Liquid Meat + GHOST CHILI PEPPER and King of Crackling! Food Tour in Belo Horizonte, Brazil!

Liquid Meat + GHOST CHILI PEPPER and King of Crackling! Food Tour in Belo Horizonte, Brazil!

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Hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day at smart Queens I'm in Belo Horizonte, in the state of Minas Gerais in, Brazil, this is a state that's very well-known for food across Brazil, today we're gonna go on a traditional. And market, tour of belo horizonte we're gonna eat some of the traditional food it's going to be an incredible day and I'm gonna share all the food with you in this video we're getting started at the market which is right across the, street, for. Breakfast. Immediately. Step in the market and you can tell there's a lot of artisan, shops and. We just took a few steps into the market and greeted, with an unbelievable. Chilly store there's, at least like 20 different varieties all. Different shapes and sizes there. She has Bootle, okiya she has the Trinidad scorpion she, has the Carolina, Reaper. Gonna. Go we, gotta we, got a single I'm, both Jolokia, market, is fantastic. It's clean and spacious there's. Vegetables, just, sprouting. There's garlic, you get the aroma of garlic bun. Yeah but yeah you. Can smell the onions, the cheese's, a lot, a lot of artisanal, foods, and, very special, high, quality, ingredients here. We're. Going to call. The king of crackling. That's in Portuguese called hey, dodo has more yeah. And, then an L and L okay. If so that would I. This place is called the king of crackling, it's just a standing, bar counter, in, the within the market he has a cabinet. Case full of just, like ultra, golden, crispy, pork and then he's also gonna make a liver dish which is very very essential. To. Belo Horizonte, hey don't, torez Macedo. - hey hey, did hate, it - his MO yes, king of crackling, yeah what, a name. Like, an entire slab, of pork belly which is just completely, crisp if I'd you, squeeze on some lemon, and then literally like they don't chop it up or anything to just hand you you, just take the entire chunk, and take a bite out of that shoes if you want the skin part the, meat part the fat part the layers the, layers and it's you're dripping in that lemon juice. It's. So crispy, I'm, so, like like.

Fried, Dehydrated. Salty, with that lemon juice that really adds to it because it really like cuts the the. Richness of it. Now. That is an 8 a.m. meat treat. Pull. The crispy skin and the fat over the wall by the way belo horizonte is known for their pork next, step for the these are that just the cracklings, maybe the skin again. Squeeze on the lemon. I. Just. Completely. Crunchy threw it through and then for my next bite I'll try some of that but I now though oh yeah, this looks great, oh man that looks like a little fireball. Hunters, by Jim Appleby with, the flavor. Caliber. Another, one at the local dishes that we're ordering here and that's very common in the state is liver, I believe, it's beef liver, stir-fried. With onions. And something, called scarlet, eggplant and, so he's fixing that now as we're crunching. On the crackling. Oh man, that smells incredibly. Good the fumes coming off of the liver the onions, that eggplant which I'm very excited to try the scarlet, eggplant. Because. Of question one. Oh my, god it smells so good you get to fix to eat I'm gonna get some, of everything got to have a nice piece. Of that scarlet, egg quit because that's what I really am, interested to try oh, there's, a nice, nice. Like curly piece of liver, and some of the onions. Okay. It's so fresh. The. Liver is unbelievably, creamy on top, the. Scarlet eggplant has a little, bit of a bitter taste to it almost. Like cucumber, that is liver. And onions on the next level Gerardo, he's that he's the owner he's the chef he's been cooking he's, owned this place for Oh 24, years he, said that's the hottest hot, sauce so we're gonna scoop. That on and then I'm gonna dip some liver into that with some scarlet eggplant. Voila, is. There some cutouts on English. -. There -. Gerardo. Spiked, the hot sauce yeah that's good really good okay, now we got to just paste a little bit of the Kitab because watch outside is one of the most famous things from this region from, you know you had ice in Brazil.

Yeah, That's strong it's. You can feel the fumes and. You can taste the like the sweetness of it for sure. Pull, the drip. Parla, region is so good because. It's like he's, cooked it so perfectly, not overcooking it till the liver is so juicy oh my god together amazing. Right. Across the aisle right across the lane is the next food that we're gonna eat call pon de queijo, only cuz you're just a bread with cheese yeah but we have the plain pond occasion but here in this place we're gonna have stuff dealing with turkey in the Canasta cheese it's awesome, which, is one of the like local. Cheese of miniature I state and a country that cheese is known in this state oh and then, the cheese bread is all over Brazil or is it mostly the status quo all over Brazil but I would say only miniature I state knows, how to make the the real. And. You can see that caramelized, crusty, edge plus a slice of turkey and then toast it in a hot plate so it's like cheese bread, on, top of cheese. Wall. There's, like a cheese lovers dream the. Bread is so shocking whew you've. Got the crunchy, caramelized she's in there that Turkey was just like strings apart bell. Wow, that is tasty and good head mate was just telling you explain, to me this is this was really representative. Stuff, mean a Jedi State they're. Famous for cheese they're famous for the bread and. Meat stick, of Jolokia on this. This. Case got nice an occasion, contrast in, case your powers, because. These are pressure yeah had. To get an espresso to chase it down. Just. Love the standing, space. Just. Quick on the go a bite. To eat and just the. Market atmosphere it's fantastic, that. Was, a wonderful way to begin this food tour in metal how does that day-to-day it out that was a breakfast, of champions. We're. Moving on now to a legendary. Place, that. Serves a caliph of stews, soup. We're gonna find out we met with the owner here, letting. Us into the back of the kitchen to get a look of the of the cow hooks to and like in the in the bar counter and what's the name of the dish again Dhokla. For mo kako well called fantastical hook still though. It, is thick and it's 24, hours and, it's open to anybody. You're. Hungry if you get a craving at 3:00 a.m. you. Know where to come. Trip. Altamira alive. Then. A couple of quail eggs raw quail eggs then he reaches, down to that stew he takes a couple of bones he slices up some of that that, um, colony. Gelatin, fits from the joints, empties, out the marrow scoops, that into your cup over the egg yolks, the quail egg yolks and then he fills it with the stew which is just like pure, like liquid, meat, and, then he topped it with some green onions that, is fascinating. I. Love. That dollop of green onions on top and then you can just feel there's no flour in here there's no it's just all straight-up cow cow. Gelatin. Sauce. You, can call it melted, cow and there's, pieces of the gelatin, in here that's mixing, with the egg already because it's yeah, with the quail. Like. Rich. Oh wow. That's, like literally straight, melted, cow. Oh man, it's. Like a gravy, from, gelatin. Like. Jelly. Joints, of the cow with the marrow that's flavorful. That is beefy yeah if you mix that sauce in. Whole. The whole year was there. And. Gil hairnet just doused my spoon in some of that hot sauce that they have. Yeah, now that's a decently spicy as well but you can immediately taste, the sugarcane liquor in there that is intense oh man. Wow. Yeah the spice hits but then immediately you know there's something special going on that is a sauce of wonders. That's an addictive, sauce it. Is spicy plus, the liquor kick. It's. A beer well. Well. Bava. Sivaji. This. Might be one of the most like.

Bizarre. Unique. Borderline. Crazy beverages. Called Apache de that kind of cool catechu is the dark beer, which is like a stout, but, before adding, the dark beer he added in six six, quail eggs, oh and he's stuck in the shells plus. We got an intense drink we're, just gonna taste a little bit of it. It. Actually tastes really good. Delicious. It's. Actually amazing it tastes like a sweet chocolate. Milk but with extra foam unbelievable. Like the ingredients in this and then what it produces. Straight. Up like the chocolate milk cake but with extra foam and richness and. Like a definitely. A spike below. This. Place is called nono and it, is absolutely. Outstanding the. Service, the friendliness of the owner the staff it's a community, guys are hanging out chatting that. Sauce, is that's. A life changing sauce in that dish it's so Hardy it's so warm and that, was delicious it's a great thing that Belo Horizonte, is such a hilly city so that we can work it off walk. Around as we go to the next next, place to eat quite a major major city and in, the middle of the day it's just bustling. The buses just swing, around corners, there's. People walking down the streets, you get the breeze from the the. Hills. Yeah. Quite uh quite an amazing city. Quick. Intermission I am hugely, excited, to tell you about a new collaboration. Oh. Yes. And. They're still good the, banana chips themselves, but. This is the lob flavor and, we're gonna be launching with a lob liver, but. We are working on many, more flavors also. Durian. Chips are coming soon buffer. Now lob, is available I'll have the link in the description box you can go get, a box, of banana. Joe mark Queens chips. Again. I'll have the link in the description box thank you and, have. Some banana chips. Hmm. Next. Up on this food tour of belo horizonte, we're going to a restaurant, it's a cafe it's been around since 1938. It's a legendary, restaurant, famous for a single, plate dish.

Maybe The piece by the owner. Mr.. Shawn fajita which used, to be his dad's like, a now Cates because of the the cash aza - aza a horse oh whoa the reason they have, a number of different foods but the real main, dish the, dish that they coined the name for but now you'll find it all over the city and all over the state is, a dish, called Kao, el that's an acronym cow. Wow. Very nice this is the classic. The, sausage, is on top there's rice all on the base there's a it looks like almost like a poached egg but are definitely a runny egg there's kale over. Here this is some of the beans with cassava powder I believe and I'm finally not forgetting the crackling, which, is just like one, of the signature. Ingredients. Of many. Spice, everything, you, could possibly want, of comfort on a plate and I, love how they serve it on a metal saucer, drizzle that's awesome, okay. Oh wow it's a very dense very firm, firm. Sausage, do you actually need a knife for it well. That almost looks like steak, on the inside like. Actual like meat. And then, I'm going in for that egg poke, that yolk. Yes. It, is a runny yolk indeed. Get. Some of the sauce going. On there okay this will be good for a first bite. Falacci like that's. A big sausage, the. Egg yolk the right the. Sauce is crunch I'm kind of tomatoey I got the end - so it's like really. Textured like. Crunchy, crispy, of the Internet, juice. It really immediately that's like a steak just, wrapped up in the socket for. He, could use it to sample powder. Yes. The money yoga the many aqua and love how everywhere is like Brazilian, food is not typically spicy but they always have. Hot sauce or actually I want to try to the kale the vegetable. Bosses. In Brazil are amazing that one's like vinegary, we just adds to the dish the. Vegetables excellent the kale from that sausage it's. Amazingly, stinky. Okay, you, got. The boot gel okiya that we bought in the market it's one of the hottest chilies in the world it just looks, just. Looks scary I think, we got to take a bite of food and then take a little nibble of this chili. Oh it's. Sweet that burst actually. Yeah that's really tasty. Well. The flavor of it is immediately, it's. Like it's. Not even that spicy maybe. Yet just, it is decently, spicy, but he kind of like it, kind of like starts off slow and it like begins sweet right. Now munch on it a little bit you can join yeah. It's, spicy though it, is spicy when you keep on chewing it and when you just kind of let it marinate on your tongue. We're. Just gonna chop up that booty lochia though and then, sprinkle it on up yeah it's definitely powerful it's definitely powerful especially. When you get to the body section and, it's kind of like a slow built because it's sweet at first the initial thought is it's sweet the. Flavor is unbelievable. Despite. You starting to build though you. Can almost be like going up your gums a little bit preserved chilies are really good. You. Know wonderful preserved, like. Slightly sour a little bit spicy. Very. Very tight in here now just coming out oh man, and their people waiting outside waiting, for stools, waiting, in line that, was delicious the owner is so friendly. What, an amazing like well-rounded, plate of food and that butcher lochia yeah, it's starting to like burn up my gums a little bit that's wonderful, it was delicious, that was a wonderful wonderful plate, of food so after lunch we have decided to take a little drive up to a place called manga Bay s which is it's, a kind, of a viewpoint kind of a park but. We're going to get some great views of the city from there. You, immediately, step out it's so, green, it's so lush you can smell the aroma of the eucalyptus, the trees it's, beautiful, you're just gonna walk to get the viewpoint of the city.

And Belo. Horizonte, actually means beautiful, horizon. Because. Of the skyline because, of the sky because of the sunset. We. Had a little rest this afternoon it is the evening now we're coming, for dinner to a restaurant it's called cup bar Doka, Doka and could eka if I'm not mistaken means balm this. Is an old. Restaurant. In the neighborhood on the corner, it's known. For its traditional dishes. Just looks like an amazingly, cool little spot. Anthony. Anthony Bourdain awesome, very. Cool. Anthony. We miss you I. Love. The, scenery in here the green walls the, decorations. The antiques, on the, wall on. The shelf on the top that's, the owners collection. Of cassava, sugarcane. Liquor that, has to be like hundreds, of bottles of they're such an amazingly, cool spot it is, a bar but they have a full moon menus kind of like a restaurant, where you do, typically. Order drinks, but the food is top-notch and, as they especially have food from this region of Brazil. They jump rope a joke, the, aromas from the kitchen smell delicious, she's gonna make one of the main dishes which is the facial throw, pail hey taco Pannell hey hey. Shout throw pail which, is one of the main dishes from, this state of Brazil that work of it you just have to eat this dish when you're in this state. They. Know exactly what they're doing it's. Like you're at home here. Then. When I think about kind of define hello. Wow. Kind of like rigidity, but under, your neck aha, I brought, up an idea that I'm gonna do that half likeéi. They. Are such. Experts at, cooking they're so, good you can feel the motherly, love in their cooking they, are amazing. And I'm just like running from stove to stove trying to even follow them. All. The food is ready, it looks, unbelievably. Good the owner is amazing. The chef's, the auntie's back in the kitchen they are so, they. Know every dish by heart and I'll give you I couldn't barely even follow them on the camera because they're moving so fast and they know every single step of the dishes it's, a pan it's not even a plate it's a pan. It's like there's like at least four different types of meat on here plus, the beans plus the vegetables, plus the kale plus egg, this. Is a stunner, of a dish.

