Letting Crowder Speak -- The FULL Interview

Letting Crowder Speak -- The FULL Interview

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stephen crowder has the most popular independent news channel on youtube but recently youtube and twitter censored him i hate it when they do that so i interviewed crowder we agree on some things but we also debate here's our full interview people know that i've had battles with with big tech for a long time but uh i was uh demonetized indefinitely both of my channels and uh in in banned from posting uploading streaming to youtube for one week at least assuming that they don't do what twitter has done at this very same time twitter has suspended me repeatedly without listing any reason as to why um and this is what's interesting so right now i can't talk about this on twitter uh and on facebook we've we've been throttled and i don't mean a conspiracy where some people out there you know they love to stir drama and i think i've been shadow ben no facebook told us we're going to remove your reach twitter has suspended me and locked me out here's what's interesting about twitter let me back it up a little bit with twitter they suspended me and it says reason listed blank now keep in mind they set before congress and said we are transparent and we let people know when they violate policies and we give them the opportunity to rectify it four times suspended reason blank from the previous suspension to the current suspension okay i tweeted one tweet and that tweet was twitter has told congress that they only suspend with reason and list it to the violator and an image of the screenshot where it was blank i was then suspended after that singular tweet after that hit from youtube uh and i can get into why youtube has said that i am uh suspended for the time being yeah go go to it so with youtube they removed two one episode was an episode where we did fifth we did uh uh one year anniversary to celebrate 15 days to flatten the curve okay now let me be really clear i don't think that people should be banned even if they have crazy conspiracy theories and they're anti-vaxxers but i'm not this is what i said in the video and all of our sources are always available publicly at loudearthcrowder.com we always use original sources neutral sources or liberal sources as references every day we list them publicly we have a link in the description on youtube every single episode despite being a comedy show okay i said that covid is a real virus and it is significantly more lethal to old people never said it's not a real virus never said that people shouldn't take the vaccine as a matter of fact i've been trying to get my mother to take the vaccine because she's older um i've never never said really anything about take take your conspiracy never said it here's what i did say and this was using the cdc and the world health organization in this episode a one hour and a half uh one and a half hour episode i said look now we have all of the data uh uh that's been collected from the cdc and world health world health organization so it's a novel virus but we know a bit and we know the goal posts have moved we know that coven 19 is significantly more lethal to the elderly and immunocompromised than the standard flu and we know according to the cdc their own mortality rates that it's significantly less lethal to children and teenagers i said and that's it we don't know why but that's interesting because maybe we should study that and maybe we should treat these categories differently um i even actually hosted a protest in michigan to protest the nursing home policies i have a 97 year old grandmother in michigan and what i said what i ended with was this look the imperial college of london study said 2.4 million would be dead i believe when we started this pandemic they said a mortal a death rate of three percent i heard as high as seven but mainstream acceptance was three percent there were doctors remember those doctors from california who were banned from facebook and youtube who unlike dr fauci who hasn't seen a patient in 40 years they were actually treating patients and they said based on what we've seen in our practice uh the mortality rate is nowhere near three percent it's actually much closer to the common flu in that we believe the mortality rate to be somewhere between point one and point three percent they were banned well they were right and certainly here's the thing certainly the people who said it was more comparable to the common flu then the people who set a mortality rate of three percent they were closer to being right but like i said my sin was significantly more deadly to old people significantly less to young people youtube said you can't do that because it might cause people to not take the virus seriously so they gave you an answer yeah they just said well they said it goes against the world health organization guidelines that's what they said even though we use them as a source there's been almost no pushback about that people just accept that these things are banned those doctors must have been bad they they weren't epidemiologists so we're being protected from bad information right yeah and here's the thing i didn't just say well let's talk about these doctors what i said is these doctors were banned back then and now here are the revised rates from the cdc and world health organization it's far closer to what they said which warranted a ban than the three percent death rate then the imperial college of london study which was the whole premise for 15 days to flatten the curve which then turned into months which then turned into a year so that's really all that i said so for on the covet front that's my sin and that also means look if i'm if i'm a comedian and i'm hosting a show where i list the world health organization and the cdc as sources um and then make an inference that is irrefutably correct the statement that i made doctors with dissenting opinions they haven't got a shot and then people say trust the science well hold on a second you don't allow the scientific process to take place all right let's leave covert a moment so you got demonetized what's that mean means i can make zero dollars on youtube despite the fact that we have an immense viewership and profit youtube uh immensely they're protecting their reputation that's what they say now here's the thing um and i should also be clear i want to go back i will go back to not just covert but the other episode they had a problem with was regarding the election and i think that's something that'll interest you because there's a great degree of specificity there that youtube just won't