Little Venice London Walking Tour: A London Hidden Gem

Little Venice London Walking Tour: A London Hidden Gem

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sincerely for all your lovely comments. I truly am looking We've been received very well and I wanna thank you most Venice for today, you guys. Hope you enjoy the tour. It's setting up a private tour page for myself personally. If any Edgeway Road. table by in one of those seats there. And that will give you

these tours, please like and subscribe. The more subscribers tickets on board for a discounted prices for London One of those beautiful restaurants on the canal. Very are walking along here, what you do is you can connect back all the way up to the Midlands and through the North of that phrase and terminology in a prayer in a confessional box these boats. So, the people that are temporarily moored,

you, I don't know how happy we'd be in the middle of the will do is do a little tour from Camden up towards Regents here and Some people permanently live and move on Culpa here, the barge right in front of the Catholic church. about 2.2 miles in total. So it's a nice little stroll with It's just a stunning day in London. So, we'll head back up

because that is permanently more and this beautiful church talking about. steps. It's all clearly signposted though you guys. And a lot to see along the way and as previously mentioned what I gonna zoom forward up to that place. There's no point you this is where I'm gonna be finishing up today you guys. guides can take you to different parts of London and And to reconnect with the canal on the walkway. You make your way straight down there. All the way down to the end. You go

Right here at this beautiful restaurant. So, what I'll do is a massive selection of public tours. Where all our amazing can get it anyway. So for right now, that's the end of Little take you up as far as here cuz I wanna show you. This is

that is very popular and takes you down and they also sell been my pleasure as always showing you around. I'll just you all the way down then towards the lively bustling an amazing view. Down the end of the canal here. Actually, we of you would like to harm me privately for a full days tour or half days tour. Or any of my tours. But if not we also have will be out and forth in the outdoor bars and restaurants today down there and the rooftop bars and restaurants.

down the set of steps and you end up back on the toad path they can do so for 2 weeks at a time and then they just move up get a table and then give you views. I'm hoping I'll get a winter. Of course, it's idyllic right now in the beautiful Camden at the moment. Is always lively and bustling but people can finish up your little trip if you decide just to do Maida England. So, sounds like a lovely life, doesn't it? Mind forward to welcome you all in the near future. We will be

Vale only. You can finish it up with a nice bit of lunch along So, just a quick reminder again you guys. If you are enjoying And hopefully great for you. It's been an amazing reception. Zoo and this is the one that takes about 45 minutes bringing we have, the more tours we get to do which is great for us. temperature. Beautiful. Very old doesn't it just show you

And as you can see, I'm just gonna pause here and then we're this amazing now this is Jason's trip this is the one along the canals all the way up through North England. Going within the Catholic church. So, maybe they are connected walk in the foot path with me. So, just a little gap in the

in between the trees. Look at those blue skies, you guys. Right on the river. Mia Culpa is basically a confession. I confess, I confess or it's my fault and it's actually you use here and I wanted to show you this gorgeous little place. You

that'll take you all the way down to Camden. So it's roughly the canal. So, as I mentioned, you're gonna cross over that'll connect you back to the canal path along the way. And

road there. I found this quite ironic actually. You have Mia Edgeware Road up here and you go straight on and down some Park and along the canals. So you can see exactly what I'm popular. We are literally walking on a foot path along

here with the beautiful the name of that one. Mc BC Deadman Little Venice. The heart of a lion little Venice on the opposite side. Heart of to the canal when you cross over Edgeware Road. Let's see gardens by their residences along the canal but when you a lion. Now, we've just bring you up. I wanna show you up beautiful residences along the way. Now, this pathway is quite back up here and we'll have a look around some of the have the private gardens. They tend to their own little

estate up here you guys. So we might try and we'll squeeze in between here. It's best views of the canal in fact are along these go boats and pretty sure that was the former Colonate Hotel in Sigman Fraw gonna do a little swing around. You're talking serious real famous code breaker. So, these guys, they're the go boats, you the walkers but it just shows you how pretty the area is. I'm wouldn't trust myself steering it but uh colleagues of mine do their gardens which are so well attended to but I will take you canal, these are all residential. So, these are

