Lake Powell Overland Camping Trip

Lake Powell Overland Camping Trip

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Hey. Guys welcome back to the channel for those of you that are new I'm Jessica, and this is we go places we, just got back from Lake, Powell think you guys are really gonna enjoy this, video not, only for the breathtaking views, of Lake Powell but the drive here was scenic, with a bit of technical driving. Thrown in good, morning guys I'm Justin, from we go places welcome. To the channel we're, gonna be going on an adventure this week in southern Utah we're. Gonna be going down somewhere. Near, Lake Powell and. We're. Gonna be doing some off-road, driving and. Just doing some exploring, and some adventuring, I hope. You guys follow. Along with us let's. Go get our adventure, on so, we're, on the road again guys, if, you're not. Already aware of it from where, we're at we're. In a big, water and. We're. Headed down to, Lake Powell we drove all night and a train so you guys didn't miss anything but we got to camp set up the tent and now, that we're waking up we, don't want to pull over our gear out because we're just gonna be pulling it out to make breakfast and then leave to go to our actual destination so. A simple. Tip is to bring yogurt, and boiled eggs something, that's cold and ready to serve that way you don't have to pull your gear out and you can get out of your campground. Really early in the morning you. All know what time it is it's. Time to. Err them down. For. This trip we just aired down the tyres to 20 psi this. Road isn't super, technical so we don't need to flatten out the tires for better traction this, is just for pure comfort wearing. Them down helps make for a smoother, ride so, you and your passengers, can enjoy themselves. It's. Time to leave our first campsite we're. Here in Glen Canyon, I. Love. This place. This. Is a nice little campsite to just stumble upon we've, been here a couple of times so we were pretty sure that we would find this and it, would be open and we could just crash for the night, made for a really. Nice stopping. Point because it was a long day yesterday coming from Ogden but. It's beautiful. Oh. It's. A good idea to stop and look at the information board. Kelly, grade we've done that before, so. We start making our way through Grand. Staircase-escalante. As. You've, seen the, road isn't technical. And as, we mentioned before this. Is one of our favorite. Places to visit guys, what. Makes this special for us is this is one of the first places that we ever visited. And our, Jeep we love the change in the landscape, and the fact that the trail isn't technical. Which allows us to enjoy the ride a little bit more. These. Remote, places can, lead you up to the benches, high, above Lake Powell to, take in breathtaking. Views which, are priceless. What. A surprise. Springtime. In the desert, all. The flowers, were in full. It's. Pretty it's like a feather. I. Actually. Knew the name of it but I know it's salt, that has. Basically. Turned. Into what, looks like glass and, when. We were at Capitol, Reef they had a place that was called Glass Mountain and this was everywhere, but pretty cool to, find it out here as well it's, just a pressurized. Salt, I suppose, I'm not sure if I said that right but, yeah. It's really pretty this one looks kind of like a feather to me. Here. We go here's some better, examples of, it.

What. Cool finds. During. Our pre-planning, we found some places on the gaya GPS, that looked like a great place to stop and have some lunch, we're. Going to head that direction, hopefully. One will work out. Stop. To have a bite to eat we're both having cold, salads, for lunch today, considering. It's so hot outside but. Here. On the BLM, land and, near. Lake powell and. It's really, beautiful guys. Even, have a visitor, found us out of nowhere hello mister crow. Sometimes. While I'm out shooting, video I can't. Help but explore, on. This particular occasion. I came. Across this, washout. Pretty. Cool huh guys. When. Traveling, to remote areas it's. Recommended. To travel, with others or. Be, self-sufficient. Including. Having recovery, gear for the terrain a few. Days ration, of food and water and. Calms. After. Lunch it wasn't, just the Sun heating up things, are about to get rocky I hope, you have your seatbelt fastened, because, we're about to get into it. Getting. Out to Justin, through the game. Just. Remember if you go through a gate. You usually close. It back a. Good. Practice, when exploring, new terrain is, to ensure your vehicle is capable of returning, back through, an obstacle, in case you need to go back later. On an. Obstacle. In which you cannot, return once. Committed, is called a point, of no return, obstacle. Here. Because. Of the blind turn I walk. The obstacle. Before we commit it going down. After. Heading down, this. Road meandered. To a beautiful, wash. The. White, you are seeing is actually salt. Deposits. That, have seeped. Out of the, rocks over. Time it, is believed. That this. Salt, is what, preserve, the dinosaur, fossils, here, in Utah. Click. On this really cool wash. You. And these canyon, walls. Really, cool. So. So. Far so good we're I think we're gonna do like it, looks like 15 miles on this and get. To the end so we're gonna go all the way to the end and check it out and see what we find. Ok. So we just came from down there and, now we're. Climbing. Up here so, that. Looks pretty wild, should. Be fun little climb oh. He. Is such a well-built, rig and, we, are fortunate enough to be able to, just pick a route on, a map and go, explore, it. What. Are some of the upgrades you have done on your rig to give, you the confidence to, be, able to go just, about anywhere. We. Would love to hear from you in the comments. Below. We. Climbed, up out of the wash and ended. Up on one of the benches, the. Terrain, wasn't, very technical. But, it was rocky, enough, to slow us down quite. A bit over the next seven miles its, trails, like these, that. Allow novice. Drivers, like myself, to. Get behind the, wheel and gain, some experience, and skills. That, I can apply on tougher. Terrain later. On we. Took a risk traveling, as far as we did and it paid off, we. Gambled, once before out here on our Arizona trip, and, we gained a lot of confidence from some of those challenges. Here. I'll, get the chairs out the table on the scott'll. Okay. Guys really, sorry it got super, windy we're just gonna turn on some closed captioning, for you one. Thing we like to do is. For. Our water, is. We like to. Take. A little hole. There. You go got. Drainage, that's not gonna get money. Rocks. And. Mushrooms. Can't. Wait we're. Going to go prep, for, the steak we've, got garlic and thyme. Some. Butter in there. I. Put. Some dirt just. See up the cracks in my fire pit and, I. Don't have using my wood, gotta. Create an, extra, barrier, also. Hard. To keep coals in there. Jessica. What. Do you think of this, candlelight, dinner this. Amazing, view. With. Your husband I love, the view it's a little windy but we may do and now, we have this delicious dinner that we're gonna chow, down on guys, Thank. You Marco for the recipes, so. We. Went. To put gas in the vehicle and we have no, spouts. We. Took it out doing our cleaning. During, the coping, thing so.

