Live Chat from SEVILLE, SPAIN!

Live Chat from SEVILLE, SPAIN!

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hi everyone a travel addict a guy here welcome  to another live chat and today i am in sevilla   or seville in english guys and look at that  behind me we've got these beautiful carriages   that take you around the city and if you've  never been here if you've never been to sevilla   it is one of the best cities if not the best  in all of spain so please say hello to me   and tell me where you're from and welcome to  the live chat guys and i'm gonna walk around   the plaza espana that's where i am right now  guys and hopefully we're gonna see some live   flamenco it's very very possible that we're gonna  do that let me flip the camera around so you guys   can see it there's some people there they're  going out in the carriage they just rented it   and they are gonna go for a ride and it starts  around the plaza espana and then around the city   guys just love this place this is one of my  favorite places in all of spain i have to say   nikki dunn welcome nikki she says thank you guys  thanks again for joining us nikki and being the   moderator robert wharf green's from knutsford  uk hello robert welcome to the chat welcome my   friend i'll sit nicki if you say kerry is good we  will back him all the way appreciate that i'll sid   from the uk mark van epen is here regards regards  from playa del muro mallorca welcome my friend   thank you so much thank you for joining me from  my yorka florin lux is here how you doing florin   welcome to the chat my friend and you are  from michigan my home state very very cool   j5 is here hello carrie you  want to do some flamenco for us   i don't know about that but i did hear some  flamenco earlier and i was here yesterday   and they were doing some flamenco over  here on the other side of the fountain   and there is the glorious fountain in the plaza  espana and you see these beautiful towers here   this is just gorgeous guys the architecture here  and you can also rent a little row boat and they   have this little moat or river you would call it i  guess and it goes around the plaza espana and you   can rent one of those and it's a nice thing to do  and here's another carriage full of people coming   so just great guys love to be here i'm so happy to  be here i'm so happy you could join us or join me   and unfortunately mikko could not make it uh  he had some other plans at the last minute   so i'm gonna be on my own today guys did anyone  see the transformation video today guys the cat   man he shaved off his beard after two years  guys two years the time came and the cat man   shaved it off guys that was internet gold  if you ask me madrista one is here hi carrot   greens from a nice sunny madrid evening hope  all good thank you so much madrisa welcome   guna hawk is here what's the total expensive for  one person to live in malaga oh good question i   think you could do it with a thousand euros  a month i say you could do it you wouldn't   be living luxuriously but you could live on a  thousand euros a month i'm sure you could do it   i've done something similar before i'd say 1200  euros no question you could live on 1200 euros a   month there you'd have to get an apartment for  around five or 600 euros and then the rest on   expenses so definitely could be done and there  is that beautiful beautiful fountain guys that   is just amazing and look at this look at this here  so who wants to see some flamenco guys let's hope   there's some blank flamenco today that's what i'm  looking for i want to see that what about you guys   j5 we are uk robin hood country okay hi carrie  from the usa michigan here love the picture thank   you so much kev kf5 glad the picture is better  i've got the 5g phone now mr jones how you doing   mr jones and me where's mikko the stud muffin ad  miko was not able to make it guys unfortunately   maybe it was out with a kitten tonight  i don't know he said he had other plans   so he switched out on me at the last minute  guys but no worries we're gonna do it here   take style guys we've been here almost a week  now wow and i've been out of malaga for one   week so much has been happening guys we've been  traveling all around sevilla we've been in three   or four different places already while i've got  some amazing videos coming up guys i think you're   going to enjoy them and whoa i hear some flamenco  going on guys so let's go let's check it out   let's check out some flamenco live in the plaza  espana that's what i think you guys came for   and i hope that i can show you something good i  hear them over there let me say hi to some more   people before we cross the bridge gordon gekko  how you doing hi there hello gordon welcome anyone else joining us robin mulder  hey carrie how are you robin mulder   is that from the x-files isn't it the x-files  we've got someone from the x-files here guys   and look at that look at that that is the center  piece guys it's gorgeous looks like a palace to me   and in the back they are doing flamenco  over there guys i can hear it now   this is just so gorgeous sometimes they wrap up a  set and another ones come in so i want to tip them   guys because we're going to be filming so i'd  like to tip every group of singers that comes   in that is the plan so i hope you guys may help  out today if you can with a super chat that will   be great wow look at this from here guys it looks  fantastic just gorgeous look at that look at this   look at that guys wow this never gets old  guys the plaza