i won't call to order the regular meeting in the litchfield city council i'm going to ask all of you to stand pledge allegiance to the flag and william dallas is going to lead us i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states compared to some of our last agendas we have a pretty lengthy agenda for tonight and uh we have standing in is christy higdon our accounts payable and sabrina our finance officer standing lori has gone to chicago and uh it's good to have a tutti back and jessica was you had her i was atlas yeah she was gone as well so we got a full crew on tonight while i've got everyone's attention especially those watching by streaming our last meeting in july our last regular meeting in july we're going to plan that to be our last streaming through facebook we're trying to convert everything over to youtube youtube is a much better service and uh all those meetings are cataloged you can go back and watch any of them and we ask that you subscribe to those and it costs nothing when i see subscribe i think money but subscription to youtube is nothing and uh subscribe it's there's two or three on there so don't get confused it's city of litchfield ky and you'll see some of the past city council meetings on there so uh i said we've got a pretty lengthy agenda we're going to try to stick to our agenda and address that chris is going to kind of monitor the streaming service and see if there's any questions any appropriate questions we need an address we will do that uh towards the end of the meeting so the first thing on our agenda is approval minutes of the regular meeting of june seventh 2021 i asked billy dallas to look at that earlier and he kind of gave me the the nod that it looked pretty good billy second okay uh second by moonsmith all in favor uh billy what about the ratification of the bills good we had a couple of questions for christy and she took care of them okay so move okay we got some seconds over here marge decker and clayton's second and two but we won't count his all in favor i'll let you second next time clayton well that's all right uh approval of the april 2021 financial statement is that in our package sabrina or is that one we had before uh no it's it's in there it is in there right here you're getting ahead of yourself yeah you skipped one on the agenda oh oh on the agenda yeah i see my agenda was printed before oh here i got a copy right here and i make notes all day on what i want to talk about so when i come in here the uh it had been changed uh yeah i see that approval to remove hannah thomps from the checking accounts and add marsha young effective july 12 21 2021 utility to prove this uh june 17th and tourism has it on their agenda for tomorrow so uh do i hear a motion i'll make a motion i'm gonna let jessica make a motion a moon second it all in favor marshall is our newest employee and she came from kimball hostfield and it seems like she has worked out real well uh in the office we're very pleased to have her she's um okay now we'll get back to mine let's see if we can follow an approval april 21 2021 financial statement okay clayton make a motion second by margin all in uh favor duvall is our fire chief tim brought to me my office about 10 days or so ago some changes that he wanted to make to the bylaws that govern the fire department we didn't have a discussion at that time so that's one reason i've asked tim to come down for tonight's meeting and explain what changes that is uh right what changes it is and tim you want to come before the council please i don't i don't have the notes that you came i think they're in lori's office that's fine it no here's something let's go fire department standard operating procedures she put in the packet just changes yeah it is in there tell me what's going to be uh what's changed tim or what you want change first thing we would like to change for y'all's approval is the application process uh the original says that they must have a background check plus a drug screening before they can even put application in so that could be a pretty good expense for them and not even maybe have a chance to get on and lose the money that they had to spend to get those to us what are you suggesting after you vote them on then do that i suggest after it goes through the officers we approve it then they come back to us with the background check and the drug screening but the city will pay for it then well maybe well really they don't have a risk for not being voted on then if the officers at the fire department approve the city should be i mean they're going through process there yeah it's a background check city hall does those and they're free yeah it's a lot of business screening process you've got somebody that's wanting to get on we need i mean they're not free no no we know they're not background checks not really okay it's not a lot they don't tell us a person i don't see any problem with that change the moon you see any problem with that change i don't see no problem with it uh before we didn't even have to come down here we've done it on the run well when we changed these operating procedures we uh we kind of took some of that authority out of the firehouse and brought it to city hall right and uh that's one reason he's here does anybody see any any problem change what else is your billy i mean billy uh tim after that process i will come to you and hopefully you will give us our blessing to go ahead and put this person to the membership and vote on them and get them started as a new member i like taking advice from our department heads and chiefs and i always have yours uh now lori was a little bit concerned was this presented to the officer meeting and they approved that right is that what you talking about that's the minutes there in a special cold meeting and a regular meeting okay having your packet uh she she didn't have that information at first and she was a little bit concerned uh that you had approval of that right so uh if there's no objection by the council i'm going to sign that for tim uh arlene do we even have to vote on that is that is that something that they they can just amend or adjust that is but what i would recommend is that every person in the fire department receive a copy of that amendment and that i would ask that they signed that they received it that they know that that's a change in the policies we usually do that we'll say that yeah i think the mayor's got assigned to well since it was a uh sog policy change that would be a bylaw change or an ordinance change yeah yes it wouldn't be because we adopted them and yes is anything else tim yeah i got two more okay i'm trying to take it too much of your time all right let me get these on real quick the next one is it stated that the chief only could like if we have trouble with one of the members at a scene or something like that only the chief could take care of it remove the person i may not be there rare occasions that i'm not but it should state that any officer on that scene could remove someone if needed be so it