Journey to Shikoku Island in Japan

Journey to Shikoku Island in Japan

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Hey what's up everyone Nomadic Gaijin here, I  just left, I don't know about 20 minutes ago   for an adventurous trip to Shikoku i'm real  excited for this you guys but japan has   like a thousand islands but Shikoku   is one of the four major islands that make  up what we all imagine of as "main Japan"   Honshu, Kyushu, Hokkaido and this one Shikoku  so every video i've shown you until now has been   in Honshu, that's where I live that's where  Saitama is that's where Tokyo is Osaka, Hiroshima,   Niigata, Nagano, so many of those places that i  took you guys through on different adventures Noto   is all part of Honshu so now we get to leave  Honshu and go somewhere that i've never shown   you on here and that's gonna be awesome Shikoku  is divided into four prefectures and I've set   my sights on a main destination in each on,e  the unique Naruto whirlpools of Tokushima,   the luck bringing Zenigata sand sculpture of  Kagawa, the historic and breathtaking castle   of Kochi and one of japan's oldest hot springs,  Dogo onsen of Ehime, we'll be checking those   and a few other little bonus things along the  way but first i gotta hit that long drive down.   So i am just casually rolling by one of the most  iconic mountains in the world, that's awesome whenever i journey this direction a great  pit stop is Surugawan-Numazu Service Area   attached to the highway for easy access it has  just about everything you could need to refuel   for the next part of your journey and my first  of many stops along the way this is kind of an   adventure to get here actually because i tried to  go around Tokyo and it took me all sorts of ways   around including what you saw earlier with Mount  Fuji so this is a cool place because it has   a dog run so this was fun to take our dogs  too and then there's a really nice view of   the ocean from here and Izu so you can check that  out right here too anyways off to the next place   refreshed and refueled i headed out towards my  destination of Awaji island to stay for the night   and get some nice views along the way i came  across this tunnel with moving green rings felt   like playing in a video game i guess they're meant  to make traffic smoother it was pretty interesting   there are a few ways to get to Shikoku but for  my area going through owaji island is the fastest   this involves crossing the Akashi Kaikyo bridge,  the longest suspension bridge in the world   easily dwarfing the golden gate bridge in San  Francisco giving stunning views of Kobe and the   surrounding area you can walk parts of it, visit  a museum hanging under it, it's also possible to   go up on the tower and get a view from 300 meters  up that is insane! Welcome to Awaji island i'll be   sleeping in a michi-no-eki under this bridge to  get rested and ready for the journey to Shikoku,   a nice place to spend some time at night as they  light up the bridge and you get to see Kobe and   Akashi all lit up, it's night one sleeping in the  car realized i forgot my pillows so i got nothing   i'm just gonna sleep on my jackets i guess  oh well, i'm now driving through Awaji island   from the top of the island to the bottom only  takes about an hour so it's actually pretty small   island if i go there (Naruto Whirlpools) around 11  a.m or 5 p.m i should be able to see the whirlpool   effect, i love you japan for your hot vending  machines because it's a hot coffee right now.   Welcome to Tokushima my first stop in Shikoku   although the Onaruto Bridge is not nearly as  impressive as the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in size   it has unique placement above a straight between  the ocean and the Seto Inland Sea, the large   volume of water moving through here creates these  unique landmarks, the bridge was built in the 80s   to house a bullet train track that never came and  is now used as a viewing walkway also a museum and   several lookout points add to the main attractions  so first is a walkway where you can head up the   mountain for a view or head straight to the  Uzu no Michi walkway to watch the whirlpools and it's easy to enjoy walking over  this bridge and taking in that nice view then you get to a museum where you can buy a  dual pass for both attractions for cheaper,   or if you want to just head straight  to the whirlpool view that's fine too it's a fantastic walkway with rest  areas in between and gorgeous views they have these little ports that you can  look down and the first time i walked over one   i was just a little bit hesitant you can kind  of see it was a different experience for me restaurant advertisements fill the  sides when there's nothing to view   that's a little bit helpful,   the ocean starts to look a lot rougher  here seems like it'd be really scary   but actually boats come right up  to it, so you can book a boat tour   and get a close hand look with no problem at all,  it doesn't take long to get used to the windows   and that's good because the views get better each  window as you go, look at that in the central area   they put four of them together so you feel like  you're actually walking high above the water as i stepped around a lot on it i  felt like i really want to jump on   this and it must be a foreigner inspired feeling   because they have a sign in only English  not to jump on the glass, fair enough around the corner there's a second set  of these and from here you can see more   boats and more of the actual naruto   so i'd say this one's better and then you get  this view from the window which is fantastic i'm going up the sort of "mini mountain" to  check out the whirlpools from high above,   yeah this is starting to feel like that lighthouse  in Noto, this little thing they call Mount Naruto,   funny name it leads up it's just a bunch of  stairs really it's not really like a mountain,   per se, but anyways at least this fantastic view  and it doesn't take that long so it's pretty cool i'm still heading down i have no idea why oh  there's a restaurant some shops down there   look, maybe they have some ramen i haven't eaten a real meal  yet just snacks pretty much,   this is an easy area to miss with shops and  a restaurant in fact i completely missed it   last time i came here, but it's got a nice  viewing area it's a cool place to visit Sanuki Udon was the exact recharge  I needed, a Shikoku specialty all right so they said this is  here only, it's a seaweed ice cream you know it's not bad but, yeah it's got the  saltiness of like, that seaweed stuff but it's   a little bit, if you didn't tell me what it  was i'd probably enjoy it but just thinking   about seaweed in it, to be honest it's kind  of growing on me it's actually pretty good   and the flavor is light enough that it's not  overpowering, it's just a a slight hint of seaweed   i just made a quick stop at the museum  it's full of pictures and information   about whirlpools in the world which was quite  interesting, bridges throughout the prefecture   as well as bridges throughout japan and  of course a model like they always have,   it's interesting how big the  Akashi Kaikyo bridge really is the highlight though is the  rooftop 360 degree view,   if it's a really nice day this  would