Hey. Wu Fei Yan zootopia, bagua. Rebellion. Is. Identity, obsession, trophy arrow strikes on our. The. Dancing, Shiva ranch is here for, Asian man here. That. Port let, me hold, it so tender. That's, right, I mean. Things. We. All dished everything, out onto our plates the, visual. It's, it's, such, so. Many components, while. The kale on there. Overall. That, is a masterpiece. Like. The creaminess, of the beans, the. Starchiness, of the cassava flour then. You've got the meat you've got the egg the silky egg the. Salty, sausage. The. Kale the cilantro to kind of like break it up oh that. Is outstanding, and the onions which kind of just dissolve, in your mouth, the owner hooked us up with this entire bottle. Look how awesome this is the, poem preserved, chilies, well. We need to add some of this to the next bite. And. I want to I really want to dig into that oh yes. The entire chunk. Of pork crackling. Belly. That. Poor crackling it's huge, you, can feel like the gummy skin, or. The gummy fat the, first move skin, well. That. Is a mouthful of cold crispy pork right there okay, next I'll try the scarlet eggplant which. Is what we had earlier this morning with, the liver. It's. Incredible, it's, kind of like zucchini but. With a bitter finish, to it but, more complexity, of flavor and then the final dish is the cassava with the, roast but actually the deep fried beef and it looks incredibly, tender as well. With. Garlic with onions and she drizzled, on that. That. You can, just see the strands of it. Just simple, meaty. Tender. Delicious. Look. There. No, no he doesn't. What, I've learned is that in, the chili sauces here in Belo. Horizonte, they use a lot of Casa Casa instead, of vinegar or oil to, preserve things. Wow. That, was not, a light meal. That is some heavy. Incredible. Comfort. Delicious. Food an amazing. Meal an amazing, place an amazing, uncle, who just runs. The place who's yeah, that was outstanding, one more thing I wanted to mention just quickly before ending this video is that the chefs the cooks from across Brazil, are known in Minas, Gerais State, so. Even Gil headman was telling me in Sao. Paulo for instance, or in Rio de Janeiro the best, cooks the most well known cooks, and chefs they, all come from this state if you haven't already seen, this entire Brazil food series we're traveling around busy learning about Brazilian culture eating incredibly.

Delicious, Brazilian. Food and just like learning about the diversity, of Brazil, it's been amazing I'll have the link in the description, box below but you can watch all of the videos in the entire series, thank you to Gil headman but fi Ella from, Rio for fun they run tours but they also vlog. They're making videos and I want to say a huge thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click, subscribe and also click that little bell icon so, that you get notified of the next video that I publish thanks again for watching see. You on the next video good night from Belo Horizonte.

2019-06-03 23:16

Show Video


Hope you're having a great day. Very excited to announce, Banana Chips are available now in the US: (more countries and more flavors coming soon)!

hey! 9:43 I finally see you twitch Mark! hahaha :D (y)

I hope they reach the Caribbean

Mark music title plz

your link for the chips sucks.

It said vegan on the box.. is the chips vegan ?

Solo te falta las tortillas para el chicharron Mark. Good eats!! Great video bro.

Do visit northeastern part of India

Mark Wiens omg Mark your son look just like your friend

You should try your own hot sauce brand.

+Andrés de Fonollosa Irrelevant.

+venkata kishor He did. And Pakistan. Check his playlists.

Mark Wiens wowwww.

I just came back from Sao Paolo was great! Would have done this series alone by yourself?

I like banana chips

Wow got your own chips they look yummy

+Andrew Esswein Thank you Andrew, not sure yet. But more flavors will be coming.

+meily amy Hey Meily, so we had to direct to Facebook messenger first, because they are only available right now in US. But here's the direct amazon link: Thank you very much.

+Dalton Tworingan Thank you very much Dalton!

+Mike De paz Thank you very much Mike, really appreciate it!

+Dandan Dela Cruz Thank you Dandan, hope you're having a great day!

+venkata kishor Hopefully soon, would love to visit India again!

+ADVENTURES OF HAMMAD ASIF Thank you Hammad, really appreciate the video and for your support!

+Akash Satpute Thank you, would love to visit again!

Include Philippines please!❤

How are you Mark nice to meet you sir.

I LOVE the drawing of you on the bag! :)

Ramadhan in Indonesia

I hope there is a berbere flavour

You need a camera person. You are always holding the camera at arms length and it is OK but could be so much better if some other person was doing the camera work.

Go to Trinidad and Tobago next!

Mark how many time you eat everytime you make video

Mark go Bahia , chili hot hot hot

I love Brasil, food

Definitely ordering..if you're teamed up with the banana chips, we know they are legit! Congrats!

Hi Mark Wiens. .. Kadir I am from Turkey. please come to the province of Hatay in Turkey. This is the place where most of the food culture and the most delicious food. I'd sure like you to come and see

Get your stroke face fixed.

Great Video Mark :) I truly enjoyed every second :) And yes, I wrote you once, and I will again now.. GREAT video editing, You are even better now. I know how hard is to make something like this. Thank You! Cheers from Europe

Yes! Yes! Yes!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

I love to watch all of your travel videos to different parts of the country.

Mark there is a problem with the link regarding the banana chips.. as soon as I click the link it takes me to some random Web page..

Also need information in the video whether meats are halal or not in the restaurants. Otherwise whats the point for us to watch if we can not eat. :(

Mark, please if you can, come to Honduras to eat some of their tradicional meals and some turists places here, but wait until the big protests here are done, because some of the protests are really dangerous if you have been watching the news.

I think your flavor should be something spicy. You love chilis!

Mark wiens can you do a video and go to togo and the area ajuba please

Pls Mark do just once my country Morocco. u will be suprised i promise u (2th best food on the Planet after france)

bhut jolokia is basically originated in INDIA in ASSAM state....u should come and visit there

Hi Mark, love your videos! Hope you come visit South Africa soon

+Charles-A Rovira just to a search on Amazon... It redirects you to it at the end.

+meily amy it just sends you to Amazon... So you can probably just do a search off the app or the their website.

Mark Wiens Hie I m inviting you to come kashmir India I will show you the real taste of food Wazwan

the link doesnt work?

Banana chip is my favourite, is that found in Walmart?

Y does your friend every time he eats he laughs

+meily amy I don't want to use facebook, so I guess I'll have to do without.

Mark Wiens dominican republic

+pecfree vai a merda

Pork is disgusting my man, I am Muslim

Hey Mark, please visit Pune, India

The Bhoot Jolokia or King Chilly is from ASSAM, North-East..

Those banana chips look good, I like banana chips. How many cases of those will you sell?

+Rafael lacerda CÚ - RINTHIANS

+Brown Harris you will always be loser and loser


mark i would like to know if in terms of tasty foods which three countries would top your list food as well as hospitality?

Go Corinthians

+tayfun korkut where the hell are u from?

Mark,there is something wrong in the link . it gives me only the page of messenger not the other page of where i can buy the chips....

How is it possible that Matt Stonie gets like millions of more views for just standing in his kitchen/ sitting jn his living room once a week and eating x amount of y food item.

Lovely video

+tayfun korkut lol...I guess Mark would reply similarly to you....winner?

+Brown Harris I don't think I asked you a question loser

I bet u gonna get crazy when u eat Tunisian food

Your wife does not eat anything

+tayfun korkut No one is forcing you to watch.

Wow...i love banana chips love watching you

Mark Wiens awesome ♥️♥️

Liverpool won champions league.

I make sure that im always updated to your latest vlog and find it very interesting. Also im an avid follower of your cute son since his birth and appreciate it if you include him in your video more often. God bless your happy family.

+tayfun korkut : lol...that was a stupid statement.

Mark Wiens my cousins live there , hopefully one I can visit

Hi Mark. I am your fan from India.

Kudos Mark sharing your zest of food &travel


im a super fan of mark weins

Banana chips taste good ❤️


I love liver and onions...very Scottish dish.


Mark I Hope one day you will comment on the clip i made about tourism on pakistan and i kept you at number 1

Mark Wiens cover mumbai during ramdan

Please added subtitle indonesian


quails egg and the shell blended together? are this regular?

OMG he loves peper!!!!!!!

Joel seems a sweet guy. It’s nice company for Mark to have him along, & he helps Ying with Micah. he has a great voice. Don’t let all the negative comments upset you Joel...I think you’re a great addition to Marks videos.

Dear Mark, why you same reaction over and over on your face everytime you taste a dish. Looks unnatural and not from your heart.

Bhoot jolokia is from Assam, India which translated to Ghost pepper. Nice to see it making its way to Brazil.

Well done Mark!!! You truly represent the world in terms of food!

My God man , I was already a big fun or your work and videos , and always admire how u manage to go to places and connect with the real world and real people. I was always saying why he didn't go to my country to Brazil would be amazing. Now u are not only there doing this amazing tour but went to my state. You are amazing man, thanks for showing the world my culture, my country and our real food. May u always have all the happiness and light and whatever would be good for you on your way. Obrigado

Troperão o mark curtiu em kkk perguntou 10 x o nome kkkkk olhando a panela

I feel like they will always say it tastes good no matter what it is out of the respect for the culture even if they don’t really like it.

Awesome! So excited about these banana chips! Big congrats Mark! Would love to see your face on shelves of our local supermarkets one of these days :) Awaiting them durian ones.........:D

@11:12, what was the purpose of cracking the quail eggs, separating them...when all he did was threw it all to be blended together. smh

Hot sauce buzzzz

it s alot of kinds of chilis

My bunghole burns for 2 or 3 days after watching YOU eat that stuff.

Amazing work done...Mark. Awesome video

Very cool brother!

That's all fine and all but what about a great cold beer?


Mark and Joe collaboration is amazing..


The way he just ate banana chips and licks his finger hmm m loving it

Wow! I didn't know Brazil had amazing food. Thank you for sharing your experience.

Anyone will sponsore the food to you mark?

"Bhut Jolokia" from Assam in Assamese means literally "Ghost Chilli"

I would have really liked to see in the after I ate the boot Jolokia bloopers I'm sure there had to be a couple

Hey another guy with u..does he has his own food channel"?


Bhut Jolokia is origin from my state Assam

Minas Gerais melhor estado do Brasil

I need to go on holiday with you ol boy...Let me know the next time you are in London ill show you some awesome meat places.

I want this life

Bourdain era mais autêntico.

1 plate 2 person eat

O cara vem lá da puta que pariu pra BH e vai realmente nos lugares certos pra comer o que a cidade tem de melhor. Meus parabéns ao canal e a quem deu as dicas, respeito total a cidade e suas tradições. A série no Brasil ficou fantástico e sem nenhuma frescura

im impressed by the way you guys seem to find the hottest chili peppers and sauces and go straight in for it no fear.

Dont want to leave brajil ha mark Tasty food come to other countries

Music title plz...anyone know

Bhut jolokia is popular in Assam

Comida mineira é a melhor do Brasil!

Amazing! ♥

23:45 panis sa sisig namin yan

Are you eating pork what the f**k

That drink they made u with beer its known to have great front effects if u know what i mean

Bang keindonesia lagi dong. Nanti kutraktir es dawet dah :)

Next Gordon Ramsey?

Mark Wiens Banana Chips! Awesome! R I.P. Anthony Bourdain

Courageous Cat you should try the Larb flavor - absolutely spectacular!

Mark,it is called naga ghost pepper! Naga =Nagaland .you have also been to Nagaland, remember? :)

mark is insane with his chilli!

I hope the chips are spicy

There will be many levels! The Larb is lighter in spice but full of flavor - you should try them.


Miss Anthony He was really legend

Quail eggs are not good for the body cos it's high in cholesterol, once u take 1 piece ur blood pressure will suddenly rise up, be careful of taking quail egss

Bhut jolokia pronounced like Assamese people, good.. Bcoz of manures bhut jolokia now a days loosing it's spicy ness

sungguh menyenangkan (y)

0:54 Is it a coincidence that the lady selling the chilli is smoking hot?

Minas Gerais is the only place that you will see the real Brazilian cuisine, libertas quae sera tamen.

Crispified Fodiees

I grew up in this city. It was all perfect till you ate turkey. Come on, these guys misled you. pão de queijo is to be paired with pork meat or sausage

ชอบดูมากๆค่ะ อาหารน่ากินมาก ทุกอย่างเลย FC ไทยค่ะ


Busog nanaman si idol

this man exaggerates !!! he's rotating his eyes ... even at a crumb of bread. fortunately for him he seems to make a lot of money out of it

Wow tasty vidEo I want to try some I would travel to Brazil

Mark pretends to like dishes even they are not good it is so apparent I have stopped watching his videos

Mark Weins = Most Man of Chilis

I love your partnership. Awesome duos.

My BP went up watching this.

I wonder how your bathroom scenes will be ,after eating lots of chillies

I think mark need lot ice in the morning

Get Mark Wiens on Hot Ones!

