IS THIS THE REAL CHINA? Magical Zhangjiajie's Avatar Mountains

IS THIS THE REAL CHINA? Magical Zhangjiajie's Avatar Mountains

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what is this guy up to? 1 2 3 ... wow wow wow wow wow wow all right now my jaw is on the floor good morning beautiful people we're back with another one and this time it's going to be an epic epic Vlog do you know why? because we're in the area of Zhangjiajie look at the views already bright blue skies Sunny morning not a cloud we're going to what is known as the Avatar Mountains this is where the inspiration for the film Avatar was taken from Zhangjiajie and we're actually here we've just seen this place in videos in photos now we're here in real life we're going to go check this place out super excited it looks like it's going to be a busy one so we're starting a bit early, the national park is open at 7:30am time right now it's gone past 7:30 but its before 8:00 so look at this place wow alright we need to go get some supplies because we did not want to eat full breakfast at the hotel where we're staying I think people are starting off already in the restaurant you can see there's people in groups that are having breakfast before they set off I think it will start getting busy after 8am so let's try and get there before hello hello thank you hello thank you goodbye all right this looks like it's for me it is time to get something to eat okay quickly what are we getting we are getting I'll get this Ovaltine roll that's for me red bean and pineapple all right that seems different I love that never tried that combination before but I picked an orange one that one thank you so lets continue on you guys it is a bright and sunny day it's early early for us anyway we never usually get up at this time we're always a good hour or two later but I'm so very excited for today so byebye okay I'm glad we managed to get this spot into our itinery let's not lose my hat do we actually know which way we're going? that way okay we're 5 minutes from the gates that's what the woman said at the hotel last night she said it's a 5 minute walk to the main gate Wulingyuan mind the little electric bike there yeah I can see heaps of people crossing down there so we'll go up here then there's not a whole lot of information about Zhangjiajie online especially online and in English or recent so we hope you'll follow along with us you guys we'll figure it out together here we go Zhangjiajie Avatar mountains I am ready for you woohoo I'm dressed for summer but in the sun actually it's really nice it's really warm and it's supposed to get up to about 30° today so I am looking forward to that this looks like we're heading in the right direction and I think this is probably busy in full season look there's a field up there and there's somebody working in there yeah wow very nice I think this way we're just very very very grateful to be here so Zhangjiajie We're Coming For You There It Is let's go we made it out into the open look at this Pagoda how beautiful is that that is officially the entrance to the National Park to Wulingyuan Scenic area we should mention as well we are in the area of Wulingyuan we are staying here that is because it's easier to go from here if you want to visit the right hand side of the national park so like the mountains when you want to go and visit Tianmen Mountain then you can go and stay in Zhangjiajie Taz started his breakfast already I've heard here your face is your ticket so your ticket number gets linked to your passport then you go take a picture because there's several entry points where they need to check it so once your face is recorded you just go through because they just scan your face then easy welcome to China living in the future here baby but so many people already in it's before 8am it is crazy busy wow hello nice friendly people everywhere you guys we are heading in through the pagoda okay here we go let's go do this oh my God there's so many signs I have no idea which way we should go this way ticket check so come in go to the left I mean there's three points I guess there's two points there one here and one on the other side yeah the other side is really really busy so we come this way we see if we can go I don't know let's have a look let's see the buses are up ahead they are right there a little photo taken here up ahead we purchased our tickets with our hotel so Taz is just having his photo taken which links up to his passport so I think every time we go through a turn style today his photo will be taken linked to his passport which is his ticket it make sense there we go hey it's got your face recorded like that his photo's like yes we tried so many times I'm like come on then okay so yeah yours got tried so many time your face like this yeah I have sunglasses and a hat it was like who are you well now it will recognize you today because you'll have your sunglasses and your hat on all day so you got a queue up here and catch a bus yeah you got to queue to catch a bus so your Park ticket has all of your transport included what does this