Kigali: Is This the Real Rwanda ? vA 112

Kigali: Is This the Real Rwanda ?  vA 112

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(Kigali, Rwanda) - Morning, my friends, from Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. Very beautiful, wealthy, and clean city. Very interesting in many ways. A city that raises a lot of questions as well. It's actually funny because it looks so wealthy that you could say it's the Singapore of Africa.

But at the same time, the GDP per capita is very low here. It's kind of weird to see the difference. It's the poorest country I've been to since I started my journey, actually.

But the country looks extremely wealthy, so... Well, that's the way it is. But it's nice. And I have to say that it took me a few days to adapt here, because people are friendly but they're much colder compared to Uganda and Kenya, where people were super friendly. Yeah, it took me a bit of time to adapt to the new behavior of people here. I guess, it's probably also linked to the difficult history here. I mean difficult. To the horrible history here.

Hey; so to give you just a very quick idea of the history, of course, Rwanda is known for the genocide in 1994, the genocide between the Hutus and the Tutsis. The Hutus, the extremist Hutus, killed many Tutsis — over 800,000. Just to give you a bit of the history background, it seems, orignally, the Tutsis and the Hutus are two different ethnicities, but then they were also defined as two socio-economic groups. So basically, the Tutsis were the rich and the Hutus were the poor.

But in the pre-colonial society, if you were a Hutu and you were becoming too wealthy, then... Then you could actually become a Tutsi. And the same for the opposite. Like if you were a Tutsi and you were becoming too poor, then you could become a Hutu. But basically, the Tutsis were controlling the society, ruling the society: the kings were Tutsis.

All the people in power were Tutsis. And so then came colonization with... So first, the Germans. So Rwanda and Burundi were part... With Tanzania, they were part of German East Africa.

But the Germans did not really come here. They did not really do anything here because they had too few people to do that. The rules didn't change. But then, after World War I, the Germans lost their African colonies. And so Burundi and Rwanda were given to Belgium.

And that's when things turned very wrong, because basically, the Belgians did like what many conquerors do when they arrive in a place: they base their power on one ethnicity. Well, they divide the local people. They use the local tensions to divide the locals, in order to strengthen their colonial power. Let's cross the road. Yeah, here it's very nice because actually, people stop at the zebra, so yeah. So basically, then the Belgians created these absolutely horrible rules, saying basically that the Tutsis were genetically superior to the Hutus and… Because the Europeans arrived with greater weaponry, much more advanced civilization, well, some locals slowly, slowly started to believe it.

So the discrimination that already existed between the Hutus and the Tutsis was very really greatly increased through what the Belgians did by segregating the Hutus and the Tutsis, and they also... Before, you could become Tutsi and you could become Hutu as well. But the Belgians put the notion of Hutu and Tutsi on the ID cards of the people. And so then it was fixed, and you could not change it.

If you were a Tutsi, you were gonna be a Tutsi for all your life. And then came the end of colonization. But then, with the change of economy also here in the region, basically the Hutus became much more powerful very quickly, because they became richer. And so at the independence... - Hello, hello, hello. - Hello. How are you? Good, good.

And so at the independence, they took control of the country. Basically. And basically, over time, the ethnic and racial tensions grew and grew and grew.

And that led to the genocide in 1994. So basically, now in Rwanda, the notions of Hutu and Tutsi are forgotten. Basically, it's not allowed to mention this. And there are no Hutus, no Tutsis. It's over.

Yet, this problem is not solved at all because it's the entire region that is impacted by this notion of Hutu and Tutsi. So you still have the problem in Burundi, and you also still have the issue in eastern DRC, so in eastern Congo. Anyway, so that's a brief history of Rwanda.

And let's see how it is wealthy now, how it recovered from its traumas. Let's see how Kigali is. - Mzungu, how are you? - I'm good, I'm good. - Some perfume? - Hi, hi. No, it's okay. Thank you. Hi. No, it's okay. Thank you. No, thank you. No, it's okay. Thank you.

So the goal for this video is gonna be... Maybe, I'll try to find a polo. Let's see if I can find one. And I need to find some shoelaces because they went through my chain when I was riding in Uganda, and I need new ones.

Ah? No, it's okay, it's okay. I don't need them. - 1,000 ($0.8). - Socks. 1,000 for the socks. - 1,000. - No, it's okay. It's okay. Thank you. - 1000. - I don't need them. It's okay.

Thank you. - 1,000. - Yeah, yeah. But I don't need them. It's okay. - 1,000. - Yes, I know. I understand. It's a very surprising country because it's so well organized. Today is the last Saturday of January. So this morning was Umuganda. It's a time when everybody works for the community basically. It's a tradition that came from the pre-colonial times.

