[Music] the alarm just went off first time in the daytime it was quick there's no other bus there was very short wait there only the people on this bus that have to wait so like 15 minutes. get coffee [Music] okay what's up guys we are at voxal that's the station in Lviv for the buses transportation and train zolichnaya I think that's the name of it it's the last stop look for voxal voxal is the stop name or just any stop in Ukrainian voxal and here it is so look around find the prices and information on getting in and out of Lviv luggage store and toilets to pay for the toilet this is the upper platform for the train you can see the train behind me and some people waiting it doesn't look busy here on uh Friday it's Friday see what it looks like so you have the uh Y3 train uh website shows the information uh so but before the war you could get train tickets to um Poland but now I can't find that information okay so I was informed to get tickets by train you can only use the official app to buy tickets you can't buy train ticket to here it's uh not possible only by the official train up that you can buy a train ticket so at this location outside the voxal you can buy bus tickets and uh there's flick bus and one other one that has uh rides to Poland to Wroclaw and Warszawa yet they have higher prices on the weekends so now let's check out the station further away which they told me it's 200 M away see what uh buses they have to Poland from Lviv so as you can see we were there and the other side that's the voxal\ station here is the bus area for uh Poland and this is about 100 m uh away from the vof station and I can tell because they have these the larger buses and uh there's one for Lithuania Vilius and uh Warszawa one behind me this is one of the main roads north of Rynok the old town center and people go here for shopping there is uh Roshens like a popular candy store but I don't care about that this is the famous zefir from Ukraine I heard this the number one snack or dessert out a bus stops here you see the Soviet era buses they're quite comfortable not bad and they're Speedy I think they go faster than the bigger buses one and they're the same price 25 hryvnia [Music] behind me is the beautiful Opera House in the center of Lviv and here are five great things about Lviv number one it's a safe City compared to other European cities there's very little crime here I haven't seen people stealing or bothering tourists so you can walk in peace which is number two it's quite peaceful and calm for Lviv uh compared to other European cities there is uh not much noise not much people yelling or screaming so it's relatively calm number three it is clean this city is very clean there's no trash in the streets very little graffiti and uh you just don't see anything that uh makes the city look ugly number four number four it is uh inexpensive City compared to other European cities it's very inexpensive you're going to pay like 1/4 of the price coffee is less than a dollar let's get a coffee here so coffee big coffee is 40uah That's a dollar around a dollar us for coffee drinks food you can get sandwiches for around $2 kebabs $3-3.50 for usd Market you get bagels pizza slices burgers for really cheap less than a dollar cafe coffees less than a dollar and uh restaurant meals around uh $5 to $10 so you're not paying uh Western European countries for the same quality food I just ordered this combo look at the size of these croissants huge very big it's mostly croissant this is the borsch they gave me it's like chicken soup and this is the crossiant sandwich it's big where's the meat let see the pork pork well it's better than I thought very fresh full of flavor so good standers are living here are relatively good it's a good place to visit or leave and number five there's no scams here nobody tried to scam me nobody tried to sell me drugs any of that garbage so don't come to Lviv be doing the the those uh nasty things I'm going to buy some underwear 100 so that's like uh $2 half 70% cotton underwear okay thank you Lviv is a good city. come here
and you'll like it. it's beautiful city so even in during the time of the war this is a good City these are the generators they have for some convenience stores that's one of the convenience stores there the buses they're powered by the lines on top here we are in a very interesting cafeteria style restaurant where you can eat a buy food by weight so let's see what it has. there's a easy pay now you can wash your hands here and let's go buy something so this end up costing me $10 400 hryvnia I think the salad one is 150. Chicken, vegetables 88 and then is 32 and I think is 40 check out this missile they shut down shut down by the ukrainians it's a missile from Russia it's empty so we're going to hike up to the top Viewpoint of leave and it's called the Lion's Hill so Ukraine Lviv you have cycling routes it's called International cycling tourist route goes around 288 km to Poland really? again sign there it's a nice chill hike very few people nice Autumn weather I think this is a good time to tell you about my Impressions first impressions of Lviv it's pretty good it's great had no hassle getting here people are kind friendly uh people seem relaxed uh I don't see any panic I don't see any destruction thankfully and seems cool weather is still good in the uh November so weather's not too cold as you can see I'm not wearing a jacket just a T-shirt and a long sleeve shirt and yeah the prices are half almost half, almost half of prices in Poland so it's significantly cheaper but I think that has to do with uh not only the economy but also the currency exchange if you count 40 hryvnia that's 4 zloty in Poland but you want to buy coffee or sandwich it's 40 here and 80 or even more 100 10 in Poland we have like two routes over here have like this rout and then the stairs and now you can see the city city views look at that wow amazing views we made it to the top the highest point of Lviv and hope you enjoyed the scenery from my telephoto zoom