INDIA Vlog 23 - Things to do in Munnar | Kerala

INDIA Vlog 23 - Things to do in Munnar | Kerala

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Hi Travellers! We're at Munnar right now, This whole part was unplanned, And that's why we're running. We got offered a Jeep safari. We're planning to visit a few places tomorrow as well, But we might not be able to go on this Jeep safari again, So we scheduled it for today.

Elina, Wait. We're visiting a viewpoint in the evening to watch the sunset, And we're going to see a waterfall as well. We'll tell you everything including names and places when we get there, But right now we're late, So we have to eat and leave soon. Because it takes approximately 3 hours to complete the Jeep safari. Right now, We're at our hotel in Munnar. We'll bring you those details as well.

Okay, Let's go. This is the Jeep that we're going to travel. It's approximately a 3-hour ride, Let's take some short eats and go. Otherwise, We'll miss the sunset. Shall we go now? Yeah, Let's go.

Elina wanted to go on a Jeep safari. Elina said that "I want to go on a Jeep safari." Hey, Where are you going now? Jeep safari. Look where her hand is. She knows how to go on a Jeep. The climate here is just like Haputale and Belihuloya, But since this isn't the rainy season, It's not so cold here.

And I don't know how cold the nights would be. When we were at Kochi, I saw that the temperature was 15° C around 2 a.m. So let's see. I think it'll get cold as the night falls. We came back to the cold from Shimla. Since it's not the rainy season, The water levels are low at the waterfalls. But he told us that there is a waterfall with plenty of water, Then we asked him if he was sure about that.

Because we didn't get to see the things we saw in photos on our boat safari. Then we got upset because it felt like a waste of money, Because it would be nice to see something worthy of the money that we spend. We don't get to see these places very often, We could go there anytime if this was Sri Lanka. Pepper.

Our driver is showing us the surroundings on our way, They have grown Jack, Coca, Coffee, Pepper, Rubber, Banana, And so many other plants that we could find in Sri Lanka. So this feels like we're going somewhere in Sri Lanka. Let's see. It's so beautiful around here. Our first stop is a waterfall, Our driver said that there are two roads to get there, We'll have to climb some stairs on the first road there, And we'll have to walk around 300 m on the other road to get there.

So we chose the second road. Let me carry you. You'll have to be a little careful. There are a lot of people here, If I'm correct, This place is called the Chunayanmakkal Waterfall or something, I'll add the correct name below. We have shoe flowers here, Just like in Sri Lanka. This waterfall starts at Munnar, then it joins a river, and falls to the Arabian Sea at Kochi.

The road is a bit slippery as well. Let's go to the waterfall and see. This place is a little crowded since this is a weekend, It's all so beautiful, We have a nice view over there.

We're on our way back to the Jeep to reach our next destination, It's a little crowded here right now, So we didn't get the chance to get a nice photo of us. There were so many people, And Elina was getting uncomfortable, So we came back. Here she is on my shoulders. Let's go. Kasun is right behind us, So let's go to our next stop. There's another waterfall called Ripple Waterfalls on our way, Kasun went to see that, But we stayed at the Jeep.

Because Elina gets tired from constant traveling, And I'm not feeling well, So we told Kasun to go alone. We asked him to bring some nice photos for us to see. We're going to see the Ripple Waterfalls, It was also closer to our route, So our driver stopped there.

Chamari thought this would be tiring for Elina, So they stayed. There are shops on both sides, And this place is well-constructed. It's almost sunset now, There's a zipline here as well.

If you visit here, You can try that too, There's a small set of stairs that would lead you this way. Looks like this zipline goes both ways. This is the first viewpoint, And you can go down from here as well. Wow, It's so beautiful here. Some people are having a bath over there. This is the main viewpoint.

As I said, Everywhere is crowded since today is a Saturday, And it's difficult to take a beautiful photo or a video with this crowd. Otherwise, This place is so beautiful. Shootings of many Malayalam movies have taken place here.

We need to make space when a Jeep arrives, Because there is no space here for two Jeeps to interchange. This place has a huge tourist attraction, And most of them are Indian tourists. This was built by the British, And this is where it ends. This whole bridge is being held by these two single bolts.

And everyone goes through this bridge. Including us. These two cables support to hold this whole bridge. We have the dam over there, And our driver said that when they open the dam in June and July, A huge flow of water could be seen here.