Food from Minas Gerais its one of the best types in Brazil.

Hey Mark since you eat so much different and amazing thing is your digestion process works perfectly good after all that eating I mean ever faced loose motion


Mark pls consider going on Sean Evans "Hot ones".

I am in love with beautifull and smile people. The GREEKS loves you BROTHERS

quick question to Brazilian friends: does bhut means ghost in Brazilian language?

oh! thanx man

This word does not exist in Portuguese, and ghost is "fantasma".

Dont back at the city of ISLAMIC!

mark i know you came to Egypt before but please come again

ha ha ha haha, love the picture of you on the chips wrap....

How many likes for the camera man

Belo Horizonte... SEPULTURA!!! \m/

11:42 guys HATE tatoo got me

Love brazil food, from indonesia

The guy with the blue t shirt and the glasses makes me angry I want to slap him

BHUT JOLOKIA originated in Assam....

I love Guilherme. Soo lively

Soo you lying to us, your best followers?

On this video?

What ever happened to the chilli you wear on your shirt. ?

whenever I watch the video I click like!

Love the vids!

Be specific about lemons and limes.

Mark pencil neck Weinstein

Two different tastes

Limes are sweet, lemons are sour and sweet!

Looks like more air than chips

How tf u not fat -_-

Mark you made me fall in love with food.

When I click the link for the banana chips. It takes me to messenger app in Google play

Mark, are you coming to Sao Paulo? The best street foods are here!


Banana Joe chips package is large and chips inside are so much less. Didn't expected such from you Mark weins

Ohhhh i love spicy food...

Why dont u join chili eating contest

Glad you are saving Bahia for last ! P.E. de pica da poja

All the foods look yummy

My fave ep was in mexico. But after watching marks brazil tour, men those food makes me very hungry

"That's a thicc sausage" That's what she said

Subcribe my channel pls

If youre hungry watch this channel

Ghost pepper : Am I joke to you?

Great insights! this video amused me! Good job Mark!

I want those chips mark

Come to Moscow !)

Where's Micah?


Good to see your mate Joel being himself

Alguém fala pra ele n comer pimenta assim senão vai morre kkk

Mark, Great Videos and when would you be going back to India ??

What ghost?

great video

Come to Kazakhstan

KAOL looks soooo good I want it now !

Brazil and Argentina are a vegans nightmare.....amen

Can you let me know please when the durian chips come in, my partner is obsessed with durian fruit. I would buy a box straight up.. Thank you

I am loving this Brazil series! But I hope you going to Bahia too. Best food in Brazil

He will

joel has given all the fake reactions till now he can... aint he tired...!!!!!

O cara é ruim para o portugues pqp

no one is gonna point out that the pork belly skin still have some hair intact?


The first you ate is what we called chicharon here in the Philippines

Wow lol! "bhut Jolokia" is an interspecific hybrid chilli pepper from my state of assam(place of origin)., India. Finding it mentioned in your video makes me so proud and also that it kept its name in other parts of the world too!

Watching this during fasting so challenging


It's raining chillis

Nice job Mark ❤️❤️❤️

Bhut Jolokiya is from Assam(India)

I love this channel.. I love Joel lol...the whole family

11:10 - the guy cracks the Quail eggs and puts the shells in a different cup, just to add them both to a blender.....

That gelatinous cow soup look so delicious. I could see myself dipping a slice of bread and let it soak to the thick broth.

I am happy you visited those cities in Brazil. I hope you had the chance to visit the northeast of Brazil, we have a totally different kind of food.

Only Bahia

Mark Wiens = luv child between Jon Mayer and Woody from Toy Story!!!

When Mark confirms a pepper “POWERFUL”, I know it’s time to run as far away as I can from it!

Oh it's yummy amazing I love your channel

Damn mark the worlds hottest chili wasn’t enough so add more chilis

O Woww

You should NOT eat or drink anything with RAW EGGS in it !!! You could get Food Poisoning that way !!!

YOur anus is gonna be hurting tomorrow.

You are insanely wonderful and inspiring!

Hi Mark make an video on bloopers.

That guy in the blue tries to imitate marks food reactions so hard

Who would ever unlike mark Wien's vlogs seriously!!!!

Welcome to my lovely country. Minas food is amazing

Mark Wiens is a BEAST with the way he eats the Ghost pepper! Love your videos

E eu achando que gostava de pimenta

First of all, I would like to thank you for this AMAZING video! Belo Horizonte is a beautiful city but few people have the opportunity to come here because of being "the third"... São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro always end up being the best travel options. I was born and raised in "Bêagá" (an affectionate nickname we gave to our town because of the initials, BH) and seeing her being so represented in such a short time ??? I'm truly in love! Minas Gerais is well known for its cuisine, it is part of our daily culture, our way of life... Congratulations, really. Keep going with this great content, and remember that Belo Horizonte will always be open for you! Um grande abraço e obrigado!

Mark, i'm trying to watch this on my roku and the ad is playing fine, but as soon as your video comes on, the sound is playing, but the whole screen is just bright green. Any idea why?

Have you ever try some food that's disgusting?

Brazil is paradise for meat that food..............(Pakistan)

Minas Gerais, ❤❤❤❤

You are in the right place for GOOD FOOD! Amazing, Mark. Minas Gerais is the right place for good stuff to eat

Feijão Tropeiro is one of my favorite food, its amazing

You making my city more beautiful and tasty through your eyes....

Brazil is the devil's den!

That blue guy with glasses. OVER ACTING LIKE MARK WIENS !!

I like u r video mark its so amazing someday I go to brazil

Perfect videos like always..what kind of CAMARA DO YOU RECORD??


Waiting to hear when we can order the chips in the UK

I am request Indonesian subtitles

Benga para peru

Mark = Food + chili-pepper.jpg

Mark, export it back to the US!!!

Amazing travel!

Your videos make me so happy. I dream of the day when I can afford to travel and try different foods like you. I sort of get to live through your videos and I appreciate that.

#GoMarkYouveEarnedIt!!!!! :))

Liver stir fry and 1 piece of pork belly is $10???? Rip off.

1 plate of cracklings 1 huge piece of crackling 1 plate of liver onions n scarlet eggplant 1 cup of cachaca Sparklin water and others soft drinks + 10% (basic tax here)

Y u r so thin still u eat a lot?

wow man!!...loved the shout out/tribute comment and the picture you guys showed of the late great Anthony Bourdain!! class all the way guys....nice. also, I can not wait for those durian banana chips!!!!…..I will be ordering the thai larb for now....but bring those crazy flavors!! I can't wait!! woohoo!!!!

your friend on eye glasses is a wanna be mark...

Oh man, I bet that liver melted in your mouth, that dish looked amazing!

11:05 - "Começou a ficar vermelho.... " kkkkkkkkkkkk o cara aguenta a pimenta ein!

Beware! If you see this guy's face, run and lock the refrigerator instantly. Too much gluttony is scary af

hmmmmm, nice video

The best brazilian state for food by far, Minas

Nice video Mark....but pretty confident that was not bhut jholakia...I have spent time in Assam in India where the chilly is native to and was informed by the locals there that its so hot that they can use 1 chilly to spice up the cooking for an entire week. It also leaves a burning sensation on the hands if handled without proper gear, so it left me baffled that you guys ate it all in one go.

Its kind over reaction but he almost didnt eat just a small bit

I'm glad that you taste everything plain before adding hot sauce/peppers. This shows you respect the cook and attempt to get the proper flavor profile that hot sauce can kill, or at least diminish. When in the northeast you should try Tapioca, Acaraje, Sarapatel, Cuscuz Recheado. June is also harvest time for corn. There is the celebration of Sao Joao (Saint John), Sao Pedro (Saint Peter), and Sao Antonio (Saint Anthony). All kinds of food made from corn. You had the Pamonha. There is also: Curau aka Canjica Manguza, You should also try caldo de cana com limao - sugar cane juice with lime. Fruits, you should try: acai na tigela (beware as the first time eating it can taste like dirt/earth. Many people taste only the fruity taste the second time. Some take longer, some always taste the dirt - It could be the freshness of the berry, the person's metabolism, your normal bacteria flora, free radical or what not - no one knows) Acerola, as for sight seeing you should see: Chapada Diamantina National Park Chapada das Mesas National Park Historic Centre of Salvador de Bahia old town of Olinda PS: The red powder (urucu/colorau) is annatto

The other things... Just not enought time

He ate most of it

I like to eat King of Crackling that food is the same as traditional in Taiwan.

as always....another fine video by THE best travel AND food video blogger,  Mark Wiens!!!  I really think a network like travel channel, food network and even CNN since the great Anthony Bourdain is now gone (R.I.P.) should be snapping you up for a show. I watch a LOT of food and travel videos, shows, blogs, etc...and you are at the top for sure!!!  keep them coming and I wish you and yours great success and good health as well....peace!!

We call those chicharones in Mexico there delicious with tortillas and salsa

There are a lot of food that I have never seen

i wasn't ready to see anthony in the picture. :'(

Fantástico Mark!!!

i love your face. you make the same face no matter what you put in your mouth. i wish you would tell us when you actually hate something.

Mark, thanks for showing the real brazilians to the world. Our happy, simple, friendly and adorable people. You do have to try canastra cheese with goiabada (goiaba sweet), another representative food from MG state. Have a nice time here in Brazil. Valeu!!

He did eat romeo n juliet but not with canastra

This is my city, I work right next to the central market, if I knew I could find you. Belo Horizonte is a great place to live.

Uau, você veio ao meu Estado. Sou de Minas Gerais

I'll be honest with you Mark... Sometimes some of the stuff you put in your mouth kind of gives me the gags. But I got to hand it to you. You try everything without hesitation. You're quite Brave. I also enjoy the fact that your videos are so professional. You actually do put more stuff in your mouth that I would eat. And travel as much as I would love to. I really appreciate your quality videos. Hope to get out and do some traveling of my own here soon. Keep up the good work

Is it just me or does this guy have the craziest look on his face at all times? Lol

Please go to "Batata do Marechal'' in Rio de Janeiro, check this out:

Not enought time :/

Five star coverage dILY DOSE OF INTERNET

Would you like to give an intern program... If yes then i'll join ASAP.

The link opens Facebook Messenger in the Google play store. What about people that dont have that

Lebanon is where it’s at

Come to Goiânia, neighbour to minas gerais, we have amazing foods. Come to eat pequi and pamonha.

+luvdocumentary Thank you!

+Sabby S Thanks again !

+Amelié Zh Hi there Link to the US Store if you are located somewhere else just tell us where on messenger

+Andrew Esswein good question :) It's hand made and top quality so its definitely not mass produced. The idea is to bring authentic flavors from the world to viewers. If the audience still likes the taste and wants it, we will try to keep making it. Everything is here for the audience to have a better experience :) Link to the US Store if you are located somewhere else just tell us where on messenger

+meily amy He there - sorry the messenger should then give you the link (we are using that to direct you depending where you are located). If you are in the US here is the link if not just tell us on messenger

+Melody mujal Hey don't forget to keep in touch with us on messenger you will get first updates :)

+Mea’s Family Thanks don't forget to keep in touch with us via messenger link

Stuart Campbell don't confine food to one specific country. It's everywhere

Ghost Pepper?? Mark turned it into a memory.

Good job sir

Quanto que é o Marlboro ? Hahahah

& here I am sitting here eating rice crackers! Fml

Fantastic video showcasing the delicious food from Brazil.. keep up the great work ❤️

Hi I am a Korean I happened to see you on the channel. I also made Korean food Uploading to YouTube Culture or language is different You can communicate with each other through food. If you are curious about Korean food Play on my channel I like to subscribe.

Love your videos, but when the "Mark Wiens banana chips" showed up, I was like wtf??? Please don't make this a Tell Sell show man....just don't.

So good

wow, never knew Brazilian food are so amazing! His videos are addictive!

Visit Kerala at India,I visited 1 time amazing culture,food etc..

Did you just eat rice with fork you monster?!

Oh look....Joel's there, yay!

how is your daughter

Why do I always watch this when I'm hungry.

Engraçado é que o guia é carioca

Ele foi do Rio pra Curitiba e agr tá em Belo Horizonte kkkk ele n deve ter planejado direito cara tá subindo e descendo igual louco kkkk

Mas eu tb uma viagem assim vc tem q planejar da forma q funciona melhor e n um caminho q faria d carro

+vodca02 estou falando da ordem hahaha, ele estava no sudeste daí foi pro Sul depois pro centro oeste pra voltar pro sudeste hahaha

Pelo contrario planejou bem :)

Putting extra chiles on after you sprinkled the raw chile on that rice dish.

It's very expensive, even for streetside places

Love from Malaysia!

my mouth water.

Hey Mark i love your show, i have watched each n every video you ever post was wow but... you need to improve your video graphy and control on extra sound noise

Another spectacular episode mark✌✌✌

That's a not pure bread of bhut jolokia

Prepare for tons of americans lol

How have you not come to the Caribbean/Jamaica yet? Those flavours will make your neck strain even more lol

Yes! We Miss You Anthony

Mark is great to see you in Brazil. Showing the best places to eat. But you should come to northeast of Brazil too, we are here waiting for you. You sould to know the São João in Campina Grande Paraíba State we have many foods and culture that you will love it. At your service if want.

Tem que provar baixaria e tacacá

Tacaca ele provou

R.I.P. Anthony B.