sign say should we translate make sure we're in the right queue okay you guys so we made it to our first stop here so we have to actually get more tickets once you've already paid for your original one sorry so now we're going to go up the mountain we have to go get a cable car I think which we've just paid 72 Yuan for each so now oh there's a little dog going there so now we're going to go and head up this way and go get the cable car to the top so this ticket is good for the fact that it's valid for 4 days because this place is massive so in case if you were meant to go to one place and you can't then you can go another day or another day or another day because it's four days so it's all good right now we are going to the Mountain scenic spot there's groups and groups here already all right let's get up there and show you this Scenic spot hopefully it'll be a good one because it's a bright blue clear morning let's go up there see what's happening we made it to the cable car cable way sit one side okay here we go okay we managed to get in you guys so we are in right now we're about to go oh that's going to take us up quite a long way if you want to go all the way up you can either hike it or you can take a cable car like we are that's 72 Yuan on top of the 219 Yuan per person that we've paid already look at the views right now the day is gorgeous you can't see a single cloud in the sky this place is beautiful the pine trees the Sandstone Cliffs wow we're heading up I can feel the Sunshine on my back back let's go to Avatar Mountain it's traveling this cable car is going fast okay let's go out okay let's go yes we are okay we're here for the views we're here for the view I think this is going to be some of the best view points I very much hope but we're going to have to wait and see so come with us let's go all right let's get ready for the first viewpoint and see what's happening this looks very similar at this point at least here looks very similar to Three Sisters in the Blue Mountains in Sydney mountains in Sydney Australia yeah it looks very similar to that but this is just the first Viewpoint this is in the main area wow this looks really beautiful though we're very lucky in terms of the weather not a cloud in the sky so that's pretty cool this is so high look at the drop down from the edge sorry I did not even realize that look at this so this is where we stood right now this little balcony area if you want to call it that but this looks so beautiful looks amazing oh my gosh it's busy now look at that behind us we're right at the very front because when we got here there was no one here I've just turned around and there's like 500 people waiting on that note let's go out this way thank you coming through it is really reminding us of Blue Mountains in Sydney apart from we weren't this fortunate with the weather there so thank you Zhangjiajie where did Taz go oh the cable cars are all coming in here what's this look at that pillar there right next to the cable cars we saw some stunning columns on the way up we did WOW Taz has found a little binocular point I don't think they work you have to scan the QR code no it works they do yeah oh wow Tianzi Mountain we love you already it works told you this is just things getting started tianzi mountain peak looks pretty cool Incredible amazing weather what more could you want I want to get to the place where there's Sandstone columns everywhere real life Pandora if you guys have watched Avatar you know exactly what I'm talking about we love Avatar let's go yes go let's do it okay we've just come down from Tianzi Mountain or we're heading down from Tianzi Mountain and now we have lots of food bits down here this is incredible I'm so surprised you know that they have all of these shops up here they have food up here drinks toilets you name it everything is here it's very very developed now we're in the queue I think that we're going to get the bus to go to the next spot but I'm not too sure I don't know where this bus is going to take us I'm just getting on because this seems to be the only way out yeah I mean there's no signage in English which makes it quite challenging to navigate once in a lifetime place we are visiting so so Loud Let's go to the next stop we are coming up to Helong bronze statue and you guessed it this place is crazy busy wow it's 10 a.m. and it is busy already but I think I can start to see some beautiful views here's the statue I honestly don't really know who he is do you but he must be important which is why he's got a statue out here yeah he must be pretty important because look everybody wants to take a photo but there is no sign so I'm not too sure look at this over here we are starting to get what feels like into some pretty cool areas I think we can head down a little bit but this is looking beautiful I can't wait for it to open up a little more this is Rock viewing platform down this way and you can see in the back all of the rock formations there it is looking stunning I think we've got to head this way I think down here I think this is getting good down