Kyiv's Most Dangerous Hood.

Kyiv's Most Dangerous Hood.

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so guys after we made that bald  and bankrupt video in khtz the most   dangerous neighborhood in kharkiv a bunch  of people wrote saying why aren't you going   to the most dangerous neighborhood in kiev  the capital city that's called troieshchyna, so you wanted to go here just to like take some  photos i wanna when i'm not filming i have a hobby   i which is photography followers you won't  believe it i was looking at you and i was   like i know this one oh look at you my husband is  your friend i live in california it's always the   huskies it's always the husband that's where  the seven percent female viewers come from there you go see ukrainian tourism board what i'm  doing for you know at uh-huh the bush or two maybe   a few metropolis let's do a photograph together  stay here um i'm leaving tomorrow yeah i'm going   to eat at work climb back to it's in petersburg  tomorrow i'm going to travel across russia don't get is showed us so cool class class and e ardene okay oh  so nice thank you so much say hello to your   not talk say hello to your husband i'm sorry yeah  well look think wrap i know but what's your name nice to meet you nice to meet you so yeah  hopefully your husband comes out and has   a good time when you've grown up because that's  amazing thank you for your shows i'm from harvey   so what you have to say oh yeah you know yeah oh  what about this neighborhood so i want to ask you   so we made this hot sensor video about like the  dangerous so everybody told us we should go to a   place called transition yeah here i don't know  no i'm from hurricane not from here but people   say yeah this kind of it was a bad neighborhood  but you know everything is changing so i mean   so today we're gonna go to tradition  and see if it's more dangerous than   or not you know during the day time it's for you  it's pretty good you know what's good we'll stay   tonight nice to meet you nice to meet you thank  you so much more fans in front of the mcdonald's so before we were interrupted by your adoring  fans three to five three percent i think my three   percent might be going up it might have reached  three point five more women noticing in our last   stats you're like seven percent female viewers  but definitely those are the wives of girlfriends it's always the girlfriend my husband my boyfriend  watches you it's never the woman herself he says   oh i love your videos why is if there's any single  attractive women watching please leave a comment   on our uh or send us a deal okay we're going so  we're going to try yes i think one of the buses   along here ghost trash now yeah i just don't  know which ones i've never been to traditional   so here's the funny thing  about you okay oh my huge ego you wanted you're gonna come and just  do this alone anyways right regardless   if i was making a film or not yeah you  just happen to be dressed like a gothic   i'm always dressed like you've got no  i'm listening it's not like it's like a   uniform off-camera on camera it's the real  deal always there's no fakeness and you're   gonna take the bus i'm going to take the bus  but i don't know which one let's go find out 580 johnny oh my god perfect timing are you scared yeah uh thank you very much sorry that's what's going on  okay so here's my question all right seriously   seriously why wouldn't you have just taken  a taxi to tradition if you're by yourself   because i think part of the journey going these  places is um to understand the place a little bit   more you've got to travel up a local right you can  take a taxi but then would you spoken to the young   lady would you have um i don't know would you  experience in the same way that's true actually   i i enjoy it's like a nice local experience i  hate to do a hero balder but am i filming yeah and the bus is 100 or something  so why would you not take a bus   because you're a multi-millionaire nursery i yellow lamborghini shared without having to speak from the  master johnny boy you do realize   you're not supposed to be talking to this b-roll it's too late yes this lady told us um that  the next stop is traditional   why do you keep calling her lady she's like  a girl like a deer bush guys she's like young yeah is it it's a complimented  lady lady is complimentary girl um i guess you have the british charm that i know so you do know how to talk to beautiful  young girls not just publishers become very functional something oh yeah okay  but um we've made it we've made it to crystal the most dangerous parts of rule of kiev  apparently that's all right so far 3m   explorer yeah so i think our goals for today  yeah tell me because nobody's going to rob my   iphone before 13 comes out or my ricoh  gr terrible camera for you can camera box ball just ran through this field to  take a picture of this old ladder it is hilarious that this really is his hobby  it's not just for the films he literally takes   the bus to these crappy places on his day off  just to like hang out take pictures of old ladies how nice johnny yeah have you seen what i've seen  over there uh green building in front of it   i think those are soviet war tiles golden ones  you don't pass the soviet golden rule tile   without going and checking it out closer let's  go look