I'm a Vietnamese and your video is very interesting thank you very much.

What I enjoy most about this bar is the fact that it is efficient and timely. There will always be a crowd of people trying to get a drink, but getting noticed and having someone serve you is a a major plus. They also do a great job with their festival holiday pop up this year. This is how you stay relevant during these Insta times.

cant wait to try banana chips in australia

Obg jovem

Wow super

Mark, you are truly awesome!... I love your videos!


Scarlet eggplant is known as jiló, a delicious vegetable!!!

Mark I bet you were sweating in the restroom

Fiquei fã do Mark. Pessoa carismática, agradável, sem frescura e muito corajoso no quesito pimentas! Tempero mineiro e goiano são os melhores

Which part of the video is the liquid meat?

It was in another video morretes

nice mark has his banana in a bag .

Quando ele enche a boca de comida e fica com as bochechas cheias, lembra muito o kiko do Chaves


Go to Afghanistan plzzz

How do you stay so thin Mark???

Hey Mark awesome video again sir. And Joel's reaction is just amazing as well. Nice to see you two again

Wow. Bhut jolokia in Brazil

Mark really has a teary eyes and turning red!!!! Did he just get beaten by the hot sauce??? Check out the 10:55 or so

No rating system? Lol

Can't eat without chilli

All that quail egg shake needed was a slice of cold pizza from the previous day


My guy go to Serbia and explore the food


No more points?

Mark's not nearly as entertaining when he's eating mediocre food...and Brazilian food is noting to write home about.

why do you eat cow dont you feel bad for the cow. the cow also has family and relationships you cruel bastard eating even rats, turtle,snake etc wake up people

Egg shell milkshake...alrighty then

Amazing video as always...

come to Serbia, one day :D

But personally I don't like you.Your personer

gay guy m nn m

dope* i mean

OMG should make plan to go Brazil and follow Mark's foods Tour. Darn everything is absolutely ridiculous drooling mouth watery by watching. so it got to try the real things once in a life time. Thank you Mark for making me swallow my saliva a whole time.

the hottest chilli in da world is Manipur U morok.mark I m sure u won't b able to take a bite.haha

Take the ghost pepper curry challenge... The one that mickey Chen from strictly dumpling

His smile is just so pleasant and warming.

I usually don’t do this but that “lemon” was actually a lime. Just had to get that of my chest. That got me triggered and me and my dad were discussing that. Lol

Its because in portuguese lime sounds like lemon

Thank you for an amazing content. Absolutely love you Mark

Ele faz uma cara ótima quando prova qualquer coisa KKK muito bom....

All about those nanner chips I make my own never tried durian tho I suppose this is the best intro to durian. Much love Missy mcnuggie

Just purchased the chips! They’re re arriving tomorrow and I can’t wait to try them. I worked in Thailand last year for a few months, and miss it every day. This will be a little piece of comfort!

Mark, Thank you for the Brazilian food tour! I think you are REALLY enjoying these fantastic foods! I had no idea that Brazil was such an incredible food capital, as well as so incredibly beautiful (beyond just beaches)! Your expressions are so telling, plus you really describe the intricate flavors so well. Keep up the great work, it's a pleasure to watch! Bob

Mark , I always like your taste in music

Who is that guy you are traveling around the world with ? Really could do without seeing him stuff his face making faces . And that earring,is he a gearbox ? Meanwhile we don’t see your lovely wife cause she is behind the camera while you two gorge yourself

Are you guys gay is that your bf? i'm confused.

Great Video! You brought good memories in my mind. Next time you should taste "Frango a molho pardo", Chicken cooked in it´s own blood, or "Frango com Quiabo" - Chicken with Okra. Hope you´re going to film in Bahia and its incredible food!

Minas Gerais (my birthplace, was born in Juiz de Fora) got an amazing food variety - in Goiás cow meat, pork in Minas Gerais. Just don't exxagerate on the sweets (jams, fruit preserves, dulche de leche) or you'll be rolling instead of walking :D The Mocotó should be eaten (drink) still hot ot you'll get your mouth sticky. Making pepper with cachaça makes it more tasty and less hot, oil makes it a lot hotter. What you called ghee is called "manteiga de garrafa" (literally "butter in bottle"), the making process is different.

a reação dele comendo com a pimenta que é o mais da hora, kkkkk

You need to come to Trinidad

Mark do you ever crave like a pregnant lady for any dishes you've fallen for? Lol

when mark dacascos decide to do a food vlog

hey mark Food tour PUERTO RICO oh boy u will love it my friend guaranteed

Mark is immune to Spices.........

These days you are fond of chillies than food you taste in any place.

R.I.P. Anthony Bourdain

14:59 food-porn

Rafa is hot AF

Can you please make a video about the food you didn't it seems u always like most of the dishes

Next up try the carolina reaper pepper. Its hottest in the world right now. :)

thank god you didnt get killed or robbed in Brazil

if you said it chilli is sweet.. then Satan chilli in Indonesia is more spicy than it.. Chilli bird is spicy..but satan's chilli is the spiciest ever

Brazil has amazing food steeped in African tradition. Too bad most of Brazilians actually think they are white... they are the only melaninated people who thinks they have no melenin in their skin. Tragic trama of Enslaving these black Olmecs of Brazil. Take a trip to see the Olmecs statues. And Get some more of that home cooked Brazilian food too.

Awesome Video as always!! Are you comming to Porto Alegre to try the real brazilian barbecue? You definitely should come to the land of the Gaúchos, home of the brave!

Why's the guy in the Blue shirt and glasses so nervous...

How come he get over exicted in all situations..

Oh whoaow

11:15 did he just pour the egg shell in the blender?

Que lindo...

Cadê a legenda?

Oh wow!!! I can't belive it! You're in my hometown!


Congratulations mark for ur success.....I m dieing to grab a 7 yrs old son is ur biggest fan....he watches every video u upload...luv from india

I absolutely love these videos, I watch every single one of them. Mark is the one who got me inspired to start my own food channel recently, check it out if you want!

@luvdocumentary Thank you!

@Sabby S Thanks again !

@Amelié Zh Hi there Link to the US Store if you are located somewhere else just tell us where on messenger

@Andrew Esswein good question :) It's hand made and top quality so its definitely not mass produced. The idea is to bring authentic flavors from the world to viewers. If the audience still likes the taste and wants it, we will try to keep making it. Everything is here for the audience to have a better experience :) Link to the US Store if you are located somewhere else just tell us where on messenger

@meily amy He there - sorry the messenger should then give you the link (we are using that to direct you depending where you are located). If you are in the US here is the link if not just tell us on messenger

@Melody mujal Hey don't forget to keep in touch with us on messenger you will get first updates :)

@Mea’s Family Thanks don't forget to keep in touch with us via messenger link

@Andrés de Fonollosa Irrelevant.

@venkata kishor He did. And Pakistan. Check his playlists.

@Andrew Esswein Thank you Andrew, not sure yet. But more flavors will be coming.

@meily amy Hey Meily, so we had to direct to Facebook messenger first, because they are only available right now in US. But here's the direct amazon link: Thank you very much.

@Dalton Tworingan Thank you very much Dalton!

@Mike De paz Thank you very much Mike, really appreciate it!

@Dandan Dela Cruz Thank you Dandan, hope you're having a great day!

@venkata kishor Hopefully soon, would love to visit India again!

@ADVENTURES OF HAMMAD ASIF Thank you Hammad, really appreciate the video and for your support!

@Akash Satpute Thank you, would love to visit again!

@Charles-A Rovira just to a search on Amazon... It redirects you to it at the end.

@meily amy it just sends you to Amazon... So you can probably just do a search off the app or the their website.

@meily amy I don't want to use facebook, so I guess I'll have to do without.

@pecfree vai a merda

@Rafael lacerda CÚ - RINTHIANS

@Brown Harris you will always be loser and loser

Eye opener, head tilter, colorful word descriptions: that is the legend of Mark Wiens.

what a very humble personality, . Keep on working Mark Wiens

With all that fruit and vegetable around they really don't like to eat it!

U need to taste the bhut jolokia from where it belongs that is Assam from India....

I do enjoy your videos Mike and I think you’re a great person. Just a thought but aeroplane travel and eating meat are two of the most impactful things an individual can do to raise their carbon footprint. Is this something you have ever thought about? Cheers!

You will find ghost pepper/Assamese Bhut jolokia/Naga king chilli abundantly in northeastern part of India and its organic, Nagaland (a part of India) govt had already acquired GI tag and in 2007 naga king pepper was recorded as one of the hottest pepper in the world with more than a million SHU. But now with the advancement of technology, we can have inorganic/artificial made, a hybrid pepper which are much more hotter with fancy name like Carolina reaper, naga viper etc.

Lu siapa si kontol bule gajelas nongol mulu di home

Marks turds radiate as much heat as the Chernobyl meltdown.

i get mouth water when i see these delights. it's difficult to diet.

Mark ,Give some more food your buddy he is so skinny.

Já tinha assistindo outros vídeos dele, mas esse do Brasil ficou show de bola, comer de colher pra muitos coisa de pobre, mas pra quem gosta de comer vai de mão, garfo, colher ou até mesmo pá kkkkkkkk parabéns pelos vídeos.

you people eat like you came from slums, what's your origin man, you act like a White junky but u don't look white

Whoaaaa that last dish cost you $40?! That's a lottttt mannnn.

the way he says wow, I get the impression he grew up eating McDonald's nice guy u r but don't act like a typical white loser

Seja bem vindo em nossa cidade.

You are such a delightful human being, Mark. Your content is such a treat. Thank you!

U should cum to fiji islands bro

Can't wait to try those chips

That’s a lime

Hey Mark you taste from the same meat by mouth disgusting my friend..... idiot smile always..(:)((

adds, adds and more adds goodbye.

Anthony was my favorite food explorer. Wow, what a guy. You get the reigns now. Make him proud!!

14:58 god i miss jack

uk ???

5 mill soon thank you mark been watching you since before 1 mill love you man great vlogs

Awesome the way you showed our food

Hi mark can't you eat with out peppers?chilies? You always tend to disrespect the taste of the food

Try’s food for the 10th time “WOAH”

Sabor de larva foi foda....

Sabor de larva foi foda.....

Sabor de larva foi foda...

Sabor de larva??¿?????????????????????????? Caralho o maluco tiro e ninguém percebeu...sabor de larva foi foda mesmo... alguém me explica se foi isso mesmo que ele disse ou estou enganado quando ele abriu aquele saco de banana Chips.


Thanks for remembering the Legend " ANTHONY BOURDAIN " #RESPECT

You will get Original Bhut jolokiaa in Assam

you finally sold but good for you.

You didnt drink the cachaca shot. Should of take it like a marine.

Obrigado Mr. Mark☺

The KAOL makes me think of a Brazilian "Garbage Plate". All comfort food for a decent price. Working mans quick dinner. Very cool!

Lah buset kulitnya juga diblender?

you have ghost pepper eyes... after eating that pepper... red is showing.

I made a whole video of Mark’s faces lol :

This guy has no respect for food from other cultures. He always adds chill or chill sauce to the food and does not eat as the locals do and how it is meant to be eaten. I have observed this in a lot of his videos. Imagine having a dinner party and your guest bring a bottle of chilli sauce to have with your food.

Your gets a verity of sauces offered to you in restaurants , does that mean your try all of them

If the place offers chilli it has meant to be eat togheter.

I don't know how a person can eat so much at once. I'm impressed

I love the way he cooked that liver.

cracks open quail egg, puts shell aside, put egg and shell into blender...???

From the mouth of Mark...mmmmm

the chili king

why does his neck move so much

That girl beside mark is soo cute and hot too

@vodca02 estou falando da ordem hahaha, ele estava no sudeste daí foi pro Sul depois pro centro oeste pra voltar pro sudeste hahaha

Isn’t that just chicharrón? He’s never had it?!?

OMG, the cracklings.

"You can smell the cheeses, they smell like stinky feet"

wtf him eating the chili, not sure hes holding it in for the camera or truly enjoying it. No way it doesn't sting right ? No way.



I like watching your videos. great content, but i gotta say your face annoys me lol

Did the homie just crack the quail eggs and dumb the egg shells in the mixture?

The food looks delicious ٩

When bhoot jolokia i.e Ghost pepper from Assam,India is popular everywhere woww


Can't you get someone to translate those parts where some people (speaks in foreign language) :)

I am from Assam and Bhut jolokia is native to my community. What I am here to say is that the one you bought is a hybrid Bhut Jolokia plant. Real Bhut jolokia is relatively way smaller, rounder and more shriveled up. The hybrid ones are way less spicy. Trust me, you would feel the spice kick in just as you take a bite and only have the sweetness as an underlying tone that makes this so unique and crave-able. Side Note- I love your videos and have been your fan for many years now! All the very best Mark!

A pergunta que não quer calar, quanto ta o malboro ?

If you tested bhut jolokia's real test then you come to #Assam(India)

This guy, with all the food he eats, must take some massive dumps..

Nunca imaginei ter que sair pra comprar pomada pra hemorroida por causa de um vídeo no Youtube.

Your style is remarkable.....

They're going to get you drunk off the hot sauce. Haha Another awesome vid!

Big bag with a little bit of chips lol typical chip bag where you pay for half of air in it lmao

Mark, you can't really enjoy and appreciate the real taste or flavor of the food if you always add spicy/hot pepper in any food you eat. It is my opinion. What do you think?