He said that it was so beautiful around the bridge during those times. There's a beautiful view here as well. We shot all these videos using this Fujifilm. And I'm shooting this clip from our Go-Pro.

Okay, It feels risky to be here, Because this bridge is shaking, Just like our trembling bridge. Let's go to our next destination. We're at the Ponmudi Dam right now, The dam we saw earlier on the upper side of that bridge, This is it. The water level is low.

The dam is over there. The water level of this dam goes up to 707 units. And when it does, They open the dam. The water level is too low right now, But it gets higher during June and July. So, This is the view from here.

And we recommend you not to come here on weekends, Visit here on a weekday if you can. People also come here for the sunrise, We should ask for those details too. This place has a 360° view, Elina, Say something. I wish we had a drone right now, Elina, How would you fly a drone? We could've flown it like that. We're going to finish our blog for today, And go to our hotel. We've planned to go to Munnar tomorrow, It's Munnar, Right? Yeah, We've planned to go on sightseeing in Munnar tomorrow.

We'll bring you them from another vlog, Please subscribe to our channel, Follow us on Instagram and Facebook as well, Elina, Say subscribe for more videos, Say it. Subscribe for... She says "For no videos." Okay, We should stop this now. Jayawewa. Hi Travellers! Today we're starting our vlog from Munnar.

We're in the town of Munnar right now, This is the Munnar town. We have a roundabout over there, A Munnar policeman is also there, We were planning to go on sightseeing in Munnar, To visit a few of the tourist attractions here, Today is a Sunday, And as we mentioned in our previous vlog, Everywhere is crowded today, There's traffic on the roads, And I presume that the places we plan to visit are crowded as well, Because today is a Sunday. Our first stop is a tea garden, Sathyan Bhaiya is our driver for today, And Sathyan Bhaiya is taking us on our sightseeing. This is the car that we used to travel this whole time, We need to give some credit to our Sathyan Bhaiya, He keeps this vehicle very clean all the time.

He has added these towels to the seats, He keeps it very pleasant. It's very beautiful, And this car smells good every morning. I think this is the best and cleanest vehicle that we found on this tour. He keeps it very clean and organized. In other vehicles, The front-row seat has a headrest attached.

This vehicle has it as well, But he has removed it so we can have a better view, And he has pulled the seat to its front-most position, So that we have more space here. And he hung this bag here for us to keep our trash. You should learn from him to keep our car clean. He keeps his car very clean. Let's go to our first location. We've brought you to see a beautiful tea plantation, In case you haven't seen a tea plantation before.

This is the first tea plantation that you'll find between Munnar and the Mattupetty Dam. This is the first location and the first viewpoint that you'll find. Tea plantations are not new to us, Because there are plenty of tea plantations in Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka. But you'll have to travel through thousands of kilometers in India To find a tea plantation like this. Many Indian tourists come here, I only saw one or two foreigners. This plantation is used as a tourist attraction, better than it is being used to pick tea leaves.

You'll have to buy a ticket for 20 INR before you enter the tea plantation. This area was used in the Chennai Express movie, If you can remember there was a scene where Shah Rukh Khan is dancing on a tea plantation, They've used this area to shoot that scene. Some posts have mentioned that they shoot that scene in Sri Lanka, But it wasn't in Sri Lanka, They shot it in Munnar, A village in Kerala. And it wasn't in this tea plantation either, But if we found its location, We'll show you that as well. I saw it in many videos.

And I think that tea plantation is in this route. We'll show you if we found that. Even if it isn't a new thing for us, It feels different from a different location and a different perspective. This place is very dusty, And the dirt is all over our clothes and shoes. It's because not just the workers, But the tourists also walk here.

And it feels like Nuwara Eliya if you visit here during the monsoon. But now the dirt is on the trees as well. Our clothes are ruined. There are no leeches here, They can't survive in this dirt. Would she eat mango? We bought a bag of mangos to eat. Elina ate a lot yesterday, That's why we bought it.

We came to the Madupatti Dam. I bought another spice pack for our home use. Chamari has bought a few things as well. Look how different our choices are. We have Capsicums here. As I said earlier, This place is a bit crowded today.

There's a river and a dam here, Since we saw a dam yesterday, We weren't much interested in coming here. But since the road was so beautiful, We came all the way here. We have Jet Skis here, You'll have to go to the other side to get the speedboats.

