Inside China’s Lawless Gangster Enclave In Laos

Inside China’s Lawless Gangster Enclave In Laos

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I am in Northern Thailand at the infamous Golden  Triangle where three countries are meeting we have   Thailand here we have Myanmar over there and  we have Laos over there well kind of because   over there is an area called the Golden Triangle  special economic zone which kind of belongs to   China and in this video we are trying to visit  this zone no picture okay I just came here on   my own really you're brave this special economic  zone has been leased by a Chinese company called   king's Roman Corporation for 99 years behind  the king's Roman Corporation is Zhao Wei an   allegedly sanctioned chinese-born gangster Tycoon  according to the media this zone is now notorious   for illegal activities like human trafficking  drug trade and money laundering still the place   is apparently full with Chinese casinos and hotels  but how can the place that the media calls the   lawless playgrounds of Laos be a popular place to  visit for tourists and will I be safe there when   I visit with my camera there is a risk of being  kidnapped here there's a guy following me now   let's find out feel free to join now the first problem is that I am actually  not 100% sure if I am able to enter Laos from here   according to Google Maps there's an immigration  office which is actually right here and yeah I   read some reviews some people were writing  that they were able to enter Laos from here   some people said they were not so we have to  figure that out first of all can I park here   and yeah so the first problem is will I be  actually able to enter Laos from here and then   the second problem is will I be allowed back into  Thailand later on because yeah I'm only planning   to spend a few hours over there so these are the  two things that I have to figure out now and then   we see what will happen so yeah this is not just a  tourist day trip tour that you can do I'm actually   leaving Thailand so I will get a stamp out of the  country and then I will get a stamp into Laos and   then yeah I have to return later and basically get  a new Visa into Thailand so I'm not sure if that   will work but let's see step by step and yeah the  first thing that I noticed here check it out we   already have a Chinese characters written here  so I think they are expecting Chinese tourists   here so I can imagine that also Chinese tourist  who are visiting this region of Northern Thailand   they would like to go over there to the Chinese  City also over there everything in Chinese already   so it starts already here on the Thailand side at  the immigration office okay we're having National   departures here Golden Triangle Thailand Laos  border crossing point actually I think Crossing   into Laos won't be the biggest problem for me  I think the biggest problem uh will be if I am   able to enter Thailand in a few hours again  and yeah taking photos is prohibited inside   the building so let me figure this out and then  I will update you once I'm done okay we do have   the first problem I'm not allowed to leave now or  I am allowed to leave but he said I'm not allowed   back into the country unless I I have the three  things that are written on this paper the first   of all I need 10,000 B in cash with me in order  to be back allowed into the country then I need   a ticket leaving Thailand so they want to see  a proof that I am leaving Thailand soon and I   need a a hotel booking or an address here in  Thailand so 10,000 B cash no problem actually   I have a lot of cash with me anyway because I'm  not sure how things will turn out over there and   how much money I actually need so I have 10,000 B  cash with me I have an address here because yeah   I have a hotel where I'm staying I just need a  ticket leaving Thailand I don't have a ticket   yet so I will try to uh book a flight leaving  Thailand right now and then I should be able to   uh leave Thailand and be allowed back in later  okay in 5 minutes later I do have a booking for   a flight leaving Thailand next week let's try  it again and I am out of Thailand so I got a   stamp leaving Thailand now so later when I come  back fingers crossed everything will work later   we will see that later so then in theory I should  be able to get a new stamp into Thailand so a new   30-day Visa exemption in my case Hello can take a  boat here yeah yeah how much 100 100 bu what time   is the last boat coming back 8 8 8:00 okay okay  I got a boat ticket for crossing the river into   Laos and yeah also the officer told me that hey  we can't guarantee you that you will be able to   enter Laos that's the thing of the immigration  over there that's not our our business and yeah   I need a visa for LA and I should be able in  theory to pay for that on arrival check it   out you can see all the buildings that are being  built over there including the big golden building   that's the main casino over there I think and  I just missed