Journey To India's Most Beautiful Place

Journey To India's Most Beautiful Place

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I am on the way to the train station in Delhi  and in this video we are going to leave Delhi   by train this is going to be my first experience  on a train in India and we are heading to Agra   a town famous for one place the Taj Mahal so how  will a train ride in India be like and what will   the experience be like at one of the most famous  places in India let's find out feel free to join   okay apparently the road is closed so I have to  okay okay no problem okay so I have to get out   here because apparently the road is closed okay  have a good day bye-bye okay so this is a bit   chaotic now I have about 15 minutes left until  my train leaves and I think the train station   is the building right over there but yeah I'm not  sure how big this train station is how easy it's   going to be to find my train I also don't know  if I have to print my ticket I have an e ticket   but maybe I need to print it as well we have to  figure out so I think I need to hurry a little   little bit also I don't know if Indian trains  leave on time or not yeah the road here is not   really made to roll your suitcase so you have to  carry it okay I'm not sure why my driver said the   road is closed there are clearly Tuk and cars here  right in front of the station uh okay I see entry   to platform over there oh this is a bit of a chaos  here and by the way this is not the train station   in central Delhi I am a bit south of the center  I'm not sure what's the name of the station here   I think this is the name hassat Nissa something  okay a bit of a chaos arriving here so I would   already recommend bring some time don't arrive  here late minute like I did and no escalator   here so if you are a bit of an older person  uh that is something that you have to keep in mind okay hello hello you are making  Vlog Namaste Namaste Namaste you are   making Vlog again you are making Vlogs V  I make YouTube videos what's your channel   Ken Ken Ken you can search for Ken India  okay I guess I have to go through security here you always have these metal detectors  everywhere in India but nobody actually cares see   there's not even a person here checking anything  okay how do I find out which platform I have to   go now because there's no platform named on my  ticket looks like a big train station actually   I see many many different platforms here  and full with people which is the platform to I have the ticket on my phone so I have an e  ticket I bought it on the website earlier on the   official India Railway website which was quite  a hassle by the way to register as a foreigner   number five number five yes okay thank you very  much so yeah you need to register an account when   you want to buy a ticket on the website and that  was a bit of a hassle as a foreigner so it took   me quite a while but in the end I figured it out  so I literally just booked a ticket like 2 hours   ago platform 4 to 5 what does this mean so I  guess maybe 4 and then five on the right side   always exciting when you're taking a train journey  for the first time in a new country you have to   figure out how everything works but usually once  you have uh taken one or two rides it gets easier   because you get used to everything how everything  works how the flow is at the train stations how   to book the tickets so we have platform number  five here so I think this maybe it's already   my train e125 maybe E1 is the cart and 25 is the  seat number by the way you can buy supplies here   just in front of the train drinks and snacks so  if you come unprepared or you have a long journey   ahead of you then no problem to get everything  right here but yeah I actually have quite a   short Journey it should be around 1 and a half  hours to AA hello Namaste how do I know which cut this one and what is the seat about 25  yeah so here see 25 okay than wow was that   a huge coincident now that I uh that I am just  in front of the right cart or can I just enter anywhere must okay thank you very  much Namaste oh actually not too busy   I think I was expecting something  worse 24 23 25 I think that's my seat and oh no I'm driving backwards I don't  like that oh and actually the seat is very   loose is that supposed to be like this oh my go  interesting okay nobody behind me all right but   first impressions here not that bad air condition  is here I'm not sure which class I booked uh I   think the class is called uh EC I'm not sure  if that is first class or second class I have   no idea so yeah it just says executive class EC  sounds like first class to me but to be honest I'm   not sure I don't know how many classes there  are on this train but uh this actually looks   pretty decent the seats are comfortable not bad  I think I can even recline it oh yeah oh this is   actually very comfortable oh I like it yeah the  only thing that concerns me a bit is that I have   to drive backwards now I think we're going in this  direction and usually I don't really like that   sometimes I get dizzy riding backwards but yeah in  case there will be no other people here then I can   probably just switch to this seat right here we  have electricity plug here so that is convenient   even USB and type seat charger here so that is  pretty modern so the train must be quite new okay   what's a bit annoying is that the seat seems to  be broken so