Key West Florida December 2020

Key West Florida December 2020

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[Music] [Music] you see people here people friend most likely trump supporters but and um leaving there okay that's fine indeed 20 hours look at this ocean look at this sasha look 120 today today well the year they have ideas of them [Music] hey [Music] idea that we opened the embassy in jerusalem [Music] [Music] so i went back [Music] is [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] oh so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh about that part [Music] [Music] i'm gonna give a little bit of um [Music] a little bit more a little bit more [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do bar on the sand with the benches and tables and you know the same i've never seen [Music] [Music] [Music] this so [Music] so [Music] [Music] good very good very good all right [Music] all right is that better yeah all right [Music] is you know you don't ask me questions first fish five six what's up okay so what do we do now what do we do okay there we go okay ready ready coming back [Music] [Music] music is out because we're gonna be um so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] huh i wonder if you see on the left left left yes [Music] so [Music] okay oh we're no panic first you're good let's see oh yeah wait a second is that uh spanish mark i'll be there okay here this is yours just just just do it um you take it out and move over here okay oh that's a big there he is everybody nice fish bring it in this is yeah all right oh you gotta get her on the nose that's the mackerel yes it looked like a barracuda i was gonna say the same thing i think it's a barracuda i think you guys might have the wrong fish okay let's come this way that's it that's it right there oh come on he doesn't like that there it is thank you i oh okay thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so okay all right three two one i am very professional very nicely [Music] that would be our direction right there is that still an autopilot come on man can't do it to me i was i was advertising good good uh sailing you know right i hear you i hear you i'll help you a little bit i'll help you i'll help you [Applause] yes we can [Music] beautiful and let's see how it balances itself foreign [Music] six feet uh i don't have too much space here [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] what um know what to do next do i need to set the timer [Music] and do you want me to bring you a plate turn around [Music] okay so four inside [Music] um [Music] um foreign yet [Music] just when i was stationed in japan yeah i only made one mistake i only turned into traffic one time and that was enough the trucks coming yeah for a couple months i can terminate this anymore but you can't you can't find like a long term like oh my god i know i'm not i'm not that young anymore okay i mean somebody's gonna handle a good truck you just uh yeah we're just pedaling to them oh look at this look at this this is a super spreader little boys and girls you're all gonna have fun i will [Music] [Music] so it could be a different translation i'm sorry or this one two miles okay let's see if we can find so goodbye [Music] so [Music] [Music] time [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] being everybody if you go down [Music] thank you [Music] so boys you're spreading their coping [Music] hungry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] right [Music] like a little door hit dorking so [Music] got it [Music] you know [Music] [Music] but he's life jacket probably [Music] hey [Music] out there so yeah well the corridor between the sea and dogs was meant to grow and i mean what are you don't look at me this weird way [Music] um [Music] yeah yeah so that's what we're saying uh [Music] yeah exactly [Music] so you

2021-02-19 00:49

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