address yeah i've been demonetized before and here's the thing i've said that look if youtube wants to demonetize me uh meaning they want me to not be able to make a dime okay fine i am not entitled to make advertising revenue however when they demonetize me for verifiable facts and lil nas x is being sodomized by satan and not only is that monetized but it's deemed child friendly that's where i have a problem just back up because i'm old and that went by me what got accepted what that is not even demonetized yeah yeah so we've actually showed on my so this there's a current video and i want to be clear i am not offended at all right i'm alice cooper fan i get shock rock this is a rapper called lil nos x and he uh to cross promote some shoes with vials of human blood in them he did a music video where he sings about having sex with the devil and he's being sodomized by satan in hell that is child friendly on youtube furthermore i don't know what i'm allowed to say here or not but i'm describing videos that on youtube children can search so what i'm about to say might be shocking do i have your permission yeah you can say whatever you want well i don't know you're a decent man so we were on our show and um we were of course told that what we our election coverage was inappropriate for children there's a gay porn channel on youtube where they play on camera dick or dildo where a man lies down and there's a sheet granted and his partner inserts his penis into him and he has to guess whether it's his penis or a dildo and that's child friendly on youtube so my issue is with it not being applied equally now here's the thing i've spent millions of dollars on youtube and advertising where i can hopefully i would like to be able to pick videos on which i would advertise but i don't have the option of picking content like mine they lock us up you have the option of saying i want to advertise on dick or dildo but you don't have the option of saying i want to advertise on let's say pro second amendment content or on stephen crowder content so i just get told from youtube advertisers don't want anything to do with your show which i know isn't true because we have direct sponsors who want to and they've been stonewalled from youtube and then when i'm advertising on youtube and i say hey i'd really like to be able to target people who are interested in my kind of content well that's not allowed so they're the ones who determine what is advertiser friendly it is them and them alone it's not sponsors and why what's their motivation well i think there's an ideological motivation beyond a profit motivation at this point um and that's what's so uh i guess you would say pernicious might be even the appropriate word look when they are saying hey someone cannot say that covid19 is more lethal to seniors and not lethal uh significantly to seven year olds we're going to remove that and demonetize it but we are not only going to allow and make it child friendly and run ad revenue but we are going to put the satan sodomizing a gay black wrapper into the feed of kids watching disney videos i don't have the answer but that's what they're doing political bias oh yeah of course that they would claim no that's the issue they always say no no no we don't have political bias well of course they've been acting as publishers they're not a neutral platform and you and i too i'm sure that you've struggled with this in some capacity uh being more of a libertarian and you know i'm very much a christian uh so i'd be considered conservative but i line up really pretty libertarian as how people would describe me i just don't i just don't really use the term i don't mean this as an offense because you're a libertarian you're a true libertarian but then bill maher uh also claims to be a libertarian so i'm like well what does it mean anymore so i i know i know so i just say conservative but i'm pretty consistently libertarian and pro-free market i think the drug war is a failure i find it ironic that many liberals who want to end the drug war also want to make guns illegal like the cartels can't stand to make a profit off of that but um yeah i think uh i think uh we're at a point where it's not the free market at work you're talking about five companies who are more powerful than any governments that have existed before them who lobby the government and get political and legal protections under the guise of 230 and safe harbor laws so that they are not held accountable for what's on their platform just like a public utility like at t or like verizon but 18 verizon can't kick you off if you say something that they don't like on their phone service youtube twitter facebook can they get the same protections so um i don't think this is about the free economy anymore especially when you look at the many many many many many many many hundreds of millions really billions at this point that these companies uh donate to democratic politicians to give them favorable laws i think they just employ a lot of young people who lean left and do it on their own i think that would be one thing if it didn't come from the top down if it didn't come from the top down and executives and chiefs of content and and if i hadn't had experiences um with people actually trying to guide the form of our content um sometimes before it airs let's talk about one clip of yours i did watch which was good reporting this uh phony addresses in nevada accumulated voter data uh from government websites okay we checked if the addresses were deliverable here's a quick snapshot collage so you can just see boom boom so this is something too so let me be really clear here because this was considered a violation of their election policy their scams policy now their policy is you cannot you can talk about voter fraud you can talk about it happening even on a large level you cannot say that voter fraud affected the outcome of the 2020 election or that donald trump won the election okay fine got it i didn't say that i'm sure a lot of people have opinions by the way by that same standard you can't criticize the election of russia or venezuela by youtube standards but what do you mean by saying fine it's not fine we ought to know it's not fine talk about that yeah i think someone should be able to say if they're especially if they're regulated as a public utility that lizard people stole the election i think people should be able to say whatever they want now i will say this i've also gone off on rants on my show about people who've alleged fraud that they for example dominion where i say look look we have evidence of this kind of fraud taking place that we can verify but if