Every last Saturday of the month, from eight to 11 in the morning, everybody has to work for the community, so like clean the city, build whatever infrastructure is strongly needed by the community, or do some drainage systems for the fields or like... Yeah. Anyway, just work for the community, basically. It's a very interesting tradition — Umuganda. And let's see. That should be the busy area of downtown. Let's see how it is. - Hello, brother. - Hello. How are you? - I'm good. How are you? - Good, good, good. - Let's see my place... - What do you sell?

- I sell nice clothes and shoes. - Nice clothes and shoes. - Yes. - Okay, maybe I need some... Because I need some... - Come on, take a look. - Okay. - Hi. - This one... - No, it's okay.

I got picked up by one person already. So on this road, it's always like this. There is always... - It's only me. - Ah, what...? - You have the cash. Come with me. - Okay. - I'll show you good clothes.

- You'll show me good. - Yeah. - You, make an advertisement. - I'm making advertisements. - Yes. - Okay, so we make an advertisement for the cloth shops in the center of Kigali. - Yeah, my shop is here, boss. - Your shop is here. - You are most welcome.

- Hello. - My man here. - How are you? Ah, you work here. How are you? - Welcome. - Good, good, good. - Most welcome. - Thank you. Thank you. - Happy New Year! - Thank you, thank you.

- Welcome, welcome, sir. - Good, good, good, good. - Welcome. - How are you? Good. - I'm fine. - Good, good. - Fine, fine, fine. - Very good. - Yes, yes. - Yes. - My name is Justin. I work with... - Justin? - brother. It's Francis. - Yes. - Francis? - Yeah, Francis. - Okay. - Yeah. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too. - Okay. Yeah, but... I need laces. - Laces? - These ones are broken. - Laces.

- Do you have laces? - Yeah, we have. - Yes. - Do you need black ones? - Ah? - Black, black? - If you have black, it's better because mine are black. Yeah. - Let me bring you. - But brother, it is a lot what we have. - Ah? And do you have like a...? - We have shoes for... - Yeah, but shoes I don't need. But do you have polos? - Polos? - Yes. - Polo. - T-shirt. - Polo. - Not a T-shirt, but a polo with a...

- T-shirt. - T-shirt with... - A polo. Okay. - Yes. - T-shirt. - Here. They are... - Oh, okay. - Yes. We have a place for trying on. No problem. - You have a place for trying on. Oh. - Yes. - Yeah. - This is a Ralph Lauren even. Yeah. - Yes, exactly. - Big size. XL. It's a big size. - XL? No, this is too big for me.

- Too big for you? - Yes. - Large? - I'm L (or large) or medium. - Okay, large. - Yeah, of course. - Large. Yeah, exactly. - Do you have another color? - Another color. Which color? - Let me show you. We have the Nike. No problem. - Oh, yeah. - Yes, exactly. - L. If you wear jeans, you can put on this one.

- How much is this? How much is this? - This one? - Yes. - One is 20,000 ($16). 20,000. - 20,000? - Yeah, 20,000. - 20,000. Really? - Yes, yes, yes. - Yeah. - Even this one. The same price. - Even this one. - Yes. - Then I brought laces for you. - We can remove these ones.

- I'll remove these from the shoes. Then I'll give them to you. - Okay. For how much do you sell me the laces? - One is 5,000 ($4). - One is 5,000. - Yeah. - Yeah.

- Can I...? But I'm all sweaty. Can I try on at least one of these? - No problem. No problem, no problem. - Ah, it's... Oh, this is the room. I am in the room already. - Of course. - Okay, okay. - So this is size... - XL is too big. I'll try L first. - You'll try large? - Yes, yes. Okay, no more light, guys.

Not bad. Yes. Not bad. - This is good? - Wow. - It's good. Yeah. - Okay. Can I help you? - Yeah. Yes. - Do you have another color maybe? - Yeah, we have more colors. - Another color. - More colors? - This one, this one. - You have othere colors? - Yeah, we have more colors.

- You have more colors? - Yes, yes. - Oh, yes. This is L? Medium. Oh. Because now the L is a good size, so I need L. - You need L. - Yes, because this one... This — the size is good. - Yes. - So I need this. - This is L. - Oh, perfect. Can I try this on? - Yes, yes. Yes, yes. - Okay. But there's... But there's a hole here. - Sorry, sorry.

- I like this color, but I need one without... - Of course. I'll bring the one. - Without the hole. Yeah. - You see, the problem is this. Between a nail. - Oh, the nail. The nail. - The nail. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah.

So I'll bring large like this. - Large. This one. Yeah. I want it. - Yeah, large this. Try on this one. This one is... It has big fitting. Try this one on. No problem. - You can try it on. - Try, try. It's M? - Yeah. - It's M.

