Kid's Lesson 7: Let's Sing Opera! | Sing With ETO

Kid's Lesson 7: Let's Sing Opera! | Sing With ETO

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Hello. Everybody, and welcome to lesson, number seven, of English, touring operas, of virtual, singing. Lessons my. Name is Abigail Kelly and I am an opera singer teacher and workshop, leader and I've, worked with English touring opera quite a lot in the past now. The eto spring, tour 2020. Was cancelled because of the kovat 19 outbreak, so, my lovely fellow musicians, and freelancers, weren't able to complete their tour but. Eto have been very supportive, to all of them which has been absolutely awesome, at a time like this now, these lessons, are part of a series which eto are doing for children and, there's also some singing lessons for adults too, but between, you and me I think that adults can do the one that I'm doing so please join. In thank. You so much for joining us from your living rooms wherever. You are all over this big wide world and, thank you so much for Bradley, Martha, Jo and Richard. For all of their singing lessons that have just happened now, I've been trying out Bradley's homework, and I'll, do more of that after our warm-up but for now let's. Warm up our bodies and get us ready to sing, so we're going to do a little physical warm-up we're gonna get some energy going we're gonna do a shakedown what that is is we're gonna flick our hands, eight, times here, eight. Times on the other side, eight. Times down, and then. Eight times, that way now, if you're feeling really energetic, you. Can use your legs as well see if you can balance or if, you need to sit down to do any of these exercises, that's. Absolutely, fine as well. So, we've got eight then, eight eight, then, eight then seven. Seven, seven seven, six. Is six is six six five five five you know where this is going we do all of it all the way down to one one one one and, then, when we finish we, do either so. The. Alternative, is to do what, Prime's. You. Couldn't even do a combination of two which would be jazz. Perhaps. See. Which one you end up doing are you ready here we go out of five and six, a seven, and an eight and a one two, four, five six seven eight one two three four five, six seven eight one two three four five, six seven eight one two three four get ready for seven and one, two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven one two three four, five six seven one two three four, five now six is one two three four five six one two three oh five six one two three four five six one two three fives here we go one two.

Three, Four five one two three four five, one two fours, here we go one two three four one two three four one two three four, one two threes, and one two three one two three one two three one, two and twos one two one two one two ones, and one one one one jazz. Hands. Excellent. Stuff I'm really really quite worn out actually let, us warm, up our shoulders, it's important, to have really nice relaxed, shoulders for singing so, we're just gonna, swim. Putting. Our shoulders, one at a time for, words. Very. Nice catch your breath if you need to from the earth shake down and then. We're gonna go back stroke, with our shoulders as well so. Really take your time and. Enjoy, stretching. Out your muscles. All. Right we're gonna put our hands, on, our shoulders now, we're gonna use our elbows so we're gonna do front. Crawl. Good. Keep, going, imagine. You're swimming, somewhere, nice, let's. Do a back haul now and switch back. Very. Nice backstroke. Good. Excellent. Hands down now we're gonna use our entire, arms, this time so we're doing front, crawl. Very. Nice, I'm. Suing in the Caribbean, that's where I am imagining that, I am, now, and. We. Are going to change that to our backstroke so oh yes. Really. Really stretch. Up as high as you can, really. Work that stretch excellent. We're gonna cross the road now so, we're gonna look left and. Right. And. We're gonna look up the sky as well because you never know there. We go, hands. Down, to the ground, let's. Do that again, to. One side. To. The other side. Looking. Up just in case and. Down. Final. Time. To. The other side. Looking. Up now, and. Looking. Down. Excellent. Last. Lesson, Bradley talked about good singing technique, now there is some sirens, that he asked us to do for our homework we're going to get to that later on in our vocal, warmup, but, another, important, thing about singing, is diction, what's his diction, I hear you say well if, you think about the word dictionary, what, do we find in a dictionary. Yeah. That's, right words. Diction. Is all, about, words, and singing with good diction, means that we've got to really use our words and make sure that they're so so clear when we sing and in order to do that we need to warm up our faces so let's, do a lemon, face that is the smallest, most, scrunched, up face you, can get if you have just bitten into a very sour lemon let's try that lemon face now.