we have evidence of something that is significant enough and then someone else comes out and says 60 million votes were stolen you go well now the truth can't get past the lie and i don't think they necessarily need to be banned but what i say is people who try and peddle these election fraud theories that are unfounded make our lives very difficult so i spoke with my lawyer this is the other episode that was removed for violating the policies my half asian lawyer bill richmond i said look what can i say what can i do he said well you can't say anything that you haven't verified i said okay can we talk about these voter rolls with people he said well you can't unless you've visited those gravestones you can't say that i said okay look would i be in the legal clear if i went on air and said okay i cannot discuss any other instances of fraud aside from these several dozen addresses that i've personally verified here on video with a copy of today's newspaper he said you can do that i said good so what we did was we looked at the voter rolls okay we had my researchers do it some some brilliant people and i of course worked tirelessly with them we went to the voter rolls cross-referenced it with uh postal service deliverable addresses then searched on google earth to see if this was a valid address or not that should be enough but it's not i either went out or sent out producers to in person verify those addresses we have a list of of i want to say thousands but we don't have enough time to visit all of them so we visited i think somewhere between 25 and 30 something mainly in nevada and michigan because those were the easiest states for us to get access to these and also comply with the voter laws now we went on air and said look i can't say anything else but i i can definitely tell you that this is not a legitimate voting address i can say i said i can definitely tell you that this you know an empty lot with today's paper on video an overpass with a copy of today's paper and their voting log um i said i can tell you that these are not valid votes and nobody cares now here's where it gets interesting we got fact checked by someone anonymous on reddit something like that and they said that we got uh i think three things wrong and this is what spurred me to go do more research and we caught something far more sinister uh they were right they were right to their credit we were wrong one of the addresses in nevada was an empty lot turns out my intern took a video of the empty lot next to the empty lot where the vote came from odds and evens are hard in vegas to keep track of and when you're surrounded by empty lots like tatooine it's hard to know which one is the empty lot so we did make that mistake but the vote was still from an empty lot across the street but this made me paranoid and i said okay that in the end that's still a happy mistake really because it showed us that there's even more uh there are even more problems with the voter rolls but i need to go back and make sure that i'm right and there have been no other mistakes and i thought that i got one wrong and the one that i thought i got wrong was this lady named christina gupana who worked for the clintons in 2016. she was fired in disgrace over something to do with i think voter fraud actually uh and no one has really seen her since 2018 not quite a missing person but a lot of people are looking for so when i went through my voting rolls i realized this is christina gapana in vegas who voted and i said i can't believe we made this mistake i showed her vote coming from under an overpass uh i believe the address was somewhere on west bonneville avenue and when i looked at the voter rolls i said it's east bonneville avenue i said oh my god i have to go out and apologize this isn't like me to make this careless mistake i can't believe that this happened spoke with my researcher who's english and she said no actually we didn't make mistake i have the voter rolls from august of the voter rolls from november they do say west bonneville looks like in nevada at the county registrar they changed the address to east bonneville last night so they changed it on a wednesday night from west bonneville avenue to east bonneville avenue after we had broadcast the show this matters for two reasons if you go to the nevada county the county website there sir the nevada state website and the county website they claim that they don't change any voter rolls on any day outside of monday this happened on a wednesday night now i said okay they changed it let me follow up turns out she's never lived or been to east bonneville either so it was updated to a new address which was also since we're on youtube a [ __ ] and when i called the official spokesperson in nevada um they said well we'll have to look into it there's i said look assuming that everything that i'm saying is not lying assuming that i've actually spoken with the person who owns that apartment assuming that i've been to both of these addresses and i have it on video with the copy of today's newspaper assuming that it's true what do you do to ensure the legitimacy and the integrity of those who are voting legitimately and this person on air on this episode that was removed said um i don't believe there's any system in place to change that so that's the issue even if there is verifiable 100 irrefutable fraud which i can't prove on a level of hundreds of thousands because i don't have the time there is nothing that can be done and there is no interest in doing anything this was on youtube this was removed and you also then posted i've been suspended from youtube i guess banned temporarily they're making it clear that conservative opinions as it relates to covet or the election are not welcome and mysteriously just within the last day that was removed no explanation why no they did give me an explanation and as a matter of fact they haven't given any explanation as to exactly what we said that was incorrect with the voter fraud or cobit video just that it's dangerous um but with that one so i have a second channel crowder bits as a channel we just cut clips you know sometimes sketches go up there and uh that channel didn't have any strikes so i just uploaded a cell phone video basically me saying hey like you said this has happened they claimed it was a violation of their circumvention rules but they've never been applied that way the circumvention rules uh have al the precedent set there is they ban a video from one channel you can't just try and re-upload that same video to another channel circumvention rules have not been used to ban someone from saying hey just so you know my video was