Inside Sri Lanka’s Forgotten Countryside

Inside Sri Lanka’s Forgotten Countryside

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May 1949 so just after World War II  ended and this Factory is absolutely   crazy it seems to have been taken Maybe  by a fire hello cute such a chubby little   boy I don't know what I bought this guy  is trying to tell you but watch out let   the man pass drunken people drunken people  what is that arrak it's arrak no it says   toddy a toddy like toddy palm toddy palm  wedding wedding oh it's Hall it's for weddings good morning from Hatton yesterday  we went all the way from Matale to Hatton so   we moved a little bit South kind of 3 hours  south and what better place could there be   than the local temple wow! I feel like starting  off in the local temples or the local church is   always kind of our favourite thing to do because  it gives you a little bit of an understanding of   your surroundings basically and finally enough  obviously we're standing in a Hindu temple right   now and just over here is a Christian Church  I love that about Sri Lanka so much of course   that was a lot of hard work for the country of Sri  Lanka to bring Unity to the people but as of right   now all of the religions live very very peacefully  together and it's always such a nice thing to to see now of course you can buy these beautiful  offerings here as well from amazing locals that   are here in hatton town center and this here  is hatton Town Center now I'm not going to   lie to you guys we walked through here just a  short uh like an hour ago just before breakfast   and I have to say there's not much going on  in Hatton Town Center uh Hatton Town itself   seems to be a place for tourists to basically  pass through on the way to Adams Peak or Nuwara   Eliyah but today we want to show you a side  of Hatton the real local side of Hatton   and all of the outskirts around here because  I think there's a few hidden gems to discover   around here that haven't really properly  gotten exposure yet everyone knows about   Nuwara Eliyah a lot of people know about Adam's  Peak there's thousands of videos about those   locations but not that many about the surrounding  areas and the local true local areas of hatton so   let's check out the beautiful area here in  the central Province today both of us are   wearing helmets we just look like absolute dorks  as you guys can see hello just quite literally   1 minute outside of Hatton and here we are what a  beautiful place I am so excited to go deeper into this now I'm not 100% sure but I think  this is a tea oh yeah now I can see it   yes it's a tea Factory wow how cool is that  it's the dickoya tea Factory that's really neat   to see it uh directly so close to the streets a  lot of times the tea factories are a little bit   sort of tucked away in the tea uh Hills and  here on the right we have a Hindu temple a   smaller one very nice and because a lot of times  the tea pluckers are tamil people so of course   the Hinduism is very strong in these communities  and here is the church again why is there always   a church when there's a Hindu temple yes indeed  so welcome to Dickoya which is a I think a small town   just outside of Hatton and when I say just outside  I mean quite literally a 5 or 10minute drive and   this seems to be the town hall of Dickoya or abuali  town hall 1997 I'm not too sure if that's when   it was built it doesn't look like it but the very  interesting and almost Colonial looking building   it seems to be a lot older than the late '90s  that's a nice contrast very interesting as well   it's nice to be able to have the scooter again  the freedom that comes along with having a scooter   here in Sri Lanka is unmatched it just opens up  the whole country to you hello good morning this   building 1997 oh 1997 wow Town Hall yeah yeah no no no wedding wedding oh it's for wedding oh it's   for a wedding wedding wow people have weddings there ah okay okay ah I didn't understand the the   yeah yeah yeah okay thank you cool thank you so much thank you yeah I do think it's from 1997 W I   think it has nothing to do with colonial buildings  it's just that uh it kind of looks like Dickoya might   be one of those places that might be a little bit  forgotten and this is what can happen to houses   hello how are you hello that's a lot of beer  beer beer oh Ginger Beer this one egb it's not   it's not egb what is that arrack it's arrack  no it says toddy a toddy like toddy palm toddy   palm oh coconut coconut tody oh okay okay you'll be very happy a lot of drinking huh drinking drinking byebye my God any who what I tried to say  was this is what can happen when these types   of places might be a little bit forgotten over  time and uh just in under 30 years there might   be a lot of Decay because the weather here is  quite harsh actually it's not uh super nice calm   weather if you know what I mean so people have uh firewood and you'll actually see people collecting   firewood quite a bit here here in the highlands  because of how high up we are hello how are you   good we are about 1200 meters up in elevation so it's pretty substantial it's pretty substantially High   um it's high enough that you don't need an AC you  don't even really need a fan to be turned on it's   cool enough without all that stuff but people  have firewood just to keep warm so for a lot of   the local people here in Sri Lanka it's actually  very cold at this elevation hello Hi how are you good Yesa I agree oh yeah yes you are Tamil yeah yeah  yes nice man you want something   what did you get to eat I don't know I  tried to ask him what what is this one you only want toddy and arrack I tried to ask but he didn't speak  English I don't know what I bought   this guy is trying to tell you but  what are we talking it's made with lentil or   what okay oh oh careful careful let  the man pass drunken people drunken