Lamb, Tacos, & Pie | Seven Seas Food Festival 2021 at SeaWorld San Diego

Lamb, Tacos, & Pie | Seven Seas Food Festival 2021 at SeaWorld San Diego

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Hey everyone. I'm Traver and you're watching  SoCal Disney Dad. Today we are back at SeaWorld   this will be our third trip for the seven  seas food festival we also got a bunch of fun   activities planned for you today we're gonna see  a show and we're also gonna try to find a shirt   at one of the sea world shops because i need a  SeaWorld shirt if you're new to my channel this   is the place where we talk about all things  southern California theme parks hit the like   and subscribe button and you can be notified  when we post more videos so let's get started   wow it is really good and I'm  disappointed that i broke it for this item   so here's a look at the food offerings at the  calypso bay smokehouse we have the barbecue   brisket tacos the smokehouse signature St. Louis  barbecue ribs fried green tomato slider barbecue   smokehouse chicken and of course some kids options  and size desserts and beverages so most of these   options are part of the seven seas food festival  but anybody can get them so let's go check it out calypso bay opens at 11 o'clock even though  the rest of the seven seas food festival   does not open until 12 you can get in here  because it is part of the regular restaurant   areas so that is those are all  exits where is the entrance oh oh through the turnstile  don't be confused like me so like most of the restaurants here at sea world  they do have items a la carte where you just come   in and you grab them you get a tray so they've  got some cheesecake here some chocolate cake   looks like we've got some cookies the potato  salad the grapes are labeled as potato salad   but they do have potato salad right next to  it of course some salads so and then once you   get over here they have all the food items  just pre-built out on the bar there and you   just grab what it is that you want take it  and put it on your tray and you're good to go   we are coming here to get the barbecue  brisket tacos they did not have one of   those pre-made so they're going to make it  for us for you guys thank you and there we go   once you leave the cash register you can come  here and get napkins and condiments silverware   and then there is plenty of seating in  here seating wraps around the outside there   got more seating over here up on the upper  level right over this wall even more out here plenty of places to eat here at calypso and  you can't beat the Caribbean music i just   love that don't you looks like James got the  chicken tenders again kids chicken tenders that's James's let's see what Grandma got mac  and cheese is that the kids mac and cheese yeah   but that's enough for them yeah then over here at  calypsos but part of the seven seas food festival   are the brisket tacos this is actually pretty  amazing if you watched our first seven seas video   we went to the Mexico pavilion and they gave us a  taco there as well it was just one taco so having   two tacos okay since we split food really works  out better for us how are we supposed to eat   this without making a mess i don't know that's a  good question there's a lot of sauce in here so   I'm just gonna pick this up and hopefully don't  make a mess you're already making this well like majorly wow this is really good like i think this might  be one of my top items and it's big it is big you   get two tacos and it tastes good although it's  still making still making quite a mess but um   so far if i had to pick a top three out of all the  items we've had uh the lobster mac and cheese the   meatballs at Mama Stella's and then the  tacos here at Calypso Bay two of the items   are actually in existing restaurants here so  you know that's that's something to be said   a lot of the food booths themselves aren't really  all that great but come to the regular restaurants   and the seven seas special items they're  winning today it's got little onion bits in it   they put some pepper in there yeah it's got  pico put the brisket on and they put the pico on   um then they put some like salsa on it and then  squirted it with a white sauce of some kind i   didn't take a look at the price before we went and  got this item but amy told me she thinks it was   9.99 which makes it once again another one of the  good deals here if you have the punch card because   the punch card really saves you money since we're  pass holders and we got the 18 card each item that   we get is four dollars and 44 cents so if this  item is 9.99 we saved five dollars and 55 cents  