espana and in the summer i   think it looks really good in the summertime  but it is quite hot here guys it is around   high 39 celsius high 30s up to  almost 40 celsius it has been lately   so quite quite hot during the day and a  lot of things are closed during the day   it is a crazy city in the summer guys a lot of  things will be closed from around two to like five   everything basically closes down or around three  anyway and a lot of these tapas bars they're not   even open until 8 8 30 in the evening it's kind of  crazy okay let's turn it around there's the stage and looks like they're taking a break so hopefully  the show will return so if you're just joining   me please say hello and tell me where you're  from hi shoshi how are you doing hola de mexico   hola bienvenidos i'm gonna have some flamenco in  b-ball so let me try to get up here guys looks   like they're tuning up for some more maybe  i know that you should go half-hour sets   that's how they were doing it before  and someone else takes the stage   and they rely on the tips let's see if i can  get a good spot here maybe sit right here and let's get some video guys  let's get some video of this my play oh to okay oh hello oh it's just fantastic guys it's  amazing here she comes around so   i'm going to give her something guys i  said i'm going to give her some money go ahead and do that she comes around gracias super bonito so you have to tip  them guys they're doing a fantastic job   wow this is so awesome guys to be on the steps  of the plaza espana and watching flamenco live   wow this is fantastic guys i hope you guys are  enjoying this as much as i am it's fantastic guys   gotcha sharon marriott is here hi from  puente tohar hi sharon how you doing   darwin finch stabilization switch off it's a  i'm working with a cell phone darwin you got   to give me some slack there man uh we don't  have stabilization on this susan roberts hi   from new jersey how are you doing susan welcome  alan hazzy welcome to island in diana northern   ireland welcome to you lc hello guys me tree and  gypsy tier have been directed here by nikki dunn   yeah she's got a great channel i think he has a  great channel she's a great cook uh chef let's   put it that way guys home chef she is fantastic  looks we've got a super chat i'm going to get   that in a minute guys from holland robin mulder  thank you look that's high nicki done in all my   sid anyone else guys anyone new here marc van  impe beautiful thank you how's the angle guys   i hope it's good beautiful view carry great oh  that's great to hear janet looks awesome very   cool mr jones where's all the cities at i don't  know i'm not that rich here we go it's coming back so me uh oh hey hello fantastic guys fantastic hey all right so awesome guys it's so awesome what  do you guys think you guys are enjoying it it's   awesome guys i'm loving it wow right in the  front hope the view is good i hope they don't   look too shadowy and now i'm up here on top  guys so i know some more are going to come   or not oh it's much cooler here  guys i was right in the sun   trying to get my backpack on guys i apologize  about that you have to watch because there are a   lot of people here so i do have to watch my stuff  whoa and i almost stepped on this guy's sheet here so how's everybody enjoying the show guys how  do you like it i'm up a little bit above now   let's do let's talk to some more  people now so anybody else joining me   how are you guys enjoying the show  let me know guys manuel hi kerry   where's your body cooler oh i left it at  home i should have brought it you're right   it's a little bit difficult with everything i  thought maybe it's too much but i have been using   i do enjoy it jackie chester greetings from  the scottish highlands hello jackie welcome   that's what i call culture it is amazing  they're secure they're promoted on internet   i don't believe so most these people i don't think  they have um websites and to my knowledge i've   never seen anything like that they probably should  and mr jones calm it down with that song about   we can get flamenco music yes i love it thank you  channel thank you so much norman i appreciate that   hufter how you doing half thor welcome hello  my friend welcome to seville greetings from   iceland thank you so much brother alternative  hello everyone thank you so much for fiverr   thank you so much yoshi we  got a super chance uh 200   mexican pesos thanks for taking us along  that was wonderful to see thank you so much   super chad super chat thank you shoji i forgot  the chat today guys i apologize we got flamenco   so i hope that makes up for it thank  you so much appreciate that shoshi   on my list for fall dc very good showing scenery  thank you i love spain it's awesome thank you   youtube watch your miniflicker near tory be  roasting day near on 40. yeah it's about the same   here whether it's stunning okay guys you want to  get back you want me to get back to the wants to   see some more flamenco which is amara so beautiful  almost like a painting thank you so much susan   it's awesome let me go back and show you some  more and let's take a look guys you can see some more so so how many people there are guys um so so wow you so how you guys enjoying the show guys  how you enjoying the video let me know   kind of disappointed guys i see the  number going down it should be going up   it's a great show we should have more people  should have at least 100 here guys what's going on   well hopefully whoever's here is enjoying it  malted network resources