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What's. Wrong with our boat. Noise. Specialist. Nurse. Where we going. We're. Going to make, good night good night oh. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Where. You going. I'm, gonna shermanator place that's. Why we. What. Are these. Be. Sure. We. Are ones get, scandal, get. Skin too. So. Like upset about it. I'm, like I. Said with my feet I still haven't. Its. Trackies. Now. Oh look, at look at look at this look at this look. At, the flatness. And he picking and eating have. You look at this it is the silly cookie. No, no, precise. Scraping, having a fight with with, this way and then that way. Sigmay. Or. The cameras to thing or, two - hi for the camera. What. Are we going today, oh. Yeah, opens, up and when she open up less. Than 20 minutes guys, just. The first one this year yeah, yeah. That's. It with the break, a. New. Car and she, lost. Incorrect. I can drive anything it, doesn't matter well that it's not nice type of small vehicle but it. Was fine but, we it, was the wrong weight. Danny a coin but, we were like ten minutes away from our destination it was like three and a half mile or something of a difference it wasn't crazy yeah we. Get. No idea. That's. What we're. Gonna push you on oh hello, hi. Do. You think we have to go to, a card for please I think so reason gets in trouble no, what's in a parking lot in the parking lot what paid for overnight parking right. Good good, good take this for me. Morning. No no's, morning. Sweetheart. Excited. But I go honey, hopefully. Those things are for babies but. Little babies. They. Wash at peace because, 37, you breakfast. Guys breakfast, breakfast, look at we look at what apartment we, have a look at they will see we see. Welcome. To England Shire this. Is our beautiful cinnamon, I'm huge, humongous TV. Kitchen. Kitchen. It's. My cute little table. See. It's all I miss last, night. Bedroom. One yeah. Yes, that though, that's. That your bed Jim. Anybody. In there bathroom oh. What. A beautiful, Suzanne, resides. You. Do this is. Your home. You. Know good, the rainforest shower, oh you. Give yourself a little spot, it's a beauty spot all, right bedroom we don't want to look bad we didn't make the beds, you know it's fine. Don't, and that's pretty much. Is. Is. It gonna be okay pretty. Girl in the, car or is it gonna be all smashed down don't know if I know looks. Okay. Looks. Okay. Kuji. Hey. Mom where we are oh. Yeah. Dilemma. It's. Like God look at this face. See. The mini Sydney no. I. Was. Facing, backwards, so. That if. I was like backwards no I mean. I know. That's at home I don't. Like I find that home, can. I knew it we need what we need that's. All that's just where we live. Where. We live, look. I'll. See you guys next week. So. Just a little park yeah. But yeah this is a lot of park. Yeah. -. A park, happiest. La-dee-da. It's, definitely be. This. Could be on you home.

Worthy. Maybe. Like I love them. Who. Put, him in a cage. Maybe. I don't know Amy. Peacock. Look. At all the mail. I'm. Attracted straight to this sword. He. Was. Looking at least eight that's it children. What's. That just back my. Hug. We're. Gonna crash, okay. Sorry. Guys we do know there's another very slow boy I, I. Don't know what's going on so. Go. Down that way good about whatever though I know it. Because. I'm very heavy, Kiki. Go. Go Go Go but. Geez how do you think this is going slow because Amy you. Know. Okay. Just, this it is. This it thank, you. Legacy. When. I loaded up that I was going lie next to show you. Look. At that. You, know there's guys that, are like master, builders that what makea, the job is just to do all the building, okay. Okay. Hi, ma'am. I'm. Saying this is Holland by doing all the way most stuck oh. My. God that truck I mean. I found it I mean I mean, honey I found it what you mean that's it. How. Does that look like our house. Okay. I don't, understand that concept. I'll. Look at the log board coming down sideways. Spot. On the loan the. Sphinx and the pyramids in the background, okay I'll explain. Was. Made from mummies, and then leave you poopy traps where. The treasure is, so they can. Move. It I can't get up he went to the place Oh. Sleep. In, my. Ball baby know, very, little anymore. Who's. Chiming that. We. Watch the movie. Yeah. I want to start that. No. Idea. We. Want mastered so wouldn't go find it. Yesi, because, that's what they think of Scotland three. Screws, in ruined, buildings. Yeah. Yeah they're, all meant to be moving. First. Stage open after winter so. You, know expect. A little bit more than. What we've been given, it's. On you later on, land. Of the Vikings. -. Spiders, well. We'll come back to them we're going around the vacants no, but what. What. Right. No. Michael, it's got a big spider and it's. Gonna get you. Oh. And we actually ended up like, oh. That's. Long enough. Starwars. Yeah. This. I'll. Just clean them here I. Missed. It. Shall, we see that again with. The operation.

Destroyed. Oh. Look. At that. Super, cooler. They'd, kill. Okay, ma'am. The vidcom. Look. At that audio. Deaths. That it's. Only 400 pounds, the. Millennium Falcon at 650. You. Oh no no that he's a lot smaller than the big one. How. Do we do the big shop we're now going to the middle shop. Goodbye. Legoland, you were good today Ozzy, fantastic, we'll. Be back tomorrow. Flat, an angle oh yeah. Tell. The tell the camera, what would you ask any I forgot. To take pyjamas, so I have to put the pen back to fight pyjamas to. Sleep in her. Mark is, it play my cap remark. What's. What's out I'm doing here. It. Smells awesome in here. What. Is that. Sweet. Somebody's. Excited get. Some PJ's, PJs. So. I was New Flyer no PJs. Written re reeking payment for some we. Have zero room in the suitcase she. Can put it on. And. The clothes she came down in. Mm-hmm. Somebody's. Gonna bake and. I don't mean in the kitchen. All. The nappies. Oh, is. That your thing. Yeah. Go for it guys. Our level. I'm. Gonna complete my, feet are killing, me dad. He. It, maybe help me like that. One. I think just make building Lego like this awesome. You. Just explained, well. You. Can explain to explain. To the good viewers what you're doing. Next. Year and the thinking of people I. Usually. See. It today. All by yourself that's. A first one I, think. First Lego. Like set, that you build yourself. Who. Is that. Do. You have other vehicles, like that. Yeah. We got a big camper van Oh which, I didn't. Like. Who, is that. She's. Got low like ketchup and mustard dispenser.

2019-04-10 09:23

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Wow legoland looks so fun!!!!! Great family! If you don't mind checking out my channel, that would be great!

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first :)

Little one is sooo adorable. He has always smile on his little cute face


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