yes it's called l so he agrees this guy has had   this one is sweet  apparently oh it's good tasty tasty yeah have one have one yeah it's going to  make you more drunk though cuz there's sugar in there good yeah very good very good very good very good thank you so much nandri bye-bye bye-bye it's okay I think we just got saved by a local the uh  the guy definitely had one too many hello how are   you good he definitely had one too many I think  people were even walking by as he was talking to   us telling us that he had way too much to drink  so that's unfortunate it's an unfortunate part as   well of uh a lot of the more rural areas I think  of Sri Lanka because uh obviously there's not much   jobs not many jobs going around in a lot of these  areas unless you're willing to be like a farmer   or to basically work in your family business  or if you're if you're enough to have family   that has a business so that's a big big part of  it we definitely have seen um a lot more people   struggling with alcoholism in these areas but  I think it's normal look at how cute this one   is adorable Rottweiler hello how are you yeah  the giant paw wow hello so cute such a chubby   little boy you're so girl it's a girl it's a girl  yeah okay wow so this here is very interesting   so it's actually a foxing center where you can  make calls you can send faxes this quite literally   looks like something from the ' 80s or the '90s  I was I was wondering how many people use still   okay when when did it stop are you coming  Germany Germany can I be seated no problem noely yeah the name is the name ah okay just  for the name when did it stop when did it when   did it finish about 2 years 2 years two years  two years ago okay very long time though yeah   yeah very nice sign very beautiful yes is  bye-bye thank you thank you nandri nry by byebye sorry I needed to know how long  like if it's still ongoing with the   faxing and the until 2 years ago so until  2022 yeah there were people doing local   calls there and faxing stuff I haven't seen  a fax machine in like 20 years yeah hello come hi good morning B come [Music] hello wow look at this for a bus the party bus  hello and just like that I think   we've walked ourselves out of Dickoya so an  incredibly small town here in rural Sri Lanka very full bus but a very interesting town  and it does have the feeling that there's not   much going into it at the moment but the  people here do seem to be quite content   let's jump on the bike there's plenty  more places to explore around Hatton   that that's not Nuwara Eliyah like I said  plenty of places have plenty of exposure   and we in this series in Sri Lanka we want  to try and shine a light on the truly hidden gems there's plenty of food here really  amazing fresh fruit everywhere as well hello and we found ourselves a little church  that seems to be nestled in between all of   the tea plantations the pine trees and just  nestled into beautiful nature wow doesn't get   much more beautiful than this this is Christ  Church Warleigh which Hatton like the name Hatton   itself is uh comes from it's English it's  an Eng it is a place actually in England   and Warleigh is also a place in England now I'm not too sure how cor how correlated those   two places are but uh this church I'm not  too sure when it's built but it looks very   very old 18 since since 1878 there's a sign I  should just read built entirely out and under   the church It also says 1878 built entirely out  of stone out of brick yeah it's a very uncommon   to see it like this WOW let's put away the  helmets and uh check this beautiful church out what an absolutely gorgeous place this is now  upon coming in here we're greeted by a graveyard   leading up to the church itself and believe it or  not here lies William re reev tatham that's not   a Sri Lankan name so I think that a lot of the  people that seem to be buried here are actually   English people that would have been here so yes  this man was born on the 25th of March in 1861   and died on the 17th of August in 1904 wow talk  about history talk about a very interesting time   in history Alan Long price um all of the graves  seem to be kind of from 1890 to 1910 approximately   but all of these people died very young like this  man here for example died age 33 33 years old yeah   well 41 45 yep the life expectancy back in the  late 1800s uh would have been probably around   probably early 40s would be a typical age for  many people to live to so got 36y olds I'm very   surprised by how well preserved these graves are  it's like comparatively if you look at these types   of graves in Europe they are nowhere near as well  preserved as these ones yeah we have graveyards   obviously in Europe all over Europe from these  time periods people that passed away in the like   late late 1800s early 1900s but you're not going  to see them in this type of a condition this is pristine   it's incredibly clean well kept very peaceful  as well there's a lot of people as well with   the surname brown brown yeah saw like four  or five very very typical British surname   cecil Howard Stewart wow and the church  itself doesn't get any more picturesque   than this talk about an absolutely beautiful  structure proper Old English structure right here hello hello what a beautiful place yeah so cool wow hello how are you fineo this church is truly very special and  uh the priest that just showed us around he   has been working here for 25 years and  he's saying that a lot of people from   various countries visit this place every  single day he's here every single day for   25 years he says every single morning  I believe he said from like 8 to 12 or   something like that very cool and from here  you have an absolutely stunning view over the lake wow there's even some people kayaking  down there in the lake which looks very very   peaceful I'm curious to know where you can rent  