the boat to be honest most of the   people here also most of the people inside the  immigration office seem to be Chinese people I   saw lots of Chinese passport but I got to say it's  a beautiful area right the weather is nice the sun   is shining we have the big Buddha statue over  there which is where I filmed my intro earlier   and then over there we have Myanmar we have Laos  SL China and Thailand here okay let's go over to LA to be honest I can't remember the last time I  did a border crossing via land usually I'm flying   into the countries so this is by the way this is  also my first time going to La I've never been to   Laos before it's one of the few countries for me  left in Southeast Asia where I haven't been to yet   but to be honest I don't expect a very L  experience today based on from what I've heard   it's actually more like China over there also it's  really interesting so I checked into my hotel here   yesterday and then I asked the lady working at the  reception about uh how I can go to Laos here and   then she said yeah you can take the boat here in  theory but actually you're not going to Laos then   you're going to China over there that's what she  said so let's see how long this boat ride will be all three go now to be honest during this boat ride I  felt a bit nervous because I just didn't   know what to expect I read all the negative  reports about this place and I just had a bad   feeling going there some of the reviews  on Google for example say warning the   land is owned by tar a US sanctioned Chinese  gangster Americans are banned from entering   to prevent the outside world from knowing  which International crimes are committed   here foreigners get kidnapped in this area and  extorted for money absolutely horrific a place   of misery to be avoided have a look at this it  looks like they are building a proper arrival   Hall here a proper Immigration Center Golden  Triangle international border checkpoint this is   actually very interesting very exciting day for me  I really like International Adventures like this   I'm the Border Enthusiast I like seeing borders  of countries Crossing these borders especially   doing it in a way like this via boat this is  way more interesting than just flying into a new country thank you and just like that we have  crossed the river which is by the way the Mong   River one of the biggest rivers in the world  and let's see how the arrival process would be   like here in Laos oh check it out everything in  Chinese here I feel a little bit like engineering China hello just go here yeah okay I think in  Laos they say savadi as hello in Thailand you   say savadi and then you add cop if you're  a man or car if you're a female and in La   they just say savadi here we are unlocking  a new country on my list first time setting   foot on Laos territory here I am in Laos well  officially I haven't entered yet uh I think   there needs to be an immigration office here  which is actually pretty cool I mean look at   this what a nice looking immigration office and  we have welcome to Lao PDR yeah literally all   the signs here are also in Chinese so they are  really prepared here for Chinese people arriving   here also in the Thailand immigration office  there were lots of signs uh in Chinese In tha   and in English uh warning for drug activities  uh sentences saying like don't be involved in   any drug crime over here things like that so  ready hello ah oh see that sa car maybe she's TI oh have a look at the sign here cheris life  stay away from drugs pretty dangerous looking   sign over here right and yeah I think I won't  be able to a film in here so uh see you on the   other side okay I was giving an arrival card  which I have to fill out just entering some   basic information uh which you have to fill out  in many countries when you enter them so nothing   special and I am officially in Laos and I got  welcomed with the immigration officer scamming   me because the official price for the visa to  Laos is $4 you can read it everywhere online   and the officer even told me you have to pay $40  and then I said oh I don't have US dollar with me   can I pay in thaad and then he said well in taibat  it's 2,000 which equals to $55 so that's $15 more   than the official Visa price but uh obviously I  can't do anything in a situation like this okay   so in order to get to this speci economic zone  which starts over there you can see it on the   background already the high buildings there uh I  need to find the transportation somehow uh to be   honest I was expecting that there will be like Tuk  TS here or something like that uh this looks like   form of transportation but it looks more like  maybe from a casino or from a resort oh we have   right taxis right here maybe I can take one of  them hello you can take me to a casino yeah okay okay again n you speaking Chinese I want to go a casino oh we have a translate here  okay Casino yeah yeah yeah okay   you are Chinese right China ni okay  Jong I don't speak Chinese I'm from D