JaeDayVlog#15: My cousin takes his clothes off in public and a Chili that better than your ex?!?!

JaeDayVlog#15: My cousin takes his clothes off in public and a Chili that better than your ex?!?!

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Good morning, me my. Name and, morning. Sun. Fire for two. Topics. It's a new. There's. A Tokyo, Japan. That's. One bio, that. Y'all. I'm. A mom. Good morning, Kish. No. Hobo boys my birthday, happy, birthday, happy. Birthday. Happy, birthday. She'll. Need. The permission. Boom. Car, doggy dog posters. Captain. Oopsie. Amen. Say. Her daddy nom nom. Budget, in to, have been up with. We, would've known a. I'm, sorry. We're. Here. Golly, you. Know something. If, then you guys no fun yeah it sounds, like bungee. Marilu, Gomez was about. I'ma. Show you guys. This. Is out of scale go. Inside. With chicken inside and. One. Boiling, boiling, eggs boiled. Egg. And. Calamansi. Lemmon say. And. Then. We, take. Up all the. Boy. Take on the world. Thank. You. -, thank you. Like, 100, millimeter. And. This one is mommy. Mommy. Noodles. Explain. Mono mommy, Rodos. What. Is my minerals. Know. Among. My minerals. Ana. Fast noodles. Pickman. Mom i set. Up. McQueen. We're, gonna you know. TV. People. The hot episode nice my so, on strawberry. The strong we know very. Nice in Baguio, only, yes. I good, morning hi. Nepeta, faith I already. Want to Rodrigo. The. Dredge highway. But, honey got me. Salim. Door. Hello. Boy. So, we, already arrived, at the house though we're gonna stay in, Airbnb. But. I fell asleep because. I'm so tired and, now it's really like one. MA. I notice, now. It's. 146, p.m. already, lunchtime, very. Hungry so gonna rush, to, get. Ready so, go, I'll catch up with you guys and then I'll hover cool shower maybe after, I come back or before, if I have the time yeah. Marnya. Gonna, be coming. The. Next, day hey, guys so. Actually. Gonna leave now but, I I'm. Gonna try to show you all the rooms that. Are in this house, so we're singing in the Airbnb I don't advise that that but. We are so. Yeah, I'm just gonna show you the rooms on, top, and, then. Cuz I'm upstairs right now and then later, I'll show you the, place. Downstairs and I. Don't. Know why and I do my them and focus. I. Don't. Know yeah. I'm. Gonna show you guys. I. Know, and, go, are those the room me and my mom are staying at there's, a terrace, right out there but, we can't open it I don't. Know why but yeah and, there's. Another bag here, it, just looks like this it's a really cute place actually. So. Yeah and, the. Next room. Jerris. And. This. Is the other room. My. Cousins are staying at put, their kids. And. This is the toilet and. My. Cousin's husband's inside. That's. The dawn place yeah. I'm just waiting for. Hands. To get out so I can, do. Something oh. Yeah. I'll, show you guys downstairs in, wild. I think I'm super, exposed, I'm not sure but, um show. You guys downstairs in. A while after, I finish my business right up here when I show you guys downstairs. Choo. Choo. There's. Another room really. Messy please don't mind it and. Kitchen. Another.

Toilet. Hi. Mama. Hello. But you chose only to find Shepherd. No. The. Good Shepherd you. Know. Good, Shepherd. -. Bye. Okay. So there's. No good job so, probably. Coming back. Depend, on my salary. Oh we're. Going to Shepherds, gallery. The. Fall of our metal fell, upon, taha do. Litoral. Gallery. View. By. The. Mulaney was a boule. I. Knew. My interview. Mark. Perkin. Kanda. So. We're, now going to mines, view puck, is. Right over there right. Over. There. Sallowness. Ely. So. Cool so, many spices. Celery. Good for the heart. Also. Cute. Yes. I'm. Kidding you owe me Mahalanobis good, for you. Padishah, how often. Position. Employer. My. Antibody. Yeah, read again with. More. Emag wish queer. Aloha. I. Can. Embark on. Colony. And. Among gagawin gents above. You. We're. In right Park. Not. Left not right. Right. It's. Right. It's. Right by. So. We're gonna do, this we're gonna wear fish. This. Is called the Eagle Eagle, Optima. You. Gonna dress, the. Columbine. Good. Yes. Perfect. Example. That's. Entire Coburn. Hawaii. Kubo, Hawaii Kai an entire lunch, people. No. Guys. It's, the. I. Actually saw this and Kim pies, and. And. It's after a love reading, Anatole. At the original at. The mansion. Jonathan. So I, saw. It all and then. Double. Cheese then I waited Delavan. At all it's an echo which. My son bubble cheese. In it. I'm. Tryin. Try. Mama. A new. Yogi. And father. You, know. Next. Morning sir, today. Last. Day. Lourdes. Grotto. Simba. Haunted ever. Simba. And. We. Have to. Now. We have to go up there. Okay, guys we're, here at the diplomat. Hotel. They. Said it's really haunted. Into. This. Okay. Let's go. So. For. Your new farm. The, same, burner. Stove. Strawberry. Yes I mean they do Pharaoh. Planting. Season. Malachi. Under it.

2020-01-15 22:02

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