Is Thailand Travel Possible TODAY? (Entire Process Detailed)

Is Thailand Travel Possible TODAY? (Entire Process Detailed)

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let me show you how weird it is on a plane during covet [Music] bruce barry was a working man he used to know that a conor line van oh yeah hello out there world my name's chris and i'm retired working for you and you know what i did a poll on my channel recently that asked you all when you thought i was going to go back to thailand the number one answer out of almost 7 000 votes was not until 2022 and only nine percent of you said september well tonight's the night yes it is i'm going back today to the country that i love so much i can't even contain my excitement i'm going to show you the whole journey from here all the way back to thailand i'm going to detail all the hoops that haley and i had to jump through believe me traveling ain't too easy these days there's a lot of potential snafus unfolding in the next 24 hours and i hope this video ends poolside at the pavilions but it's gonna start right here in new market ontario canada let's go in and meet the people who own this house here if we can catch them inside here oh look who hello there i am adam's mom kelly look who's here everybody are you going back to thailand go back tonight good evening i am kelly's husband and adam's father and your brother manager was nice to spend such quality time with my family back in canada while i finish up this family gathering and the dogs are playing let me tell you about the process to get into thailand these days so first of all i'm just going to start right here on google and what you want to do is go thailand certificate of entry as an example you don't want the embassy you want to find this website coe i'm going to go in here and then you select whether you're a thai national or a of course i'm a non-thai national i want this process to play out in english there's a full video here that you can play i'm not going to play that you can go check it out this website walks you through step by step exactly what it is you have to do to register for your certificate of entry what to do once you're approved and i'm not going to go through it step by step now you can just find it for yourself confirm the application you got to upload your flight confirmation your hotel booking and then what happens once the certificate of entry is approved so you just agree to all of this and then the portal opens up and you can start from there it's really just step by step you just go through and you select exactly what it is you're doing if i want to apply from canada it directs me to my closest embassy you pick the type of visa that you're on and then you say whether i'm entering the sandbox program and if so the phuket sandbox or samui plus again it just gives you such great information so once you go through all of this it'll generate you a number you can check your status you can upload your documents and one big change is that now you also have to do a thailand bookmark this website as well because you have to book your own covid test this is something that i hope disappears sooner rather than later and again this is very simple you just go ahead and you sign in you create uh an appointment you can check your appointments and then it ends up generating you a document and as you go through the process i highly recommend you be very diligent about organizing all of the documents because you will be asked for them both digitally and for some of them hard printed copies here's what you're going to need first your certificate of entry this one will come from the thai embassy once you're approved and here's what it looks like next your flight booking confirmation and also your hotel booking for phuket you'll need an official document from your hotel that has the shabba code on it [Music] you'll need your proof of vaccinations and your negative coveted tests taken no more than 72 hours before your flight so we're here at the breathe easy clinic yeah this man just is about to administer haley with the test are you going to be gentle sir of course i will do my best you'll also need to prepay for your three covid tests upon arrival in thailand and this ain't cheap it was 8 000 baht for each of us to cover all three of these tests you're gonna need a printout of your medical insurance with at least a hundred thousand worth of coverage including covid we use a company called safety wing and i'll leave a link for you in the description if you're on a tourist visa you're going to need to return flight booking as well now that was a lot of documents i've printed most of them off here look at this stack of documents haley and i are about to check in go through the process fingers crossed are you nervous a little bit but we prepared it's a weird way to travel eh like look at yeah we got so many documents usually you just bring your passport and ask for a boarding pass strange world we are living strange world indeed even though there's not many people traveling these days it takes forever to check in they're going through everyone's documents with the fine-tooth comb man i feel sorry for the airline workers at these check-in counters oh she's taking our luggage seems like we're good to go [Music] all right so leaving canada thought i'd stop at timmy's one last double double here and what is definitely a canadian institution i mean check this out canada is an awesome place but those thailand lovers out there you know how i'm feeling right now you know how excited i am excited i am to be heading back to thailand don't you love that feeling when you're about to jump on a plane you've gotten everything done the goodbyes have been said and the next stop's thailand baby we're on the air it's hockey night tonight tension goes the whistle blows and the goes down the ice we call that an indoor zamboni since we're still in canada this is it this is all the people it's just about to start boarding can i see you oh of course perfect thank you okay thank you okay so this is our premium economy cabin we're near the back of the bus this u here 6080 yes the flight here is pretty much empty hayley and i and adam who's also on the same flight each have a full three set so it's like poor man's business class we're gonna stretch raid out here get a big nap and we'll wake up in hong kong [Music] again [Music] there goes toronto nice night view below us and as we were taking off and reaching altitude haley didn't waste any time let me just tell you what she's up to here she's she's getting ready to cocoon into the poor man's business class she's removing the seat belts those things can really jab you she's got a blanket here oh she's patting it down she's patting all three seats and another blanket i think that's the third blanket oh and she pulls out a fourth blanket she's a professional here she has multiple pillows on the go as well and she's pushing it in softening it up oh she's going full cocoon mode now and she's settling in to sleep this 15-hour flight away me on the other hand i was looking out the window couldn't sleep watch some movies i took a walk around let me show you how weird it is on a plane during covet so 15 and a half hours flight we've arrived here in hong kong airport and uh it's pretty much dead empty now it is four in the morning over here so that's probably half of the reason it's empty the other half is uh obviously because of covet so we have a three and a half hour layover here i'll let you know if we run into anything is regarding the paperwork and the entry to thailand because our next flight is directly going from hong kong to phuket anyway let's see what happens in the transfer here and let's get this travel day done how's it going man pretty good pretty good great