yeah yeah oh I'm from Germany oh to small  yeah I want to make a video about the city   here oh yeah yeah okay so I think it's going  to be only like a 10-minute ride maybe it's   not that far away and the first impression here  is quite nice big uh New Roads here everything   looks very new and you can see everywhere uh they  are still building you are photo Journal no no no   no no no I'm not a journalist just a tourist  everything here is Chinese I feel like I am   in China and not in Laos feels like a China here  here we are the big [Music] Casino oh there are   big signs here life is a beautiful Journey don't  ruin it with drugs no filming is allowed inside   the casino yeah okay I know I know yeah okay uh  how much money in uh Chinese low low low 30 hey   but Chinese money is okay right uh you can  change 100 okay what does that say 30 10 10 hey hey hey okay 40 okay hey okay okay it's okay  okay sh thank you so much okay so yeah the main   currency used here is a Chinese money luckily I  still have Chinese currency with me because yeah   I was in China earlier this year so I just paid  a 40 Y for the 5minute ride and here I am look   at this this is L have a look at this I'm getting  really maau Vibes here uh oh there's a swimming   pool even that looks interesting oh yeah earlier  this year I have been to maau which is a special   administrative region of China next to Hong Kong  and maau is known as The Last Vegas of Asia it's   full with casinos everything is very fancy very  Posh very interesting and to be honest my first   impressions here are it's very similar to a maau  wow very very excited now to explore around here   but wow have a look at this building here I  think this is called the king's Roman Casino   which is the main uh attraction the main building  here in the in the city to be honest I'm not even   sure how the city is called I only know the name  of the The Zone here the Golden Triangle special   economic zone but I'm actually not sure if this  town here even has a name okay to be honest my   first impressions here are it actually looks quite  nice uh not at all like what I have imagined like   I told you in the intro already the bad reputation  about this area you hear so many things and I'm   not going to say now that all these things are  not true not at all uh but I'm just saying that my   first impressions here are not at all as I would  have expected I would have expected a very dodgy   place where yeah a lot of illegal things are going  on and usually when you're in areas where you know   there's a high crime rate lots of illegal things  are going on usually it feels a bit doy right and   I don't have this feeling here at all at least uh  my first impressions here are not at all like that   and look at this this looks like a like a public  pool here just in the middle of the city but yeah   let's not judge too early of this place let's  have a proper look around I'm going to spend a   few hours here and then in the evening I'm going  to return or late afternoon and then we're going   to have a final Judgment of this area but to be  completely honest with you I still don't feel 100%   comfortable being here yesterday evening I read  a lot about uh this Zone and I read about people   being kidnapped here especially Western tourists  because they usually uh have the most money so   uh yeah you you read all these bad things about  the place and actually like earlier this morning   I thought oh do I really want to go there  do I really want to risk going to a Dody   place where there is a risk of being kidnapped  although that's probably a very very very little   risk but yeah according to all what I've read  There is a risk of being kidnapped here so to   be honest I'm still not 100% comfortable being  here but first impressions like I said are very   better than I would have expected I see lots  of electric cars here so it feels very similar   to China this is also interesting the the cars  here don't have plates there are no number plates   on not on all of the cars but on some of the cars  here once again there's a Mercedes-Benz German   car without a number plate not really sure why is  that and I am back in sou Asia nobody is stopping   at the zebra Crossing I mentioned that in a video  a few weeks ago in Korea in East Asia where cars   are actually stopping at zubba Crossings but uh  not here in Southeast Asia I just have to go and   this looks like a mall here maybe I can find  a restaurant or something it's actually it's   boiling hot here also walking around with a black  T-shirt is probably not the best idea so maybe I   can go somewhere inside with airon okay I found a  supermarket and literally everything here is from   China all these products are all from China and  even the prices here are in Chinese un not a la   money everything here is a Chinese maybe I can  find my drink from China here the the coconut   drink with a girl on the can oh yeah I also  like this yogurt drink here from China when   I was in China I drank this pretty