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for look at this oh feeding yeah yeah so this the way  you Palomas in the Square yeah nor ma who's selling ma normally  or F or F oh this just F bread   what is up pH is running around very nice yeah very nice job so so that is nice and  uh I like this small town small Independence   Square and uh it's nice weather show our faes a  little bit so our dog is over there and here we are he's looking for food to eat see uh an umre say the dog  is angry pero is like a small dog so per is a dog perito is a  small dog bil the dog is hungry bil is angry so here we are with my friend wow  she's so beautiful every time I look at this face she so beautiful maybe I get married over  here m h never I I I can't believe in that you   can't maybe you never know maybe one day you  I don't want you don't want to husband oh no   never it's about is about bad relationship  no bad Omen bad is a bad decision yes but she say she don't want a husband she only  wants a friend it's a bad business Bad Business   marriage is a business D but you know my sabrino  was saying marriage is a scam you say marriage   is a business yeah I agree with you marriage  is a business we make money and we divide that   money when we divorce we divide that money yeah  so we just uh walking around the park and uh yeah like give pey time to rele to release in  nature to see nature that is nature so it looks   a lot of people come here I like small  towns you know I used to work in a small town small dog big dog that's not your size that's not your weight bil small dog big dog oh this like  walking tours as we are just like   locals no walking tour but uh it looks  like there's a walking tour over here and uh I have to pay for a walking tour see that  that walking tour over there in English Okay   in engl walking tour but I didn't pay for  The Walking t so I don't want to go and listen listen hisor no problem I  can Google I'll Google it I Google   I'll Google and put put in the subtitles yeah so that's it guys that's like almost  half an hour video and that is good for   zipper I'll add some more Clips as we go back  so here we have a booth all kind of CA Cabana   there's a small bar over there Bar Cafe oh  so soan that's a telephone boot oh it's a dog   no it's not a booth it's a dog that  looks like a telephone booth oh man and so we are exiting the square and look at  those lights those Colonial lights damn this go   te does did a lot of stuff though yeah so  kachimba pimba pima's coming oh so we are   walking up these stairs here and uh not stairs  this just strip slop towards Plaza Delo Plaza zap oh it's very steep I like this welcome guys  to zipper in in bot no outside bot Columbia look at this Styles this old building oh  it's like it's not graffiti but it's like   small Pebbles used to make a drawing of the  building on on on the wall wow very beautiful there look at the tiles on the roof  El pobl Cafe Bar wow I'm so tired Berlin beIN beIN bin wow that's Diablo diablita going up the stairs in the church for it's beautiful view from on top of  this church looking down onto zipper oh up there yesus Jesus is up there  wow statue of Jesus the church wow oh   this is the old church damn small  little church on top of the hill wow wow okay I'll get problems with people   you saying we Bonita all the  time who this is a Virgin Mary yeah wow nice view from over here so  you can see the Hall of zipper over here   so it's a small town surrounded by Hills  all around wow I love this D look at that wow look wow look at this the Virgin Mary  house on the food HH where house oh those   houses over there can you guys see them  let me Zoom a little bit oh they're so   they're Far Away by those houses they  like barriers built on top of each other there are houses to poor people oh   for poor people oh yeah a lot of poor  people live like on top of each other on yeah you say what oh oh when we over here see oh yeah so those those houses there  they're like barriers build on top of each   other so that's generally the way like uh uh  people maybe they migrated from The Villages   and they live over here so they're like  uh basically less I mean a little poorer   than someone who who r a mansion I say that  yeah but they're good people yeah they just   like trying to get out of the right trace of  paying rent every every month I think so yeah   as you can say a little poor so but that's okay so yeah I love this VI it's so wonderful D I'll take a selfie over here another church over   there so we're almost done so guys  we'll go down and uh and go back to uh so another Colonial House over there  and where we are heading right now is   uh we're heading over there to  those barriers is the barriers   now yeah yeah the barriers where there  are one building on top of the other yeah taxi C everywhere you tired umry when you go back we can a little bit yeah  we can eat something we can go to a restaurant   and eat something buen see anytime anytime  anytime when we when you're going back when   you're walking back going to the bus yeah see  or up there if there's a restaurant up there oh squ so h not muchos bit is bit I know that's why  I said much peros he's like a bad word okay we just huh yeah you're tired  we can go back when you get tired   cuz it's just going up and up and up  ARA ARA ARA ARA is up up up up up up   up S Castle they're selling houses  here you want to buy one we can buy one if you pay um give me I I can pay and  give you and that'll be my gift for you and   then when I'm on vacation I come and I stay  here maybe I buy two one for you one for me okay we can go back because now  we just going up and up and up   yes so I think he is there huh the  forest the forest we can go to the   forest a little bit and then come down you  can yeah not inside just at the edge of the forest so we are going to walk up to the for rest  over there and then we we'll come back after that   here is a neighborhood here is a neighborhood oh  neighborhood watch uhhuh oh yeah a noral normal   neighborhood yeah I want to pee but I'm don't  sure where I can pee cuz the windows everywhere   somebody will see me I know we can't CL the  the for the forest is too far so we'll just   go back and go to a restaurant and a hike and  PE inside the restaurant I can get a place to so that's the so that is the end so we  go up to there we can't reach the forest   the forest is up there and uh yeah so we  decided to go back so we're heading back   and uh and uh and we look for some place to get  some food and then we'll head back to back to bot wh so this is a very nice trip this will be one  of the most fruitful trips oh yeah you see over   there that leads to the same place uh could have  gone wow that's one of the buses the mini buses   that take people around and we'll take one  of those back yeah now we are descending I   just show you guys how we're walking and  this area around uh zippa where they say   sender Casta say we sell houses sorry  sorry yeah say we sell houses so yeah so send esta la area 1. 