I can't sit like this because every   time I lean against the back it automatically goes  down so it's it seems to be broken so it can't be   fixed like this so I have to sit like this that's  water that's okay I have water already thank you   ah looks like we get free water here as well  what I don't understand here is people just   throwing trash out of the train I just  saw people throwing out something out   of the window as you can see down there  the tracks are full with trash yeah I   really don't understand that and we are  leaving exactly on time and the total   length of today's journey is about 180 km and the  scheduled arrival time is in about 1 and 1 half hours okay so he was just asking for  my name not to see my ticket so I guess   he has like all the names that are attached to  the seat numbers on his uh little device there   so he knows exactly which name is supposed to sit  at what seat number and I think actually that we   do not make a single stop until next station  is arra right that was the confirmation next   station is AKA to show you the journey on the map  so we are starting here in New Delhi and Agra is   a bit South right here so as you can see it's  actually not that far I think if you take a car   you need around 2 and 1 half 3 hours so the car  is a bit slower than the train and by the way my   tattoo that I got in one of the previous videos my  Hanah tattoo is still here so this is how it looks   a few days after I got it you know I actually  really like taking trains especially when I'm   in a country where I have never been to before  because if you take a train that actually gives   you a good opportunity to actually see the country  so I have about 1 and a half hours now riding   through the countryside of India and yeah this is  my first time obviously seeing country side India   and I have to say some parts here and there look  actually very beautiful but to be honest I also   have to say I am quite shocked whenever we are  riding through a residential area it is insane   to see how much trash is lying around there and  that is really to be honest quite shocking and   I don't understand that why people throw their  rubbish just by the side of the of the tracks   here that is quite shocking I hope I don't offend  anyone from India with saying this but uh this is   just uh what I'm seeing here and I just want to  be honest to my viewers but part like this here   for example that actually looks quite nice right  so we have some Fields here sometimes you see   even some Palm or coconut trees and that actually  looks quite nice but yeah the journey overall is   very smooth so far the train is not really loud so  it's a quiet journey and you can see like I have   plenty of space here also because I don't have to  share the the four seats here with anyone at the   moment the leg space is totally fine so this is  I think once again another stereotype about India   that we prove to be wrong here on my channel like  when you think of Indian trains you have totally   overcrowded trains old ones dirty trains in your  mind lots of chaos but this experience in here is   totally different your seat number 25 25 yeah  no food sir no food so he was just asking if I   order it food so when I booked the ticket there  was actually the option to order food as well   but uh yeah since it's afternoon and it's only  one and a half hours I decided that I don't need   food but in theory you can also get food here  something that I noticed here so we are passing   by many fields and I see many people working on  these fields and about 90% of the people that I   see on these fields are females so I'm not sure  if that is normal or just a coincidence now and   yeah also the speed is displayed here in the train  and we are constantly driving around 150 km hour   and yeah I think we have almost arrived now should  be only a few minutes left thank you very much all   right and we have arrived in Agra overall that  was a very easygoing journey and now the next   step is I have to get to my hotel uh let me first  find an exit and yeah I have heard that this train   station is well known for scammers and yeah Tuk to  drivers overcharging foreigners so let's see if I   can actually get to my hotel with a fair price  yeah this is obviously one of the most touristy   places in India because of the touch Mahal that  is here that is also the reason why I am here of   course and not only foreign tourists come here  to see the touch Mahal also many local tourist so let's see I expect that as soon as I leave the  station that there will be many Tuk Tok drivers   approaching me actually let me check if they have  Uber here as well that will be the The Simple Solution all right yeah so let me actually check I  can get Uber here if you want to go anywhere sir I   have a transport I have very good price I will  take Uber but the Uber is not cheaper than our   price you give me the same price as Uber cheaper  than Uber how much to 100 rupees to go anywhere   to my hotel yeah which hotel you have uh Hilton  car 100 rupes Double Tree Hilton yeah I know very   well only 100 rupes 100 rupees yes and we we go  straight to the hotel yes yes I'm not taking in   my home I'm taking your place okay please how we  go with the tukk yes okay oh maybe your stereotype   about this station helicopter helicopter yes  we're taking your private helicopter yes sir   oh that sounds lovely where are you from I'm  from