says great show i   filmed flamenco before but here in malta they  tended to use recorded music which gets like   yeah on a live stream i don't worry about it too  much malta i mean if that is it i have to take   the bullet for you guys i want to entertain you  so that is the way it is susan roberts it's so   beautiful almost like a pain thank you so much see  you clayton thanks for filming the flamenco regard   steve derby uk thank you so much tell your friends  and i'll show some more we need to get that   user account that viewer count up guys 46 is  not enough let's get it up to about 75 100   and we go back to the flamenco let's show you  guys the plaza here look how lovely that is   and it feels good at night it's starting to  cool down because during the day it is almost   unbearable here guys it is so so hot and look at  all the people came out they've come out to watch   flamenco and why not why not i'm here too to watch  flamenco guys it is a great great show so we've   been having a great time here guys the cat man and  i we've been doing so much stuff here in sevilla   wow we've been going to so many places guys i've  been going to some tiny barrios that are unknown   i was drinking with the locals i think  you guys are going to enjoy that video   we've also been to some of the major areas we've  been in a couple hotels we were in airbnb and   we've been two oh at least about six tapas bars  guys six or seven maybe more and i've got videos   there guys you will not want to miss that you can  see i've got some really good places to eat tapas   and you can see what kind of tapas i recommend  guys which places to go to and which ones to avoid   so there's some sun that way might not  be a good way to view good way to film   let me put it this way so does anybody have any  questions about our trip guys any more questions   one shot silver's here and i'll show you they do  that dance with cockroaches on the kitchen floor   that's a good one mate like that maybe cat man's  on a date maybe so with that new cut he's probably   got the ladies after on manuel actually jackie i  love the highlands great show thank you so much   there's temperature right now in kerry  um i think the high today was around 39   it was the same yesterday but in the sun it is  probably hotter guys you get out in that hot sun   and you are sweating and wow i've been on  the cat man work out the kit man diet guys   and i have been losing some weight  hopefully i think so i've been feeling great   and the catman is walking me to death guys  at least 15-20 kilometers a day in the heat   wow and that is hot guys and i've had a  lot of days where i just came home dripped   and one day i took off the shirt and it was  just soaked with sweat catman was laughing   cat man he is almost immune to the heat  guys i don't know what he has in his body   sean butler stunning thank you so much vardak this  place was filmed star wars oh very cool episode uh   one half i guess one two oh one or  two very cool i did not know that wow   tree surgeon we've got a super chat jenna  lombardi thanks carrie thank you so much janet   super chat a super chat thank you janet for  the super chat super chat janet super chat   thank you muchas gracias sorry i don't have  the head on today guys i forgot it back at   the apartment okay we're up to 54 now do you guys  want to see some more flamenco or should i walk   around the plaza let's vote guys what do you want  to see flamenco or you want to walk around the   plaza and maybe see some of the gardens you guys  tell me 102 fahrenheit sounds about right florin   sounds about right and let's come on our  hips from florence walk around michelle says   walk around walk around would be nice see you  comfy soon and there okay let's to walk around   anybody else want to walk around or they want  to see some more flamenco you tell me guys   we got two for walk around  one more makes it unanimous nice to see a bar anyone else want to walk  around or you want to see some more flamenco   let me know right now we are live baby live  walk around the plaza okay it's unanimous   we're gonna walk around the plaza let's do  it guys let's do it little walk around here   and there it is let me show you from that way  you can see where they were dancing flamenco   over there i tried to hold it as steady as i  could for you guys i have just my hands on a   like a selfie pole basically no tripod  so if it was a little shaky i apologize   and there is the beautiful spanish flag  guys there it is on top oh it looks like the   the fountain went out guys the fuente  in spanish that's the fuentes sometimes   it goes out for a while and starts back up  guys i don't know what the deal is with that   but that is how they do it maybe it needs  to restart or something like that let me   flip it around because someone is taking a  picture there i want to invade their privacy   so let's go here actually you can  go up to the top of this thing   oh looks like oh it's closed off guys  look at that you cannot go up right here   wow you should about to go up here  maybe on the other side you can go up uh let's walk around see if you can go up there i  think it was actually where those performers were   used to be able to go up there let's see if we  can do that maybe they're closed off guys and   i have to say unfortunately a lot of places have  been closed we went by a lot of places were closed   and i guess that's just the nature of the beast  and everyone i talked to said that tourism is down   and there is less jobs things like that  but there