here now so this is where the Crowds Are as well and I saw a sign back there saying there's a viewing platform here so we'll go down this way it's opening up yeah we're in the Yangjiajie area of Wulingyuan Scenic area so there's lots of names to get understand let's go we're just thinking about making our way back up and again after lots of steps today you guys lots and lots walking got platforms over here and also over here I'm going to follow here we go some pretty crazy drops off to the side as well it goes all the way down there and then it's literally dropped so let's be pretty careful along here I need one of them flag poles as well so I can find you Poke it in people yeah that and also I can find you easily this is crazy busy I was not expecting it to be like this oh my gosh look it's packed okay oh my gosh I think this seems like the one of the main spots which is why everyone, China and the neighboring countries and the rest of the world are here as well yes this is it this is it I see a little opening whenever I see an opening I'm going down woo oh my gosh guys lots of phones, lots of cameras everywhere look at that this is what we're here for go move in the corner here look at that wow wow wow wow wow wow all right now my jaw is on the floor look the spot the exact spot that I've seen in the photos I think this might be the one that is the inspiration for the film Hallelujah mountain is the right one I don't know if you can see it from here or not but it's amazing I'm here for the views no problem well okay I've literally got people right here like just behind me as well Avatar in Pandora and it doesn't look real either it looks like AI it looks like it's been created with CGI yeah incredible excuse the fact that I will shout because we have many groups behind us now on their speaker phones telling everybody lots of information but it's in Mandarin I don't understand but I just can't get over how absolutely incredible this land is this has formed over hundreds of millions of thousands of years this is just insane if your claustrophobic you're here for another experience all together not because of the location but because of this it's going to be interesting to make our way back up let's go show you guys a little bit come look behind us literally this is the way out and where are we standing we're stood here literally on the very edge and we got to make our way through this now all right let's go let's go amazing makes me so nervous standing on the edge just because it's a sheer drop down but wow a real bucket list moment here I wanted to come here for so long so long and now this is it the monkey ran away yeah he ran because he saw her with the slingshot so look look look she's doing it she's doing it I love that that was so funny I saw a monkey sitting on the side and it was like looking around really eagerly like oh my God oh my God and it saw this woman and she got out the slingshot and it knew so it ran down the side and then she was running after it and it was like no no no okay I'm going I'm going so literally away from the hustle and bustle which is going on behind this tree here give me one second I'll show you guys all of the the chaos is going down there all of the announcements people all the tour groups are there and literally just right next door is empty there's nobody here what's going on it's just us and one other person that's it so it's all about finding the right spots guys timing as well you know it's important look at that you want a photo? absolutely you're welcome ready there we go one one two three beautiful one 2 3 look at that 1 2 three we've got a model here more okay having a full on Photo session change your pose more there we go one two three okay perfect you're never that nice to me I am nice to you you was like all right one photo, that's it go on then shocking never these Sandstone clusters are actually all joined at the bottom I just read the sign here yes so they all joined at the bottom and once they used to be this whole big one piece of stone but over the time the years yeah and weather it's eroded and now they are like a big cluster but joined all at the bottom to make one Stone pillar right got you it must be like what we see in the distance over there I guess so right it was all one and then over the time it's falling and eroded and now this is what's left of them this is so cool nature has its own way of doing things and it is so beautiful the byproduct is gorgeous it can't be a Chinese public attraction if there isn't any lovely food on offer this is very nice got some skewers food on food everywhere I mean this seems to be the right kind of time as well because it is what's the time okay it's 10:45 we've had an early start so I would say early lunch perhaps okay big food court this is really big goes all the way down and I'm already more than halfway through we started walking probably 500 M back there so it is quite long too many options to choose from has anything looked good? there is a lot of food maybe some skewers maybe some pot noodles maybe some potatoes let's have a look