But try this on. - But it has big fitting. - This is your camera? - This is my camera. Yes. - It's good? - It's good. Yeah. - Yeah. - Okay, it's okay. I'll take this one. - It's okay? - Yes, yes, yes. This one. - Bring more colors. He'll take five T-shirts. - No, it's okay. I'll take this, but... Okay. Well, but I need to...

We need to see the price because 20,000 is too much for this. - Yeah, for two, I'll give you... - No. Ah? - I'll price less. - But wait. Yet, for the shirt, I need to... For... I need a better price for this one because 20,000 is too much for this. - 20,000 was better. - No, 20,000...

- I didn't say 25,000 for each because I see... - Yes, yes, but no, 20,000 is... No. For me, I'm okay with 10,000 for this one. - 10,000? - Yes. - You know, they are new. They are not second-hand. Do you know that? - Ah? - They are not second-hand. - Where are they made? - They are new. - They are made here in Rwanda? - No, no, no, no. See? Good quality. - Yeah, yeah, but I need a better price.

- Of course. Let's do this. Because you're taking two, I'll reduce 2,000. - Ah? - I'll reduce 2,000. - 2,000? - Yes, because you take two.

Yeah. - I go up to 12,000 for me. That's... - You are done? It's hard. Let me show you the second-hand... - It's hard. Okay, okay. No. 15,000. So 20,000 for both. For the laces and the thing. - You're taking one T-shirt? - I'll take this one and the laces. - Yes. - For 20,000. - Buy two. - All this for 20,000. - Buy two.

- Okay, let me reduce it for you. - I don't need two. I don't need two. - You take two, and then I reduce the price. You know? - Ah? - If you take two... - No, but I don't need two. So I cannot take two. - Oh, you need one thing. - Yes, yes. - So let's do this. Give me...

- I think it's fair. 20,000 for both is fair. - There is... - It's very fair. - There is something, which is not good. There's no profit. - There's no profit. - Make it 23,000 ($18). Yeah. You are my friend now. Make it 23,000. Let me remove them.

You can sit here. - Okay. Yeah. I can sit? Okay. Okay, let's sit, so I can change my laces. It's okay. I can put them. You don't have to... Socks.

I have too many. Sorry. It's okay, it's okay. No, no, it's okay. I can... What do we do for the price, man? - Yeah, 23,000 is good. - 23,000 is good. You cannot go down more? Ah! It was 25,000. But I made it... You live in Rwanda? - No, I don't live here. No. I'm a tourist. - You're a tourist? - Yes. - And you have a bicycle. - Yes, I have a bicycle. Yes.

- Wow, wow. - What is your name? - Yves. - Yves? - Yes. - Yves. Nice to meet you, Yves. - Nice to meet you. - My name is Justin. - Justin, you told me, right? - Yeah. - So that's 10,000. (Watching money like TV) - Are you still single or married? - I'm still single. Yes. - Oh, wow. But yeah. - And you? - This country has beautiful girls. - Oh, you have beautiful girls. Yes. - Yeah. - It's true.

The Rwandan girls are very beautiful. Yeah. - Exactly. - Un, deux ... onze, douze. Okay, that should be 24,000. - I'll give you change. - It's okay, it's okay. - It's okay?

I bargained for 1,000. - Brother, may God bless you. - Thank you. You too. - Yves. - I need... - Yes. - get your WhatsApp number. - You need to get my WhatsApp number.

- You know many friends meeting on the way. And you are a traveler. - Okay. - You know? - Yes. - We, maybe, try to meet. - You've come from France? - Yes. - Yeah. - We can keep in touch at the time you are going.

- Oh, it's hot here. Yes. Okay. Thank you. Yeah. - God bless you. - Thank you. - God protect you all the time. - Thank you. Good luck. Thank you for the music also, for... - Yeah, exactly. - ...for removing it. - Thank you, thank you.

- Thank you very much. Yeah. - Welcome, welcome. - Have a good time. It was hot. Well, I forgot these. Can I have it in the...? - Your bag? - Yes. - Of course. I remove the kraft, or I put... - You can remove it.

You can... Oh, you can remove it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yves, I think I'm gonna text you on WhatsApp. - Okay. - Umuganda. - Okay. Thank you, man.

- Have a good day. - Have a good day. Good luck. So mission accomplished: I've got a new polo, and I've got new shoelaces. - Wait, wait. Hold on. - Wait. - Let's cross the road.

And let's go to the fancy part of the downtown. Well, this is quite fancy already. - How are you, my friend? - Good, how are you? - This is Rwanda. - This is the map. No, but I don't need the map.

