I Went To A Japanese Spa Theme Park
If this video stops, randomly, in the middle it's because we dropped our camera in the water. Hello. Friends. And welcome to another video this, week we're, going to a spa, theme park in Japan yes we're going to Japan, and we're, also going to a spa theme park so what exactly is a, spa theme park it's not a super, clearly, defined idea, but it's basically a mash-up, of a traditional, Japanese, hot spring spa resort, a good old water park and a dash of PR baby features, you may have read about in like a refinery29. Article. Spa, resorts, are actually, pretty common in Japan for thousands, of years onsen, or traditional. Hot spring spas have been a staple of the Japanese skincare. Health and relaxation, routine, being a very volcanic. Country, Japan, has a lot of naturally. Occurring hot, springs and where there are hot springs there springs, forth a desire, to soak in them but this particular spa. Resort, unasyn, has taken, it to another level, not only with the waterpark, aspect, but with baths full of wine. Green tea coffee, and fish, that nibble on your feet amongst other things so we decided, that while we were in Japan we had to stop by and try it out not only to get our first full-on. Onsen. Experience, but also to see if there might be some hidden benefits, in bathing in all of these different liquids, all right let's. Go so our first step in getting to the spa theme park was to of course fly, to Japan, now, we had scheduled, our spa day for the second day of our trip so we were very much still, in the throes of our, jetlag fever. Like, 36 hours the Unison, spa resort is actually, located in Hakone a which is an hour and change outside. Of tokyo where we were staying so we thought it would be fun to take a bullet train to get there this is the footage I got from trying to give you guys a tour of the bullet train station, which almost caused us to miss our train. Clearly. It was worth it. So. Japanese, bullet trains are pretty well known for being one of the fastest, train systems in the world traveling, up to 200, miles an hour you can feel how fast you're going. And. With our booties thoroughly, rattled, we arrived at Odawara station, a quick 40 minutes later where we caught a bus that would take us all the way to the spa look at Tyler showing, us what bus were getting on very, demonstrative, walking. On Tyler I like it unison itself is pretty high up in the hills so the bus ride got pretty raucous, the road was winding and narrow and our driver was quite fearless. But, it was a good way to get, pumped, for the spa so from the outside unison. Kind of looks like a big beige hotel, but it's surrounded by, some of the most beautiful mountains. That we could finally appreciate. Because we weren't flying, around at the sides of them it's so pretty out here I know the flora, is on now. When you first walk into the ground floor of unasyn, you get a little taste of their theme park branding, they've created these, mascots, which kind of look like felines. SpongeBob's, that are speckled, throughout the park it's like someone, relaxing, theme and then it's like a grumpy cat with a beard as you can see the entrance, is just like, the hull of sponge cats so to get into the park we had to go up a few floors passed, a series of lobbies, a giant, gift shop and a number of crane toy machines, until, we finally, reached the actual, entrance, where they immediately, have you remove your shoes what they're like you can't take those hammer toes in here so. The park itself is broken into two sections. One is called the more--not you or the naked zone where, men and women are separated, and one is the swimsuit, adair eeeh which is where the more water park and more key attractions, are we're going to the naked part right now we need to monetize that. We. Had gotten to the park a little early, before the naked zone opened, so we could film in there by ourselves without. The aforementioned nudity. And also so Tyler could come as well this, is nice, I want. A churro but don't worry we, got permission to do this over, all the naked section, is more about rejuvenation, and. Relaxation, which I think captures more, of that traditional. Onsen, vibe obviously.
I'm Wearing a bathing suit for YouTube. Reasons, but you're supposed to get your onsen, on in, the nude all right chuckling wash off you get. No. Tongues so. Am. I doing well give me. S. We're, sitting is we're naked people said sometimes in, the naked zone there are about six, different kinds, of baths that I could try out four, of which are filled with warm, or hot plain. Spring, water including. The first bath right, at the entrance next to the showers if you like a talent or a do. This, fully, wood lined indoor, pool which is almost like a sauna, because of how hot it is and it smells, really good it smells. Woody. I don't know how else to say that you're like piney I don't know other wouldn't. Mahogany, no I don't think that this large outdoor communal. Lagoon and these personal. Porcelain, bowls look just like their own like personal images it's, like the teacup, ride at Disneyland, the like actually, teacup. You. Don't get dizzy you. Don't throw up you grow up on that right they do have a couple of specialized, waters, back here in The Naked zone as well though including, this green, tea, bath which i think is just spring. Water but they steep a rather large tea bag. I'm. Talking about Mountain Dews baby in general, bathing, in green tea is supposed to help your pimples, and pores and has some anti-aging benefits. As well I'm not sipping, tea I am becoming tea, it. They. Also had a summer special collagen. Bath which was filled with roses. Ecology. Besides. Smelling, like a face mask collagen. Is supposed to improve, skin, elasticity, and fight aging by promoting cell turnover, I did the collagen, is like counteracting, the Sun it's like aging. Anti, aging you're really drink the kool-aid huh well I'm trying not to drink the cool overall. I found, the pools very relaxing. But the big winner of the naked zone was the view of the, mountains and though we had ventured to unison, mostly, for the more unique, experiences. I'm glad we got to get a peek into the naked zone to capture some of that thousands. Of years old traditional. Onsen, experience, and now that they're about to open this naked zone to the public and people will actually be making here we're, gonna head back out. And. See, what's out there, now when you first walk into the main part of the spa, they have like a foot and knee rinser which kind of took me by surprise. Like. A bidet for your knees. One. Yet I do. I. Have. Not used one yet it was Tyler's loss there are a lot of very nice bidets in Japan now the central, chamber of, the indoor, section, has one giant, pool in the middle of it which I'd call like the neutral, watered communal. I'll look in there some bells look, at that but building on the onsen, vibe it has like a warm bath temperature there, my thighs hello, thighs thighs, out. Sky's out, besides, that I'd say it's pretty standard so we wanted to move on to the more exciting. Waters I want to show up my wedded chess hair to, all of you nasaan. Could. You leave so first up on our list of specialty, pools was the doctor fish foot baths we're a school of garra rufa fish, a variety of Turkish, toothless, carp nibble, or I guess vacuum, the dead skin off of your feet oh these guys are ready for action now I've seen this before online, and it seems to be pretty popular in many East and Southeast, Asian, countries. Like, get your hijab. Funyuns. So, basically, what you do is you sit at the edge of this tub and dangle your feet in. Like, I can smell it okay take a girl and you haven't a lot of time of 10 minutes ready, I'm ready oh. Yeah. Some, action shots yeah this would be like shark, we would, fish it Vikings up your feet. The. Doctor, fish are incredibly. Tickle, inducing, I'm feeling like really disheveled. Some. Of them sort of traverse, your whole leg and others, just pick a spot and go at it they. Really like my feet I think that's not a compliment in a particular, Tyler's, right, foot had a disturbing. Number of fish on it might, be versus, on speed but, before his foot could be consumed, entirely, or ten minutes were up Friday, yes I actually do, think that the fish got some of the dead skin off of my toes but I probably would have had a more, thorough pedicure.
Had Tyler not been hogging all of the carp there's like not dead skin on my feet right now they're chunks too not when we're in a little like creeper. So. Unison, has like a schedule of events and, at specific, times they will pour coffee and red wine directly. On to you in their respective pools, and we had a bit of time before the next coffee pour began so we went to check out some of the smaller, themed, pools next, door the green tea and the Saki bats you're not supposed to drink the sake or the green tea. I. Say. That to me so, we went to the green tea bath first which was pretty different from the green tea pool outside oh. Really. That, one was just like normal spring, water with a green tea bag and this was like a scalding. Cup of tea. I'm. Guessing, they mixed this one with something else or just like diluted, in a bit but in general the. Tea was just too hot for me hey Soph, yeah you've spilt tea everywhere. So. Having mildly. Boiled, the booty we then hopped over to the Saki bath which was noticeably, a much, better temperature, well, I like this that's. Nice I, like the ones that are like warm but not like too too hot. Sensitive five sake. Could be good for the skin and meta can help exfoliate, and, lighten, dark spots, and bathing in it is actually, a traditional geisha. Skincare. Secret, on the side of the bath was sort of like a giant sock, a drum, but I think the liquid in the bath was pretty diluted, from the smell and feel of it I don't know that you could like get plum in here because there are a bunch of kids in here earlier. Though, on the side of the barrel was a true, sake, spigot, so apparently this little knob here shoots, out a little sake and. Drinkable. I'm gonna get sir. Shoot. Me the face you're not usually. Supposed to drink the Sakae straight out of this nozzle but the Unison employees. Who are escorting us around, encouraged. Us to try it don't photoshop this you. Get a little bit. Put your hands out there so you can catch it. There. We go yeah here's my sake, Baptiste. Yeah, yeah that's good sake but after our sake taste test it was time for the coffee bath. You, almost fell it at the camera I'm hammered the coffee bath itself, is just kind of like very, watery, coffee though it does smell and look pretty, accurately, coffee ish in terms of its skin benefits there are some antioxidants in, coffee that can help detox, your skin and the caffeine, actually combats. Puffiness, and I feel like also just gets into your pores and wakes you up you know I don't know there's recibo or what but as soon as I walked in here I was like eight. Let's, go the big event at the coffee bath is the coffee pour, and what happens, is that they prepare, actual, drinkable, coffee in these giant buckets, and men dole it out to the crowd, there's monster ladies. Oh yours. Was a drink it I just threw it on my face no. It was good so I tried to co-opt some of Tyler's, portion, for drinking purposes. Actually and after a decent amount of the crowd had tasted, the coffee they then proceeded, to throw entire.
Buckets, Directly, at us. It's. Good, it's. Very tasty they did this quite a few times. I'm, not sure if the skin benefits are amplified. By the coffee being thrown at you but it is exciting. Idea what kind of footage, and. I did feel pretty awake. Afterwards, so, the final, unusual, bath that we wanted to try was the wine back which had another, pour type, event later that afternoon so, we decided to visit the outdoor portion. Of the park in the meantime on the way we passed a few additional, pools that looked pretty plain but it turns out that this was the location of the ramen, baths which, were a pretty popular attraction. Last year in which park, goers bathed, in pork broth and collagen, I'm kind, of salty. We missed it, so, the outside of the park has some of your usual waterpark, accoutrement, like slides, and, kiddie pools and waterfalls with, the added bonus that the view, is pretty freakin, ridiculous. We. Four went to the children's, area for the waterslide, I got a behavior rinse off because I really smell like coffee can you see it yes I can amongst my hairs it's, like coffee stuck in your mustache on your shoulders unfortunately. They didn't let us take our GoPros, onto the slide but I guess that did spare everyone from having to watch a very slow water slide shot which I think was just our problem because, other people were going down much faster but, nonetheless we, do have a second, angle on this shot if you want to see it. Following. The slide we went through like a hot springs grotto, which was mostly just a series, of shallow pools, but you could see the waterfall. From behind as well as this gemstone. Thing that they call a Marin, rose. But. From there you, can walk through to, behind, the waterslide where, the observation. Pools are. Coming, these, are basically, like a series, of long, skinny, pools, alright and once. Again a warm, pool very warm that oversee the mountains, as well as unison itself down, there is Tyler, and then.
There, Is the, spa resort the, view kind of made the observation. Pools my favorite part of the park but after bobbing, around a bit and film, like, 50,000. Pans of the surrounding, landscape, we had to head back inside. Just. Like. You know I love these kids are getting wasted Tyler, kept making, that joke as for the skin benefits of red wine it's got some, antioxidants. For some anti-aging and also, some antiseptic. Properties for. Some anti acne. I thoroughly. Enjoyed, the red wine pool though it did seem to be the most diluted. Of the specialty, pools. For. Example, this giant, wine bottle, that spraying, my head is completely, just water but for the wine pour itself, they went for the real deal. Like. With the coffee, they started off by pouring, some red wine into your hands, which by wine standards. Was a pretty decent amount unlike Tyler, who chugged it I voluntarily. Threw, it in my face hoping, for some quality, anti-aging. Then. They proceeded, with a more direct, port. Which. I think Tyler, thought he was supposed to chug again it hit him pretty quick. They. Concluded. The show with, another round, of throwing a full bucket directly. Into our face. With, the wine bath complete, I think we had actually, hit all of the specialty pools. So. We threw on some complimentary, scrubs. And slippers, and got something to eat all right hi what's up next we're, getting Buffy now lunch. Dude. Grab and, then we'll run their, buffet had a pretty good spread and was a nice cap on top of all of that soaking, and afterwards. We caught the tail end of a park-wide aqua. Workout class. So. After, 11, baths lunch, and a workout I think we had thoroughly, investigated. Our spa, theme park and were ready to head back to Tokyo, how do I go yeah. Let's go it. Was really fun, so. We caught our bus back down the mountain hopped, on another bullet train which you can really see the speed of here. But. That's the best right and, needless to say we, were home in a speedy, 40 minutes well from the train station of course alright so we are back at our hotel room now and I'm. Feeling pretty cooked we had a great time at the Unison spa resort but I feel like I've just been steeped, for, so long in, so many different types of liquids that, I just need a nap overall. Our experience. At the spa theme park was very positive though I think the things I thought were the most exciting. Before I went were not actually, my favorite parts I thoroughly enjoyed, the quieter, parts of the park like the naked zone and literally, all of the amazing, views of the mountains, one thing I thoroughly enjoyed, which we didn't include very much in the main part of the video were, the mascots, I like this one cuz it looks like he has cheese on his head but they were kind of cute Lee speckled, all over the park subtly.
This, Sneaky. Guy look at him so, sneaky. And not, so subtly. Say. And Rio is quaking, is that still a mean I think that after this trip we did feel sufficiently, spod, whatever, happened, to Sponge Bob that cured him of the suds I think happened to us yeah, I mean I think that we do feel softer. And I think there was a logic. Behind each, pool as to why they would be good for your skin I think that we soaked in so many things that we're, not going to be able to pinpoint like, if our skin is better like which one it was yeah, helped us but, it's sort of like the cumulative, experience. Of just like you. Know sort of rolling around in hot water and feeling good and tired. It was quite a trek so it'll be difficult for us to return but if you're down for about 15, hours of travel, we'd say it's worth the trip or also if you're in Japan already. Maybe. That would be good thank you guys so much for watching if you liked that video make sure to smash, that like button and if you want to see more videos like this make sure to shamash, that subscribe button a big shout out to Vicky, for watching, thanks, for watching Vicky, and I will see you guys next time.
2018-06-16 20:08
You should do a review on Zaful clothes
Please do a video testing out the 5-Minute Crafts DIYs!!!
Safiya Nygaard I love your videos they are amazing and FUNNY
Safiya Nygaard your beautiful sweet and nice and your make up and hair are always on fleek
Safiya Nygaard thus is not meant to be rude but you look so much better with no makeup . but it is your life and you do what ever makes you feel confident
Safiya Nygaard q
Safiya Nygaard Can u please react to BTS (KPOP) I would love u 100× how much I love u right now
Safiya Nygaard I love your hair!!!
Love ya girl
Love ya plz give me a shout out ,
Safiya Nygaard Hi Safiya, can you do a haul or something from shoedazzle (https://shoedazzle.com). Not only they sell shoes, they sell clothes. all their stuff are $9.99.
You should do a video wearing kid cloths for a week please
Who else read “hello friends” in safyias voice
Safiya Nygaard I
Safiya Nygaard Omg those mascot things look like Minecraft and hello kitty mashed together
Safiya Nygaard Safiya Nygaard wtf you are a Muslim you are supposed to be fastened you can't show much skin in ramadan
Safiya Nygaard. Thank you for sharing this!!! I love this!!!One day I hope to plan to travel to Japan!!❤
Safiya Nygaard wtf you are a Muslim you are supposed to be fastened you can't show much skin in ramadan
HELLO SAFIYA!! I was wondering if you and Tyler would possibly consider buying another abandoned storage unit or doing something interesting like that, seeing as how tis is now the near future and it has been 7 Moths since the first time you did it. To The People Of The Coments: PLEASEEE like so Safiya see's this!!!!!
Safiya Nygaard Saf please come to India!! There are a bunch of Mountains here!!! *For the beautiful views Cuz!*
omg!!!! Can’t wait cuz I’m a japanese!!!!
Who can't wait until Escape the Night?
Safiya Nygaard I Love all of your videos but your Frankin lipsticks highlight and eyeshadow video maybe one day you could do all of them together in a full face ❤️ your a queen ❤️
Safiya Nygaard hi
Ahh more Japan videos? I am so excited!! This was such a fun video, really made me feel like I was there. Thanks!
What a cool place! You and Tyler are so cute, love you guys!
Do a video on an all-inclusive international groupon trip!
Safiya Nygaard you should do a vidio were you wear all of your mixed makeup and make eyeliner and setting powder and stuff. I love you so much! I would love to become a YouTuber, and I was wondering what app you use to edit.
please come to india for a meet and greet
Safiya Nygaard Love your vids HAPPY MONDAY!!!!
Safiya Nygaard I hope you guys had a great time but I wonder if you guys know your DOs and DON'Ts in Japan, there are videos about that stuff.
XOXO.... Gossip Girl
Please try these as a next ugly piece of clothing video!! they are pants that have see-through sides and they would fit ur ugly denim collection!! https://9gag.com/gag/aAxXN9E?ref=fsidebar
Saf! What is that red brown lipstick you have on? I MUST ACQUIRE IT!!!!
Safiya Nygaard ‘‘twas a great video
Safiya Nygaard Please, Saf, please tell me that when you were rereading that you did not say that in a southern accent... PLEASE! Love your videos, and thanks for notifying me about this!
That is amazing, another reason to go to japan
Safiya Nygaard I am very exited for the next videos
Safiya Nygaard reason no21 on why i desperately want to go to Japan
Safiya Nygaard Tyler is kinda gross
Ive been to that spa!! Tokyo is amazing. Loved living in that city.
Safiya Nygaard I love your videos
Safiya Nygaard try capsule hotels
Safiya Nygaard Youre prettier without make up!!!!