there's more further up yes everybody's stopped to take their mid morning break it is time check 11:15 so for us who haven't had breakfast this feels like a perfect time to stop right now maybe grab a pot noodle or something just quick to eat on the go we got more food here jellies and things what is this black jelly yellow red you got some toppings here as well lovely lovely some more meat noodles this looks like egg and carrot and some cabbage maybe these are vegetarian I think because I can't see any meat so that's all right that's going to have to be it we're going to have some eggs yummy yummy carrots and potatoes in there I reckon oh that's a big portion all right beautiful and I think we're going to go for some more noodles I think I'll go for this as well yeah let's have this one as well yes we love potatoes we do we're going to go for some carbohydrates you know power up fuel up so there we go potatoes noodles find a place to sit somewhere sit here sit there sit wherever we need a drink as well then okay let's get one okay this one what do we have? Sprite? happy with Sprite? yeah cool thank you okay of course you can are you going to add to it with some more chilies right? so this this and that how much? 50 yuan? okay all right let's do this all right it is time to replenish our batteries a little bit as well because we have been going since 7:30 this morning we did not wake up for breakfast you guys if you know us already we are not early risers so that's the polite way to put it we didn't get breakfast oh my gosh what happened? is that a fight or something a group just came and all of a sudden commotion everywhere wow this is what I'm talking about groups everywhere it must be great to go in a group we should do this one day yeah you know I mean a group tour takes the stress away right so if you want to come here and you don't want to have to organize things yourself or know where to go, a group tour is easy and the Chinese honestly I've only seen Chinese group tours, they love group tours they love group tours it's insane but let's give these noodles a try yeah look at them oh you topped it with some Chili Peppers Look at that I did oh is it hot you're going to try taste test them ready they've got some spices on them maybe some paprika something like that I don't know but it's good the seasoning is good I like it all right let's eat yeah let's eat up fuel up and then we're going to go and hit up our next stop okay we're doing a bit of an Off road here now we've gone of the main path where everyone was because there were too many tour groups about so we are in the forest now here we are I'm about to get my shoes a little dirty and this hopefully if all goes well will take us out to this beautiful view point squelch it's slippery okay oh wow do you think this is going to take us out to the corridor of cliffs? I hope so we wanted to do the Tianbo Mansion Viewpoint which takes you I think it's about 90 minutes it should take and it goes up around and through a traditional Village but says it's closed for maintenance so we couldn't go that way we are in Yangjiajie now yes let's hope we can make it I have no idea I read somewhere if you were to go the main way which is the main paved way takes it's about 90 minutes for a return walk because it's about 5 km all together this one who knows the best thing is we ain't even got a map No so woohoo see you on the other side are you ready for this adventure? I'm ready for this yes let's go this is the newest area of the national park so let's see let's go and we've just made it here this is where we are we're on the top we're at the Sandstone pillar reaching the sky and a single bound one step to the Sky Pillar it is this way where these people are right here we're going to go up these last little bits of steps I think we've walked about 3 km we're absolutely cream crackered but get a little look at this sneak peek views wooo feels like we're at Hanging Rock in the Blue Mountains yeah come let's go up I'm excited oh a ladder quite steep that is mad okay time to go up this last little bit one step to the sky oh they're in very good spirits they're very happy I was going to say yeah they're coming down so they're very excited wow have a look at this I wasn't making it up this is a ladder oh my goodness hold on I have to get to the top so I can look up otherwise upstream channel wow that's an actual ladder oh my goodness let's go look at these look at these these steps are crazy I'm going to watch you just metal rods yep you go girly okay I'm going to join him on the top while there's some people coming down I've made it to the top this is what Libby is having to contend with you're more than halfway there come on got a few more steps don't drop the camera right oh the views up here are spectacular insane all right wait show you the views in a minute let's just make sure this one here makes it up here in one piece come on you got this two more steps how you doing on a scale of 1 to 10 oh my God I'm so scared my legs are wobbling no now's not the time you got it uncle's up here so what's