Is Myanmar (Burma) Safe To Travel Now? | Yangon

Is Myanmar (Burma) Safe To Travel Now? | Yangon

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smoke rises in the aftermath of an airstrike  on passagee Village in Northern Myanmar the   scars of battle litter the roads throughout  this country towns and Villages are now empty   the local population has moved away these are the  last images just released of a journalist who was   trying to Spotlight a ruthless military Crackdown  a targeted Mass killing of its own people Myanmar   Junta has confirmed it's carried out an airstrike  on this Village its spokesman told military run   TV that it was a Security operation aimed at  restoring peace and stability in the region   so uh yeah guys um here to dispel any stereotypes  and myths because uh all you ever hear is negative   press and news about this country so my goal  is always to show what I can positive about a   place and try to show the bright side because  the world is full of negativity so let's see   what positivity we can eek out of this beautiful  Nation so what is going on everyone welcome back   to Myer travels as you can see I'm here at an  airport I am at the Bangkok DMK airport and I   am on my way to a country that I've never been to  before I'm very excited a little bit nervous I'm   actually headed over to Myanmar now this place is  a country with a long history um a rich history   it was once a place that was growing rapidly  and then they've had conflict and the conflict   is still kind of there so not a lot of people go  there you know um you won't see too many bloggers   going there either because the country's been kind  of closed down so I'm going to do my best to get   the best content I can but I figured let me make  this intro video while I'm here because I don't   know what to expect once I get over to Yangon so  I'm going to Yangon which is the capital now or   former capital of uh of Myanmar formerly known as  Rangoon Rangoon so yeah guys it's gonna be very   very interesting but we're about to board soon my  gate is over there so yeah guys I'm gonna try to   do the best I can over in Myanmar so stay tuned  and um yeah let's see what let's see what happens alrighty guys good old Air Asia now I'm inside  the plane ready to go get on our way to Yangon   very excited [Music] it's actually only like  a one album here in Bangkok so it's like a one   hour not even a one hour flight to get  to Yangon so but yeah guys AirAsia man   this uh airline has saved my life countless  amount of time so shout out to AirAsia man thank you alrighty guys we have arrived here in  Myanmar and so far the airport process was a lot   easier and like frictionless than I thought it  would be the immigration was pretty quick but   just so you guys know you do have to get your  e-visa they have an e-visa process which you   could do it's very easy to do so you could do it  before you come make sure you take care of that   the fees and you have to get insurance as well  which is a part of the whole um Visa process so   that's if you have all the paperwork it was very  easy to get through so with that being said I'm   looking for a SIM card and then I'll get a taxi  and I have to go meet a friend at a coffee place   who's going to be guiding me around Myanmar out of  the airport I got my SIM card now I've just booked   a grab so grab is available here in Yangon you can  use it so nobody's waiting for me at the airport   I am just going to book a grab and I'm headed  over to a coffee shop known as I don't even   know I'll show you guys when I get there but  let's get inside this taxi 3796 this is me all   right let's get in there grab another amazing  it's so good yeah thank you thank you so much alrighty Mingalaba my friend and uh Nikola Nicola good you know uh in Burmese Nicola yes yeah good good very  good I think minakola means   um how are you in Burmese I'm trying  to freshen up on some you know basic   Burmese but anyways guys we are here  the airport is very nice very smooth   process and we are on our way I like your  hat very nice yeah very nice can I have the people here very nice smiling helpful so uh  yeah guys um here to dispel any stereotypes and   myths because uh all you ever hear is negative  press and news about this country so my goal is   always to show what I can positive about a place  and try to show the bright side because the world   is full of negativity so let's see what positivity  we can eek out of this beautiful Nations [Music] you know at first glance uh the city of  Yangon which is my first glimpse into   Myanmar is actually giving me just like  southeast Asia Thailand similar Vibes but   if if all of these major cities in Thailand  haven't been like capitalized and become   you know commercialized and have huge buildings  that's what they would they would look like Yangon   still you know this actually reminds me of some  remote areas I've traveled to in the Philippines   um even in Indonesia as some  other kind of Vibes like that so nice man very interesting being in a country  that's so kind of undiscovered and closed off   it's interesting check out the monks you know at first glance Myanmar really  gives me oh sorry about the noise so Denmark gives