those kayaks that would be very interesting to   do cuz this Lake the color of it is just so  special it's kind the very like green blue   nearly turquoise very nice wow can you believe  this it has to be the most beautiful location   of a church that I've ever seen in my life and  that's not an exaggeration at all doesn't get   much more Scenic than this we are quite literally  surrounded below us by the tea plantations of the   Hatton area and this massive beautiful Lake  in front of us here as well this is something   else there's even people like rafting out  on the lake as well M it's gorgeous that's   what I just said I'm wondering where you can  rent The Kayaks yeah or the rafts or whatever   you want to call them and down here you even  have some newer Graves as well these seem to   be from 1995 you can obviously very easily  spot the new Graves this one is 1985 wow what a place so this Lake that we are driving along right  now is actually not a lake it's a reservoir so   it's a it's a man-made lake and oh my God it's  stunning I cannot believe it just the the views   from the scooter are absolutely insane here the  nature is just something else of course you have   a lot of tea plantations here which is agriculture  but still so much nature there in the back as well wow is this a old tea Factory yes nice  can you go inside no dangerous you can   okay you want to check it out yeah I'm  going to bring the bike up bring the bike nandri wow this seems to be an old kind of  abandoned tea Factory sorry we just kept driving   for a while all the way through Norwood to see if  we can see something interesting because the small   villages I mean they're all cool in their own way  but they all are also a little bit similar so we   wanted to see if we can find something interesting  and I think this is the interesting I think you   have to be very careful with open toe shoes here  let's just see what we can see the boys said you   can go inside but I'm not too sure I think you  can just open the door over there there's the   door sorry crazy I wonder from when this is It's  properly oh there's some signs up there entirely abandoned so like the main the main industry  obviously of these Highland areas as you can tell   the main sort of uh demographic of people once  again is Sams and the tea picking is definitely in   full swing at the moment we actually saw probably  a couple hundred tea Pickers Tams that were out in   the Rolling Hills around here picking the tea  and this Factory is absolutely crazy it seems   to have been taken Maybe by a fire and that's  actually really funny cuz that's a sprinkler   alarm from Manchester this is a sprinkler alarm  that's from Manchester in the UK very very cool super interesting little find that we came  across here on the bike they put teaes in front   of the door is there boxes of tea in front oh  yeah true these are boxes that would have would   block off the door but they're probably used  as well to actually have to gather the tea in   and this glass here is very very old you can feel  the age of that glass it's single pain and here is   where I'm assuming a fire took place it seems like  the fire would have started somewhere here and   just basically taken this whole section of the tea  Factory with it very eerie sort of a place here   the roof is pretty much gone or closed down and  local started to take scrap metals that's also   something that could have happened as well is it  could have literally just gone out of business a   long time ago uh maybe when the the British left  for example and uh since then maybe local people   have been taking the pieces of the factory  for themselves to use asz I'm sure a lot of   what this fact was constructed out of was probably  decent Quality Sheet Metal and a lot of the living   conditions of a lot of people around these areas  unfortunately are not very high standards so um   sheet metal roofs held down by bricks like these  ones right here that's what I just wanted to say   all of the walls look like kind of like similar  to the roofs of the um little sheds that you see   all over y people live in so could be that they  removed it but not sure of course anything could   have happened here but there is a little football  field here for local kids which is cool yeah this   is one thing that Sri Lanka does incredibly well  no matter how uh poor or working class or lower   class the area might be they always manage to  turn a space into whe a football field or a   cricket field or basketball area for people to  play it's just it's very very nice and it gives   a gives it a community feeling it's is funny  with the tea production chimney just kind of   in the middle of the football field crazy only in  Sri Lanka you have the chimney here and there's a   ladder the ladder is actually still fully intact  so every Rong of that ladder is still in place so   you could actually climb up to the top of that and  you're probably going to get a pretty crazy view   but I don't know how willing I would be to climb  up that yeah usually I'm the more adventurous one   of the two think but no I don't think it's a smart  idea to go up it looks a bit Rusty wow talk about   going back in time oh 1949 May 1949 at least  a chimney wow so just after World War II ended this was erected here I'm  wondering actually was this   Factory probably functioning  then during the second world war wow what a view what a  beautiful place unfortunately the   caught up to us so we had to make a hasty return  back to our guest house here in Hatton and I have   to say this guest house is one of the most unique  places that we've ever stayed so far in Sri Lanka   and we've stayed in some pretty quirky places  but this here has to be on top of the list so   we couldn't finish this video without showing  you guys around this place this here is called   te- Hills Bungalow in pattern so definitely