um yeah he's got one of his mom's eyes and one of his dad's eyes oh I love that and can he do any treats um he eats treats really well eats treats really well thank you big round Applause I forgot who his name fdy fdy big round of applause for FY oh can we ask the Frenchie to step forward we have the Frenchie this is our first Frenchie today you oh healthy Frenchie what a healthy Frenchie beautiful would you like to stand between Anna and our face the crowd he is brindle he's a blue brindle and brindle was the original for bull Bree so the very first staffy was a brindle very first British Bulldog was a brindle and he's a brindle Blue Cross I have to say having owned a flat-nosed dog he's a very healthy flat-nosed dog he's got a nice long snout did you get him from a breeder I did and were you looking for a friendship time you specifically want of a friendship why and he's gorgeous and his name tan tan big round of applause for please can we have the cavalier mix here's a Cavalier gosh I'm so sorry I a friended you he a Cavalier see I don't know I'm not as good as Anna um Anna the Cavalier yes well this is the tricolor how old what's his name yeah that's a great name this is his first dog show so he is long from Cavalier and he is very big actually for Cavalier he's quite a big Cavalier and that means I is really healthy because again his head isn't too squashed it's nice and long and every breed you will know has its fallibilities so he's got a lovely long head and really beautiful eyes beautifully well-placed eyes no he's gorgeous I love his coloring I've got to say no he's lovely what's his favorite food uh probably chicken what is that chicken mine's the the where's a chicken AB where's chicken I love his Waggy tail big of Applause is bear bear big round of applause for bear please thank you can we have the king B yes the Blen Cavalier blenin Cavalier Al so spot on hello everybody have comparison to a Troy color yes would you like to stand between Anna and I so Anna tell us about this breed well Cavalier is a very old dog um it was really developed by Charles II way back way back and they're fantastic and they come in four different colors don't is kind of classic Nam Dr Blen in Talis so talis's name Kiko Kiko and Kiko is beautiful how old he years old and he's very now this is what we say about the attention with the dog and the owner so always checking he's Cho's checking you all the time did you train him or did you have cyr tried to train him he's done okay he's a good boy he treat I think he's gorgeous and he's really calm as well he absolutely Lenin King Charles thank you so much big round of applause for Kiko oh please can we have the Chihuahua can we have the Chihuahua to step forward please look at this little chaha in the t-sh J I love your jungar I love your daylow lead if you'd like to stand between Anna and face that way Anna tell the crowd about the Chihuahua a Mexican breed well yes a Mexican breed although there is some some thought that they may have actually come from Italy a very long time ago because Leonardo D Vinci painted a very Chihuahua looking dog in the Last Supper so that's an interesting thing to consider did you know that you will find him you hang around these fascinating they the smallest of dogs and how old is is this one oh and he's doing a poo and he's doing a poo on the lead to my microphone Lely firm School Anna loves a firm stool I love a firm stool so she's very impress and in these moments this is when you need a firm I also love a pink poo bag I mean that is so stylish so stylish listen this is what happens to everybody I don't know about you my dog I live on the High Street always decides to do a poo on the High Street on the way to the park so yeah always the busiest place so Anna you would say the smaller the dog the longer the life there is yes absolutely that's very true but also people think you know small dogs sometimes are a little bit you know NY py they you know we want a big dog to be butch but you mustn't underestimate smaller the dog bigger the personality I've forgotten your dog's name teacher teacher teacher big round of applause for Teacher especially for defecating on command which was fantastic well done oh it's going do a PO High po High Five Little Monkey right can we have oh my gosh the black dog Anna what breed I'd like to say he's a poodle but I'm probably wrong he is probably doodle he's a doodle let's if you'd like to come and stand between Anna and myself so who do we have here uh by me a mini poodle a miniature poodle so he a poodle this is the dog that Winston chur had Al is that yes indeed yes he he did have miniature and they were all called roffers so he had three miniature poodles people think Churchill have Bulldogs but he didn't he it's always a good idea to name each of your dogs by the same name so when they pass on sadly you still call out the same name do that um just tell us uh us half months old very bouncy very very over exited at all times and but this is a perfect event to bring Val because this is exactly what you should do with the baly dog B oh absolutely I mean all dogs you know even shy dogs it's perfect to you know bring the dog out you know anxiety fa you know by social L of different people and children people short people you know this is what it's all about big dogs small dogs but what made you go to poodle because this is quite unusual uh friendly very friendly very friendly and Anna always says the most intelligent um so you got very truly hypoallergenic and hypoallergenic a lot of people get a doodle roodle doodle thinking they're going to be hyperallergenic and they're not but this is truly hyperallergenic big round of applause for bunny please bunny can we have the proman you bring PR at thank you bunny thank you keep everybody it's really good for the dogs hello so tell us who we've got here this is bkey bkey like monkey like monkey but bony with a be I love bony how old is bony bkey is 6 years old I I Adore pomerans um only because I think they've got such great character and sometimes people click them so they look like little teddy bears but you've chosen not to do that no cuz I I just look like a little walking C and Anna they've got a double coat am I right yes they've got a very very you know spits like coat because they are part of the Spitz family so they're related to the liks of the and the Husky and the Pomeranian is from Pomerania Germany I think originally and um it's the smallest of the Spitz familyes thank you very much for bringing B up thank you can we have the red lab can we have the red lab please thank you beautiful dog look at this dog everybody absolutely St hello two if you'd like to stand between Anna and I this dog is very interested in the circus oh if you've just arrive the circus is going to K9 circus is going to take