Germany oh from Germany Germany yeah   I'm surprised why are you taking only 100 rupe  what we need a job sir because I I read about   this train station that everyone overcharges  Foreigner here no because nowadays it say very   few tourists here few tourists only okay I'm  still a bit suspicious let's see if I really   end up just paying 100 I just checked the price  on Uber actually already and Uber price was 150   oh this is the exit here yes I don't think  that my back fits Pro you want I helping you okay thank you happy why is the exit like  this here nobody can fit through with their   suitcases every city has different things every  city has different things yes different people   different things different culture everything  is different are you from Agra yes I born in   Agra I live in Agra and I love in Agra you  love it here yes because it's my hometown   you know what my first impression here the air  is much better than in Delhi oh thank you very   much oh the air here is why the air is very  fresh because of we don't have any Industries   we don't have any factories here in arra no  factories here no factories no Industries   and they are not allowed to make by Machine  everything made by that's why the a is so fresh   here yeah yeah cool I feel a big difference the  last few days Delhi uh pollution has been very   strong oh my God Delhi is Delhi belly Delhi is Big  actually the past days uh the air quality in Delhi   has been the second worst in the world and I could  really feel that I feel it in my throat already   are starting to Cuff so here the first impression  of the air is much better from this side sir this   is your right no this one this one this is my  helicopter this is this is my helicopter oh so   you need to get it out no don't worry so he is uh  parking in front of you but that's no problem yeah   no problem oh you can just push it welcome to  my Indian helicopter sir your Indian helicopter   okay that sounds great so the suitcase is fitting  inside here but if you're traveling with more than   one person plus more than one suitcase I don't  think this would fit maybe some smaller ones right here what is your name by the way sorry what  is your name my name is VK VK yeah super VK   okay nice to meet you nice to meet you sir  what is your name my name is Ken Ken Ken   yeah nice to meet you oh all right first time  in Agra let's get some very first impressions   here on the right oh we have a nice car here oh  you are the YouTuber yes I make YouTube videos   oh good I hope you put in my name in there yeah  you can uh shout out oh thank you very much Hakuna   Matata okay Hakuna Matata yes oh that's what  they say in Africa no yes Hakuna Matata means   no worries no worries yeah no hurry no worry  chicken T that sounds good no woman no crime   no chati no chai oh No Woman No Cry No chati  no no chai no chai no chai I know chai yeah yeah so I think the first impressions here  it's a bit less chaotic than the center of Delhi it's less less busy here in arra  right very very very busy area only for   station to close close to the station  they are little bit busy because of the   they train they coming there so many this and  that yeah so this is obviously the area around   the train station where many trains arve  the whole day so this is of course a bit busier too busy here how many people live in Agra Agra is very  few people like 5 people like how many like 1   million 2 million half million people half million  people half a million all right you're coming from   Delhi with over 32 million people oh yeah to a  city now with half a million only of course a   big difference yeah it's a big difference but  why the people have to so much here because of   the arra is a tourist place I guess everyone  comes here only for the touch Mahal right for the oh this is interesting so we are stopping for  the red light but not everyone is stopping for the   red light I love in my light bro are you the only  one stopping for the red light yeah I I follow   the rules ah he's stuffing too someone they also  follow the rules I show you something this is my   book yeah the people have to write about for me  in my service I have many many Germany people   to write about for me first you can read this  is German right this is German yeah you can   read feel and dunk oh this is hard to read the  handwriting is not the best feel and d z took   took fat from B of some Motel ah he's saying  that the ride was good good thank you very   much yeah I show you another one maybe you don't  understand so these are your happy customers so   let me guess you also offer tours yeah yeah why  not yeah right so yeah check it out this is the   center of Agra basically and I think if you have  seen my previous videos from Delhi you can see   a big difference way less busy here also I have  the feeling that there are overall less Tuk TOS   on the road you see more regular cars and the  deli was often like more Tuk Tok than cars all   right and we have arrived Double Tree by Hilton  you take my number yeah you can give me your number oh my God what was that this is a bike  a bike Yes sounds like gunshots you can have   this it's okay no change I feel like you are an  honest driver thank you very much the first time   actually I take a to to in India and I don't have  the feeling of being ripped off okay thank you so   much you're welcome okay nice maybe if you need a  transport sir I need a job you know