the way it stated it says that i myself is the only one i have for you to delegate that authority out other than yourself right except in a rare circumstance uh it would have to be a bad situation don't you also have i see in there too yeah i see and you know and the only trouble with that you know as well as i do there could be somebody young that's i see before anybody gets there right here so that's the question i have do you really want to include ic i understand delegating your authority down but right somebody could take ic and b a lot of times there's not going to do that but so that would be the only suggestion i would make that you wanted to i would expect that to be in a rare circumstance any other comments on this particular issue what else you got tim uh one more thing it's due to run uh you want me to just read it all or it's pretty lengthy or uh for which one are you on page 33 section four [Music] types of runs yes yes oh yeah okay just highlight it i guess and the council's got some questions they can ask you about this is something the state mandates also because they're volunteers they're not employees of the city that's what i'm told that's right uh the state pays their workers comp if they get injured or hurt or worse hopefully it never happens and it just uh you know they've got to have their proper attire on them they got to have some type of turnout gear you know and we're trying to eliminate and it and we've done pretty good to eliminate povs on the scene except for medical assist and stuff like that you know they drive to that but like parkways roadways or something like that if they run over and get hurt get killed they won't be covered if they don't have their gear on yeah and that's the first thing they ask when you fill out a workers comp did they have their gear on yeah then they have their proper gear and that's right uh iphone 4 on page 33 requires that they turn out with your gear on yeah do you have enough gear for everyone yeah that's why we're trying to eliminate some povs i see you know they need to go to the far house get a truck respond with the appropriate apparatus and gear that's right people going right to the scene right yeah andreas everybody got to hold on what do you think billy yeah i'm good okay moon probably okay that's our two farming on the on the staff i don't see any issues nobody else does either that's it was that it yeah anybody else got any questions for tim or any issues that he brought before the city council what about this surplus i think that's a place that's a different one yeah both of them all they are they're right yeah uh i think we're gonna work with you on that okay tim thank you very much all right you're welcome you're doing an excellent job you're probably the best fire chief we've got today in your turn don't you think oprah's digging yes i think okay uh you have also in your package this is something that we've been working on about two years approval for the mayor to execute the moa for the bevel park trail extension grant i think i total it at 149 thousand dollars this will include a path kind of into the parking lot of the swimming pool and circle around and it should include our disc golf tammy once we finish the pathway then we can focus on the disc on the disc itself but that's where the area that the next nine hose will be yeah i want to watch a time frame once we approve this tonight and i sign this tomorrow what's the time frame well we'll have to put it up oh okay there's a guy kept calling me and i think you met with him that parsons and i think somebody else came later that had done that had done these it's going to be difficult to bid because each one of them has a different vision of what that ought to be over there so uh uh do i have to hear a motion i'll make it second on second all in favor okay tammy is there anything else you want to tell me about that uh park trail extension [Music] we definitely have to have at least i believe it's a one mile paved track that's gotta be six feet wide lava for a flight wide enough for i think that's great once that's completed then the extra funding can go towards the other so we have to do the trail first people need to i went to the park this morning it's clean i go up in the upper bevel it's clean i appreciate that i want to buy the ballpark it's all everything's picked up going to the pool it's all picked up and i appreciate that uh it really really looks a trash good was let loose from albany eye center all the way down to the softball area so he spent seven months picking up some of these tracks picking that up hey what's it called syringe park like these tournaments we're collecting them um they have an option to get any girls parked too when you have them yeah i've had i haven't had a lot of softball tournaments um do they rent three or four to little league park i'm sorry it's literally parked did they ran three or four they usually ran three the three yeah and then they tried to overflow down all the girls is that about right as far as renting feels what's e-town i'm sorry what's e-town couple hundred dollars a lot more you have a lot of that electricity if you play like 125 dollars they're usually done 7 30. last game it was around i think seven because i think it's the latest we've had a game start maybe next year you can see about justin see if we need to i know softball had recommended that we if they are going to night time that we should charge a texture for you i agree electricity yeah tammy why don't you stand at the microphone please uh since you got we got you on the on the platform here why don't you uh tell us the change that you and i talked about the aquatic park um i've had a lot of people approach me in reference to a season pass my dilemma with that is if kovid russet's ugly head refunds and we had a nightmare with the refunds for baseball and softball and that's over 300 checks that we had to write out so the mayor and i discussed it and i also talked with elsa about it we do a season pass but the people who get the season pass agree that it's non-refundable so that's a change that's just the way it's uh if you're wanting to do that i mean where you got left two months two months in a couple weeks yeah so i think it's just knowing that it's non-refundable that if we do have to shut down god forbid in two weeks maybe we have to shut down that they realize they're not going to get their money you get the passes printed and yeah they had a parent come to her this week and told how much they had spent on the pool yeah and asked if we couldn't re-estate and since the state limitations on restrictions on how many people can be in there we can go at 100 capacity there's no reason not to issue a season pass so we're up to 100 percent now we can do 100 i no while there's understand social distancing and stuff like that people have to use we had the lady come in the other day which i i thanked her for it her son was not feeling well so we took his temperature and he was running a low grade fever so she made him go home and i