at it okay why are you saying i don't   care about soviet stuff unbelievable i believe  look at this guy just driving on the sidewalk that's a no matter what is this welcome to try national guys these are the original golden wall tiles of  trashner check them out they've been there   since soviet times wow look at it soviets for  some reason love like decorating their buildings   in like bathroom tiles uh-huh but here's a  nice little added touch they did to live and   operational it's like golden tiles behind the  front of the brick i'd leave anything to climb   up there and touch them good don't know someone's  in the office looking at me no the embarrassment wow well look how all these buildings are it  looks like there should be some kind of like   mural painted next to it but no right i don't know  what they did so i i did a little research oh more   than one microphone yesterday i was like you know  let me read the wikipedia tradition the reason   why it's such a kind of a crappy neighborhood  is really just location based it used to be a   village a long time ago and then it got brought  into a kiev and a city region but there's terrible   transportation as you guys saw there's no metro  actually they had planned well they thought about   building a metro yeah then they realized it'd be  too expensive and they don't actually care about   the residence tradition so instead they're like  you know what let's just extend the light rail   which is that remember that train we saw like that  crazy ghost guy on yes that comes to traditional   not that one but it's something like that like a  crappy old railroad that nobody probably takes so   you have to take these buses and that's why  this is kind of uh not the most desirable info johnny i think your subscribers  will like that yeah are you throwing   in some historical facts uh-huh and  actual facts too quite a wikipedia my   influence is rubbing off on you you've got  wikipedia effects that we haven't verified but we can go and look at some housing  where the traditions live that'd be cool   should we start knocking on some doors the most random hobby in the world photography it's the most random hobby  what do you expect my hobby to be bloody   i don't know what i'm giving badminton she was saying man what the [ __ ] hey if  i look where we are we're in trisha's park the heart of traditional wow we got those  markets oh that's car you like let's go   and have a little look we've got music that  you want to avoid for um whoa i'm in heaven i'm assuming we're by some kind of like railroad  station because this feels like somewhere really   like transport i don't know but look at this  lovely line of kiosks here we can uh maybe we   should have a coffee or something yeah yeah yeah  trash and a coffee the hardest coffee in all of   ukraine oh look at these mushrooms i bet you these  are picked from the like these are from the forest oh look at these fresh fruits and vegetables it's kind of a shame that a lot of it now is   kind of these newer buildings even  though it is nice to have a nice bakery i don't even know what that food is what is that  it's kind of squash i think like winter squash   you know what it's autumn you guys might not be  able to tell because bald is wearing a t-shirt   but it is it is clearly autumn now everyone else   i like this place i like freshly because i  ukraine most people when they come to kia brother   they see the nice golden spies in the center and  maybe they go and see chernobyl and that's their   kind of excursion their their adventure but trash  is where the real ukrainians or the real kievans this is the real treasure what ball doesn't realize because he doesn't watch  any of my films and he doesn't ever visit me where   i'm living but the place in herron de prove where  i was staying the last metro station was exactly   like this but you get off the metro you have  these like shops probably almost the same shops   i've got a challenge for you okay are you  um brave enough to go down a soviet slide   yeah come on i'm better than eating  soviet fish oh look at this fish look at this johnny the old soviet this is  why little kids were strong in soviet union   they didn't build them like things  that they built in the west they   built bloody pull-up bars they were doing  chin-ups these got mixed in the young age divided go on johnny no the other way johnny show that little boy how you do it like  a true cocknick okay see if it's your dog oh soviet hairdressing place i wish i had hair so  i could have more haircuts but that's just sugar no all the leaves is your first haircut in ukraine i know that's  strictly nothing dozens wow grade one please um foreign well that's the content they want  johnny are you having a manicure   that will be for the three percent  women let's give johnny a manicure foreign uh my name is already perfect oh you speak o'clock you need to come back for a manicure bastard give her johnny give the lady  a typical so you gave her exactly seven   you are a disgrace she was in  your film you tight this is worse in school oh my god me oh okay wow that's the friendliest salon in all trash   yeah or ukraine maybe there's like  a bulldozer right in front of it   so at night this is where i  assumed most people get robbed you

2021-10-01 14:23

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