a little bit. And we'll head up to one of the many restaurants up here where I may get myself a little glass of white wine not going to be allowed to go any further down. So, I'm gonna guys. So, that's another thing you can plan yourself. Now, I'm So the region's canal along with the Grand Junction Canal hilarious. There's more room for the trees than there is for

north of England. Originally, in the eighteen hundred. So, industry in around the eighteen hundreds. However, when it was and it's something different you know than the norm. Head

the moment because it's only a groups of eight. So, within the timber, coal, buildings, materials, and food stuffs in So according to some Lord Byron first used the phrase of Venice nationalized in nineteen forty-eight, commercial traffic along on one of the canal boats you see. Now, you can also rent and out of London. So, it did play a central part in its have heard me speak about quite a few times. Famous architect attempting to catch him. So, this is another just lovely who named Little Venice first. Byron or Browning. I'll zoom in

along here, there are plenty of facilities to use them. There's the three canals meet here in London. And every May bank If I do make the odd mistake, please forgive me and this one constructing a canal so barges could move through an urban famous code breaker. The Sigman Floyd lived in the area as to Lime House by 1820 but they found it quite difficult. It French Open. I've been to the US Open several times. So, it's

So, this area here is known as Browning Island. Now, I can holiday weekend here, the Canal Way Calcade, Calvacade, they So, I'll bring you down around Wimbledon Village to show you There's even a puppet theater all along here ladies and here because I wanna show you something. Let me turn the And I am trying for tickets you guys. It's the first year the people's actual homes. So, we are not allowed to walk along and tranquility.

lived in there for a period of time as did Alan Chuurin, the thunder showers and heavy showers in the next two or buildings. Look at the size of that one. Isn't that stunning? today. Why not in this beautiful heat? The setting is good. So, we'll try and get some views there. So, here we mentioned, remember I told you there, on this side of the fine. Just trying to steady my camera. It seems to be wobbling work on those boats as well and maintain them. So, you see the have to come up on the main road here in a moment. So, the

the guided boats all the way to Camden. But as I previously it's it's perfectly fine as well for social distancing at and people do tend to do this. They bring picnics and a bite stunning homes along there. The Regency Period Homes. I'm rules here, and you tend to steer it yourself. Now, I Region's Park being closely followed by the zoo keeper the west end. The people on board the ship themselves died.

get a lot of visitors to this area. The topaths along here it's a capacity of about eight per boat. You steer it yourself petroleum, and explosives. I mean, what a lethal to eat with them. And their alcohol and there's champagne you theater buffs out there. There was a very serious

and you can rent your own and take it the whole way down. So, continue with that. And rather bizarrely they were transporting. Nuts, sugar, these boats. You see these guys coming up on the boat here and And there was story because it happens so close to London Zoo.

So, it's another thing to do while you're in London you guys pathway along here. This gorgeous cottage you see here. combination. So, the actual barge exploded and it could be Up a zebra escaping. And rushing down through and over heard for twenty miles away. Um part of the boat was found under the field bridge. A bit further on towards eh Camden. and this is where the three meet at this little island explosion on the barge actually. The on the canal

walk down here. So this is the puppet theatre. A floating embedded in a house 300 meters away. Dead fish rained down on role in Londoner's lives. And visitor's lives actually. We there's walks for walkers and cyclists and a peaceful scenery provides a breath of fresh air you guys. From London's mania

the Midland and the north and they carried huge quantities of that we're heading along from a picturesque part of London. So puppet theatre barge. Which is quite entertaining. For any of was the favourite architect around the time of George the dwindled. So, today, canals really kind of play a vital

known an island known as Browning Island. Had roots to location. technically, even though there was massive exports and the this is, sorry. This is one of the water buses first before I and urban landscape of the city and Westminster. So we're gonna in the early eighteen hundreds. However other historians under the bridge here. And you just see how peaceful and quiet

canals would run all the way up to the middle of England and stunning. So, it's the only island in London and it's where there for you so you can see it properly. Okay, so they completed the actual canal all the way down the buzz and the atmosphere down there in the coming weeks. But also the canal out. So it was completed and his idea was

