I Was Wrong About China... So I Came Back

I Was Wrong About China... So I Came Back

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I was wrong about China last year I visited  Shanghai in Beijing and it's safe to say   everything went wrong in Beijing I can't take a  camera they're not letting us through it acquires   an appointment one day in advance can't go  paying with cash not knowing how to book   tickets to attractions and only visiting the two  biggest cities well this time I'm here to fix that   yes I read the tens of thousands of comments and  I'm determined to set some of them straight for   those of you who gave me tips and welcomed me to  China thank you and for those of you who accuse me   of being to visit well I wasn't and I'm not this  time and I have one message for you today is the   start of a 5we journey across China that'll  see me taking cities of all different tears   histories and security levels but this time I've  made sure I at least have WeChat so let's start   this epic journey across China right here in  guango as I travel back to China for the first   time grab this for breakfast first ohow I don't  know pop one yeah it's okay there's no pop ones left yeah yeah it's good so one I'm not  eating it one one one one one I want try   one of those as well this try this one one  SC this yeah yeah yeah so now we can use it   yeah all right this our first time using it  okay got it yeah yeah done good okay he get   the voice oh yeah oh yeah s yeah I've got  two things I've got Shong Bell which is a   pork bun and then this is like a Spong cake  it's super floppy oh there's no taste so I'm   going to walk in here and grab a CA for Michael  but I can buy ni I can buy on we now uh poo oh yeah how much play I'll scan and you can  help me I'll get her to put the money in and   trust her because I don't know what it is now I  scan hers ah there we go all right can you put it okay okay here got it byebye see here  last time I came to China I didn't find   any like good coffee shops and if you know me  you know I love coffee so as we were coming   in I saw this coffee shop on in the corner  and now I'm going to try it I actually had   it in my second Channel but I think it was  really good and I haven't been able to find   a really good coffee so far me how uh I do ice  latte ice latte not one okay okay no sugar okay   yes yes like yes yes okay y this one sure hey  you're turn we chat my scanning yeah this one okay wow I cannot believe how much easier this  is makes being here heaps better I'm going to   link my last China trip down below but we didn't  have WeChat and I'll get on to that a little bit   later as to why we have but it does make it so  much easier we're carrying cash around and people   were like what's this so now we don't even have  to carry anything it's it's actually super helpful   and I was very stubborn last time and didn't want  to admit it would make my time easier but it has   it has are you from Guang yes you've been here  your whole life yes wow that's cool I like it   yeah this is my second time in China uh the first  time I did Shanghai in Beijing uhuh but I like it   here it's nice guanga is really nice how do I  say it Guang guango Wango guango yes thank you   I'm trying so hard I just can't say it properly  last time I struggled with mandarin really bad and   this time I'm also still struggling so I'm trying  my best so when I bought that coke earlier I just   gave her my phone and let her put in how much it  cost and there is literally no other country that   I can think of in the whole world that we've  been where I'd feel comfortable or trust the   person who's selling me the product putting in  the price of the product and me just being yep   pay like and she's putting in the right numbers  like we've bought many Coke so I mean just then   as well when I bought the the coffee she didn't  didn't even check that I paid the right amount   for the coffee it didn't even make a noise she  just trusted that I'd paid there is like a sense   of I feel like trust here in in China that I I  honestly haven't felt anywhere anywhere before   like some of the time here we've we've bought  something and they've shoved us away before   that like our payments even come through like  trusting us that we've done it it is a little   bit crazy it's a bit different before we head to  the Metro I am just trying to learn a little bit   more U Mandarin I am very bad at it I learn the  basic of basics of every language that of every   country that we travel to but this has been by far  the hardest I know niow and um which is like hello   and thank you and then I want to learn thank you  very much because as we know manners are always important got it there you go WAOW you yeah  Australia yeah yeah what's St uh New South   Wales yeah me too yeah New South wal Sydney  yeah oh nice I live uh uh pon pon yeah yeah   darling Harbor darling Harbor yeah yeah I live  in West oh oh West yeah yeah what food do I have   to have here sorry what food is good to have  here what what food yeah di some di some egg   everywhere yeah yeah everywh I got to some Mand  is yeah okay the some yeah nice but but some um   uh little little bit expensive okay all right  they chunk guys sh yeah yeah all right should   we go we get moving yeah we'll get moving  okay thank you thank you so much and how you byebye byebye thank you see you in Australia  Italian ciao so I just wanted to take a second   to show you how I fully access the internet here  in China so the internet is obviously essential   when you travel I don't need to explain that to  you you can post photos find where you're going   talk to friends or family for fun or mostly even  safety but here in China especially um they don't   use cash it's basically obsolete so you need  the internet in order to do literally anything   a local Chinese SIM card blocks a lot of Western  applications like Instagram YouTube Google doesn't   even work here so an eim is literally