are still a lot of places open   and catman actually said the last time he was  here was a few months ago that things are better   so that is good guys that is a  good at least they are a bit better and this part guys is fantastic it is the maria  luisa park and catman just loves it guys and   we got some beautiful video in there there's a  beautiful beautiful pond where they have all kind   of different birds and ducks and swans and that  is catman's favorite place to hang out at guys   let's see if we can get these stairs to go up  and show you a good view of the plaza espana   let's see if we can do it i got another super chat  thank you so much i see there's a super chat here   from malta network resource this great  show walk around the plaza some more okay   okay thank you so much malta network resources  thank you so much guys sounds like he has a   channel so give him a look guys i'm gonna check  out your channel uh later malta thank you i've   seen you recently thank you so much super chat  super chat malta resources thank you so much my   friend super chad coming through with the super  chat we are going back by where the flamenco is there used to be won't make too much noise now  there used to be a place where you could go up   so let me see if you can do it let  me see if you can still walk guys over there it used to be a place  you could go up so let's go that way   and see and this should be nice when that  sun goes down guys it's still quite hot   and you can see that's why  they are performing here   because if they were to perform  out there they would be cooking so at the night the night  time it gets down to around 28   that is a low right now guys 28 so around 28  to 40 and 28 is still pretty hot i believe   someone also did the equation two fahrenheit so  i think most people are with the celsius anyway   me as an american i don't know that that well  guys it is not my forte so a surprising turn   of events last night the cat man got the old  shave guys you got the old barber of seville   he got the old cut and i was there to record  the action guys that was crazy absolutely crazy   let's see if we got a better  shot of the plaza from here looks pretty nice there the fountain is back on  look at that lovely the fountain is back and a   few tourists here guys a few a tourist this is the  area we should be able to go up let's hope we can   i think i saw someone going up okay fantastic  so we're gonna go up these stairs guys   and i'm gonna show you around  the plaza espana from the highest   point you can go guys let's go up these  stairs and it was one day i was here   and it was during the winter time and there was  a man he was playing flamenco at the top of these   stairs and it was fantastic the guy was really  really good i put him in a video yes you can go up   fortunately so that's great guys so we're  gonna go ahead and do that let's go up   up up up let's go up the stairs here we  go and if anybody needs a good workout   you can hire the cat man or just hang out with the  cat man for a week guys i guarantee weight loss very cool so we're going on up look at that guys  look at it you can just kind of see in here what   it looks like so it's quite nice and a few stairs  going up they are not that steep so that is nice   and i'm trying to hold the  camera as well okay here we go up at the top this should be a nice view from here see if i can get in there somewhere i don't know people are waiting or not so there it is guys that's  what it looks like right there how gorgeous is that and you can see  over there where they are dancing   so that is the highest point in the plaza espana  and i think some people are taking photos so i   don't want to stay up here too long  i think they are waiting for a spot   so we have any more people thanks again malta i  appreciate that thank you for everyone that sent   a super chat i really appreciate that guys walk to  a toughest bar uh not too many tapas bars around   here susan it's quite far actually i'd have to  go actually out of the park unfortunately kind   of far i believe there is there is one in the  park on the other side that one could be open   that might be possible we were actually  walking around the park the other day   and i was testing out my internet  and it was not too good in the park   so that could be an issue walk around okay can't  find is super chat ten dollars you look like you   need a beer thank you so much kf5 i appreciate  that super chat super chat with kid five thank   you cat five coming through for the kit man  let me just show you this view here guys okay let's try to walk through the park  why not we got a few people joining us   i hope everyone's had a chance to see the flamenco  gentlemen walk around would be good okay very nice   we got another super chat thank you so much guys  for coming through abillard race thank you abelard i don't know can you tell us more about the  history of the place you were   in the architecture so beautiful  was it built by the arabs moors   honestly i'm not an expert about the architecture  in sevilla i believe this was built by the spanish   i believe it was built by the spanish guys i'm  sorry about that i could don't want to tell   you something i don't know carl means says hey  katman meow was built by ibero american national   yes i believe that is right that is correct  thank you manuel for coming through with that   it was built for an exhibition i remember that  now okay man two more super chats traveling thank   you so much cat5 and abelard thank you for  that nikki