Love this! Your travel videos are awesome :)
That is ok love you
Safiya Nygaard i
Safiya Nygaard I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
you guys should go to harajuku
Where can I send you artwork
Safiya Nygaard do you know you could be a writer you are so good at describing things
Yass also can you try out hush makeup I won’t stop giving me ads about it
Safiya Nygaard your hair looks on fleeeeeeeek! Rocking the the look!! #vampire
This is your best video yet!! I'm so thankful you did this I will definitely try to go there in my lifetime!
I love that you're going international! Keep up the creativity! I always look forward to your next videos and also Tyler's
I love your videos. Your swimsuit is boring.
YOU SO HAVE TO GO TO NEW ZEALAND!!!!! If she wants nice views..
Safiya Nygaard I love your videos Safiya!!!!
Safiya Nygaard love this video! Get to travel vicariously through your amazing trip. Thank you
This sounds like it was a really amazing way to start the trip.
Safiya Nygaard did the bullet train make you feel like you had whiplash
Safiya Nygaard ?
Safiya Nygaard you're supposed to wash with soap and NEVER let your hair touch the water in the naked bath
A office workers dream is to get coffee thrown at them lol poor whale tyler
Safiya Nygaard love you Safiya
Safiya Nygaard thank you for make my day... I inspired to go there and work hard to get this amazing experience I enjoyed like I was with you and socked the wine as well as tooo muchh fun.. Thankkkkssssssssss:-)
Safiya Nygaard what’s the price
I love your videos BTW!
Happy Tuesday
This made me want to take a bath so bad and I only have a shower
Aw that's cool. I love Japan as I am about half Japanese and go to visit every one or two years. I'm so happy you guys tried the traditional onsen experience and not only the "weird" or "different" ones that tourists often venture to. Hope you had a great time!
Safiya Nygaard Try the Moroccan Hammam
Happy Monday Saf (>ω
Safiya Nygaard HAPPY MONDAY!!
Super happy for this upload!!!! Hope youre doin good!!!!
Safiya Nygaard can you sometime come to Colorado, United States
Love your channel!
Safiya Nygaard when y’all were in the observation pool and u said Tyler was on the other side I noticed him just by his chest hair
this actually looks like something me and my boyfriend could do. Also happy Monday!
Safiya Nygaard can you please do another buying a storage unit video?
Your hair in this video looks fantastic!
Safiya Nygaard Love you happy Monday!!!
I love how whenever anyone else flies to Japan they do all this amazingly cool stuff. When I go, it’s basically just to babysit my nephew for a few weeks. So I mostly just roam from prefecture to prefecture seeing various play zones.
Your skin actually looks much better and healthier, I would even say younger... such a great trip! Thanks for a good content as always! All the best~
Safiya Nygaard thank you for being a great YouTuber you should try ASMR with Christine or just another collab please thank you
I have been to Hakone and it's so beautiful! But I can't believe I missed this park, it's on the list for next time, looks very relaxing! Also legit question: do you know if they allow tattoo's in there? I know you can't visit traditional Japanese bath houses when you do so I'm curious
Safiya Nygaard where did you buy your swimsuit??? Btw I love your videos
Safiya Nygaard looks cool
Safiya Nygaard yall live in Tokyo???
Safiya Nygaard u guys miss the wasabi and face creme pool the wasabi one is VERY strong and was right by the slide and the face cream is VERY silky I went there a long time ago (2years ago) so I don’t know if it changed ♥️♥️
Safiya Nygaard the secret to sliding down the water slides is to have bare skin. When I lived in Germany, girls would just slide the bottoms between their cheeks.
I’m glad safyia left buzzfeed her video are very creative!
I've been to that place. Very fun :) but it definitely isn't the full on onsen experience.... full experience is naked and does not have chlorine.
Now I wish I had a tub lol
what if i get a bon*r in the naked area? CMON! i'll always think that!
Thighs out. Sky's out. Ty's out.
I would love to try these themed spas in Japan but they wouldn't like tattooed ppl like me in >_
Wait, I’ve seen fish eat the dead skin of someone feet before at the mall! And I was just like “oh hey, it’s that thing!”
I wonder how many people peed in there
Yay safia I think I'll go there I live in England therefore don't have a lot of spas this is a unique video I'm subscribed and want to ask when you are bring out merch cause I for one would buy It xxx love you xxx
You have got a new sub me!!!
This place seems awesome
I love the hair!!! Looks so good when it's lighter :)
“Feline spongebobs”
That must be so amazing and existing!
I felt like it was so wasteful but it did seem like fun. Probably made people feel like royalty.
Omg I wanna go there!!!
Safiya i want to see a eid related video, plzzzzzzzzzzz
Christine would love the tea bath!
Safiya could you buy clothes from yes style? But its actually a korean website clothes thingy
In the intro you low-key look like black widow
*excitedly snaps*
I learn Japanese in school
In Germany we have Fish's spas, too.
Cristine would love the green tea bath. Lol
Please tell me you guys went to Tokyo Disneyland/Tokyo Disney Sea
OMG, you were soo close to me!!!!
Kalinka malinka,seriously?!
Can you try to go to Denmark plzzz
Wait wait wait. People really have to blur the nipples on traditional art now? Everything is stupid.
When I finally get a house with a bathtub, I'm going to try *ALL* of these different baths xD Except the sake one because that's to expensive for me xD
This was so cool I was smiling the whole time
5:25 Just...saf’s disembodied head floating gently through the water cracked me up
Is your last name Danish?
Johanne Stigaard Topp Lauridsen Yupp she is half Danish
I've been to this spa and it was everything I never dreamed of. The hot tub slide was my favorite!
It’s hilarious that you threw the ☕️ on your face instead of drinking it
Honestly I love all of your videos and o never get bored of you!
Don’t mind me just gonna bathe in my tea
Jealous! I wanna go to Japan so bad
Dream vacation
@11:15 i thought tyler shaved his head
I think we were on the same flight
When are you guys coming to Sydney?
Saf..... I though you were Muslim...... Muslims can’t drink....
I like
That guy has great coffee tossing skills.
I hope this doesn't sound weird but I really like Safs body lol. I feel like a lot of the people I follow on youtube are either super clean eating, model-thin youtubers, or more plus sized body positivity based youtubers. Both of which are great, but I don't really fit into either of those categories as I'm kind of inbetween. Safs body looks more like my body and seeing her running around in a bathing suit looking so beautiful and confident makes me feel happy and more confident about myself somehow..
“The best part of the naked pool is the view Uh, I mean the mountains of course”
Ok....... I gonna go take a hot bath now
I remember when I was in Tokyo about to go on a bullet train
Omgggg I was thereeee
This is such an amazing video! Great content, you are so talented
3:40 i see bigbang-
Idk why but i feel like you and gibi asmr should colab or something similar
I SAW BIGBANG sorry I have a problem
Cristine is jealous
Dont break up like liza and david did
Can you do a full face of makeup using your Frankenstein make up?
OMG I never knew something like this was a thing in Japan, now I wish I could go back there again !!! So many nice shots and a wonderful place !
Awesome video! I laughed my head off! This is definitely on my bucket list of trips to go on!
watching this made me tired
hold realize identify work pride industrial bat maintain diverse usual.
If Victorious taught me anything, it’s taught me to never let odd fish eat your dead foot skin
Classic American. Walking onto a bus from the exit.
HMmMmmMmMMmmmm... ramen baths.... filthy.. frank..
I want to visit this place SOLELY to get coffee thrown at me
“ ONsen” it’s oh-nsen
Is it just me or does the slide look like a bar of soap
I saw the fish thing in victorious
8:27 am i the only one who thought of that victorious episode with those illegal fish? lol
“...And with our booties thoroughly rattled...”
I was there last week!! How good was it?!
this looks so fun!!!!
I love your videos! They make me so happy :D
ayee I use to live in Japan nd go there good times
All my favorite YouTubers went to Japan... if you're both included they came to visit the country I'm living in and excluded because I didn't get to see them :(
thoroughly shaken booty
Looks so relaxing and an outstanding experience! I really wish I was their! Lol! New place to visit one day!!
this was funny as all.
Thighs out Sky's out
"The big winner of the naked zone was the view -- _of the mountains._ "
Who else saw Bigbang in the crane toy games at 3:41
I think I would love this so much. Question: in the naked area, was it intersexed or male area/female area?
All we need now is to invite ProZD and create Chairem Anime: Golden Week. A non-canon special where everyone's alive and well, complete with questionable hijinks. No idea how he'd get a lamp, refrigerator, fan, and two chairs into a hot spring, but I'm sure someone could make it happen. 14:19 - Anyone else notice how ridiculously youthful the guy's hands are?
Who else had a bath after this
You should bring Christine from sympli nailogical in the coffe pool
Was I the only one expecting Tyler to Propose
thank you
I got relaxed from just imagining myself on that place.
I here escape the night music. Is that because your in season 3?
"Those kids are wasted right now" lol
Japan is seriously SO BEAUTIFUL!
tyler's laugh/smile at 8:54 is so pure
Your videos are always so awesome! I love how informative and detailed they are. I traveled to Japan in 2015 and can't wait to go back!
Can you make a video trying out Joom stuff
U should do trying peel of makeup for a week
Saf your hair is looking amazing, love the ombre an length on you!
Safiya Nygaard F fief.
matt J)just. J h. H. H. H.
Safiya Nygaard J h h. U.
Safiya Nygaard Jhhh h h.
Hi Friend
Omg I love you Safiya and Tyler you guys are awesome
Have you thought of vlogging ?x
Definitely one of my fave videos! It made me feel loads better since I got sick today!
were you using escape the night s2 and s3 music
OK when you let strangers pick your makeup and clothes you should make one where you collab with someone and both of you go to different stores and take a pic of each other and show it to strangers and let them pick out an outfit or makeup for the other person then show each other what people picked out and you both have to ear the things for the rest of the day!!
Ok so rclbeauty101 and safiya look like twins. Not only that both of there boyfriends are named Tyler
Didn't they have any holy water?
Are u even allowed in the naked zone if you're a pervert
Smells like.. Old naked people. Errg. Me deu um nojinho.
Pause at 2:19 lollllllll
that actually looks like fun, I wanna go there and try it. Or at least one of Japan's spa baths or whatever they're called
A video idea: trying Lolita style. No, Lolita hasn’t got anything to do with the book, and isn’t about pedophilia or sex, for those who may be questioning what this style is, after hearing about the book that literally has nothing to do with this. Lolita is a fashion style from Japan, taking elements of Victorian style and adding them with things people would consider cute such as bows. Lolita clothes are nearly always dresses and skirts, down to the knee. Then of course shoes, petticoats and accessories. There are many types, such as gothic, punk, classic and many others. Note, they can cost a lot, but you can find affordable clothes online (not wish or eBay). Thank you for reading my comment.
I love hakone their onsens are the best!!!!
9:20 anyone remember that Victorious episode?
I dont know why, but I had an idea for an outfit video. A week of wearing outfits that manaquins have on in different stores. Dont ask??
step up your uploading game
You and Tyler are goals
WOooow this is my favorite video ever
tyler shave off ur chest hair and beard
I will have a heart attack if i have green tea
You just hit 5M congrats girlll!!!!
Is the background from the 10-12 minute mark from season 1 escape the night????
3:41 i See bIgBaNg
I would so love to go there!
Hello my friends
What is her nationality?
Who's the one who is filming Sofia and Tyler when they aren't themselves? 8.44
8:44 *
Don’t usually comment but your hair looks amazing at the moment ♥️
I think a video of you getting your face dermaplaned would be super interesting to see your experience and if there are benefits such as how your makeup lays after
You got on the bus the wrong way
Safiya do you have a place where people can send fanmail? Your videos are always so entertaining and Tyler's comments are always funny too
Safiya and Tyler are honestly such a beautiful couple. You can really feel how much they enjoy each other and how happy they are. Love it
1:17 I thought they only wear that in anime Now I really wanna go to a Japanese high school
The fish bath ... Victorious
you are so freaking hilarious!
I love how this video is 21:00
I love how they have so much cleaning and rinsing here. So sanitary. USA water parks are disgusting
Her brown hair shocked me, I missed a ton of videos
I love Japan.u guys should go to Nara Park
Just another thing to add to the list of reasons why I want to go to Japan
I think Tyler got a little drunk lol
is she Norwegian ?
please try to wear pink (the store) for a week
i got my feet eaten by fishes too but in santorini in greece, and we only paid for 10 minutes but the person working there let us do it for like an hour, our feet were so soft afterwards
Whenever you see a video that doesn’t have her Brown hair you immediately think that’s it’s ancient
I've been there in japan
I'm adding this to the list! So cool!
EVERYTHING GOES UP TYLER'S NOSE i NEVER thought i would type or say that sentence
Can you go to the philippines next please
I've been here!! IT'S SO FUN OMG
I’m in Japan
lmao that baby just got a bucket of wine thrown on his face xD poor baby
This was amazing. I've never actually heard of these before
I would love to go to Japan, please represent us weebs there!!!
I'm poor and have no talents. Ill never be able to go to Japan :C
1:29 1:36
14:33 Be careful chirren thats a lot of sodium
3:39 I see BigBang in the background
I want to go ; - ;
"The winner of the naked zone was the view... of the mountains" hahahaha
12:51 escape the night music for season 1 and 3
When the green tea was on I smelt mint, I was not chewing gum. What is going on?
I get that they wanted to film for us but did could they not leave behind media for at least a day I mean it was such a beautiful place I would just want to relax
You should at whowantwear (I think that’s the brand) they have some super weird pants
Damn that hair makeover thing worked like ugh looks so good
Isn't it sakè?
i want to visit japan just for this water park
I couldn't watch this video seriously cause you kept saying on-sen instead of oh-n-sen..
“mildly boiled the booty”
6:15 that's fun-tea
Love this video
I live in japan in yokosuka
I want more of this content love ya
Keep up the great work Safiya! I'm definitely adding this spa theme park to my list of places to visit when I go to Japan in the near future!
Spot bigbang @ 3:40
I believe this is one that has a tattoo ban, right? every one I checked with when I was there was pretty strict on that, which was a real bummer for me.
OMG THE Fish are like the ones from victorious that made them really sick oh no
Please PLEASE make a Franken-makeup video where you mix everything available of one brand of Sephora like all fenty beauty target or nyx products (every shade) and see if it turns out as a foundation lipstick eyeshadow or whatever else
You should try the Betabrand office leggings next!
“So sneaky...”
Omg I’d love to go there Love you Safiya
I hear escape the night music when they were in the coffee bath
Great video SuperRaeDizz- I mean Safiya!
Last time I checked, coffee was bad for your skin...
Finally a travel video that's funny and informative! I love the bit when you threw the drinking coffee in your face
“its like communion but everyones in a bath” HAHAHAHAHAHAH
lmao that moment when u threw the coffee on ur face instead of drinking it HAHAHAHAHA
She sounds like Rick Murray from degrassi...
"Naked zone" 4:56 Yeah you're supposed to be naked but then again I'm just getting flashbacks of Korean spas.....with my family 0-0 I went with my grandmother, rip
14:55 such a shitty view compeared to if you live in switzerland, field trips by something on a mountan or just your view are super common
Daddy af
Your man is so hot
Are you allowed to have tattoos at these parks?
5:31 me sitting in my bath tub stressing cause I have a project do tomorrow and I didn’t start it. (Actually do)
omg this look so fun
“Sky’s out!” *points camera at roof* 8:02
Video idea: wearing snapchats bitmoji outfits for a week!
Safiya Nygaard morning
Safiya Nygaard you just earned a new subscriber❤️
I think you are actually super fucked up. But you must be ok with it.
Great now Cristine will want to go for the green tea tub stay tuned for that now
When you drown you would be drunk once you come out
Waskinda expecting cristine to just be in the tea baths drinking the tea.
I live in Japan and I’ve actually been there!
Imagine missing the bullet train to school and trying to chase it..
Am I the only one who noticed the Escape the Night playing??
please change your hello . its horrible
Who else spotted BigBang and started screaming inside?
Kōhī Chōdai!
Hope you survive escape the night
What if someone pees in the pool lmao
I've been to Tokyo and it is utterly amazing there! i love going on the bullet train and going to universal studios at Kyoto.
I went to hot springs but in Australia
How many black dresses do you have?
Safiya can't you do a 1950s or 1940s styles in your styles trough the decades.
I’m watching this instead of studying for my exam tomorrow. Why am I like this?
go watch my new video about russian gay-pedophile-actor quickly
i keep going to search things up and then i'm like 'oh no don't do that! here's a description'
In NZ we have volcanic mud that bubbles up, mostly in Rotorua, but in other places, and it has hot springs as well, and people collet the mud and put it on their face, because it is good for you.
8:34 I live in Singapore!
How many people have peed in those pools?
Is saf Muslim because she said that in a buzz feed video??
When they were throwing coffee at you guys and you were attempting to catch it with your mouths it reminded me of when you feed pigeons by tossing them food
I went there before! Loveeeee
4:19 Tyler is meeeee
Safiya falls under a make up channel, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she falls under that category... This is the only make up channel I watch (aside from Tea Spill, but that's just the tea on literally every other make up channel) cause there's drama on every other one..
"And fish that nibble on your feet, among other things" I know she meant it in a different way but I think she knew what she did there
You should get the first 5 things that sponsored youtubers
The green tea bath. Cristine would love that.
*chanting* GIMME COFFEE
Wouldn't it be saké? Not sake?
Why is this in my recommendation
dress like ur from broadway musicals for a week plz
you can get drunk bathing in alcohal so......
Safiya's diction
I hope u enjoy Japan... I live there :)
Try a shein haul plz
What a good boyfriend lol how he just walks around the pools recording and just supporting you lol
I'm living an adventurous life because of Safs vids c;
*I feel like massaging someone's bald head*
*This is like a Buzzfeed Video*
i wanna go here now !!
i’m going to japan on july 3rd and i’m so excited!! it seems like there’s so many cool things to do. i better start making a list of things to see and do.
would it be difficult for a non Japanese speaker to get there? transportation wise
Simply nailogical would like the tea one
why do she look scary in thumbnail
I can read all of this I’m japanese
Is it just me or she sounds robotic??