me this Vibe of like  a country that was really on the rise   and probably had the most modern technology  at one time but then they just got stuck   there after civil conflict and all of those  things started but it does give me that vibe   that they were like on their way up you know  and it's very interesting interesting feeling like I said guys filming here is  different than filming another   Southeast Asian countries you do have to be  careful um about how you speak where you go   um and who you're filming what you're filming so  I'm going to do the best I can to make sure that   I give you guys the best content possible because  that's always the goal but at the same time make   sure that I you know watch out for my life as well  um but yeah guys headed over to this coffee shop   just trying to show you guys along the way and see  for myself it's just a fascinating place so far alrighty guys we have arrived hey there's the  man himself Mr that's it how you doing boss how's   everything good guys so this right here is going  to be my homie and my guide here in Yangon my name   is chid and I'm a tour guide here so uh we are  going to roll around all right sounds good awesome   so we're gonna sit down in this Cafe I'll show you  what a cafe here in Myanmar looks like thank you   so much oh wait yeah because he took me to the  different place I think I put it on how much is   he I have some cash how much just just two more so  it shouldn't be too much because we only came yeah awesome awesome thank you I'll take care of you in  a second all right all right guys so we are here   at this Mahar Mahari Food Center and we're gonna  go have a coffee I need to sit down and discuss my   plans about how I'm gonna get around here Myanmar  but man this is amazing being here in this country   that I've never been to it just started to rain  but hopefully it'll uh diminish soon so we can   come outside and after this I'll be heading to the  hotel so we're here at Sky Cafe no worries brother   I got it thank you so much thank you so much how  you doing man thank you so much for meeting me   looks like you go to the gym oh yeah I need  to come to the gym with you man I'm a fighter   brother oh really oh UFC huh oh good all right  so we're going to this place called Sky Cafe all   right here we are a local cafe in Myanmar looks  like so we're gonna sit down order some coffee   because I haven't had a coffee yet you already had  your coffee yeah yeah uh I will get a singalaba   um I will get one iced coffee they have yeah they  have iced coffee most uh cappuccino okay so I will   take ice caramel latte caramel yeah yeah oh I got  you bro no Brother come on I got this i got this uh ice ice Caramel Lattes yeah but not too  much sugar just a little bit sugar let's   pass it there thank you so much okay okay cool  awesome all right guys we're gonna sit down we   got business to discuss I'll check in with you  guys in a second all right guys so we're here and I got myself a little latte here guys if you  know if you watch Maya travels you know that I   do not function without my coffee so here is my  first coffee taste test in uh Yangon in Myanmar   I'm excited to try it now is is is Myanmar a  coffee growing Nation like do they grow up we   can grow we can grow by it's not a big crispy  growing it's not a big coffee growing issue but   is coffee a popular thing here what's more popular  coffee or tea tea tea of course like most of Asia   yeah all right guys so here tea is more popular  but the coffee looks good so let's try it out that's good that's strong you can taste the bean  and even though it's a latte and it's milky you   can still taste the coffee my my official first  uh Myanmar coffee taste test 10 out of 10. it's   amazing it's really good so is this Cafe culture  is this becoming like a big thing in Myanmar like   for the young people like do they like to go to  cafes like is it something that's becoming common   not actually you know coffee coffee is coffee  is not that much popular here okay and I'm tour   guide traveling in Southeast Asia so I like coffee  and I want to sit down here but uh in one day and   I'll take you to the local tea shop yeah so guys  the good thing about so usually if you guys watch   my channel you know I don't really have a guide  or a tour guide sometimes we have friends that   join us but I don't even want to call [ __ ]  a guide because I feel weird like I feel like   he's my friend now and he's gonna help me around  but with that being said I'm gonna always leave   his information so if you guys do want to come to  Myanmar this is the guy to know especially if you   need someone to translate to be there with you but  also someone who's knowledgeable and he's going   to show you the real authentic Myanmar so this is  going to be the guy that you guys should reach out   to and for all you vloggers out there this is your  guy so I just wanted to let you guys know that but   anyways coffee is amazing and how much does a  coffee like this cost just so I can play I like   to give them one and a half dollars one and a half  dollars guys you get a big latte like this only a   Myanmar baby cheers alrighty guys so we have been  sitting here for for about two hours