As I saw, You can go on a Jet Ski for 300 INR. Jet Ski Point. Swan boats are over there. But walking under this sun would only make us tired. This whole area is dedicated to shopping. They have built their businesses around this location.

Other than that, There's nothing else to see here. There might be something over there, We'll see. Elina wants something for herself. What does she want? Here, Go with your father and buy what you want. This one all 10 only, madam.

10 Rupees sale, My shop only. No near price there. Just see. Look, Cinnamon. Do you want Cinnamon? Elina really likes to eat Cinnamon. We bought Elina a Peppa Pig.

show them your Peppa. Peppa goes to the...? Library. If you want to buy spices, We highly recommend this place.

There are so many spice gardens here, And speaking of prices, how were they? The outside market prices are reasonable, But there are some showrooms around the spice gardens, And they have very high prices. You can buy spices for the local price from here, And from Munnar town as well. They have Cardamom, Cloves, Nutmegs, Cinnamons, and everything here. They have everything that you need to make a Biriyani. You could go for a boat ride, But it's too hot to have a boat ride now.

The evenings are better. This place is too crowded because today is a Sunday. I think they offer the boat rides on the other side. Can you see the shore over there? I think that's the normal boat ride. We have the Jet Skis and the Swan boats are over here.

But it's actually pointless. It would be crazy to go out there in this sun. The evenings might be nicer.

Yeah, I told them that going on a boat ride is pointless in this sun. Look at them ride that boat over there. Hey, Show them the Peppa Pig.

Where did you get this? Who bought this for you? Was it Mom? Look, There's a dance. I think we're on that frame as well. So let's stay then.

How's your drink? It has two lime slices, salt, and what is the other thing? It's a soda. It's good. Should we give this to Elina? Should we let her try a sip, Since it is lime? But it has soda, Right? Elina is massaging him. Thank you, Elina.

I accidentally recorded my speech as a timelapse earlier. Sorry guys. You must've seen it already. Maybe we'll post that too. Shall we go now? Let's go. It's so sunny here.

Elina is giving me a massage. Here's our Bhaiya. Sathyan Bhaiya, Let's go.

This area totally looks like Ella, Sri Lanka. Even the trees have this strange dryness. It feels like Ella. Our next stop is Kundala Lake. They have an Eco point there as well, Along with boat rides and other activities. Let's go and see.

We didn't go on a boat ride at our previous stop, Because inside the boat could be very hot due to the sun's reflection in the afternoon, Even in the boats with a roof. There's garbage everywhere, And that's all we see when we go on a boat ride, I saw plenty of garbage over there as well. This vehicle has stolen our hearts in India, Force Traveller It could be customized as a camper vehicle.

That vehicle could be seen everywhere around here. But Sri Lanka doesn't have them. We're at the Kundala Dam right now. Elina fell asleep again, So I left them at the vehicle, Chamari couldn't come because If she awakes in the middle of her sleep, someone needs to be there with her. The sluice is over here, They have a few of them.

A bunch is swan boats are floating over there, They have already opened some of the sluices. I think this is the first time that we're standing on a dam. It's beautiful. There are a few photographers here. They would get your photos captured for Instagram or Facebook with a small charge.

We met a person with a drone yesterday, He would make a small video clip of us for 500 INR, And most people take their photos to post on Instagram. We asked him how much he would charge for a full day and he said 5000 INR, Which is approximately equal to 30,000 LKR. He said he would be with us the whole day capturing us with his drone, But we weren't sure about whether a drone could fly around here, Because there was a board saying that drones cannot be used on the dam premises.

The most beautiful part is over there. There are a few stalls here as well. This is where the boat area is. And we have the prices here.

Oh, They have single Kayaking here. I should go like I'm still single. Brother, Kayaking boats? Kayaking 400 Rupees sir, for two people. No, one person. 250 Rupees sir.

250 Rupees? Yes. Tickets here? Ah okay. We can buy tickets from here. I have to put this life jacket on. It's a 30-minute ride. Let's go, Alone.

Oh, It's nice. It's a beautiful view from here, But I'm not allowed to go beyond that marker. I'm only allowed to ride on this side. It's fun to go on this alone. I didn't want to come here at first, But I felt really free after coming here alone. We got sick after coming here.

