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Pathways to Adventure corridors to secluded Beauty Idaho Scenic byways can take you to some of the state's Most Fascinating places there are so many that are extraordinarily beautiful Idaho's byways offer an abundance of choices for gorgeous routes through the state from the Stark beauty of remote desert back roads to the soaring magnificence of winding Mountain highways I Ido has it all we really in my mind are the scenic byway State outdoor Idaho takes us spin down Idaho's Scenic [Music] byways funding for outdoor Idaho is made possible by the friends of Idaho public television by the Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation committed to fulfilling the Mo's Legacy of helping to build the great state of ID Ido by The Corporation for Public Broadcasting and by the Idaho Transportation Department when you drive Idaho Scenic byways you put yourself within easy reach of some interesting locations like this one the Snake River Canyon at the birds of prey National Conservation Area hi I'm Bruce rer and welcome to outdoor Idaho this view is just off the Western Heritage historic byway and it's routes like this one that crisscross the state and each one of them can take us to some of Idaho's special places highways twisting through forests Bridges spanning lakes and reservoirs roads winding along to Timeless rivers in Idaho a drive can be an adventure a journey to places of beauty history and inspiration it can be a remote Trek along a Dusty desert pathway or a leisurely spin on pavement bordered by striking Mountain Vistas it's all available by charting a course along one of the state's 31 SE historic or Backcountry byways we really do have spectacular driving and riding wonderful scenery and very interesting diversions that happen as you're driving those byways you start appreciating that that perhaps is the way to travel the byways program began back in 1977 when six scenic routes were designated the payet river the Ponderosa Pine the salmon and the Sawtooth Thousand Springs and the Teton byway they were just I think identifying the scenic values of those places the qualities and uh finding a way to memorialize those for travelers and tourists I think it's just a realization of what we had in the state along those corridors from those first six byways the program picked up steam in 1991 when the Federal Highway Administration developed a national scenic byways program at that time the US Forest Service the Bureau of Land Management and the state of Idaho decided to group their assorted scenic routes under one byways umbrella I think it's the diversity and the wide range of experience that you can have on the byway system in Idaho that makes it so unique if you're not in a hurry and you can take it slow and easy it's an extraordinary way to get outside and to recreate in one of the nation's most beautiful [Music] places they're very much an opportunity to have a very soothing wonderful experience seeing the beauty of the state you will never be disappointed going down one of these byways many idahoans feel their byways are the best in the country Idaho has roughly 2400 mil of byways it's pretty much the entire state so I think it's a variety is what uh I think makes Idaho special I think Idaho is at the top in terms of quality and the diversity of [Music] byways the diversity of byways in Eastern Idaho is impressive here you'll find everything from magnificent views and natural wonders to historic trails and Pioneer legacies the Teton and Mesa byways are beautiful routes just west of Wyoming while the Pioneer and Oregon Trail be Lake byways run north from the Utah border the Fort Henry lost gold sakaja and Lewis and Clark byways continue the many historic themes of this region the byways are created by the local communities to tell a story of what they think is particularly important in in in their region whether it's history or culture or scenery or Recreation or whatever it is the Teton Scenic byway offers all of those qualities in spectacular fashion the southern end of the byway begins in Swan Valley and works its Way Northeast toward the Wyoming border the picturesque route winds nearly 70 miles through forests and Fields to the small town of Ashton Idaho the Towering Teton Mountains are visible from most of the drive offering some of the most dramatic backgrounds in the state by car you can start traveling the byway on Highway 31 out of Swan Valley right but if you want to bike the byway you'll begin your trip in the Teton Valley near the Idaho Wyoming border the biking community in Tan Valley is awesome it's really diverse the bike path runs west from the border toward Victor it keeps Riders out of traffic and in the trees okay I'll go a little slow at start it's beautiful scenery for miles and miles that I can see around me cyclists and drivers both end up in the small community of Victor from there bikers pedal towards dggs on their own paved pathway on the west side of the byway what's really great about the combination between the byway and the pathway system they really parallel each other so I think for us it's a perfect combination historic buildings and small town charm greet byway Travelers in drinks east of town a side trip to the Grand targi Resort offers stunning views winter or [Music] summer time your trip just right and you'll see hot air balloons gracefully Gliding Over the Valley every year dggs host the annual Teton Valley Summer Festival that's my hometown and it's a 30-year-old Festival it's one of the oldest festivals in the United States and I'm 30 and it really is a place where my heart is it's one of the most beautiful places in the United States to fly outside of dggs cyclists run out of their own ride of way and take the shoulder along the byway mostly I think about how lucky I am to live in this gorgeous place the Abundant Farmland along the byway shows its importance in the valley whether you're on a tractor driving a car or riding a bike the Fantastic Vistas along this byway are hard to top it's so gorgeous look at that awesome incredible the Tetons are a constant companion for travelers all the way to the small egg based community of Ashton the town is famous for its winter dog sled races and potato crops potatoes is what's made Ashton this whole area Thrive if it had them in for potatoes you'd see