thanked her for taking those type of precautions but um it's kind of hard to regulate that unfortunately and we're still doing our cleaning and so forth just trying to keep up with the policy as much as what would you do just cut half the price cut them on what a full one was last year how are you going to come up with it after after a certain time of the season we do the pool pass at half price right yeah we're getting i think it's um mid july is when we start doing the half price so you think about just starting it early i don't know i think they would just they would get their money out of it if we went ahead and did it now full price now and they would still they would still justify getting all their money you're talking four people for 225 this lady that called me earlier she had spent only 125 and she goes just about three or four or five times a week so she's there every day basically we're lucky to be open anyway so yeah it's open from 10 30 to 7 o'clock now so we plenty of time for people to get there yeah any comment from tammy moon clayton martin jessica billy good deal you got anything else tell us i do not so okay thank you tammy you're doing an excellent job you're probably the one the best parts and recreation directors we've ever had [Laughter] i don't know why that's funny okay first reading of an ordinance establishing regulatory license fee for the sale of alcoholic beverages for fiscal year 2021-2022 earline is this your part it is all right whereas the city of litchfield kentucky is authorized to impose a regulatory license fee on the sale of alcoholic beverages of each establishment they're unlicensed to sell alcoholic beverages pursuant to krs 243.07 and city of litchfield ordinance number 2018-16 section 20 an ordinance number 2018-17 section 1 article 4 and whereas the city has reviewed the regulatory license fee revenues from the prior fiscal year as well as the expenditures related to the additional policing regulatory and administrative expenses related to the sale of alcoholic beverages in the city with a copy of income statement being attached here too and incorporated herein by reference and whereas the city finds that the current regulatory license fees are reasonably estimated to somewhat reimburse the city for the additional policing regulatory and administrative expenses related to the sale of alcoholic beverages in the city now therefore be it ordained by the city council of the city of litchfield kentucky is follow section one the regulatory license fee shall be a six percent of gross sales of all alcoholic beverages sold by the drink by retail sales of packaged distilled spirits and wines and by retail sales of packaged malt beverages section two if any section subsection paragraph sentence clause phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason to clarity legal unconstitutional or otherwise invalid such declaration shall not affect the remaining portions hereof section 3 if any provision of this ordinance is in conflict with provisions of existing ordinances or laws it is the intent of the city council of the city of litchfield kentucky that the provisions of this ordinance shall govern in such provisions in existing ordinances or laws and conflict here with or hereby rescinded this ordinance is effective upon final reading and publication anybody got any issue with that your emotion you're on your honor uh mayor we won't vote until next time this is next time we take in uh the six percent brings in right at three hundred thousand dollars in revenue and uh i don't think that's license fees i think that's strictly from the sale of it isn't it sprint i think that includes the license fees it does okay three hundred thousand dollars total uh not every city can get uh sale percentage of the sales because we were formerly a four-class city and makes it as a home rule city but cities that are selling alcohol that was not a four-class city like some of our neighboring counties cannot charge any tax on it and that was always a little bit confusing okay we'll vote on that again next time we had agreed previously to sell the old police department building to the grace county government and if you've listened much the fiscal court voted last meeting to have that and judge henderson asked that uh he be offered a deal which we cannot say the specifics of this sabrina i think i can it's kind of public knowledge yes it's public knowledge you can do that and i i ask that you actually receive a vote that we do it accept it yes because previously we had voted um for the sale price but we hadn't set the exact terms terms of the sale so they allowed you to at a previous vote to sign the contract but not specific terms so well here here are the terms and it's in your package where erling drafted the contract to be signed by myself and uh judge henderson is fifty thousand dollars in this fictional year which would be this month and then the bounce we put over two two years hundred thousand dollars next fiscal year then a hundred thousand dollars the next and it would the two hundred thousand dollars would be drawn at three and a half percent interest and uh anybody got any issue with that moon you want to make a motion i mean yeah that's a little late he's got it okay well that takes a second again clayton you second it and uh anybody got any issue with it we're all in favor of all vote favor raise your hand yes and mayor you'll need a separate vote to declare this surplus we you didn't include that in that moment okay do you want to do that uh do is that in our uh agenda yes it is yeah there it is that's right i'm reading right now and that that would approve the surplus oh please department building okay they'll hear a motion for that so moved okay second second jessica uh surplus so though all in favor i tell you what i've had about half the people tell me i didn't get enough out of it and half of the people told me we got too much so i guess it just bounces out and i think judge henderson had about the same response some of his supporters told him he gave too much and some told him that uh he didn't give enough so uh uh they'll they're going they have purchased those apartments behind the police department and they're going to make an addition to the police department that's going to property so we wish them well we laurie has been drafting an advertisement to put up the old city hall for sale and our lease and uh she's been working on that but she hasn't got done yet actually we laurie and i did that together and it's already it should be coming out in the paper this week okay well i didn't know how far we got on that there's already packets in city hall for anyone that wanted have you had any inquiries not that i'm aware of and we it's going to be out for three weeks i bought that declaring the surplus too well we will um we you know they have three weeks to bid so we were going to i know it was going to be a tight meeting so we we can do that at the next meeting you know what happened tooty on the recycle building we put that out for bid