for pointing those out thank you   so we're gonna go down the stairs we'll  keep it going everyone is here awesome   carry watch from bournemouth  okay did everyone get to see the   flamenco everyone wants to see a walk around so  we're gonna have to go back down the stairs and   i'll try to take you guys around the park  let's do that and see how the connection   is guys and if we can find that tapas park the  other end of the park that would be fantastic here we go guys i have to use caution  because i'm holding the camera   and i'm trying to look at the  stairs i don't want to fall down so let's get down there i can get line  back up okay guys here we go and i love   that these horse carriages they come right  through the plaza it's so so gorgeous guys   and it's a little cooler now so that feels great  and i know some people they come here for shots   a lot of times for uh what am i trying to  say confirmations and for weddings oh look   at those huskies guys they must be hot look at  those huskies she's got two of them i think wow   oh she has another dog there a husky wow that  poor dog must be hot and just as i was saying   that here is a woman getting a shot for her  wedding look at that guys i was just saying   that it's a beautiful place they come here to  take photos for weddings it is quite quite common   or big events and why not this is the most i would  say it's the most stunning plaza in all of spain   uh i think it's got to be one of the  top two if not three it is fantastic   v hope is here hello from alicante hello v welcome  hold on diana do thank you oh we got another super   chat well thank you so much michelle and butler  thank you so much miss shelly oh we got oh wow we   got two thank you so much guys i really appreciate  it super chat super chat in the plaza espana   super chat thank you so much michelle and patrick  bailey thank you patrick coming wow thank you so   much my friend very nice hope to be there someday  thank you patrick i really appreciate that much   very much appreciated all the super  chats are appreciated thank you patrick   a dance for patrick haha super chat super chat  we got a super chat that's right guys in the   plaza espana vamos so let's cross this bridge and  see where we end up guys see where we end up here   let's go over by the fountain that's always  gorgeous and then we'll go into the maria   luisa and look at the way these are painted guys i  just love it look at that look at the detail there   it is so so beautiful and these are all hand  painted and they are just gorgeous guys oh i   forgot to mention those tiles over there where  the people are sitting they are different   tiles of every city in spain basically large  city so that is fantastic and some people there so some people coming in guys i  think some people looking at me   the one who's this crazy man with the camera and there is that fountain guys so let's go  over by the fountain i just love that fountain   it is such a beautiful fountain i have to  say the plaza espana in barcelona is also   very beautiful and also there is a big plaza  in madrid that i liked i believe it is sibel   that is fantastic as well so  those are probably the three   biggest pluses i've ever seen or nicest ones but  look at this guys look at this this is on a scale   that is just amazing it is so big and so beautiful  and even here even the the ground you walk on   is beautiful tiling look at that guys that is  similar to what they do in malaga with the stones   that is very similar pattern i've seen in malaga  you can almost play chess here guys look at that   so let's go over to the fountain this  is a must spot for a selfie or a photo   when you do come to sevilla or civilian english  and here here is the carriage coming around guys   you can rent those for around 30 or 40 euros i'm  not sure what they charge i think it is 35 or 40.   um might be 30 even i think  35 here something like that   and you get a ride around this beautiful  plaza the park and a little bit around the   uh touristic area guys and you can have  up to four in there so that's a great   oh there's two of them coming so so beautiful  guys i love the horses i enjoy that it's fantastic   so let's walk this way and i'm going to walk  into the hola i wanna i'm gonna walk into the   to the park here guys some people looking so  i said hi to them and i'm getting a little   missed off of this beautiful fountain and it's  gorgeous i love it it just feels great guys   wow that is so refreshing that heat that  sun is still hot and it's still hot guys   and i've been drinking tons of water you  have to keep yourself hydrated if you come   to sevilla you will drink a lot of water  especially if you're not used to the heat   but it is doable it is doable and the first few  days we were here were not that hot surprisingly   guys they were not that hot now it's getting  hotter the last three days it's been much hotter   so this is the way to the park and this is a  fantastic park guys it's called the maria luisa   and let me see if i can find those  duck ponds now because those are just   fantastic so we got some people out that  is great to see not as many tourists   as i saw the last time i was here well no  actually that's not true probably the last   summer i was here i'm thinking back a few  summers ago when my when i was here with my   son there was so many tourists and of course  there's a lot less now here is someone with a   uk bag so maybe a british tourist and some people  here waiting to to give people a ride and i hear   a horse coming