be a place to visit for sure continuing along the coast heading toward Kagawa,  a reason to always keep your eyes on the road   is my first monkey encounter in Japan,  almost crashed that was a close one Welcome to Kagawa, a beautiful mix of scenery  and city makes this destination a must see,   this is one of those places i could spend  days just enjoying walks and local sites,   if you're like me and you love beaches  and ocean sunsets then this place with   calm water and low tides makes for  beautiful and breathtaking scenes alright so i made my way all the way along the  coast it's where i'm staying tonight and that is   close to this beach right here it's  called a very funny name, Chichibugahama that's a long long name but look  at it look at that right now   it was cloudy all day and now it just  looks like this i almost wasn't going   to come here because I thought, you know,  it's overcast but it just looks so nice since this water's in between Honshu  and Shikoku it ends up being very calm   it's not like the main ocean and all  that so that's why it just looks so good a great spot for families, couples and friends  people love to pose for photos above the   reflecting pools, even cosplayers seem to enjoy,  it as for me i'll stick with my usual self,   so i've been here once before it's a different  season but yeah you can't actually go in there's   all these signs for "keep out" because people  are observing it from above so if i go tromping   around in it not only will i ruin their shots but  i'll ruin all the work because this is all done   by hand just made by local volunteers and  things i think that's pretty cool the coin   is a sculpture of money used in the Edo period  with the characters Kan'ei Tsuho written on them   just like the money at that time, it brings good  health and good fortune with it so it's definitely   a great place to visit, sunset from the beach  next to it is incredible over that calm inland sea that night i stayed at a michi-no-eki that had a  hot spring attached in the mountains with some hot   food and a great bath to help me rest up i was  ready to go, the next day it was off to Kochi   driving through the center of shikoku passing tons  of tunnels mountains and greenery along the way   welcome to kochi with huge urban development  branching off from the castle park area   there's a generally nice feeling here  and everyone seemed really friendly Central to the city lore is Harimaya Bridge,  it's a tiny bridge with a legendary tale   of a 19th century monk who was spotted  breaking his vows and buying a hairpin   for a lover near the bridge, they were  exiled never to meet again, now there's   a statue monument of them joined together  so they can have a happy ending in this park   with lots of places taking off with the theme it  can be quite interesting walking around the area,   even though the bridge has been torn  apart and rebuilt quite a few times   i can still feel the history as i walk across, the  wood even seemed a little bit weak under my feet imagine this as your walk to work or school  being able to stop by and enjoy the calm water   and a coffee or a snack just a really calming feeling in this area i get why they do it but i feel  a little bit sad for the monk   that the number one seller around here is hairpins this path leads you right up to a large shopping  strip that's covered for all weather fun   you can find pretty much anything you  want here but my goal was Hirome Ichiba this is a place that's got lots of local food and  dishes and great stuff this was an afternoon on   a weekday so it wasn't so open i guess but  i imagine this place must thrive at night Kochi's famous for Katsuo-no-Tataki, it's a type  of seared bonito served with wasabi and raw garlic   the one i had here was salted and it  was incredible and i miss it already,   continuing to make my way through the  city i finally came across kochi castle   they were doing some construction unfortunately  which is needed at most castles quite often,   but still the grounds were gorgeous and nice  to walk through as i walked through the park   i could see people sitting in various areas just  enjoying the nature and the sights around them,   it was amazing how natural the entrance to the  castle was like it just fit right into the city,   i'm checking out Kochi castle  let me check that out up there if you can really see it from here  and looks like it's pretty big   very excited to check it out,  got all these walking sticks i can really see why they put those  walking sticks up these stairs   it's not just that they're big but they're kind of  spaced out a lot check that out oh it's gorgeous all right and this is it after  climbing all sorts of random stairs   and not opting to use the walking stick  we are here at kochi castle which has an   incredible view all around actually  it's a great location for a castle now castles in Japan vary on the  inside but this one really gave me   a sense like i was seeing what it was  like to be in there a long time ago coming up the steps i didn't expect to be greeted  with such a beautiful scene as i turned the corner some places in Japan ban photography,  but this place encourages it walking through these ancient halls and  seeing things like i haven't quite seen before looking out at the entryway  as if i was living here,   a personal rider, the crest of the area seeing  all these exhibits open air was really cool and walking all these grounds i really felt  like i was living there just for that time,   this is a place that anyone who loves Japan  should really see, aside from authentic   pieces like these stone dropping windows, there  were tons of models depicting life at that time   which made it really cool and easy to  understand how life could have been i've been to a lot of castles in Japan but this  one really feels like they tried to give you the   experience of what it's like to be in one, it  was really cool seeing old dudes playing shogi   instead of chess, one thing i liked about Kochi is  that, like some other cities in Japan, they use a   street car system. I especially love this train  i was looking at what the train name would be   and it says "Gomen" and "gomen" is like "sorry"  so i don't know why it says gomen, that's funny i wanted to stay longer but i also wanted  to see sunset from a nearby scenic beach   this sky high bridge was really fun to drive on how incredible is this beach as i walked down i saw a bridge off in the  distance and i just really wanted to go there and as i got closer i could see more steps  i really wanted to know where this went oh this looks cool and i found this great little spot to hang out the view was partially obstructed but then i  noticed a platform at the top i just missed   sunset but it must be incredible from here  there's also a really neat statue near the end i decided to spend the night in the  mountains to be closer to my next destination   i found another place with a  hot spring and a restaurant   in the middle of nowhere and i  ate some (local) tatsuta chicken the car is shaking because it's so windy which  you know, is fine as long as it doesn't rain,   because there's frost warnings  on the road, it's so cold!   good night. Driving through the mountains  to Ehime was gorgeous every step of the way