your excuse? look at that one more one more go on here we go good job oh my legs my hands are shaking that was so scary cue the Rocky music go on do the celebration throw a few punches now a few punches okay let me go all right can we just admire the views now take a minute breathe and take the views in that is so cool see what the locals are doing one more time let's do it again 1 2 3, 1 2 3 thank you that is so cool wow is this worth it or what?! this is so worth it wow we just walked maybe like 30-45 minutes well people told us it would take 35-30 minutes it's taken us about 45 get ready it's taken us 45 minutes yeah you're right yeah we set off at 12:35 time right now it's 13:20 wow well okay I'm going to go down here please be really careful that's the plan be so careful at least they've got fences and stuff in Australia Blue Mountains there's nowhere else on the edge literally if you go you go at least here in China you got this fence woo oh my goodness me look at these insane views guys wow all right so this is not the area that was the reason why Avatar was conceived or the idea wasn't really taken from this particular area and as it works out the area we were earlier we were thinking it was that I think it's not I don't know where it is but we will eventually find out look at that up there on that pillar it looks like there's some sort of I don't know like a structure or maybe no it's not it just looks like it in the light I thought it was a hut wow do you know no video and no photos can do this place any justice like you have to be here in the flesh to be able to experience how absolutely magnificent this place is wow absolutely beautiful wow wow wow we came to the other side and wait for me wait for me look at this one here down this way hold on oh my Lord look at this one you can see the top of that wow oh my God this is insane if somebody can just drop you up there you can sit there with a picnic table and have an afternoon tea and take the views in wow and if you can see down here this is the city this is literally built into these mountains this is absolutely insane I'm so glad we did this hike it was called to one step closer we wanted to do the Tianbo Mountain one or Tianbo Mansion sorry yeah but it was closed for route maintenance so maybe there's a problem along the way I don't know but yeah we couldn't do that so we came here instead so worth it wow this is next level what are you doing making my way back hopefully in one piece by the time I get back to flat ground again this is a ladder that's what I was saying come down I just went like this it's so steep okay guys we're going to put you away while we go down making my way down you can't hear anything just the birds so beautiful and the people views are so worth it up here let's go hello hello okay guys we made it back it's not even 3:00 p.m. it's almost 300 p.m. but we've just been sitting for the last 10 to 15 minutes having a sugarcane juice and yeah what is this fruit It looks interesting oh tasty do you want one sure sure thank you great look at that so you have an option of taking that as well oh my goodness that is nice I want one of them can you carry me around like that now we've come to the Natural Great Wall very very quick and very very easy highly recommend this one we do have a little life guard up here he's got pictures to sell you and let's have a look wow look at the views wow oh my goodness so the reason it's called The Great Wall is because look you've got the pillars coming out 1 2 3 4 5 6 and then look it looks like it goes all the way down and that bit acts like the wall right I don't think you can pick it up on this camera but straight down are rice paddies yes right through there somewhere this is crazy so far today day one has been at absolutely full of wow moments and Adventure somebody closing their shop there this place is insane and you can even see down to the city as well on our left side when we got up to the Viewpoint there were literally just two more people there that's it there was a group about six seven people when we got there they were leaving so we had the entire place to ourselves for like 5-10 minutes and then there was another couple of that time up that's it we stayed there for at least half an hour I flew the Drone got the shots got some Insta as well that was so cool and such a contrast as well from places where we went where the statue was earlier so many people right yeah it's so busy to the last view point no one it's because we had to walk through a forest it wasn't exactly the easiest path to get there so I don't think groups and tours are going to go there whatsoever unless you're the Intrepid traveler because it's off the beaten path a little bit but you know what if you can manage it and if you're the Adventurous sort definitely head out there but for now take these views in guys I would let these views do the talking like just soak in these views it doesn't get boring you'd think that looking at a bunch of rocks after a while you'd be like no it's not it's not a bunch of rocks though that's the thing it's