often it's  really delicious yeah all the the Coca-Cola the   Fanta the Sprite cans are all written in Chinese  this is so interesting a country inside a country   okay I didn't found the coconut drink I was  looking for but I found this one which I also   really like are you Chinese no you're from la  laar la ah okay how do you say uh thank you in [Music] La thank you and H H okay H sa is hello  right hello okay okay that's in Chinese okay   thank you so much bye-bye okay so uh not everyone  here is from China but uh all the products here   we from China okay we have a noodle restaurant  here heu noodles and I think more restaurants   down here literally every restaurant I see is  a Chinese restaurant so I don't think I will   be able to try Laos food today to be honest  which actually would be nice I mean Chinese   food I tried it already before in case you don't  know earlier this year I spent quite some time in   China I traveled all around the country I think I  visited six or seven different cities in China so   if you're curious to see my travels in China you  can find the videos on my channel so this is the   Laos writing and then it's always as well in  Chinese and oh I think we have a Chinese ice   cream shop here let's check it out and ice cream  would actually be quite refreshing because the sun   is boiling hot let's see if I can get ice cream  here hello meow you have ice cream here ah ah   6 un ice cream and uh some drinks here oh here  we actually also have the national uh currency   from Laos which is called keep I think thank you  very much let's give the ice cream a first try   I'm trying to avoid the the Sun a bit to be honest  because it is very very hot today and here we have   another construction site Shanghai bio group  Corporation limited be honest I need to be a   bit careful not to get lost here because I don't  have a working internet here so I can't use Google   Maps this is also interesting the atmia you can  either get Chinese R&B or you can get taibat you   can't even get the local currency here it seems  I'm wondering why Thai bat though maybe because   tourists from Thailand are coming over and then  they are spending money here so you can't even   withdraw the local currency here oh yeah this  looks actually very typical LA to me they have   these uh Tuk TOS here which are on three wheels  and I saw videos from Laos before like I said   I've never been to Laos before and to be honest  I still don't feel like I'm in Laos but I saw   videos from Laos before some of my friends have  been there before and I recogn Guys these tuktok   from there okay I can't read any of these signs  but I think I want to walk this direction looks   like a shopping area most of it is closed at the  moment which is maybe due to the fact that today   is a weekend and it's a very hot afternoon but  I see you see the the top of the roof there that   looks like like a castle actually maybe that's  interesting so let's walk over there and by the   way you're currently watching the second episode  in my new series where I'm traveling all around   southeast Asia to visit places that have something  to do with China like this one right here so if   you are new here feel free to subscribe to the  channel to follow the journey I have the feeling   that it is a bit quiet today uh yeah like I said  it is a weekend it's a very hot afternoon so not   many many people are out in about like I am but I  can imagine this is maybe like a little bar area   yeah there's even a sign saying bar where maybe  in the evening people can get together drink a   few beers I see a hot pot place here and look  at this they're building something very nice   here something that looks very nice looks uh  almost European and over there there's water   so maybe there's going to be a very beautiful  water front but yeah as you can see plenty of   construction sites all around the place here oh  and also I forgot to bring my sunscreen I know I'm   going to be wet like a lobster this evening oh wow  it is so hot here note to myself next time don't   wear a black T-shirt when it's boiling hot like  this what an interesting looking building right   not sure of this is going to be a hotel doesn't  really look like a hotel right maybe a casino as   well very interesting I think already I would be  curious to visit this place again in like 5 years   see what this place has become judging from all  the construction sites here I would guess that   in a few years the place will look very different  even bigger than it is right now here we have some   buildings that are not permanent I think probably  uh the houses of the construction workers here   that's what I guess because yeah there's a huge  construction site there how not sure if you're   Chinese or from La this by the way is the building  that has this roof that looks a bit like a castle   which we saw from the distance from over there I  mean I just asked the security guy over there if   I'm actually okay to walk here and he said well  he didn't say anything