Drove two hours to the mountains i was so excited  to go check out the Shikoku Karst and i went up   this road there was a sign but i was driving  and so you know i'm on my own right so i didn't   have time to read there's a long sign about how  when they close the road at a certain point well   i was just so focused on where i had to go and i  ended up going up this crazy winding path it was   super narrow super windy and the further up the  mountain i went it was starting to get kind of   frosted over so i was a little bit worried and  then i finally got the the blocked this road,   it's blocked in winter after like spending  almost 20 minutes going up this mountain.. so   finally Dogo Onsen one of japan's oldest  hot springs with a history going back over   a thousand years the area around it is built  up into a true resort feeling while still being   close to the city and easy to access, the train  station looks like a house which is pretty cool unfortunately it is currently being renovated  and only a small part is accessible at this time,   waiting in line for your chance to get  in is still completely worth the wait,   with a phoenix theme of rebirth that plays on  its sliding screen doors throughout the day   it makes anyone excited to visit  again once it's fully reopened it's easy to see how this  was a partial inspiration   for the bathhouse in the movie  Spirited Away. Welcome to Ehime all right wait check this, this is Dogo  Onsen's parking lot it's on a rooftop,   well i don't know what's under it actually but  it's elevated so anyways that's pretty cool   and it's got a foot bath and it overlooks  Dogo Onsen and little other buildings here it's a nice quiet place, i need like a break from  sleeping in the car, it's just so cold, i could do   it i could do it but i just really would prefer  to you know, take a bit of a rest and actually   sleep in a bed, kind of recharge, I've got a  lot more driving ahead of me so i might as well.   Okay so i'm in the hotel room right now i got a  view of one of Japan's oldest hot springs that's   something I think is just the best. Dogo makes  some incredible beer as well so don't miss that,   and at a shop nearby i got all locally  caught and grown items in a tempera   bowl complete with tempura fried, fried egg  seriously how did they even figure that out walking through the neighborhood is especially  nice after a dip in the rejuvenating hot spring   you can also enjoy a branch of the onsen here  and a short arcade walk to the main one itself so i'm here at Imabari, which is known for  making ships and being a controlling factor   of the Seto Inland Sea back in the warring  states period, but what i know it for is it's   amazing towels and they've been making towels  here for like 120 years and they're the best,   they really are, it says on the site that it's  world famous, i don't know about that because i   didn't know about them before i came to Japan,  but they are really nice towels, so this is the   flagship shop, the shop was small but nice inside  i got a few Imabari masks that was pretty cool and then i decided to head on the last stretch of  Shikoku before making my journey home, a series   of islands connected by bridges and beautiful  water this was a drive that would be fun any day i tried to send a drone up to get you guys  some better views, but two birds showed up   and tried to take it and after that a couple  more showed up so i'm glad i sent it down,   still i could get some pretty nice views Thanks for watching this video, i  hope you had as much fun as I did See you next time

2021-01-02 05:57

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