You make me want to renew my passport.


He looks like sexy vegan

11 reais = less than 3 dollars now i'm sad.

Eh... so so.. you need to go to mainland China and travel province to province and you’ll never run out of material for filming. You’re welcome!!

Esse pais é bom em tudo... só falta ter políticos patriotas

40 $

Logo na minha cidade Belo Horizonte, faltou legenda...

We traveled Africa with Mark last summer and now Brazil this summer

Ordered your chips can’t wait to try them!!

that bhut jolokia is native to our state of Nagaland in India, and the ones here would be much hotter than the one you ate.

nice video again bro Mark Wiens, making my new channel for food vlog soon :) you inspire me

Mark you really have an appetite for fire!! Bhut jolokia!! Respect!!

A place u would definitely love to eat is Pezão Bar, in Indaiatuba/SP. Its just amazing!!!

8:10 your belove friend, Antony Bourdain had also been when he visit Belo Horizonte

Wow soo spicy

4:05 that´s not eggplant.

I can't believe you were in my hometown and I lost it. =(

Sopa de mondongo con pata de vaca.

I'm REALLY happy that you passed by BH and tasted our food! You have the best adjectives, phrases and I couldn't describe more in english how delicious Minas Gerais food is! Thank you for doing that in a such awesome clip!

Your latest videos are so Fantastic! I love it more than Best food ever

Mark Wiens got high tolerance of chillis and spicy food...I love spicy, but Mark is way over than my threshold! hahaha

Mark go slow on the Chillies. Your mouth may take it now but your organs will make you cry in the long run. #food

Unbelievable how he can eat spicy food or chilies

Its green. Its Lime, you idiot.

なんて大きなレバーなんだ!! 羨ましい! 何の肝臓だったんだろ?

mark wiens just killed all the ghost pepper challenge on youtube....

Mark Wiens your reactions are amazing man. We love to watch your vlogs and u just make us so hungry. Looking forward for new adventures

Get me some of that hot sauce, and the juice liver.

9:40 here in Davao we call it Balbacua.

The bhut jolokia is native to the state of Assam in India. It's the hottest chilli,but amazed to see it in Brazil..and mark did you just bite into it !!! I doubt the chilli's authenticity. Do visit Assam and give it a try.

At 13:23 my best part of video and so much happy for collaboration

The true Food vlogger, exploring the food all over the world, nice

LOL that is not crackling it is generally made in a coldren boiled pig fat the Skins inside float to the top you sift them out and use it as a spread pretty sure it's German

I like to eat churrasco (bbq) . But becoz i am Asian i Love to eat seafood. Só i choose always japonese restaurant.

pachcetta de karacu ...........whats the ingredients anyone ?

eu vim só pra falar que te amo

The best!!!!!!


@Sous Vide Everything show this to Ninja and Maumau!

Food connects us all. I think food is more spiritual than religion. ⛪

Pernambuco, Recife e região metropolitana de Recife, culinária mil...,rc_f:nav,rc_ludocids:236003011946915533,rc_q:Bar%2520do%2520Cabo,ru_q:Bar%2520do%2520Cabo,rc_f:nav,rc_ludocids:236003011946915533,rc_q:Bar%2520do%2520Cabo,ru_q:Bar%2520do%2520Cabo

lol damn .. like 30 minutes , this is a damn tv show !!

hi Mark Wien.. i from Malaysia and suggest you to explore the unique food in Penang and Kedah... i ll bet you will be like it.. especially Pasembor, Nasi tujuh Benua, Nasi kandar, Nasi kerabu Penang, in Kedah : Laksa Telur Kuchai, Nasi ayam pak mud, Nasi lemak Royal, Cendol Pulut in Rimbun ( Sg Petani)

anybody know where i can find a shirtless picture or video of Joel?


I'd love to see more of Ying and Micah and their responses

I want some banana chips..why it doesnt ship to NL

That pork belly ..

Hi mark is the package recyclable on your new product? Thanks

I like the way that you are too humble. But it cant be that you like every food from every region. After tasting every dishes you always make the same expression. I would love to see you being a little bit judgmental and rate your foods properly. Cheers

Who's the blonde girl? Asking for a friend.

ᴛʜɪs ɪs ʜᴏᴡ ᴍᴀɴʏ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ʏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴀ ᴠɪᴅ

Rapaz do céu, o homi gosta de pimenta heim, deuzulivre

Блять... У тебя рожа..сука...как будто тебе засодили.. Противно смотреть...

Good to see a youtubers that appreciates spices

always give us an amazing videos ... Love You

Don't think I could eat that and I like spicy food :) Keep up the great work love your videos.

Their cooking pots and pans looks so beat up tht the food looks amazing.


Ricardo Viana é só ativar.

Vc deve ter usado a traducao d legendas ele fala scarlet eggplant jilo msm mas o tradutor pode separar as palavras


@Li li Sorry for the technical difficulties (messenger so we can direct you to the right link) to buy on Amazon please find the link below :

Rioforfun @aqueleas_coisass

Everytime I click on the link it takes me to messenger why!!!!

@ذكريات طفولة He there - sorry the messenger should then give you the link (we are using that to direct you depending where you are located). If you are in the US here is the link if not just tell us on messenger

@ذكريات طفولة Hey Meily, so we had to direct to Facebook messenger first, because they are only available right now in US. But here's the direct amazon link: Thank you very much.

@ذكريات طفولة it just sends you to Amazon... So you can probably just do a search off the app or the their website.

@ذكريات طفولة I don't want to use facebook, so I guess I'll have to do without.


Hi Mark I'm loving this delicious foods.from Brazil I really enjoy watching all ur videos

I know everyone has been asking this question but for real how is mark not getting fat.

another video of lots of fake expression

Who is the guy with the blue shirt? It annoys me a little haha ✌️✌️✌️

Amo seus vídeos...


Bro my only question is why you are not chubby with so much eating...

I want u to come to India ,assam haflong

Banana chips look lit though forreal.

OK. When I should eat but have no appetite, I think this could be my goto!


Super awesome vlog, Mark! Everything looked absolutely delicious. Btw, just curious on where Joel is originally from? Safe travels to you all.✌️

Some Plantain chips please.

Is the blonde in the background his girlfriend?

anonymous ...No

Moço ainda bem que você não sofre com hemorróidas haha.. Love your videos! Thanks for sharing how rich and diverse my country is.

R.I.P. Thony..

Liver & Onion's is good. Providing the Right People Prepare it. Do that make sense? Ofcourse it does.

You came to the BEST place in the world!!! This series about our country and our food is AMAZING!!!

saying hello from Trinidad

Wassup fam. You didn’t describe the last dish in details. Like you usually do. I know it was super good. But I eat vicariously through you. So I need to know what the yellow potatoe substance was. & also the flat meat that was on top of the dish. Much love my Brother. ❤️

and all time mouth watering dishes!!

How can you maintain your body fit after eating all these food may i know the secret??

Brasil el mejor!

I fought I reconised that restaurant an then I remember of been Bourdain in parts unknown recommend everyone to watch it on Netflix

Mr Mark Wiens, thanks for your presentation of different cuisines I really appreciate your efforts, your channel is my favorite food channel, I don't know if curiosity is Good or not because some people who speak portuguese say CURIOSIDADE MATA, or curiosity kills, when ever I watch your Videos, I get many questions in my mind, question nº1, what is the best cuisine or food you have seen so far? 2. you travel and eat all kinds of food you find, aren't you allergic to some foods, have you ever got sick after eating certain food? 3. sometimes I see you going to one restaurant and eating and at the same time going to an other one and eating again, how can you eat that whole staff? or you just test the food? 4. if you like eating foods why are you very slim? 5. while travelling in different countries and testing different foods or cuisines I am sure you liked some of them do you know how to cook these foods?

hopefully that banana crispy snack on Indonesia markets soon,and also with some special flavor added "ghost chilli"

Bhoot Jolokia is from Northeast region of india.



the inflation is very high, so things for us Brazilians are so expensive

​@ذكريات طفولة Hi, the link is just below if you want to taste Mark Wien banana chips! we worked very to obtain this flavour- - Would love your feedback

@Mea’s Family

I think if I had to travel with someone overacting, oversmiling and oversatisfied of every meal like finding the cold fusion formula every 5 min, I could became a murderer very fast...

Veio pra MG, que tooooop !

Why is everybody putting runny eggs on everything........bleah I hate runny eggs.

Mark, I really like your channel, but sometimes I feel like your reviews are not honest, I watched a lot of your vlogs but haven't seen you disliking anything. That's kinda impossible. Just saying...

hard to eat if you using fork, why not spoon? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

hahahahaaaaaaaaaa, Brazil's fried pork is causing Mark to create MORE verbs in the English vocabulary: "Crispified"! segment 2:15! Verb: crispify; past tense crispified! LOL.

Tudo bem colocar uma pimentinha as vezes na comida mas o Mark só falta beber a pimenta kkkkk

Joel needs some Poon tang

Thank you for visiting Brazil! Brazil is a fantastic place! You're such a gracious man never a bad word about nothing! God bless your family!

I had to stop watching this cos it made me hungry. I am sorry, but man, this video is too good. oh damn. yeah, got to change the video lol.

is there anything that you do not eat ?? you are a pig!!!!!!!

Heart attack in a mug

hi kkk

Man, you always overreact.. I hate it.

Man o man chilling chilly

Hi brother hope u visit here philippines in here seven wonders city vigan thanks.....

Awesome ! You make me hungry ^_^

Lots of walking is my guess :)

no calories , not much rice, not much fat you have to understand that as long as you calorie count , you can eat alot, that and they pretty much roam the city within 2 - 3 days, thats basically way more exercise normal people do in a year , and they do in a week in sweltering heat

@krism You got to try them - its the best tasting banana chip in the world. Most people are like woooo is this really a banana chip? Try it out let us know :) if you dont like it let me know i'll give you a refund :)

These are better - trust me! I have eaten every chip there is to try - we use a special kind of banana - it gives lightness, and airiness. You can't do that with plantain unfortunately.

Esse cara come bastante pimenta incrível kkkkkk

Walking :) (our guess)

You will discover his favorite dishes soon! He will make them into a flavor for the chips :)

We must do so - what's the spiciest chili in Indonesia?

Soon soon :) Please stay tuned. If you drop us an message on the messenger link or at we will make sure you are THE FIRST in NZ to get them :)

Working on that - current suppliers do not offer that yet, only 3 companies in the UK started having them (its very new). They don't sell it outside the UK unfortunately. But when it's available we will be one of the first to have it :)

But I think that bhoot jolokia wasn't dat spicy like it's in our Assam,one can't even touch

Mark I think you like raw foods more than cooked foods.

oooohhhh thats a thick sausage lol

@tayfun korkut where the hell are u from?

@tayfun korkut lol...I guess Mark would reply similarly to you....winner?

@Brown Harris I don't think I asked you a question loser

@tayfun korkut No one is forcing you to watch.

@tayfun korkut : lol...that was a stupid statement.

Best channel period

Because u have not tried the bhut jalokia from its origin place.. Come to Nagaland India, Bhut Jalokia's origin

Bhut jolokia❤

11:14 Why would he add the shells?

Comeu só comida sensacional

Why would he put the shells in the beer? Think that’s an overkill.


Belo Horizonte is also where Sepultura was formed!

Só tenho uma certeza..De Hemorróidas inflamada ele não sofre...Nunca vi gostar tanto de pimenta kkkkkkkkkk

Welcome to Brazil, zil zil!!!

its definitely burming my gums, omg i love it! ONLY YOU MARK!!

MARK, YOUR STOMACH IS LEGENDARY! amazing how you eat like everything, i cant!!

Hi Mika

Why the hell are you eating the banana chips like a complete retard? Brace your self dude. Stop acting like a complete dumbass when you eat. Moron!

Loving your Brazil tour

hey mark - if the "aunties" are working in a professional kitchen, they're chefs, just like you call the guys.

That was a great video. That food looked amazing.

4:30 the liver looks so yummy. my mouth is watery watching it

@banana Joe Chips ,as far as i know it's called cabe rawit, it's so tiny but its burns our mouth and had a thick bitter flavor. there are two kind of it,the red one and green. but compared to ghost chilli or carol chilli,cabe rawit is just a tiny sparkles

Have very brazilian bbqs in South Korea if you want try


When will it be available in the philippines? I will be purchasing tons of it for sure im a big fan its the only way i can repay you for making me happy

I almost feel like there were messing with you on that chocolate, eggshell beer drink. That liquid meat soup looked so good too

I have zero knowledge about human anatomy but if you eat that much chilli you are going to suffer from massive PILES in your bum .

How you don’t have a heart attack from all the serious fat amazes me

That's CHICHARRON Mark. Very popular dish in Mexico..

This video makes me hungry

man , esta bebida é para levantar o morto no meu das pernas kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Hi from Kuwait, please do Blog about what is your secret why you and your wife not get fat

Que pão de queijo caro mds

muy bien banana joe !!

What I see on your plate were chilies, chilies, and chilies hahaha

S ur right... a..couple days before i ate

Hey! So, the yellow potatoe thing is actually cassava with manteiga de garrafa (butter-from-a-bottle). I can't say for sure what the meat was, though. Hope it helped. Cheers from Belo Horizonte! :D

The true Food vlogger, exploring the food all over the world, nice...and when he nods his head to the right, it means that the food is "DELICIOUS", pay attention for that sign.