but he was just nodding   the head so I think I am okay I actually  would like to see if I can go to the river front people here very surprised to see me I  can see that in the eyes oh it's okay you can   keep going I walk behind you yeah you can  really feel uh how much is being invested   in this place there's literally construction  site every few hundred meters here and really   big construction site I have to say by the  way if you enjoy this series that I'm doing   currently traveling around southeast Asia visiting  Chinese related places then uh leave the video a   like then I can see that you enjoy the series  okay I think I found a dead end I'm a bit lost   I thought I can walk around there and then return  to the casino but I think I can't continue here   oh no so I have to walk all the way back yeah I  feel like I don't belong here I'm in the middle   of a construction site as a tourist by the way  huge respect to all the workers here working in   the boiling heat must be like 35° minimum how  can I go to the Cao I want to go to the casino   Casino I can walk here yeah yeah oh okay sh thank  you actually the people here are quite friendly   like many of them are smiling to me saying  hello oh wow have a look at this this looks interesting yeah I mean this is still a  construction site here but imagine how this place   is going to look in I don't know when they will  be finishing with this building but maybe in one   or two years probably a casino resort something  like that wow this is beautiful I really feel a   bit like I'm in maau maau has very similar  buildings huge casinos they look very fancy   very Posh and it is the same here actually  look at the big clock on there which is not   showing the right time wow this is an interesting  place to be honest I wasn't expecting something   like this here I really thought this is going  to be a very dodgy maybe also dirty City very   typical stereotype dodgy place with a lot of uh  criminal things going on but yeah I want to say   something about this but I will say that at the  end when we are having a final conclusion okay   you know what guys I really need to rest in an  air conditioned place so I'm actually going to   enter the casino now I'm pretty sure there will  be airon inside oh and there's a very interesting   looking Chinese building over there which we will  check out once I'm cooled down by the way here we   are having a map which I'm not sure if this is  the map of the town from right now or just a   future map how this is supposed to look like but  yeah we have the Mong River here and we have the   Thailand side here I'm pretty sure this is not a  real map because there's nothing on the Thailand   side here which is not true so this is probably  an AI generated map how this place is going to   look okay so let's check out the casino here  looks very fancy and Posh right wow actually   I have good memories about casinos in China hello  hello hello I was in maau earlier this year and I   did some gambling there and I was actually quite  lucky maybe I should try my luck here as well and   these are the buses that we saw earlier at the  immigration maybe I could have used them as well   to get straight to the casino okay this is good  here here's air condition much needed we actually   just spoke to the security guy over there and  he said I am allowed to take a video here in the   arrival Hall just not over there where the casino  area starts but uh yeah looks very fancy and Posh   in here and if I would turn my camera around now  there's the area where the casino starts which I'm   not allowed to film but yeah there's a wall and  then you can enter and then I'm guessing there's   going to be a big gambling area the security guy  just approached me and asked me if I want to go   to the top where I can have a beautiful view feel  like I am the only person here that is not from   China yeah every tourist here is from from China  right yes you also from China no from local here   I'm la oh you're from La okay okay from V ven oh  the capital yeah how is the capital is it nice   yeah yeah you never been there I never been there  no but I want to go one day that looks beautiful   yeah thank you for telling me about this oh I  didn't know it easier oh thank you so much can   so I can go outside here right can can can okay  okay oh wow I was sitting down there cooling down   and then he approached me and asked if I want  to come up here oh I wouldn't have found this   place without the friendly security guy the LA  people land us a piece of land while we were   returned them with the city beautiful harmonious  and peaceful Yow rented this place the area around   here for 99 years to this Chinese company that  is building all of this or funding all of this I   can't really uh see here because uh even for me  as a tall person the fence is literally on the   height of my ice so I have to do like this but  yeah I can hold the camera up so you guys can   actually have the full view here looks like this  yeah so this