maybe if you   have to do something in around in AA I have very  good price very good service okay I will let you   know thank you very thank you so much Dan maybe  you needed a transport Day After Tomorrow you call   sending me the message for tomorrow okay I can  text you on WhatsApp right yeah yeah yeah yeah   thank you very much okay Danel but have a good  day byebye all right so yeah that was actually   the first time that I took a to to here in India  and I don't have the feeling of getting ripped   off all right and let me check into my hotel  here I get a welome cookie what a welome here   with a cookie I can record it for you you can  give it a bite I can record oh you want to you   want to film how I give it a bite sure yes okay  so we have a chocolate uh cookie here how is it   it's good delicious I have a question what is the  normal price from the train station to get here   with a chk Tok to here would be just 100 and 150  between 100 and 1 1550 okay good then my feeling   was right there's a pool here as well and you can  see the T also from here ah it's in the distance   over there yes oh wow this is my first time now  seeing the touch oh it's probably hard to see on   the camera but I can see the touch in the distance  you can also see the uh the Metro also just cross   it oh I always love the moments when I see famous  places like this for the first time and now I can   already see it from here you can also see it from  the room I can see it from the room yes that's oh   that is great before I will show you the room  let's actually confirm the view from here so uh   yeah there's the pool and then in the background  there I can see the touch from here this is   amazing that looks great here yeah okay what's  your name akash akash okay nice to meet you same   here sir thank you very much thank you sir so in  case if you need any assistance please let me know   by dialing number zero from there number zero and  then I can call you okay $75 festar Hilton Hotel   in Agra this is what you can get a pretty spacious  room right here which looks great to be honest the   bed looks amazing and there's an extra area here  an extra seating area there a really nice looking   desk and then yeah the Highlight from me here  is the direct view to the touch Mahal in the   background there we have a nice looking pool over  there and then let's also check out the bathroom   because I think yeah this is also very spacious  here wow a little bathtub right here then a very   nice looking area right here I always love it when  you have a lot of space next to your sink so you   can actually place all your items right here that  is great we have the toilet right here and then   huge walk and shower actually wow you can easily  take a shower here with two or three people and we   have a rainfall shower up here so this is great I  think this is not bad for $75 us a night including   the breakfast I am pretty happy with this all  right and I came to the pool I just did some Labs   swimming here in the pool and now I can enjoy the  beautiful view this Sunset View here this looks   really amazing and yeah overall the arrival here  in AGA was quite smooth and now I'm really excited   to see the touch Mahal this parking area this  parking area yes okay thank you very much have   a good day bye-bye all right no I don't need  a horse thank you no no all right and we have   arrived at the touch Mahal and I'm really really  excited and looking forward to visit this place no   thank you because yeah this is uh one of the most  famous places not only in India but probably in   the whole world and I really hope I can enjoy this  place now without guessing hassled all day yeah to   my surprise it is actually not that busy I think  most people come to the touch uh very early in   the morning for Sunrise but I always try to avoid  the the times when everyone else is coming so I am   here now it is actually early afternoon already to  be honest I was expecting something much worse I   was expecting that the walk to the touch so I knew  that I have to walk the final meters and I knew   that there are shops and restaurants along the  way and to be honest I was expecting that I will   be approached way more because yeah this is one of  the most touristy areas in all of India and based   on my experiences in Delhi there are usually a lot  of people at these places that approach you and   we do have some monkeys here as well oh I think  this is the first time I'm seeing monkeys in India   we have some police guys with some heavy machine  guns here yeah I read though that this place is   one of the most protected places in all of India  so also the security is very tough here so I think   this is the East Gate here now yes so you can  col over there cover and free ticket sh not allow   colle over there ticket counter yeah and cover  okay so I do have a ticket already I booked it   online yesterday on the official site which I can  leave here in case you're wondering which site I   used and yeah let me confirm that everything is  legit here so touch Mahal online booking okay so   in theory I should be able to avoid any long cues  because I have a ticket already but actually to   be honest there's not a long queue here anyway is  okay so here's also the prices so the entry Fe is   1,300 and that is including the mousum I think if  you don't want to enter the mousum I think it's   200 less collect free water bottle and Sho cover  