IFHOHYP Summer camp 2018 after movie

IFHOHYP Summer camp 2018 after movie

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Hello. Everybody we're, starting, with, the summer camp organization. Everybody. Not. Really early in the morning it's about quarter to nine I'm, sure. When I'm heading to ain't. Over, or the, idea of a belt over the summer complication, is almost. My, back I mean, the, laptop is packed. My. Clothes however not sure there will be a challenge. But. Yes. Yes. We all I arrived, here together with Miguel, Miguel's busy with. The. Stuff, and you, got a full car I was like I don't, have any. He. Does. Hello. Miguel. What, do you expect of summer camp, I expect everything, you'll be great better we, all already, ordered, you know now. Let's, do the preparation. Then everything, will, be like yes, so we are the only one now so we'll. Be all our allowance, - in. The food cart. Yes. This are my t-shirt, I've made. Service. Is wearing -. Cool. Nice. Yes now to turn. Everybody. Remembers, act like last time when we say. Goodbye in Hamburg in no way remember in. The after credits you know you. Will explain all the, equipment here. And. Then. Setting. Up everything and, then we can start. Meeting. Today. Before. We start a. Meet. You know. Master. Yest, the. Checking is going well today the, participants. Don't. Get the job. Motors. People coming in a. Lot. Of foreigners, yet but, I've heard the Canadians are coming but the boys bogged down so need to change another bus. Right. Now so you're checking is right now 20 people at some point. And. With. The rest of all the participants, here. And. He's so tired, it just came yesterday. For. Two months three months this. Point of where 25, 30. 35. Normally. Is 125, degrees. So. Cool. I. Hope, you will be a good. Ship anyway. But. Wait. By pier with all the participants. Yes. Today. Without picking, up the two translators, and rebellion types today. At Anthem I know train station the, rest already have dinner so, after. Wait a bit more before they come and then be happy you. Can eat I've, got the two pennant type cheer translator. So. We can head back and then have, more fun. Yeah. We got the fire. Also. We, can people everybody is really here now even somebody. Why some people were late. Lot. Of snacks. But. We have so, much good food anyway so in, Japan, in, Germany you, know. Immediately. Canada. Way. Morning. Good. Morning everybody. Nobody, believe me when I'm gone the. Guy that's, doing editing with really late at night for the first. Walk we did or the second flag we did now. I'm going out for one together with Unni she's, packing her stuff let. Me go out for okay and we come back and still. Everybody's, been awake so it's around now. At around 6:45. So. Some really early in the morning yes. And we finish our one did. You leave me and Boyle, just, came in late no. I didn't. See me oh yeah, sure. So. We preparing the obstacle, course yeah, and what did you expect of this this kind of talk. That's. For sure. Mario's. Pants. That's, why I call it because it looks like Molly oh yeah. Luigi. Yeah. We'll, be a lot of intuition. After. A really long day. Of games dead games and, some, is, really you, know not. A hot pool but the cold pool I think you relax hang, out yes. It's. Already cold water so this is really good but it is really good because, it so. Hours. A day what you were in question I had, a great day we, played a lot of funny, games, like. All the Dutch games yes, most, of them I didn't, even know as a Dutchman.

This. Were really old games but I liked it very much, yeah yes. Yeah. Today, second, date so we should you tomorrow again. Okay. Today only our two because. The other ones are still asleep ah yeah. Guys. Are still showing, up you just wanna leave and, you, just show up shall we open three people today that's, okay. Wearing. Now to food in the Netherlands. So. Very. Cool today so. We do some exploring, in the Netherlands yes. A. Lot of fun and you, find. Well. I'm the leader but I just. Let you explore, and everything everything, will be fine. I. Know. What. Would you do if you are tuition, anomalous to go to a, not. The coffee shop where the tourist shop. Yeah. We found another group that is so cool I think we traveled together the entire day. Everybody's. Tired. But. Nobody. Enjoying, it. Will. Be five. Hours and we country in, the bus and. Boss. Come. Here, yes. So, I'm. Gonna ask you how do you like summer camp very nice yes, very nice, what do you teach you learned with each kind of questions, you have summer, camp, but. I learned, yeah, I learned you learned something. I. Don't. Know with more having fun I think the Ashford okay, so. There's my next question to you would you like to organize an eczema camp i yeah. Now. It's too much work for me. Really. Hi. Guys hello. Hello. And, we are here summer, cam and we just had a really great afternoon. Workshop, so what what's up he goes this I did yoga yoga. Yeah, no. Someone. Else oh. That's. Horrible is, it not yeah. Yeah yeah well if you want to check it out find more on the next stomach. Ham. Alright, guys what, are you doing. Action. Painting. Okay. Cool. It's, about feeling, emotions. Or something. Okay. Okay. It's. Fun. Okay. Okay. Okay. Big brush and you, you feel wet right now. Okay. Cool. Okay. Okay. Okay. The. Danish, are relaxed, people I learned yesterday so I, know that part, I understand, this okay. Have. Fun guys. You. Are Superman, for balance. Super. Super girl. You. Mean, like. In Peter Pan being. Being. Being being. Being. And. I'm Peter. Pan. Pupfish. Now. Studying, yeah. Yeah, the. Participant have a lot of fun cool. Man. When. She leaves, German. I don't like it I don't, like she's leaving she should be stay. She's. Leaving. Oscar-winning. Assembly before we go to Mumbai I need, some workshop again. Buddy's. Ready. Now. We're gonna make a good picture it, takes a lot of time to mobilize two people I think, 20 minutes but everybody. I'm. Standing here with cosmos, what do you expect of this theme park it, did is one of the most the best attractions would Italian elements in the south, well, I expect to be like really scared yeah, like. At. Least 100, meters high okay. So. And, I expect to sweat a lot, hell, yeah. Slash everybody. Does yeah this is really. Exceptional weather, we have yeah it's really hot yeah so you like champagne now so, far yeah do it's quite intense but yeah, I like it yeah that's, all about guys yeah, have a good time. We. Go and get wet. Help. Help oh there we go. You. So final, last. Day for tomorrow's. Departure, day so to, be really a last, day and.

For. Me it's finally, a real time of a really free. Day of do, nothing and do some activities, so I'm. Gonna be going to client in claim like, do. Some climbing, in Trinity forever we'll. Be chatting. Yeah. Everybody's. Happy again. Sweating. And all. Are. You ready are you ready finish, the act of God, yes, this. Is my. Special. With. Double, balloon yeah, I made this bomb yeah, this is extra front bombs yes it's a fragmentation bomb it -, yeah. Okay, fish. As. Much there. Will. Be Damali yeah. Thank, you, and a winning time everywhere. Gets. Fired fine. I. Turn. Back yourself. Cute. In. 2020. You. Felicia. Day final. Day, taking. Honey to the airport together with Colleen and sit inside and. Which. Maybe one more day to enjoy this entire video, good. Love. You. To one. No. Chad. Everybody, goes. Go. Got a Canadians. Believing. Oh Canada. How. Many. Can get, no, satisfaction. The cottage. Take. My, Twitter. Come. With, me.

2018-08-31 05:48

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