removed i won't be able to post on that channel for a while so this is very unique so they want to make sure that this information just doesn't get out there and look this isn't about me i don't want you see all these stories where people talk about it all the time this is different because i have a lawyer on retainer and of course we're going to take legal action we always do in the past we've always won the issue here is this is something that's going to have to escalate it's going to take a long amount of time we live in biden's america right now where again you if you are a conservative if you are someone who expresses an opinion even if accurate and they don't like they will remove it investigative journalism is dead the kind of work that you did that i grew up with which was really inspiring when people ask about my show they say what do you compare it to because a lot of conservatives don't really know entertainment content was it like a conservative daily show i say no well first off certainly not like the daily show today because our show is funny but um i always say it's actually you it's like a it's like a cross between david early david letterman maybe howard stern tv and john stossel that's how i describe it to people and they go oh yeah that makes sense the kind of stuff that you did with your give me a break segments and the hidden uh the investigative journalism specifically when you investigated corruption in bureaucratic government would never be allowed on youtube today don't say what i did i'm still doing it once a week and most of it gets on okay well then i stand corrected i can remember some ones where you you uh you led to some hot water for elected officials and uh i guess it just depends on who it is but what you're still doing like government corruption where you're doing hidden camera stuff yeah in a way i'm annoyed with you because i research things and i interview the other side and investigate and i'm reaching a lot of people millions and you're just shooting from the hip mostly doing comedy and you reach twice as many people well i will tell you this i would compare our references and sources and i guarantee you um we probably have about 10 times the amount you do because we reach billions and i don't say that to be i say that because i shouldn't have to i shouldn't have to justify every joke that i make but for example that job of cross-referencing that took several weeks of non-stop work um for research that i am not nearly as capable at doing as you are listen i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed not like yourself i never came up through through any sort of investigative journalism i often just do this job because no one else is doing it and yes i have a general problem with authority but no if we go out there and i say look this person didn't live at this address this person doesn't live in this new address you can take it to the bank that this person doesn't live at that address if i say covet is significantly more lethal for old people and significantly less for young people you can go to my website check the source and you can take it to the bank i've never been wrong i don't shoot from the hip on those the one that got you in trouble recently is your comments about five billion dollars going to farmers of color most happy about the new policy these people i'm on black buy a plow man i'm gonna plant that corn go get a john deere barack obama i'm the president of plowing that edge yeah that was that was a joke where we did an impression of people from and again keep in mind the context of that joke the big dif there's a big difference people should be able to understand this for example when trevor noah goes out and says the rise in anti-asian hate crimes because of calling it the china virus and angry white people that's a claim that's not a joke i differentiate between that claim and when he makes a joke and even if i don't find it funny i have to acknowledge that it's a joke when me and my co-host dave landau are talking about uh the irony in that white suburbans have mo or white rural people have moved into downtown detroit to urban farm and we're supposed to believe that the inverse has happened and again we talked about the numbers of how many people in this country are black farmers proportionally to the number allotted to them then we go into an impression of hipsters in detroit and uh detroit african-americans living out on farms it's a fish out of water too it's funny but the way you and your co-host did it was mean nasty i don't blame youtube for saying i don't want this on our channel no i thought you had a better sense of humor than that okay and uh i guess no i say look i think that we i think one thing and the reason people enjoy when you're on my show when i'm we interact is the ability to be frank i think there's a reason that uh that john stossel isn't writing any comedy spec scripts anytime soon and there's a reason that i've never wanted to be um an investigative journalist and sometimes things fall on my lap for example antifa this is a i never wanted to infiltrate antifa right i don't know if you know this the fbi was on the phone with us because we infiltrated their encrypted app for a goof all of a sudden the officers are involved the federal bureau of investigation because they handed my producer a knife an ice pick and they were going to get a sawed-off shotgun from their trunk for a ben shapiro live show um this stumbles in our lap because of our audience i would love to do nothing but the entertaining uh jokes that many people find tasteless um but uh i'm okay with it no one i don't expect everyone to like it but not just taste it's it's mean miss mr lispy queer from vox the gay vox sprites wrong he could be a [ __ ] your honor i don't even get the joke it just feels nasty yeah well first off you're not quoting jokes what am i quoting you're quoting me referencing his own self-descriptions those aren't the jokes in that video it's a 20-minute video there are jokes and then they're me saying the the the list be queer from box because he says the list be queer from buck right so there are different things you can't take in other words david letterman interviewing donald trump where uh he attacks him and then take some jokes and misapply them to an interview where he's being serious no those weren't the jokes people need to watch the 20 minute video people need to watch the over 20 or 30 vox rebuttals many of which never involve this person they are brutal they are rough i am unapologetic especially in the face of the biggest corporations in the world who are trying to ensure that independent voices