- This is the map. This is Rwanda. Districts, provinces. Yes. Yes. - It's beautiful, but I don't need it. Sorry. - This is Kigali. - Kigali. Yeah, yeah. - Yes. - Yeah. But sorry. I don't need it. Yeah. - This is... - Thank you very much. No, it's okay. It's okay. - Swahili or English one? - Swahili or...

It's okay, it's okay. No, I don't need it. - Yeah. - Thank you. - World. Okay? - World? - World. - Yeah. But I travel by bicycle. So sorry, I don't... - World is 5,000 ($4). - I cannot... No, no, it's okay. It's okay. - I have it. 5,000 — a map. - Thank you, thank you. - This is the Africa. - I travel by bicycle. I cannot carry this, so... Thank you.

So this is the famous fancy walking street that everybody films in Kigali. It's actually very... I don't know. It's difficult to understand what's going on here, because when you see such a display of wealth, it really looks like a very wealthy country. But at the same time, the GDP per capita is $1,000 per year per inhabitant, basically.

So it's poorer than Uganda. It's less than half compared to Kenya. It's also poorer than Ethiopia. So it's really, yeah, a bit hard to understand all this display of wealth all around Kigali because Kigali is... Yeah, there are many areas that are very wealthy. But the reality seems to be completely different. Yes. No, but it's okay. I don't need it. - Test it, test it. - I don't need it.

Thank you, thank you. - How are you? - I'm good, I'm good. And now let's show you another side of Rwanda. Let's go to a local market for a more local experience. Good. How are you? - I'm fine. - I wanna go to Kimironko Market. - Yes. - Yes. How much is it? - 1,500 ($1.2). - 1,500? Okay. Thank you.

And here you see? Up. You see, they always give you a helmet. I'm ready. - How are you? - Hello. How are you? - I'm good. My name is Prince. Nice to meet you. - Good. Nice to meet you. - Welcome to Kimironko Market!

- Thank you. Thank you. - Okay. Me, I'm selling souvenirs made in Rwanda, handicrafts. - No, no. But I don't need a guide. - Ah, because me, I'm a guardian of this market. No problem, okay? - Thank you.

- Welcome, my friend. - No, no. It's okay. - You can take a picture... - So I have to say... I can take a picture. Yeah. But wait. I wanna go around alone. - Okay. I can explain everything you need for this market. - Yeah. Yeah. No, but it's okay. I don't need it. - I'll show you everything. - Yes, but I don't need it. - Where do you come from? - France.

- Eh, France. Oh my... You have a good team. - Yeah. We have a good football team. Yes. - You know Kylian Mbappé? - Yes, I know Kylian Mbappé.

Yes. - Okay, this market is a very big market. - It's a very big market. Yes. - It's the first... - It's the biggest in... - Yes, in this county. - In Kigali, no? Ah, in this county. Yeah. - Yes.

It's the international market. - Okay. International market? - Yes. - Thank you very much, man. - Thank you. - Have a good day. - I can show you everything you need. - No, no. It's okay. I wanna go around alone to see what happens.

Thank you. So let's go around, guys. - You go by yourself? - Ah? Yeah, I go by myself. Yeah. So I have to say that the boda-boda gave me... I think it's because of the camera, but he gave me the absolute real price. That's why I overpaid him because he asked me for less money than what I was usually paying for less than half of the distance we did.

Anyway, here is the... We are in the biggest market in Kigali. - Hello, brother. How are you? - Hello, hello. Good. How are you? - My name is Baba. - Baba. - Yeah. - Nice to meet you. - Yeah. - You want some stained fabric? - Fabric? No, no. It's okay.

It's okay. - This is a new friend for Baba. - Baba. Good. - Yeah. What about your name? - My name is Yves. - Yves? Nice to meet you, Yves. I'm Ismael. - You're Ismael? - Yes.

- Nice to meet you, Ismael. - Wow, that is cool. - Good. Oh, wow. Look at that. It's big avocadoes. Yes. But it's okay. Yes. - It's okay. - Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello. How are you? - Hello. How are you? - My name is Baba. - Baba? - Yeah.

- No, it's okay. - My name is George. My name is George. - George. Okay - Yeah, yeah. - I'll go inside. Let's avoid all the guides.

But it's good because compared to the rest... Hello. How are you? Oh my god, she has a beautiful face. Hello. How are you? - Let me tell you. - No, no. It's okay. I don't need anything. It's like I'm back in real Rwanda now. Oh my god. - Dried beans. Do you know dried beans? Yes. - Ah? - These are dried beans. - Yes. - Do you know dried beans?

This. - Dried beans. Oh yes, yes. I know them. Yeah, yeah. - These are the beans. - Oh, the beans. Okay. So I guess I was assigned a guide. I guess. because all the other guides, if you noticed, were kicked out and I have... The original guy is still with me. I guess that's the way it works. But look at that.