around me a caballo that's  what they called in spanish guys the caballo   they're oh beautiful white horse look at  that beautiful white horse just gorgeous   on the loose and i love the way they keep those  horse carriages maintained they're so beautiful   so let's see if we can go into the park here  and i hope we don't lose the signal guys   so let me know if the signal starts to deteriorate  the view is just sunny thank you amazing stonework   yes it is fantastic and please let me know  guys if we start to lose the signal at all   because like i said the park yesterday  i had some issues with the connection so did you guys have any questions about my  about our trip mikko and i's trip so far to   to sevilla and beyond guys we're loving it there's a statue here there was actually  a really nice a couple of nice corners in   here guys some really nice statues some  really nice areas like i said that pond   gosh i just don't remember from  here i hope i find the right way   mikko knows this park much better than i  do guys because he's exported a lot more   so gosh i want to maybe i should  ask someone if they know where that   pond is guys because i'm  not 100 sure which way it is   and i can't check because my phone has the  i'm doing the live stream from the phone but we'll go down one of these ways guys you  pick away left or right guys what do you think   not very clear carrie that's what i was worried  about you go into the park and you lose the signal   not very clear okay sorry to hear  that is everyone losing the signal left okay he says go to the left okay let's go  left guys so if we lose the signal i apologize   and that is to be expected you're going to  lose some quality guys i apologize for that so this is what is called the i'm confused now with this luisa luisa  maria luisa i'm sorry guys maria luisa park maria luisa and i hope we can find  those beautiful ponds duck ponds   gosh i think there's one to the right over there  i know there is one guys let's go that way sorry   carl because i know there's something over here  i want to make sure i show you guys something yes   this is the duck pond right here i think you're  right to the left might be something else cool   let's show this first and then we'll go that  way so you have a few swans in here i was here   yesterday with mikko and you have a lot of birds  and ducks guys it's so gorgeous here and there   are the beautiful swans take a look take a look  guys and how was the connection please let me know   it's still watchable carrie thank you so much  i appreciate that thank you for updating me   because i have no way to tell guys on this  end if you're the the signal is deteriorating so there's this one he's in the water and we  were actually watching the swans and niko says   the exercise they do they were actually going  around the um this pond here and they were   actually going like almost racing each other  it was really cool guys it was really nice   and i took a video about that and make sure to  check out my shorts guys because i'm posting some   shorts i wanted to talk about that i'm posting  some short videos um about signal is okay so   far okay thank you lauren that's why i'm afraid  to go too far into the park guys unfortunately so yes i was going to say guys follow my  shorts channel because on my shorts channel   i have some shorts from our travels guys and  um yeah i have some nice shorts from some of   the things that we've done and a lot of the things  guys i cannot put them in a full v-log or i could   but they're just little short things we've done  look at that guys you can see i'm sweating already   just walking around and it is evening  so you can imagine during the day   what it's like but i don't think it's bad  for you it's got to be okay for you so let me   show you where i am now let me flip it around  again and that is the plaza espana over there   and we're going to go over this way now and see  if we can find that that other pond i was talking talking about and some of these trees are  just amazing they're fantastic yes i think   it is this way i think i remember because  i was here with mikko a day or two ago but   it's a large part guys it's easily it's  easy to get a lost here or somewhat easy so i was watching the comments i always read the  comments from you guys i try to answer them all   i apologize if i cannot because  there are a lot of comments sometimes   but a lot of people were saying did you  actually are you actually leaving malaga   did you actually do it and they were quite  surprised and yes i have left malaga guys   i've left malaga and i'm on the road i'm on the  road and where i will end up we will not know   but i wanted to go to back to near counties  that is where i'd like to go and next   so we'll see where we end up we're talking  about that because it's so so hot right now   i think that would be a good  option what do you guys think so we're losing some viewers guys  stick around i want to show you this   a nice park here guys if we drop below  30 i'm gonna have to end the the stream so let me see if i can find this oh i think  it is here guys here it is okay i think we   found it i think we found what i was looking  for here it is i think i need to go around   that way there is a bridge here and there is  like an island basically this is an island   and it is full of birds guys it is so so  cool it is like a bird island and i have   some video mikko was feeding the birds here  guys and they were all coming so there they are look at those guys look at those ducks guys  they're