My name is Eunice
That person just FREAKEN grabbed that GoPro while it was on. I mean HOW RUDE!
I like how safiya actually respects the privacy of people and blurred their faces unlike other vloggers -_-
so cool!!
Omg can’t wait to go to Japan and go to a spa like that
Christean would love the tea and GIGANTIC tea bag
Safiya is the best!!!
i’m going to japan
Who is the guy and why cant you do a naked ver of you naked somewhere else? :( SEXY
Can you try dry brushing? or even just things that Goop says work but sound dubious. I have some friends who swear by dry brushing with a little body oil but others say it is a waste of time.
Be careful Chirren that ramen bath has got a lot of sodium
I really like your pronunciation Safiya! It's clear and relaxing
"don't photoshop this" hahaha you're too late
i would love to work at the coffee portion of the park i mean you get to throw like gallons of coffee on strangers
Can you go if you have tattoos?
That place looks beautiful
safiya should have her own make up line.
It’s is just me or does she look like Gabbie? xD
do yo have any favorite video in your channel?
I want wine thrown in my face please
I went on a bullet train to hakone it’s amazing
I’ve been to japan it’s so pretty there I love it
Instead of thighs out sky's out it's thighs out pies out
Is anyone else bothered that they wrote alot instead of a lot in the subtitles
11:03 he sounds exactly like hiram lodge from riverdale
whoa! that snail is fast!
My life is so boring
What if you mixed a bunch of lip glosses??
I’ve been there before!!! It’s awesome
the fish are starved and it's unhealthy for them to eat your dead skin, but they do it because they are so hungry
saf and tyler are the cutest
It's a shame that that particular place doesn't allow people with visible tattoos in :( (It clearly says it on the website)
3:40 i miss big bang
Far too many people for me, but I could endure an hour. When I see kids, I think of snot, crying and pee. Right. I don't have kids. :D
I wonder how much all of that was
video idea: as i was on youtube, i found a video about the "Ohhio Blanket." it's a squishy, chunky DIY blanket. i think it looks pretty cool, but it's pretty expensive.
This song sounds like Escape The Night!!! Great video!!!
There was a fricken baby in the wine pool when they splashed the red wine XD
The real question is were u pruny afterwards
Omg I went there!!!
20:29 is the prettiest shot I've ever seen in my entire life, thank you very much.
Ayeee I'm from Singapore
is it just me or is her hair different???
Safiya Nygaard u should try wearing clothes from the website joom for a week
?kiddo Safiya Nygaard
Safiya Nygaard Can you please do a video on 1 cent things from Amazon???
Saf, you HAVE to try out the new silicone makeup brushes from lormay!!
You should create a frankein shadow palletes... you can create and customize color!! Love you!!
Safiya Nygaard You should create a frankein shadow palletes... you can create and customize color!! Love you
i predict that ur in escape the night cause the back music
There is also a spa park in china xuamen but witg less of the waterpark aspect
8:26 but remember in victorious how they all got sick from the *feet fish?*
Why did they go to japan? Not just for the spa.... right?
17:52 That poor baby in the front just got splashed in the face with WINE!
Did anyone here escape the night s1 song ?
19:45 HOLY MOLY IS THAT TAEYANG HJFJGJBVV LOVE your vids btw saf always doing great
I want buckets of coffee thrown in my face
this is sooooooo aestheticaly pleasing
Anyone hear that escapr the night season 1 theme?
Whats better than pouring/throwing coffee at strangers?
4:21 lmao i can't stop laughing at how tyler said 'I want a churro'
8:45 Who is holding the camera?
Jealous of how beautiful Safiya looks without makeup!
You should do a 24 hour challenge
First time watching your videos Great work ..If your into big spa's And like to Travel Phillippines has a few places called ACE Water Spa Around Pasig city Manila There are fair looking videos of it on YouTube But it doesn't do it justice My Girlfriend and I fly from Canada And the 2nd day there we went and I loved it and still think about it ..Huge cement pool with hip high water And cement chairs and stainless steel handles You sit in the Chair and they have water jets just for your bum. The next chair is for your legs Next the back or hips ..Then you move on to the Rain forest table you lay down on and hard water relaxes you. Then try the 3 different hot pools that smell of lavender. Mint, Jasmine Each one hotter then the next also have dry/wet saunas Afterwards head to the café and sample the teas and local foods ..Your rubber when you leave And there is a few massage parlors close by if your still feeling tight ...I passed on that lol We slept for 9 hours afterwards at a friends near by Hope to see more vids !
Simplynaillogical would love the tea baths
this looks so fun
I really love you guys
I need to go the Japan any one wanna come?
Safiya im a new fan and i hope you had fun on escape the night and you and ro got captured by the clowns??? We will see and i hope you see this
Hey Saf why don't you make a video about fried chicken legs pants it's awesome for your weird fashion series :D:D
"Our butts thoroughly rattled." I DIED!!!!!!!!!
lmfao 18:54 "WOW now thats a fast train."
13:12 I laughed so hard when she slammed the drinkable coffee on her face lol
When you want to go to Japan and relax but you also need to tax it
I’m sorry but how low is Tyler’s alcohol intake
I went there one year ago. Nice place, love de video
“But the big winner of the naked zone is the view... of the mountains”
That laugh hei hei hei
I love how your videos aren’t monetized
Morning logic dry nfuenrw sexual store ease investment opposite.
Can u do a week of boohoo clothing?
The flora is on *FLEEK* Lmao
Safiya you are the tea bag
I think I've watched this video 5 times now
i just realized she posted this on my bday but I REALIZE IT 7 DAYS LATER
safiya, you need to get a tattoo for five million
thighs out, *skys out*
So it looked like you can drink the wine pool but what if someone peed in it 2 seconds before you drank it
Can do more Harry potter vids
Please do a Dog Dog haul!! :))
In Oregon we have those fish in the river..
You should go to the Philippines because “ IT’S MORE FUN IN THE PHILIPPINES “
with david and liza broken up, at least we still have one super couple.
16:48 WHY IS THAT LADY WEARING A *_WHITE_* SHIRT-THING? *_TRIGGERED_* jk I don't really care
Would they separate the gay and gender neutral people from the same gender?
At 17:53 did anyone else see that person in the jacket???
Only went to Japan for the spa?? Or will there be other Japan videos?
SAFIYA please wear the Aielowu jeans!! There so weird!!
"Feline Spongebobs"
Is anyone else dying that she threw the coffee at her face instead of drinking it? Hahahaha
i love this video! so interesting
He has cesthar sexy gost ciding
Spilled tea lol
THIS LOOKS FUN!!! I want to go there so bad
I have herd sake before but what is it
I ❤️ Japan
Hello friends please go check out this YouTube channel and subscribe. She is just starting and I really believe in her. I would love if all of you would go over to her channel and subscribe her channel name is Cindy Christine and she is amazing
Wow, white bikini, 12:38
That looks so fun!
Who else had a spa as come on before the video??!! Lol what a coincidence!
Omg can you do like for the rest of your mixing vids, like mix all your contour, baking powder (if you have a lot), blush, stuff like that, then in a separate video, do a full face of all your frankin makeup!!!!
Is he asian?
Termas de Ourense is better: https://www.termasourense.com/
Your hair is looking great
I got my phone taken away for a month so someone explain to me what happened to her hair
I’ve binge watched all your videos I NEED MORE!!!
Are those the fish from victorious?
that is so beautiful actually!
Hi I'm your new subscriber :)
in love with your information along with a funny vid
Have you seen the store unique vintage it in California it reminds me of you!!
Great video ❤
Safiya are you exited for the first escape the night episode! I am.Hope you win!
Omg I need to do this with my bf one day!
We need Christine to try the tea bath with Ben next
“Our bootys throughly rattled”
I wonder of the trip was on the spa’s invitation or what.
It's depressing that as a tattooed person I wouldn't be allowed in there
“I’ve got some ankle hairs” ~Saf 2k18
what happened to the intro song?
I've did fish nibbling on ur feet
Ive been there. It’s so beautiful and relaxing. Since I was a bit younger we skipped the naked zone
I completely adore your speaking voice (and I'm British!)
*i smell woody* -ders a snek in me boot-
Ur not sipping tea Ur dipping in tea
I just need a nap (wheeze)lol
I died when he threw the coffee at you
They have those fish in CA at Sea world for your hands.
This looks fantastic! I had no idea this even existed. thanks for sharing. Tyler's feet? hmmm...mite need more fish treatments. But. maybe men don't exfoliate like woman do.....
Abbey poccast
Did it make you uncomfortable knowing in the naked zone you sat and crawled around we're naked people were sitting on
Safiya Nygaard the real question is... did the kids sample the wine?
Maybe you can try the Mario kart (real life Mario karts you can drive on the real roads while wearing character costumes)!! I’ve seen them in Tokyo
Lol I live in japan and I have been there
oh wow safiya looks so pretty in this video or is it just me
ur so well spoken like damn yo voice is so soothing
why is the coffee and red wine throwing part so funny to me LMFAO
When the coffee got thrown at them
Ur not sipping tea ur dipping tea
How did you manage to get around so easily? Do either or you speak/read Japanese?
I went to that train station lol
Peep Big Bang at 3.41
Omg I went there so don’t mind me I will now lick the water because safiya nygaard was here yaaa jk that’s disgust omg well just want to tell ya now that I live in japan so many youtubera have went to places I’ve been to like pewdiepie and and you my face awesome !!!!!!!!!
Tyler is me if in there hahaha
The Ramen bath
I went to that spa theme park when I went to Japan. My Dad has a tattoo so he had to have a bandage on, but it doesn't sound like you had that problem.
Who else thought of the bath house in Spirited Away?
12:50 I can hear the the ETN song in he background.
its frustrating to me that i was actually intertained by this pos video we call entertainment
I wonder who record them?
Hellsponge Lol hello Kitty & SpongeBob
Ewww their NAKED!!!???
LOL!!! Cracking up on your professional sounding yet comical comments about Tyler's feet!!!
LOL!!!! "Mildly boiled the booty!!!"
My doctor kept warning me about going in public pools because I could get yeast infection, but here we have people bathing in wine and coffee, having fun, AND getting healthier skin
ok so, totally random. 3:40. there is a BIGBANG poster in the middle crane machine! i'm k-pop trash... sorry! continue scrolling.
is it bad that as soon as i heard sake i thought of Hanzo form overwatch............
Kids in a wine hot tub !?!?!?
Tyler looked drunk at the end of the video
According to Victorious nibbling fish are illegal, lol
Ahh so satisfying when a video ends exactly at a 00
“Oh you were supposed to drink it, I just threw it on my face” LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
the part where tyler gets hit with coffee so hard he has to lie down had me in tears omg
"It's like communion, but everyone's in a bath."
It's crazy how different she looks with and without makeup.
I'm probably not ever getting on that train! I'm the only teen at the amusement parks who doesn't ride the roller coasters or fast rides.
the bath with the roses was beautiful!!!!
Imagine wearing something white in the wine bath
In SeaWorld, well probably where I go. THERE AR THOSE KIND OF FISHIES THat NIBBLE HaNDS OR FeEt :D
I need a go there omg
I bathed in green tea after this because I drink it and now I have another reason to have green tea bags, I can bath in it and unclog my pores
I went to an onsen next to the ocean in the rain. You could sit in the outside area in the hot pools, and the rain was the perfect temperature. It was amazing.
By the time u read this my dad is flying there he is going is Tokyo
the fish part was exactly like that episode of victorious
After all this, y’all will never age and stay young forever
i spy with my little eye gdragon &big bang
I actually have a foreign exchange sister from Japan living with me right now. Her name is Riko and she's amazing. So it's very special to me that you are filming videos about your trip to Japan!
Great attraction for hungry mosquitoes (see the forests and trees right next to the water?)
“ i want a churro” is in japan LMAOOO
Are you and Tyler dating
Man I love japan
I NEED THIS you could go here if your stress
I loved the longer video you don’t always have to do them but this was definitely an a+
Mori “no u”
i love how using a bidet is somethig new aaa i love my argentina
She’s not *sipping* tea, she’s *dipping* in tea.
I was here when you were recording i saw myself
what if a fat person went in that little tea cup-like pool..
You have the best nails I have ever seen.
Ikr she should go on the website joom
i love you saf but i wanna steal ur man
did anyone else notice the girl at 12:39 why are her hips so big
Billion times more respectful than other Japanese vlogs
Tyler looks just like Freddy from iCarly to me lol
Wanna hear a joke Read more
I was actually watching this at 7:57 when she said 7:56
Ne ne Papa, Café chodai! Ne ne Papa, wine no chodai!
you should do a video where you do makeup and dress up like your zodiac sign
Is Tyler your boyfriend or your brother
Saf have you done the doppelganger website challenge? Might make for an interesting video
this looks so damn nice wtf
shout me out pls
im still in love with safs new hair
Idk why but I feel like I would be grossed out to go here
You should do a video where you buy the same item that’s advertised on two different fashion websites (Wish, Shein, Romwe, etc...) and compare the two!
try out curology. :)
But like what about the 10% of the population that's gay or bi for the naked zone lmao
12:37 I cannot be the only one who noticed that lady in the coffee pool her waist was so small
This SPA looks insane
At 11:06 they misspelled outside
It was fine, but I need a nap. Thaz's so mee
Why is it called the naked zone if she's in a sw8m suit
Imagine how many boobs and butts she had to censor at 0:42! lol
If you love the views of mountains so much you should go to Santa Barbara California
Who wants to go to the pool now
This made me so excited because I’m going to caroines tomorrow (sorry for me bad spelling) well maybe if my grandma isn’t so salty again
16:57 ur sitting in grapes
11:10 who was holding the camera
The advertisement i got for this vudei was a trash ad. YEP
Safiya Nygaard I wish I was you
Safiya Nygaard what was the pricing like?
Safiya Nygaard you rock!
Where I’m from bidet(the toilet) actually means gay
I tryde the fish and I could not keep my feet in
Cristine's teaaa
I very mush enjoy Safiya’s vids, they are interesting and funny (also original and informative!) in a way that is NOT offensive. :D
Who films when you’re both in frame?/??’ Xx
The bath full of wine aint for kids
if i were you i would get *really hyped up and say caFFEINEEEE.* lol
I love the way you talk because i m not english but i still understand
This makes me want to go to a spa
I need to go there!!!
Roses are red violets are blue and your the best one and the favorite
Food sounds good
Did you now
He sounded like naruto when he said “oh that’s good sake”
19:08 Tyler’s face is me realising all my problems
More Japan videos please!!!1
Thanks for talking about spongebob
I freaking love your hair!!!!!!!
I got to do the fish feet thing, and it legit makes your feet feel so good!!! The hype is real and yes everyone around me was screaming, it was fun
Aww I love you so much ❤️❤️❤️ i literally smiled the whole time
I have no idea why but this is my new favorite video on the internet and I’ve already rewatched 4 times ♥️
Do a video of you playing Episode
Wait they have the traditional spas in Yuri on ice....I’ve been dying since I watched this video.... I’m sorry
you could've have bring the gadget that translate you english to japanese
I love this! It looks awesome!
I like that the Escape The Night music was playing for bit of the video
"Tyler washed upon ashore" cracked me up :D
I have watched this 4 times now lol
Who else had to pee after watching this?
the song thats playing is the escape the night song
at 12:37
Living for the hair
omg goals I want to go to this. This looks super fun.
getting paid for throwing things at ppl faces best job ever
Omg the escape the night s3 song is playing in the background
Wow what a fun park; I'd love to try all the pools too :) Congrats on hitting 5M!!!
@18:17 look those glows on Tyler's face
It like communion but it s bath
I want to get payed to throw coffee at people
You should try a ryokan
This is sooo cool!!! Wow, awsome video guys!! Luv it!!!
I. O. Ol Iiiiiiiiiiiii Iii
I was expecting this to be like ridiculously expensive but I was like, WHAAAAAATTT!!?? When I saw that for both areas bundled, it's less than $40 USD.
The fish thing can cause skin cancer
The fish that nibble at your feet remind me of that one episode of Victorious
Can you guys save up your YouTube money and open one of these places for us?
youguys gave me a hankerin for ramen noodles, so i got me some Mr noodles.
i wanna go to the collagen naked one with the roses its so prettyyyyy
They were probably very concerned when you throw hot coffee at your face
Saf is Glowing
@3:41 Krunk & BIGBANG ;))
Why can I hear escape the night season 1 music
Awesome trip. I wish I had know about this spot, while I was in Japan. Thanks for posting.
drinking game: drink a pool filled with wine every time she says “thoroughly”
At 12:30 it sounds like escape the night joey graceffa theme song!!
When you think of going and then it pops out the "people with tattos aren't allowed". That's how dreams died :')
Ahhh I would love to go!!
Do either of them speak Japanese? If not I wonder if they had any difficulties with translations
With our booties thoroughly shaken
Tyler is there ti get F U C K E D
That looks like an amazing spa experience. I want to go to Japan even more now. The only problem is I have quite a few tattoos and won't be allowed in the majority of baths and spas. I hope that place allows tattoos, does anyone know if they do?
How pruney were you by the end of the spa?
"Good for acne" *smacks face in the water*
My nieces name is mahogany.
I went to Tokyo around New Years and I’m pretty positive I stayed in the same hotel as you and Tyler in Akasaka!!! Seeing these videos is making me miss it so bad, I can’t wait to go back! Thanks for the nostalgia Saf!! What are the odds you guys stayed at the same MyStays hotel I did!! So cool!!
i love saf's sense of humor :))
be careful chirren that’s a lot of sodium
Omg Cristine need to take a green tea bath
The train is also called a mag lev and I got to make one in science at my old school
this video was soo cool but can any tourist just film there with premission ( i dont know how you do that) cause it seems really cool to do and keep as a memory
“But the best part is the view......” paulses slowly “of the mountains lol
Love this content Saf
Ur skin looks well-rested ! The spa works. Can’t wait to visit Japan and this place.
