iMovie 2020 **FULL TUTORIAL**

iMovie 2020 **FULL TUTORIAL**

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Hey folks today I put together a full tutorial all about iMovie. So if you are new to the subject of video editing this, is the class for you iMovie. 2020. Coming up next on Tech Talk America. Believe, It or Not Apple, originally, released iMovie, 21. Years, ago the year was 1999, and yours, truly was, a less. Than popular, 16, year-old high schooler while many full time video, creators, eventually, graduate, to pro apps like, Final Cut Pro Adobe, Premiere or DaVinci, Resolve a lot, of people first started, their journey using. IMovie, over the course of this class I'm going to be teaching you several, keyboard shortcuts, to help you edit faster, and with higher efficiency and. Because it can be difficult to remember all of these shortcuts I have created a simple PDF guide which you are welcome to download and print at home you'll, find a link to that guide in the description of the video and while I've decided to make this guide free to the public if you, would like to contribute even just a couple of dollars to help support my youtube channel it, is greatly appreciated, at this point I feel like I need to give you a brief, explanation as, to the footage that you're about to see so, a couple of weeks ago I was visiting friends of mine in Spain, and one, of the places that we went to was the Sagrada de Familia, in Barcelona if. You ever get the opportunity I'm, telling, you go, it is one of the most spectacular, human. Achievements, of all time by the way just for some context, I shot, all of this footage days, before. They closed the church due to the corona virus pandemic everything. You're about to see was shot on my iPhone and the only other tool that I used was a 3-axis. Gimbal if, you're not familiar with the gimbal this is one of mine I have about seven at this point and what it basically does is it stabilizes, your phone so you can get really smooth and steady shots, now, the prices of these gambles is all over the place you can get them for as little as sixty dollars and they go up to several, hundred dollars I'll link a couple of my favorites down below in the video description I want to show you about 15, seconds of the final video if, you want to see the whole thing I will be happy to post it at the very end let's, take a look. Hey, folks I hope you enjoyed that little preview, so at this point let's launch iMovie, and click on this plus symbol to create a new movie, now. The next step in our process is, theoretically. To import all of our footage but, before we do we need to have a quick talk about file management because, this stuff is important. For, this demonstration I, have all of my footage here in a folder, called Spain. Which, I've located in the movies folder that. Being said this, may not be the best storage solution, for you in fact, depending, on how much space you have on your local hard drive you, might want to consider keeping your footage as well, as your iMovie, library on, an external, hard drive and I, need to explain the reason why any. Time you import footage, into, iMovie, iMovie, is, ultimately, making a copy of that footage which, goes here into, this file called. IMovie, library, so. Just know that if your Mac is running low on hard, drive space I strongly, recommend that you move that file as well as your original footage, to an external, hard drive so. Let's now click import, media and I'm gonna direct it to my folder of footage, at. This point we're gonna start to go through our footage and we're gonna start to find the best parts, of each clip to use then, we're gonna drag them down here to this bottom window which is referred to as the timeline, you'll. Also notice that if I drag my cursor over any of these clips also, referred, to as scrubbing, the window on the right will display a preview of the shot if, at any point you want to play or pause all you need to do is tap the spacebar, so. Let's start with this first shot and see how it looks. We, are now going to set what are referred to as the end points, and out points, this just tells iMovie, which portion, of the clip we want to use so, let's say I want, this shot to start here, and. Then. End here. I can. Just place my cursor at, the starting point and then, tap the letter I on, my keyboard now. We can go to where this shot is going to end and tap, the letter O to set the out point, the.