okay I tell you sir okay okay so I have the ticket   on my phone seems like that is enough and now  I get a free water bottle and shoe covers can I   show tiet but just give it to me see read the you  have anything like this inside not loud you have   candy chocolate yeah I don't have I read this list  before I I am prepared I don't have anything of   these okay yeah also like camera stands you're not  allowed to bring tripods that's why I'm holding   the camera now with my hand instead of my tripod  and all of this is not allowed yes so one more   thing and if you want to go inside inside very  long que yeah 2 hour waiting here okay so this   is my office government office I'm T guide for T  and you need guide so I'm going with you inside   and I don't need a guide thank you very much I  don't need a guide thank you from from Germany   okay that was exactly what I thought so uh he's  uh like a helpful guy at the entrance guiding you   where to go but of course he is then offering his  Services which yeah of course it's not a problem   not a big deal I knew that that was coming and  yeah as long as these guys are not like too pushy   I don't have a problem with that of course they're  here to make some money as well so no problem with   that just uh please don't be too pushy and let  me enjoy the experience but so far everything   good yeah I'm not eastate you have a shop over  yeah if you want to see something you can have   okay where do I enter over there you can see the  blue board okay thank you see if it's like this   I totally don't mind he was guiding me where to  go and then he said oh I have a shop maybe later   you want to come check it out if it's like this  absolutely no problem I just don't like it if   people like following me and being like super  pushy you know but yeah to be fair this hasn't   happened here yet just like in general and yeah  we got a water bottle for free that was included   in the ticket and covers for the shoes and by the  way I'm also wearing like a proper shirt and long   pants as well which is actually pretty hot but  yeah I watched a lot of videos from the touch   Mahal and I saw pictures and every time I saw all  the locals we're dressing like in long pants and   proper shirts so I feel like it's a yeah way  of respect to enter this place also properly   dressed high value ticket holder General ticket  holder I'm not sure what's the difference oh it   says Foreigner here yeah okay okay and we are  in I'm so excited to finally see the touch with   my own eyes for the first time or actually you  saw earlier in the video I saw it already from   my hotel but that was far in the distance and  yeah we have Security check here so I'm not   allowed to film okay and we are entering now  through the East Gate so to my understanding   there are three gates through which you can enter  the East one I think the South one on the rest   gate so yeah this is the main gate now and then  behind the gate we have the actual building   that we are here for and yeah check it out it's  actually not crowded and busy here at all which   is really really nice well at least this area not  let's see how it looks like on the other side of   this gate here I'm very excited I always love love  these moments whenever I am at Super famous places   and I can see them for the first time with my  own eyes so I'm going to share this moment now   with you I will walk through here I will not cut  it hello Namaste where I'm from Germany Germany   Germany okay you are do yes Ken abroad Ken you  can search for Ken India okay nice to meet you   bye-bye okay I'm going to share this exact moment  with you now walking through here and seeing the   touch Mahal for the first time I will not edit  the scene now walking through here so enjoy this   moment with me here we go through the main gate  and then wow yeah this is a hall here we have some   birds sitting on top there and then now you can't  see it now because the the light is not good but I   can already see it but yeah guys here we are this  is the famous touch Mahal in India check it out wow I'm speechless this is great   and so many people here this is the number one  photo spot I guess let me go a little bit to   the middle so you have the exact nice photo spot  from right here excuse me all right here we go wow okay so what I'm going to do now what I always  do when I'm at these places and I'm filming these   places I'm sharing these moments with you I always  walk one round with my camera showing everything   to you and afterwards I always do a second round  just uh for myself without my phone without my   camera to enjoy these moments like really like  live in the moment you know enjoy it so I will do   the first round together with you let's get some  Impressions here oh earlier I watched a video on   YouTube uh about the touch Mahal and I watched  a video of Donald Trump walking exactly down the   the the road here as well or actually I think he  walked right there next to the water yeah many   famous persons have visited this place like  many famous politicians from around the world   celebrities like I remember seeing a picture  of Will Smith uh I think the picture was taken   somewhere over there so yeah lots of famous people  have been here so far this is my favorite moment   here in India I'm in India for about a week now  and this is definitely my favorite moment here   all right let me get a bit closer so we  can uh yeah