“My butts shaking” “Same”
Exactly 21 minutes. I am satisfiead
Safiya was it difficult to communicate and commute around Japan as a foreigner?
:o Lucky
insider talked about this spa
I love how the backround music is joey's season 1 escape the night theme song, its perfect since she's going to be in season 3 lol
...with our booties thoroughly rattled...
Do you know if your allowed into this Park with tattoos? I know many onsen don't allow tattoos.
So yeah ive just been binging safiya's cannel for the past week. I dont have a problem..... ( cue dramatic music)
One time in Philippine we went to a doctor fish foot spa. There was a huge tank you would put your foot in and my brother leaned forward a bit too much and ALMOST nocked over the whole tank. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooof
It's not like I made myself a coffee bath after this... Uh....
Saf, you’re my favorite history teacher
This place looks AWESOME!
This seems so fun and cute, especially the coffee part
I thought this was a buzzfeed video....yeah.
“The green tea bath is supposed to help you with pores and breakouts” *jumps headfirst into water*
3:40 someone else who saw the Big Bang poster?
dude at 19:44 you can see a big bang poster behind the machine lmao
fish that nibble on your feet *squints eyes* trina
When your soo buget you get a boyfriend to be your camera man
I wanna go here with my girlfriend lol
That place is awsome
But Aegean is a sea...
Please review https://powerdaysale.com/ they have black bat clothes
OMG I had to pause at 0:59
Do you know Rae dizzel if not she is a you tuber that looks a lot like you. You should check out her channel
3:40 Big Bang!!!!!!
this video a summary: Tyler: *is slowly getting drunk* Safiya: *is getting hit in the eye*
Impossible drinking game : take a shot every time she says thoroughly
oh my god living your best life
Någon svensk som såg detta på ”Välkommen till Japan” med Keyyo och Clara?
She just spilled the tea in the tea tub
14:38 be careful chirren that’s a lot of sodium
Did Tyler lose weight? Get a new haircut? Whatever it is, it’s working for you :)
How come you can't have tattoos in the naked zone
Who saw a bigbang ~one of my top 5 kpop groups~ poster at 3:40
"But the big winner of the naked zone was the view (misleading pause). Of the MOUNTAINS"
these kids are getting wasted
If you ever go again you should go to fox forest (if you like foxes)
I went to Japan in Febuary! I went to the exact same train station.
Tyler is hot tbh
if i ever go to japan im definitely going there
You should do capsules hotels in Tokyo! Plz Plz Plz!
When safia was dancing in the wine pool, i bet you the Japanese people were like,”Wtf is this? American? No wonder!”
Wait, am I the only one who realized one of the songs she used in her video was the song from escape the night season 1 trailer and that she’s in escape the night?
I tried the doctors feet thing before when i was 6 and my skin was soooooooooooooo sensitive so i couldnt even keep it in for a full second
I think that I watched this 30 times now!
My question is how did they find this stuff out
I'm crying right now because I realized that ill always be way to broke to afford to go to japan
When she was mentioning/showing the bullet trains, all I thought of was Train to Busan... aghhh memories
does anyone know the episode of victorious when they get sick from the fish nibbling on their feet lol
**excited snap thing**
This is my third time watching this I still love it
Omg I miss my trip to Japan. Im so suprised that you went to the same spa as me when I went to Japan. I hope u had fun on your trip.
3:41-19:43=Big Bang lol
Lol I think buzz feed changed their name again. Buzz feed , boldly and now As/ls I might be wrong though...
the fish can pass on infections from other people they eat the dead skin of :/ its cruel to the fish and unhygienic. hence why it was quickly banned in the uk. be careful guys x
*Drinks sake from hands rubs eyes with hands*
Consider not supporting those fish pedicures in the future. Those little fish are severely starved, that's why they feed off the dead skin on your feet. It can also cause some nasty infections.
*”thighs out, Skies out!”*
*”Thighs Out, SKY’S OUT”*
Not only were the mascots hiding, but so were the BigBang posters!
this looks so much fun i need a partner that i can do all the crazy stuff with
So cute
i was disappointed that there were no fountain of youth puns in the collagen pool
Is it just me but I heard the music from Escape the night season one trailer?
9:19 reminded me of that on episode on victorious where they let the fish nibble on their feet and they all got sick anyone else???
This is on my bucket list now
*I T W E N T U P M Y N O S E*
That looks amazing.
2:00 if you are wondering the signs say things like おみやげ, which is souvenir.
Tyler at the end when they were in the hotel it looked like he was drunk
Do a collab with Amber Scholl
Why was Kalinka playing during the coffee throwing
Tylers so cute hehehe
_"and with our booties thoroughly rattled..."_
Who’s filming when they are both in the pool?
Tyler looks kinda Japanese...
Safiyas hair looks so good!! I'm jealous
werent those the dangerous fish from victorious that made everyone sick
3:41 anyone else see BIGBANG?
I went on a bull-it train for 5 hours but it was nice
loved this video!
If someone shat in the coffee bath no one would know ....
You in America srsly have to censor the nipples of drawings? WTF. That's ridiculous :'D
“It went up my nose” - Tyler
I have the seamen am as Tyler but my name is spelled Thylar
*Same name
Why would they let a 3year old get red wine thrown at them, but i wouldn't mind it to much especially coffee that will be a nice break from school.
Guy: *grabs the bucket* YEEET
It looks like when farmer feeds the pigs lmao
Never really had an interest to visit Japan, but now I feel it needs added to my Bucket List!!!
Dream job: chanting and throwing buckets of coffee at people
Christine would be in the tea bath the whole day
How are Safs videos informative, entertaining and funny at the same time? I never have to skip through any parts. Thank god saf hit the YouTube world and is showing all the other gurus how it’s done.
Ahh I wish I tried this in Japan! I would also highly recommend go karting in Japan. You can do it wearing Mario style costumes
This is hilarious!
I REALLY WANT TO GO THERE, BUT i don’t go to public body of water because, there are stuff on human skin that got mixed in with water and we are bathing in it... I hope they wash themselves before going in
*pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools* *pools*
Am I the only one who noticed them playing Katyusha as background music when they had coffee being thrown on them?
Saf: We vlogged to much we have to go! Me:
hairy boi
I love how detailled and very well planned every video is! you put so much work and effort into this! Thank you so much for doing such great content!
Safiya Nygaard don't you think it's dirty
My but is shaking
i hope she took aesthetic pictures with the collagen bath
Watching this made me want to drink tea, so I went and made myself some lol
Ya just good
Lol I'm drinking tea now eney one else
anyone else realise that the backround music at 12:30 was the escape the night season 3 theme song?. ps Safiya is in etn season 3!!!
Dude this is nice , I WANT A CHURO
"The view... of the mountains"
(I’m half Japanese) 2:04 I WENT THERE! (I used to live there, I live in Australia!(thank god, I got bullied there, and there was so much racism!))
Tyler's *excited snap thing* is me when Saf uploads
The collagen pool is extremely useless. It might have a superficial effect on the skin but nothing is being absorbed in that water because collated isn’t absorbable my the skin... it can be injected though?
Collagen not collated
i only know what a hot springs is from yuri on ice
Your hair looked reddish. Liked it but yeah it is different in a good way
5:56 simply nailogical is quaking
I feel like this is so unhygienic and really dirty omg :(
I'm actually going there for vacation next month
12:28 Keep listening to the music, That's ESCAPE THE NIGHT ~w~
I luv ur hair
i love her so much but her pronunciation was KILLING me
Safiya what is your lip color?
-wait they have those dead skin eating fish at seaworld tho-
next time you go take me with you
Me after this video:OH I guess I should buy tea A LOT of tea and coffee Is this why in movies they bathe in wine
I’m going to Japan in 4 days! Hopefully we can check out this place, I’m excited to see what has to come
3:40 theres a bigbang poster in the middle claw machine
This looks like so much fun
I hit like at your pun talking about the salt in the pork, ramen and collagen pool. You are hilarious
I T ' S F R O M J A P A N
what if two people were in school together and saw eachother in the naked zone
i lowkey want to go there?
I really love Saf's new hair
Wow your lipstick color is gorgeous
When they were in the wine the looked like beets
Anyone else in Japan right now? Or at least Japanese and go to Hot Springs very often?
what a wonderful video!!!
Did they have a no tattoo policy here?
3:40 I SEE GDRAGON AND THE REST OF BIG BANG! ANY OTEHR FANSS? No, I'm not saying I just viewed this video just to say this but I noticed it. Also how lucky is Safia, that looks so relaxing. Plus the view of the mountains is shaking mah whole house.
ahh i’m so sad i didn’t know that you were here in japan
omg i never knew this place existed until i watched this!!! it looks amazing and sooo fun, plus i’ve been really into taking care of my skin so it’s perfect..
This looks amazing
that buffet food looks like it actually tastes really good lol, I totally wanna try this now!!!
12:52 i realized that the background music is the escape the night s1 music
Korea also use a lot of bidets. I have one in my home. My friend came over to my house and asked how to use the bathroom
I need to go here
saf's skin is so nice
your so cute omg
**sees japan in title** **clicks**
I dont understand how sake is good for your skin... SAKE IS *FERMENTED SPIT* Read more
Living for the Victorious flashbacks
I think it'd be fun to have little fish nibbling on your feet, ankles, and lower legs. This video was very entertaining.
12:38 that girl in the white bikini has a really good body shape
The fish part reminded me of victorious
i went to the site and it basically said they refuse tattooed people, gang relations, and excessive drinkers.. or at least that's how I interpreted /:
I’m crying laughing at Safiya’s boyfriend when y’all were getting doused with coffee and he just jumped up, unhinged his jaw and got a whole mouthful of it
“The flora is on fleek”
Cristine would love the green tea bath
um I don't know how to ask this but........... what is ur race? Cuz I have trying to avoid asking this but I just can't figure it out
Look at Tyler's face at 20:25!!
8:33 I know this I saw that Victorious episode lmao
I've been out of school for over a month and I haven't gone swimming at all. All I've done is sat in my nephews kiddie pool with him (he's only like 14 months so obviously there has to be someone in there with him.) I'm going on vacation in a week and the hotel has an outdoor pool so let's hope the weather will be nice (we're also thinking of getting an aboveground pool after vacation.) Of course aboveground pools require landscaping and like putting the sand and all that and also we're ordering it so... let's hope we actually decide to get it cause I don't like going to the public pool and showing off my fat rolls.
The fish part reminds me of victorious when Tina imported illegal fish from japan
So looking forward to going there next year
Btw the fish are not fed if they were properly fed they would not nibble your skin so it’s really not a good life being that fish sadly
The Russian music in the background xD
I’ve been waiting for someone to do a video like this! ^.^ I’m going to try the green tea & coffee baths at home! Thankyou for making this video
OMG i've been there! Same train same bus lol
Fun! :D
Tyler's little excited snap thing was very cute
Cristine should go there because of the Green Tea bath!
Cristine Would Have Loved The Green Tea Bath/Pool.
I love fish spas! I’ve been in one
15:42 Is there an Annoying white dog that occasionally steals this?
I’m a little late I really want to go there
Safiya, how much time would you recommend is good to spend at Yunnessun?
Lol you found indonesian photo of fish foot bath in 8:35 because i can read something blue in the wall ‘menghaluskan kulit’ lol i know that is not important
im a anime watcher and Im getting yoi vibes!!!!
The bullet train is no match for the new train that is being built in Dubai it takes you to Abu Dhabi in 15sec while in car it takes 2 hours
I ment 15 mins
I am Turkish
You ca see your bf in mera
WAIT! I'm laughing my ass off at thebdude throwing those buckets of coffee on all those people
I REAAAALLY Loved this video. I'm very into environmental science and I love when you go visit scenic places!!
Safiya when I go to Tokyo I want to visit Ikebukuro. It's a town from one of my favorite animes called durarara. You should watch it.
i wanna go to japan rn
Those foot fish thingys are really common in England?
"dont photoshop this" lmaooo
Omg who else heard Escape The Night s1 music in the background.
12:38 wow that woman with the white bikini has such a great bodyyy
On the way in the bus it looked like the start of a cure for wellnes
are you turkish?
6:48 I like how she slightly paused when saying what the best view of the naked part was.
16:37 I was so glad you said that because I was thinking the same thing, but the joke never got old tho
The wine bath kind of looks like that scene from carrie
fucking love japan man
Safiya should go to Romania! It's really beautiful here! ❤
Love the Russian music in the background
The background music!!! #EtnS1
I might go there!
I love Vicky's profile pic
Hi! Which hotel did you stayed at? Like any recommendations?
I wish I could speak Chinese I can only speak 3 languages English Spanish and Korean
* its like communion but everyone is in bath me : agahahahahaaha lmao
10:11 wtf there's a watcher seat for mori no yu (naked area)
7:44 Wait this place looks familiar... didn't they film like a kdrama here? I can't seem to remember which drama it is tho ;_;
Is it sad that when. I first saw the crane machines, I instantly noticed the Big Bang poster on the middle one
Ive been there several times it’s absolutely amazing you’ll never have as much fun as you will there
I love this video
I'm so jealous....
14:41 I'm dying
*i think babymetal fans will understand* Gimme coffee more like GIMME CHOCOLATE no just me, kk....
Tyler's chest hair is dad goals let's admit it
My sisters always ask why i wanna go to japan and this is why
Who hears The season 1 music in the backround?
Who remembers that episode of Victorious when Trina bought a bunch of those fish that nibble ur feet
who else thought of victorious with the dead skin eating fish
Those fish that eat your dead skin live in a river near my house me and my cousin love sitting in the shallows and watching them
you do realise that loads of people piss in the hot springs and you should never put your head under
happy pigs i pissed in there before :3
“And with our bootys fully rattled”
I really want to try the Red Wine and Naked Spring.
I can't believe you guys covered up the nipples in traditional Japanese art. lol
ay yo werent those fish on victorious
I can read all the Japanese writing and I’m 9
I wanna go there
Did anyone else realise etn music was silently playing?
I love how she narrarates things , “ then they proceeded to throw the coffee directly at us
#bringbacksafiya 'snewintrosoooong
Me before: I don't really want to go to Japan.. Me after: *saving up money to go*
Lmao “the FLORA is on FLEEK”...
This is Epic. Japanese culture ❤️
"The big winner of the naked zone was the view ... of the mountains."
I can imagine Jun, (from Rachel and Jun) being like: STOOOOPIDDDDD FOREIGNERS
nuh uh those are those pooka fish that trina used in victorious that gave everybody myeloradiculitis
Did anyone hear escape the night season 1 theme song in the background during the coffee time?
By the way I think your really pretty
"ur mom gay" 3:54
12:50 escape the nigth music
i just love safia because no matter how much her appearance changes, we still know that we have our old saf cause of her wonderful personality that doesnt change.
I did this in Japan two years ago. It was so much fun and really put me out of my comfort zone but so worth it!
Omg tylers chest hair and dad body is bangin!! Choke me daddy!!
The snap thing Tyler did reminded me of Chandler Bing loool
11:07 “ouside”
I was at six flags a couple of years ago and some dude was making a tea cup go sonic fast and the other guy on it threw up when he got off. Man...
Did u guys pass the suicide forest on ur trip on the bus?
I was expecting her to say “ we are going to japan and we are not filming dead body’s”
Planning to bring my mom here to visit~ Looks amazing
Honestly this would be such a romantic date. ❤
No, the mountains get the view
this was so cool
Anti anti anti+1000 antis
i love this and this series and of course i love you this video was so funny and made me cheer up
Anyone notice the song at 12:51 is from escape the night season 1 or is it just me
i literally opened my mouth when that guy threw coffee
did anyone notice the fact that the changes her lipstick? 0:10 3:50
I saw her own ad before this video
lmao my middle name is rose so she basically bathed in my middle name KJSJS
I can’t stop thinking about Yuri!!! On Ice
I feel like I am floating in my bed
is it sockie or socka? They kept saying both so how is soka pronounced?
New Subscriber!
After the sake one *I ‘ M H A M M E R E D*
I just realized....... part of the background music, was from Escape the Night....... and Safiya is in the new season, season 3!!!!
Can i ask what kind of camera are you using?
The naked zone would've been the best thing ever if you didn't be naked in there!
U r so pretty, love ur videos,
*Green tea*
I have been here, I went into the naked zone a old lady sat next to me (I know Japanese) and told me I look good naked and I was scared, then she asked where I came from and I said South Korea.
"mildly boiled the booty"
Where can i buy that bathing suit????????????????? halp meh
With our booties totally rattled
I would probably have a legit panic attack, if someone tried to .make me do the fish thing. Fish freak me out...
What song is playing on the background around minut 15:39 ?? Thank you :)
I’m obsessed
this was amazing lol. i truly want to go experience this weirdness myself
You should have brought cristine to the green tea bath for her to become tea
My booty is throughly shaken.
Thank you safiya. I was making a to do/visit places in japan. I would have never ever ever known this.Ilove you *Bollywood style* *I love you echoes*
The winner of the naked zones was the view....: of the mountains
3:41 was I the only one that saw the big bang thing
Safiya Nygaard hiii
Ur amazing try swimsuits from wish
As you can see, the main hall is a room of sponge cats XD
16:46 There's probably a certain Irish someone who no longer likes red wine because of it's "antiseptic" properties (Jack if you ever watch this I LOVE YOU)
The best 20 Minutes of my life
So cool
Simplenailogical you should go to the green tea spa
’Im kinda *salty* that we missed it.. hehehehe’
Spotted bigbang 3.40 lol
Wait so people go in transparent hot springs naked?!
man I was just in Tokyo, how did I not know about this!
i love you babe!! rooting for you in escape the night
I thoroughly enjoyed
You know what a I only recognize you from escape the night
The fish remind me of the Victorious episode where Trina got everyone into it.
She isn’t sipping tea but dipping tea.