and nobody bid on it maybe twice or maybe nobody bid high enough twice then it left us free to just take who offered it the most and then uh for it so we're kind of thinking this might work for this yeah i think we give uh i had the notes on my desk i think we give 65 000 for this building the building that we're trying to occupy okay uh first reading of the 2021 amendment budget okay whereas the city of litchfield kentucky has heretofore adopted its budget for the fiscal year beginning july 1 2020 and ending june 30 2021 by ordinance enacted june 22nd 2020 and amended february 1st 2021 and whereas it is necessary to amend the said budget ordinance in order to more accurately reflect the revenues and expenditures of the city of litchfield kentucky in certain budget categories now therefore be it ordained by the city of litchfield kentucky as follows that section one and two of the hearing above described budget ordinance are amended to read as follows with deleted portions being indicated by a single one drawn through them and added portions being indicated by a solid line drawn beneath them the projected cash at june 30 2020 in the general fund was 6 million 10 680 amended to 7 million 699 0004 and the utility fund ten million seven hundred forty two thousand three hundred and one amended to ten million eight hundred fifty four thousand six hundred sixty seven tourism fund seven hundred four thousand six hundred eight amended to one million two hundred fourteen thousand one hundred and five the revenue net profit returns in the general fund three hundred and thirty thousand amending to four hundred and eighty thousand occupational taxes amending from two million sixty thousand to two million five hundred thousand property taxes from six hundred two thousand five hundred to six hundred and fifty four thousand insurance license taxes from nine hundred thousand to one million franchise taxes 325 000 stays the same at 325 000. abc application and regulatory fees 225 400 to 250 2 100. other licenses 950 to 800 restaurant taxes in the general fund 525 to 770 thousand in the tourism fund 525 to 770 000 of restaurant taxes negative 525 000 to negative 770 000 hotel taxes 6500 to 7500 in the general fund and tourism fund 6500 to seven thousand transfer of hotel taxes negative six thousand five hundred the negative seven thousand five hundred in the general fund mineral severance income from nine thousand five hundred to seventeen 000 in the general fund rental income 54 450 to 33 820 other income or other revenue 92 417 to 732 1507 interest income 35025 stays the same at 35 025 sale of property nothing to 251 400 grant income from 854 800 to 171 900 in the general fund and from 500 in the tourism fund to 900 hp 413 base court revenue and the general fund from twelve thousand to seven thousand five hundred incentive pay eighty-two thousand stays the same at eighty-two thousand idc employee contributions stays the same at one hundred fourteen thousand eight hundred volunteer fire runs stays the same at five hundred grayson county fire dues from one hundred thirty thousand to one hundred forty two thousand seven hundred state aid fire department pays the same at eleven thousand planning and zoning permits from four thousand six hundred to four thousand nine hundred municipal road eight hundred and twenty thousand to three hundred seven thousand six hundred fifty garbage pickup fees one million two hundred thousand to one million three hundred fifty thousand solid waste dumping fees from six hundred and fifty thousand to seven hundred thirty six thousand recycling fees ten thousand to three thousand four hundred animal shelter animal control income seventy thousand one hundred and fifty to eighty three 83 475 parks income 37 900 to 66 600 recreational income 27 000 to 92 050 in the utility fund water sales 1 million 971 325 to 2 million 186 840 sewer sales 1 million 600 2 600 to 1 million 810 000.
gas sales two million three hundred twenty nine thousand nine hundred to two million six hundred thirty eight thousand eight hundred fifty grant rural development funding for water treatment plant eight million six hundred thousand four million five hundred thousand in the tourism fund tourism other income from five thousand to six thousand six hundred tourism aquatic center revenue from eighty nine thousand to twenty five thousand one hundred total current year revenue in the general fund from seven million nine hundred fifty nine thousand nine hundred ninety two to nine million four hundred fifty six thousand one hundred and twenty seven utility fund fourteen million five hundred three thousand eight hundred twenty five to eleven million one hundred thirty five thousand six hundred and ninety terizam fund six hundred twenty six thousand to eight hundred and nine thousand six hundred total revenue and carry forward general fund thirteen million nine hundred seventy six seventy two two seventeen million one hundred fifty five thousand one hundred thirty one utility fund twenty five thousand two hundred forty six twenty five million two hundred forty six thousand one hundred twenty six to twenty one million nine hundred ninety thousand three hundred fifty seven in the tourism fund one million three hundred thirty thousand six hundred and eight to two million twenty three thousand seven hundred and fifth the expenditures general and admin on the in the general fund three million six hundred eighty one thousand nine hundred and fifty to three million seven hundred sixty two thousand five hundred and fifty alcohol beverage control three hundred and sixty three thousand two hundred five to three hundred forty one thousand two seventy five industrial development coordinator 124 thousand to 113 900 police department 1 million 780 2525 to 1 697 776. fire department 1 million 700 2525 to 853 875 planning and zoning 95 400 to 93 1550 public works department two million five hundred forty one thousand four hundred twenty five to two million seven hundred eighty one thousand seven hundred seventy five animal shelter animal control three hundred twenty five thousand six hundred twenty five to three hundred twenty seven thousand two seventy five parks two hundred twenty seven thousand four hundred seventy five to two hundred seventy four thousand eight twenty five recreation three hundred seventy five thousand twenty five to three hundred eighty one thousand four twenty five in the utility fund water two million four hundred twenty three thousand seven hundred fifteen to two million nine hundred eleven thousand seven hundred and eighty five sewer two million eighty four thousand and fifty to two million one hundred twenty three thousand six hundred and fifty gas two million one hundred eighty one thousand ninety two million three hundred twenty five thousand two hundred and forty capital improvements from eight million eight hundred and sixty two thousand to four million nine hundred ninety nine thousand four hundred and the tourism from the tourism fund four hundred and twenty thousand nine hundred