yourself included john yourself included once the channel gets big enough that you are not able to have that voice when my wars and legal battles go with nbc universal abc disney viacom turner cnn and now they say to youtube well we don't want them on the platform listen don't have to like what i say but uh i think at the end of the day you'll be glad that there's someone there someone there doing it and the algorithm they change to nail you for doing things like that now also deep platformed channels that simply covered sensitive issues like a history teacher's channel that showed nazi footage to teach about world war ii right and i've i've had stuff well go ahead what were you going to say no i just said what's your i don't understand what's your point there yeah i think it's horrible i'm taking your side on this and that i've done videos with camille foster and larry elder racism has never been more insignificant a factor in one's success and youtube said the content might offend marginalized individuals or groups my video on politicians who send kids to private schools but are against school choice topics may be unsettling for our viewers right well i think what's also important is you know for example we go back to you saying that it's mean where again keep in mind the vox guy refers to i watched it seemed needlessly nasty do you think anything is as needlessly nasty as referring to donald trump as putin's [ __ ] holster his mouth as his [ __ ] ulcer or melania trump as a feckless [ __ ] that's the standard by which you got to judge me and ours is a pg-13 but there's a difference between mocking the president the over class and mocking minorities well no no i wasn't mocking minorities i was mocking nbc universal who by the way co-produced a show with youtube and vox talk about an incestuous relationship youtube financially co-produces a program with vox which is a subsidiary of nbc universal i've bankrolled this entire thing from forty thousand dollars in my savings account back in 2009 so yeah there is a bit of a david and goliath story and sometimes you know what you got to use a sling as opposed to a polished sword but no i think i think that you're buying something just from watching it out of context the context would require you watching every rebuttal that we've done to vox and i guarantee you that would include thousands just our rebuttals to box thousands of references most of which come from pubmed most of which come from peer-reviewed scientific journals certainly in covid coming from the cdc and world health organization and today we just forced one of my producers to eat a mushroom because he had a lifelong fear of it because someone lost their face due to a fungi similar to a mushroom it's silly and we do it and uh we're the only ones doing it on the right and you know what i i really i the one thing is i grew up wishing there was at least one alternative to far left entertainment and i think when you look at what's permissible with trevor noah what's permissible with everyone on these giant corporate um networks at this point and what we do it it really is pretty tame humor is uh i think was phil distillery to this it's a rubber tipped sword it's the way to make a point without drawing blood you know what really bothered me with comedians to kind of draw a parallel sarah silverman you know um and amy schumer they were shot comics i don't know if you ever followed sarah silverman but her whole act was the bait and switch where it would be racist or it would be anti-semitic like for example one of her famous jokes was where she said you know i realized that a lot of uh you have these race you have these redneck christians who blame the jews for killing jesus and i think that's ridiculous i'm still one of the few people who blames the blacks that was her joke i don't think she could tell that joke today no and she certainly couldn't tell the joke about how she watches starving children in africa and wonders why are all these eight-year-olds pregnant that was her joke rough i think it's abhorrent i think she has the right to do it now i personally think that she was funny doing that but now she has said you can't describe something as gay and so what sarah silverman has done is made her many many many millions once she's had her dreamworks deals and her her show at comedy central and then she's pulled the ladder up and closed the door behind her i don't want to do that i could do that i want to see other people on these platforms coming up i don't want to be the last one and i remember being really excited coming up and thinking well you know what if i work really hard here online it doesn't matter what some executive says it doesn't matter what some producer says if people want to watch this we can create it and we'll find our people but now that's gone now there's more control than ever before i mean even at this point too think about it when we have to deal with the fcc at least you knew what you were dealing with you couldn't say anything scatological certain bad words right but now you say something that isn't even offensive and then someone with some small blog and a few people on twitter amplify it and the person loses their job because people deem it offensive enough that day i mean dealing with the fcc was a cakewalk when i was on radio compared to this now it's not about the fcc canceling you based on guidelines and rules that you actually know it's people trying to remove your ability to make a living forever based on rules that don't exist and and hopefully that goes away but it starts with some lawsuits and some states taking action and florida's done well texas looks like it's going to be next and we need a few more that could really change the momentum and you've succeeded with it you're getting election time seven million views that's just about equal to fox it is equal to cnn on youtube it was 16 million actually oh i read seven yeah no that's because our stream broke and then we had to restart it but cumulatively it was yeah 16 million and listen i think that's silly but i think that shows what a failure what a failure cnn abc nbc uh cbs and fox news have done in serving their viewers we covered it in real time we were the first ones covering you know them these uh ballots coming in on uh what are those red flyer wagons in detroit while that was happening you're saying huh that's that's weird and then there are ports coming in at 4 30 in the morning saying in those coolers or camera equipment i've traveled with a crew of 15 for years in my life never once have we put cameras in coleman coolers are you in that habit uh john i know you're familiar with