a great item for the punch card it's also a great  item for portion size because you get two tacos   and it really helps you fill up and not be hungry  getting these sampler items maybe so definitely a   top pick come get it for sure look the park is  empty like where is everybody it's 12 o'clock   and well almost 12 o'clock the food festivals are  about to start there's a booth right behind me and   you see anybody i don't it's just  us apparently Sundays are kind of   the day to come look we have people  i found some there are some people so this is pretty good i mean check this out  if you want to come to SeaWorld Sunday is a   good day to do it now we're hopping over at  Mediterranean flavors you'll notice this is   different from the last time we were here they've  added these dividers and it does make sense do   you remember how we said the line didn't make any  sense whatsoever last time now it makes sense and   it smells heavenly right here okay oh it does not  lamb cooking and i don't know if you've ever made   lamb before but it's one of the best smelling like  eats ever that's what it smells like right now   and we are here to get the lamb sliders now  every time we've come to an area here at the   seven seas food festival we've gotten  one item and we've split it between us   not this one we are each getting a lamb  slider that is how much we love this food   i wanted to show you the food options here at the  Mediterranean flavors again we do have that lamb   slider which is what Amy and I are getting  the hummus and parmesan garlic fries which   we got last time is really good a greek yogurt  and honey sweet beignets as well as a cocktail   just going to go back over here fit  between the lines to join Amy we're waiting enjoy guys thank you those look so good   peek underneath there and take a  look at that lamb it's small but   take a bite after that cart goes by is it as good  as you remember oh no i didn't get any lane map oh   how about now definitely and it's nice and hot too   piping hot yeah i guess waiting a while does have  its advantages yeah we've been striking out on   warm meat here in sea world even though it's  come right off the grill for some reason the   brisket's been cold and our jerk chicken was  cold and that sort of thing but this lamb perfect definitely one not to share definitely too small  to share the tzatziki sauce if you love tzatziki   sauce like i do fantastic the meat actually has  a bit of a crunch to it again I'm not very good   at describing food so I'm not going to try  to but the outside is just it's cooked so   well that there's this nice texture to it and the  meat's fantastic so have another bite we're going   to set this over here what was making that yeah  of course i didn't even rub napkins that's okay i got over here grandma and the kids went down  to the penguins while we were waiting in line   and the line was moving so slowly they're  back and we're not even gonna eat yet   look at the camera and say hi hi  hi hi we saw the penguins today so the lamb slider for me makes number four  on the list i still think those meatballs are   better than lobster mac and cheese is better i'd  even place the brisket tacos better than this but   this easily makes it into my top  five for the festival out of the   like 120 some offerings that they have here  so definitely come get it number two for me   number two for you i love lamb so i just it's  one of my favorite things so tell me what your   number one is number one would probably  be that brisket taco that we just had   just because of sheer size and the brisket  was really well cooked um and then this um   trying to think of what else then probably the  meatballs and then probably the lobster mac and   cheese look it's Grover and Ernie they're hanging  out here in the back by the wild arctic since the   penguin encounter is closed and they're having  a meet and greet oh look we found a coin thingy i haven't seen one in ages i love this music i know i don't have any more now though bud  every time we come in here the France bar   always has a really long line and you just walk  up to the France flavors here french flavors   all right thank you so we want to see if you  guys notice a problem here   here's a picture of the goat cheese  croquettes as advertised in the book   and here's what they actually look like  let's try that again one a two one a two hmm   I was expecting five not three now they also are  crispy instead of yellow i don't know if that's   a big difference what do you think see honey is  sweet but this almost has a little spice to it and I cut this in half it's falling apart it like  falls apart really easily   I thought this would be yeah I thought  they were going to memorize them   kind of something like that I thought it would  be at least harder but this is basically it's   a crispy outside and it's a creamy inside so  you you break into it it kind of falls apart but they're good yeah this is pretty good   I feel like everything at the France area is all  fancy like very yeah very fancy and very small   every single time we've come  here it's been fancy and small in case you couldn't tell we had told  the kids go run which wouldn't work   except that their oldest son ran into our  youngest knocked him over who then fell and   hit his arm on the pavement and once mommy  so making YouTube videos with children is   not the easiest thing in the world it'll be  a little nicer when they're a bit older and   can actually participate right now if i ask them  questions they just stare at the camera like us   it's getting to the point where he  probably could yeah but Benjamin no   so let's go ahead and take