seventeen to four hundred six thousand six hundred sixty seven tourism aquatic center 517 050 to 451 thousand six hundred total current year expenses general fund eleven million two hundred nineteen thousand one hundred fifty five to ten million six hundred twenty seven thousand eight hundred twenty 826 utility fund 15 000 sorry 15 million 550 8555 to 12 million 360.75 and the tourism fund 937 967 to 858 267 current year net income or loss general fund it was a loss of 3 million 259 163 to a loss of 1 million 171 699 utility fund 1 million loss of 1 million 47 030 to a loss of 1 million 224 385 a tourism fund a loss of hundred eleven thousand nine hundred sixty seven to a loss of forty eight thousand six hundred sixty seven adjustment for non-cash budget items depreciation and the utility fund one million two hundred one thousand five hundred to one million one hundred seventy one thousand five hundred projected ending cash balance with carrie ford in the general fund two million seven hundred fifty one thousand five hundred seventeen to six million five hundred twenty seven thousand three hundred and five the utility fund ten million eight hundred ninety six thousand seven hundred seventy one to ten million eight hundred one thousand seven hundred and eighty two and the tourism fund three hundred ninety two thousand six forty one to one million one hundred sixty five thousand four hundred thirty eight my goodness that's it that's all i got for that one thank goodness now we're going to vote we're not going to vote on this i'm going to vote on tomorrow night special meeting yeah that was just first reading okay y'all get to listen to it again that'd be tomorrow 4 30. okay next on our agenda is the mayor's message about the budget and the financial uh strength of the city litchfield you got a copy of it in your packet dear council members i am presenting to you our proposed budget for the 2021 and 2022 fiscal year each year the budget committee begins meeting in may to begin the process of presenting a sound and responsible budget for the upcoming year for those of you have served on the budget committee you know it's not an easy to ask this process involves every department head committee members the city clerk the finance officer and myself we've had several meetings together all the information we need in order to accomplish this goal this process involves looking where the city is today where it has been in the past and where we want to take it in the future i can say this year's task was better than some of the previous years sabrina has done an excellent job in preliminary work with the department heads which helped the process alone we also felt like the request by department heads were for the most part reasonable and this budget committee also which consists of margie deckard clayton miller and moon smith is great to work with the best news for the fiscal coming fiscal year is that the large sum of money spent on the purchase and renovation of this building will not repeat itself in our lifetime we have a show show place well located well that the community will be able to use for many years i think the city and the community owe a debt of gratitude to our city clerk for taking over this project the bright side is our partners the electrical utilities has increased their rent for their portion of the building we have agreed to sell the old police department to the county for 250 thousand dollars and have agreed to place the old city hall building up for sale or lease as projected for last year our receipts did not fall like we expected revenues remain strong and we're optimistic optimistic about the next fiscal year the the past year we have seen substantial improvements to a park and recreation facilities we will be receiving a grant to create a bike and walking trail near the aquatic park that we approved tonight also will be the location of additional nine holes of disc golf that was for 149 thousand dollars as we look back our accomplishments it would be full hearted not to make plans for the future if we don't have a vision for the future and settle for no plans we begin to die our planning and zoning board is now working now on a comprehensive five-year plan but the city itself must do more one we must look to annex areas to the west of our city limits we have many benefits to offer those residents and their properties on our tax rolls would benefit us as well we have three full-time firemen the lowest fire rate that a city of our size can have we have 21 full-time police officers 90 of our city and that's only an estimate on my part has sewer street lights and blacktop streets i find very few residents down near the high school along 62 and around the high school been opposed been annexed we need to aggressively do that second the most important improvements to the city can make is finally creating a code enforcement board which we've been working on for some time when our neighborhoods have their abandoned and dilapidated homes cleaned up it will increase the value of every home in litchfield like i said before homes not fit for dogs shouldn't be occupied by humans and uh we spent a whole day seminar on that this past week billy dallas attended erling and tyler harold about uh abandoned and dilapidated properties we learned a lot we also have valuable commercial properties that have not been used for years they are eyesore to our community we must cite the owners for violations or a new code ordinance a commercial property is worth a million dollars when being used it's not right to tax it for pennies on the dollars when it's said and vacant and it's an eyesore part of the plan for the future includes plans to school future leaders we must recruit and appoint future leaders to our boards and committees fresh and new ideals only come from fresh and new people although i'm a great appreciation for what members of our committees and boards have done and we owe them a great debt of attitude it's time that we as a community look for the next generation leadership to serve here i again appreciate the work from our department heads the budget committee and continuing work of the city council by counting an honor and a blessing to serve as your mayor the mayor of the city litchfield and able to work daily with the good employees who make this city what it is and it has been good hasn't it yes we have a good time down here but now uh sometimes it's hard work okay uh now some dirty business garbage rate increase of 3.5 percent per urban ordinance and we get that every year and the cost for our cost for uh getting that hot off and stuff goes up every year and i said we've had some i've had one or two people talk to me and said our garbage is too much as went up too much but we offered a discount to small retail people uh beauty shops hair salons uh we've offered discounts in we've got discounts for senior citizens and we're trying every way to make it a more affordable product we let people bring stuff to the landfill for free or the transfer station residents for free