camera equipment you put them in coleman coolers to take them to election precincts no so that's the only reason on election night we didn't get dinged for conspiracies because it was happening in real time and no one else had their answers at that point um i don't think that we should be getting those kinds of numbers on an even playing field i think that fox news with their billions of dollars in profits should probably be able to put out a better product but i think they called arizona with uh with uh a fraction of the voting and we waited one more criticism of the stuff i've watched from you keep them coming i deserve all of it okay cultural appropriation month love it you're dressed like i don't know what you're you're drowning a blonde doll in a glass of water i don't even understand the joke yeah that was an episode where we talked about uh so keep in mind too i was in uh as a matter of fact what's funny this is a video that you reviewed for me when i was at fox news when i went to the cancun climate summit and you gave me really good feedback you said you know what it's good surprisingly good information talk less show more and i said okay and i actually i followed that i went down to the cancun climate summit where i watched uh ted turner advocate china's one child policy to improve climate change cultural appropriation month is in any given week we appropriate a new culture because to appropriate is to appreciate now this comes from on the heels with taco tuesday being banned um at schools for example or sombrero themed parties and then it grew from there that episode was uh and there have been several where we've been talking about how the green new deal and specifically the cancun climate summits the advocacy of china's one child policy which by the way has resulted in countless girls being drowned in a bathtub and so we portray that in a way that is shocking offensive so people know what our elected officials are actually proposing legislatively and if people are more offended by me pantomiming what happens in china every single day then politicians who actually would if they had their way limit families to one child per household in order to appease gaia the green earth god then that's just someone i disagree with i don't think the joke is more offensive than the policy other people who have been demonetized include israel levants network yeah the epic times carl benjamin tommy robinson paul joseph watson any comments i think it's terrible this has been going on for a long time i don't listen i can say i don't know all of the content on all of those channels but um what i can know is whether the rules are applied equally i'm willing to bet the people you just mentioned ezreal event in the epic times and i know uh uh of what's sargon of akkad carl benjamin i know he gets into edu territory but i can guarantee you that ezra levant and epic times unless i'm wrong probably haven't had someone blowing satan and selling sneakers with vials of blood in them that one's child friendly and still monetized so if they're going to claim to be a neutral platform i don't know how you monetize one make it kid-friendly and put the other behind an age restriction i don't need to know all the details i just need to know the main ones is dick or dildo monetized and child friendly yes has ezra levant ever used a cuss word no he bleeps it okay don't really care about the opinion at that point it's just not it's just not a rule that's applicable and right now and this is something to the all information right now i think we both know this all information is controlled by about five companies about five companies apple amazon google youtube facebook twitter it used to be remember you had three networks and people would say well we'll never get the numbers of johnny carson again right because he would average like he'd get like 50 million a night and then you had this sort of it was fracturing of media where you then had thousands of channels we had 2020 which you watched as a kid and we would get 15 20 million people yes because there were only three networks and there was a fracturing and they had all these other network thousands right of channels and people say well you never get those numbers again and now we've gone back to that in a way uh where it's really five companies and when you're talking about consuming media with people under the age of 35 netflix amazon youtube and then there's some peripheral players like hbo max or maybe hulu um but certainly fewer than hundreds you'd be able to count them on one hand uh maybe two if you're you know like a royal one of the royal children depending how far down the lineage you go but more than we used to have people do have more choice no no but as far but people aren't subscribed when you look at the unpluggers so what i'm saying is the numbers went from 50 million with johnny carson to the point where you know let's use fox news as an example fox news was the number one leader in all of cable right it's not just cable news all of cable many nights and that was getting three million views in prime time right that pales in comparison like cobra kai just averaged 36 million viewers so breaking bad their season finale was i believe 12 to 13 million and that was considered the last big hurrah and my point is now it's more concentrated again and then specifically as it relates not just to media consumption but human interaction social media and youtube is sort of on you know has one foot in both camps there where it's kind of social media it's not really netflix but people are using it to watch a lot of content and we have a few companies we have amazon right we have apple uh who are getting into more of the consumable media uh sphere now as opposed to consumable goods then you have google alphabet network owns youtube facebook twitter and you can add netflix amazon call it hulu that covers about 90 of what anyone under the age of 35 is watching now they're not plugged into cable and these people have gotten together to consolidate power in many ways look i don't think it requires a conspiracy theorist to say hey whether it's alex jones or um there have been several examples someone got de-platformed from facebook twitter youtube and their book removed from the amazon store in the same day and they didn't even upload the same content to all those platforms that's where you have to say okay there are some conversations that are being had and this is scary we do have alternatives now like odyssey and parlor if people don't like youtube they have a choice of being able to switch right and i know some people would would say that um and by the way