Is TAGHAZOUT Agadir, Open? Taghazout Bay Development, Morocco Tourism, Moroccan Travel, Maroc 2021

Is TAGHAZOUT Agadir, Open? Taghazout Bay Development, Morocco Tourism, Moroccan Travel, Maroc 2021

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are we doing we're doing good we're going to  tiger zoo we are going to chat today and then   we're going to go to use our day with yourself  in panorama you missed dutch place yeah i used to   surf at panorama a lot when i lived in takazu do  nothing but go to panorama sir chill with yousef   that's it and what else we're  gonna do maybe get a shave it's i know development construction be less ah going to panorama beach today it's  beautiful here i've been here a long time beach sandy you know no rocks i like kids he said i'm following you all the time but  i never get to your channel today i'm happy   we're gonna get to your channel  what's your name what's your name wow it's a real beast no don't go  now when he's eating no no it's   for you maybe but for us no no  no it's okay kevin his name is nice so what's your story with panorama beach i  lived in tagasu i would come down here and   visit brahim and yusuf and just surf right here i  was uh here like every day was it ever that empty   no not so much but i think more  people come late yeah it's empty so record surf with surveyor windows commercials yourself i really like this  beach i don't come here as often because   it's on the other side like almost  but yeah i like it here it's wide see curiosities so back there we left rahim and yusuf this is all a new project developed for the past   four years or so it provides for a nice point to  overlook the ocean and catch a sunset near tegazi when we arrived in tagazoot we met a man who said  he was a subscriber all the way from canada so   it's nice to meet him and we met hafiz who  owns the tagine place here in tanganyika yeah they look busy in there but they also are  very welcoming yeah i think you should come back it's very beautiful today zoo the locals  are welcoming and friendly and sun is shining i like how in tagatoot you get sandwiches for 10  deer 15 dirham for kefta sandwich five-year-old   coffee good price yeah when i lived here i used to  come to this bakery all the time for some treats some things are open here listen to brahim and youssef they said no  fish today it's friday i think there's waves   soon look or snow like something i wanted to do i'm gonna go check out see  if my old barber is here hungry barbers are full today this was my  old place that i wanted to go to   everybody's getting ready for mosque  let's go see if we could find my old neighbors fisherman lockers sounds like instruction at my old place mohammed the man with all the pottery is gone   and it doesn't look so good it's as  far as it's cool uh ken james team what did you say she said james here james dean uh i love this place for the view and lots of light waking up to this way yeah wait i think i see some backpackers  yeah these backpackers   see they carry luggage ah i see them too now really nice friendly people here the amazing we  knock they let us in and we get to check out some   of the old apartments here the best location in  takazu if you ask me yeah i would like to rent a   place like this if i was here for another holiday  i love this viewer you can't get it in tamron and this is my old apartment back when i  lived in tagazoo to go to panorama every   day that's closed but it's a bedroom in the  living room but the best part is up here   this is cool yoga up here  barbecue just watching the sunset priceless and they said so here we are at the next uh okay so we just had a really nice tea with mama  tarkia she's lived here her whole life   and i wish we could converse more and talk  more but there's the language communication   barrier which is so lovely brought us delicious  amlo and even better bread thank you so much trendy spots behind me i think  we're head up to the main road   try and see if i could get  a shave huh in my wetsuit i hear the call to prayer so we better get off to  the main street and get our business done before   everything closes it's friday  the most holy of days i think i used to get my laundry done and it was always hard to find this  street is like which little alleyway is so um people say this car is rare  in europe but we can see through   three glue our forest just  from where we're standing here is everything closing for the cult of  perks we gotta get some meats and stuff this is a funny sticker it's like a hockey team  or something and what happened to our tailor it might be open though we should be we  should be here the first thing in the morning i wanted to get a doughnut in  tagazoo that's my guilty pleasure but   mama turkia gave us tea and food great amlo  and i'm not hungry anymore so maybe in an   hour we are back at the barber's place still busy hot all the barber shops in texas are full today  so we're waiting in the shade cool ocean breeze   and a lot of good smells hanging  out around us huh barbecue uh do you think it's gonna be  hot no just sprays it with water   it's gonna be clean he's doing a good job no blood so far no it doesn't feel like it round two you already look much better uh i received a superb shave for just 20 dirham  about 2 euro i tipped him too of course great guy new man happy yeah it feels good you're clean no blood  show me no not so much huh no i don't see anything   you did a really good job yeah oh and i am small  here but it's just like it's normal and you don't   shave it didn't feel like he was doing a rough  job another young barber who did a great job   i used to go to the old barber and tag a  suit and now i've learned some lessons i   see that the younger barbers  are where you want to be uh come check out mubarak if you're in  tagazoot and you wanna have a clean   zwien beard let's just here next to the butcher still closed she's still at the moment sad  but look at this r4 i like this paint job   hawaiian flowers so many are fours integers see my neck again nice neck  are you gonna say something in the region

2021-04-03 22:47

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