And Chamari would blame me when she sees this video. It's so beautiful, The dam is over there. This is the Kundala Lake. It's beautiful with all these surrounding mountains, forest, and Swan boats.

This ride really has its worth. It's so beautiful here, And it's getting a little cold, Just like in Ella, It's chilly and sunny. It's not much of a cold.

I have another 15 minutes left. I have arrived at the other shore of the lake, And that is where I need to go. I can't go near the dam, But I can directly go over there.

Let's go this way. Okay, Thank you. They have this type of boat as well. People go to the middle of the lake and spin around on this. I think since the boats don't have permission to ride on this side, People take photographs here.

As I mentioned earlier, You can get your photos taken for a little amount of money. I forgot to take off the jacket. Woah, It's so beautiful.

I didn't bring my camera, Because I thought bringing it would be pointless with all this crowd, That I wouldn't be able to take some nice videos here, But I could've got some videos if I brought my camera. That's fine. This is the beauty of the Kundala Lake. We came to have some lunch, This is the menu. Here's something that you know. We have Kakka roast and Kakka fry. What do you want?

What do you want Chamari? Should we try one? No, Are you crazy? We can have Kakka roasted or fried. Okay, We're going to say Goodbye to Munnar. We came a little early today, Didn't we, Chamari? Yeah, We came here a little early, And that's good because we did a lot of walking yesterday, We left early today, So the evening felt like a rest day for us, Isn't it? It felt like a rest day because we skipped two of our stops.

One of them was a flower garden, So we skipped it. And the other one was a spice garden. We didn't have much interest in going to either of these places, Because the flower garden was just a normal one, It only had Anthuriums and a few other flowers. So we missed that on purpose. It doesn't matter how much we travel, We always care about our child.

Because her hunger, Her sleep is a priority of ours, If she falls asleep in the middle, I'm staying with her, And he'll take the trip. Because we've been taking her on a 40-day trip, And she has been so supportive of us. Our child is very strong, Isn't she? We get so tired sometimes, But we were able to balance everything with her. We haven't tried many extreme things here. Munnar has adventure parks, Hiking, Camping, and so many other activities as well, For a couple, A group of friends, or for solo traveller, There are so many beautiful places here that you could go to.

You should try all these beautiful things if you come here. We only tried the things that you saw in this video, And we're planning to go to Thekkady from Munnar tomorrow, We're going to visit Thekkady, Kerala. There are so many beautiful hotels here, If it fits your budget, You can choose them. We were here on a package, So we requested to reduce our hotel budget in our package, Because we wanted to save our money to spend on the places that we visit, by reducing the expenses of the places that we're staying.

And since we could have our meals from the outside, We didn't request our dinner and lunch from the hotel. We only ordered our breakfast from here. We were able to budget those things. But if you like to stay in a good hotel, You can request a hotel as you prefer.

Let's go for a room tour. And we're going to end this vlog now, Please subscribe to our channel, Make sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok as well. We're going to end this vlog after the room tour. We'll see you tomorrow, Not tomorrow, We'll see you in our next video, At Thekkady. The best thing is that we have a balcony area. Because it feels really calm to sit on a balcony, With the cold of the night.

Kasun, Isn't it nice here? Yeah, It's nice. This is our room. There are lights everywhere.

This is the bed, The wardrobe is here, This room is more than enough to keep all our stuff. There's plenty of space available here. Kasun has a table to edit our videos, But the chair is a bit short for the desk. Yeah, the chair is a bit short. We always have an issue with the table or the chair at every hotel that we go to. It's always the chair.

At the moment, Kasun is editing our Shimla video. You'll watch that video and so many others by the time you get to see this video, Elina is asking us to show her, So here she is. Elina is watching the Blippi.

She asked me to show her. This is the bathroom, It has the typical basket and everything. Come, Let's show them the outside. Yeah, The outside is beautiful. This outside area is so beautiful, This path leads all the way to the reception, And walking that could be also considered as travelling.

But it's beautiful with all these flowers and animals, Animals mean there are some caged birds, Those poor things were caged and they have a bright light inside the cage. Here, Let me show you. Look, they have installed a light inside the cage. They might think it's still noon.

Yeah, I saw them last night as well. They kept those on all night. What to do, Right? Okay then, We'll see you tomorrow. Let's go.

2023-07-22 09:02

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