i think some of these companies are really putting in a valiant effort and i've been in talks with some of these companies um behind the scenes here's the issue a couple things first off they have a fraction and i mean a fraction of the user base of youtube they also have a fraction of the budget to give to politicians and to give the lot and you know have lobbyists go in this they don't have that ability not only that they don't have the ability to pay creators and so effectively there is a monopoly because youtube every time there's been a competitor whether it's uh i don't know who bought tick tock and snapchat versus who bought vine but every time there's some kind of a competitor it is bought up immediately and then these three sites are the only sites that are able to actually provide a living to people for creating content right and they've said this is the thing is they've advertised to these people hey put your content on facebook put your content on youtube and we're going to make sure that you can make the living you get to keep the fans who you generate and i say this because they've called me directly facebook and youtube where they've asked me to advertise with them i'm pro-business i'm anti-fraud so there really is no way for uh places like these sites to compete as far as new people building up audiences it's just not possible for example when i started in my den it was radio i mean this was after it was a fox news for about four years and then did my own show uh that was syndicated on radio i podcasted it streamed it in my den then moved to my garage studio moved where we are now from one employee to three to six now to 15 that wouldn't be possible on parlor it wouldn't be possible on odyssey and there's another problem too um for me as far as as far as sort of i guess my purpose for lack of a better word uh i don't want to just be preaching to the choir that's also why youtube deems me a threat i mean when we have yeah sure you mentioned some of the offensive jokes but we have we have you know nine hours of content i think every week we do ash wednesday which is effectively where we bring in uh pastors or priests we have convert crowder week where it could be a catholic it could be a mormon and we just talk about different religious theology we have long form interviews we've done them with you we've done them with scientists uh today we just pieced that we just parsed through the mask mandates in texas and mississippi and what the infection rates have been since march 3rd and march 10th and what the death rates have been we do this and of course what gets the headline is a joke that people don't like but that's really not the bulk of what we do and we've probably bought uh brought and i know i was an atheist you won't like this probably brought more uh uh millennial atheists into the church than any other program because we're not preachy and because we're not proselytizing i'm a christian i make no apology about it um but this isn't a christian show and that's sort of a gap that hasn't been bridged for a long time and so it's important for me to reach the unreached whether it's saying hey you know what nuclear energy is actually cleaner than a lot of form of renewables or me saying hey you know what when you move fundamental judeo-christian values from any culture it creates a vacuum that's going to be filled and you're seeing that in europe with islam it's important for me to reach those unreached and so what i've done is safeguard myself as much as i can on these open platforms really the tripopoly right youtube facebook twitter um and then created you know the mug club which is where people can pay uh and i'll give myself a plug here if that's okay at uh lot of credit.com

mug club where they can join and we provide them with additional content so um they get value added they get to talk with us directly they get an additional 45 minutes of content every day and they also understand that their independent support and fundraising is what allows us to create the free content that uh reaches new people i mean for crying out loud john you know people this happens too where people will bring up jokes out of context um if a cons if the guy who does change my mind which is literally everything that you and i were taught in media couldn't possibly work and i know this because i pitched it at fox news and would was told it was crap and i pitched the book idea and i was told it was crap the idea was this look the problem that we have in media is we put people in a quadrant view and we give them a limited amount of time and they're all trying to score points so they can go back to either renew their contributorship or represent their think tank or magazine and get more spots i said but i've never had a good conversation on air i've never had the kind of conversation on air that i have at the gym or i have at the coffee shop so what if we did this segment we just release it online where we set up a table with a with an opinion that might be deemed controversial and we edit nothing we take nothing out of context whatever happens we film everyone said it wouldn't work and we do that and it works and when people talk about the stuff they don't like they never talk about i'm pro-life change my mind in a three-hour video they never talk about me saying i'm pro-second amendment changed my mind and not only talking with kids on college campuses after a mass shooting but taking girls to a gun range who had never fired a weapon and then they wanted to purchase a firearm only to realize that they couldn't because of the background check which they couldn't meet because they weren't 21. the education that takes place on a show just be i it's i mean i don't know how many hundreds of hours would change my mind no one else has done it because it's not headline worthy and that tells us that we really do live in a society that's craving that that's craving some authenticity look when you're not editing it i can't edit that to make myself look good there is no way to do it there is no way to do it you've been on this show uh we did devil's advocate right what is that that's a show where i tell everybody on this show and you know i said you're not going to talk with steven crowder it's going to be scala return you're never going to talk with steven crowder and i've done and i do nothing but spend days in research looking for the liberal arguments that i deem are most effective and then try and find the most authoritative sources people i admire there are people like you ben shapiro jordan peterson um and i argue with them on a given topic i don't remember what it was that we debated uh