And. Relax. Excellent. Brilliant try that one more time lemon. Face and go. And. Relax, were wonderful, let's, use the other muscle now try and make a wider space we can make let's make a lion face, so, a big, open. Mouth, open. Nose open, eyes whew. And. Relaxed, like a big lion roaring, all yawning depending, on how the line feels let's, do that again lion face open it up. And. Relax. Let's go back to lemon face so let's do lemon face. Now. Fight. One lion. Excellent. Really good let's make a bubbling, sound it's a release our tongue. Very. Good we're, gonna see if we can bubble from low to high I'll do it first Harrison. Try. That with me ready. Fantastic. Let's. Go from high to low now I'll do it first. You. Tried with me ready and. Fabulous. Let's. Do this we're gonna hold on to our stomach muscles just above your baby but sister find your belly button, we're. Gonna make some sounds, that are gonna have an effect on our body so we're just gonna try this. Shhh. Shhh shhh. Shh, try, that with me ready two three, up. Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh, fabulous. Do, you feel your stomach muscles moving I certainly, do, let's do another one shall we let's do some hisses so are we gonna go like this. Try. Not with me ready two three. Excellent. Another. One let's do this one it's gonna go like this. Try. That with me ready to be. Brilliant. Really good really using your stomach muscles there. Bradley's. Homework. Bradley, was teaching us how to do sirens. Now really, good ways of making your voice really nice and warm so let's do some now just, say the word sing for, me sing. Now. Have, a look at that last little mm. Of sing, and we're gonna serve it on that mm mm sound, we're gonna go from bottom to top like. This. You. Try ready and. Fabulous. Let's. Do a Simon on him mmm. Sound, like something's really yummy, are you ready. Great. Let's, do that again this time follow my hands see, if we can create some interesting sounds, at the top ready and. Fabulous. Let's do it on an O as well, are you ready here we go and. Very. Nice and final, one let's do it to an AH like. It's something really, satisfying like. This ah. You. Try ready and ah. Fabulous. Another. Part of Bradley's homework my, favorite, part of Bradley's homework was, to cackle, like, a witch, now I love Halloween so I've had a lot of practice, at this I want. To hear you cackling, like which is in your living rooms are you ready let's have a good tackle, here we go. Let's. Do another cackle, shall we ready - three. Fabulous. In. Fact that, reminds me of a magic spell that I think you could all join in with it goes like this it's a quiet spell, it's a very secretive, spell so, we're going to do this to start with it goes like this. Shh-shh-shh-shh. Try, that ready two three, and. Shh-shh-shh-shh. Good. The. Next part of the spell is snake. Venom, we need to put snake venom into our potion, goes like this. Try. It with me ready two three, ah. Excellent. Now. We're gonna write some magic. With, this move. Try. That ready to 3x. Brilliant. And once we've cast our spell we've got a bubbling, cauldron in front of us bubbles. Like this. Try. That with me ready and. So. Let's do the spell again all from the beginning you ready here we go Oh one two three. Shh-shh-shh-shh. Bubbly. Cauldron. Check. The cauldron is it working. Not. Quite yet we're gonna have to do it a little bit faster you ready here we go one two three, annc. Bubbling. Cauldron. Check. It. Not. Quite one more time guys super fast lots of energy are you ready here we go and a one and A two and A one two three books. Shh. What. Yes. It has let's do a big you, be. Ready. And, UK. Fan. Tastic oh, what's. In the cauldron. Seems. To be a magical, tome lot let's. Get that magical donuts out let's pick it up and let's breathe it in through your nose breathing, that smell. Very. Nice very satisfying. Breathe, it in again with me and let's do a satisfying, are out ready and very. Nice. Pop. In your mouth.