over there is at Thailand and you can   see we have dark clouds over there in Thailand so  maybe it's even raining over there but uh not here   in Laos I'm wondering how much a night cost here  that's actually also interesting I was researching   hotels in the area on uh or on Agoda  where I usually book my hotels and booking and   Agoda are working all over over Asia I never had  any problems using these two platforms but for   this area I couldn't find a single Hotel neither  on booking nor on aoda which makes me think why   is that because there are obviously hotels in the  area all these Chinese tourists that are coming   here they must stay somewhere but you can't find  any on booking or aoda so my guess would be that   on Chinese hotel booking sites you can actually  find hotels but not on yeah the internationally   known ones like Agoda or so I couldn't  find the hotel here so I don't know how much it   might cost here excuse me y I'm just wondering  how much is a room here in the hotel the room   here looking the r here start starting from uh 600  600 R&B uh R&B but uh in the T about 3,000 B 3,000   B okay cuz I couldn't find uh online on booking  or aoda cannot right they not so it's only on the   Chinese Hotel side yeah yeah you see starting from  600 and 800 okay but why why can I not find it on   booking or Agoda only on the Chinese sites in here  they don't use uh the Agoda and website also they   don't use it if you need to call you booking here  you can call directly to our St all but yeah the   cheapest room is a 600 which should be about $80 I  think lights yeah you can go here and turn lights   turn right over there yeah it is ah okay okay  what is your name na'vi na'vi nice to meet you   nice to meet you thank you so much for your help  okay okay thank you bye-bye byebye okay so there's   an area over there which is called Chinatown  which is a bit bizarre because the whole area   here feels like Chinatown you know but the area  over there is called Chinatown and I'm curious   to uh check it out also there's a music coming  from somewhere over there so let's have a look   and this is also the area that I mentioned earlier  before we enter the casino also to be honest I   was worried if I'm going no pict no picture okay  over there can can yeah okay this was now a funny   situation I was literally about to say that  I'm actually surprised that I can openly film   everywhere here because I was expecting that you  know if it's a Dody area a lot of criminal things   are going on then usually people don't really like  uh people walking around with a camera and filming   but uh I haven't had any problems so far today  but literally as I am about to say that the   security guy told me no video here but he was  very friendly and he said I can come over here   and then I can film again and currently behind  the camera not visible for you there are two guys   with sunglasses uh looking at me very uh weird so  I think I will keep moving on and here we have uh   the Chinatown area which uh looks very interesting  I'm I'm a bit uh not want to say nervous but I'm   struggling to find the right world now because uh  there's a guy following me now with sunglasses so   I don't want to point the camera in the direction  now but uh okay he's not following me anymore now   he's uh standing over there so he's uh he has  a black T-shirt a black cap and sunglasses on   on his hat and we even have a KFC here hello you  I'm from Germany Germany Germany yeah where are   you from from Ethiopia Ethiopia you know ethopia  yeah yeah in Africa Africa the capital is Adis   ADBA Adisa yeah yeah you from Frankfort no no  no not from Frankfurt I'm from nor North Germany   North Germany yeah yeah cool nice to meet you what  are you doing here uh we are chilling you're here   for Holiday tourist no we work here you work  here this is uh the holid day holiday yeah so   we are chilling how's the life here how long are  you here for already 3 months three months three   months yeah it's cool it's it's good yeah it's  good can't complain how long have you been here   just uh 2 hours 2 hours I just came here on my own  really yeah yeah you're brave is it dangerous area   here no no no it's not not dangerous cuz I heard  many stories that this is dangerous area and many   criminals here no it's co no it's good yeah it's  good have a good time bro nice to meet you nice   to meet you okay so there you heard it from people  who are living here saying it is a nice area not   a bad area but yeah unfortunately everything is a  bit empty here which yeah once again I think or I   guess it's because of the weekend and because of  the time of the day but yeah one more note about   the the guy who was uh following me and looking  at me uh I think there was one building that I   was not supposed to film when I was in front of  the building when I left the casino that's also   when the security guy approached me and told me I  can't film here and then the guy who looked like   he's following me for for a few meters