essential  for your trip to China and I use hly so by using   hly as my e with its own VPN means I can find  places to come and get coffee and pay for it and   this and you can use Google Translate so I used  hly for my last trip to China and this one and a   few other countries in between with literally  Flawless uninterrupted unlimited 5G data the   the whole entire time the fact that it is so  easy is the best part all you do is download   the hall ofly app type in what country you want  to go to and then pick how many days you need it   for so thanks to H ofly for partnering with me on  this video as I already bought the eim before they   wanted to partner with me thank you for being my  reliable eim um provider of choice so like I said   there's a link in the description bar get it for  yourself for your next trip and enjoy internet   as soon as the plane lands okay so far I love it  here more than Shanghai and Beijing from my last   trip I feel like everyone here is so friendly so  much more friendly not that they weren't friendly   there but just here everyone is like really happy  to help us and help me with my uh language which   is very helpful here I just really like it I feel  like it's a more chill this city for me feels a   little bit more like lived in if that makes sense  and I'm just I don't know I don't know how to   describe it I just really like it here okay so now  we're heading to the metro and we're going going   to take it to a fake Market if you watch my last  series I got a Stanley Cup but it was honestly   really dodgy and I overpaid so I'm going to try  again so I have heard the Metro is one of the best   in the world but I've also heard that this one in  Guang guango is packed it's too busy so let's see   for ourselves shall we I saw a Tik Tok of people  buying their own handles that suction onto the   wall so they can have something to hold on to on  the bonj Metro really yeah they're buying suction   handles they carry with them and I saw a picture  of someone they called it the Florida of China   and these people took a outside park bench and  brought it into the things they could sit on it   cuz there's no seats so we have to buy a ticket do  you need English do you need to translate it says   current location I understand Beijing L it's not  showing you on the map I don't know where it is on   the map right I don't know where we are it's not  telling us where we are so I'm supposed to know   where we are oh yeah Beijing but it doesn't  tell you we have to work it out right price   quantity G two 4 you1 we chat yeah this makes  life so much better yeah but it also makes me   spend more spend more money so you scan this this  really makes this trip so much easier than last   trip we couldn't even take the metro last time  could we cuz it didn't take cash no we did we had   to use cash we had to use cash and it was hard  and they had to help us yeah they had to help oh all right it does look  very busy so one stop all right so another cool thing is they have these  massive red stands which are showing you where   the lines are for the Metro so the stand's there  and the Metro is just there and the other thing   we noticed when we were just traveling through  the Metro is that unlike Beijing we don't have   to carry passports with us whereas last trip we  had to have our passports if we wanted to catch   the metro so here it just feels a bit more  chill there is still a lot of electric bikes though and if you're not careful they will they  get very close to hitting you oh my goodness   last time you were all telling me to get off  like to get out of Shanghai and Beijing and   I totally get it I love Wang Xiao and it by no  means is just off the beating track right now   it's a tier one city I totally understand but  we have a lot of different cities and different   places coming up so make sure you subscribe  cuz I am going to get off the beating track   well off the beating track well off the beating  track so I think all those people were telling   me to get out of Shanghai and Beijing and to  see the rest of the country the real china   the real china it's coming up it's coming up so  subscribe and turn the notification Bell on all   right let's go get a fake fake cop and not get  a real cop yeah but it's not it's a fake Stanley   you know yeah all right let's go there is cup  after cup here I'm so excited no Stanley though   okay we'll keep looking oh I like this moreall  better than the one from Shanghai already okay   there is a lot here I am a little overwhelmed  with how many choices there are of things but   they're not like they're not all the the brand  and a fake of that brand if that makes sense   they're like their own brand that looks like  the product does that make sense um so I want   a fake Stanley I want one I want a Jupe not a  counterfeit no I want a counterfeit not a Jupe   I want a counterfeit so this mall we thought was a  counterfeit mall but it's essentially like set up   a shop here and sell stuff so no it's like walking  around inside Alibaba or I was getting there in   my joke but yeah it's about walking around inside  like Alibaba or or like Amazon or whatever so all   the products here these people would also sell  online but this is like where they have their   physical shops so we will find some counterfeit  stuff and we'll find some like branded things and   some jupes like as you can see over there there's  Dyson that's clearly Dyson even though it doesn't   say it on there so I think you will find your  copy I do think you'll find your copy um it's   just how many choices you have as opposed to the  counterfeit one maybe we go to the counterfeit   one I don't know is it worth going to should  we go to it's called b or something like that   b b Market is it worth going to let us know this  one might have a Stanley maybe no it looks just   like the own Brands again maybe this one no the  but do you have Stanley no no okay okay look at them what look at this