LOFOTEN IS CRAZY BEAUTIFUL! | #11 4x4 Sprinter Van Trip Panamericana & the World

LOFOTEN IS CRAZY BEAUTIFUL! | #11 4x4 Sprinter Van Trip Panamericana & the World

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In this episode, elena, has a surgery. And we go too. And we go to. And we go to norway, for some very scenic stretches. We are elena and vincent. We have converted, a 4x4, sprinter van to be our home on wheels, and embarked on a trip around the world. From patagonia, to canada. Over to eastern siberia. And back to europe via mongolia. Kyrgyzstan. And so much more. At least that's the plan. And this is our diary, pursuing the plan, with our experiences. And observations. From where we are. We have been on the road for a few weeks when corona hit south america. In the last episode. We leave chilean patagonia, and our car with teary eyes, and fly back to germany, as selena, has a surgery to do. I don't want to be knocked out i'm not going to know what's going on first time what if we need to say hey, it's a bit more to the right. Hey doc, stop the surgery. Anyways, it's fine and i'm happy that the doctor said that this is actually the best moment to get a surgery done here in germany because there's no cases of corona, thank goodness. So far right now. And no people are coming to the hospital. For no reason, because they're afraid of getting corona, so it's completely. Empty, and. And they are super able to do the surgery, and so that's good. So let's get this hernia fix. And the doctor said that it's normal, to cry after, the problem. I'm happy, and i'm only crying because i'm happy. Look, and show my parents. But i thought i heard it was here, yeah it is. I'm feeling much better. Now. Three weeks later we're north of the arctic circle, and the steep granite walls of lofoten, islands, rise out of the dark clouds in front of. Us. From the ferry we head straight into the rugged mountains. Set up camp, and spend a lazy day reading, and soaking in the arctic, environment. We feel at. Peace. We feel the need to spend time outside. Close to nature. Without, a schedule. Without a goal or a challenge. Listening, to elena's body and its sealing process. And to just be. We hope to see aurora, borealis. So we set alarms for every hour of the night, but we never get them. At 2 30. Lina wakes me up and says she has a feeling, that there is northern lights right now. So i open the zipper. And there they. Are. I. Am. Cool. Next morning, it's cold. Rainy, and windy. And the soil is muddy and slippery. But our spirits, are high. Unleash your inner magmat. Crimp it pinch it. Oh yes. Oh. Yes. And what came up, has to come. Down. To the. Mud. Slowly. Please don't fall, we are stuck, we're lost it's really hard. We went down, here like. It's so steep and then we got stuck somewhere there because, there is no way to go just too slippery in the wedding i was almost crying. But then we saw auricus. Look how beautiful, they are, they look like the orchestras, though. Don't they can't beef. No it is big ones it is orcas, it. Is. Yeah. We're seeing orcas for the first time. Three orcas. Yeah, did you see the white did you see the white in the front yeah they're oh there's so. Many. Oh that's so cool. They breathed so much. Okay bye. Bye orcas. Norwegian, weather service issues a storm warning for the night, and yep, we do feel it coming. There is a mini ferry leaving from here to the nearest town, and to give us and delena's, hernia some rest, we rent an old fisherman's, side to weather this storm. And after having spent a very very, cozy, little night with storm outside in one of the classic, horobu. Uh. No one knows what these are but they are cute wooden houses, built on the sea, old fisherman, houses yes. Um, we're now going back on the hike which means back on the ferry, back out into the mountains, because as you can see it's very sunny. We have to use. That. So this pass is for tomorrow, because today. We're going to the. Beach. It's only been two weeks after my surgery, so we're really taking it slow and i'm listening to my body. And if we feel like staying and i believe like this one one day we can and then tomorrow. We start hiking in the afternoon and we see where we reach we have no, pressure.