We're. Going to have to use a, longneck. Funnel and make, it happen. Good. Morning. Day. 3 we're. Up I've. Got the scout out going got. Rocky's food going. Sausage. Fresh. Eggs and. Of course some coffee, not a bad sunrise, this morning I. Got. Some visitors last, night. Morning. Guys I'm ready to make some coffee. The. Rep like. Having. A nice beautiful. Breakfast, a nice, backdrop. Gonna. Head on out today. Should. Be a fun adventure so. As you can see we're. Coming down into. This more, technical, section, it's. Into a wash and then line back up this, is about eight, miles that. We're going down and. It's. Gonna be, pretty. Crazy. I've, done some bones of, some kind of carcass. Looks. Like it's a cow. Get. Ready some engine, bay burritos, lunch. We. Don't have one. Of those fancy burrito, -, things like bleep at GPS so. Side. Method, here. Boom. That's. The oven. We're. In two-wheel, drive so you're, rockin, and rollin, but. We're finally headed, down into this wash. Making. Our way once. We get through the wash it'll, be time to go up the. Hard slug to the top I guess for now and four-wheel, drives about. To get real folks. We. Like to take the sway bar off for. Comfort. Reasons, I'm sure you can understand and the, four-wheel though is for better control I. Was. Fooled to tell you. The. Functions, of the Jeep it has, a. Electronic. Downhill. Assist on, it and. You, have to be in first gear or a second gear for it to work but, as. You can see. When. It's really steep I'll use it the. One downfall to, it though is that like this drop-off coming up right here that. We're getting ready to come up on it doesn't know a Ledge obviously. It'll, just send you right off the ledge so, if. You guys can see how steep that is that's pretty. Gnarly. This is what we're going down guys. It, isn't this, is pretty steep and. Pretty, gnarly. This brake assist is very helpful like. He was seeing in situations, like this, this. Was the part that we were really nervous about coming, down into this wash like that we. Got a lot of weight it's, really off camber. Yeah. We're. Doing it though. Stay. Tuned I think. That's the bottom, of it and then, we have the up to, look forward to. More, passengers. I'm, always backseat, driving him but he loves me for it. Oh. Insane. But. There's the wash and. That's. Where we're going oh. Yeah. What. Do you think guys, you. Guys ready to come out here and have a little fun I. Think. It's worth all. This work to get out here. Something. You'd be interested. What. Kind of Wheeling are you guys doing, out there, you. Ever done. A lot of technical stuff do you more normally just. Do a non-technical stuff. Comment. Below we'd, love to hear from you on here on our youtube or you can send us a message on instagram, we, like to hear what you guys are doing out there. What. Aventures, do you guys have coming up things, like that you, can follow us along on. This youtube you can follow us on instagram. This, wash. That we were done in. Never. Hasn't, been a bittersweet. Get out and explore. We're. Always a little sad to leave but until, we see you again on the next adventure, stay. Tuned stay safe guys don't. Forget to mash that like button and subscribe, to be a part of our next adventure. You.

2020-05-18 12:35

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