planning   our planning our uh Journey throughout Myanmar  and we got hungry so we're gonna eat some food okay we're at the same coffee shop and we are now  eating something here what is this brother oh this   is like potato crispy chicken rope chicken rolls  yeah it's a chili sauce chili sauce awesome so   we're gonna have some snack because we definitely  worked up an appetite after all this time   by mistakes oh don't bite the stick yeah all right  guys so I'm gonna give you this taste test here is   this like a common snack in Myanmar not very  no man but in this kind of places and it's a   kind of like a very tasty snack dishes okay  got it I had a coffee shop and in a tea shop very nice and a snack like this   will probably cost you about maybe like two two  dollars two bucks and it's really good actually   very interesting I don't usually try a snack  like this it kind of tastes like potato chips   but it has chicken inside I think right  chicken inside yeah Bon Appetit beautiful all right guys so we're gonna hit the streets  for a second gotta go figure out how to get   the SIM card situated I'm having some SIM card  problems I'm trying to make this SIM card work   that I bought at the airport and for some reason  it's not working so what we have to do is actually   go to the SIM card the mobile office MPT that is  the biggest carrier oh that got across the street   so MPT is the best service here in uh in Myanmar  right yeah yeah so we're gonna basically try to   figure out how to get the SIM card working  but yeah guys it's it's a very uh busy day   here in Yangon and so bro I have a question  is this the downtown area is this like the   main area of Yangon no oh God no no it's not  it's not this is like just a one section of it   yeah like uh one of the seven okay okay got  it sounds good uh it's my hometown it's your   hometown we have airport here and we have also  the biggest gas station in the in the whole   country the biggest best station bus station oh  okay okay and what's the name of this area it's   called North North yeah okay very nice as you  can see hello people are making some local foods   there is a street food culture here in Myanmar  as well so you'll see and it's a very raw and   authentic street food culture and I'm excited  to try all these different foods out I'll be   showing you guys as much as I can in these next  few days here in Myanmar interesting oh some satay so everybody wears like I noticed like  the traditional kind of uh like is that   a Buddhist thing no it's just it's just  cultural there's nothing it's called okay   okay all right so here we are at the can I get  to Center my SIM card oh my phone okay all right good uh I forgot how to say how  do you say how are you again we're gonna figure this out thank you [Music]   so this is a local shop here so I bought a SIM card at the airport I  spent around like I would say about close   to ten dollars that pays for the SIM card  and then to top it up I have to pay another   like ten dollars and that should cover me  for the two weeks that I'm here so yeah [Music] all right guys finally figured out the phone  situation so piece of advice don't buy a SIM   card if you have the opportunity don't buy a SIM  card from the airport right yeah it's better you   come come fine if you especially if you're with a  local come to a local shop find uh somebody that   sells SIM cards and just buy it from a local  shop you'll save money and it's a lot easier I   made the mistake of buying it from the airport  I paid a lot more and it ended up not working   out but anyways you live and you learn that's  life and now I am going to get on my way to the   hotel soon guys and I'll show you what a hotel and  how much I paid here in Yangon across the street   you just gotta go guys this is like Crossing in  Pakistan and and Nepal oh all right we're good okay I'm from uh the US the United States of  America and what about you you're from yes yes very nice okay okay and what do you  think about Yangon it's a beautiful city all right guys so we are on our way to the hotel  Serene Stays Hotel it's raining outside as you can   see it is rainy season so it only makes sense  but yeah so far very interesting Vibes and uh   yeah I'll let you know I'll show you guys what  the hotel looks like we're driving there so this   is the first country I've ever seen that they  put the license plate that name of the car on   the bottom of the license plate like this is a  Toyota Corolla so it says Toyota Corolla Fielder   I just thought that was something interesting  I've never seen that they actually have the   name of the car and the make on the license  plate which is interesting to say the least also another very interesting thing about Myanmar  is people sit to drive on the right hand side like   UK style but they don't drive on the opposite  side so the driving style as you can see we're   Drive we're going this way but we're driving on  the right side whereas usually if like in Thailand   we would be on the other side because that's like  UK style if you're on sitting on the right you   drive on the left but here you actually sit on the  right the way the driver is but also driving on   the right side which is very interesting I've  