and uh we got to do a better job of policing our dumpsters because a lot of people are getting free garbage pickup by bringing their stuff into town and throwing in their dumpsters and we all are aware of that well i talked to a business person that they uh they've gone the locking nurse because every time they go out to put stuff in there it would be full it's full couldn't even throw stuff in so yeah start blocking it i wish there was a uh a great solution then i don't know what it is what percentage does the dumping rate go up is it compared to this 3.5 the haunting away of it yeah uh west does the transfer stations go up as well when the when the garbage rates go up it changes it changes the same rate right three point five percent five percent i think it goes up three point five percent two moon that was my understanding of it i think that's why it was set up this way i mean it's like a half a percent over what their increase is for us to haul it off what they charge us to hold off we increase it a half a percent over that but really not many people have taken advantage of the discount for the small business discount and stuff and amounts to 12 dollars a month 144 a year and over the i was in business since 1975 over the years it's cumulative and not many people's taking advantage of that sir senior they're senior at discount absolutely i can tell you that tyler's had two more homes tore down on the 50 tear down your house deal and we watched on that video the other day was you there for the mobile home video a lot of communities are doing the same thing with mobile homes giving them an opportunity if they want to get rid of them for 100 or whatever they can drag those things in and uh like i said uh a lot of not all of them but a lot of them look awful they uh uh a man talked to me and worked for the ambulance service said he's regularly called to a a mobile home said it's a disgrace what the people living in and uh i'm ashamed of it and we need to change we're going to change that uh are we gonna this uh this rate increases by ordinance and we can't escape that we don't have to vote on it do we no because it's my ordinance anyway yeah i don't know why and uh i think we better always put it on the on the on the gym of course the former council member wants us to buy those fancy garbage cans put through town and if we ever convert our trucks to pick those up like some communities have we'll need them but that's going to cost us i think we figured 150 3 000 one at west yeah for the cans and our trucks are already equipped for them they are yes but the cans just ourselves would be an expense up front of about 150 to 160 thousand yeah and maybe something i i like the partnership on those because you get a homeowner that's got a dollar two in it he'll be a little bit more possessive of it and i agree yeah i do too i know they do look good we're going to get half of them blue half of them red no no we're not yeah maybe half of them are white well that's something to think about but like i said other than that this is my ordinance and uh it comes up every year so that's it okay uh sabrina first reading of the uh of the proposed budget for the new fiscal year coming up in just a few days and this is what we'll really mean about tomorrow all right whereas an annual budget proposal and message have been prepared and delivered to the city council at the city of litchfield kentucky for the fiscal year beginning july 1 2021 and ending june 30 2022 by the mayor of the city and whereas the city council has reviewed the said budget proposal and budget message and made all modifications which were deemed appropriate now therefore be ordained by the city of litchfield kentucky as follows that the annual budget for the fiscal year beginning july 1 2021 and ending june 30 2022 is hereby adopted as follows the projected cash at june 30 2021 in the general fund is six million five hundred twenty seven thousand three hundred and five in the utility fund ten million eight hundred one thousand seven hundred and eighty two in the tourism fund one million one hundred sixty five thousand four hundred thirty eight the net profit returns revenues general fund 380 000 occupational taxes 2 million 200 000 property taxes 677 500 insurance license taxes 750 000 franchise taxes 325 000 abc application and regulatory fees 230 500 other licenses 900 restaurant taxes 770 000 in the general fund 770 000 in the tourism fund transfer of restaurant taxes negative 770 000 in the general fund hotel taxes general fund 7 500.
tourism fund 7 000. transfer of hotel taxes negative seven thousand five hundred mineral severance income sixteen thousand rental income sixty thousand nine hundred and fifty other revenue seven hundred fifty five thousand sixty seven interest income 31 thousand 25 sale of property 39 000 grant income and the general fund 20 900 tourism fund 900 hb 413 base court revenue general fund 7500 incentive pay 86 000 idc employee contributions hundred and fourteen thousand eight hundred volunteer fire runs one thousand grayson county fire dues 135 000 state aid fire department 11 000 planning and zoning permits 4 500 municipal road aid 131 000 garbage pickup fees 1 million 390 000 solid waste dumping fees 700 000 recycling fees 2 000 animal shelter animal control revenue 61 650 parks and rec income 348 9655 in the utility fund water sales two million one hundred twenty five thousand eight hundred and forty sewer sales one million seven hundred sixty five thousand two hundred gas sales two billion eight hundred two thousand fifty grant rural development funding for water treatment plant three million eight hundred forty three thousand tourism that's okay tourism other income out of the tourism fund five thousand seven hundred and fifty tourism aquatic center revenue one hundred ninety four thousand five hundred total current year revenue general fund eight million four hundred eighty thousand two hundred fifty seven utility fund ten million five hundred thirty six thousand ninety tourism fund nine hundred seventy eight thousand one hundred and fifty total revenue and carry forward general fund 15 million 7 562 utility fund 21 million 337 872 terrorism fund 2 million 143 588 expenditures the general fund general admin 3 million 46 350 alcohol beverage control 391 225 industrial development coordinator 130 650 police department 2 million four hundred fifty fire department eight hundred sixty three thousand twenty five planning and zoning one hundred twenty thousand nine hundred fifty public works department two million eight hundred four thousand three hundred fifty animal shelter animal control 349 thousand two hundred fifty parks five hundred twelve thousand six hundred ninety recreation four hundred sixty thousand four hundred sixty seven thousand four hundred twenty five in the utility fund water two million eight hundred nine thousand six hundred thirty five sewer six two million one hundred sixty one thousand four hundred gas two million five hundred ninety three thousand five hundred and forty