admire the details because   what makes this building really so astonishing   are all the details and probably it can  be seen much better from from a closer view and also it looks very well maintained here  you can see the grass is cut very short so it's   very neat and tidy here very wellmaintained we  have the little pools here they look actually   quite refreshing this might be even a better  photo spot than at the beginning over there Namaste yeah as you can see this is obviously  also a very popular spot for local tourists to   be honest I hardly see any other foreigners here  I think that every person here is a local to be   honest okay so this is almost the same view as  at the entrance but a bit closer now yeah this   is so beautiful h and also the perfect weather  condition here the sun is shining the sky is blue   I hope you don't mind that I'm yeah doing the  whole scene here now pretty raw without cutting   too much so you can really experience how it is  to walk around here with me also here look at   the Garden this looks so wellmaintained very cut  perfect here look at the grass any something that   you should keep in mind when you're coming to arra  and you want to visit the touch Mahal uh yesterday   I learned that the touch Mahal is open every day  except on Fridays on Fridays it is closed uh which   is good for me because uh I'm here a few days  before Friday today is a uh Tuesday but if you   come here and you only have like a day planned  to stay here and that happens to be a Friday   then you will be in trouble so keep that in mind  and yeah by the way I will tell you the history   about this in a minute first let's get the raw  experience of approaching it and walking towards   here oh and here they are cutting the grass  working on it probably they're doing it every   day here so it looks perfectly cut like this  every single day not sure why he's holding a   stick in his hand to be honest by the way guys a  few days ago we have reached 300,000 subscribers   here on the channel and yeah I just wanted to  say thank you to everyone who supporting the   channel who's following the journey I really  really appreciate that and yeah what a what a   place to celebrate that right wow so big thanks  to you guys thanks a lot I really appreciate it so here we have this yeah iconic Plateau from  where you can also take beautiful pictures and   then right here we have a river which seems to  be pretty dry at the moment to be honest like   you can see there's a big river bank here in  the middle and yeah this is now the back side   of the touch overlooking the river here the  touch Mahal was built between 1633 and 1653   by an emperor called cha Jahan he order with its  construction as a mousum for his wife who died   while giving birth and it also houses his own  tomb it's made of white marble and has lots of   intricate designs and decoration and everything is  made in perfect symmetry many people say it's one   of the most beautiful buildings in the whole  world and about 8 million people come to see   the touch every year all right and I have just  been uh the inside the mousum and yeah there's   absolutely no photos or videos allowed in there  but yeah it's basically like one room there's a   loud echo in there and then in the center of the  room there's the Tomb of the ri and then right   next to her tomb is his tomb so that is actually  the only place around here that is not in perfect   symmetry because you have the one tomb right  in the middle and then another one next to it   okay so what I will do now is I will do a second  round visiting every corner but this time without   my camera so I will will see you again at the  exit okay it is now almost an hour later I just   took my time explored the whole area yeah without  the camera constantly being on and yeah now yeah   the final the final view let me enjoy it for one  last second yeah this is probably one of the most   picturesque spots I have ever been to everything  just looks so perfectly aligned because of all   the Symmetry it's just a magical very beautiful  place and I can really recommend anyone if you're   traveling to India you cannot miss this place  also I'm really happy that the whole experience   here does not get destroyed by people constantly  hassling you asking if you want this if you want   this so a few people at the entrance they ask you  of course hey do you need a tour guide and then   I see a few people in here that are offering to  take pictures but personally I haven't been asked   once if I want pictures taken so yeah just a few  people at the entrance so that is really nice I'm   really happy I was a bit worried if yeah I will  be constantly being hassled by people in here and   personally for me that would definitely ruin the  experience but I'm really glad that that was not   the case and also one more tip if you're coming  here as a foreigner please uh dress respectful   because I see also foreigners in here with the  flip-flops and tank tops and every single local   person that I see is uh wearing proper shirts  and long pants so I would really uh feel bad   if I would not dress up here it's just a sign of  respect in my opinion and if you haven't seen my   previous video where we visited old Delhi a very  busy and interesting area then feel free to check   it out right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-05-02 03:25

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