so beautiful and every single Sandstone pillar is so different as well it's the surface area up top how thin or how thick they are as well and some people might even be thinking right now if you've seen Vietnam Ninh Binh right very different firstly these aren't Limestone these are Sandstone so these haven't been underwater to my understanding whereas Limestone has always been underwater which is why they become Limestone I'm not a geologist but this is why I know the little there I know I'm sharing with you guys if you want to add to it feel free to do it but it's the different formations here and the sheer scale of this place as well this is I would say 100 times bigger than Ninh Binh this is huge it was also probably one of the first UNESCO sites here in China as well Zhangjiajie you might think it's in the middle of nowhere actually this is a big town the City it's got 1.5 million people as far as the population's concerned so that is massive like that's huge so worth making the trip if you guys can definitely add in I say at least 3 days here for sure group coming in no not a group I think the groups have left hello, you know everything I mean as much as I've read you know how it forms the rock how it becomes and you know the weather you know the place you know the amount of people here it's great I'm a stranger here I'm from Hong Kong oh we went to Hong Kong nice to meet you likewise nice to meet you okay have a good day bye that was so cute guys honestly this place is amazing but like he said we did do our research before we came here because you have to right you need to know what you're coming to see that was lovely my guy and the lovely lady looking beautiful you look beautiful are we done here? okay I think we need to get a spring in our step and make a move because I think the Park's open till 5:30pm and if you guys are wondering what time it is the time is 15:10 all right we need to get a on and find the bus and get to the famous spot Avatar Mountain let's go cross your fingers for us let's go so we're queuing up here to get to our next stop this is just to give you an idea about what's happening these are all people lining up to go on buses buses run quite frequently here so hopefully the queue is going to move along quickly this is snaking around so it goes up comes back down and then that's the final queue get ready for that one wow it's going to be a long one well let's see let's time it I would say tops 20 minutes so it's 15:20 right now I say by 15:40 we'd be on a bus let's see I might be wrong all together who knows isn't that right Auntie yeah yeah she knows it she's like yeah you're right 20 minutes I'll call it that as well let's go let's do this woo okay we have officially made it towards the Yuanjiajie area guys we figured it out now so if you've stayed tuned this long you'll understand now we get it right look at this we've arrived in Yuanjiejie the views are getting intense look at that up there I think where the red flags are on the rails is where we want to go we've saved the best for last absolutely day one is coming to a draw it is almost 4:00 p.m. it's about

15:50 but we are heading along this Trail I think it is about 1.6 km until we get to the Avatar Mountain but look at this don't know if you can see it through the trees and on the camera but the camera doesn't do it justice let me tell you that in the first place here we go first Bridge Under Heaven is 42 M let's go fascinating terrace we have the first Bridge Under heaven and the Heaven and Earth Avatar pillar floating Mountain look at the drop the sheer height that we're at oh my gosh my if you've got vertigo you're in for a shock goodness I think this is at 1,030 M I almost said 1,030 km then but I meant 1030M incredible go girl where are they she's got the monkey call did you see them yet no did they answer your call no not today that is just insane mum if you're watching this you'd hate this it is so tall but we're going to go we're going to go a little further along the crowds have not relented today it's still just as busy as this morning if not busier that way it's too busy down there oh my gosh right through there there's a huge human traffic jam okay we are heading this way to number one bridge in the world and too Avatar floating Mountain you can go this way or you can go this way as well so at least both ways you can go I guess that kind of eases the flow of traffic but we're ready we're excited the views here are insane and the drop is from here so my shoe's hanging look at that my trainer is out here and just over this side here this is the Steep drop woo this is so beautiful incredible views this is insane yeah stunning oh my again yeah we keep running into each other yes look at this the views are absolutely incredible it's like a little love Bridge here it's like a little love bridge look we've got padlocks all the way along that's so cute who needs to go Paris when you got padlocks here we don't need River Seine we have Zhangjiajie let's go Avatar I think this is more meaningful actually if you have a lock and key here this gives