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[Music] welcome to kanye located 162 miles south of ankara and in turkey's central anatolian region cogna is an ancient city with roots dating back to the hitaitis period around 1500 bc it was the capital of the seljuk turks from 1071. today kanye is considered to be turkey's most religious and conservative city and is the pilgrimage destination for sufis one of the many reasons to visit kanye is the mevlana museum which is where we're going to start our trip around the city today we're chris and marianne and we've been traveling full-time for the past three years we did it we're currently attempting to drive trudy our home on wheels all the way around the world [Music] we've literally just arrived and already the gardens around this building are absolutely wonderful they've got lovely roses nice bushes shade from the multiple trees around here and what makes it even better is it was free to get in so one of the distinguishing features about this building is the really bright turquoise blue tower that towers above this building [Music] behind me are the gravestones of the mothers the wives and the daughters that served here at the med levee lodge on the gravestones you can see roses and flowers and that generally depicts females that have been buried somewhere we learned this in istanbul it's very beautiful so just walking around the corner you're faced with this wonderful courtyard overlooked by the the towers [Music] lots of people just coming down and absorbing the atmosphere it's an absolutely fascinating structure the brickwork is amazing and it's nice to have a little bit of shade to cool off with the fountain in the middle of the courtyard i'm just walking through the square and a gentleman just came up and gave me a headscarf didn't want any money he just said for you and just walked away that's amazing which is really very very kind help is at hand ah that's so nice there you go you're all dressed suitably now that looks amazing good for you so this is the uh the entrance these little shoe coverings to protect the floor if you ever doubt how friendly turkey is i mean how nice is it that somebody completely random just came and gave marianna headscarf for free and then another lady came up and showed her how to how to put it on [Music] [Music] we've just been into the mevlana museum which is where jalaladan rumi was actually laid to rest he's known to his followers as mivlana or roomie he was a famous poet and philosopher and one of the greatest spiritual thinkers of all time what a fantastic visit to this museum it feels so emotive seeing so many different people praying and at peace and looking at all the artifacts that are on display there it's definitely a must if you come to kanye just walking inside seeing the tomb this famous tomb with all the walls covered in intricate mosaics big chandeliers and just soaking up the atmosphere as people walk around and pay their [Music] respects [Music] and right next door is this wonderful looking mosque called the sultan selem kami mosque and it overlooks the square here we're going to go and see if we can have a little peek inside so the doors are actually made of carpet here they have big doors on the inside but during the day they have these carpet doors and it's fascinating because they've actually attached these big handles so that you can open the door how cool is that so we're inside look at this magnificent building the detail on the ceiling it's very peaceful in here lovely carpets on the floor [Music] so that was lovely to go inside the mosque and see all the decorations on the ceiling a wonderful peaceful building i think like any places of faith there is a really calm relaxed and welcoming atmosphere absolutely five minutes walk from the mevlana museum is the mevlana culture center that you can see behind me this is the home of the famous whirling dervishes they perform here every saturday night at 7 00 p.m turkish dervishes spin in a hypnotic deep prayer to islamic hymns a display staged in worship to allah and the performance lasts for 15 minutes it's one of those must-see things if you do come to kanye hello chap how are you you're a bit away from home where are you heading okay well he's walking down a long road in the sun so we've decided to put him in the greenery of the graveyard [Laughter] there you go you're happy now yeah see you later mr tortoise [Music] look at this amazing shop here all these wonderful nuts there's a lot of dates for sale in kanye historically the prophet muhammad actually broke as fast by uh eating dates and that is uh that is definitely a thing here in kanye and there are loads of dates and they look absolutely amazing yeah look at that half a kilo of dates so we just spotted this little shopping center lots of kitchen stuff available for sale down here good night i love cooking stuff anything to do with food you know me walking along you can smell they've got all these coffee shops and they're all grinding coffee and the smell as you walk around is amazing we're definitely starting to enter the food zone with roast chickens and butchers shops there oh there's the food market look let's go in here oh wow here's the main the main food market here big selection of spices olives some tomato paste different cheeses looks like they look like little pears try he's giving you one to try is it a little pear oh my goodness that's really good does it taste like a pear an elmer i'm not sure what that is they've got some very stinky looking cheese oh it's very blue it's very blue yellow cherries do you want to buy a few or they taste like cherry but they're not as sweet i think i'm gonna buy some because the sweet ones are so sweet that actually if you mix them in a bowl it'd be really nice just a few yeah perfect perfect how'd you say enough in turkish we're walking around kanye there's a lot of moss and this one is a particularly old and famous ottoman style mosque and it's lovely just walking through the park here all the gentlemen stopping and having their cup of teas and having a little chat whenever so we've arrived at the azizier or azizier mosque i'm not sure how to pronounce it an absolute fascinating building look at it they've said that this is one of the must-see moss one of the oldest mosques here in kanye and it looks absolutely amazing and it gets its bright light from the huge massive windows in fact it was it show it was just explaining over there that the windows are like twice the size of each door [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the area and the streets around the azizier mosque is the main sort of old town shopping area here in kanye so we're going to go and have a little walk get lost in some of these streets possibly go and find some food and uh just show you what we see it's so cool these little shops and all these little cobbled streets and everything's laid out really nicely and manicured with these beautiful little plant pots in the middle of the road i'm really impressed with kanye it's been it's obviously got a young studenty vibe a really cool feel lots of mosques loads of different shops but it's such a lovely warm friendly place