[Music] Friends, suddenly the plan changed, why don't you visit Valley Kalash before going to Chiral, which is just 18 kilometers away from Ayun Gateway, why don't you friends, before starting the thrilling and adventurous track, do something. Interesting facts about this area: Chitral and Pure are peace-loving places. People of Chitral have no equal in peace-loving and hospitality, which is why thousands of people turn to Chitral every year. Quoting Chitral. If there is
no mention of Wadi Kalash, then it would definitely be an excess. The ancient style of Wadi Kalash, its religious style, its way of life, its mundane prosperity and regional patterns of life have given it its own identity all over the world. [Music] is Chitral til . The biggest reason,is the Kalash people and the way of life here , to see which a large number of nationals and non-nationals come here. Vadi Kailash is situated on three valleys . Kailash is a prosperous area for the people.
Barir is the smallest and most primitive valley where the inflow of Tourists is less than that of Wadi Rambur. In comparison to these two, Syah prefers to live in Bamburet because of the best facilities for staying in Wadi Bamburet. All the needs of the village are fulfilled, that is the reason why do the people of Syah Wadi like Bamburit Dana and Kayam at the age of 90%. Now friends, we have reached this valley in Bamburet style, and from here we start the countdown, meaning the last village is the most. First of all, let us show you friends, do not be discouraged because we are going to take you to the city, Wadi, Bamburet Sand and all the villages. Along with this,
friends, my channel Pakistan Tourism will need your support and how can it be done brother, if you have not subscribed the channel then it is necessary. Do it because a little friendship can be made [music] And sir from BHU has come to Bumburet hospital once again for a view of the river So you friends, wherever you go in the hilly area, these two things are not going to be left behind you, two things are behind you One thing that will not leave you is that there will be stones, whether they are with you or under your car, but there will definitely be stones and if the river is with you, then in the hilly area, these two things will not leave you unless you switch from the lee area. Friends, this is Kailash Grave Yard, there is a village named Kakal in it, which is about 20 to 30 minutes ride from Bambu Reet. Even if you ride a jeep, it takes a lot and even if you ride a bike, it takes a lot, however, if you do hiking. If you want to go on foot then it will take you an hour to reach this village but if you come to Kailash and come to Bambu Reet then you should not miss it because it is quite traditional [music]. If I talk about their lifestyle. So you are seeing that they have made the walls by placing seven stone Neekel stones and at some place they have made wooden planks by cutting wood and made their main wall and the rest of their houses are almost made of wood. There are small houses and they
are made of wood, this is their house. Kailashi girl was going, you can see her dress and this is the area where you can land your helicopter, a helipad has been built here and there is a facility for this. You can see there are mountains around it, there are trees in the middle, but it is a beautiful view. Okay, here we come, ji Kailash Hotel is good here
because now there is no festival. During the festival, the rates here become very high and the room availability is also very high. It becomes very difficult but as it is now because we have come in July, now it is available at a reasonable rate and we get a good room [Music] Friends, this is the place inside Kakal Village which is called The Bashali of Kakal Skypage Lekar They were coming to eat and drink. If their children were also bringing them, they would put them down here. After that, the lady would pick them up [music] Kailashi girl had come out and was standing, okay , this is done, we are seeing this. Yes, this is inside Kakal village, this is a very cheap hotel and in the middle of it, you will get all kinds of food and drinks here and you will also get a hotel to stay in , the rent of which ranges from Rs. 000 to Rs. 000. Friend, we have reached here in Karakal village,
which holds a special place of Kailashi clan. This village is very historical. This village is Kakal Bambo Ret A Pata and Welcome Ch Let us take you for a visit . There are many shops built in it and this is hand Made of it, this necklace and makeup which Kailash women do, this is the main market, you can call it this but I would rather So it seems that I am seeing more hustle and bustle in it than in Bamburi. Most of the houses you will see here are made of mud stones and wood of Bayar culture and this is a small street. Do I feel like I am in Multan? I am singing Hussaina, these are small streets, these are the beautiful Kailash children , the cute children are getting angry even with the little ones, welcome to Kailash Handicraft Shop, friends, these were handicraft shops at Rakal Bumbo rate, I entered it. I am done and this is the