it more meaning because it's not that typical like going to Paris and doing it there everyone does that this has more meaning definitely the location of the place is incredible it's epic so iconic makes people dance just like Libby are we headed the right way we're heading this way woah that's insane you can see through the gap to these literal floating mountains today I've had my mind blown many times and in many a beautiful surroundings this is one of them this does not feel real it doesn't it literally looks AI generated it doesn't feel real at all the number of times I've said incredible yeah okay we're going to head up this beautifully colored staircase with all of the padlocks and the red ribbons around the edge if you guys know what these are let me know I think they're kind of like a uh maybe like a prayer or like a wish thing I'm not too sure but if you know let me know look at Taz he's all the way up there already if you want to buy one ah okay so far I've seen them in a few places but not seen if you can buy them so I guess it's kind of like a prayer a good luck thing there we go we're going up we're going up even further it is it's busy down here you guys there are people on people on people on more people so it's a bit crazy but oh my God there's someone on the thing swinging there is someone over here who looks like they're running along the cliff this is nuts he's looks like he's abseiling of some sort that is insane wow what in God's name is this guy up to? what is he mountain climbing? that is insane just to give you an idea where he is look at that that is nuts I wonder what he's doing there? he's making it look easy this guy wow he's almost he's climbed it I'm definely stood here on the side just taking the views and just enjoying it this guy he's absolutely living the life wow I wonder what the views are like from up the so this is where we were on the side of the cliff That's how high up we were we were over there then there wow this is honestly so crazy I am so very happy to be here this has been a bucket list moment for a very very long time now we're here in real life hello Zhangjiajie National Park we're in the Yuangjiajie area okay let's have a look at this uncle's taking a selfie oh my freaking goodness this is amazing I honestly cannot see the ground I want to look have a look I'll try and stretch out as much as I can without falling over you can't see the ground look at this wow now the drop literally starts straight here and you can't see and I don't think I want to find out this is insane okay we're a bit short on time let's quickly make our way to the Avatar mountains the floating mountains of Avatar can you just imagine the weight this bridge must be taking people continuously every day in the thousands walk over this there's still people there we made our way down here on that bridge we're on this side right now nice and safe I think cuz I don't know what this side looks like from there cuz everything's on edge here like wow what a natural wonder this place this is just so cool we are just at the first Bridge or the number number one bridge in the world I was just reading this sign it says it's connected the natural moat with a span of 50 m a height of 350 m a width of 4 M and A thickness of 5 m when it's sunny obviously like today you can see it but apparently when it's foggy and it's a bit messy and over cast the clouds drifting and like in and around the bridge yeah and it makes a noise like that mystical hello welcome to Pandora oh this is so good this is insane if you have a fear of like Heights or vertigo or anything do not come here because it's making me feel a little dizzy I have to say I'm holding on tight I say you should definitely come here if you have the fear of heights because face your fear that's the way to live your life right Fearless that's the way we do it yes the sun kissed bucket list way it is pretty dramatic scenery look at that one down there it's stood alone right not as dramatic as what you're seeing right now but I've spotted something equally fascinating I'm excited!! no one is stopping to take photos of this I don't understand why what? look at the rest of the tree oh yeah The Roots hanging out at the bottom it started growing at the bottom again yes that is crazy and the rest of the roots and everything are down there but the trunks coming in there we go why not and these sticks as well that are holding this I mean what is that all about? that must be some kind of like a tradition or like a folklore thing that like you should hold up overhanging rocks with no look it's real it's this is what keeps it up did you not know? come on how come you don't know this? enough let's go look she's going to do one as well we're coming for you it has to be a luck thing or like a good luck or Prosperity or I don't know but yeah as Taz said in the distance Avatar Mountain we're coming for you we've come out to another kind of shopping area here we've got clothing over in the corner here where Taz is you can dress up and get some nice photos taken but I think we have officially arrived