I know I sound dumb... But all I could think of was Victorious when they went to the fish eating feet pool
Cristine should have been with you
*Be careful chirren that's a lot of sodium*
Saf is gorgeous! And Tyler's handsome! They look soon cute together
How much is the spa
Um stay in Tokyo forever, this series is amazing and I need about 9458475 more videos
Bruh why are their kids in the wine baths
“if you’re in japan already, that’ll be good.” lol saf come on.
I wanna go there so badly when I grow up and I wanna go with friends
I now want wine thrown in my face
"Investigative the park" ETN S3 investigator reporter accident i think NOT love you safiya
I saw those fish at sea world, and I was the only person that didn’t have any fish on my hands and I was like “...”
isnt that the song from ETN S1 traler also love ya safia
Pause at 8:55 and Tyler looks like Goku
It's so beautiful there!!
When she said 'Mahogany' It hit me, Safiya is Effie Trinket...
That episode of icarly when they passed out from the fish.
I love how your videos are as informative as they are fun and interesting!
I remember my parents brining me here when I was a really young kid... time goes by so fast
The music when they went to the coffee bath is from escape the night 12:48 I think idk
13:11 The ETN S1 song was being played!
I really wanna go in the colagen bath and coffee pool
Where’s the old intro
I went on a bullet train and it was fun! And I wish I went to a Japanese spa theme park... oh well Japan was awesome
Hey saf! I know you won’t probably read this but can you please do Tyler’s picks/buys my makeup that would be a great vid!!
how much does all this cost???
Shut up and get to the video!!
I like the Russian music in the background. :p
Saf i love you soooooooo much ps i love how you are in escape the night
Are they dating? Just curious
you guys are goals
This is so cool!!
the park didnt look that crowded which seemed nice
11:06 ouside?
i would spend money just to have a show with safiya travelling the world visiting cool places
Did anyone notice she used the ETN s1 music for background music at one point
I wish we could try that place out sometime.I really want to bath in different pools.
I love your vocabulary and word playing, isthat weird? i like you narrating very much :)
I shmashed that like button before she even said it
when ur menstrual cup opens while ur taking a bath
The bullet trains are called Shinkansen or しんかんせん edit: sorry I lived in Tokyo
There is a hot Russian guy in the hot spring
Ok this is on my bucket list !
pause at 19:08 because Tyler’s face is PRICELESS
I love Japan
"these guys are ready for action" lmao tyler
I love this video I’ve watched it 3 times today ❤️❤️❤️❤️(this is my 4th time)❤️❤️❤️❤️
......I wish I could see your WHOLE trip never ending.... I got really sad when the vid ended..
You should turn this into a series
I once went somewhere like that and i had foot fungus for a year YEAY
if u are reading this comment plz subscribe to my channel I really want to get to 50 subs also like my vids plz thx 4 the help
I wouldn’t be able to go in the wine pool because I will puke
Anyone else hear Escape the Night music at 12:55 (or over the whole video) ?
M. Nb. N. , n n
I actually lived in Japan for three years and I wen to Hakone for christmas last year but , we stayed at a different hotel also we did drive around and I think I remember seeing the onsen hotel place btw the hotel we stayed at had an onsen too .
Safiya Nygaard omg I wanna go
Is kids allowed to drink the sake bc that will be fun to try
when they were pouring wine into your hands there was a ligit baby holding its hands out
Safiya Nygaard ip
Hey Safiya Nygaard, you know where you should go next year is go to Tamworth Australia on January 18th to the 27th 2019 for the Country Music Festival, it's really fun. I've lived in Tamworth my whole life and if your looking for some fun try this. Sincerely Sailor Star-Scream P.S. If you are interested message me.
Am I the only one thinking about who might have pissed in there?
I always look forward to your videos Safiya. I like how comfortable you are with yourself and don't try to over do the footage or look instagram babe all the time. I hope you do more videos like this soon!!! If you plan to do more asia stuff a cool one is in Phuket, Thailand at an elephant sanctuary where I got bathe in the mud with rescued elephants! Quite a journey, but would be an awesome vid for you guys to shoot!
i'm japanese and i live in Singapore. i love you soooo much!! I have been to that place and im glad that you enjoyed it!! sry for the bad spelling im 12 years old
I go to japan every year to visit my family. I didn’t see safiya in person when I was just there, but watching the bullet train footage, I saw my mom sitting, which meant I was somewhere on the train too when we went to the same onsen park (though later that day) and I’m freaking tf out right now
Tyler: These fish are crazy Fish: Oh god. TOO MANY FISH HERE. I'M GETTING HUNGRYYYYYY. NEXT FOOT Saf: My favorite one was the wine bath Wine bath: Ha! I'm everyone's favorite! Sake bath: What about meh...? Green Tea bath (Public): .-. Wine bath: Sake u got second favorite Sake bath: .-. Green Tea bath (Private): At,least I was like 3rd or 2nd Wine bath: BUT NOT 1ST HAHAHAHA Saf: Wait, isn't this like the most diluted theme park? (The Wine one) Sorry for my spelling XD Wine: Wait, NOOOOO
drink every time saf says ‘thoroughly ________’
3:43 BIGBANG lol who saw it
I love her laugh
Another buzzfeed video
@6:51 You look SO pretty. I know you had fun, this seems like my kind of vacation.
Saf: “antiseptic properties” Me: ANTISEPTICEYE IS HERE TOO?!?
The feelline SpongeBobs are cute
you look like gabbie show aka gabbie
I thought this was BUZZFEED
I'm getting so nostalgic watching this because I went there when I was 10!
''It's like communion'' Tyler, i was waiting for you to say it
Wow, I wish I could go there. I am going to Japan and I want to find that place. Where is that place?
i remember seeing those toe fish on icarly omg
why don’t we have these in America!!! (Besides the pork juice bath thing, as a vegetarian I don’t need that in my life lollll)
At 12:56 I heard escape the night season 1 music
I loved that place whenever I went to Japan, sadly I couldn't record my experience like she did! I did, however, record the rest of my Japan trip but this place was so fun to go to!
I live in Japan and those are sooo fun. You went to the one I go to.
Didn’t u get sticky after the wine bath? I wouldn’t be able to stand that
'with our booties thoroughly rattled' LMFAO OH MY GOD
I thought this was buzzfeed
12:39 talk about an hour glass figure
Did saf use the escape the night season one song at the coffe part?
You are so luckyyyy. I always wondered what it was like.
mori NO U
the dead skin fish! NICK VIBES
17:37. The face your asian mom makes when you get an A-
12:39 Is anyone else seeing this
Ayyyy I went there!
I hear the ETN1 song :o
My guess is that it is only adults
#TyFiya for life
This is the first video I've ever seen from you so when I saw the intro I was like OMG my name is Safiya too! What a coincidence.
Oh yeah!! When I lived in China for 3 years, all the pools made you walk through a little 1/2 foot deep pool to was your feet of in!!!!
y’all r goals
5:04 *"Improve Body Pain"* Uhmm
i have been there
I have those dishes in my tank as bottom feeders
This just feels like you'd get a UTI from those pools
Safiya IM BEGGING YOU please buy those shirts with the weird sayings on them like diarrhea or other stuff like that !!!!
13:30 kalinka?
I would love that place as long as I didn’t have to do the slides or any deep pools.
Lmao Tyler chugging the wine
I really wanted to go to the spa theme park but i had to do some other stuff but i have gone there before
Safiya has such an awkward face :0>
With our booties thoroughly rattled...
Isn't it a water park and not a theme park?i dunno.correct me if I'm wrong.
:k( I wish i could meet you when you were in japan because i live there
I went there it rock the water slide was super fun although it was super fast so I was nervous I would hurt my ankle the first time down. It was so fun!
not to be a fuckboy but that woman at 12:38 in the white bikini has like the best body ever
I feel like its gross only cause kids could pee in the water and you could be bathing in their piss. its like a big pool
I heard that Sympathy for the devil in the backround
Oof I’m hungry and tired
I miss japan
They're like, *could you leave?*
I noticed that the season one song of ETN was playing in the backround , maybe that was a hint that she is in it! btw (she is in it , i hope she survives)
Japan knows what’s up
I REALLY need to go there
My 10 year old sister really loves this video. And I keep finding her watching it lol. I don’t know why she’s so fascinated but I feel like I might have to take her to Japan someday.
1:12 O hey I've tried that before-
sanrio is QUAKING
Omg I been their for a Feld trip it was sooooo fun
Don't think that I didn't notice the music in the coffee scene etn
She. Pronounced. It. Right. I'M SO PROUD
She said "Hello Friends" I FINALLY HAVE A FRIEND
*goes in the coffee pool* *Brings a mug* Fill er up
And.. this is yet another reason why I want to go to Japan..
-and with our booties thoroughly rattled-
There is no doubt that there is legit gallons of pee in the water there.
Oh I've done the fish thing
Thighs out skys out
Her videos are 10/10 every single time!!! Well done saff you can tell how much work you put in to each and every video! YouTube Queen
And with our booties fully rattled... Safiya Nygaard 2018
I am from Japan and I went there before and it is weird
who eles heard escape the night season 1 theme song at 12:51
The flora is on fleek
this reminds me of that victorious episode
"Its like communion except everyone is in a bath!"
i really enjoy watching your head bob in the water in every pool.
Weren’t those fish on an episode of Victorious?
“Mildly boiled the booty”
Booty therly ratteled
Is safiya and Tyler dating?
Saf: Smells woody Me: YOu g0t a FrIEnD iN ME
0:44 How long did that take, just blurring out all the butts
Who else was filming some of the other shots? Like when they were in the small green tea bath.
Lol, I just watched a refinery29 vid right before this vid
These ppl have weird things ...........
her hair looks amazing
is it a coincidence or is it just me.. She's using escape the night season 1 music lol.. Edit: The music starts at 12:28
Safiya Nygaard fff
Safiya Nygaard Aq
I LOVE YOU, Tyler (kind of) , and your VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Safiya, I've just finished my exams today, I'm so happy I can finally watch and appreciate your videos without feeling any remorse hahaha I love you
We already got there
Japan is really amazing
i love how good quality these videos are!!!!!
Hello frands wine pelo.
omg i live near hakone i visit there often im from fujieda wow ♡♡♡
This is my first video I watched from you and I love your vids
tokyo is like a 4-hour flight from hong kong so plus the max 2 hour travel from there... hey this is worth a shot! also i've heard that hakone is BEAUTIFUL esp in winter definitely visiting in the future
Bootys trembled Me: So your timbers were shivered? I'm sorry I'll go now
This is amazing looking
1:19 who else does that idk why I do but I always do that
japanese hot springs are E V E R Y T H I N G
Ah, I've been here before!
8:50 who filmed that???
10:57 AND THAT
i a watching his viedo in jape because i live here in yamate
The fish thing is illegal in Uk now
Rebecca PlaysMC Why?
They need to call it the peace of mind zone
My God how long did it take plus I axidetely clicked it still good other than the naked part : €
*Belled* just because of Tylers' shenanigans! haha
omg i wanna go there!
I want the tea bath, I don't why but I like to bath in hot water
“The best part of the naked zone was the view...of the mountains”
Okay but their skin looks great
17:52 why is that girl wearing a sweatshirt
I watch this vid to calm down now
When she said bullet train I went straight to the bullet train song from cho cho soul All my back in the day Disney fans know
Cristine is jealousy xD
Christine a.k.a simply nailogical. Will love the green tea pool
i rEALLY want to go to japan now
:D I went to the same spa theme park when I was in kindergarten!
Wow and I also took a bullet train to get there some of you might think I'm kidding but I'm not
Did no one else think of that episode of victorious where they all get sick from the fish that eat the dead skin on your feet? That’s all I could think about
Did this remind anyone of victorious when Trina ordered the fish and got sick??
I really wanna go here omg
I like the Jaccuzi
When your iPad CLEARLY says full bars but YouTube decides to say no wifi and kick you out mid vid.
"mildly boiled the booty"
Im watching this for the 3rd random time omg. Not counting how many times i watched this when this was 1st uploaded lol
3:41 not to be that person but big bang in the machine
I just went to the hot springs for a class field trip (in canada)
At 10:56 it looks like Tyler's head was photoshopped on.
"Japanese", "Spa", and "Theme Park", as well as the phrase, "I Went to a" in one video guarantees awesomeness
Love your hair now the cut is amazing
Even all That coffee can't keep me up in math class
I've been there! My favorite was the coffee bath!
Did u used to be on buzfeed? Or on it now?
13:09 who rlse notices that music from escape the night season 1
In my opinion, the less makeup saf wares, the more beautiful she gets.
“This is nice. I want a churro” lol
I got an ad for Rita Ora - Girls so I got good music & a good vid :)
How come I only see Saf’s comment and no one else whoever there is 255 replies ;0;
The song at 13:31 is a traditional Russian song... what?!
Do you have to pay for it
Love your videos!!!!!
When the fish nibble on there feet is anyone thinking if Victorious when Trina and some others nibble there feet and than they get sick so yeah
Wait so are you supposed to drink the wine or just smash it on your face?
"I can smell his toe jam" = quote of the year.
“It’s like communion, but everyone’s in a bath.”
This looks so cool!!!
And I got really nostalgic!
I went there two years ago and this made me miss my trip to Japan a lot!!
But the biggest winner of the naked zone was the view... .. *Of the mountains*
You should come to Dubai
:59 so creepy and hilarious!
6:15 just made me think about simplynailogical.
You should go to the Tokyo capsule hotel...
those fishes can literally give you aids..
Hi k bye
I love how little children we chanting for coffee and red wine
Love it
Why would you drink from the pools like you know how much germs are in that omggg
when i was in japan i also did onsen in my hotel but there is no outside thing only a private naked area also and I'm 10 and i saw u know some u know yeah..
in the onsens , ur not supposed to film inside there & you are supposed to be naked
i love u both sm omg
Now I want to go to Japan
How many times does she say 'I quite thoroughly enjoyed haha '
Tyler: These fish are crazy Fish: Oh god. TOO MANY FISH HERE. I'M GETTING HUNGRYYYYYY. NEXT FOOT Saf: My favorite one was the wine bath Wine bath: Ha! I'm everyone's favorite! Sake bath: What about meh...? Green Tea bath (Public): .-. Wine bath: Sake u got second favorite Sake bath: .-. Green Tea bath (Private): At,least I was like 3rd or 2nd Wine bath: BUT NOT 1ST HAHAHAHA Saf: Wait, isn't this like the most diluted themed pool? (The Wine one) Sorry for my spelling XD Wine: Wait, NOOOOO
Safiya Nygaard you should try out the app MDacne. I saw an add for it and apparently it makes a custom face wash. Love your videos, and I hope you have a great day
Safiya Nygaard Tyler has a channel?
Now that I see it I soo want to do this
*with our butts thoroughly rattled*
Shmash the like button NOW!!!!!!
"feline spongebobs"
I'm 6 minutes in and that green tea bath looks like heaven, especially if it was full of naked girls - I mean, what's not to like
I’m glad someone went to Japan for fun...not for views
cistine would love the tea bath
10:40 just making sure I can watch this tomorrow
Just subbed! Looking forward you surviving in your long adventure in a place called everlock and hope you esacpe the night
I love this video sm
0:28 omg I've been here before! It's a really cool mountain hotel lodge thing and to get to the hot springs/onsen you take a small lift that goes up diagonally to the bathing area. What's best is that in the early morning the mist hangs low in the mountain and a hot spring is the best thing you need.
I love everything about this video!
you really did tyler like that on the teapot ride discourse
@ 3:40 did anyone else notice the big bang claw machine
Jordan also has may hot springs
Magical heaven, they'd have to kick me out or I'd never leave
I’m Japanese and this vlog is one of the most respectful Japan vlogs I have ever seen. (Especially censoring every face! That was so surprising in all the best ways; also so important) Thank you so much for setting an example to your viewers
I remember going here :0
Do another trip please
Was I the only one who though of that one episode of victorious?
the fish pool reminded me of that episode from Victorious
Umm You look cray cray Sorry not trying to be mean
when did you drop you camera
Can u speak Japanese?
Wonder when buzzfeed will do this I’m betting a month or two......
can you go in those if you have tattoos?
Lol they keep talking about the mountains view but.... PFFFFT I LIVE IN COLORADO I GET GREAT VIEWS LOL
You always were black
Can u make a video reviewing hush beauty makeup btw hush is an app
The staff encouraged you to drink the sake lmao
And with our booties thoroughly rattled.....
When you hear escape the night season one music in the middle of the video
U could still go into at least the red wine bath if ur on ur period.. (゚∀゚) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I hope they know what they are doing with the fish because they can get you DEADLY SICK
:3. I saw you! But mum not let me say hi but I still saw you at train station it was on my birthday don't huge me
“..With our booties pretty rattled..”
saf you don’t really have to sensor nudity in art
My favourite is the veiw pool
I feel kind of sad that you had to do the naked part in a swimsuit and alone. If you do it the right way there is a great feeling of peace and carefree
"Mahogany i don't think so?" Me:THAT IS MAHOGANY!!
Love this video I've seen it 5 times a day
@ 3:41 you can see Big Bang in the crane machine:3
I love onsens! One of my favorite things to do in Japan. Like Safiya, I prefer the quieter, contemplative bath culture. However, Yunnesun seems fun and I laughed so hard when the employees threw buckets of coffee and wine. Next time, Safiya and Tyler should try onsen at a traditional ryokan.
Im sorry but i see bigbang at 3:41 hehe
This reminds me of livu aqua park in Latvia
U tlk way to much
The wine bath was easily the funniest part of the video,
This is the first video I’ve ever watched from you. I don’t know why but When you did the intro I thought you had a British accent. Don’t ask me why
Love this! I recently just moved to Spain started travel vlog! I would really appreciate it if you could check it out!!
They have SPA THEME PARKS?!? Omg I'm coming! BTW i love your Channel Safiya
Fish pedicures were popular in UK for a bit, but then suddenly died the death all fads die (I think there were hygiene and legal things that stopped it
Tyler and safyia siting In a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G I SHIP YOU GUYS SO MUCH
Why am I smelling chlorine? It's like I'm in the pool myself. I wish....
are those fish like,, illegal?? in america??? because i've used them before and have only seen them one in my life?????