Very interesting. - This is the part for the... - For hardware stuff. - ...Irish potato. - Oh, Irish potato. This way. - Yeah, sweet potato. - Sweet potato. - You can pass here. This is the part for souvenirs.

- Oh, souvenirs. - Yes. - Okay, let's go see the souvenirs. - Yeah. - Because the... - Everything for souvenirs is amazing. - Everything for souvenirs is amazing. - Yes. - Yes, I don't know. If I find something very small and nice, I might buy it. - Yes.

- Look at that. Yeah. - ...for this. This is the... - Oh, they have the same one in Egypt. - Yeah. Elephant. This is the stone egg. Everything for this here... - Stone egg. - amazing. This is the elephant. This you can use as decoration. - It's beautiful. - Here is the magic bag.

Do you know a magic bag? - Magic bag. - Magic bag. - Why is it magic? - Next one. - Hello. Ah, you're the next one. - Yeah. - This is the magic bag. Do you know the magic bag? - I don't know magic bag. No. - Yes. This is the magic bag.

- Now, this is my store. My name is Mimi. - This is your store? Mimi. - Yes. - Okay. Nice to meet you. - Yeah, this is a magic shopping bag. - Ah, you have this shop? - Yeah. But first this. - Ah, okay. - First here. - Okay. - This is a magic bag. - Magic bag. - Yes. - Okay.

- We have this kind of magic bag. We have this kind of apron. - Oh, this is for cooking. Yeah. - Yes. - Okay, nice. It's beautiful. Yeah. - Yes, I have more. - You have more. - Yes. Yeah. - It's beautiful, but I don't think I... - Oh, what about your wife? And I have this kind of animals. - My wife? But I don't have a wife. - Oh, you are single. - Oh, yeah.

Ah? - What about your sister? - Yeah, I have a sister. Yeah. - Okay. - I have this kind of animals. - Yes, but I already have that. Yeah. - This one is a zebra. You don't have it. - Because they have the same in Egypt. - What about a gorilla? This one. - The gorilla is too big. But if I buy something... - I have a small one.

- needs to be small. - Yeah, this one is small. - Small gorilla? - Yes. - It's light. - Yes. - It's very light actually. - It's very nice. And I have this kind of postcards. - Postcards? - Yes. - Made in Rwanda. Made of banana leaves. - That's interesting. - Yes, it's nice. I have more. This is an elephant. This is a gorilla. - Okay, gorilla. Yeah. - Yes, and I have this one. It shows our Rwandan culture. - Ah, okay.

Yeah. - This is a woman who has something on her head. - Okay. Yeah. - And children in the back. - And the kid behind. - Yes. And I have this kind of... - Yeah. - ...table mat, you know? I have this kind of... - Yeah. Be careful. You're gonna break everything. - Yes, no problem.

- We are waiting for you, please. - You like a gorilla? - For how much do you sell the gorillas? - And I have magnets, you see? - Yeah, the magnets. Yes. - This one is a fish mask. You like a gorilla? - For how much do you sell the gorilla? - Which one do you like? You can choose, and I'll give you a good price. Yeah. - You'll give me a good price. - Yeah. - I prefer this one. - Don't worry.

How many are you going to take? Just one? - Yes, because I travel by bicycle, so I don't... - Oh. And I have this kind of small basket. - No, no, no. This — I have many. In Ethiopia, they have many. So for how much do you sell this? - This gorilla? - Yeah. - For you, what do you think? - Ah?

- What do you think? - No. You give a price. - Yes. - Think about it. - This one. You, what do you think? - No, no. You tell me the price. I cannot say the price. I have no idea how much it costs.

- Yeah, this one is 15,000. - 15,000? - Yes. See, it's made of wood. Not easy to make it. - Is it made from...? Ebony? - Yes. - 15,000. That's quite expensive. - Okay, you tell me. This is a local market.

- This is a local market. - You have to bargain. Yeah. You tell me how much. You look at it very well. - I'll give you 5,000. - Oh my goodness.

You want me to go back to the village. Ah. Try to add. But don't say 5,000. - Try to add. - Yes, try to add. - 8,000. - Oh. Maybe, make 12,000. - 10,000. We can... - 10,000? - Yeah, we can agree on 10,000, no? - Add two in order to get a profit and, of course, in order to get good for you. - No, because this is... I know 10,000 is already expensive for that. - It's not expensive. - So I think it's already a good price for you.

It's a good... - It's a friendly price. - ...price for you. 10,000. - It's a friendly price. - Because this is small. - Ah, it's small. Okay. It's okay. No problem. - 10,000 ($8) is okay? - Yes. - Okay. - Don't forget. - What about the magic bag? You don't like the magic bag. - No, no, I need one thing.