Terbàik boskuu

what's the name of that drink in NONO? Brown with a creamy beer???

Dear sir, we love ur videos....expecting more and more videos....welcome to gods own country kerala...

ANTHONY WE MISS YOU still cant get over it that he is gone

Shoutout to the the maverick food porn poet, Tony Bourdain. Never forgotten.

15:08 the man with eyeglass beside u is disturbing please dont add him on your video

Thank you for remembering Anthony Bourdain. He is greatly missed. May he rest in peace.

mark youre an animal with the chili sauces and peppers you need to be Hot Ones ASAP!.... SEAN?!

Eating Cow Is A Sin

Mark, you eat but not getting weight...What the secret?

muchas gracias!

Do you know the recipe of homemade preserved red whole chillies, or if you name it what it is called in local language?

I born in Belém, but Belo Horizonte is my Hometown...! Lots of Cachaça to make "Caipirinha"...and "Queijo Minas", its a cheese type...! Minas Gerais has some great "farm food"...! Belo Horizonte is a great city...!

Faltou provar guaraná da amazonia

Faz um vídeo com o VICIADOS EM PIMENTA

liquid meat looks super healthy

Aslamu Alikum Mark.Brother I really like your vidios of pakistan's visit. Kindly next when ever you again visit Pakistan I m inviting for Bahawalpur city. You will definitely enjoy the food here had missed the delicious food of this city. ..

Yes...that Trinidad scorpion... Love from my country Mark..

dried ghost pepper try it mark youll love it XD love your videos btw

If you want to taste the real ghost chilli come to Assam(India) Mark.. this is where the ghost chilli(Bhut Jolokia) originates.

Batida de caracu

Not eating it is sin lol

Do you the recipe of homemade preserved red whole chillies, or if you name it what it is called in local language?

Next stop for a gastronomic trip definitely BRAZIL!!!!!!!!!

A comida mineira é uma delícia

Legends has it that every time he has a bite of good food, he connects with the heavens

We all Miss Anthony Bourdain

Love to visit ..MArk is fantastic..wonderfup video..

Mark why do you douse your food with so many condiments? It seems like they would cover the taste of the food.

Come to Mato Grosso , herer have a nice food !

Bhut Jholokia Originated from Assam, India

That liver dish looked delicious!!

15:28 "Firm sausage". That's what she said

@M I My totally, baseless, opinion: (I have read nothing about his death) My hunch is that he was murdered. I don't want to believe a man who seemed so in tune with the world would leave an 11 year old daughter without a father. I think some criminal element marked him for death and made it look like suicide to prove they could do it. Maybe it was a Mafia type of hit.

John Doe It appeared like he was having a great life with lots of fun. I just can’t believe he took his own life. What do you think?

Why is it a sin?

wsol80 I thought that was an overkill for the video. That guy knows he doesn’t add the shells. I don’t think Mark appreciated that.

biana Out of fairness I’ve heard him numerous times say he didn’t like a dish especially sweet stuff.

you look like steve kerr mark wein

What is cachaca?

Todas comidas do Brasil são maravilhosas mas Minas é o estado melhor viva Belo Horizonte

com todas essas comidas pesadas deve ter ficado no banheiro umas 3 horas

come to india

Maaaaaaan I dont know if I love you even more as a fan, If I hate you because I love the food and miss it a loot and jealous that pleasure experience you had! Im soo happy you came across with those great and nice people in your tripe mate! But Im curious, did you feel ok after your feijoada dish? uahsuha It is delicious but powerful, if you know what I mean, especially now! big fan of your channel Mark!

@Utkrant Deshmukh It's called "Conserva de Pimenta". Likely chillies pickles, immersed in vinegar, condiments and oil.

With all my respect ho Antony??

Bhut jalakia is the pride of assam

That food looked amazing!


Comida mineira é muito boa.

Lol is there any food Mark don't love?

North Eastern part of India is home to Ghost pepper. Come and try here, it's more spicier here and experience the rich food, culture and where people look like southeast asians

Mark I love your smile I am from Pakistan

@Irene utube We are avilable soon ! (in 2 weeks)

After Anthony Bourdain yua are the only guy that show brazilian places an good food and dishes of my country congratulations you are the best youtuber about gastronomic style

Best place to visit in Brasil and the state of Minas Gerais this market is the best i love the way to drink and eat there

Minas Gerais, the Best food Brazil!!!

quanto que é o marlboro


Beautiful and handsome couple..

You definitely couldn't come to Brazil without trying the Minas Gerais food. This is the Brazilian real deal!

Thank you for this video. It was amazing. In Bahia you guys forgot to taste their cheese bread (pão delícia). Its amazing.

I love how you appreciate the foods

@Mayke Rocha oh! Thank you. Distillation of sugar huh. Must be really expensive then?

It is a traditional alcoholic beverage here from Brazil. It is similar to vodka, but instead of being made from wheat and other cereals, it is made from the distillation of sugar cane.

Where we can get those chips I hope it's in Canada

Pepper is horrible! In Brasil most ofpeople don’t like it!

That vegetable you ate is called jiló, is not eggplant (berinjela)

Ahhhhh, e eu tentando identificar

This video is not in the brazilian playlist!

U shud cm to Belize


Thank you for visiting my country, I follow you for a long time and I admire you for your simplicity!

3:06 she wants to smoke dude, buy her a cigarette lol

chai pi babli kumar

Hahahaha. Você descobriu onde ele edita os vídeos???

Ele tinha que ir no Hot Ones!!!!

food food why ?

i will bite your nose

@Marki BHZ Thank you

@Utkrant Deshmukh It's called "Conserva de Pimenta". Likely chillies pickles, immersed in vinegar, condiments, oil and "cachaça".

One of the best. We lost a great man and a brilliant mind.

hope to visit us here in philippines mark wiens! i love your vlog...

Thank you all the videos Amazing Amazing Mark,,,,!,,,,

At 2:50 we can see the nipple of the pork belly... its my favorite part.

I don't think the banana chips are any good because his eyes didn't pop out after he tasted them.

You should check your oesophagus out with all that chilli

oh WoW

amoooo ver vcs comendo com a mão

Vcs são uns queridos

em minha cidade! top demais,i love you.

I am in love with this Brazilian foods...

Can you give is the recipe of the bottle full of pickled chilles .they look so yummmmmmmmm.yes food looked soooo delicious man .

That crackling hmm

I really want to eat that egg and beans dish on the last restaurant u visited. I can tell its really yummy from the looks

@Ahmed Fahad Just to see what foods are eaten in other countries. No one said go and eat the meat.

Haha the expression after every bite tho is priceless.

Brazil videos are just amazing!

What was the drink that was made with the dark beer, cinnamon, egg, catuaba and paçoca? I thought banana chips were every where, I've been eating them since I vwas a child. If you live near Caribbean food markets, run and pick some up.

really sick and tired of that expression that pops out right after shoveling that food into your mouth. i know thats not real , that signature expression sucks man. do something else plz.. just an honest opinion.


Signature crackhead expression after finding a carpet crystal

If you cant find jilo (scarlet eggplant) you can use thai eggplant in its place

I have followed your videos across the world and it's so nice to see your videos of my country! :)

Banana chips (and i will add here sweet potato chips) dont seem to be good, but when you taste it its delicious

@Lara 1 I'm from India I have no clue what's inside that bottle too I want the ingredients please .I live spice and we eat a lot of it from where I come from .we produce the spiciest red chillies here .please give me some kind of any kind for that matter of that recipe pleeeeeeeeeez

There is no real recipe. Here in Brazil everyone who enjoys pepper does their own version and thats why Mark keeps tasting so many different recipes everywhere around the country. They are never the same.

Its a recipe called Feijão Tropeiro and everybody everywhere does it Look for the recipe on the internet and try it

All mothers here cook liver for their kids once in a while so hey dont get anemic

@Banana Joe Chips im excited =)

My man, that's a lime

At 10:58 the Brazilian guy says: "he´s the man! congratulations! He´s the man!" and at 11:05 "He started to get red!"

U know hindi...Mr mark

16:00 WHATTT??!! Im just supposed to pretend i didn't hear that?

Mark, you make me want to visit this country. And I live in Brazil!

I'll sub if you do some shrugs and work on that neck bruz. very offputting

3:07 quanto que é o marlboro? hAHAHAHA

i miss anthony also

Mark please stop eating pork meet its so dangours it have many diseases

Obrigado por mostrar nossa culinária brasileira ..volte sempre Mark as portas sempre abertas para você

11:12 I would not wanted to be served by a man with H A T E writen on his fingers....

Thanks ... travel one day to Curitiba is the most slavic city in Brazil

Vishmay Pradhan maybe you should stop watching his videos if you get ‘really sick and tired’ of his facial expression. Mark has been doing the same expressions for years, he is not going to change it because you think it ‘sucks’. Watch something else plz... just an honest opinion.

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!! Really loving this channel.

Dois cariocas guiando o camarada em Minas Gerais?

saudades de Minas lembranças que vem na mente sem duvidas uma das cidades que mais se come bem e vive bem BH|MG gastronomia sem igual .

He must have got reasons to. Dont judge. :(

@DuckingDuckers makes sense? however i have watched a total of 4 videos only and yes its about connectivity i suppose here on the Mighty Youtube.

he called jiló a "Scarlet eggplant". Hum. Well I didnt know jiló had that name in English. We eat a lot of jiló here in Belo Horizonte, all over Minas Gerais I guess. Not only with onion and liver, we eat it with rice and beans and angu, we eat it fried...

Esse carioca viajando com ele só fala besteira. Falou que o pão de queijo era recheado com peru e naquele lugar do feijão tropeiro falou que a carne de sol era carne de panela... Sabe nada e fica dando uma de gostosão da culinária mineira!

The pão de queijo is not served with turkey but pork!!! And it's truly delicious!

Bhut jholokia is from north eastern region of is one of the hottest literally means 'bhut' means ghost and 'jholokia' means chilly..

Se você gosta tanto assim de pimenta, deveria ter ido no rei das pimentas:

@Aallay Baloch I think he is a loving and caring guy... who learned a english word and wrote it on his fingers, so he won´t forget it. But that´s not very hygienic, is it?

@Vishmay Pradhan lol I've watched one & think his an absolute weirdo how people can watch him must have a sad life!

pão de queijo is from Minas Gerais. but they have it in all states now I guess

Mark Wiens we eat that in Mexico as well cow liver with onions it’s very good and a lot of iron,

Ele não gosta de pimenta. Ele ama de paixão! kkkkkkkk

U eat a lot of pepper

I always thought my dad was the only one who LITERALLY had to add chili to everything but man, Mark proves me wrong!

I love your video ... and I am from Bangladesh ___

he called jiló a "Scarlet eggplant". Hum. Well I didnt know jiló had that name in English. We eat a lot of jiló here in Belo Horizonte, all over Minas Gerais I guess. Not only with onion and liver, we eat it with rice and beans and angu, we eat it fried... edit: Ooooh now he had sauteéd jiló. That is a very common and amazing way to eat it. I will just have some for lunch now hahahahaha

Out of all things to market yourself with banana chips

The first thing mark does when he puts something delicious into his mouth is search for a camera to show his reaction

How the hell does he stay so thin I need to hook up with his exercise regimen

I don't like over cooked liver it's got to be medium well for me

Os vidios desse cara são viciante kkk muito bom...

Uma dica não veja esse video com fome!

how does a guy that eats so much be this skinny?

3:08 quanto que é o malboro? Kkkkk

its risky business. unknowingly they may end up eating some rot which the body doesn't agree and end up having health issues..

The vegetable used on our dishes is collard greens. The "gee" that she drizzled on your cassava is actually butter. Not melted butter, but a liquid butter called "manteiga de garrafa".

Not kale. Collard greens. Great video! True Brazilian food. Just have to try brazilian seafood now. If you go to Amazonas state, try moqueca with jambu.

Idk why but he reminds me of a brown version of heath

Extra bones

The liver looks AMAZING!! BUT.... there is no way in HELL every customer gets that big of a portion....LOL in person food stall "CLICK BAIT" for sure!! LOL

Hello Mark, my most favorite vlogger, watching from Manila, Philippines.

wants to die with the cachaca lol

Come to Vitória/ES and eat our moqueca capixaba and the torta capixaba. Its amazing. My city is a island. It's the capital of Espírito Santo state.

I am so hungry

That's the real size. But we share it!

I need to hit up brZil!!

Mark ur "eating machine"

Mark tickles me!

3:15 Pimenta do seu madruga

Meu Deus, ele coloca pimenta em tudo kkkkkkkkk e eu ia falar, só falta ele colocar pimenta no pão de queijo, e não é que ele colocou kkkkkkkkk

Ele parece com o Kiko do Chaves.Estes caras são loucos! Comeram uma Carolina reaper !!!!!!

Francisco Costa kkkk eo sou Mexicano e aprovo este mensagem

meu brazil o melhorr

The Best Food Chanel! He explains everything, I almost can feel all the flavors!! Missing Brazil, especially the food!

Acho que esse gringo já tá chapado de tanta pimenta

ele é amante da pimenta kkkk


I'd be happy to give them a try. Whatever I can do to support you.