3:41 i spotted bigbang
love your vids! ur so funnyyy
Is it easy to travel in Japan and other areas like where she went without really knowing Japanese? or is that something that’s crucial, like I need to learn the whole language, kinda crucial?
I searched and unfortunately they don't accept people with tattoos =[
I can't believe that it took me so long to discover you on youtube! Amazing video! I'm going to Japan next month and I've been searching things to do but I never heard about this amazing place until now! Thanks so much and keep being amazingly weird!
Who else saw the BigBang poster from the second crane toy machine at 03:40
Now we have a mildly boiled booty...
I'm really glad you guys got permission to film. I like learning about Japanese culture and things, but I know that privacy is a big deal in Japan. I want to see stuff like this without upsetting anyone or insulting their culture.
17:54 How does it feel to have a drunk eye?
Safiya I love you, ur queen but stop making that face in the water. Thank you queen
Anyone else hear Escape The Night season 1 music?
I can do the coffee spa in my bath tub.. but wine is more expensive so I am gonna drink it instead hahaha
Safiya Nygaard .
Safiya Nygaard is best
❤️ new subscriber
Why don't u do hair things from Wish in the next video
My ibf lives in Tokyo!
What is that black thing in 11:03 when tyler moved the camera
This looks so damn good oml
Did anyone else hear the joey graceffa escape the night season 1 music near halfway through the video? Love that song!
Noticed that somewhere around 13:00, escape the night season one trailer music was playing. Nice.
I noticed Kalinka playing the background
i think this might be my favorite video of yours
This video was great but I’m also sooo jealous. Your life is so fun!!
i confuse her with superraedizzle
Her hair looks extra vampire-esk today
Why do u look like cinthia x’s ex
I just found this channel... and I should’ve found her earlier >:0 If she went to Japan, can she also speak Japanese? I don’t wanna be accused for, just how will she be able to go around without knowing at least a little bit of Japanese?? I was kinda just asking soo pls don’t kill me I just found this channel.. I mean maybe there are many people who know English, so I could be entirely wrong.. I was just asking if she knows how to speak Japanese :) That’s all :)
I wanna go! But I’m only 10 and I think my mom and dad will not let us go
I noticed the background music in a part of the video was also the theme song for escape the night season 1 :P
This looks and sounds like buzzfeed
I hear season 1 song of escape the night called “don’t stop” in the background
the fish part reminded me of that victorious episode
escape the night music
Who else thought of Victorious when they went into the fish pool ??
I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Love your hair gurl!
Bring Kristine
Imagine if someone peed in there.
So...the kids drank wine? *Ooo me can i try?*
She is literally the female version of mr.bean
Must be so cool to be Japanese ++ especially because they don’t need subtitles for Naruto and Boruto
This video relaxed me sm tbh
I went to a naked Japan thing and l covered my eyes the entire time and it was so hot
At 2:36 that’s the lion that lion king was based on, before people “correct me” look it up
saf’s skin looks so good in this video i believe in the power of the spa
I would be worried about getting a uti lmao
*no yu*
gf.me/u/jik4nt please help anything will help
Love this! For people interested in Japan, check out Internationally Me on YouTube. It’s a channel dedicated to “going off the beaten path” while visiting Japan. I’m planning my trip soon and this really is a once in a lifetime trip so I’ve been doing a ton of research on areas I plan to go ❤️
At 3:43 did anyone else see BIG BANG!!!!
*excited snap thing*
I tHoRoUgHlY eNjOyEd ThAt ViDeO. Lol
Are you Tech smart's sister
I'd want to go to the naked zone but without actually being naked or seeing anybody
I NEED to go there as soon as possible
Your boyfriend tries waayyyyyyy too hard to be funny.
Nevermind, you BOTH try waaaaayyyyy too hard to be funny.
Ive seen that fish thing on victorious
The fish eating foot part was so satisfying
Saf the manta ray
safiya yr vids r just xD I LOVE THEM they are so random but always entertaining ;D
"The big winner of the naked zone was the view...of the mountain" XD
I wish I had the funds to do this
WTH the kids were drinking the wine the dude poured into his hand wth
3.40 i see you BIGBANG
You are amazing on escape the night! Love you
Aren't those the fish from victorious that gave you diseases
OH SHIT WAIT I'VE BEEN THERE! *and you've been inside a pool of where i was naked in the past year.*
I wish I could've met you guys and could've been your *fan* tour guide
Its becasue children in China and Japan are allowed to drink alcohol!
I went there and the naked section is only suppose to be for girls. There is a naked boys section for obviously boys...
I got Victorious vibes from the fish eating the dead skin off the feet
I think she was wearing the makeup from wish lol like if you agree
If you bathe in black tea it gets rid of sunburns
Safiya Nygaard Please do a full face of Franken-makeup!!!
I’ve been here before
i’m from singapore and i was shocked that safiya and tyler were like “woah fish spas” because i always thought it was a universal thing
The reason why i dont like those fish pools is because i dont wanna step on the fish
This remimds me of an anime
They do doctor fish in Thailand and when we went I loved it
That looks so fun!! When i can Ill grab my friend and drag her to Japan to try this out
They’re gonna be baby’s when they come out of that place lol!
I’m Japanese -_-
Hey safiya, i was wondering where is your lastname from? It sounds kind of scandinavien
The fish killed me
Tyler Shave Your Chest Bruh
Woah, your really pretty but I am not a fan of your emo themed makeup but who am I to judge. You live your life gurl
"thoroughly enjoyed"
My dad lived in Japan for 4 years
You can't move into the naked baths if you have tattoos. :l I mean culture and stuff I respect it but awwwwww man.
this is so cool!!
5:39 and so I've seen Safiyas real beauty
I hear that escape the night season 1 music xD
She put the ETN 1 trailer music...while she’s on ETN 3
The view... of the mountains
U no ur super fun y right??
Is it just me or Safiya looks like LaurenZside?
pause the video at 20:12 tylers face is sooo funny
I need a spa day there!
"Tyler kept making that joke"
I feel proud to be Japanese
The views of the surrounding hills & mountains look so amazing!
this reminds me of spirited away
I have been in a train like that that is fast
arm set? or are set? But what does that mean
sakarya is Acolhallick
sake is Aloahalit
12:51 through 12:55 had season one escape the night music
The Floras are on fleek.
tyler and safiya are two of the cutest humans alive i swear
Wait, what? You are not allowed to use the baths if you have tattoos???
Please come to icelandddddddd
I Wanted To Watch The Noodle Bath! :(
Reminds me of the victorious episode when they got sick from the fish eating off dead skin
U remind me of superraydizzle
is it just me or when the time table of wine and coffee pouring showed up on the screen I tried to "x" it because I thought it was an ad. lol
I think simply nail logical would love the TEA bath ._.
Totally off topic.. I am curious how you say your last name. I am Danish and I know how I would say it. How do YOU say it?
You'll pay for the fish thing in our area when it rains the strean gets full of fish if which do the same thing Its free and naturall
Can you do a vid where you were all ur frankin makeup
I would be most excited for the coffee bath
Is it me or like when she showed the arcade the first thing I noticed was big Bang maybe I am just kpop trash
Why did u change ur intro!!!!!
Cristine is soo jealous that she can’t become the tea
Did you spot Big Bang too?
*exitced snap thing*
“and with our booties thouroughly rattled...”
Safiya Nygaard you should’ve visited Rachel and Jun!
good bye
Your soooooooo funnnny
Safiya Nygaard when will you guys get married already?!?!?!
i dont think safiya was wearing a swimsuit w/ pads?
I want to try the fish thing
i shamashed them
Okay but guys when you wanna go there... DONT PEE IN THE WATER
Can you PLIZZZ Try a video wer you try to talk danish?????
I want to try a naked hot spring but I have body issues
Oh my goodness, when they were throwing buckets of coffee at them
You spelled outside wrong
make more spa videos
That looks like fun I wish I could go there
14:34 careful churren, thats a lotta sodium
"And while our booties thouroghly shook.." ~ I LOVE YOU OML, YOU ARE AMAZING AND MY IDLE xDDDDDD
The onsen experience was awkward but when you get past the naked people and yourself being naked it's really relaxing and my body (especially my feet) thanked me 10x over and it took away all my pain from walking up and down so many stairs!
I've has fish eat the dead skin off my feet before...the idea of baby fish with no teeth nibbling at something is so cute...I went to Mexico
No shade but I think it's pronounced "yu ne san (sun)" not "yu ne sen"
No Tattoos allowed in the Spa? Well I can never go there and relax.. so sad :|
I think it would be really cool if you tried out Ipsy, a monthly subscription beauty box! Tysm!!
Wonder how many people peed in that pool
I thoroughly enjoyed living through someone else. Also I wanna be one of those *kids getting wasted*
Yin I was there I would spend 90% of the time taking ig photos
Honestly cleaner fish feel amazing!!!!!
-Green tea baths are meant to get rid of you’re pimples- Me: (dunks head in a green tea bath)
Lmao when she was talking about how duh room smells JusT say pine ;)
The bullet train part reminded me of "Train to Busan"
3:40 the middle one is bigbang
Anyone background season 1 escape the night song :0
Saf I should check it out
Can you mix all your nail polishes please
Why were kids in the wine bath
This whole video seemed disgusting. But I’m slightly germophobic so...
whats with the "kalinka malinka" (russian song) in the background?
you need to take you with me next time you go japan, because I need to go there
6:14 she should of said "I am not sipping tea....i am SITTING tea" lol i will GO
I would literally need a whole week to be satisfied with my stay there
Btw the small fishes on your feet are so relaxing at first when i tried it i was scared but i then ut was ok and wanted it to be longer
Hi.... friend.
I absolutely love this video Saf, and all of the Japan videos. I can tell just how much work you and Tyler have put into them and they’ve turned out amazing! I also just was wondering whether there’s any part of the park that you need to be able to swim to use? My partner and I are thinking about taking a trip to Japan and I’d really love to go here, but my partner can’t swim
Omg I luv fish spas they're so ticklish and fun
16:37 "Tyler kept making that joke" Idk why but that made me actually laugh out loud
The nakes pool she almost got water in her mouth and i know its filtered and clean a lot but ou girl what if thoo
Yuri on ice
I NEED to go there
Ahhh hakone-en. I went there a few weeks ago and I must say it has the greatest view of mount fuji
It kinda reminds me of Italy
Its 2 am and when watching the coffee part i had to try not to yell Why tho
16:45 Antiseptic... ANTISEPTICEYE!!!
You must try to go to South Korea❤️
I been there before IT'S NICEU
Yunessun is one of the first places I visited when I moved to Japan. Looks like they rotated one or two out. Your spa set in the video looks different from when I went! Good to see they finished work near those caves too. I didn't go to the naked zone though. Collagen is super popular here. There are even drinks. The Dr. Fish one, I couldn't keep my feet in the whole time; it felt so weird haha. So I would hold it in for a while, lift my feet, then put them back, and so on. My favorite pools were all the scalding hot ones!
so I put captions and when you laughed it said u said "it"
I dont really think that naked pool is very hygienic, even tho people take a bath before, people still could've like peed in the water ಥ⌣ಥ
I’d go just to take pictures of everything, it’s gorgeous
I wanna live in ancient japan, like in the upper class
m still thinking who is recording for them when they are both in frame ....
Did anyone else noticed BIGBANG in the pic of the middle toy machine at 3:40? JI-YONG OPPAAA #kpopjunkie
sPilL tHe tEa sAf *orginal*
Anyone else besides me notice the Krunk x Big Bang Claw Machine????
I have a feeling that a family was made in the naked zone
Your hair suits you honey
I’m in Japan rn so I might go... I’ve been there when I was really little but I don’t remember lots from it
"Those kids are wasted now!"
Safiya would literally be the most fun person to travel with
14:34 ———I’m getting pink guy vibes
Going to a japanese spa theme park just made my bucket list
*films her thighs* “thighs out... SKY’S OUT”
Dang, safiya's fingers is going to get wrinkly so bad
Oh man !! I’ve been there before when I was young it was really fun ! I love going to japan even if I’ve go there almost every year for family. I hope you enjoyed Japan !!
Must be nice when you can actually afford that, I cant relate
Your vids are so long
Saf, according to Shane Dawson's brother, the reason your flight path was more of an arc near Alaska and Russia is because the Earth is flat!
totally enjoyed this video- vey interesting. I have never been to Japan but this seems like a very interesting place to visit when there- thanks!
I would love to try the feet fish, I love having my feet tickled and bonus...bye bye calluses!
I want to go here
All of the yuri on ice fans are like YES HOT SPRINGSS
Her hair looks amazing
R u from Norway? I am
The gift shop that's how they get u
In York I went on abullet train at the train meusium
You can call it Sauna after 80°C and up
I love how respectful they are to other countries and how they asked for permission to film ❤️
lithuania aque parkkkk
I feel like she's super dry and scripted a lot ? Idk I'm glad she's living her best life but her delivery is so fake I just can't get with it
8:00 “Thighs out, Skys out” Me every summer
If you like mountains go to arizona its is in north america and has buttloads of mountains
I am in japan
You are lucky your boyfriend didn't drop the camera in the water
Morgan Thorpe makes sense
Safiya Nygaard n
Soooo JEALOUS of your Dr. Fish experience!
For the drinks for getting rid of acne,do u drink it or like bath with it?
11:03 I don’t get it
Of course you go to Japan for all the fun stuff smh
You NEED to try the full Korean spa experience (in Korea)
The green *TEA* pool would be purr-fect for *Simplynailogical.*
Tyler's hair looked good in this video!
“I’m hammered” ahahha
Sanrio is quaking omg hahaha XD
~ of the mountains ~
Who else is on a Safiya Spree? :))
Ur videos r soooo amazing! Btw that bus ride looked terrifying!
Your hair is gorgeous
Who else thinks this was Tyler’s excuse to get drunk
The fish reminded me of the victorious episode
Why didn't you bring cristien with you she would have lobed the tea...
Did you thank the bus driver
I went to a water park in Japan called Hawaiians in Iwaki. That one had lazy rivers and pools as well as massages, saunas, man-made hot springs, live hula shows, and drinks served in pineapples. Not a bad place!
At 3:41 did anyone just see a BigBang poster inside of the machine?
14:45 cardi b?
Who else herd the escape the night music
Holy shit I’ve been there
19:44 you see BTS in the back
So you got a free spa day. :) Still awesome.
I need to go there
Great video, funny!
Most onsens are completely naked zones btw, only a tiny bit of onsens are communal and require bathing suits
That place is good to take a shoot and became a great photo!
Lol you’re really not supposed to record in an onsen
Anyone else notice the Escape the Night music from Season 1? Or just me?!?!?
"you can't take those hammer toes in here"
Lol Tyler “gets drunk” off of one sip of wine and a literal tongue dip of sake.
i cant wait to go to japan in 1 week omg
1:29 Lipstick refresh? :D
3:40 and 19:43 *spots bigbang posters*
instead of them wasting the tea give it to Christine /SimplyNailLogical like if you agree
Christine needs to get into that tea bath!!!!!!
Thanks for making this video, safiya!! I've come across the park a few times and wondered if it was worth the time n money. Brilliant video!!
do they even look for polites before they go to japan?
the nibbly fish remind me of that victoorius episde
I’ve watched this video like 8 times only because Tyler says the kids are wasted
Its a Shinkansen that's what bullet train is
I'm in love with you two
I realized at 12:52 the Escape The Night Season one theme was playing
you guys like the mountains there? come visit Anchorage, Alaska. you can drive a bit and take the train to see the northern lights at some point, eagle river has pretty good food, the sushi up here is amazing too. I have lived in AK for a little more than a year and I've barely scratched the surface of things to do, and the view is known to be one of the best. LOTS of animals, amazing seafood, views, reindeer hot dogs (its an actual thing, you can get them anywhere up here. tastes like really juicy beef) i could go on. i think you would really like the view though. please like if you agree people. Greetings from AK!
Is it just me or does the women in white at 12:38 has the perfect body shape?
Who ran a bath after this?
17:04 that embarrassing moment when you're in a pool snd its the time of the month
Did you guys hear Escape The Night's Season 1 theme song?!!
*a desire to soak in them*
I would literally murder to have saf’s skin
Are we not gonna talk about the woman in the white bikini at 12:39
Lol I’ve been there
Why didn’t you invite Christine, so her drink slave doesn’t have to go out. XD
I just noticed one of the background songs was from Escape The Night season 1 (the swing jazz song)
Are you and tyler dating?
Why censor art? Like, it's art ;^;
So when some of the tea water splashes out, is it spilling tea?
Of the view. ... of the mountains
This sounds amazing! I want to visit one of these so badly!
I haven’t watched your vids in a while but your hair looks soooo nice
This is the funniest thing I've seen in years
How much was it to get tickets?
how to get a yeast infection
I like the words she uses
Wait did I see big bang in the arcade game thing
I swear I've watched this video like 10 times and I still want to watch it more....
"The tea was just too hot for me" Shane about Tanacon
Thighs out, SKYS OUT!
tyler has such a baby face haha
Really liked this video Saf!
you look like a leech aswell. maybe i should join buzzfeed and leave buzzfeed like a leech.
is her bf Japanese?
S A He's half chinese, I think.
you know you live in europe when both of the temperatures don't help you knowing how hot it really is ._.
I'm gunna need that coffee
Christine would not be happy about your nails Safiya
DO EXTENDO PANTS PLS http://shop.bronze56k.com/product/extendo-pants
Good thing you missed the ramen bath bc that's a lot of sodium chillren
Cristina dream to bathe in tea. Too bad she isn't there with you!
Life_Of_A_Husky 2 weeks ago Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle i like this vid ;-;
But what if people pee in the wine
Saf you are literally a 7 kid in an adult body XD LOVE YA
I love your videos but I gotta pack my luggage and do some laundry and your videos are sooo long, they always keep me from doing whatever I have to do
You saw chunks? *I felt Chunks*
*The Flora is on Fleek* -Safiya
do you die in escape the night?