I travel by bicycle, so... - Oh. - And this is very light. That's why I like it. - Yes. Okay. - The egg. The stone egg. - Take another thing in my store, please. - No, sorry.

I'll take only one thing. - What about my baby? - Ah? - What about...? - Sorry, I will not buy from you. - You can just visit. It's okay. - Just visit. It's okay. - You refuse to support me, but just... - Sorry. - Just visit. - Okay. - So take your time, please, here. - Okay. - Even one minute.

- Thank you. - Yeah, thank you too. - Thank you. - Save one minute, please. - See you next time. - No, it's... - You take... - Ah? - You visit... - I'll be waiting for you next time. - Wait, wait. I need... You'll be waiting for me next time. - Yes.

- Okay. - My name is Mimi. - Mimi? - Yes. - Nice to meet you. - Your friend. Nice to meet you, too. - My name is Yves. - Yves? Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - You have a name for Rwandese: Eve. - Eve? - Yes. - Yes. - So what about me? - We are waiting for you next time. - Okay, thank you. - Let's go. - Thank you. - Please, take a look.

Please, take a look. - Yes, it's nice. But it's okay. I bought one thing already. Sorry. - So you... - Okay, see you soon. You made me sad. - Thank you very much. - Thank you. - You made me sad. - I made you sad. Yeah. I cannot make everybody happy. It's okay. I, I, I...

It's okay. It's okay. - One minute. - I bought one thing. - Bro. - It's a camera. It's on. Yes. - I want to tell you something. - You want to tell me something. - Yes. - This is the part for souvenirs. Everything for this here is amazing. - Yes. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yes. You want to give me an interview. - Yes, of course. - So what do you want to say? What do you want to say?

- I just want to... First of all, I want to say "hi". - Okay. - Where are you from? - I'm from France. - From France? - Yes. - Oh, you speak nice English. - Yes, I speak good English. - How did you see Rwanda? - Yeah, it's nice, it's nice. Yeah. - It's nice. - Yeah, people are friendly. - What about the market? - The market is very beautiful, well organized. - Nice. Yeah.

- And it's very beautiful. - No, no. No. It's not beautiful because you saw there were too many people. They're coming to you. - No, it's okay. I'm used to this, you know? - Are you here just traveling to see...? - I'm traveling, a tourist. Yeah. - Tourist? - Yes. Just to see. Yeah. - How many countries have you traveled to in Africa? - In Africa? I don't know. 12 or 13, something like that. - 12 or 14. It's more than ten.

- Yes, more than ten. Yeah. Yeah, I've been to Cape Verde, Senegal, Mozambique, Malawi, South Africa, Lesotho. - Oh. - Yeah, 13 countries. - You visited all these countries? - Yes, I visited all these countries. Yeah. - I was planning to ask you about the difference between those countries, but because it's a lot, I think you already forgot.

- Yes, I forgot, but they are very different. - I want to know typically the Rwandan. - Yes. What do you want to know? - How is it? How do you see the Rwandan? - Friendly, friendly. I find very beautiful people. You have beautiful facial features. - We try. We try. - You try. - Of course. - And you're friendly. Like in general, in the region, everybody's friendly.

- And even France. France is our friend, right? - France is your friend. Yeah, I think so. - Of course. Of course. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, sir. - Have a good day. - You too. Thank you so much. - You're welcome. - Okay, you can cross here. - Okay. Let's continue. So you see, look at the... It's beautiful.

You have big masks. - Yeah, yeah. - You have all the calabash. I love the masks. Look at that. - This is the Umugongo. - Umugongo? - Yes, Umugongo, Umugongo. - What does it mean? - Painting. - Umugongos. - Oh, painting. - Yeah. - Umugongo. Okay.

- Yes. - And you have the beads. Yeah. - The decoration. - Yes. - It's beautiful. - This is beautiful. Yeah. - Oh my god, this is beautiful. - Oh my god. - Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god. This is beautiful. - Ah? - Take a picture there. - Oh my god. - Take a picture there. - Yes, there. - You can't... - Look at this shop. Beautiful. - Small mask. Have you seen small masks?

- Yes, but... Oh, they're nice. Yes. - Yes. - They are coming from... - Very nice. - Coming from like Congo. - From Lake Congo, Lake Congo.

- Yeah. - Lake Kivu? - Yeah, like Congo, DRC. - Congo? Oh, really? - A country it's coming from. - But there is a lake... Congo is a river. It's not a lake, no? - It's the country. - There is... Yeah. It's a country. - DRC. - Yes. - Yes.