he was  I think the guard of that building so I'm not   sure what building that was it was right next to  the casino but uh yeah everywhere else so far no   problems with the camera here I don't have the  feeling that I have to film secretly like I'm   openly walking around with my camera here all day  uh already and no problems at all and yeah earlier   today I was like H will I be uh able to film open  lead there usually in dodgy areas you can't really   just walk around with a camera like this but  here so far with this one exception of this one   building no problem and there's an interesting  sign here long lift the friendship between Laos   and China so they seem to be really uh yeah good  connected I also know for example that China built   rway tracks in Laos they also have a high-speed  train here in Laos now which is from the Chinese   yeah it seems like the relationships between Laos  and China are really strong but yeah overall I   have to say it's a very clean City everything  is new and modern I feel at least so far during   the day here I feel safe but yeah I just don't  have the feeling of being allowed to be honest   I feel like here I am in China the party still  going on oh and there's a pool party going on   here I think and yeah literally every person I saw  here today except the workers are Chinese and of   course accept the guys from Ethiopia who are also  working here but all the tourists here seem to be   from China okay I'm back in front of the casino  now which yeah seems to be like the main center   point of the town so I'm going to get a taxi now  and then trying to cross back into Thailand so   fingers cross that I will be able to cross back  into Thailand otherwise I do have a big problem   because literally all my things are in Thailand no  I want to go to immigration Thailand Thailand okay ah uh immigration Thailand Thailand  yeah yeah the boat the boat the boat okay okay I'm back at the immigration office  and yeah hopefully no problems now leaving the   country and then entering Thailand again but  yeah I do want to mention one thing already   now before I try to leave the country  we might have another situation here of   Western media reporting very bad about something  related to China and then the reality is a bit   different um I know some of you will go wild  in the comment section now oh K you're being   so naive you just spent two or 3 hours there  you don't really know what's going on yes I   agree with that I can't look behind the scenes  of what's really going on at this place just by   spending 3 hours here as a tourist I definitely  agree with that but I also have to say that   yeah I read all the the the news if you Google  this place uh feel free to do it check it out on   Google you will find lots of Articles or YouTube  videos about this place uh which are very very   negative this place is run by drug Lots run by  criminals it's a place where a lot of uh drug   trafficking happens and many illegal activities  so I was under the impression uh that's why I   was concerned to come here because I was under  the impression oh it's going to be a very Duty   area I'm going to feel unsafe there there's  the risk of being kid things like this were   on my head because of all these uh reports I was  reading or watching on YouTube about this place   but then I came here the reality at least from  what I can see now after just 3 hours is very   very different and you remember when you have  seen my videos from China China in general is   very negative uh portrayed in the Wern media  and then when I actually visited China the   reality was often very very different so I feel a  little bit like this is maybe also the case here okay that was literally a one minute thing  just got a stamp out of the country so now   I'm basically in the middle between two  countries so if Thailand doesn't allow me   back in then I have to come back to Laos and see  if they would allow me back in and yeah bye-bye   Laos I'm sure I will be back for a proper  visit okay and we are back on the Thailand   side so let's see if I am allowed back into the  country and I am back in Thailand and yeah this   was actually a very very easy immigration  process uh the officer didn't even ask to   see the flight that I booked earlier that the  other officer told me I have to book he didn't   ask for a proof of 10,000 B nothing just got a  new stamp I have a new 30-day Visa exemption now   so very easy going and yeah I didn't see  any dodgy things going on over there but   do we really know what's going on there now  after visiting this place for one afternoon   as a tourist of course not and yeah now I'm  very very curious to where read your thoughts   about this place over there in the comments and  if you haven't seen the previous video of the   series where I visited a Chinese built ghost  town in Malaysia then feel free to check out   the video right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-08-12 09:47

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