1862 to 1867 coined the name now used for the historic And that takes you all the way down towards Camden, you guys. didn't become financially viable because they were duty show no doubt. Now famous residents in this area would competing with the age of the railways here in London. So, claimed the poet Robert Birming who lived in this area from So it was in 1812 when the region's canal company was and the Pellington Arm. To Lime House. So John Nash that you'll

formed to cut away a new canal from the Grand Junction Canal fourth. And he was responsible for laying out regions park. And we've got a better view along here. So this is is where we have a little bit of information with regards to head over the other side. So, I'm gonna go over the bridge well. But we're gonna head over the bridge cos I'm gonna show landscape. This

Westbourne Terrace Road Bridge. So I got the wrong bridge there corner around there. The views from there are absolutely you there's a plaque coming up here very shortly.

have included Robert Browning the poet, Alan Tourin, the rally of a trade show and activities and entertainments. folks. It's not one of my usual areas that I guide in so gents. Eh where you can take the kids to see a punch and time for that. Now, this is stunning here you guys. So, three days. So, it's time to come out and about now. So, all There'll be some residents to live in, right? I'm gonna head Wimbledon will be starting soon. I'm a huge tennis fan.

you can leave the canal at any time by heading up onto the the headquarters of the canal and the river trust. Wimbledon but fingers crossed this year. I've been to the tickets are going up to be sold publicly. Normally they're

call it is running since 1983 takes place and there's a boat It's probably the size of a three-bedroom apartment in we're heading under Warwick Bridge here. This is uh one of extortion and you can't even remotely get a ticket for London. Mind you, maybe a quarter of that is my getting a bit excited down there at the moment. Actually, main road there. Look at some of these permanently moored one-bedroom apartment here in London.

But I live between Colliers Wood and Wimbledon. So, they're comments and thank you to those of you that have bought me a toilets ahead of you. Restaurants, bars, theaters, So we've been having glorious weather here in London. It's been in the high 20s all week but I believe the weather may coffee. Some of those coffees have translated into gin. It is you're enjoying them folks. Thank you for your lovely

break for a couple of days. We will be getting some a lot of the summertime after all ladies and gents. But I would also say And when you do, we will be able to take you on private along by what's called the Lord Snowden's Avery. The former have discounted tickets actually for London Zoo. On London Zoo, Primrose Hill area, some stunning properties on the more videos like this one, subscribe to our channel. We

Avenue. All the way down. To Camden. It takes about a in just a minute. Pardon? So, some wonderful views along here Venice, you can walk the whole way towards Camden and further beautiful house boats the canal. There will be a little entrance coming up here every year but I believe some of these canal boats can go affordable to own a canal boat. Now, they pay permanent fees permanently moored canal boats. So if you can just see in there that private pathway. Now, as I've already mentioned the

boats. The ones on the right. And the ones on the left are in their little deck chair. This essentially is their here to the right. Now these are temporarily mord canal have walks along the Thames through Westminster, Camden, description and let us know what else you want to see. As you're walking along the canal here as well, you'll come person, we're trying to bring it virtually to you and I hope just a few moments, I just wanna show you a few of these You can support your guide with virtual tips. Links in the

enjoying the tour so far, go ahead and hit the like button. several boats here that take you. One particular one that's Onto Lord Hills Road and we'll make our way then back out onto from 100 thousand pounds up to 300 thousand pounds. Still a and it's a beautiful walk. So, technically, from Little from anywhere building here, the centerpiece in Anglican Church was built Okay, so this will be our first view of where we're headed London. Eh it's a pleasure to welcome you back on the series

overlooking the Keys. Overlooking the canal rather. you how you get down here but this is a beautiful oasis full entrance to Regent's Canal. Then, we will walk along the this stretch very picturesque before ending up at Edgeware Baker Lou Line runs from Elephant and Castle all the way this area. Warwick Avenue underground station, it's just a they're listed buildings and they're protected. Now here we buildings and they're used for refreshments for the cab today's all about this beautiful area here, you guys.

neighbourhoods in London. And a hidden gem. It's called Little you for the next few weeks, once, twice a week. We also and subscribe you guys because these tours will be coming at beautiful hot day like today in London. hut I think. And if you're lucky enough, you'll see the have the Facebook page but just until you can be here in guided tours around London so you can get inspiration from wild dogs or the coyotes fenced up along the way as well but Hopefully you'll be joining us yourself in person very soon. So, it's a gorgeous place to come for a nice walk on a all over London. Visit our website for more about our

avory for the birds. They're making that into the new monkey tours and channels that focus on DC, New Orleans, New York, and more. Look for free tours by foot wherever you travel. on if you like cuz it goes all the way towards Lime House in board that boat. So, tours, our travel tips, and more. We also have virtual Leave a comment below. Now, back to the tour. And the even It helps others discover the video. If you'd like to see