lens and I to climb back down uh since the Sun is setting so it's windy here we are at the city tram going to the Viv uh dog shelter walk some dogs and look how clean this tram is look how clean it is only the ticket's only 25 that's like 60 cents we got off the tram now we're going to the dog shelter and the snowy day this is the most snow I've seen so far and leave you can hear the dogs wow yeah I think we're getting somewhere with this even though I tried calling no one answered the phone all right to walk the dog you go to this office right after the entrance and you fill out just a document abiding to the rules there definitely a lot of people walking docks here I see someone yeah just about every day someone comes here to walk with the docks and she gave me this number uh and she walked away I don't know for I'm supposed to follow her it oh there's my dog I got him e strong got a bag and nazwa? nazwa? name? this dog is pulling me like crazy okay can't even control the camera it's pulling so strong definitely definitely excited about going for a walk can't barely handle this guy could imagine holding more dogs so I have to cross the road and go to the park they gave me a bag for something I was think I'm going to use this a bag okay this dog's like never been out before he is wild let's go to this park hey hold up buddy since this is the the park is closed off it's fenced in here I would let him on free but since I barely know this dog and and he's pulling so hard I don't think I'll be able to catch him again so I'll keep him on the leash I asked the employee the name of the dog he's like yeah whatever Call It Whatever call it any name Siberian husky ughhhhh good bye-bye in the trash clean good I brought gloves man pointing it down yeah done buddy when I had a dog I trained it so was disciplined and didn't pull that hard as often but this he's this dog thinks he can do anything maybe we'll call him today we'll give him a name like chewbaca or something it's the first name that came to mind chewbaca chewbaca doesn't care about me at all it's just wants to be outdoors I don't think he likes company he doesn't care about company he just wants to be outdoors right he just want to be in the park just want to be in the park peeing everywhere it's a lost dog wandering around looking for his owner he doesn't know where to go running around around around around around he's ready to run already he still hasn't calmed down still full of energy calm down a door I thought there was a doorbell here doorbell open okay buddy buddy come on he's still pulling so this guy doesn't give up after should not I was told they have 70 dogs that's a lot okay okay okay we're done back to leave hello welcome everybody here we are in North Lea at the votel radio Market see what Electronics they have mainly came here for finding some old Media or some kind of old electronics uh come coming from the Soviet era so maybe I'll find something interesting that I can learn about the culture and uh the language radio radio Market radio renov so I asked the shops here where I can find All Electronics or old movies they said on the third floor so the first and second floor are like phones phone gadgets computer gadgets this floor is a lot bigger that's why going to want to find the uh I had to find a toilet here because I had so much to drink this morning check out the old Soviet style toilets look at that I thought that was in Asia not here too ... toilet 5 use the toilet here like most of Europe you have to pay for the toilet another one maybe a third of these shops are closed. So just north of the Oldtown Rynok you can find a souvenir Market with Artistry and other things in memorabilia the from Ukraine wood carvings wow it's very there's toilet paper you can get Putin toilet paper okay those funny ID cards only 20 so I'm going to buy some putler putler oh okay putler I like the name she calls that putler okay okay [Music] [Music] [Music] here's Ukraine's leaves most convenient store it's called Simi so you got hot dogs over there Burgers I never tried a hot dog or Burger I'm not a hot dog Burger guy bring me a drink pastry all these pastries here less than a dollar. Donuts you got a bunch of
donuts and here the food here's the sandwiches and food get dumplings sandwiches for 69uah that's less than $2 salads for a $1.50 usd along with your Cafe you can get the flavors got uh coconut almond caramel toffee so the average price of coffee is less than a dollar here or a dollar and you get espresso 50 cents I got the latte it's called latte right there stop stop cinnamon and Ukrainian is korychya korychya that's got a big burger at Simi let's try the big cheeseburger Simi see what it tastes like Simi even has a bench so you can eat right there there it is the burger yeah it's not bad see behind the wrapper it's good burger I had the wrong address okay I had the wrong address here it is the volunteer kitchen I don't know the my map wasn't working so well yeah here it is quiet over here looks like all the preparation is done here this uh waiting for my friend is this it I don't know if we have to open it no nobody's here oh okay there a toilet if you need a toilet which I need right now so what's a volunteer kitchen cooking there it's very smokey in here okay got some gloves here gloves are off don't need the bucket okay they're almost done peeling the potato so so this kitchen makes over 100,000 meals each week for the soldiers right now we're cutting these um yeah cutting these preparing it for the machine and that's what we prepared so far and then the ladies are also cutting potatoes at the back so kind of lots of vegetables here in this room we got a few more Volunteers in the kitchen so not a full full kitchen cutting these cabbages and then taking them outside so yeah they're going outside there storage look at all these flags must have been the volunteers here okay and this is where we put the dirty leaves oh take leave this here too yeah not no no just here some Farmers I think oh they reuse them