I fly to japan this Sunday and i'm adding this to the list!
thighs out skies out LOL
Oh ive been here
Cristiene would be jelous
Maybe they liked his feet better cus they were dirtier
I need to go to this wonder place it looks so cool
phineas and ferb are quaking
something about public spas were like many ppl sit in the same tub doesnt seem hygienic to me
It smells like Woody? Dang
I suddenly want to get in a bath
Yu-topia Okatsuki??
my mother scolded me not to watch this, oh f*ck.... she is so dramatic
At 10:57 it looks like Tyler's head is photoshopped XD
19:43 i gasped seeing bigbang in the background
1:29 *lipstick suddenly changes*
I'm glad they let you film at the naked pools before they opened to the public. Probably they let you filmed all of this to garner more American tourists. Pr stuff
If my Toilet went to Japan, it would be the first ever stupid toilet.
omg there was a little kid in floaties in the wine bath *lol*
i got back from japan 2 weeks ago and miss everything, gACHAPON, trains everywhere, food joints just everything
Wow I sooo want to go here !!!! Worth every penny
The fish eating but reminded me of victorious !
I’m Japanese
Martina & Simon def need to try the coffee bath
*its like a communion*
Okay Saf you probably won’t see this, but just in case you do..... your hammer toes. I have hammertoes too, and there’s a big reason behind it. My physical therapist told me hammer toes were caused by a muscle or tendon on the bottom of my foot pulling my toes inwards. And without physical therapy it was just continue to do that. So just saying maybe get it checked out? Or else you’ll have talons for toes. Like me. Oh my toes are so curved.
dubai has the fastes train ever
fine youtUBE I'LL WATCH IT.
*"I do not associate with.... NYGAARDS"*
1.subscribe to me Thas it.....its not hard... Plzs
What if you Had a white swimsuit in the Wine and Coffee pool?
Born to make history
I want to go to Japan just for this
this entire video just really grossed me out
I’ve been to Yunessun before! I went there with my brother when he visited me earlier this year. I live in Yokosuka, which isn’t too far away from Hakone so it’s an easy day trip for me. I loved how cheap it was to enjoy all the baths and how paying was made so easy with the little wrist bands they give you. Also, the place you saw that used to have the ramen themed baths was a different theme when I went. It was themed after an Orange Shinkansen and it smelled like orange creamsicle haha I honestly had no idea what the bath was all about or what was in it, but it was warm and nice. Also I may be addicted to the coffee bath. Aaaaaand now I’m probably going to go back this Saturday and soak some more. I’m glad you had a good time!
Ive been there
I want to go to the Wine pool so I can drink them
Yes they are dating
Safiya Nygaard your sense of humor puts me in a better mood, thank you
Safiya Nygaard Dear Saf, please collab with Rosanna Pansino
bye bye ben XD
the tea spa is what cristine needs rn lmao no more tea slave needed
Just want to know did anyone pee in the water
I need those fish my feet have a lot of dead skin because my flip flops
I am picturing Cristine beeing mad at you after you spilled all that tea
I have come here before!! I love the chocolate hot tub! And wine too
‘The big winover of the naked zone was the view... of the mountain’
I want to go there! Maybe even to the naked pools
8:24 Victorous anyone?!?!
Sponge cats hahahah
Who would get naked in a pool with strangers especially boys and girls
Lmao the fish foot bath is kinda like that one Victorious episode haha
I feel like you should move to japan Idk why
Dang the girl at 12:38 is fine. *Not a creep just admiring*
Hello and tell me hello back
"The best thing about the naked zone is the view...of the mountains" -Saf 2018
That looks like my dream theme park.... Wine, baths, and a beautiful mountain view
Haha! Wine?! Noodles?! Coffee?!
Your soundtrack with the nutcracker marzipan music gave me ptsd
I love the way u speak so detailed about your experience instead of just throwing a bunch of clips together. I sat through this whole video and that rare for me lol great job!!
Ive seen somthing on facebook where those fish make ur toe nails fall off
when you´re european looking for the Mediterranean vibe XD I could see that it´s suppose to look like it after Safiya mentioned it but knowing what it really looks like, I couldn´t recognize it
I wanna gooo
10,000th comment
You are my favourite person on YouTube
dont wear a white bikini or swimsuit in the wine pool xD or you will be a purple cookie monster
i bet y'all felt like big raisins after this LMFAOO
Dear Saf, please collab with Rosanna Pansino
You look like a grandma in the beginning, then i realized it was you...
can you go if you have tattoos?
Theres a naked section.....
Thighs out skies out
I’m not sipping tea I am tea
Alright.. Safiya, alright ..your content has won me over. I have pressed thy sub button.
Safiya Nygaard you should go to Arizona grand resort, the view at the top of there water slide is BEAUTIFUL!!
Safiya Nygaard I love you so much!!!
14:41 found the next Pennywise.
I planned to go to Japan to try some naked onsen. The problem is that I am transgender ( a trans guy ) and apparently (after verification) it is really not well seen to a transgender person still with its birth genitals in a naked onsen. I understand some may find it confusing but for the moment I just can't enjoy a naked onsen. (I heard that transgender people are still considered as "mental illness" in Japan) :/ -Please before you answer, I'm not trying to make everybody think the same as I do, I'm sharing a thought so stay respectful and don't pretend that you know better than someone else. Thanks-
Very educational
With our booties throughly rattled
Is it bad that I watched the whole 21 mins of this video?
i actually noticed how saf used the season 1 theme song for escape the night during the coffee bath part.... oOF
Omg saf I can’t believe you deyed your hair
Sayfia and Tyler did a very good job of respecting other people and their culture. Unlike Logan Paul
Is she ladylike
lol you literally pronounce every single letter in your words lol this is a cool video. well done.
Thank you for introducing me this spa theme park. I love going to hotsprings and am not shy to get naked in front of other people (of the same sex). My family do enjoy hotsprings and spas but my (Conservative christian) dad hates going in buck naked with strangers. This spa theme park would be perfect for our family (and dad) to enjoy! Thanks Saf!!!
Idk why but this video just really makes my happy, to be honest all pf youre videos make me happy, thank you for that♥️♥️
Is Tyler Asian? Haha, sorry I’m a new fan.
You should go to Arizona Grand resort. THE VIEW AT THE TOP OF THEIR SLIDE IS AMAZINGGG(like if you’ve been to Arizona grand)
Man I rly wnat to go to an onsen but will be hard especially for a Muslim girl
and i only went swimming once this summer.
Why do u always have a weird face in all ur videos?
what do you mean?
i wish i can go swimming right about now ;(
Nice vid
Who noticed that the background music for a little bit was the theme song for escape the night season 1??? Just me... Okay..
Safiya Nygaard was it fun
How old are you
How much is it ?
7:51 is a Greek vibe
Those kids are wasted!
I was there because I am Japanese
To be honest, I didn’t recognize when she was in the video. Also, I just know that she was in escape the nights season 3.
“but the big winner of the naked zone was the view...... of the mountains” nice
I'm gonna go on Japan aka on that spa when I'm old :3
I checked out the official website and they will refuse entry to anyone with a 'visible' tattoo. You either have to be able to cover it with your bathing suit (or a swim shirt) or you have to use (their provided) waterproof tape. So if you're considering going there keep that in mind.
"Thighs out.. sky's out! :D"
“Sanrio is quaking”
Hmmm. Saf is in Escape the night 3. In the coffee bath, I heard the theme song to it in the background. WOAH
Omg I used to live in Japan and I always went there!
Your a ho
I think I’ve been to one of these but it was in China!
If you get your tattoo, you won't be able to go back. :/
“Having mildly boiling the booty”
I've had fish nibble my feet before. It really tickles
OMG SHE DID... LOL I LOVE ESCAPE THE NIGHT !! joey greceffa.. (after all these years I still don't know how to spell his last name right) (or did i spell it right hmm) (probably didn't)
Of they didn't dilute the wine pool that much it would stain skin and clothes for sure.
Oh no! You didn't get to be soup! Ramen is life
This sounds so cool! I Wouldn't be able to handle the coffee bath because coffee beans smell makes me sneeze. Whenever I walk into a coffee shop I start sneezing.
These little kids are getting Wasted tho
You should do a Video with rosanna pansino
I’m convinced saf is pregnant!! Just a few signs love you I hope it’s true!
Did the people you got permission from know English or do you know Spanish
I love you
Are you gonna survive escape the night Safiya
I need to get a plain ticket to Japan now
I like it when she says shmash
8:35 i have never seen a fish spa in singapore and i live there
Safiya Nygaard it's ok
Isn't Sake made from Rice and Saliva?
Booties thoroughly rattled. Very good adjectives...
Come in Europe, Safiya! Lots of potential ideas for travel vlogs and makeovers!
Most Asian,Korean, Japanese, Chinese cultures do that. Its like sign of respect. I dunno?
15:14 bro wtf the lady is like pushing the camera and touching it like she owns it like you can just say “camaras are not allowed” jeez
Hey my name is Tylla to I love your videos
such a beautiful view
"You're really drinking the Koolaid, huh?" "Well, I'm trying not to drink the pool water."
Tyler’s Chest hair ❤️
that Naked Spa area reminds me of Yuri on Ice
Man I swear she speaks SO proper
7:52 who else thought of an overwatch map fusion XD
Lol when she said the tea is hot I’m like: OMG CHRISTINE IS THAT YOU?????
You guys must of looked like prunes after.
I live in Japan
I wish that the U.S. had a lower drinking age so I could buy wine just for my face.
When they were in the coffle bath escape the night song came out escape the night 1
Am I the only one who saw bigbang in the claw machine?
I would like to got there someday now
I enjoyed this vid sm
I’ve been here before it’s so fun
I want this in the US
The fish pool can be recreated by going out into a calmer pool at the edges of a river and finding the tiny baby fish. It is an amazing experience!
First I wanted to go to Japan because I’m a weeaboo, but now I’ve see this video, the want to is silent. Now it’s just I go to Japan
I really want to go there
This was worth 21 minutes of my life. Im sitting in a room by myself laughing at a screen
Poor starved fishes
Wow you get to roll around in wine like a rich hippo
I want to go to japannnnn
woah vicky
you can dalance a coing on a bullt train
I want to go to south Korea but nobody cares lol
Wait, are kids allowed to go there and go in the naked zone? Also, if they can, do kids have to take off they’re bathing suits?
3:41 BIG BANG!!!
What would it do to your...thingies though? Like yano your privates
Tyler trying to be funny is more funny than the jokes he tries to make..
My nickname is Sapph (pronounced Saf) since my name is Sapphire
These hot springs always remind me of Yuri!! on Ice
I see Big Bang.
Christen's dream
I still love your hair so so much!!!
This reminded me of Yuri On Ice...
Tyler hasn't uploaded a video in like 2 months.
onsen is more pronounced ohnsin not awnsen edit:" i think the best part of the naked zone is the ViEw Of ThE mOuNtAiNs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
Hello safiya I really love your videos three funny awesome and I’m your biggest fan
I live for Safiya's narrating. Genius.
I though the title said Japanese spar meme prank XD
YouTube:hears word naked. [DEMONITIZED]
Japan has everything
Why do she look like Lauren z side are they sisters :0
Werid but satisfy
How much did it all cost
In the coffe one they are kinda treating u like animals ;-;
“I’m not SiPping tea i am becoMIng tea EhEhEh” LMAOO
it's actually really disrespectful to talk on a train- but it's okay yall
Has this been demonetised yet?
I went to an onsen while in Japan and it was filled with local grape juice
How much was it to go in?
Yay Safiya your back
"Our booties thouroughly rattled" I love your narrating skills saf
3:40 just randomly noticed the big bang crane in the middle filled with yg bears, I swear idk how that caught my eye
Why is her voice so fucking monotone
they usually call them bath houses
How much did this all cost, trip tickets and all?
that BIGBANG poster at 3:41 tho!!
It’s like Communion but everyone’s in a bath!
Don't photo shop this"me-heheheheheheh I'll photo shop this
Did any v.i.ps see big bang in the bottom right corner at 19:43
Those woman at 12:38 have the litteral definition of ideal bodies
Y'all should come and visit Hunagry ^^ We have a lot of warm baths. Hévíz is also a really good place :D Oh and Balaton :D
4:21 "This is nice...i want a churro" That is so me everywhere i go
You guys look really relaxed!!! I want to go!!!
The sake wine and coffee soaked into you pee hole and now you have an amazing buzz
Oh my mom was talking about going here during summer vacation.
Tyler and safiya are SO cute
why do you do your voice over/commentating in such tone. It sounds like you're being sarcastic and condescending.
Shmash that like!
Do all of the pools have chlorine? If not I don’t think I’d be able to go to any of these because I’m immunosuppressed. Regular swimming pools with chlorine are already pretty risky for me and I don’t think I would be able to go in any of these pools with no germ killing chemicals. I’m pretty sure I went to the town you were in when I went to Japan about 11 years ago though. It’s so beautiful.
I really wish to go there now :'')
THE BACKGROUND MUSIC IS THE ETN S1 MUSIC! *Edit:* At one point it is.
what's sake
Is that hamsi
Those weren't children in the wine pools, 50 year old Japanese people just look 12.
i want a churro
11:06 she forgot the t in outside, cash me ouside how bout dat
when I go in a hot tub it smells like pop tarts
You guys have such c͟l͟e͟a͟n͟ teeth!
I saw Big Bang! 3:40
Me watching drama channels 10:59
I am rooting for y’all so hard. You all just get eachother and vibe and I love it!
Anyone else LOVE HER HAIR?
dude, i c mountains like that everyday from my bedroom window XD
She looks and talk like my teacher woah
Safiya Nyga
your awesome
did you even put your face in there at all?
5:16 What do you mean a sauna? It's hot, yes, but in Finland saunas are usually at least 80c...so
Don’t you work at buzzfeed
I love when someone says mahogany because that’s my name
'With our booties thoroughly rattled...'
“And with our butts thoroughly shaken”
Those fishes reminds me of an episode of victorious
Damn Tyler is hot
But no tattoos allowed :(
Mildly boiled the booty
The big winner of the naked zone is the view.... IM SORRY WAT
The yunessun (it may be wrong so dont tell me) logo gives me yuri on ice feels idk why
In the Gods Aegean Sea, the theme was Santorini. Οχι
I thought she said balls
I went to unissen lol
I miss Japan SO MUCH!! Best country, by far!
Is Tyler your boyfriend or brother idk
The train reminds me of the train in train to busan
My friend asked me what a trust fund baby is. I showed her this youtuber
I’ve been there before
I need red whine and green tea for my acne ;-; My back and face need it... Especially in this one spot on my face that I have to hide in public it's so bad. Whats that place called again??
*”thighs out, skies out”* -safiya, 2018
Right behind you in green sunglasses is my teacher ._. 2:54
sponge cats
*the flora is on fleek*
Her hair!!!♥️♥️♥️
Imagine the filters
The tea is especially hot today
XD sorry about ur camera
after watching this i took a hot bath with four green tea bags in it
What is sake and when I heard ‘drunk kids’ i figured it was alcohol
I love ur hair
At 19:44 you can actually see BigBang in the right hand side. XDD Love this video though. Really enjoyed it :)
I couldn't see it :(
"this is nice!....i want a churro."
Did anyone else hear the first season of Escape the Night song in the video?
safyia always looks like an awkward muppet when she tries to be derpy
1:00 Yunessun is written just like Yuri on Ice logo
I enjoyed this, because normally vlogs just show big cities and vending machines(?), but this was a cool look at a part of Japan I hadn't seen before. Well done
This is nice! *I* *WANT* *A* *CHUROO!*
Who realized that the song was escape the night s1
Ok this was creepy one of the pools I hade a dream and I have ever saw the pool that’s weird
I love her short hair and the color
12:38 that one chick is thicc af
Was it me or can u hear the escape the night theme at 12:40
The doctor fish remind me of that episode of Victorious
Did Tyler get drunk
Why is there Kalinka playing with the coffee bath?!
Tyler thoroughly enjoyed the saki and wine pools
The hall of sponge cats
I’ve been there and also I went to the mountains for a real hot springs. I lived in japan for three years
I'll have an asthma attack there
I can’t describe how much I want to go here
The children might have drank some of the wine?!
i wanna go ;-;
Why wasnt Christine there with yoh guys XD
What if they pee in the coffee or wine??
Gross xD
They don’t have a Raman noodle
I’m jelly I need to go there
Having banana and strawberry jelly at the moment :)
It’s a little kind of King spa but the spas aren’t outside ^^
I wonder if any fans found you there? You both need the doctor fish again, but separate times.
Oh that is my kind of place!
This looks so peaceful and fun! I'd love to be there. This video is great, Saf!
Emma Chamberlain should go to the coffee pool
This video got me so relaxed
Japan is the most beautiful country.
"But the best part of the naked zone was the view.." -Saf 2018
Omg!! I’ve been there!!! It’s amazing!!! Anyone who has the chance to go to Japan, go to Yunessun!!!! I’ve been there MULTIPLE times with my bestie!!
She needs to tell christen about these tea baths
Who else agrees that she should have a vlog channel
Excited snap thing lol
I've been there I even got a picture there I loved the green tea hot tub
After all those pools you guys went in I'm going ask my mom to afford one.
You guys are making me thirsty now.
I go here every time I go Japan! I love the food there so much The pool part at the slide last time I fell of it it was so funny
Anyone notice Big Bang? At 19:42
U should do 24 hour
Safia “So having mildly boiling the booty”
And is he Japanese?
Going to Japan LUCKKYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyy..........
Wow i realy want to go there but i live in the Netherlands and thats near England so
3:41 Don't mind me just Bigbang passing by
I was reccomended this for weeks OK IM CLICKING ON IT DAMNIT
i like all your videos
12:29 *LISTEN TO THE MUSIC* Did she put that music in because she's in etn lol
the big bang claw machine lmao
* Sees how you traveled in the trains * Ohhh...so *that’s* what normal class is like....(I went in the Japanese version of gold class)
Eww so un unsanitary
5:03 when it starts
what if someone nuts in the water
I wish i went there
*what’s the tea?*
Random but I love your hair! I'm living for it!
