Last day in Malaga and they tried to overcharge me again!

Last day in Malaga and they tried to overcharge me again!

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hi everyone a travel addict a guy here and my  last day in my apartment and it is on to traveling   full-time guys cannot wait cannot wait just got  everything packed up oh my gosh guys so much stuff   so much stuff here i'm bringing  all this stuff this big pack   and i've got a tripod here so i was trying to sell  some of the items i couldn't get rid of everything   so i'm gonna take some of that with me  but i have something to show you guys here   i got an item here guys and  this was sent to me by coolify   there it is guys so i'm gonna  go ahead and open this up guys   and this item here is actually goes around your  neck it is a cooling fan that goes around your   neck guys so let's take a look at this i'm gonna  open it up now show it to you quick and i'm gonna   try it out along the trip guys cannot wait for  that supposed to keep you cool in the hot sun   and we're gonna find out here in spain if it  works or not getting that plastic wrap off now i would say the box weighs around  maybe three pounds something like that there it is here guys it says simple but unique   look at that wow make it happen make it happen  baby there it is coolify wearable air conditioner   and it has a little weight  to it guys i'll say that   i say about three pounds maybe two to three  pounds so very nice i'm gonna check that out   gonna open that up now it's supposed to be a  ring it looks like a ring type thing almost   like one of those things you wear at the in the  airplane but a lot thinner than that so we'll   see it in a minute i'm gonna go ahead and get  it out check it out guys quite pretty coolify   there it is so thanks to the people at coolify  they sent this to me thank you so much guys   cannot wait to try this out on my trip guys  we're gonna find out this thing works or not   okay there it is the top just comes off the  lid like that guys there it is pulls off   and here it is oh look at that so it is kind of  slim look at that beautiful it is kind of slim   wow it's beautiful guys look at that just gorgeous  got some instructions there and should pull out   of here wow look at that well now that that is  not too heavy that is maybe a pound and a half   so that is beautiful look at that guys  wow it's got fans in there i guess   unbelievable that seems really cool it almost  looks like a headphone set or something and   that touches the back of your neck that part there  so let me go ahead and put it on see how it fits   around the neck look at that wow okay so you bring  it in like that maybe okay so obviously it's not   turned on i just got it so we're gonna have to do  that i think you gotta maybe charge it up and get   it going so i just wanna show you this unboxing  quick guys and i'm gonna go meet up with catman   in a minute so there it is there's your box so you  got some things in there maybe that is the plug so wonderful okay there it is guys it is  the coolify air conditioning device so i'm   an air conditioner now haha and i mentioned  my shirt guys i got my icing shirt on again   so hi to everyone in iceland especially my friend  hof door watching guys so gonna go ahead and meet   up with the cat man i think we're heading to  sevilla today guys that is the first place on   the list gonna show you the department one more  time there it is for those of you who have never   seen it gotta say goodbye to my air conditioner  and there's a quick little shot of it there guys   so let's go let's go to sevilla guys cannot wait  got my air conditioning device and i am ready   oh guys i turned it on there's a button on the  side i didn't realize it was already charged up   and you can hear that thing look at that you  can hear those fans working and i am feeling   cool there's cool air blowing out of here and  there might be different settings so wow so   far i'm feeling cool air up here up the side of  my face and that will be really really nice wow   cannot wait to do this guys loving it gonna try  this out in the hot hot sun of spain wow it's   already making me feel cool guys loving it coolify  check it out guys futuristic looking too love that   i am back again and we are in this little plaza  here in malaga i'm with the cat man there he is   how are you doing today catman  oh yeah getting stuff soon   and we're supposed to be in seville right now  guys but uh we couldn't get a bus quite so early   so we're having to go later guys so we're still  here in malaga we're having a little top bus   and we found a cool little place it's called el  gallo ronco i've never been in this little plaza   guys it's close to lario's it's this little plaza  here and look at it and a lot of restaurants here   and we're having a good uh tapas aren't we catman  yeah we have these uh potatoes bravas guys they're   so good wow they're amazing these potatoes bravas  are so good they're crispy and they're spicy and   that's the way they should be guys look at that  they got a spicy sauce what do you think catman   yeah really good wow i'm actually been  oppressed i've been impressed by this place