never seen that before um Lee Like I said if   you're sitting on the right side you're driving  on the left you're sitting on the left or driving   on the right side I don't know if I'm making  sense but yeah this is like The Best of Both   Worlds you sit on the right hand side but you also  drive on the right hand side so it's like American   style roads but British style uh like driving  like as far as the way the seats are situated see something new every day  when you're traveling okay all right guys we have  arrived to Serene Stays Hotel   this is where I will be staying for the next few  days here in Yangon it's like a local neighborhood   somewhere in the back alleys here as you can  see but also Myanmar gives me like Vibes of   like Vietnam older Vietnam and a little bit  of like the like less touristy areas of the   Philippines definitely gives me that Vibe but  anyways Serene stays guys so I'll give you guys   the whole breakdown of how much I paid for this  place and everything once I'm up in the room and   show you what the room looks like but for now let  us go and check in here we are nice entrance you   got a little foosball table as soon as you  walk in and then I think this is the main uh uh chicken chicken yeah yeah okay here we are this is the chicken now we're headed up to the room oh sorry all right so we'll take the elevator huh  okay very nice what's your name my friend is south Oh north okay okay now this is my first first day in  Myanmar Wow first time yes very happy to be here   and um to say thank you is it yeah and to say how  are you yes I keep forgetting how are you Nicola   Nicola all right guys so here is the Serene  stays hotel room here in Yangon Myanmar uh as   you can see I have two beds I only need one  but I actually asked for a big bet but they   just gave me too big I guess that's what they  had available but interesting thing about this   room that I didn't know now mind you just  so you know how much I paid for this room   I paid about 22 dollars per night so I'm staying  here three nights paying about 66 dollars total   um which is not bad but one thing that I was taken  back by is that the room the bathroom is not in   the room you actually have to step outside kind  of like a hostel so I have my own private room but   the bathroom is actually you step out and  then you come in here and as you can see   this is the bathroom nothing crazy so I think  about two or three rooms share each bathroom   so but looks clean you know um everything works  I think for the hot water please pre-open the   hot water heater for 15 minutes ahead oh okay  so if prepared all right interesting but yeah   guys so far the hotel is clean I think they said  this hotel's been around for about three years   so um yeah yeah looks nice Serene stays if you  need a place to stay if you ever come to Yangon   so so far guys you know now that I'm here alone  in my hotel room I feel like I can talk a little   bit more freely because you do have to be  careful about how you speak here in Myanmar   um you have to be careful so um obviously you  know Myanmar is going through Conflict for anybody   who has uh you know the news you would know that  Myanmar used to be known as Burma and before that   um you know they were colonized and then after  that you know they've been under civil Conflict   for a long time you know there was almost like  what some people would call like a genocide and   um yeah so this is a country that a lot of people  don't visit because of you know if you look on the   travel advisory list is for most uh embassies  even my U.S embassy says don't even travel here   so but what does Meyer do when he's told not to  do something he does it why because I want to   break the stereotypes I don't want to just show  you negatives I want to try to find some silver   lighting and positivity about this place here in  Myanmar I'm very excited to be here I'm very happy   and so far um it's been good I'm gonna step out  in a little bit that'll be another video we're   going to go explore the local area that there  is around here and uh maybe grab a bite to eat   and just uh kind of fill out the vibes but with  that being said guys um very interesting country   so far very very interesting very different  from a lot of Southeast Asian countries it's   pretty raw you know it's it's not you know the  I guess infrastructure that you might be used   to the way of living Society everything is  different [Music] um I feel like I've been   taken back in time you know like a little bit of  a Time Warp but yeah guys here we are Yangon so   stay tuned guys more Myanmar videos coming I'm  gonna travel around the country too so me and   chit the guy that you saw before we made a plan  what we're gonna do so you guys will be seeing a   lot more Myanmar content coming soon and I hope  that I'm able to give this country and show this   place in a positive light because there is a  lot of good even with the bad just like always   so yeah guys I'm gonna wrap this one up remember  continue to learn continue to grow and there is   no growth until you leave your comfort zone  and I will see you guys on the next one peace

2023-10-04 18:12

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