dress that Kailash women wear on their heads, it is totally hand made, it is prepared by hand, now I don't know how much time it takes to get it ready and what is its price [music] with Well, friend, I have come to know its name. This is what you are seeing in front of you. It is called Shosha in Kailash language and its price starts from Rs. 1000 and Its price is up to Rs. 000, okay, and how much time does it take to make it? Friends, these shoes are ready in five to two days, along with these are children's clothes and these are these shoes, which are on top of this. There is a lot of hard work and a lot of work
is required and it takes 15 days to prepare it, its price ranges from Rs 800 to Rs 000 and the average purse is also not that much but it gives a tremendous glimpse of Kailash culture and is good in it. The interesting thing is, friend, it must be the shoes or the rest of the dress, it is of very heavy weight, okay, this is their courage that they have 24 these days, the total class, right now, is around 4000 and in this village there are almost 1000 people. No, there are 400 people in total, okay friends, children are playing here, let me show you which game the Kailash children are enjoying, this is it, children, see, cricket is here and it is the pride of the entire country, wherever you go, take cricket. And it is shown that Kailash, friends, because of its culture, its success and its customs, has a unique status not only in Pakistan but also in the world, this is the reason which forced me to laugh at you for coming to Kailash Valley, Bismillah Rahman Rahim. Friends, I have reached here. Friends, you know that I started my ride from Bambu Reed which is Boon village and the last village in Bambu Reet is Kakal. I have come there and what is the life style here. They will show you the history of this place as well as
we will discuss the culture of this place or the place where I am standing is their pandal. In their language you can say that when there is a festival here, it is here in this area. Various kinds of Takri are also said and there is a dancing movement here which is considered as their worship because it is such a pandal that it comes in the center of this village which is a Kura Kal village. So from this you can see the entire village, there are about 50 to 60 houses of Kailash clan and some such flat like houses are built. Look at the life of these people. Here the light comes almost only at night. There is no light during the day
and there is no gas facility, there are many infrastructure issues, but their life is very difficult and seems very difficult. You can see their living standard, but despite that, there is a happiness in these children. There is a confidence, a peace that makes one believe that this is a very happy and very happy life [Music] 150 years have passed, consider this grave yard as if it is over because 150 years have passed here, now it is fine They don't do Kailashi , this is along with a grave yard, there they keep the finely chopped dead body inside the ground, this is a coffin and all the bones are lying in it and this is the inside view, rest of the stones are scattered everywhere in the middle and this is along with Coffin [Music] Charpa So, after exploring Kakal village, we have come here, there is another small village of Bambu Sand Wali in the village, what is special about it and why should you come, I will also show you this from the sign board and Let's go to explore this other village, brother, to reach it, this is the track and you have to go through this track, take the village, this track is over, now the stairs have come ahead, you climb its steps. And if we go to this historical place then let's see if there is any apple which is ready to ripen here, there are also walnut trees and pomegranate trees too, so the talk is in the village, friends, this is its front look and we are entering it now from here. We will also tell you some things and its history, this beautiful little girl is showcasing her culture. Hai Pala Jau Gari is an open space where the people of Kalasha gather during the Afraid Mausam bar during the Joshi festival in August and Chav Maska festival in December. The
place is also used for Digar Tama Takri Baat. See this Friends, this village is covered with mountains surrounding the mountains of Hindu Kash, this is a very high mountain and this is a dry mountain and this is the place where this festival is celebrated in this pandal. I have just come to know that here all the small The villages are like Kailash, each village has its own pandal for worship or dance, so on a special day when it is their festival, all these small villages come together and come to this place. When I came last year, this entire part was open, now I can see that construction has been done on it and also I feel that work is being done on it too, which is a It's a good thing, rest see, the houses built by their culture are so beautiful, they are made from wood, they are in very poor condition [Music] Now let's go to know about the third village of this place, so friends here, we want to show the culture and civilization. We will try our best