so cool i don't know what those are   does anyone know what they are those are so cool  does anyone know what kind of ducks those are   i've never seen anything like that before  i carry a nice air you end did miko get   his hair trim when they shaved him no he  did not john thanks for asking sean every   evening carrie great work to see you keep up the  door thank you sean welcome thank you for sharing   my shorts channel nikki i really appreciate  that and nikki please share your channel   nikki has a channel guys a youtube channel and  it is about uh she's about uh cooking and she's   got some fabulous cooking guys cannot really see  picture not clear that's what i was afraid of guys   that's what i was afraid of so i guess  we're gonna have to go back to the plaza   so we'll have to go back to the plaza  guys i apologize so let's go back to the   plaza you guys want to see any more flamenco or  should i wrap it up today you guys let me know   you want me to go back in see some  more flamenco guys or should we wrap   it up let me know guys it's up to you this  evening does anyone have any plans tonight   are you guys going out anyone going anywhere  anyone playing any vacations anything like   that are you playing any spanish vacations  as well anybody have any plans right now   mark simmons carrie why not go to the algarve it's  only an hour away and it's beautiful yes mark i   was thinking about that i was actually thinking  about we were actually planning to go to portugal   the problem is right now in portugal you have to  have the vaccine or a pcr test to enter any kind   of hotel bar restaurant anything like that and  that isn't a possibility especially traveling with   mikko unfortunately guys mikko will not will not  go for anything like that so that's not going to   work out right now guys unfortunately i've had a  lot of people ask me about that and i did want to   go to portugal we were all set to go to portugal  and i talked to a portuguese woman on the beach   in malaga right before i left and there were three  girls there they were coming from one lived in   portugal or two lived in portugal one lived in  malaga and she told me that is a new rule there   so if you're planning on going to  portugal make sure you are vaccinated   or you are going to have a nightmare and i  guess they're doing the same thing in france   and they are talking about trying to do something  similar in spain now at least in like bars and   nightclubs at a certain time of night you're  gonna have to present some kind of certificate   or basically that's what they want guys so that  is the reason susan roberts going to madrid in   november for three days to get tapas i only have  a few days off very nice susan i hope you have a   great trip sounds fantastic please keep us  updated and let us know how your trip goes   and i know adventure elliott is from madrid guys  and he's actually invited me to go visit him to   stay with them so that will probably happen in  the future sometime we'll be making some videos   in madrid i would love to do that elliott is going  to show me around and he is actually in the north   of spain right now adventure elliott he is on  the comedy hill no i would say that wrong the   camino de santiago sorry guys there's a company to  their ray and malaga i get them confused sometimes   so here is the plus this money we're  gonna have to head back over there that's the only thing about this  area guys this park and that   and around here there's not many tapas bars  things like that you have to go a few blocks away   there is one in the park but it is at  the far corner i believe and it was open   yesterday when i walked through it was open but  i don't know the time and there are those segways   guys some people on segway so should we go back  and try to see some more flamenco what do you   think guys great connection what's your plan after  seville thank you janet oh he's ringing the bell   oh the horse was there guys ringing the bell  there it is coming through baby coming through fantastic never gets old brilliant v-log carrie  that will be in unless you from 5th electorate   until no second one month can't wait to become  less intrusive thank you uh christopher for that   well i hope that's the case um some  places becoming less restrictive and   others becoming more so we'll see the  the big x factor right now is this delta   variant guys it's scaring a lot of people  and let's hope they get that under control   so they don't have any more issues with that  if you're vaccinated you don't have any issues well i guess i'm going to wrap it  up here guys i don't see any more   once again i'll show you the plaza espana and i  want to thank everyone for following my channel   for all the super chats thank you so much guys  and thank you for joining me this evening sorry   the cat man could not be here guys so we  had a lovely evening we saw some flamenco   we had a nice tour of the plaza espana  and look for my future videos guys because   we are going to have a lot of new videos  coming up guys the shots are dangerous okay   okay guys thank you so much for joining me really  appreciate the super chats and i'll see you guys   in the next live in two weeks and please enjoy my  videos and the cat man we got a lot of videos like   i said guys i think you're gonna really enjoy  them i enjoyed making a lot of them so we'll   see in the next video guys to the next live travel  edit the guy take care everyone when it's no chase

2021-08-14 12:46

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