check  this out we have a fire pit which I've never seen   before in an accommodation like this where it's  just readily available like this very interesting   like I said earlier people collect firewood so we  could actually go and probably get some firewood   put it here and have ourselves a cozy little  fiery evening the views as I just showed you out   over beautiful estate full of tea so the smell is  amazing especially right now with the rain coming   down this here is a whole nice seating area you've  got a sink to wash your hands you even have what   I imagine is probably an idea for an eventual bar  situation or maybe a restaurant or something like   that very very nice coming in here you have like  a big lobby area as well plenty of seats tons and   tons of space look at this potential for a very  very beautiful kitchen you even have an ironing   station as well I'm sure that you can do your  laundry I think there's a washing machine just   over there to do your laundry they've got a room  for a driver or for someone if you're doing a   tour or something like that if you're bringing a  driver he can sleep in the room over there and I   want to show you guys the room as well because  wow it is unbelievable this is actually our   room believe it or not but I'm not going to show  you that because we're not clean people put it   that way the second we arrive somewhere it kind of  feels like our suitcase explodes so it just close   everywhere so we're going to show you a different  room though yeah yeah we have we have this whole   place to ourselves Believe It or Not uh like  I said people just kind of pass through Hatton   so they just head straight towards noira Ayah or  they'll just literally stop here maybe for a night   before doing Adam's Peak there's literally nobody  here it's just us in this place since we arrived   I think we saw two foreigners maybe they just  looked like they were actually getting on the bus   or something exactly look at this room look how  epic these rooms are it's actually kind of done in   like a real old English style so you've got high  ceilings it's ceiling fans as well there's no AC   you have absolutely no need for an AC up here in  the highlands it's actually pretty cold right now   um because of the rain and this here I believe  is a family room so you've got two double beds   you even have this sort of like a chill single bed  for maybe some kids you've got beautiful balcony   this here is actually just a private balcony for  probably a family overlooking that beautiful view   again you've got Kell you've got fridge you've  got loads of glasses and everything that you   could need and and have a look at the bathroom  bathrooms here are absolutely crazy wow and this   one here is no exception so you've got these big  beautiful bathtubs free standing free standing as   well which is really cool and it's done again in  like a really old style so like it's one of the   most elegant looking places like this is a crazy  bathroom and it's so much space I think up here   there's three rooms that are available plus the  extra room for a driver or anybody like that this   is uh out of this world and it's very very cost  friendly as well I think we're paying somewhere   between 20 and 25 a night or Euro a night so it's  fantastic our room is pretty much the exact same   just that we only have one bed instead of three  yeah exactly and the common theme of our room is   more like yellow and gold so this one seems to  be a little bit more kind of silver and white   yeah it's really really amazing though like  it's one of the cooler accommodations I think   that we've came across in Sri Lanka and I have to  say it's incredibly clean so like quite literally   spotlessly clean which is crazy it's located  in a very quiet area as well as you might have   seen this the there's always just like one Main  Street where there's a lot of hustle and bustle   a lot of traffic and this is kind of tucked away  so it's really quiet and nice and they also have a   restaurant yes which we had food in last night and  that was really really beautiful very tasty food   yeah you can get stuff like uh English breakfast  so they do a lot of like English inspired things   they also do Sri Lankan food we had a Sri Lankan  omelet for breakfast breakfast is included as well   in the rate for the rooms so yeah this place I  think is a fantastic little gem here up in the   highlands of faton and I hope that we've sh you  guys a special side to this particular area of   Sri Lanka I haven't seen any videos about these  surrounding areas deoa and the whole surrounding   area there is something else like we are genuinely  Blown Away by how friendly the people are by   how gorgeous the nature is this place is a must  visit and don't skip it don't just head straight   towards the more heavily visited places because  where there's more tourism a lot of times the   and the flow of money is kind of controlled and  it goes through certain people whereas when you   come to places that are lesser discovered you're  going to be spending your money with the right   people and people that genuinely do need it and  need the tourism and we can feel it here in this   place this place definitely needs more visitors  and we're also very close to Adams Peak so in   case you're planning on hiking Adams Peak this  would be the perfect location for it the perfect   place if the weather is good yeah yeah it's  only like quite literally around 20 minutes   uh drive from it so just get yourself  a scooter or they actually will drive   you to Adam's Peak and you can arrange it  through them but for now my name is Luke   my name is Naomi we're the two M explorers  and this is your reminder to keep exploring   and we'll see you guys in the next Lan and  Adventure HTI for watching HTI nry byebye

2024-12-14 22:10

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