- Oh, so these masks come from Congo. - Yes. - Interesting. - Democratic Republic of Congo. - Okay. Okay. Yeah, let's continue. Okay. Have a good day. - This is beautiful. - When will you buy from me?

- Hello. You see? - No, I will not buy - Oh, okay. - Thank you. - Hey, my friend. How are you? Welcome here. - Thank you. Thank you. - Take a photo. No problem. - No, it's okay. I need...

- Take a video... - Okay, okay. - ...and a photo. No problem. - I think I need to get out of the souvenir area because we've seen enough. - This is the part for... - Sorry. Have a good day.

I'm going this way, man. Because I think I have to... Sorry. I have to keep my guide because I guess that's the way it works. This is the part for clothes. - This part. And another part is souvenirs.

You come. - Yes, okay. Oh wow. Ah, another part for souvenirs. - A part for the souvenirs. - Okay. - Yes, sir. You're most welcome. Just come and... - Nice clothes. Nice, nice. - ...for this shirt. Like this one. I have it. I can show you. - Ah? - This is my store here.

- Come and take a picture. - Everyone wants me to film the... - It's beautiful. It's beautiful. I just wanna take you to my store. - You already have customers. - I have fabric. - You have nice fabric. - Yes, and a shirt like this one. Even this one. Do you know this one? - It's beautiful. Yeah, with the beads. - Kimono. Yes. - Kimono? Oh.

- Yes, for a lady. - Like the Japanese. - Yeah, it's like the Japanese. - Like the Japanese name. - But the clothes are made in Rwanda. - Made in Rwanda? - Yes, yes. Made in Rwanda. - Oh, very nice. It's beautiful. Hello, hello. - Yeah. - Yeah, come inside. - Come inside. - Don't dare. - Okay, let's go inside this one because... - Yes. - It's very funny.

- It's gonna look nice. - Hello. Sorry. Oh, you have the souvenirs like these. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, but I've already seen this kind of stuff. - You've already seen it? - Yeah, I've already seen this kind of stuff. - The T-shirt.

You didn't see the T-shirt. Because I want you to support me. You see? - You want me... Yeah, Rwanda. No, but it's okay. No, I... It's nice. - What about the fabric? - The fabric? - African fabric. - It's beautiful, but... - Can I make one for you? - No, no. It's okay.

I don't need it. - Look, I'm a good designer. - Yeah, yeah, but... Ah, so you're a clothes designer. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay, nice. - Can you let me just make one thing for you in just one hour? It will not take a long time. You see? Even shoes. - You designed the shoes. - Yeah, the shoes. - Oh, it's beautiful. - And some of those clothes. - Oh, nice.

- I design. I model it, you know? - Interesting. Yeah. - You see? This is me. I'm modeling them. - Wow, okay. - Yeah. - Nice. It's very nice. - And I made them myself. - Okay. - You can just promote me. - Yeah. But it's okay. Sorry, I will not wear this kind of thing, so...

- Even the T-shirt, like a souvenir. - Yeah. It's okay. No. Thank you. Have a good day. - Hey, next time. Merci. Just look. - Let's escape. Just looking. - This is... Yeah. - Here, here. - Here, here. Here. - This is the part for clothes. - Yeah, come here.

- This is the part for clothes. - Shoes, shoes, shoes. - Oh, shoes now. - Yeah, shoes. - Okay. - Hey, here for... - Yes. No, it's okay. I've seen it enough.

So I cannot succeed in talking to you because people are coming to me all the time. - Hello. How are you? - I'm fine. - Oh, you're doing clothes. Oh. - Yes. - This is the tailor. - Tailor? - Yes. - Oh, tailor. Okay. So when you order the clothes there, they make it here. - Yes, yes. - Okay, okay. - I make it. - You make it. Okay. - I make it. - Okay. But I don't need it. Okay.

- What about me? - Thank you. No, it's okay. What about you? - Come here, man. Come on, man. - It's okay. This market is nice. - Oh, this market... - It's very big. Yes. - Yes, it's the first market for this county. - I found it because I looked for the biggest market in Kigali. - Yes. - So I guess it's the biggest, no? - It's the first.

- It's the first. Oh, it was the first one in Kigali. - Yeah, in Kigali. - Okay. - It's the biggest. - Okay. - Every person coming from France can visit this market.

- Can visit this market. - Yes. - So what's the name again? Kimo? Kimi? - Kimironko Market. - Kimironko? - Kimironko Market. - Kimironko Market. Okay. - Yes.

- It's difficult. Kinyarwanda is a difficult language, actually. - Kimironko. - Kimi? - Kimironko. - Kimironko. - Kimironko. Yes. - Because actually, it's... Kinyarwanda is a Bantu language. And all the Bantu languages are... Except Swahili. - Yeah.