Faltou a leitoa pururuca

That chip halal or not...its look yummy but im muslim...u know what i mean..!! If halal i want some

oo wau

Parece mesmo kkk


Love your Passion with food .. enjoy your postings on you tube. Mark you are generous with your love for food travel. Made me want to visits the places you visited. Please let me know next you come to JAKARTA Indonesia. If you want to go to Makassar & surround at the Province of South Sulawesi do let me know. The seafood there is so delicious. Cheers wish you, Ying & your son Micah a wonderful happy world journeys

What is that block they add to the Chocolate, Beer, little eggs drink?

its a PAÇOQUITA, a sweet treat made from peanuts, sugar and condensed milk. very popular here in Brazil.

I love my city

Thank's for going to the RIGHT PLACES in Belo Horizonte! Cheers :)

@Bruna Pellegrini é nao.

Eu acho até que é a mesma coisa... tipo alface lisa vs crespa...

Stfu bitch

That's so nostalgic...


Meu amigo vc come viu kkkkkkk Mago de ruimm kkkkk

Legit. Yum yum...

Quanto é o malboro kkkkkkkķ Fumante que nada

Sei almeno da sottotitoli in italiano

Wait, what? Bites on Bhut Jolokia... chop Bhut Jolokia and sprinkle it on the food... and if it's not enough, put on some Malagueta pepper... WHAAAAT?

O cara no brasil comeu mais comida brasileira que os próprios brasileiros. Slc

o eu ele comeu no café da manhã já é meu almoço kk

Kkkkkkk colocou pimenta no pão de queijo

Welcome to kerala .. India

Minas Gerais is the best state of Brazil :D

Tom Keen from the show "The Blacklist" isn't dead he's just traveling with Mark Wiens. LoL

On the bag on banana chips it needs to say “oh wow”

You just might be the luckiest man alive. You eat and travel and get well paid to do it. You are living the dream.

If you eat pork in any way, shape or form, you will suffer form sickness & diseases all your life until you die a miserable death with much pain killers and prescription medicines by your bedside!

we waiting for u TÜRKİYE for taste our traditional extreme food.My english bad but all extreme food i know we are waiting u my friend

O cara não tem frescura pra comer.

Nem foi na lagoa da pampulha

Bh é quem?!!!

are we not gonna talk about that guy who almost got hit by a bus at 13:04?

things like that are common around here

Merci du partage

The pork crackling reminds me of lechon kawali in the Philippines much better with toyo and calamansi

When Mr. Wiens says OH WOW ! and adds a laugh to it..than you know it's good, right out of flavor town

Quero muito conhecer BH, vou comer muito

Ihope he did not get sick after eating all tht heavy food and alcool etc

Essa cara dele é um padrão, come de tudo e faz a mesma cara de bobão kkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Mark you ever think of offering food tourism packages?

Mark did you ever have a dish that hit you wrong?

Esse Cara Realmente Gosta De Pimenta :0

Mark come com anto gosto que dá vontade de ver...

Só de assistir esse mocotó, já cresceu pelo no meu peito e minha voz ficou grossa

The best place in brazil!!!! My city!!! Nice Mark!!!!

Mocoto é muito ruim mano

Ghost pepper


a comida brasileira não tem igual !!

Você podia ter indo na guaicurus kkk

most people who eat the same thing probably would have to spent hours in toilet, agonizing in pain.

Thanks ytb for send me this type of videos that I can see the incredible food that has my amazing country

Where the KAXACHA?



Esse cara bota pimenta em tudo

Cara deve ter estômago de avestruz para aguentar comer tanta porcaria.

Minas gerais é dona da comida mais deliciosa do Brasil, sou suspeita pq meus pais são de lá kkk. Mas o tempero deles, muita higiene ao cozinhar, e o amor em oferecer comida até vc achar que vai explodir é incomparável.

10:11 "uuuh, vai matá ele!" hahahahaha, BH é foda

Só vim no seu canal por causa do Guilherme!!!!

Ele faz uma cara muito engraçadinha quando prova alguma coisa kkkk

Mete pimenta em tudo kkkkk cara é bacana mesmo. Parabéns

parece que ele nao gosta muito de aucool kkkk

Minas Gerais state >> another Brazilian states We`re the capital of the brazilian food! Try São Paulo public market, or the Curitiba public market, amazing places of local foods.

O que esse cara deve ter de hemorróida e piada

Esse mocotó deve curar qualquer ressaca ❤️


Eu já comi as duas, hoje moro no espírito santo mas a moqueca de verdade é baiana, muito melhor. A capixaba é boa também, mas é só peixe cozido sem nada demais

@Alex Barizon Eu vi hoje o video, impressionante que ele comeu exatamente o que escrevi. Essa polêmica da moqueca é complicada, eu nunca comi a moqueca capixaba, então pra mim, a verdadeira é a baiana kkkkkk mas pretendo conhecer Espirito Santo pra comparar, procurar um lugar certo pra isso.

Ele já foi, pesquisa aí Moqueca é capixaba, vocês roubaram e estragaram tudo.

nah... its parana

Mr. Mark assallamalaykom(PEACE BE WITH YOU), how I will avail your Banana chips? I'm a filipina married with Egyptian and currently living in Cairo, I LOVE Banana chips so much I remember when I was younger way back home, please PM me and hope I can buy at least 3-4boxes from u inshallah (GOD'S WILL) IF YOU HAPPEN TO COME AND VISIT CAIRO EGYPT, YOU CAN CONTACT ME, I WOULD LOVE TO SHARE THE EGYPTIAN CUISINES AND STREET FOODS THAT HAS AMAZING TASTE FROM AFRICA

Perfect blend of food, narrative and music. Nice video

Mocotó e tradição da minha cidade Recife , se eu não tive errado

Pior que em todo lugar do Brasil sempre tem que ter pimenta kkk

Mark, isso não é uma salsicha, é uma linguiça!

Comida mineira bom d+

“É 50 centavos” “Obrigado”

"BOKOTO" is a Yoruba (African) word for Cow foot!

Engraçado como eu mesma que sou brasileira, nunca ouvi falar de muitos pratos e bebidas deste vídeo.

O estômago dele tem um portal para o limbo... cabe mta coisa kkkkkkk

Belo Horizonte is one of the best cities known for its food!! I miss BH S2

O moço comendo jiló achando que e berinjela kkkkk

Daqui a pouco o cu dele estoura de tanta Pimenta kkkkkkkkkk

Mark, Good day! Come and meet our city Salvador - Bahía - Brazil. Our cuisine is very rich, interesting and very spicy kkk !!! Besides being a city famous for its tourism and beautiful beaches. I can give you assistance with great pleasure! I'm your fan!

A mulher enquanto o cara tava experimentando "quanto e o Malboro"

Suei só de ver

Oh man belo horizonte

Tem uma japonesa, chinesa que ta sempre ao lado dele Mark Wiens e sua namorada ????

This channel always makes me hungry! Glad I live near Belo Horizonte xD

Esse cara come dms kskakaa

Já falei pros amigos que se provarem minha comida e não tiverem a reação desse cara eu não aceito

That is my place! Cool..

No its birigui


No ist belo horizonte

No vídeo antes desse, ele falou que gostou da pimenta brasileira kk

A definição de pão de queijo pra ele é como se fosse um salgado,tipo coxinha

Não acredito que você esteve aqui em BH! Queria tanto ter conhecido você

its not Kale, is collard greens!!!

Esse gringo tem um jeito de crakudo

Melhor comida do Brasil.


come to Guaxupé Minas gerais some day

esse cara deve ficar depois com uma caganeira desgraçada kkkkkkkkkkkk amei ele


0:50 " É cinquenta centavos" paga não gringo kkkk

The best food of Brazil is on Minas Gerais

Ele come tanta pimenta que se ele peidar vai de BH até Nova York voando kkkk

caraca em minas gerais os cara poe torresmo em tudo kkkkkkkkkkkkk

Comer torresmo no café da manhã é só prós brabo memu

Brazil the best country in world

Eu adoro o brilho nos olhos dele comendo as coisas kkkk

20:33 Respect from my heart man❤

Aaaaaaaaa bem vindo ❤❤❤ espero que tenha gostado do nosso Mercado Central. Volte sempre ❤


Como esse cara não foi. Na Bahia

Ele foi... so olhar os outros videos

Huuuuuum aquele torresmão deu agua na boca

Vou virar gringa quando for comer pastel na feira a partir de hoje kakakdksks


Aaa paraaaaaa A MELHOR COMIDA E DO NOSSO QUERIDO RIO GRANDE DO SULLLL soooou de santa maria rs...



@Mark Wines.... when will you come to Kolkata, India???

HAHAHA always love the way you dig in the chillies without fear ! Must be nice to be so Cool to hang all that spyceness ! XD Great video, great content, and amazing personality .

I bet if his wife wasnt there, he'd have taken that Liquor shot hehe

Meu quem come pão de queijo com pimenta meu kkkkkkkk

Nao existe lugar melhor que BH


Salsicha e linguiça é tudo sausage em inglês

this video isn't in the playlist

I hope the banana chips is availble also in PHL

Bhoot(ghost)jolokia(pepper). It's a pepper from Assam, India. Caution - wear gloves before cutting it. It can literally burn your skin off...hats off to you for saying it's decently spicy

You Need to come to brazilian Northeast

Incoming kkkk comments

Deve ter estomago de ema. Fala estrangeiro parece que é misturado com brasileiro.

Esse Mark é dos Bons tá até suando no mocotó.


3:06 What he looks like eating food when the camera is off. I love how he realizes he didn't do his signature surprised face

Figado é ruim, e cebola tbm

Como eu não vi isso antes?

O cara é bem esquisito kkkkkkkkkkk

Q cara feio kkkkkkkkk

Só perde pro RJ

Bh nunca nem vi, SP q reina

How he skinny

did you travel around the world

How you stay skinny, mark? I've been following you since 400k subs. And you just stay the same after eating those foods all the way till 4.6M subs. How you do that? How you stay skinny??! Jealous!

I love Joel but he has to stop laughing like a chick every time he tries something tasty. Words are great. Delicious, tasty, great, etc. ... But that laugh drives me nuts.

T G agree

you is best man!!!!!!kkkkkkk

Enjoy every video and look forward to watching new ones

African food!! Where are the African references and people?? Europeans always steal everything!!

Eu amo as caras dele.

Verdade tens insta

A comida é sim ótima, mais não é mineira e sim paulista. Comida mineira não existe, é comida tropeira paulista. Vamos estudar um pouco de história. Boa parte da cultura mineira vem do tropeirismo paulista incluindo a comida que nada tem de mineira.

How can you stomach all those peppers is beyond me.

amazing vid!!

Eles colocaram a casca do ovo ? WTF

A cara de orgasmo dele é a melhor! kkkkk

Na verdade Mark a cachaça tem origem nos engenhos do estado de Pernambuco, agora minas gerais e o maior produtor nacional de várias formas de cachaça.

Mark vem para Recife Pernambuco!

Never seen anyone eat a ghost Pepper and say "mmmmh it's fruity and sweet… it's flavorful"

A comida brasileira e cheia de influências com na Rússia e nos EUA , então são vários sabores ótimos no planta Brasil!

I'm drooling!

How comes you eat a lot and you don't become fat?

Sinto muito em desaponta-la mas a comida eleita a mais saborosa do Brasil foi a comida paraense.

I ordered my Banana Joes from your Amazon store front yesterday including some MW clothing. Can't wait to get hem home today. I'm on of your biggest Fan..keep those videos coming!

great job guys! I love this tour!

Com todo respeito, essa é a melhor comida do país

quanto ta o malboro ?

Amanhã eu tenho que almoçar em algum restaurante mineiro com certeza

I wish I could eat all that food and not grow fat!!! You are blesses Mark!!! You need to thank God for your metabolism

Go to Salvador-Bahia


Rafa is mmmmmmmmm

É giló é não berinjela kkk.Agora fiquei com vontade de comer torresmo.

How is not he fat?

Mark man you eat the best fry ups in the world!

Mark, I want to thank-you for doing what you do. Brazil looks like an amazing place with lots of good people and delicious looking food too.

Congratulations for your chips brand

That chicharon " pork " looks so good whit lemon

Bhut jolokia grows only in northeast of India. You could have mentioned it.

Minha mãe já trabalhou em um desses lugares aí de BH que você conheceu o café Palhares, ela é cozinheira fãs pratos típicos e caseiros da região ela adoraria cozinhar pra você antes de você retorna de viagem ela mão quer nada em troca ela é sua fã ela gosta muito do seus vídeos ela só quer ter o prazer de cozinhar pra você, por favor seria uma alegria somos de contagem nova contagem pertinho de BH! Obrigada amei o vídeo amo todos seus vídeos são fantásticos

te acompanho no canal e ro muito feliz em saber wue você está conhecendo a culinária brasileira de minas gerais, sou brasileira e é gratificante ve lo conhecendo nossos pratos , esses restaurante café Palhares em BH minha mãe ja trabalhou la ela fazia os pratos kaol, ela ficou super feliz em sabee wue você teve ai ela é cozinheira sera um prazer você comparecer no restaurante obde ela trabalha e conhecer os oratis tipicos e Caseiros da nossa culinária de minas gerais ela trabalha no restaurante tesouro no tacho em niva contagem contagem

Hahahahahah meu Deus! Cachaça de Minas Gerais derruba.... Vá com calma! Ameiiii hahhahaahahhaah

Referente à política do nosso Brasil a nota é zero, mas Sobre a Gastronomia Brasileira não tem igual viu♥️

I like the flavor of reaper better another great flavor before the heat destroys your scenses

Que gratificante te lo aqui! Ainda mais em pontos de BH que conheço e minha mãe já trabalhou nesses lugares aí ela tá super feliz

Make the banana chips a healthier bite by frying with high tolerance cooking oil or perhaps by baking them. Make them available in supermarkets. Just my suggestions.