two on the  goat cheese I'm gonna see what we get here now is this like an olive oil or something what on  the bottom yeah it's honey it's honey it's honey i   don't eat honey at all ever so I'm sorry well no  you did yeah so there's we've got honey down here   on the bottom of the tray i can see that now it's  very sticky um and the outside is crunchy that's   why it needed it because it's like it balances out  this like it does have a bit of a spice but it's a   little bit of a spice it's probably the time and  something else that is that was in it but yeah   it's like a sweet and savory dish it's a good  item it tastes good but i wouldn't buy it again   this didn't make it into my top five not even  close but it beats all the foods where i had   cold meat this is still better than cold meat  it's very definitely better than the one little   pitiful rib we got from oh man it was the worst  things ever we each got two bites of meat like it   wasn't even two big bites in me it was like two  little nibbles of me i'll go ahead and link to   that video if you haven't seen it yet but really  get that item oh the rib the rib at the Caribbean   booth was awful like even if it tasted good still  don't get it because it's just it was cold and   there were three bites on the entire rib that was  it three bites it was small meat it wasn't even a   lot of meat and it was cold we have a couple more  items to get here today actually one one the last   item that we're going to get is key lime pie it's  pie day today so let's go get some key limelight   we've got a buddy who's getting a little sleepy  it's almost one o'clock that's around his nap time   he's just like oh I'm tired and  today was spring forward so he's like   i lost an hour of sleep I'm sleepy so i came back  around here and this time it's cookie monster and   Bert who are out waving and greeting everybody so  it looks like the muppets come by and alternates   depending on what time you come through our  final item of the food festival for today   since it's march the 14th pi day we're going to  get some key lime pie key lime pie is located at   the Caribbean booth outside of the calypso bay  restaurant and we just wanted to show you while   we're walking here check out how busy the dolphin  amphitheater is it's completely packed out and   that's all the way up at the top so lots and lots  of people over at dolphin base once again just in   case this is your first time watching our seven  seas food festival videos here is the options of   the Caribbean flavors we've gotten so far the  jerk chicken slider the Jamaican spice ribs   now we're going to get that key lime pie some  loud cheering going on over at the highway   this looks so cute look at that pie  yeah people just got soaked, that's why lots and lots of cheering  going on over at dolphin days   it's fun watching other people get soaking wet all right key lime pie for pi day happy pi day hmm the key lime pie has good flavor   the crust i don't know i think i got more  crust than peeling pie let's take this off I really like key lime pie it's  one of my favorites think it's good that bite was better i got more cream than crust  the crust i don't know the crush just had an odd   flavoring to it i need like a graham cracker  crust yeah like this would be really good with   a graham cracker crust instead it's like a like a  type yeah a short bread is hot it's probably got   a lot of shortening in it and it almost tastes  like you're eating crisco not on my repeat list   sadly but it was hiding it is pie day um i know  i feel like i've said this a couple of times now   because i just have no idea how many of  you were watching our previous videos and   how many of you this is your first video but for  those of you who are new we're on what we call the   Disney diet we're going to Walt Disney World on  may 1st for our 10th anniversary just Amy and i no   kids first time we've gone no kids since 2013 and  we're really excited every single year we go to   Walt Disney World for a couple of months before we  go we try to lose weight you know cut out sugars   things like that in order to really enjoy our  Walt Disney World trip and we're breaking our   Disney diet for key lime pie and I'm disappointed  that i broke it for this item have some pie bud we just kind of skipped out the top tell us  what you think is it good can you say it's good   you just have a really really  full mouth of pop-tarts he just wants the crust of the little pies they have in Disney World which  i'm sure we will get at animal kingdom you can   get a little mini mango pie and a mini chocolate  soap five they're by far one of our best snacks   in animal kingdom and they look so small and we  always complain when we get it we're like this is   so small and beautiful until we start eating and  realize how much is there and then we're full by   yakin yeti quick service that's on the other side  of the the yakin yeti building you can see that   i'm waving my fork around you don't like me waving  no i wanted another bite like you weren't eating   okay that works too hanging out here with  the flamingos folks over there are taking   advantage of the flamingo experience for just 15 a  person you can go in there and meet the flamingos   i might do that one of these times this thing   okay time to leave so ends another fun-filled  day here at sea world san diego we had a great   time at the seven seas food festival if you like  this video please hit that like button and if you   want to see more content like this please push the  subscribe button and we'll see you again next time you

2021-03-20 05:05

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