- But all the other Bantu languages have tones basically. - You try to speak Kiswahili. - Kiswahili? A bit. I know a little bit of Kiswahili. A bit. - Oh, a bit. - So yeah, basically... - This is the part for... - For the fruits. Yeah, we saw it already. Yeah. So basically, the...

- This is the local mango. - The local mangoes? Yeah. - Yes, the local mangoes... - They look nice. Yes. - ...from this county. - So the... Yes. The Bantu languages have tones, so then quite difficult for me.

And Kinyarwanda is Bantu. So it has some tones. Like Chinese, you know? And I struggle a lot with the tones, with the languages with tones, actually. - This is the banana, matoke. - The banana. Oh, this is for matoke.

- Do you know matoke? - Yeah, I know matoke. - Banana. This banana you... - In Uganda, you have matoke everywhere. - It's different for this here. In this, you can use the plantain. - This is... Oh, this is the plantain for eating. - You can use the chips. - Okay. - This. This — they are different from this here. This is the...

- This is the plantain. - Yes. - So for cooking. - Yeah. No, no, no. You use it to do chips. - Oh, to make chips. - Chips. - Ah, okay. - The different one. This is then used for... - And this you use for matoke. Okay. - matoke.

- Let's finish with the vegetables with our tour of the oldest market in Kigali. - This is the part for the vegetables. - It's very wide. - Television for this market. - Oh, there's even television. Wow.

- Yes, for this market. - Very nice. - This is the radio for this market. - Okay. - Everything from here is amazing. - Nice, nice. - Yes. She says I'm trying to speak English. - Ah, okay. - Yeah. - Okay, I guess... - How many days... - ...we should be done. - ...have you lived in this country? - Probably, around two weeks. - Two weeks only. - Yes. Is it the first time you come to this market?

- It's the first time in this market. Yes. - Okay. Everything from here is amazing. Do you know? - Yes, everything... - Do you know this? - Yeah, okra.

Yeah. What mushroom is it? This is the... Look at this mushroom. - Do you know the use for this? This is the mushroom, local mushroom, in this country. - What is the name? - The mushroom. - What's the...? Yeah, but the name of the mushroom in Kinyarwanda. - Ibohumyo. - Ibohumyo? - Yes. - Ibohumyo. So this is the Ibohumyo mushroom.

- This is the thing... - I come close. - Coming from Kenya. Kenya. This. - From Kenya? - Yes, this one. - Ah, okay. - Yes, it's different... - Okay. - ...from this here. - Oh, this is the local one. - Yes, it's local for the Rwandans here. - See, we have... - Yes. - ...Rwandan mushrooms and Kenyan mushrooms. - Yes.

The beans. - The beans. Yes. - Yeah. Come. Look here. - Look here. Yeah. - Yes, they're fresh. - Okay, fresh. Oh, ginger. Yeah. Oh no, garlic. Okay. Okay. I guess... - This is the part for the eggs. - Okay, yes. I guess I'm done with the visit. - you the live fish. - Live fish? - Yes. - Oh, you have live fish. Okay. - This. This here. I will show you. - Okay. - I will show you. - Look at that. Nice meat. - Yeah.

It is here. It is the live fish here. - Oh, nice. Yeah. - This. It's live. Oh, everything from here is amazing. This. Oh my god. - Everything from here is amazing. - Yes. It's the live fish. - So you can buy it and eat it.

- When you eat it from here, you can... - It's very fresh. - ...try it. Yes, fresh. - It's very fresh. - Yeah. - Okay. - Not put in a "frigo". - Yeah. - Refrigerator. - You kill it, and you eat it immediately. - Yes, the part for small fish. - Yeah, it's okay. I'm done with the...

- Finish. You finished... - Finish. Finish. Yeah. - Okay. - I'll give you a tip for your... - For me. Because me, I'm a guardian of this market. - Yes, yes, yes. - You can take a picture? - Picture with you? Okay. - Yes. Okay. - So you were... What's your name again?

- My name is Prince. - Prince. Okay. - Okay. - So thank you for this tour. Ah, you take a picture. - I'm the guardian of this market. - Okay. - Okay. - There you go. - Okay, thank you so much. - You're welcome. - Take a picture. - Yes. - Okay. - Okay. - Oh my god. - Good. - Okay, nice meeting you. - Very nice.

Nice meeting you. - Okay. - Good luck, guy. - Welcome to Kimironko Market. - Okay. - Okay. - Good luck to you. Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. - Thank you. Okay, I guess... That was very funny. That was very interesting. It's so different from the center. It's more like real life. That was our experience in Kigali, guys. See you for the next adventures back on the Rwandan road.

Ciao, guys.

2024-05-01 20:37

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