what [Music] they moving bags 28 wow 288 Micha was buying me a cppy bar okay thank you thank you byebye B oh okay  we weren't planning to buy that so I don't know   what I got but she was so nice um and show show  she loves Karas I know you'd like to have this   attached to your backpack yeah let's put you  would never buy it for yourself so I bought   it for you thank you just you okay okay that's  enough it's time for some lunch I think maybe   we'll go over there to McDonald's that was a joke  by the way from my first video here last time if   you know you know and if you don't go back and  watch it go back and watch it it's linked in   the description we can get a d now which is going  to make life so much easier than last time we got   scammed by the taxi last time in Shanghai now  we can actually do what you have to do I just   trying to find the right place to get picked up  the market where we're going to go to is probably   the most famous wholesale kind of fit sort of  Market in the world in terms of like the quality   you get there there's lots of one for one dupes  there which is like the Holy Grail oh wow okay W so we're on the way to the other market  now um in the DD that we booked with weat   a we have weat wow okay we got out of the  car we got hounded by people already this   is insanee we've come to this other one and  I also can't really see any like duplicate   counterfeit cups and stuff it's just all  all um what do you call shirts and stuff   uh here no no not here okay yes here you have  this you want this yeah by many many no no   just one or two no not only cloth clothes  okay WYA this okay it's okay wub wub wub are you making a video austral as you I'm Russian ohia oh I know [Laughter] Australia he asked if I  was Russian I'm going to ask him if my Chinese is good okay I'm going to ask him if he knows  where I can get the Stanley Cups uh   no no no no no yeah everyone's like  why do you only want one just one one I don't know what he's doing he's taking   a photo of it and I think it's like  showing where they sell oh to [Music] Ah that's a good price it's good price good  price okay good price CH about 200 I am B I   am B I am I you won last time 70 70 yeah go order  online okay yeah better price here thank you all   right we're going to go we can't get them here  yeah yeah it's we have no problem communicating   nice to meet you ni to meet you too yeah meet you  English see later you everyone's very surprised   only want one Stanley Cup he was telling us and  we've kind of realized that you're not just coming   to buy once off things they don't really sell them  I guess here they were everywhere in Shanghai but   I guess here people are doing more big quantities  of of of purchases so the once off just isn't   really that popular um he told us to go buy it  online so I should have bought it at the first   place and now we're not there so that's that's my  fault and that's a fail today but that's that the   guys who do the selling and the Agents like him  are saying just go online to buy one like don't   even ball looking for it and I've been reading  online if you're staying in China and you're in   your hotel and you have WeChat you can download  the online marketplaces on the mini apps and   just buy it to comes to your hotel in 24 hours so  while we're walking around looking for a shop to   buy a fake Stanley Cup from um I wanted to talk  about WeChat I said earlier that I'll talk about   it later last time we didn't have WeChat and  it was was really hard to get around at that   time though it wasn't open to tourists you had  to either have like a Chinese someone from China   invite you or something it was a whole ordal we  couldn't get it as foreigners it was really hard   blah blah blah since then and I like to think  it was because of my last video cuz it kind of   went a little bit viral they've actually opened  WeChat two tourists two foreigners so it's been   a lot easier of a process to not only obtain  WeChat but then obviously to explore China to   buy things in China and travel China since  they opened up WeChat to tourists but last   time we were some of the first people to come  to China from when they closed um so it was   super hard but now they've made it a lot easier  which is obviously really handy for us uh where oh this here yeah I don't no okay that's okay  I just want a bloody fake Stanley Cup sell me   some can goods place we're in like the thick of  but I just want a sty cup I don't want clothes   trust me my luggage is already over and I'm a  full-time traveler so I'm not going home after   this so I need to watch what's in my bag I can't  like get any clothes or anything but I can't find   anywhere to buy cups a little kid just came and  pulled his private parts out and pissed on my   foot there's the evidence on the ground it was  probably like two and he just pierced on my foot   and whipped his things yeah well I've never had  that happen before that's for sure so while I was   contemplating what I'm doing with my life walking  around a million fake markets in China not finding   anything that I want to find I'm just looking here  and this guy has a VPN Sam that he's promoting and   it has like WhatsApp Instagram Facebook Tik  Tok like it's interesting that you can just   promote that like I don't know isn't that not  allowed I don't know it's very very interesting uh oh is that us CH this is you okay yeah I can  see that if you are looking for a manufacturer   or um to yeah place a wholesale order I can  see how You' be very like confused or like   overwhelmed by how many options there are um  I mean maybe I'll be able to do that one day   and come back and look at wholesale options for  something but right now I just want one cup and   it's not working out so we're going to head back  to the first place where I just saw one cup that   taxi ride by the way that didd ride cost $250  Australian probably a150 us that is absolutely   insane because our trip to