Give. It a chew. But. It's quite hot so let's breathe, it out. Cool. It down put your hands on your tummy you feel that your tummy's doing. Much. Cooler now give it a final two. Very. Nice, indeed it, was very tasty, let's go. For. Our final siren, ready and. Absolutely. Excellent. Let's. Do a little bit of scales, she'd been doing scales in the other lessons, so we're gonna have a go at doing a scale on la. La la la la la la la it's, gonna go a bit faster, than that but here's, your chord. It's. Gonna go like this la. La la la, la la la la. Try. Not with me ready, two, three, and. La. La la la la. Very. Nice let's, do another one a ready 2, 3, and, Phi. La la la la la la la la. Very. Good unless, you some wall let's, get it a bit faster, though ready, to, 3. La. La and another. La. La la la la la la, and again. For more, fun. Oh no no no no no no marketing. Faster, for. Two. More for. Nanananana. Last, one. Phenomena. Fabulous. Well done, really nice work I'm. Gonna teach you a little bit of an opera, now I think having. Done all of the six lessons already you, are ready to join an opera, chorus so, I'm gonna teach you a little bit of an opera chorus from an opera, called Eugene. Onegin that's. A person's name this person lives in Russia, now. This, song, is all about a. Farmer. A, Miller. And, his. Daughter and the. Words go like this in a, cottage. By the water lived, a Miller and his daughter, try. That with me in, a. Cottage. By the water, lifts. A Miller, and his daughter, and. We were talking about good diction, so I want you to be without those words try, it again with me ready two three, and in a, cottage. By the water. Lived a Miller, and his daughter, the. Melody, goes like this have a listen goes like this in. Her. Cottage, by the water lived, on Miller and his daughter. Tried. It with me ready. Two, three. And, in. A cottage. By the water lived. A Miller and his daughter. The. Two melodies are exactly, the same for the two phrases let's, try it again. Off we. Go in, a cottage. By the water lifts, a Miller with his daughter now. We have a little bit of a chorus this, is where I'll follow laws coming, it goes like this. Ilana. Try. It out with me ready, two, three. And. Brilliant. Let's, try the whole thing so, start. To list note I'm, gonna count you in for fall ready, two, three. Four. In, our, cottage by the water, Linda. Miller and his daughter. Lana. Lana. Lana. Did. You get that let's. Try that one more time ready. Two, three. Four. In our, cottage by the water Linda. Miller and his daughter. Lana. Lana. Fantastic. Next. Bit of the story is, this, came, our farmer, on the ferry rich. And ruddy, as a cherry, I'll, say, that again came. Our farmer, on the ferry, rich, and ruddy, as a cherry. The. Melody, for that is exactly. The same as in a cottage, by the water so, it sounds like this one, two, three. Four. Came, a bubble, on the ferry rich, and ruddy as a cherry. Try. That with me ready. Two, three. Oh, came. A farmer, on a very rich, and ruddy as a cherry. You've. Guessed it we've got a little chorus coming up off far. Far. No no, no no, let's. Try the whole of that first shall we here we go came. Our father on a very rich, and ready as a cherry. Brilliant. Go. Back to the beginning we're gonna add a piece and piece together like, a jigsaw, so in a, cottage, by the water lived, a Miller and his daughter we've, got the followers then, came. A farmer, on a ferry rich, and ruddy as a cherry, and then the following us let's. Try that after for ready. Two, three. Four, in, a cottage. By the water. Miller. And his daughter. Came. Up mama on a very rich, and ruddy as a cherry. Two. More verses to go very good works so far. Saw. The Millers. Pretty daughter. Started. There, and then she caught her, try. Saying that with me ready and, saw. The Millers. Pretty daughter, started. Then and there to court huh, well. Done again. It's the same melody, as the first bit so it sounds like this for. The Millers, pretty daughter started. Their entire quarter. Okay. Try. That again ready. To, three. People. Saw. The Millers. Pretty daughter started. Them and then 2/4, and, you've. Guessed it we've got some followers coming, up so we go like this ready and, fun. Fun. Oh. La la la well. Done let's try that verse again saw. The ministry. T daughter ready 1. 2, P. And, so. The Millers, pretty daughter started. Their inventor quarter, father. No. No, no no nah, very. Good, indeed. Final, verse sounds, like this, thought, he'd, managed, to persuade, her if he. Came to serenade, her. Let's. Say those words, two seven eight what does to serenade, me while, to serenade, somebody, is to sing, to, somebody, in the hopes that they will fall in love with you so that's what the farmer was trying to do with the miller's daughter so. It goes. 42. Managed, to persuade, her if he, came to serenade, her.

Try. Singing that again MIDI. 2:3, and, thought. He'd managed, to persuade her if he, came to serenade, ah well. Done and you. Guessed it right we've, got some more followers, fun. Father. Lalalala. Fantastic. Stuff, let's. Try it and sing all of that from the beginning, let's run through the words very quickly in, a, cottage, by the water lifts, a Miller and his daughter then, you've got far la la la la la la laa. Laaa la la second, verse came. Our farmer, on a ferry, rich and ruddy as a cherry then, you've got your followers. Saw. The Millers. Pretty daughter started. There and then to court her that's, a big word for a spit out well, done, fourth. Verse and final verse is thought. He'd managed, to persuade, her if he, came to serenade her and, it, finishes off with some fellas, so, let's, try it from the beginning, ready. Two, three. And in, our. Cottage, by the water lifts, a miller and his water. Came. Upon a very rich, and ruddy as a cherry. So. The Millers potatoes, started. There in the fall. Food, it managed, to persuade, her if he came to serenade. Oh. Wonderful. Stuff absolutely, fantastic. Do. Feel free it's really, really worthy and I want you to really really try and sing, this and spit, out all of your words as much as you can so do use this again rewind. Play it again if you need to catch those words now. I'd. Like to set you some homework not, mean horrible, homework, but fun a wonderful. Singing homework, and my, homework, today, is going to be for you to try and sing in a scale these words red, lorry, yellow lorry. Okay. Sounds, like this. Red. Lorry, yellow lorry red, lorry yellow, lorry red, lorry yellow, lorry red, lorry yellow, lorry red. Lorry yellow, lorry red, lorry yellow, lorry red, lorry yellow, lorry red. Okay. I don't, want you to see if you can practice that for me all this week let's see how fast you can get it maybe you'll be able to get it as fast as this red. Lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red, who. Have. A go see. How you do this week oh my goodness thank you so much, for joining me today it's. Been an absolute, pleasure now, if you would like to learn more about eto, and how they are supporting, artists, in keeping everybody singing in the middle of this pandemic please. Do, go to English. Touring opera, org, dot, UK and you, can see how you can support their, commitments, so, from, me for now farewell, keep. Singing and have fun.

2020-05-31 13:19

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