No. Goal, we don't need to plan and reach. Go and finish a specific, hike, in the end is only the time, that we're spending that is worth. It. There is something special about selecting, a camp spot and setting up the tent. It's like building a home, the shelter for the night. The place to rest, and recover. And ideally enjoy some beautiful views from bed. I've had some. Very, pragmatic, camps, and some extraordinarily. Beautiful ones. This one right here, is right up. There. So the sun is setting right there behind the mountain, into the ocean. We might be able to see it from here, i'm not sure though. But it would be beautiful if we can so. Let's wait and see what nature, does. I hear from the comfort, and warmth of. Home. The sun is coming. Around. So how's the situation, in here. It's still very warm this sun. Yeah it is. And it's really peaceful here because there's no one. No one it's only you, nature, birds. Next morning. Still a bit windy. That was a loud night eh. Did you manage to sleep. Okay, that's good. Yeah we didn't see this coming. There was a proper storm. All through the. Night. Oh it's more comfy inside. It's actually much more windy outside than you think you're inside. Oh. Valley. The girl is trying to evade. This. [ __ ] i'm stuck. [ __ ]. [ __ ]. When i was five years old i wrote this poem. Called, the echo, and the mirror. And it goes like this, the echo, is like a mirror, but it's not a mirror of the body. It's a mirror of the voice. Almost, there, it was a long day, long day yeah. Eight hours and a half. But now we find a nice spot down there, it looks like we have plenty, of options it looks very perfectly, grassy. And again it looks like we have the entire. [ __ ] for. Ourselves. So we've just hiked to the other part of the beach. Uh which is the more populated, one because it's easier to access from the road, but still to me it's um. It has very special memories, when i was hitchhiking, seven years ago. Um i was taken by a family. And. They invited me to stay with super rainy they invited me to stay in their house for for a week, so i got to know them really well and then they told me that a couple years earlier they had spent. The winter. In the beach here on luforten. That has no road access. And they built a little house, only from uh, from things that they found, on the beach. And lived an entire winter in this, and now that we just came past here. I realized, that this house. Actually, still exists. I mean isn't it cute. Only, only build of materials, that they found. On the beach here. Let me show you inside. Isn't this crazy. And it's now open and public for everyone that wants to come here it's this little hobbit house. And it's just. It's just super cute you know like a window, from a, uh. Washing machine. Uh. Class, and. And everyone. Everyone is just extremely, happy. About this thing, so what they did is um. They filmed this thing, uh the process, of building this and the one year, or the winter that they lived here connecting, with the outdoors, and, doing something good. It all started as a crazy idea. To spend the winter, in a deserted, bay. Far north, of the arctic, circle. The sea washes a short driftwood. And trash. Of which we use to build a house. The sun doesn't shine this far north anymore. Heavy waves. Sea spray. And the sea blends with the sky, dreams. Struggle, darkness. Cold, even taking a piss can be a challenge um, watch that movie if you if you can it's really it's really worth it. And we. Are gonna hike up there now. Oh. Let's do that. We made. It. This year was our camp for last night eh. Feels. Like. As breathtaking, as this view is we can't stop thinking that if it wasn't for corona, and we continued, our trip as planned, but this time we would be in pantanal.

The World's largest wetland. With an incredible, biodiversity. And one of the biggest jaguar, sanctuaries. Pantanal, has been burning since july, when illegal fire clearing got out of hand. Already more than 3 million hectares have been destroyed, which is almost 10, of germany. Just like in the amazon, the neo-fascist, president not only neglects, climate change, he actually encourages, farmers to take the land by whatever means, to transform, it into farmland, for the international, soy and cattle trade. If you want to know more about this and how you can help we're leaving links in the. Description. So our tent is up. Heating, time. Okay. But look what you're. Missing. Um. One minute we made it to, henning's. There. We made it to hennings henningsville. The climber's kettlebell. It's great, it's great. Tomorrow, we'll take the, gluten, tomorrow. Which is a boat. To the south, to the south. Goodbye. The best thing to do. Post beer. You do realize that you're only two and a half weeks out of surgery, right. You can't. Such a good feeling to be back here and. Be in this place with you last time was four years ago on a climbing, road trip with uh magnus midfielder and alexander. Looking at these mountains here next to henningsville. I still see magnus climbing there to the left of preston, and then store pilar, which is now in the. Clouds. That was a good time, it was a good trip. It's super good to be here with you now and. To experience that with you, together. So we made it to the harbour. Of. Something. City. And here, we are waiting for the boat as you know already the water is going to take us. Um. And here. We can see something very interesting, oh no i can't turn the camera. Wait. So this guy can't walk properly, until today because one of his ankles, is broken. The reason. That stone, there. These. These two. These two little ones here tuck and pack. He took a great picture, of these two stones, which we are going to put here. And after he took this picture, he was very inspired, wasn't he, and he decided to try the jump himself. What's the result, perfectly stick to landing, except for i had a slight wobble in my left ankle. Which completely destroyed, all ligaments, in there, until today's video. Crack crack. Wait is there a music. Is the ship saying it sounded. Good. Thank you thank you. Well that's an entrance. We're taking this ship back to mainland, where we take the train back home. Lofoten. We'll be. Back. No. Way.

2020-09-30 09:01

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