capital improvements four million two hundred fifty three thousand two hundred the tourism fund tourism five hundred thousand seventeen tourism aquatic center five hundred ninety four thousand two hundred total current year expenses and the general fund ten million eight hundred twenty eight thousand three hundred sixty five utility fund 11 million 817 775 tourism fund 1 million 94 217 current year net income loss as a general fund it's a loss of two million three hundred forty eight thousand one hundred eight utility fund loss of one million two hundred eighty one thousand six hundred eighty five and the tourism fund loss of one hundred sixteen thousand six sixty seven adjustment for non-cash budget items depreciation and the utility fund one million three hundred twenty five thousand projected ending cash balance with carrie ford general fund four million one hundred seventy nine thousand one hundred ninety seven utility fund ten million eight hundred forty five thousand ninety seven terrorism fund one million forty nine thousand three hundred and seventy one and i just wanna say uh i probably will change that hotel and transfer of hotel taxes to match the tourism fund i don't know why that's too different i guess i just didn't catch that tourism has already approved theirs but your bottom number won't change so i think it's okay to do that in the middle of the first and second reading right that's fine okay so that'll actually go back to 7000 but it's gonna stay the same because we take in the seven thousand we actually transfer that to the tourism fund so won't change the bottom line number but just to watch yeah okay we'll vote on this tomorrow with a special call meeting anybody got any comment about what sabrina has read that you want to ask her about or any questions about it you'll need to take a vote for this for the special called meeting yeah okay i think everybody's already signed that but we want to take a vote to approve the special call meeting to approve the proposed budget amendment budget for tomorrow's meeting because you know the the proposed budget has got to be approved prior to july 1. so i hear motion i'm a clayton second by margin see you all at 4 30 tomorrow did we get any questions christy higdon no uh let's go down to code enforcement one day last week kentucky league of cities provided us a uh all day seminar on code enforcement and as one one specialist over another one had particular fields of interest of their expertise and it was a long day billy attended a lot of it and erling and tyler done it off of course they get credits for it and i had invited some prospective people to attend as well but i didn't get to call them personally i just sent them texts so uh it was really between us four or five in there but uh it was really a good billy what'd you think it was an excellent program for tyler he's going he's got a lot of work and arlene's got a lot of work with it but i think it's not going to happen overnight but it'll be a good program once we get it initiated and i think it will too like i said tyler's had two more homes uh tore down and like i said uh i thought we'd had more but uh so far running about three and i think that's going to be available so if someone wanted to view it it was recorded so if anybody wanted to see that yeah we can't have i get to email it to you no they said uh was it carrollton or henderson that has put signs in people's yards of abandoned homes and uh to me that kind of stood out and i made some notes where they're at i don't know but notice is always going to be an issue because some of these properties people don't even know they own the property because they're hours in an estate or what have you and something that one of the cities was doing was putting signs in the yard of the notifications of the violations and i think that's an excellent idea and i jotted this city name so i'm going to contact them see if we'll get up i said i found out that carrollton and henderson both have very active code enforcement boards and uh both of them said that they had open invitation to anybody that wanted to come down and work with them and see what they're doing but now uh we need to early what do we need to do next to move closer to enacting that cold board well i plan to have a first draft to you in july is there anything the city council can do prior to your first draft no not really i think it's just going to start with that rough draft and then ask for opinions they had a really good segment on mobile homes they really did i was surprised and what they're doing with them which there hadn't been a mobile home built since 1976 yeah they're all either modular homes or remanufactured homes or whatever they call them they've not called them mobile homes for since 76 i think but he was interesting wasn't it but he was very interested yeah he was i think he was talking about tournament at the landfill you have to there are certain things you had to take out of the appliances and things like that that you did but i think it would be a good program but something else we could do though the ordinance currently with the fifty dollar taking down of homes uh we could we could vote him in that to include mobile homes yeah if and that would be something we can do now but in terms of the council they'll just need to once that rough draft is to go through and then if you want to watch the video because i think it does make more sense when you when you go through some type of workshop like that because you see it in the action oh it made a lot wesley you probably need to be doing a little research on what they do with them at home yeah if you need equipment that tears them apart or you know but i think that uh as far as they get them to us yeah yeah and once they you know i mean they would have to be able to haul them to us so right whenever they come in there it should go right on the trailer that we have to should be a bark and though we getting down there i said that that's on video anybody's interested to look or just could look at certain segments of it to what they were interested in there's real strict codes on them mobile homes too if you yes there was a lot of things a lot stricter than i thought there was yeah me too okay uh that was our code enforcement talk uh what's your dumpster talk with is that early about the uh was talking about on the uh drop coming up illegal dumping i'm working on drafting something on the dumpsters we talked about this last time and you touched on it earlier in the meeting yeah and it looks like one of the council members talked about some feedback from a business owner and what we're looking at there is an ordinance that would address dumpster diving and also uh the placement of of trash and and dumpsters by people that are not paid yes i'll tell you dumpster diving well i had one i got one in my store we're closing the bike shop out and lots of time people go through it and as they go through it they just throw it on the ground yeah and that's the issue with the dumpster dog yeah yeah