dust blowing down Main Street I've lived here all my life I didn't really appreciate it until I left for the college and then the Army and why really appreciated it when I come back and so yep yep this is a good place to be from Ashton another byway heads North into the Lush landscape of the tari national forest the Mesa Falls Scenic byway runs for nearly 30 miles all the way to the Island Park area as you go uphill the vegetation changes a little bit from Wild Rose and Sagebrush to the forest the warm River Campground along the highway is the most popular Campground in the Ashton Island Park ranger district it's a beautiful spot as you can see and it's almost always full nearby huge trout rise for handfuls of pellets tossed from the viewing platform there is some big fish in there yeah just up the road one of the byways namesakes comes into view lower Mesa Falls it's just a whole different view you're up on top of the canyon looking down on it the Majestic upper Mesa Falls is the next stop it Cascades gracefully over black balt Cliffs swirling down 116 ft it's a mesmerizing Confluence of water Rock and spray Mesa Falls is fabulous it's the largest waterfall on the Snake River it's an awesome and Powerful site because you can get up right next to it and I think that amazes everybody although Mesa Falls is the most popular stop on this byway there are many other great spots blooming wildf flowers beckon Travelers further north to the yearround recreation and Wildlife watching of heran State Park trumpeter swans meate for Life yeah swans look like they're doing well Herman's beautiful it's so quiet out there that's one of my favorite things about it from Herman the final leg of the byway brings tourists to the Island Park area the Sparkling Waters that abound here are trapped inside the Caldera of an ancient volcano it's an allseason recreational Paradise a lot of people just drive through on their way to Yellowstone and if they only knew that it's every bit as nice outside of Yellowstone and maybe even nicer because it's not as crowded uncrowded Beauty just what you expect from a byway where off the beaten path is the whole point mountains Canyons rivers and Wildlife this is where where you'll find several distinctive Backcountry byways and the Western Heritage historic byway there are also an amazing nine Scenic byways scattered throughout this stunning region from City of rocks in the South all the way up to the Salmon River each one has unique qualities now they all are gorgeous they all have some interesting diversity in the landscape changes typically so you end up becoming somewhat addicted to finding out what's the next one like because they are different one of the most gorgeous routes in the entire state is the Sawtooth Scenic byway it takes you on 115 mile Journey from Stark desert to high mountains on a picturesque drive to the town of [Music] Stanley I think the Sawtooth Highway definitely has a real broad range of views and experiences for folks you start out in the small town of shonne and you get into the lava flows and then you get into that little sculptured Canyon and it's just so smooth and beautiful and it's kind of a surprise there and there's the ice caves and other things along the southern rout and then you start to Peak the mountains Cole works in those mountains at the Sawtooth National Recreation Area headquarters north of Ketchum I'm Carol hi Carol Matt Li Decker and that's where she joined the licker family for an RV trip on the byway local resident and photographer Matt licker has recently published a new guide book on the area this an absolutely stunning drive you get a drive all the way up you know the the big Wood River Valley which is a a beautiful Valley in its own right has a lot of history with the AIL Herman and the resort but it's stunning you drive underneath the 4,000 ft face of the boulder mountains okay SAR take a look it really shows off the colors in the boulders so it's beautiful cool from the upper Wood River Valley the road continues to gain elevation before long the RV is climbing the Steep curves of the highway towards Galina pass it's a great drive it's just gorgeous and then you get up to the top and at the summit you can look back into the Wood River Valley and get some really nice views there of the boulders from up high and then once you across the summit to the new bethan and Frank Church Overlook there take a look honey those are the Sawtooth mountains it's just gorgeous views into salth Valley and that's a real stopper for most folks I think from the forest service records that there are probably more people that stop at the Overlook than at any of our visitor centers or any other places it's just everybody has to stop there wow I love stopping here cuz I would commute up to the Middle Fork of the salmon and it's such an incredible Drive oh yeah I mean there's nothing like it there are many great stops along this byway from mining town remnants to Historic ranches to the Sawtooth Fish Hatchery and one of the main attractions on this route has always been redfish Lake and it's just gorgeous oh yeah redfish lake is sandwiched between some of the more impressive glacial marines that come out of this 10m long stunning Valley rimmed with uh Rock spires and as you look across Red Fish Lake from the beach at the lodge you can see both the grand Mogul and hay bur amenities around red fish are spectacular just around the corner from redfish lake is Stanley Stanley is this unique little town that sits at the foot of this incredible mountain range and you've got the satu S byway that connects to the Salmon River Scenic byway and then to the west to Boise's the Ponder Roa Scenic byway Matt and Company continue their trip along the salmon byway it runs for more than 160 Mi along the remarkable Salmon River from Stanley to the communities of chalice and salmon and then on to the Montana border a stop at Sunbeam Hot Springs along the salmon is always a great family activity when we are out together traveling along the byway we hit a level of being relaxed and being a family that we don't experience in our everyday lives and it's a good reminder to both Matt and I to slow down and to see the magic that's around us because our kids see it so instantly and throwing a rock in the river or just basking and looking for fish in the hot springs we are so fortunate