guys really nice crispy and spicy and we got these   mushrooms take a look at those guys those  look fabulous look at that those look amazing   stuffed mushrooms they're stuffed with  cheese you got herbs on there and you've   got some ham on top look at that wow very  nice once you try one of those cat man it looks gorgeous guys gonna cut into  it okay see how it looks inside nice with these yeah it's nice okay very nice you   had some the other day in another  place you like them better or um yeah they both have kind of different uh textures  and stuff so okay cameron likes his mushrooms we   had some in another place and they were more  like a sauce guys they had a lot of sauce on   them so i'm gonna go ahead and try one let me get  it here they are wow they're pretty big actually   they're good size so let me go ahead and cut it  okay so i cut into one guys take a look at that they're nice they're big ones they're almost like   um portobellos aren't they  like mini portobellos maybe nice a lot of mushroom taste guys they taste  a little bit grilled don't they cat man a little bit grilled maybe and a lot of mushroom  taste there's not a lot of sauce and things on   there it's mostly cheese in the mushroom so i  like you get the real taste of the mushroom so   pretty good guys wow good little place here not  expensive those potatoes bravas were like 280 and   we got a half horacio and mushrooms and they  were like maybe five so good place guys we're   liking it we're gonna be on our way to sevilla  soon so we got the bill here and we had another   little issue in fact um it wasn't a major thing  but i asked for a tapa for the patatas bravas   and okay they gave me this car  okay so no problem there okay   that's here so that restaurant's over in the  corner guys i just wanted to talk about that what   happened over there i was starting and i stopped  because the man actually came back and gave me   another bill so the first bill he came with was  16 euros you can kind of see it there and he had   charges for a media of the potatoes bravas well i  asked for a tapa so he said well they brought you   a media so i said well that is not what i asked  for so just because they bring you something   should you have to pay for it that is the question  so i said listen i didn't um and he wasn't our   waiter so i said go ask the waiter and if we  ordered a tapa or a media so he looked kind of   upset a little bit he went back and talked to the  waiter anyway he comes back with another bill and   the bill has now changed so you can see the price  there so they made it 1280 they put a 20 discount   so that is what they did guys they just took  off 320. so work for me that is basically the   same price i think we even got a little  bit cheaper so i did give the man a tip so you got to be on your bills guys  this happened a little while ago   and i just want you guys to be aware of that  that these kind of things go on what do you   think cat man oh yeah i think when the times get  even more scarce and scarce then basically you're   gonna see way more reports and stuff like this  right that's how it goes well it's hard to say   it's like an upsell guys i don't know if it's a  straight rip-off it's an upsell you order a tampa   and they bring you something bigger and then they  charge you for like a half uh a half a ratio and   they call it so a half a plate or a full plate or  you order a half plate they bring you a full plate   they say oh i didn't understand so make sure you  know what you're getting guys if you get a plate   that looks too big like i've ordered tapas and i  get a huge plate and i'm like excuse me is this a   tapa and they're like no no this is a media we  thought you ordered media so i think it's more   like an upsell guys but it does go on so another  thing to watch out for when you're traveling   okay guys we're on the bus we're headed to sevilla   let's go let's go start the trip the adventure  begins there's the old bus station malaga bus station so so do so   so do so so   so   do so so so hi everyone so we made it to sevilla there's the  cat man yeah yeah and i just argued with the uh   taxi driver we weren't here five minutes guys  i left the um i left the bus station it was two   taxi drivers and i killed the second one and we  got three big bags guys you can see it these ones   the two packs and this big one okay so they can  charge 50 cents each for the bags for the big ones   not for the small ones guys and he said it's going  to be i said before we get got in the uh before we   got in the cab i said how much is it going to be  how much are you going to charge for the bags he   kind of looked at me for a minute he was thinking  he said yeah it's going to be two euros extra i   said why two euros he said 50 cents a bag i got  this little tiny bag here guys check that out   he was trying to charge for that so i said well  in malaga i just talked to the cab driver when   we were there mikko remember he tried to pull the  same thing almost on us so it's sad to say guys   the cab drivers too i mean it was only 50 cents  but it was the point it was the point guys and i   said i said why are you trying to charge for the  small oh we charge for