“and with our bootys rattled”
The fueling SpongeBob is so cute
“But the big winner of the naked zone was view....of the mountains” Lol that got me so bad
Its even more official then it was before. I'm going to Japan
saf is the living representation of the 'me, an intellectual' meme
Wow your hair looks soooo good. Defiantly the best hair look you’ve done❤️
She talks the exact same way that John Green does
I have been in japan
3:41 Big Bang in the vending machine
my sister put this video on and i jumped right beside her and i literally flew there and i’m like..”FRIENDSSSS????????” (as you can tell i’m very lonely)
The music for the coffee bath was Escape The Night season 1
Did anyone notice that when she was at the coffee bath she used the sound from escape the night s1 in the beginning
bruh i didnt even realize the video was 20 minutes and i watched the whole thing *SHOOK*
nOw tHat'S a lOng trAIn!
I saw a big bang crane :O
“And with our booties thoroughly shaking”
Is it me or I feel like this would be throwing off ph.
“It’s like communion” LOL
why is she talking so differently in the vlog and in the voiceover im so confused
Safiya Nygaard heyyy Safiya we have the same name but I haven’t heard how u pronounce yours so .... but u ha e a great name
When they got out of there they were so antiaged that they turned into babies again.
I wanna go in the red wine won cause you get WAISTED but the coffee one is my favourite cause it looks like shit but I hope “really” taste like coffee
omg i went to this 2 years ago and i soooo wanna go back rn
It is Osaka in Japan ?
*8:25** is giving me Victorious vibes...except them not getting sick
I love how Russian music is playing at 13:50
U should go to the wine bath the the coffee bath
Did anyone else notice that in the video there is escape the night theme music playing in the background
Try balance a coin. Some people say that the bullet train is so smooth that the coin can be balanced without falling.
I wish I could go to Japan
You haven’t slept in 36 hours? Boiiiiii you need to sleep -O.O-
i literally just found your youtube videos sitting her laughing my ass off you're so funny love subscribe !
Tyler looked like. Demon in the wine pool lol
6:15 Cristine would love that. Holo tea!
6:14 you shouldve brought Cristine omgg she wouldve drank all that tea
Japan, if you think about it, kinda looks like New Zealand.
When I saw the wine pic I was like *rubs eyes* are those kids in the wine pool holding up a wine glass with wine in it!
n a k e d z o n e
Same I always use the bidets at the airport in Japan
I have done that fish thing before and they ate of my vorooka
How much was the resort
Lol Tyler “I’m a beached whale”
Honestly just watching you in the pools makes me so much more relaxed.
You should definitely do more tourist/travel videos like this. They’re informative yet relaxed so I can watch it and not feel bombarded with information and subsequently tired. Much love ❤️
3:39 i see KRUNK X BIGBANG
It’s cute and funny at the same time watching Saf crawling in the pools
Throwing wine and then i look at the back round Oh Wow Its A Child
16:37 “Tyler kept making that joke.”
Wasn’t the fish that eat the dead skin off of your feet on the show victorious
The quality of your video content is out of this world amazing! Thanks so much for bringing us along to all of your adventures!
If i ever go to japan ill come to this spa!
She said my name
I love how u said and pick a spot and go at it
I've had fish eat off the dead skin cell,s it isn't bad and it's actually really cool!
You should show Christine the tea one lol
13:07 ETN season 1 theme song
14:38 Be careful chirren, that’s a lot of sodium. Lol
Bro now I wanna go there
i've never been to Japan but this is amazing!!!
What a wonderful introduction to the channel!
“And with our booties thoroughly rattled...” “And having noticeably boiled the booty...” She didn’t say it in this video, but of course - “Make sure that butthole’s covered” Why I love Saf
Oml i was at sea world for a school field trip and they had the fish that suck the dead skin off of you and they felt so weird and i was scared at first and still was when they were sucking on my hand i felt like they would bite me QwQ
you remind me of LaurenZSide
16:16 Tyler’s face
Now I'm sure: This is one of the best channels on Youtube. You are both amazing! Keep doing it
3:38 i see BIGBANG!!!! #KPOP
So that coffee one looked just like the water in the Mississippi lmaoooooo
Antiseptic . . Eye
I'm just thinking about what if they saw BTS but didn't know it was them?
why do i hear escape the night season 1 theme
& this is why love your video's saifya ❤️ have a blessed day
cristine would love the tea pool
Tyler: Um i think i am drunk Safiya: i think i am not drunk
Was I the only one who thought there would be a rollar coaster and u would sit in this type of square cube that has water in it idk I'm just wierd
*cough investigative reporter cough* what?
Hahahahah I love Tyler he looked so drunk lmao
“Sanrio is quaking” *tHe DeAd MeMe CoMmUnItY iS qUaKiNg*
I have been learning how to speak and write in Japanese for a year now. Me: *goes to japan* this is what I've been training for... *dunks head in coffee bath* CAFFINE!!!!!
I feel like I've watched this video 8 times
*excited snap thing
Christeen from simply nail logical would like the tea pool
“Unless these kids are getting wasted”
Okay nobody hate on me but if your are a kpop fan and you stop your video at 3:40 in slow motion you see Bigbang GD and T.O.P in the claw machine and I really want to go there
Bullet trains were invented in China ..
"feline SpongeBobs" LMAO
The view.... of the mountains
https://youtu.be/ZyhrYis509A Listen to this or die on beef
I loved this video! I smiled the whole way through, keep up the good work!!
You got them deutsch lips hun,
Tyler needs to propose, you guys are couple goals!
I legit thought this was a BuzzFeed vid
+thinks about Totoro+ I miss that movie… SUB IF U AGREE! Lol I know I’m looking for Subs, so don’t hate!!!
Lol those mountians are nothing, in switzerland we literally have mountians everywhere
wait.... ive been there
Did anyone else hear the Escape The Night Season 1 trailer song?
Tyler is going to make your channel like Cristine. Sorry
Is it me or does anyone want to try the lil fishes nibbling on my feet
This place was amazing and really cool and also when I went to the beach at night during my vacation at orange beach to look for crabs and shells and other things I stepped in a line type of thing that leads to the ocean and little fish came and nibbles on my feet it was really cool and I actually go to the beach tomorrow
Omg this is such a good video !! ❤️
I just want to know where Saf gets all of her swimsuits
I always wonder who is recording when Saf and Tyler aren’t?
3:40 I've spotting BigBang
does anyone know what lipstick Saf is wearing in this??
Waaaaaaaaa I wanna go there now
I love I'm sooooo glad that ur in escape the night
I mean I love u
I add this to my wishlist
Sorry if u do not want to do this but I think u should do 100 Layers of a Bite lipstick u have -Clarity123
OMG happy birthday Safiya you are so pretty and beautiful and I love your sense of style and I hope you have a great day!
That's why I want to go to Japan Also because I like anime But Japan isn't just anime, it's just so cool
Tyler's legs look so pale in the water but red out of it
Why I like Japan
I really need to visit there
In Utah, there is an aquarium where you can actually have fish take the dead skin off of your feet. I did it, and it feels really weird and cool at the same time.
Also, there is this thing where you can swim with tiny sharks, sting rays, and I'm pretty sure manta rays. And at the top of the tank where that is held, there is someone dressed as a mermaid giving out barbies.
In the river behind where I live the fishies do that
That looks like so much fun!
Kristen should come play in the TEAAAAA
So having mildly boiled the booty... Safiya Nygaard 2018
I wanna go here so baddddd
I just noticed the background music!
First video i have seen of you, and you are so funny i was dying xD
*Love isn't Hate, it's Love*
10:56 looks photoshopped.....
The kids are getting wasted!
Love the Escape the Night Season 1 Music
How much was it that is such an amazing place
In mexico they have warm natural springs and they have the fish in there too
Y'all should go to Okinawa!! I lived there for five years and literally never got bored living there. There's a whole mall called American Village and I think you'd enjoy it plus going to some caves or Okinawa World where you can take a picture with a Habu Snake. And bonus: the aquarium there is huge and does not disappoint!! I haven't found an aquarium even close to how amazing that one was.
how is it possible that this girl looks good in every lipstick shade like whaa
you: I LOVE THE VIEW! Me: I just want coffee
Can you please do a test of which diy tattoo method works best
Hi that was so cool
Soka is alcohol
WHAT THE HECK I SAW BIG BANG IN ONE OF THE CLAW MACHINES although I’m not a fan of them.....
R u from buzzfeed ?
I was watching this at 4:04 in the morning
Now this is my kind of water park!
I’ve done the doctor fish thing many times it’s so weird
safiya needs to come to montana if she loves views like that so much
Has anyone else heard the commercial "it's hard to stop a train " that's what I thought of when she said bullet train XD
Go to the blue lagoon!! It’s in Iceland
You should see New Zealand do 3:08
tag yourself, im tyler making bad jokes about children being drunk, while ending up drunk myself
Is there a specific age to do this
U are so awesome!!! I just subscribed. Loads of love from Colorado!!!
Did anyone notices the escape the night season 1 music In the background
And I just realised I watched 20 min
I heard that a girl's toenails started to fall off bc of the fish nibblers
She is the best narrator in the whole wide world
"with our booties thoroughly rattled"
Ur hair is AWSOME
just watching this made me want to take a nap
they are such a cute couple
3:40 u can't hide that big bang poster gurll
Safiya Nygaardمارحابا
I tried that toilet in Hawaii
I keep going back to this video *ITS SO INTERESTING*
"Floor looks FLEEEK" Stuck in the 90's..
Through the video I hear escape the night s1 music
your thanos
i love the country of japan eventho i dont live there
“Salty” Huh Now I’m salty
Omg he looks like the boy From Thundermans in the Angels show
Kimba the white lion spotted at 2:34
OOoh Bullet trains are nice in china, they are everywhere, quite as fast, and doesn't have ur butt shaking. LOL i sound like an ad
that fish thing would freak me out xd ( ps. im afraid of fish idk why ;u; )
"Wine" alcohol:)
My sis said that why are you watching two naked men.
‘and with our bootys thoroughly rattled’ Safiya you crack me up
Any Russian who who heard kalinka malinka
She was in etn season 3 but the first seasons theme song dont stop played at sometime
Ah Lucky! I’ve always wanted to go to Japan, but I definitely don’t know how to speak Japanese so I’m not sure I would survive very well lmao
Tyler seems so drunk at 19:08
200 mph and they can feel it? Its defo not up to hunger game capitol standards yet...
Escape the night season 1 music in 12:51
They’re cute together
6:14 Simply nailogical would aprove
oh I do throw up on a tea cup ride
When videos teach you more than school...
i thought yall were gonna get sick from them fishies
That looks like heaven!
If you wear headphones you realise you can only hear the voice through the left headphones
escape the night season 3 good luck
11:19 - 11:24 well we know what yo boyfriend be doin wit you at home
Just subscribed! Love ya!
I would eat the noodles
But I'm a Filipino
I love Japan!
I feel like the naked zone cannot be sanitary lmao. You’re basically sharing bath water with a bunch of naked strangers.
“and with our booties thoroughly rattled”
I'm learning more from these videos than I am at school
With me being an escape the night fan one of the songs in here was from escape the night
Take a shot every time she says anti
I hate myself for thinking of all the Instagram pics you could’ve taken there.
My moms from Japan!! And I've been to Japan many times and I love it so much!!
Stop at 12:24
*cries in gay* i want to go there
8:54 wut?
WAIT......-Looks At Fish That Are On Their Feet Then Loooks At Fish In The Fish Aquarium In the Living Room- OMG ONE OF THE FISH THATS IN THERE ARE THOSE ONE'S
...there was little kids drinking the wine
Did any one elae notice the backgroumd music was from Escape the night , Season 1?
Luckily you didn’t get LOST IN JAPAN (Mendes Army anyone?)
the view... of the mountains
the way you talk makes me wanna punch you.
*SpIlL ThE TeA SiS*
This video fascinates me so much...Japan fascinates me in general.
Idk why spongecat cracked me up lol
There is a power company in New Zealand called Unison, that is all I could think of every time u said Yunessun.
9:38 aren’t those the fish that gave everyone in victorious a huge sickness
During the coffee bath i heard Kalinka in the background???
I’ve been there before!! And i went in the naked part. I lived in japan for 5 years!!
The kids and baby during the wine pouring made me nervous did nobody else notice?
Excited snap thing
Wait did she quite BuzzFeed
Anyone pick up on the etn music?
Why Hasn't America done something like this yet? It sounds very beneficial.
12:52 omfggggggg yesssss ETN s1 soongggggg
*oh those kids getting W A S T E D*
Isn't she that chic from BuzzFeed?
Who else saw the Big Bang poster inside the arcade games?
Kalina... A russian folk song plays in the background
The benefits make me wanna go to Japan.. I have an acne problem and for ppl my age you're only supposed to get a few pimples here and there but.. *daAaMN BOI MY WHOLE FACE IS LIKE A RICE FIELD (insert filipino reference)*
That moment when you realize Vicky who she gave the shoutout to copied Dan's iconic account picture. Me: "Vicky is very no fun."
please don’t die in escape the night
Oh my life I wanna go
I’ve been there a dozen timed
My dogs name is sakè
I live in japan in iwakuni on an miletery base and the taxi and bus drivers are crazy
6:15 *wHeEzE-*
12:51 reminds me of escape the night
This is why Japanese people don't Crack!!!
Let’s learn abcs :3 A is for anus B is for butt C is for cancer D is for dumb E is for Ebola F is for fu- G is for guns H is for honey ;) I is for international I don’t give a fu- day :) J is for just do it K is for kkk Tune in next week
11:00 me leaving Twitter
Hi, when Escape the Night ends can u do a video about your experience?? Like if you guys agree
Haaaaaaaahaahahaa sponge cats
As you know, a wise woman once said: "I'm not sipping tea; I'm becoming tea." -Safiya Nygaard
Season 1 song was playing queen
play at 1.25 for normal talking speed
Omg I want to go there
Does that bus remind anyone of the night bus
They starve the fish so that they’ll eat your skin it’s so sad
Tyler's over here just getting drunk on pool wine
The coffee ☕️ was so strong I cld smell it
Simplynailogical (cristine) should bath in the TEAAA
I have been to an onset in japan
Lol I’ve been there it’s super cool
I am in turkey and at my hotel there is a stand for the fish and they are so cool. They feel so good but it's expensive
you still have that buzfed vibe
Shane brought me here
You have to try do all this(coffe,green tea, wine) on your bath
when I went to japan in my hotel well...a spa was there and me and my mom were going to go in and this women walked in naked im like hell naw covering my eyes and my mom was saying r we going in in our swimming costumes or naked I just stand there like a fricken ghost as my fricken face turns fricken like casper the ghost *lol* and then I just drag my mom to the hotel room and say im never coming here again...0.0
8:50 Wait Who's Filming??
I feel bad for the kids who tried to wine lol if they did
Y’all should go to tolantogo Mexico. It’s a waterfall waterpark
I've been in one of these
6:14 simplynailogical is proud
For a part of the vid she played music from etn season one and she's currently in season three !
*"And with our booties thoroughly rattled"* XD
I'm Japanese and I've been there loads of times!!!
Imagine doing a photo shoot in modeling style and or cosplay style xD
For anyone who has watched or is watching PLL doesn’t safiya look like spencer’s mom veronica hastings?
Did you *thank* the bus driver though?
But the big winner of the naked zone was the view.........of the mountains
I like the escape the night music
At 15:43 she edits in kakalin which is Russian
I wonder if she would have liked the naked zone more if she were also surrounded by three dozen other naked people at the time.
Hey guys! I'm just a college girl trying to pay her on-campus housing and meal plan. The total cost is $15,000 but financial aid only covered $5,00. If you would like to donate here is the link: https://www.gofundme.com/college-tuition-at-uc-merced Anything and everything is appreciated thank you.
Not sure about the naked zone but I’d like to try this someday
14:09 made me die laughing “washed upon shore” Anyone also notice Tyler trying to put his hand around Safiya but failing 16:48 LOLOL
How much does it cost to go there?
Hey just one simple question...are you Muslim??
Some people crave chocolate, no wonder why I crave watching your vids...... LOL
Thumbs up if you're watching this because Safiya just died in Escape the Night.
I’m so sad about your death in escape the night I literally cried and my cousin had no emotion
A bullet train is called a Shinkansen Yep I live in Japan
The looked like blood...
That look like Danny Duncan 6:06
12:54 For all you Escape the night fans, listen to the background music. It's the same song that was used in the escape the night season 1 trailer!
Sofia looks dumpy... it’s lame to watch
This looks so fun
12:52 is that escape the night theme in the back
this place looks amazing !! never seen / heard of anything like it + I def wanna check it out one day
Rip she died in etn 3
Anyone else notice that in some parts of the video it played escape the night season 1 theme song?
omg tyler seems like such a great boyfriend he’s so cute
you must try turkish coffee for skincare; literally turkish coffee + water to use as a peeling; for your hands and face. you will see what happens as soon as you use it!
Omg I went there, the sake one had a little thing putting sake in the water and I tasted it and that was the first time I had alcohol, it was gross
I see BigBang at 3:40
How were you able to ask them to let you in early? Did you have a secret code word ;)
Do you get to wear your own swimsuit ?
R u from ladylike
Does anyone notice that Safiya has Escape the Night S1 music in the background for part of the video!
Thank you so much. I have to go there!
At 12:29 it starts playing the escape the night season 1 music
Pause it 11:37 at this moment saf knew.... she F*cked up
“ those kids are wasted “
HELLO FRIENDS!! sorry for the delay on this guy!! i hope y'all enjoy the first of all of the videos we filmed in japan - we have 2 more coming out on this channel and 3 more videos on tyler's channel! and HAPPY MONDAY! xoxo, saf