to see this, these are small houses made of wood and this is their dress here, friends, yes, in this Patre village, see this, I am giving a close up shot of this, see this, it is almost ready standing here. It's just its size is still small, the lotus is ripe in bunches and I think it is a pear, this is a pear tree, pluck fresh fruit from here and eat it, along with flowing water, cool weather, fresh air, no noise pollution, no traffic noise, wow Mashallah. Mashallah, this tree has removed all the stones, it is absolutely full, there are bunches of apples and now we are going to show you, sir, how to dry apricots, this is the cracked wood and on top of it are apricots. Na, after dividing it, its kernels are being taken out and placed on top. Check it out
[Music] After visiting the village Baat in the Valley, your Asana has brought you to another amazing spot. It is called Kailash Museum, so give it a back view now. Let me show you the inside and how you can enter it and what is the timing of going to Kailash Museum. So let's see Kailash Dur Museum. Its timing is 832 AM to 12:30 in summer. PM will be OK Friday, this will be from close buyer, friends, the stones have been set in a very good way, and its wall has been made, this is its intense [music] gate assalam alaikum, tell me how much are the tickets here, one guy has 50 tickets and What is there to see inside? There are old things inside and they have placed a book in the entry group of the people of Kalash, whose name is Hospital Sakafate Utchi Utchiye Musannif Hai Mohammad Anayat Ulla, this is the word of Hospital Kailash which is It means happy well and from here let's show you sir, this is their museum in this beautiful building and in it the rituals and customs of Kailasha culture, the things of their life according to their culture, how is it 3000 years old because this is a culture and what? How did they come here and what kind of clothes did they wear, food items, farming, various other things are kept in it, which gives a complete history of their culture, now since I have a little time, if you want to take a look inside it. If you want to see the view, you will have to go to my channel and I had come in 2022 to cover the Chilam Joshi Festival, so the entire view inside the museum has been captured in it. At present, we go to the third village Brun, and you can also see the view of that village. If we take
a tour then this is the last village in Bamburi Valley, whose name is Brun Village and if you come from Ayan Valley then this will be the first village and if you come back from Kakal village then this will be the last village because I returned from Karakar. I am coming, so for me this is the last village, okay now I will show you through the back camera what is there in this village and I have come to know two-three things that the population of Kakal village is all in one place. But it is okay that it is gathered and but as for the brown village, its population is spread out and is not gathered at one place, so Majid, we also give you a view from inside and I will show you it from the back camera. What I have come to know about two or three things is that every village has its own graveyard and also has its own huge house built. Okay, so this is the population of this village.
These houses are made of stones, they are built with stone walls and in the same way, there are also fruit trees like apples, walnuts and pomegranates and above these are small houses, this is how their population is spread. I will show you further in Hui Majeed and friends, you can call this village the main market of Bambu Reet, here you will get all the facilities of food, drinks, asia and hotels. Tenor works here in the mobile network as I told you here. This mosque is more populated by Muslims than Kailash. This
mosque has become a place of worship for Muslims and along with it there is Government High School. Friend, I have tried my maximum that the biggest village of Kailash is Bambu Rit which I told you has three colonies. And there are small villages, I have shown you that too and I have tried my maximum to explore the entire Bambu Rit. I hope that you would have liked all these episodes and I want that if anyone wants to give any suggestion then please comment to me.
Please do because your comments give me a good opinion whether I am working properly or not, so please warn me with your suggestion which is the logs of Kailash. Friends, I am ending this now and now yes. The plan is, friends, now it is 2 o'clock here and the scene is that we have to leave for Chiral. You know, Chitral is a Gilgit series, so support Pakistan Tourism with it and subscribe to the channel. Now allow yourself to laugh because we are leaving Kailash for Chitralaya so let's say thanks for watching this video Pakistan Pang Ba I want to be a major, I forgot to tell you about the fourth village of Bambu Reet, whose name is Anish, due to lack of time. We are not able to show you but it is also here and its population is spread.
2023-10-24 15:47