Next Step is to bring this portion of the clip into our timeline which, you can accomplish by either dragging, it and dropping it there or you, can use the e key, which will send the clip to the very end of the project so. Now let's, repeat those same steps with this next shot I'll start, by playing it for you as is. Okay. Let's have it start here so I'll tap the I key, to set my endpoint then, we'll have the shot end right, around here, so I'll tap the Oh key to set the out point, and now, we'll tap the e key, to send it to the end of the project I'm gonna. Speed up this part in editing because basically, I'm just gonna be repeating, those same three steps over and over again I'll set, my endpoint set, my out point and then send it to the end of the project now that I have all of my shots laid out in my timeline I can now start the process of reordering, them whenever, I make this type of video I have found it to be easiest, to sequence the visuals around the music now, if I click on the audio tab here at the top left you'll, notice that I can access any song that's in my music, library if I want to add it all I need to do is drag it and drop it, into the, timeline below the video now of, course this doesn't mean you can legally, use, any song that you purchase through iTunes and these, days if you post copyrighted, music on platforms, like Facebook, they now can automatically. Detect it in seconds, which usually results in them either muting, your video or deleting. It trust, me it's happened to me many, times and I. Like to bring this up because the last thing you want to do is pour your heart into making a video only to have it deleted over the last few years I have tried using several different music, licensing services, and the one that I recently switched to and absolutely. Love is epidemic. Sound, calm, if you, want to try it and see if you like it I have a link with a free, 30-day trial, down below in the video description the, song that I selected to pair with this video was composed by key guru I licensed. This song through epidemic, sound and because, that file is outside, of my iTunes library I'm just gonna download it from epidemic, sound calm, and then bring it from my downloads, folder here. Into my timeline if. You need to make adjustments to the timing, of your shots for example if you need your shot to start earlier, or end later, you can just place your cursor at, the edge of the clip and then drag it to the right or left this. Is also good to know about when setting your in and out points since, they don't need to be a hundred percent precise. Because. We are not going to be using the audio from any of these clips I am now going to select all of them and I'm gonna use the shortcut, command. Shift, m to. Mute everything, except. The soundtrack as I. Mentioned a moment ago whenever, I create montage, videos like this one I really like to make the shot sync with the music so, what I'm gonna do is use this as an opportunity to. Teach you another, shortcut, which, is the letter M which, stands for mark. What. I'm gonna do is now select, the soundtrack and I'm gonna play the entire song and, don't worry I'll speed this part up in editing while, it's playing I'm just gonna tap the M key on my keyboard what.

This Will do is place a visual, marker, on the track itself that. Way when I go to rearrange my Clips I can use those marks, as a general, guide so, that the shots sync, to the music, once. Again I'm going to speed up this part in editing as I now rearrange the clips to determine the order in which they will appear. I'm. Not, quite done rearranging, my shots but I am at a very teachable moment, here, I have a shot that I want to split into two separate. Clips to, create a cut we can use the blade tool just, place your playhead where you want to create the cut and then, press command and the letter B as in, blade on your keyboard all, right let's keep rearranging, until we find the next moment. At. This point I have most of my shots in order but I want to teach you some other aspects, of editing starting, with transitions, if you click here at the top left of the window you will see all of the available options to. Add a transition just, drag it between two, shots, the, default, timing, for a transition, is 1 second, which by the way you can change in preferences, but, if you want to change the timing for just one shot you can just double click on this bowtie, icon, just, be careful about accidentally, clicking apply, to all transitions. And keep, in mind that if you ever do the, universal, command for undo, is command, Z, while. All of the clips that I've worked with thus far are video files I did want to take a moment to talk about working with still images when. It comes to importing a still image into your video you, can either bring it in just like we did with our video or if, that photo is in the Photos app you, can just click over here into photos, and then, I can locate it by either going into all photos, or if, you have it organized into an album you can just pull it up through this menu for, now I'm just gonna import this photo of me which is technically, in Madrid not Barcelona, but hey close enough and for now let's just place this at the very beginning of the video there. Is a preference that I would like to bring to your attention which, you can access by going to the top menu bar click, on where it says iMovie. And then go into preferences the. Second item on this list is where you can have iMovie automatically. Add something called the Ken Burns effect to, still images, which, basically means it'll use a combination, of panning, and zooming in, and out of your photo in order, to give it a bit of motion if that, type of effect does not appeal, to you you might want to consider changing it away from the default setting to either fit, or crop, one. Thing to keep in mind is that iMovie, doesn't really know what it's looking at so, when it applies the Ken Burns effect you should anticipate, having to give it a bit of guidance to, do this we're, gonna click here into the preview window at the top and we're gonna click on this little crop, icon right. When you have the Ken Burns effect turned on you'll see these two boxes these, represent, where the shop begins and, where it ends my, advice is to make the difference, between these two boxes to be as minimal, as possible, a little, goes a very long way, ultimately. The speed at which it takes to go from shot, a two-shot. B is going, to depend on how long the shot is so, if you find your movement is too quick you can just extend the length of the shot which will allow that transition, to take place over a longer period of time when, it comes to adding titles, to your videos you have three, options you can apply them as a video, track in which case it will appear over a black screen, option.