but i'm not sure how many tourists they get because people are staring at us cameras that are giving it away and i thought we were fitting in like a local now we're locals now which way are we going look if you look in the streets around here you can see all the way around us there's lovely shops and little side streets and it's just lovely just to go and get yourself [Music] lost [Music] everyone's very friendly saying hello to us i get lost really easily all these streets they all look very very similar sort of like in a crossroad pattern thank goodness i've got chris but there's lovely buildings and uh old mosques at the end of these streets look look up there you can see the uh the tower beautiful scarfs up here look at that look at the color walking around they tend to collect all the shops together so you'll find all the clothes shops together all the bag shops together and hopefully we find a place where they've got all the food shops together [Music] good night in [Laughter] good so we've stopped for a chai and a little scooby snack wow look at that and we just thought we'd sit here and just watch the world go by for a minute and just have a moment to have a nice cup of tea and a bit of breakfast i just want to share this moment this is like a civic bread that's been opened up and stuffed with cheese but look look whatever english yeah everyone's just so friendly is that not amazing anyway back to my amazing summit that looks like it is completely stuffed with cheese our oh my lord that is good i can't describe without showing you look look at this it's just so super soft very often you bite uh simmet from street vendors and they tend to be quite hard towards the end of the day they dry out a little bit but this one has literally just come out of the oven and it's just so soft that is what a simmet should taste like this may could be completely controversial chris and i have been in turkey for over 15 months tasting sampling all the food this right here people is the best simmer that we have ever ever had because the cynic was so good here we're gonna use google translate and go and tell the guy how good it was [Music] in fact we liked it so much we've actually got a couple to take out just walking down there's another beautiful mosque up there look at it isn't that absolutely stunning kanye's not normally one of those destinations where western tourists come and walk around the city they tend to drive past her on the way to places like cappadocia but if you do drive past if you're self-driving i would definitely recommend coming and having a walking around this lovely city it's just a fascinating place to spend 48 hours and we are now in the jewellery quarter it's our 25th wedding anniversary whatever so maybe maybe you want jewelry love do you oh look we're coming into the shoe section [Applause] [Music] honey covered nuts perfect beautiful they are my favorite to be a real turkish person you have to indulge in these sunflower seeds and they are massive sunflower seeds and when you when you go to the beach you always see turkish families with big bags of sunflower seeds and they're all nibbling them um but don't throw them on the floor because they can make a real mess so we're just going to go and meet a lovely family that we met when we were parked up on lake beshear they're going to take us out for some lunch i think is the plan today so we're just trying to find their car how are you it's very busy yes yes hi hi how are you we found you a lovely day okay let's introduce these guys hi we met them in lake bashir basia here this is mustafa and his daughter and we're going to go and eat eckley ekmek which is a famous dish here in kanye and if you come to kanye you can't say you've been to kanye unless you've eaten right this is the ugly eggman yes but this is not a pigment oh he's very skilled the way he's stretching it out look at that i think he's been doing this for many years he made this 40 40 years 40 years 14 years since 40 years wow that's why he makes it look easy the master is brothers and little brothers oh they're brothers yes ah so it's a nice family business yeah look at the size of that it's the size of the panel wow he makes fishing amazing this is a special one so this is the name of the place jihan pidei this is atletic first and sometimes they serve with with uh different things or not traditional should be like this you normally you roll them up don't you like like a cigar and we're gonna check in this is the mincemeat one oh that's good [Music] it's beautiful and then you have it with a these are the grilled peppers long green peppers they're not hot and they've cooked them in the fire as well oh so good how good is that good perfect delicious and then this one is mixed with the meat and the cheese and also looks delicious happy marianne thank you for a lovely lunch and we will see you next time wearing kanye bon appetit we had a good night meeting good yeah we had fun bye this is where we spent the night in our van last night next to the panorama museum here in kanye just next to the hilton garden inn and over there is the mavlana cultural center but we've heard that there is a free government-run uh campsite here in kanye so we're gonna go and check that out for tonight and show you that there we go there is the caravan park just there here's the campsite they got this cool little campsite the water electric a couple of little picnic tables and it's nice and quiet and then there's a toilet block and sort of like two sinks sitting down toilet sit down toilet squatting toilet and there's a little shower with electric uh heating this works really good we had a fabulous night's sleep here in the uh the campsite what a wonderful facility it's a shame that they don't have things like this back in the uk um a free little campsite free electric free everything sorry i just smacked you in the head um and it's wonderful because it attracts people to come visit the town and uh which is exactly what we're gonna do today we're gonna go and find a butterfly farm marian did a little bit of skilled level in there on the chocks up onto the pavement [Music] so we're just arriving at the tropical butterfly park so this is where we are the cogna tropical kelly bake bash chessy very cool looking building and kelly beck is butterfly oh there you go so entry is 1750 tl so the 228 degrees which is about the same outside just just humid and eighty percent humidity there you go [Music] you're coming it's a tropical jungle it's a bit like being in malaysia look there's little butterflies flying around banana they're huge lovely flowers [Music] marion's got one on her foot [Laughter] [Music] one thing's for sure walking around in there in the summer when it's 28 degrees it's a little bit hot so we're cooling off with an ice cream i really enjoyed the butterfly thing it was hot it was humid and it was sticky but nothing an ice cream can't solve one thing i would say about visiting the butterfly place is that during a pandemic when you have to wear your mask it does get very warm um right kanye we're leaving and we are heading to cappadocia you

2021-07-25 08:11

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