Wiens: "This food is just a transport vehicle for my chilli".... adds a whole ghost chilli, half a jar of preserved chillis and 3 tablespoons of hot sauce.

omll I remember my s.s teacher Mr.peterson put this on in the classroom

I'm watching your video now, and it makes me crave on what you are eating

i like your videos because you speak very well of my brazil and our food thank you bro!

crl esse gringo gosta de pimenta hein kkk

quando vem para São Paulo.....muito bom aqui ....tem todos os tipos de comida ...Italiana.Japonesa, espenhol, e muitos outros..

this is my city, a wonderful city


como faz pra da 1000000 likes?


Que nojo essa bebida haushah

cacete mano c ta loco de comer ai

Belo Horizonte, minha terra melhores comidas sempre! s2 =)

Came to napal bro

Joe is a nice person.. mark you have a good partner

Come to RIO GRANDE DO SUL, in the GRAMADO CITY. Best Chocolate of Brazil.

Awesome!I've been there.I loved it.It will go back.

Question when in other countries and talking to older people is it proper to say auntie or uncle?

I hope u come in

So if the bartender was going to blend the quail yolks and shells, why did he crack and separate them in the first place? Wouldn’t it be easier to just put them in the blender?

Go to Argentina you will love

Só faltou colocar pimenta no capuccino

I do the same thing I always gotta put the hot sauce and chillis on my Brazilian food

Mark, I live in Belo Horizonte, and you have really been to places and eaten very iconic food for us! You where well guided by Guilherme and Its a Shame that you could not go to other places here and at the historical cities that surround us like Ouro Preto, Tiradentes and Diamantina. I guess you workout a lot, because I am really really fat and I don't eat as much as you do. And yes, we eat chili around here, put much less than in the Thai cuisine. Most of the comments in portuguese are about how much chili you eat and about things that where funny that other people around you said in your video. I'd like to thank you for the second video you did on Belo Horizonte, that is most to show our City. I'm glad you and your family had a good time here!

lol comment section is all in Portuguese, I cant understand a thing.


Need a box!

agreed. to show that they are real?

Não acredito que vou ter que caçar feijão tropeiro pq tô morrendo de vontade de comer de novo

Alguém pelo amor de Deus me diz onde fica esse Bar do Careca ? Preciso desse tropeiro

@ 3:07 almost forgot to do your thing didnt you mark

That Bhoot Jolokia is from my native land, Assam (India). Also found in the rest of the North Eastern India.

almost same food with philippines

You need to travel to Puerto Rico mark taste our fine food.

Feijão Tropeiro. Uma das comidas mas gostosas de Brasil

Os filhos de mamai e papai aqui falando de “ai muita pimenta”.. No norte e nordeste se come pimenta. Y ese molho acaso foi feita em outro pais?? No Brasil, Minas. Paulista y pra o sul não sabem a beleza da pimenta.

How much of this food gets eaten?...way too big portions,nice though...

Muito bom... Melhor mercado do Brasil. Um dos melhores do mundo, com certeza

I liked this video because 2 things, first one-Anthony Bourdain visited the same place, second one- you launched your chips.


You totally missed the opportunity to say "this place is NoNo, but it's definitely a YesYes!!

Thank you

Kap Moo

At 0:43 I see Bhut Jalokia. I am amazed to see the Bhut Jalokia of North East India traveling all the way to Brazil.

Get drunk off hot sauce

Brazil is so shitty and corrupt no wonder they paid you to go there

@li li Sorry for the technical difficulties (messenger so we can direct you to the right link) to buy on Amazon please find the link below :

i like the King of Crackling!.....The Bark Ark!... :)

Mark Weins eyes looks like they belong to a guy who needs to say the word WEEENZ just so his weeny eyes stand out

mark coming türkiye

I can't believe you like everything!! There's something you hate no??

Mark when you coming over to South Africa? We got some great food here that you going to love?

Quite often I watch This programe just before Im thinking about eating or cooking and this makes me hungry or inspire me to cook.

````those greens are not kale..its collard greens

I have a friend that lives near belo horizonte! I do wanna stop in there but.....I can't have alcohol (meds) and meu mãe can't have pork (diabetes and cholesterol watch by doctor)

@Irene We are avilable soon ! (in 2 weeks)

ohhh my gulay..nanginginig ako sa gutom hahahaha sarapppppppppp!!

Mark you have a stomach of steel

omg.. this is so good

That ghost pepper was probably sweet to him. However being respectful as always he said it's spicy just to not sound boastful. He should definitely blame his Thai wife for introducing so many Thai dishes to him in Thailand. Thai/Malaysian spicy dishes are no jokes. Anyway, you can clearly see that his face didnt turn red after the ghost pepper and preserved pepper.

We eat bhut jolokia everyday.... Its a part of our diet..:)

Welcome to Beautifull Horizon!

Come to Assam. You can eat Bhoot Jolokia as much as you want. #AwesomeAssam

12:44 Mark, you miss a chance to say "This place is called NoNo, but it is surprisingly YesYes."

Manteiga de garrafa is a butter form creamy milk! DELICIOUS

Comidas Fantásticas!

Haiiii... How's really good to c ur smile............

The "King of Crackling".....proof positive there MUST be a god!

156 REAIS por um feijão tropeiro MEU DEUS

Fun fact, Nono means "grampa"

Hi Mark, Can you put a rating on the food please. Excellent series

My kind of milkshake

Meu Deus, o torresmo! Já tem dias que estou querendo comer um torresmo de barriga.

liquid meat that was my idea years ago i called it meatO it had one flavor meat and it came in a energy drink can much like monster energy does nowadays

That Jolokia word means chilli, and its from Assam, a state in northeast India. Bhoot means Ghost.

Ever thought of entering a chilli eating contest lol

Love for Brazil form Pakistan

don't they make stuff from hooves?

Really enjoy your videos, wish i had the stomach for these dishes or the amount you eat. I still believe the western world is trying to poison people as when i was always eating international food from Asia / South America i felt way healthier but guess that's what real spice and 100's years of learning to make food and not processing does.

Yummy love the food wrap

brazilian food series is jz amazin,especially hw its made m watch for the 3rd tym

I love

pls support my channel

Tried to go to the link of the Banana chips and it takes me to Messenger...????

*I love eating my dinner while watching the show

Yum, I love Brazilian food. I also ordered the banana chips!

Some tasty looking stuff there. Not sure what is the reason for putting quail eggs in that rich meat broth. Hardly seems to need that.

Why this video not in the playlist brazilian food

That last dish looks so good!

BH é demais!!!!! BH it’s amazing!!! The food, the simplicity of the people, the chocolate and the food, makes this city very pleasant to visit!

the ghost pepper is tolerable, it's not like really spicy but more on the heat side and if you put the right amount to any dish it's gonna be superb. the Scoville unit of it just scares people because it is high but no one eats the whole thing purely just by itself.

Mark Wiens is a Man that can handle Spicy Food, He just goes for it, You have to Admire the ballsyness of that...

Too much pork

Don’t lies Pork Crispy when you keep in cooler no more crunchy but if u heated

Eu sou mineira e faltou ele ir no interio de minas onde tem muita comida caseira maravilhosa e lindas cachoeiras e montanhas

who is the guy in the blue shirt?

Yeah, I'm no into the grilled liver, with fried pig in the same place!

Why is Mark sharing a plate? He doesn’t even share plates with his wife.

Shout out to the anthony Bourdain . ..priceless!!!

Banana chips looks great

That cow foot soup looks amazing

That liver looks delicious

The KAOL also is known as "Bride's Dream" a sausage with 2 eggs on the rice and beans plate. I love the creativity and Humor of the Brazilian people.

5:28 Mark wimps out on the Cachaca...13:39 Warning! Whoring ads from Mark in the middle of his video - just skip to 14:20 23:11 Now those are well used sauce pans! 24:46 More food falling out of Mark's mouth, just hanging there (smaller bites, Mark)! Great vid!

thanks for coming in my city , by the fact im not living there anymore , i love your videos , keep doing this amazing job


called the ghost pepper (2nd spiciest pepper in the world) "decently spicy" mark could eat fire and not feel the burn hahaha wish i could eat like this guy

mark wiens: not that spicy me: yeah right!!! hahaha

Ultimo boteco, Bar do Careca, pertinho de onde moro, passo em frente direto mas nunca fui lá! kkk vou até fazer uma visita agora!

MMMMMMMMMMM woooooowwwwwww the you say this every clip

pqq o nosso guia brasileiro fala o nome das comidas br com soltaque ingles? kkk? "here it's called pãum dee keyjoh"

Santa tereza

Ha! Eating a cut up ghost pepper on his food and adds more peppers from a jar!

Who pays for all the food that Mark consumes... And his flight tickets to all those countries he goes to? I want to also enjoy such treats!

:O Was that larb chips?? Please make them available in Salzburg.

Que orgulho!!!! É minha cidade porra !!!!!

Esse cara show pimenteiro do BOM

I love BH ... I love MG !!

19:34 They call it Stoners Square

The foods were mouth watering.

That is the best food of Brazil...

mark tasting the air: oooohwooooow this is air is so airy. ohhhhwoooow!

Com in Albania

eating meat doesnt make you a man go vegan

3:28 "Not too spicy" The most I seen him disappointed lol!

Who else is here for the "WOW" ?

Give me some...hahaha

Minas cheese: the best in the word!

It's not kale Mark! it's collard greens prepared the Minas Gerais way, the best!

Hi Mark, where to get the banana chips? Available in Malaysia?

You are Fake not all food in world is oh wow be honest and give us true opinion u eating sometines trash food and u say oh wow lol u re strange

Faltou ele mostrar o ponto turístico sobe e desce da rua Quaicurus.

does anyone else feel like punching this idiot in the face after he makes his stupid faces after he eats something?


Hi! Love the videos, but i’d like to see more of your sweet family enjoying the food? Where is your wife and Son?

Hoping mark could visit Jamaica and go to mokkos kitchen...

I just watch these videos to make fun of this guy. Can u say oh wow one more time

My God u r one strange individual

Good God man open ur mouth a little wider for the love of God

Looks like a lime to me

O cara veio para BH e não comeu pão de queijo? Como assim? Que desrespeito com o gringo!

That's not a lemon dude 2:02, 2:47!

Normal people on ghost pepper: "sweating, crying, throw up, heart raising, drinking 5 glasses of milk" Mark Wiens: oh, really sweet, amazing flavour. *take spoon and adding more chili on food*

@Amélie Zh Hi there Link to the US Store if you are located somewhere else just tell us where on messenger

I think them Brazilians were low key trying to Bill Cosby Mark by spiking all the hot sauce with Brazilian moonshine lol everyone who follows Mark knows he doesn’t drink, so the best way to get him under the influence of anything would be to spike the chili/hot sauce

Jesus! Ele e um pé de pimenta ambulante

Num tem como uma pessoa comer que nem um demônio e ser magra nesse porte, não é possível NÃO É POSSÍVEL

8am meat treat!lol


Mark Wiens você gosta de pimenta em cara

I'm a mineiro, and I so Happy to comes here!!!


This was a excellent video bro lol I am gonna like n sub I also wanna invite you too check out the video i did where I ate some ghost peppers, either way take it easy

yow since I started subscribing to you, I also started to like chillis. from the Philippines with love.

Quando voltar ao Brasil vai no pé de fava

@Roberto Firmino Irrelevant.


He never has to work a day in his life



U dropped the melted cow out of your mouth the second u said it haha

I eat very spicy as well @MarkWiens Ghost peppers, Carolina reapers, and Trinidad Scorpions. If it's not spicy, then it feels like I'm missing something in my dishes. Of course I have to dish out non-spicy first, then add in the chilies afterwards. I love watching your videos. You're amazing.

O guia de turismo leva a namorada atrás p todo lado lol. Mulheres brasileiras são muito pegajosas. Aff a mulher não deixa o cara respirar. Aqui na Inglaterra as mulheres são mais confidentes. Outra eles falam muito alta atrás dos caras falando inglês q falta de educação o cara está filmando! Ele e pago p abrir a boca qd e necessário somente.

o cu desse gringo deve ser reforçado com 3 layers de amianto corta-chamas...

a mulher brasileira é pegajosa por culpa dos homens que sao tudo safado hauhsuahsu

You should have gone to Xapuri, a famous restaurant here in BH

Why didn’t you eat chicken with okra? It’s like THE DISH from the state

I decided a long time ago, the fat and skin on the pork belly is the God of all meats! Runner up is waygu number 5! Of course! Hahaha!

Haha/ Your chips looks good.

So wonderful :-) You make me hungry and I just finished eating/ lolll :-) You're great! Good job xx

Heyy I’m from Trinidad @0:59

Sadoro vc queria ver vc comer cachorro quente e o famoso assai em sao paulo

Looks like a clean market (your in portagul that figures)

cachaça is famous throughout the northeast region, mainly paraíba, rio grande do norte and ceará.

Other news