here in Idaho to have so much in our backyard to experience and to expose our children to and I feel really blessed that I was raised in this area and grew up on all of these things and I get to share them with my kids experiencing the Splendor of the Salmon River the sawtooths and the other wonders of Central Idaho is a privilege many byway Travelers treasure it's a place that you can go and refresh yourself where you can get out and get away from society get away from the stresses of life and go have peaceful time you know it provides that opportunity which is a crucial component for me and I think for a lot of people big lakes Lush forests and sparkling Rivers those are some of the Hallmarks of a journey through Northern Idaho and these scenic routes will take you there the Northwest Passage Gold Rush and Elk River byways near Lewiston the White Pine St Joe and Lake cordelane byways north of Moscow and the Ponder Wild Horse and Panhandle rivers byways near the top of the state this is now standing state for byways in North Idaho with all our byways up here it's a you know we've got to mount we got the water the trees it just everything goes together the shimmering Waters of Idaho's largest lake are the backdrop for another gorgeous Drive the Ponder cic byway runs along Highway 200 from the Montana border to Sandpoint it twists for more than 30 miles past forested mountains and Rocky shorelines this is really good bird watching byway committee members John Lynch and Carol Graham are touring the impressive route in a classic 1938 Chevy when you're driving the byways you get to kind of relax uh you start looking at the scenery and there always something different to see and when you're in an old car it's just wow that's a different experience traveling west the byway runs from the cabinet Gorge Dam through the picture Valley carved by the Clark Fork River Downstream the river flows into Lake Ponderay through the Lush Clark Fork [Music] Delta once Travelers reach the lake itself there are many choices for Scenic stops like the Sam Owen Campground I've taken my family there for years and years and it's a lovely Campground just down the road The Community of Hope offer some of the best views of this huge Glacier carved Lake because it has south facing slope right into Lake pandere it has beautiful views and then on top of that there's any kind of thing you want to do on the water there's all kinds of fishing water skiing as the classic Chevy winds West along the shoreline the passengers continue to be impressed by this byway I enjoy looking out at the vistas seeing the boats the fishermen the recreationalists out on the water depending upon the light the weather it looks different every time it's just a really spectacularly scenic drive out along the north end of the lake in the Lakeside town of Sand Point visitors arrive at the crossroads of three remarkable byways east of s point is the pandere national Scenic byway just to the West is the panhandle historic River's passage that goes all the way to Washington then of course North on Highway 95 is the Wild Horse Trail all the way to the Canadian border the Wild Horse Scenic byway follows an historic Route used first by native tribes and then later by miners headed to British Columbia as you're traveling north on the Horse Trail the celk mountain range is off to your left and it's got Peaks close to 7,000 ft and it runs all the way clear into Canada the byway crosses the pack river that flows out of the cell Kirks and there's even a roadside swimming hole further up the byway visitors can check out the MacArthur Lake Wildlife Management Area and if I remember there goes an ospr right there yeah and in Bonner's Ferry nature lovers can continue their tour at the coutney National Wildlife Refuge and as I understand it it's one of the few refuges in the entire United States that is so accessible from a major highway and they have over 263 species of birds that have been recorded on The Refuge here as well as all the major large mammals historically Bonner's Ferry was where Northbound miners cross the cutney river on their way to British Columbia as drivers follow a similar route toward Canada the spectacular views have changed little in the last century and a half when I talk to visitors that have traveled here from all over the world really and they're so blown away by the Beauty and the vastness of the area that it just makes me stop and reflect and say wow you know this really is a beautiful area to be in John Lynch feels the same way about living in Priest River for him the Panhandle historic River passage byway has great appeal to me looking at clear blue water is a spectacular thing anyhow and a lot of people like it it's a water grade all the way across the penan historic byway there's very few Hills there's you know lots of turnouts so you can get off the road and enjoyy the views in 1955 the Albany Falls dam was built for flood control on the pond aray near the Washington border it's run by the Army Corps of Engineers who also operate a number of campgrounds along the byway go down to Riley Creek Campground and they've got boat launch there all kinds of nice places to camp and then you cross Priest River and there's a place place called the mud hole it's a campground with swimming beach and everything and it's just gorgeous spot from the mud hole and the Confluence of the priest and Ponder Rivers it's just a couple minutes to the town of Priest River like other communities in the area logging still plays an important role here and it's celebrated during the annual Priest River Timber days it's just a great place to live and a great place to come see and we've got all the mountains and there's all kinds of recreation we've got all kinds of activities in the summer it's just a a really neat place to live and visit and that's what these byways are all about giving visitors a map to the scenic and historical Treasures of Idaho [Music] [Music] [Music] funding for outdoor Idaho is made possible by the friends of Idaho public television by the Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation committed to fulfilling the Moore's Legacy of helping to build the great state of Idaho by The Corporation for Public Broadcasting and by the Idaho Transportation Department [Music]

2024-07-09 05:19

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