Not difficult to see why the name little Venice rose. Now, Central London. You have Pellington on one side. So forty-five-minute journey. It's guided along the way and when

garden. That pathway along there. So we're not allowed a river tens. So, the history of the canal is dated way back to you do take that journey, you'll be passing Regents Park, East London. And that's where the canal eventually meets the you yourself if you would like to take a trip. There are eat there on the canals. The summer house. So, if you're from Piccadilly Circus.

Now, there is a population of about 11,400 people in around very popular is Jason's boat or Jason's trips. From Morrick going for millions of pounds sterling. So this will take us bargain when you consider the properties in the area are river. You'll see along the way. Another beautiful place to along.

in the middle of the trees. You might see somebody sunbathing the time of the industrial revolution but more on that, in today. And we're gonna make AA way along the pathway along price of property here, so you can imagine it's much more you're about literally a fifteen, twenty-minute journey view. So let's make our way up onto the bridge. Yeah, we're gonna go up on the bridge here and over the other side so you'll get a good view. It truly is a lovely place to live and it's very central to Road. So, let's get started. This is Bloomfield Road. So, about those canal boats very shortly. So this is your first

It's a wonderful place to live. And we'll talk a little bit I'm gonna give you the first big view of it here on either side. So as you can see there's quite a few residences Fall.

So, it's an amazing selection of restaurants and bars along Wonderful place to eat here right on the canal, the Waterway Restaurant and Bar. it's quite an easy journey and this will give you the first the river. This one is particularly nice. I'll give you a better look at it in a minute. view of the canals. recent edition. So, we're at the roundabout and we're gonna

Grand Union Canal Tour path until we reach the junction Regent's Canal to view more of the Morde house boats that make four-minute walk to where we will pick back up at the between 1973 and nineteen seventy-six. So, a fairly and this beautiful church in front of you. This one actually few intoxicated cab horse-drawn carriages. Cabrolese as they with Regent's Canal at Little Venice. We will then walk along the many tours we have on YouTube. Don't forget to like tea. Quite reasonable here and there's thirteen of them. So

for the horses so they could get some water at these Avenue but it was consecrated in 1856 but this stunning to the local pub and the publican who owned the pub was features here. That's one of the Cadman shelters I'd spoke cabman shelters and you can still get a great burger. Not a horses, they needed to have a drink themselves. So that were called. Around London. So they opened up these little insisting that if they were getting free water for their originally used when cabs were horse-drawn cabbages. They were

take a little walk straight down Warwick Avenue. From the are right in the centre of the area known as Warwick Avenue was consecrated and it's Saint Savior's Church of Warwick burger but like a bacon sandwich or an English cup of around Victoria. One of thirteen, these are protected London. So, this is the main entrance here and I'll show you didn't work out too well cos they you ended up at quite a how we're gonna get down there but just a couple of the up to Harrow and Wilston. So, we just wanna stop up from

shelters because the cabbies themselves were ending up going drivers. A wonderful little place actually. They were Pellington to give you an idea of where we are. We're in West spoken to you about before in a previous video particularly Warwick Avenue Station is on the Baker Lou Line and the but I've just exited the tube station. So, I'm gonna reverse but today I just wanna concentrate on the beautiful will do the walk from Warwick Avenue to Camden another day I've just exited here at Warwick Avenue Station. Now, little Venice. If we had money, ladies and gents, this is where I would live. So, let's show you around. I wanna show you

you can take AA barge all the way down to Camden. Now, we you around here so you can see a bit more. Okay, you guys. So, you on a little journey around one of the most exclusive Venice. So I'm gonna start here at Warwick Avenue and just show of um restaurants and theaters and bars all on the canal where some of the homes along the way and how you actually get here beautiful spots by the canals here in London. So I wanna take

than to bring you around one of the really nice, calm, Hi all. Welcome back. Sinead here with Free Tours by Foot We're looking at 29° about 80° Fahrenheit. So what better time all the way towards Camden. of my walk with me surround London. Today is glorious.

2021-06-29 09:52

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