Two Is you can add them on top of a solid, or animated. Background, which is where the backgrounds. Tab comes, into play and the, third option is you can add your title so that it appears on top, of other footage if you, want to preview any of these you, can just place your cursor over, the preview box and then, tap, the spacebar, something. I'd like you to keep in mind when going through all of these various options, is that all of the fonts that you see appear when previewing, these various titles can, be changed. And that subtle change can dramatically. Change the mood in fact, if your goal is to have your video not look like something that was made in iMovie, you, might consider using a font that did not come, with your Mac I've posted. A link to one of my favorite, resources for fonts down below in the video description before. We apply our title I'd like to take this opportunity to teach you one more shortcut, instead, of having to drag my title on top of my shot I can just position the playhead to where I want the title to come in and then, I can tap the Q key on my keyboard the. Technical, name for this is add two connected, media, let's. Now go over many of the tools that you'll see here at the very top which, can all be used to improve the look of your video the, first tool that you'll see here at the very top left is the magic, wand tool this, is where you can let iMovies, a I feature, take, the wheel and make its call about how to improve the look of your video the. Next tool to the right is color, balance in a, nutshell white, balancing, is the process of adjusting the colors to make everything look natural. If you're making a home movie this part may be overkill, but, for those of you who are trying to make your videos look a bit more polished, this, is definitely a process that you'll want to familiarize yourself, with to. Properly white balance you would normally, hold up something white when you're making a video and yes a white piece of paper works, just fine then, you would go here into this setting click, on white balance, and then, click on the piece of paper now, I didn't have anything with me at the time when I took this photo but, just to prove my point you'll, notice that when I click in two different areas of the photo it changes, the overall tone. The, other two options are match color where you can reference the white balance from another shot or you, can use the skin tone balance if your shot includes subjects, that are on camera the, next icon is our color correction options. This, first bar represents. The shadows, mid-tones. And, highlights of. Your video which, you can slide to adjust the. Next tool is for saturation, options, and next. To that we, have color temperature, so, if you want to make things look a bit cooler, you can slide this to the left and if you want to make it warmer you can slide it to the right next.