it's really serious uh this friday we've got another event on east main market uh you've got a you got a circular about that right here uh of course the fiddling festival's coming up in july in the fireworks uh closing of the water treatment plant loan update this is good news when we started out this process uh the bond issue was going to be like 3.78 or 3.8 percent of course we borrowed several million dollars so uh we we were been borrowing money from the local bank until we done the bond issue which was this past week and we closed that out through the rural development at one point three four one quarter three quarters percent on the amount of loan that we've done that's a savings of over eighty thousand dollars a year over the life of the loan and uh undoubtedly what bob crawford thinks and i do too with inflation heating up and it is that uh they're going to raise interest rates to slow in facial inflation down number one number two had we waited to start this project until now the cost of materials a lot of the materials that people are looking at the suppliers running guarantee the price for three or four days and uh with the steel and all the stuff that's used and building the water plant it would uh it would almost have doubled and if you've not been out there go out there you want to go out there tell me and i'll take you out there we have a uh once a month on the second thursday at 1 30 we have a a water plant update they claim they're about 80 percent done right now it's all under roof they've done a sabrina you've been out there with me and uh it's gonna it's gonna be a real nice facility and uh so you can go out there uh moonsmith you got anything you want to tell the city council tonight i'ma ask stop okay i'm gonna ask david about that when i get to him i'm fine clayton miller no margie jacker no sir no sir jessica you have a good trip i did okay good really dallas they all still have your radar trailer we do we use it very often now we do we just we just haven't put it out here lately but we're actually getting ready to put it on wallace avenue good deal so it'll be out this week i know caveman road would like to have it too okay oh yeah okay so anything else building no tammy you got anything you want to talk to us about christy higdon christie don't get attend many meetings but she is our accounts payable and she's one of the best employees we've got in the front office aren't you i agree of course sabrina's our finance officer yeah lori wanted me to remind everybody the first meeting in july will be held on tuesday july 6 due to the holiday oh yeah monday being a holiday season now tomorrow night tomorrow 4 30 we'll have a short meeting as well erleen no david i do uh there's a couple vehicles that the police department currently has uh that i like to get permission from city council to surplus those by putting them on gov deals the first one is a 2010 honda four-wheeler atv that was actually seized by the police department and has been forfeited to us for sale the other vehicle is a 2018 ram 2500 crew cab uh that we are currently using uh the reason i like to surplus this is this is not a police package truck uh it's black in color uh it also gets about eight miles to the gallon and that's the best that it gets and it's really not it's it's really not practical for police patrol like i say this thing could pull a building and it would be better to be used for some other job task by somebody else it's a nice truck whenever it is we'll strip the police package out of it the police equipment and it will show no signs of being utilized as a police vehicle whatsoever and of course you know i would i would like to ask it whatever this truck brings we could utilize to replace it with another vehicle i think you had three or four new vehicles in the budget didn't you we did we did this is this is aside from that this is aside from that i think let's sell it first didn't talk about it what's that didn't put in the budget for that sale or this one placement i think we did i think we put it in the budget if you look i think in the budget it is i'll have to verify to be for sure but i'm pretty sure that we put a sale of that vehicle and then the same amount going out you're finding uh pickup trucks hard to buy is that what you think well they have actually contacted me and pick up trucks the police package dodge trucks are not going to be available for this year and they actually canceled canceled our own that's what i thought now what are you going to do so our choice is now went to the dodge charger that's it you like that vehicle anyway we do we do we do i hear a motion that david surplus these vehicles i make okay all in favor you got anything else david no sir thank you all where's shaw uh yeah actually i've got a couple things uh the state got back with me on the sign on the square about the tractor trailers and they've got one that they have been putting up in different cities it's uh signs got a truck on it with a line through it and all that i see uh they're gonna as soon as they can get the sign crew to come down they're gonna put it on the pole right there by sicilian bank okay good we'll try that out and see how it works you know there's been another truck got up into kelly street there in front of tammy's and uh of course they dragged that ditch there trying to get over to the industrial park and uh could we put one of them still a post or concrete in at their west around that corner where the school board's at it because they drag right through that of course they might just drag over the pole we can check and see what we can do there it's a mess every time they get down this anything else wiz uh you know actually this week we're gonna try to start doing our mosquito fogging if the weather holds out and it's not raining tonight that we're going to do it more than likely it'll be wednesday night so we'll start getting that done because the mosquitoes are starting to get bad how many times does the street sweeper here and only come every other wednesday uh i'm not sure i was thinking he was every week he comes weekly whatever wednesday yeah gary tuesday or wednesday one of the two yeah just depends on the weather said if you got any i got gary's text number i went out to the street where the college is at and somebody broke some bottles and stuff and i just text them and ask them to take care of that and uh little special areas that may not need every week and so you want them to look and do that you tell me what's in them attacks super nice guy any um white house quest uh we got our mulch ground up our tree lambs and debris so if anybody needs any mulch or anything we've been selling it for five dollars a truckload get all you want bring a big truck any size truck we've got enough to cover this building a couple of times over so yeah yeah it's just hard to get rid of that's good what else was that's all i've got sure ruby you got anything matt josh no questions i entertain emotional adjourn absolutely second all in favor thank y'all
2021-07-15 18:50