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hundred meters take exit seven eight for  puerto rico seventeen west tornado puerto roce okay which do you think will bring us  to let's go that way oh there's a beach yay found something a sea fan sea fan so we are on isla verde right now we  found the beach inadvertently and so this is   actually like five minutes from the airport  so as you can see you'll see a lot of hotels   so if you want to come here this  is a private place so you can   definitely get a place by the water here and when  you wake up in the morning this is what you see   so guys originally we were gonna come  to el santuan the hotel right behind me   we were supposed to go there for breakfast but  then we saw a local panaderia so we stopped there   and had coffee i said why don't we still go to  that el san juan hotel and just get some mimosa   and we were gonna walk and figure out  where it was and it's right in front of us   it's right there literally in front of us so we're still gonna check it out i bet  you this is their beach area here babe yeah so this is for their beach club  this whole area is theirs so it's private   from 1958 this is what you see the beach is  right there so you can rent those umbrellas   and they have a nice pool i'm sure before covet  this was open for drinks oh how nice look at this very nice so i guess you can rent one of these but those have a tv  let's take a look oh my gosh   this one has a kiosk where you can  sing they have a tv they have a safe   they have a fridge for cold  drinks i'm sure there's a cat okay oh so nice is so that is it for our stay here um we are going to  head southwest which will be our base for the next   um two days then we come back here on our way  out to florida we're gonna stop by cayey there's   a legenera place there um hopefully we can find  it and have some lucha on and then we're gonna   head down south check in in la parguera  that will be for today so let's head out   turn left onto kaiye segovia  then turn right onto kaye casares 600 meters take exit lechonera wow it's very popular beatrice do you  want to go to this one i guess this is the area   now we'll go to the original  these are all the legenderas now   we should stop by look at all  these places this is now the legend it's just like in your place oh my gosh when you come here get ready  for the curves with no lines please i want to be taken there look we are going the scenic route here  guys so if you are a little queasy don't look down we should be  there in about seven minutes   we're stopping by sorry wow h dessert oh my god so what do we have we have arrows yes the famous like john  that goes with that hot sauce rice cooked with pork blood and made into  a sausage okay and of course we had to have   pina colada and this is that is uh leaded  and this is virgin because i am the driver so all of these are like typical puerto rican food we don't have they don't they didn't have  solutions so i'm gonna show you what ceruleans   are that was my favorite when we used to live  here puerto rican french fries yeah it's just   so good so this place is like what 35 minutes  away from san juan you do need a car to come   go to monkey in up in the mountains but they  have this you will have lines of uh lechonera   you really can choose anywhere   this is supposedly the original el rancho it's  the uh bledstone strip yeah the electron strip some smitty stores like little kiosks look this is a nice plate but they have buddhas  too where oh my gosh how cute is that and dominos oh we made it check out our room before  it gets messed up we have two beds   dresser here we have a small tv it's very  simple and the bathroom is good enough you have a shower no coffee no coffee  but they have a restaurant here   but the best part of here is this made it to la parguera we will  be here for two nights and then   so ralph has to work well ralph is here for work  i'm here too i'm just here to to accompany him in   and lay in the beach tomorrow so um  so tomorrow we're going to visit our   previous lab so just for everybody we  actually lived here and went to school   here we went to graduate school here back in the  late 80s our first daughter aaron was born in   puerto rico in san germain and so today ralph  has some meetings then tomorrow and friday   then we go back to san juan and we'll explore  the the city over there and that's it for our   getaway for the first time in almost two  years so we're here we just arrived um   it was about an hour and 45 minutes from kaguas  no from guava that is our lab that's where we   went to school every day we're gonna go there  tomorrow on a boat that's the only way you can   get to the island so we had our classes there  there was a dorm there so our labs are there   so we're gonna bring you and show you around  um tomorrow you'll meet a lot of iguanas too do so so ralph has a zoo meeting right now so  i'm going to go out to see what is in town   it's a very small town so these are some of the restaurants right here this is where we're staying and los balcones we ate here before and so this is a plaza you can go to this places   mata lagata all that you can just go here so  here's another here's another look at the plaza   it's really cute fondo de cristal i think  this is where you can take the boats to um so i think it's open genus or johnny's boat pretty we are off to find more fungal i hope the mosquitoes don't find us first  this is another place you can have some food moorings really are hoping that they're open do you have food okay the restaurant is closed oh the restaurant  for for the coffee no no tuesday and wednesday until the evening until the evening okay  breakfast is closed we open for dinner oh   okay thank you i guess we should have called huh i'm telling you so there it's closed okay we  needed to walk i know we needed the exercise   it's too much so we're here at the mooring  mooring it's like close to literally like   catty corner to villa pargera  just winding the evening down   ralph has a long day tomorrow at work yep and i  have a long day i don't know sightseeing i don't   know where i'm gonna end up tomorrow we meet  again so rurios oh just the way i remember it it's crunchy on the outside it's soft in size  kind of sweet and then you dip it in this   ketchup mayo there's nothing like  it it's the best it's called surujos   this is interesting it has a seaweed salad on top  this is somewhere here is a mofongo right there so as you can see the mofongo is a typical  puerto rican dish which is uh mashed   green planters green plantain so  they come in different flavors wow you like it so here's the green plantain  right there and what's dangling there is fish   yeah what are you doing taking pictures oh  my god this guy was my boss for five years   oh my gosh and he was like that then he  looked just like that and has not aged oh my gosh   look how deserted parguera is at nine o'clock  used to be a party place there is a curfew at ten   that's why so restaurants have to close by nine so  their workers can go home by ten but this used to   be packed with tourists this used to be packed oh  my gosh look at this it's good for us it's quiet   it is sad but it's just it'll get back and we have  our gate pass look oh i know sign of the times   look at this this is so nice i love the mural   thank you for watching day two of our trip to  puerto rico click on the link above or in the   description below to watch day one of this puerto  rico travel series next we visit islamagues and   meet the iguanas that inhabit the island and of  course its people visit playa rosada a natural   swimming pool snorkel the reefs of the caribbean  with a local guide and swim in the phosphorescent   bay if you like this video please give it a  like and subscribe don't forget to click the   bell to be the first one to know when our next  video is published thank you and till next time

2021-05-05 21:52

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