We Have cropping, options which of course includes. The Ken Burns effect the. Other two options that we have not discussed are fit, and a, crop to fit the, next icon that you see here is for stabilization, and a one click option, to eliminate a rolling, shutter effect the. Stabilization. Tool essentially, is punching, in on your video so, that iMovie can effectively crop, out the shake. Of the camera, iPhone. This feature is best used with the settings set to low and I, found it only works well if your subject is well lit rolling. Shutter is the effect that you'll see when filming something that is in motion and your, camera, is recording at, a lower frame rate the next, tool here is for making adjustments, to the volume and if you have multiple clips that are stacked on top of each other you can check this box here to automatically, lower the volume on those other shots this. Next icon is used for removing background. Noise or you can also add an equalizer so for example if you wanted to further enhance your vocals, the. Next icon which looks a little bit like a speedometer, is where you can go to re-time, your shots so for example if you wanted to slow down or speed, up your clip these three little circles here contain your video and audio filters, so, for example if we go into video filters, I can make this shot instantly look black and white or I, can use this filter here to make it look like it's in a sci-fi movie the. Audio filters are great when you're trying to manipulate your, audio to make it sound like it's in a different environment for, example if you want to make it sound like someone's talking to you on the phone hello. Mr.. Cox this is nurse Anita calling, I need, a vaccine. Your, test results came back and well I am very happy to report that you tested negative for cove 819, unfortunately. You did test positive for vampire, so stay inside and be safe bye bye and finally. Here at the top right we have our inspector. Which just gives us some basic information about the clip that is currently selected to. Add a voiceover, just, click on the microphone icon here, at the bottom left of this window while, technically you can use the microphone on your Mac I'd like to remind you of the famous saying that, while most people will forgive bad video most. People will not forgive, bad audio, if we, go here to the microphone settings. You can see that the mic that I'm using to record this video is the, hype mic made by the company Apogee, I only, recently, started using this voice over mic and I absolutely, loved, it if you want to check it out I'll post a link down below in the video description when. You want to record a voice over just, place your playhead where you want the voice-over to begin and then, click on the red record button you'll. See a countdown from 3 and when, you're done recording your clip iMovie, will automatically. Lower the volume of any other audio, sources now. That we've gone over all of these different tools which you can use to enhance your video I want, to share with you probably, the biggest trick, of this entire video and I, promise, this will save you a ton, of time, many.

Times When you're editing the video you, are going to need to make the same types of Corrections, to multiple, shots so, rather than having to adjust each shot, individually. Instead. You, can create what we call a base correction, and then deploy all of those changes, or just, some of those changes to the other shots I will. Let you know this is where your PDF guide is really gonna, come in and II so, let's say I have, this first shot perfected. And now, I want to deploy all of those settings to a bunch of other shots all I need, to do is click, on my master, clip copy. It by pressing command and the letter C then. We're going to select the other shots, and we're, gonna press command, option. V, now. If you only want to paste certain, changes, for, example the volume correction or just, the color correction, I will, put the hotkeys for all of those in your PDF guide when, you're done editing your video I would recommend, that regardless, of where you are going to ultimately post it that you always use this method, just go to the file menu then, go to share and then, select file at the very bottom before. We export, this file I want to point out a problem that, a lot of people encounter you, see here where it says quality, right. Now we have it set to high quality but, watch what happens in relation, to the file size when, I change it to best, quality, also known as ProRes you. See how that file size just skyrocketed. So, if you're trying to post a video to Facebook. High-resolution. Is going to be the best solution for you it will, still look good and it will keep the file size small, enough so that you don't have to wait a decade, for it to upload ok, folks the video is done but before I show you the final product I want to show you a few more handy tips as your. Project gets longer there are going to be points where you're gonna need to zoom in or zoom out of your project, you can press the command key and the plus or minus keys on your keyboard or if, you have a trackpad, you can just use the pinch or pull gesture. Sometimes. When you're dealing with audio, you may need to create an adjustment to just a portion, of a clip so, for example if you look at my audio track here I have this one portion of the song which is starting to peak and by, that I mean it's going to distort when people hear it at home in order, to adjust a portion, of a clip all you need to do is hold down the R key, which stands for range, and then select the portion of the clip that you want to change now, to lower the volume I'm just gonna drag this little thin line down, you'll, notice when I do it, automatically. Phase my, Oh back up to, its normal level at the very end another, trick I wanted to throw into this class is how to instantly. Clone something, so, let's say you're making a home movie and you've got a funny sound effect that you're gonna use several, times all you need to do to duplicate, it is hold, down the option key on your keyboard and then drag your cursor to instantly, create another copy this, works with everything, including, video clips sound, effects music, and transitions. And now. Without any further ado, let's, take a look at the final video. Thank. You for watching everyone I hope this video helped you I hope it inspired, you to, get out there and start, creating content this, is david a cox with, Tech Talk America class. Dismissed.

2020-04-09 23:39

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