in the same here so i said   okay um so then he was being a real jerk he takes  all the bags out of the car didn't he mikko he   took all the bags out of the car and he just like  left him there so i said okay fine that's cool   so then i was thinking about taking the next cab  right so what did he do mikko to be a real jerk   he goes to the next cab driver didn't he oh  yeah and tell him to say the same thing so   yeah yeah they are big scammers he was talking to  the next cab driver like told him not to take us   so i started saying something i said hey  i said um in malaga they don't charge you   he said then the other cab driver got mad  he said esano is malaga este as you know   so he was saying it's not malaga it's not madrid  it's sevilla so then i said nico let's just walk   a little bit we can probably find another cab  and i saw two people on the street a man and   a woman older one and i said excuse me was  that the legs excuse me are you from sevilla   they said sure we are and i said how did they  charge in the taxis i have a question for you   and i said did they charge for the bags she said  uh yes if they're big ones and i said well we had   three big bags and one small one she said they  should have charged you for three i said the same   so i was 100 right and she said that she said that  cab driver was crazy so hahaha another wow guys so   little tiny bits they try to nick tourists  i guess mikko is going to seem like that   oh yeah they do that when they see a lot of uh  thanks facts and stuff they try to do something   well the reason i fight guys is because it's kind  of for you guys really because i speak spanish   it's not a problem for me to argue with them  but if you come here and you speak english   and they try to charge you four or five extra  euros you're probably just going to pay because   you're not going to be on how to argue with  them in spanish so that is a sad fact guys   so another thing to watch for here in spain is a  taxi cab over charge scam i guess you'll call it   we're on the bus now so no worries we fix that  situation with the cab driver right people   we fixed that cab driver we just grabbed  the bus guys we walked further we took a bus   check it out guys hotel catalonia santa gusta  wow the cat man hooked us up again baby cam man   go catman so it turned out great i already started  off with a crazy rant and now we're at our hotel   let me get up the stairs guys with this  heavy pack check this place out wow so   cool i gotta get the mask out again so so cool  wow check it out guys awesome please wow cat man   catman again coming through katman so we had to  wear the mask to go inside this place is cool well   it's got a um swimming pool on the 6'4 guys we're  going to go tomorrow we're gonna show you that   spa massages everything guys the whole  kitchen sink 209 to the left i believe   there's the cameraman guys the cat thank man brother catman let's see wow i love traveling with the cat man  guys he's a great travel partner wow   bada bing there it is that's something nice that's  nice nice comfortable beds what what more do you   need what more do you need cat man what more  do you think it's nice nice not huge but very   comfortable guys look at this wow i like these  leather chairs wow those are nice check those out   mccann man we got leather chairs to hang out in  yeah you can have your office this would be per   yeah this is perfect wow check that out guys i  got nice chairs now this is the kind of chairs   i like a lot of these places guys they have  these hard chairs oh they're so hard this place   no they got it right with the leather chairs  let's take a look that's the bathroom in there   take a look in there guys i got so much luggage  oh my gosh i think i got to do something   i still got like four pairs of shoes almost  the same size that's the room oh this is nice   that's a nice bathroom wow the  bathroom is gorgeous guys look at that   it's gorgeous what is this we even got  some um massage oils or something ooh i   like that eucalyptus and peppermint check  that out cat man shower gel oh i like   that eucalyptus and peppermint oh i love these  places because they always have this nice soap   i love that guys that cool soap is really cool  oh check it out you can get it on the towels   look at that catalonia i love you ah that's why  miko booked a cat guys cat catalonia the cat man so we made it to sevilla guys it was a little bit  of wow it was a little bit of a rocky day i guess   but it was fun but we got here we got here and  we are here guys and the adventure is beginning   so we're gonna have a great adventure and we're  inviting you along with us so let's go guys more   some more lighting here guys we could take a look  better we figured out how to get the lights on really nice and look at this we got quite  a good view it looks like of the street as   well i we get this open or not okay we  can kind of see it out there guys so   kind of cool and we are really close to the um  train station right mikko oh yeah it's really   close okay so we're a couple blocks from  the santa gusta train station and sevilla

2021-08-08 04:17

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