to the Avatar Mountain Area I can see there's people who are gathered here are you ready big reveal drum roll please wow look at this... this look incredible OMG wow mind blown this is amazing firstly it's blown All my expectations out of the water it is insane it looks even better in real life I've seen so many photos of it and it does not do any justice this is incredible wow we've got some more view points along here so let's just wander along and have a little look around here too wow I can't tell you how how high we are the drop is absolutely incredible it makes me feel a bit dizzy when I look down and then look back up again amazing look at that hello I met somebody up here and they said it's further along... still further? yeah oh this is the 100 Yuan banknote area which doesn't look like this by the way because I have one so maybe it was the old one maybe but let's go okay so there you go guys I was wrong again the whole place I have to say looks very much like the inspiration for the film of Avatar I guess because there's floating mountains everywhere like we said before when the clouds come rolling in through here it would look so super magical and mystical I could understand the whole thought process and ideas but apparently the real Avatar Mountain Hallelujah mountain is further we keep hearing this then the signs disappear come on guys how elusive can these mountains be? we want to see it James Cameron he's already seen them come on I was going to call him David Cameron not quite if you know you know go okay further further further further further further further the drop huh you still can't see the ground anyway I asked someone up there they said it's further along I really hope so please can we see it the parks's about to close let's go we're finally here and the views were worth the wait wow insane look welcome to Pandora this is hallelujah Mountain this is the inspiration for the very popular very famous Avatar movie and this just looks absolutely incredible this does not feel real it does not feel like this is real do you know what I was about to say this looks like from a scene from a movie cuz it is but the movie is based on the real life I'm in love this is so crazy I don't know how tall we are but look at that my hand is like firmly on the rail here this is just insane you can go up there as well but I'm sure the views here are equally good so it looks pretty busy over there where we are right on this platform you've got space not busy yeah it's pretty good right now so we've got room to move around this is just insane wow it doesn't get boring looking at this view it's out of this world wow it is out of this world it is from quite literally Pandora but the Avatar jokes will stop soon I'm sure but this is insane this is so worth it and we've come to this spot at the absolute perfect time the light is perfect yep the light right now is just so freaking beautiful do you know what guys everything happens for a reason the entire day we were lost looking for Avatar mountains... couldn't find them and we found them at the best and the most perfect moment the light is shining perfectly on these Cliffs right now the Sandstone Cliffs look beautiful Perfection sometimes as well like on the top look they've got trees growing right up out of them it's just crazy time to take some photos go check us out on Insta yes go check us out on Instagram @ Sun Kissed Bucket List you can see the photos there let us know if you came from the Vlog drop us a comment on there but for now it's time what time is it? you guys guessed it it's time to put the bird up cue the Drone shots oh my gosh that aerial perspective was nuts yeah next level insane beautiful out of this world otherworldly I can't believe we're here yeah insert adjective here this was the exact spot where James Cameron must have come or some of his associates they saw this place and they were like this is the perfect setting for an animated Blockbuster and everything else's history as we know it Avatar one of the biggest films ever yeah one of the longest films as well it was almost 4 hours was it? I think so uh the first one was like 3 hours which at that time was unheard of and then yeah the one we watched recently last year yeah it's close to 4 hours wow look at this look at these views look at this View and look at this view oh my gosh this Sandstone pillars wow nature works in mysterious ways and this one is very beautiful I absolutely love it... the golden hour is upon us right

now on the Sandstone pillars as well we couldn't have asked for a better day guess this incredible we've got more days as well guys I think right now this is day one coming to an end yeah let's see what we get up to tomorrow day two day two we'll see how it goes but let's go oh look at him he's looking at us he's like what are you guys talking about? you talking about me? have you got some food for me? his name is uh Jonjo !! Jonjo that's the big daddy there's a baby on the tree look monkey on the tree come with us !!!

2024-05-30 06:29

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