welfare perhaps it might have been a welfare state does it ever become lonely being so unpopular in your viewpoints yes and i remember you saying that was tougher than you thought because it wasn't me just going i'm a liberal i'm stupid i sat down and i read chomsky and i looked at and i went and sat in in classes with local professors who i knew were notoriously liberal and i read every single mainstream leftist website that i could because the purpose to that is if people watch john stossel capably handle um this liberal caricature on my show it will actually arm them with information and the line of critical thinking to convince people in their day-to-day life i don't want to to uh knock down strawman i have no interest in it because it doesn't serve the audience in the way uh which my my content is framed around so i just say that because you know that is me not defending myself but i think a lot of people will take something that's most offensive because the truth is the vast majority of what we do is so boring that mainstream traditional media said this will never work people will never stay tuned for devil's advocate what you're gonna do you're gonna do an hour debating john stossel on the welfare state well you're gonna do an hour with ben shapiro you're gonna what as a liberal actually argue with jordan peterson identity politics what changed my mind you're gonna do you're gonna do two hours on uh existentialist simone de bevoir and judith butler and john money and go through modern gender three no one's gonna watch that oh they're right here's the thing no one in the media watches it they pull a clip out of context and say look at this offensive joke steven made but then 10 million people do sit for hours to say yeah but look at the minds they've changed and look at the conversations they have that aren't taking place anywhere else so i don't i don't apologize for jokes that people don't like for the same reason i don't apologize for change my mind which every network executive told me would be an abysmal failure certain point you have to trust what you believe in all right before we go i want to know about the 2020 piece you still remember but couldn't find even though i'm so sad to hear that i've disappointed you today but i'm still your biggest fan so what it was was you were doing uh a piece on uh native american uh uh reservations and specifically how i think and correct me if i'm wrong how if the idea of sort of uh uh socialism which wasn't the term that you used really worked that these places should have done well because a lot of these people would have government checks and didn't necessarily have to work remember there were quite a few people in canada who were outraged and i didn't think you did anything outrageous i thought it was hilarious the theme of this story was that no group has been more helped by government than yes the indians and no group has done worse you just said indians see that's something that could i could i've gotten in trouble i've gotten warnings for saying indians on youtube videos well i started saying native americans and indians told me well we're not americans we're not from india so you're right i think natives is the better word well now it's first nations so you got that wrong okay so that's my point let's be queer this is my point this matters when someone has in their label queer with a lisp and then they go now that's a pejorative do you know what else was told to me from youtube was a pejorative they said you said this mexican gay guy what would we say what would i i don't know so that was actually so that's why i say at a certain point you create you this monster gets created when you well you're saying i can't say well you can't say that well yeah but you said i can't say mexican so whatever at this point that's what ends up happening now on the flip side that's also why i'm afraid that united states of america you're going to have you're going to have a post-racial generation which was me where we grew up in our the number one shows on television we're fresh prince of bel-air and uh family matters and hip-hop were the biggest selling albums right it was we didn't really think about race and i had a lot of black friends growing up in canada um and then even when i moved to the united states but now when you have um black liberation theology we have critical race theory being taught in schools and kids being lined up and told to apologize for being white the effect that's happened with me in comedy where i'm going i don't really care about decorum anymore at all because you said mexican was offensive i'm worried you're going to have with young kids and the idea of racism they're going to say i don't really care if you say i'm racist anymore because you told me to apologize for being white and that pendulum swings the other way that does concern me and i think it's something that we're going to see happening back to the 2020 thing though so this this was a great piece that you did and it opened my eyes a lot i didn't know this about i didn't know much about native american reservations outside of uh the fact that the ufc events were taking place uh on them at the time and i remember you telling this person uh uh who might have been at whatever the term is chieftain i don't know what's offensive or not offensive saying uh but you know you've been you've benefited you seem to be doing well here at the uh here in your house you have running water electricity a television and he said yes but that's only because the white man forces me to live this way and you paused and you said but you're wearing jeans and i don't remember i don't know why that just stuck with me as so blunt and a visceral reaction that him and his wranglers as though that was forced upon him through some other uh cultural imperial imperialists i might have been eight at the time when i saw it and i remember cocking my head back and laughing and i asked my dad if you had a book and then i bought bought that book and then i bought your next i think at that time the only book was your autobiography and then your next book was myths lies and downright stupidity get the shovel why everything you know was wrong long title but i think i have that right good memory exactly and give me a break was the first one well i'm uh depending on which things of yours i watch i'm either honored or horrified that i influenced eight-year-old you well um i guess that's the greatest compliment i could ever receive because i think that you've had that affected a lot of people as well thank you stephen crowder you

2021-05-23 11:53

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