Shanghai was just so  costly and expensive about $50 something dollar in   Australian so it was not cheap now I'm seeing like  the different parts of this country or this place   is really different hey I gave up on the fake  Market idea and instead we came to Beijing road   which is one of the like famous things to do  here in guango from all the people we spoke to   today like I think I would get along with Chinese  people so well if I could speak FL M like I feel   like people are actually so funny besides when  they pee on my foot um that I really do think   I would get along with them I just feel like  like them not speaking much English and me not   speaking much Mandarin um it definitely puts like  a barrier but I feel like the their personalities   from what I've seen and how friendly people are  and how like they have a sense of humor I found   and I I really feel like would get along if  I could speak Mandarin so maybe one day the   literal only reason why I picked this place is  because there people out the front so must be   good I'm just going to do a quick translation to  see what's actually in them give me one original we C you that's so cool I like that one oh  it's very hot oh I haven't seen that before   I thought I knew what it was but I don't  I haven't seen it before but they're very   popular I don't know tell me what this is cold  in the comments but it's really really hot and   I picked original beef because the other one  was spicy can I it kind of smells like a meat pie uh this feels very spicy even though  it's original doesn't it there's like   cabbage in there I definitely still think  there's something some chili just not as   much chili as the spicy one kind of just  tastes like um the pastry is like a pie or   something I like it I'm going to go grab um  a a tea I'm not sure if this is like a good   place to get tea but there's lots of people  there so I'm going to try that one as well   and you can't blame me because everyone else is  getting it uh the this one peach uh sorry this one one yeah see [Laughter] now it's thinking hey wow $140 okay 71 you all right this was a peach one yeah it's good we actually had this on my  second Channel it tastes more like water than   um like overwhelming sugar which I actually  think I like H so we got that yesterday on my   second channel so it's another Channel that  I have that is going to have a lot of videos   from our trip here in China it's down below so if  you want to see more Adventures a little bit more   like chatty that's down there and you get to see  a whole bunch of things that you probably won't   see on this channel so subscribe it's in the  link below it's my second Channel and go say   hello to me over there as well so I was walking  past and this place looks really really popular   so I'm just going to try one but I'm struggling  to do a translation as to what it actually is   so I'm gonna ask her if it's costed oh sorry  uh just s uh okay I'll just oh okay uh is it cost what is it may [Music] may okay okay okay okay here I have no idea what the hell  these things are yeah um I asked if it was   custard cuz it looked like custard and she said  no but then I didn't know what she was saying   in Chinese and I just scanned the receipt and  it says crispy bubbles 1y old hey time to find   out are they like old no it wouldn't be that  anyway I don't know what they are give them   a taste it's the one way to find out I'll try it  here yeah try it try it try okay I couldn't buy   just two either so here it go I had to buy  the whole thing if you know what it is tell us smells good oh what is that is it cream I don't know is  it sweet yeah I have no idea what it is like   butter and cream mixed together maybe yeah do  you like it it's a lot it's it's almost like   too much sweet liquid stuff for me that's  nice you know we even have this you're all   loading to cream not if it's whipped cream well  I don't know it's all right more for you we give   it to our receptionists yeah let's go back now  we'll give that to them so here's a present for you book Thank you and right on Beijing Road okay  so you have the toilet in here there's no lights   on here we go with lights toilet really nice  and this is the twin room it's this one of the   smaller options so this was about $80 Australian  dollars a night 50 usdish um I'm going to leave   it linked in the description bar below if you  want to book it so so far this is my favorite   city or favorite place that I've been to uh in  China and I really really liked it I am just so   interested like how many why there's a lot of I  guess animosity to the people here because I mean   most people have been really nice to me besides  the boy that PE on my foot but yeah honestly I   really really like it I like this trip better  than the last trip that we had so many of you   told me the first time um that it's it's better  outside of those two cities and so far I really   agree so I'm really excited to see more by the way  this place is like 50 m from the Beijing walking   Street FYI we're going to have a look around this  um new part now with like the um big buildings at   like a colored I don't really know Michael just  said it's must see here so we're going to have   a quick look at them so this park has kind of  opened up into this big area where there's all   these lights on the floor and they're changing  colors look now it's green and then you've got   this big tower at the end um and everyone's just  like hanging out so in the end a fun and enjoyable   day exploring a new city in China even if it  is another tier one city but at the start of   this video I promised you I would be exploring  the real this is so different you just have to   subscribe and stay tuned for the epic adventure  that's on the way over the next 5 weeks as I visit   parts of China I never expected to have access  to safe to say I've uh never done that before

2024-07-06 00:57

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