place at midday everybody so all of these apparatus will be used right who have we got here Winnie Winnie Winnie is absolutely beautiful Anna tell us about this breed well this is a working type labador um with all of the gun dog breeds you have um the show type and the working type and the fox red coloring gives this one away as being definitely a working type lab because the fox red overcomes in the working variety I think we're having to decide now who's going to be first second and third this is always the most txting part of being a judge because for us Joe is that everyone's a winner that's so important to remember and look at this tiny weie toy can you bring the toy po over as well thank you can we say thank you Tok you we're taking so long and Jack who's the runner saying girls move on must tell us very about first second and third prize thisy name is T and we shirt today for taco party every day taco party every day I love that let's party every day so miniature miniature toy did you say teacup toy teacup poodle and um Anna so this teacup poodle is this a rare breed of poodle well I think it is still a toy poodle but maybe a small toy poodle and are you London dwellers so the perfect City dog absolutely gorgeous and I forgot the name again I had my T Taco big round of applause for tant years old beautiful so Joe we need to be making a decision we need to in a moment we've got three more minutes would you like to bring your dog forward Anna tell us about this bre well I do believe this is cocky but I'm not an expert on design cross she's a cocko tell everyone how old she is four she be five and her name Molly is gorgeous can she do anything she can catch a treat would we all like to see her catch a treat everybody yes okay ready watching second time yes big round Applause thank you right seen everybody we if we haven't spoken to you please come forward I there's an there we Anna long hair ja another lovely who we got here this is pooie pooi how old he's four and a half months 4 and a half months and cany do tricks he's quite na I love that how does that manifest um well he likes to run off his slippers shoes socks and play around with him so yeah he's quite quite a character he's quite calm though isn't he he look he's doing a lovely s he is doing a lovely thing he's looking a little bit like oh gosh why are we being spoken to with two women with microphones until he knew that look but it's good for him to work through this slight stress and then he'll fantastic thank you very much thank you for bringing him today this is going to be very very difficult to judge very very difficult very difficult and we got this one behind met we met this is Rock rocket rocky rocky rocky rubella ret a rubet rert rocky rert rocky rert and he's a ruby Anna I'm just going to ask some of the crowd their favorite dogs I know this is really difficult because Anna and I have to find first second and third no nepotism here if you're related to any of these family you can't vote but can I just ask if you were going to choose your favorite out of our collection of cute pups which one would it be is it 4 and a half months old with thean um no it the ja the longair Jackson who would you choose bony you would choose bony is that do you know buy no how about you young man uh there's nothing like making a on demand so my go chihuaha CH Chihuahua oh the Chihuahua yes one more can I just ask yes this is the girl if you were going to choose your favorite you'll have to shout cuz my like the King Charles spel with the tuxedo oh the King Charles Spaniel with a tuxedo which one oh yes oh yes so cute do you have a no need to get your parents get I love you um right Anna yes we now have to make the decision so can everybody take one final round whilst Anna and I confer without saying anything on the microphone third [Laughter] second okay everybody right we don't remember the names unfortunately can we just say that every dog here I mean there's no dog better than another but because it is a dog show we have to do a first second third third Anna would you like to announce a third and when we when we announce it you could step forward and we will give you your prize okay so in third place as Joe just said everybody's a winner this is the most grueling aspect of judging but it is chi the Chihuahua big round of applause please big round of applause and the rosette for ches well done and can we just tell you what's in the bags as well I know so that everybody knows they've got a licky mat wonderful wonderful lick mat and be treats and are one of his really really and a lovely y Yap to yap yap who have staged the whole event so thank you so much well done in second some place this is I feel great um about this cuz we would literally give everyone a rosette but it is the lovely long-haired daxi here with the garland of flowers on um we love or she sorry she and her M Lily Lily absolutely gorgeous so Lily you come second place with your rosette hope I yes there we are well done Lily and your BK you and now big drum roll if we had a drum roll you can take photographs everybody of the winner of the cutest par Anna the winner is okay so obviously this is a very very hard decision but the winner is Winnie the redor beautiful oh look and a favorite with the cloud I think as well would you like to just kind and face the crowd we love winie winie is absolutely beautiful and this is win's first rosette it be here we go look that's you oh yes Winnie um can you just tell us a little bit about why you love her um well I got her for my birthday this year and I I just love her a lot I love you saying that thank you enjoy when's ripping up her rosette she's so excited that rosette hasn't last in two seconds there we go that was a nice here's your bag some nice shoes thank you very much enjoy the rest of the show we'll be back in a moment don't forget we've got Hine circus taking place lots and lots of events and guys everyone's a winner every dog's a winner and then do you remember that at 1 p.m. we've got most talented pup so that's when Joe and I will be judging your best tricks come on no no we don't beat we don't beat come on yeah people coming in I mean the do thank you on even if it's just a r sometimes dog to PO to PO no way no no wow just say and the you know like I [Music] and I think all that [Music] are [Music] beautiful that yeah we we managed to do Escape [Music] [Music] my oh look spee she she's fine get M ni [Music] [Music] we go to the f I wanted to dress her up in we also chicken got I foreign yes I don't know I think think [Music] not bye bye bye bye anything to are most I want SK I are about this but we also chicken [Music] [Music] she I speee guys serve a kind donation you [Music] anything should small than uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't
2024-06-17 12:58