play we met this guy back in toronto what's your story uh well i've been coming to thailand um this will be my seventh time and uh i have a girlfriend there and i been working for a year and ten months and because of kovet uh i couldn't get back there so she's waiting on me i'm waiting on her and life's gonna be good in another small flight and you made it this far man that must feel good oh it's awesome crazy so all the hoop jumping was worth it yes it is and you know what the flight was really good i actually had three seats i can lay down yeah yeah we all had three seats i mean look at how empty the airport is here so this is transit we've bumped into what's your name again my name's terry terry good luck man getting reunited with his girlfriend i'm sure a lot of people out there in the same boat [Music] that was a wild story that jerry was it barry maybe it was larry no terry terry's story was wild and as i walk through this dead empty hong kong airport like so many airports around the world these days you gotta think man there's gotta be so many people with stories like terry's of how they've been separated and apart from each other for the better part of a year and a half two years so it's awesome to see uh terry jumping back in and it's gonna be awesome to see these airports fill up as of now i want to try and find some food in here the options at 4am in hong kong airport putien with a bunch of chinese noodles there's actually a thai restaurant open and you can see adams sussing it out they even have chang beer on tap the third and final option is gordon ramsay with plain food to go he's got a bunch of hamburgers and chicken cutlets and pasta and stuff well it looks like gordon ramsay's is not actually open [Music] thank you my choice was a chinese pad krapow and right off the start look at that the egg isn't even soft get in on the egg over here would you the egg's a little bit hard well they have a thai chili i'll give them that let's just see here okay it'll do but let's get that last leg of this trip over and get to the real land of pad krapow [Music] [Music] hi so so we just met wilson yesterday wilson how did you know me i i went to youtube right search for thailand and i found your video and i love it oh really it's so nice it's perfect and you're heading to phuket right right now it's going to be my first time too first time ever yes first time ever where are you from indonesia originally from it but you live in hong kong oh no i used to live in united states so finally right i left united states for good so this is gonna be my first destination first trip to thailand will you enjoy man and here we have the asian version of the zamboni hello out there we're on the air it's hockey night tonight whether it's mainly calling for smooth flying conditions occasional chances unlike turbulence i do want to please keep your seat belts loosening fast and while seated and resting uh weather for arrival into pickaxe calling for some passing showers temperature around 30 degrees celsius [Music] as i look down on beautiful hong kong on the way out quick shout out to all my hong kong subscribers particularly you menos gida and rich as we descended into phuket the rain started whipping up and the kids started screaming [Music] thank you oh and as we cross the threshold here we are officially in the sandbox let's go see what it's like getting in here [Music] so adam what were you saying it's been how long since you were here it's been five weeks but it's five weeks too long as far as i'm concerned what happened when you were flying in here i got a little emotional on the walk away it's a little embarrassing but i just love this place so much and when you're coming in i saw that thai writing the palm trees man so happy to be back [Music] so we're not sure what's up first there is a room full of plastic chairs waiting for us in all directions let me just take you through from my point of view each step of the way as you arrive here at the phuket sandbox so i'm leaving that area and heading to immigration and i will say that you want to make sure that you have number four that you have all of your documents well printed it's intense here [Music] okay thank you behind the red line there's hayley we got our bags man we've only got off the plane about i don't know less than 20 minutes ago we've been through the health check we've been through the immigration they really really go fast so have all your documents prepared we're just about to exit phuket international airport the only thing that hasn't happened is the covid test oh covet tests up over here so i think happened man i'm getting sick of people jabbing little swabs up my nose [Music] so what they have okay okay scan the register is it a self test yes i do out here outside when you get the list out i send to your email you'll send me the email okay thank you [Music] ready cap number two number one oh wow okay what do i okay okay what do you see this one you collect from my nose okay my name yes that's my name okay okay this is wild [Music] [Music] okay [Applause] whoa okay eyes are watering man this is all happening very fast i think that's it i think we're out pavilions yes pavilion oh there he is there's our man so all that's left is the ride to the hotel holy crap did that ever happen yes pavilions wait where's my name yeah there it is okay yes welcome to thailand haley we made it so the last step of the process this should look familiar a nice private van and this is where we're heading next stop pavilions what's your name my name is b as bee drove us through the lush green scenery and we got our first view out the window of the andaman sea i can say that jumping through all the hoops was worth it all right back at the pavilions oh look at this look at this [Music] it's beautiful and just like that we're here all the way from newmarket ontario canada to the phuket sandbox and if you're willing to jump through all those hoops which i know not everyone is just yet the spoils of thailand await you we're staying here at the pavilions i've shown you this place in videos before oh my god look at this look at they had what does this say dear mr christopher j glad to have you back at the pavilions again we know that you had krapow the last meal since you visited thailand oh my shaggy yeah they made pad krapow for me what do you think of this place amazing is so beautiful and what do you think of being back in thailand you're so happy oh yeah it's nice isn't it yeah it's so good yeah this place look at this here we go i'm gonna grab my krapow and finish this up right out there oh now that's more like it [Music] now that's it now i'm back in thailand got the thai chilies tingle in my throat how hilarious is that that the hotel knows me god do i ever feel welcomed back to thailand and on that note haley and i were talking that when we came in the airport as soon as we started seeing all the thai people it just felt so warm we started saying sweaty caps what the cap and that warmth that they give off that glow it's like instant smiles instant happiness so this is it we've literally just checked in 10 minutes ago i'm going to enjoy this view i'm going to enjoy this pad krapow haley and i are going to get unpacked and get the next chapter of our lives started we're nomads now we're going to be parked right here in phuket for two weeks and we're going to show you a ton of great videos from here and then we're going to be going all over this great country and the next chapter for retired working for you is going to be so awesome and it starts right now so subscribe to the channel and come along for the ride tonight's the night [Music] bruce barry was a working man he used to load that econoline van

2021-09-28 14:44

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