for compost animals Maybe feed feed and sometime there is a one day the table you know was a empty full of um of pork Pig so we got Karma they get free food bags yeah you got more bags should I take one of those are those the empty ones oh this one okay think it all I should take the leaves out there leaves there no that's good like that okay that's how it goes the cycle of cabbage cutting preparation for kapusta kapusta the alarm just went off first time in the daytime that's gone off [alarm] off I got to check check the telegram report to see what's incoming some days it's like this leaving the apartment uh first day we got power at the gym and strange because upstairs has power downstairs doesn't it's like you go in a treadmill but not lift weights it's dark no lights in the gym cost me $3 to shoot okay if you want to shoot some BBS over outside the Old toown Market it's this place let me tell you where you can get the best city views of viiv you can go to lion Hill or you can go to the City Hall City Hall has the Clock Tower and to enter it's this building over here but the thing is it's only open Saturday and Sunday 9:00 to 6:00 p.m. you can find them by the Lions to get the ticket climbed to the fourth floor and then you have the cash register to pay and then you can climb up all the way to the top but first inside the building that's the entrance here at the spiral staircase so we're on top of city hall right now this is 50uah her to climb up so you can climb up and get city views of the sunset all around Eve it's amazing view just for 50 this way this way this way the sun hi say say welcome to Ukraine 1 2 3 welcome to Ukraine [Music] one of the great things about Lviv lviv I can't say it right is uh walking at night people are so chill and relaxed look another great thing is there is uh almost no theft or I haven't seen any theft people have told me it's pretty safe to from there's no like robberies or stealing look you can see here they have stuff out the shop has products out and night and a sidewalk and no one's taking them so this place is pretty safe scooters they got scooters out here Wings it's not bolt it's wings so here we are one of the popular streets in Oldtown where you'll find on one street multiple bars and so you go there Contrabrass and then if if you want to drink outside you can go to klishkova I think kova means like shot glass and uh we're going to try to find khrivka famous place that's like a Speak Easy where you need a password 14 uh on the Google Maps it says the basement is it the basement there's a door sealed up is that sealed off uh what does it say khruwka khrivka hello? slava ukraina okay what's that now we get a shot thank you shot this is get a sour shot at the entrance of slava ukraina yeah troche znaju ukrainsku are [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music] yeah this place is bigger than I thought more decoration here uh call alarms looks functional for something this radio just check out the rocket launcher and then the karabiner dang that's heavy that's really heavy holy crap that's like that's heavy that's it's like 50 lbs 40 lbs oh my good that's really heavy that that it's not a light at all so this one's like 25 pounds lb these are like legit retired weapons [Music] oh there's the put and punching bag let get a beer somewhere here we look for a server oh it's a cyrillic keyboard look at that it's not working there's like five rooms here wow people are celebrating something here I think that means reserved [crowd] nobody's there it's blocked off [crowd] [singing] [singing] you I don't have a see what language do you speak English English okay yeah I just want to order something cuz I was walking around yeah you can sit here with me if you oh really oh you can you want to practice English yeah sure okay from from what from what country from USA USA from Washington DC yeah okay so yes sure uh we can speak English if it's easier for you for me it's not a problem I'm learning let's check out the English menu here seems shorter there's my order arrived I thought it was going to be like a dish of meat but it's a soup uh yeah I don't even know what kind of food it is but this is what it looks like yeah it's a hardy soup you see we got potato pancakes this is uh means welcome to the news or the hanging for the Russians right the hanging the Russian also we have a prize for Russian people prize? a prize it's what four wow what is this a prison called here it's like prison oh wow it's very very uh original good good quality food smells sh*t wow okay this is cool good Tour this restaurant's like a tour too are you a vlogger a little bit yeah on YouTube or where yeah yeah you want to be in it YouTube show me your vlog no I'm a vlogger making YouTube videos seven movie okay uh let's go to English in Ukraine how long you know I much yeah I learned I learned I tried speaking before how you started to learn Ukrainian you want to live in Ukraine or yeah I like it so far yeah it's a good so far uh I have a friend friend uh of America uh Colin his name call and he is in Ukraine stand up comedian oh really really I uh he show here in new friends I'm American you can check out gzone club on a Sunday night you can hear the music right there and look at the line it's only 8:30 look at this line what people don't want to get in here to G zone Club [Music] that's the bar so yeah this the bar you have to order drinks over here here there's a second floor too so we check out the second floor music they have over [Music] there it's I thought it was one floor but it's two [Music] floors karaoke karaoke over here [Music] [Applause] so don't don't stay late in a Ukrainian Club if you stay till last minute they're going to keep the door locked because everyone has their coat checked and the coat check takes time time for a cyber cafe gaming look at that you can rent big TVs in games good oh look at these big machines wow it's nice place Thanks for watching! 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2025-01-18 02:59