296 Square oh  1.29 million no Square me square m 1.29   square m so that's the number to call  uh if you want to buy that house it's   an old it's an old uh brick house but well you  can renovate it yeah maybe rebuild it a fresh   yeah look at this yeah wow look at those twin  pits of the church so beautiful Dam yeah and   the heels yeah I kind of like this place I think I  I'm col you say Colombiano yes I am Colombian now from zi you you you should say parim colia Kimba is Colombia say wow how   beautiful is Colombia now you  are Colombian now I'm Colombian colim is colia yeah you can if you buy that you can build it  like this much better or like this you see and   then you can maybe rent it out maybe you know  build it a fresh know if you have money if you   have dinero you can always do that make it  more yeah more more difficult so this part   of the church this part of the church over here  from the back and yeah and the Twin Towers there   the church yeah the Virgin Mary and Jus up there  Jesus Jesus Christ Jesus Christ of Nazareth wow   I'm so happy you brought me up here the P you  can even take them from here we have to go down there go to I don't go to bot they take us  somewhere else yeah so those don't go to bot   they'll take us somewhere else yeah but that's it  so beautiful very very very beautiful country yeah   no wonder the Spaniards didn't want to live  this place until Simon Biv said no no no no no yeah very beautiful be careful with your knees  yeah because when you down yes the KNE is oh when   you go so then you can C yes and get arthritis  maybe yeah osteoarthritis yeah if because your   knees are knocking each other uh yeah that's  true so when you go down the hill slope because   your knees are like the joint is knocking  each other yeah you can guess ostearthritis   because the cartilage uh that space gets  smaller and smaller and one out here yeah   I did that in biolog in biology yes so you can get  osteoarthritis and that is not good because I am a   biker biker biker oh yeah and so we careful yes a  of the knes and the leg oh yeah okay she say she's   a biker and they careful with the knees uh because  you ride all the time yeah yeah yeah you're right so we need to go to a place where we can get  something to eat maybe to drink here we try here oh they don't allow p no ped oh we can eat on the outside there where  you can sit outside see so we'll go where we   can sit outside and uh and the dog can also  stay outside oh it's raining starting to rain hi that's fine see oh okay let me go in maybe I'll buy then  we go and no serva because cesa is more problem so   so let me just cut the video so just talking  to this guy hola so this is my video channel   it's called Uh the traveling lion so I'm from  Kenya originally but right now I'm in America   start so I came to visit this friend in  bot and we decided to come all over here okay so so here guys we enjoying our drink and  this is uh what did what coconut lemonade coconut   coconut lemonade coconut lemonade wow delicios  very Delicious coconut lemonade here with Miga mu Bonita and Fa very ugly yeah so we just enjoying  the meal here look this lemon yeah nice lemon this will get a milon million views lemon real lemon or plastic like like toast toast toast toasted lemon are you stuck on it you suck on it it's very it's very nice I like it so this the surrounding Plaza independen here I like  that and that's where we are the forest a Bor yeah the forest up there I think  you went to the forest you remember   the last time we posted when you  par gliding yeah I would like to   go to the forest forest PUO Forest  next time next time I I come I'll go inside so that's all that's  all for for now guys keep you   subscribe subscribe like like like like see so guys this is another part of uh this town  and another statue Liberation statue so the   old buildings as you can see them over there  the church was somewhere there where we came   from oh a lot of dogs much Mutual perils around  okay so this one is a statue the three flags one for well for each country one is for Colombia  the other one is for another country and another   is one another country I can't say Ecuador  Bolivia or whichever so these are part of the   Liberation the statues of the H is right here  yeah one with the spear and another one is g y so no writings Gomez zata  Gomez so this is another   plier plier Doos Martinez Zink soers marz so I'm with see that one over there oh this is part of  the commemoration of uh this particular place and   the all buildings are there so these are plazas  all all over uh we've seen two s far in this   town uh celebrating uh uh this um celebrating  this uh liberation of these countries from the so they are there behind me over there  so those are the Pliers are the flags of   the countries liberated by Simon Boliver  and this is the square behind me there uh   yeah and there's a police station I was still  there's a police station somewhere here and   then we turn around to get our bus back to  bot so guys subscribe to this channel like   and share I think my time now over here is over  this small town I really enjoyed it look at the   water tanks they have over there on top of  the houses small water tanks shaped like a   almost like a cup yeah to store water so it's  time for us to leave now and I love you guys   the beach and back subscribe to my channel  like and share see you uh in the next ciao houses like one house like I come to this house toest need to work to get money take  a here need to work to get money houses so guys I'm just from the aanka office  over there so checking on my uh if I can book   a local flight around and that's as if I can go  to a place uh it's just like Kenya where you have   like a small uh you can book like a flight to uh  uh another city uh it just takes like 1 hour by   flight so it's by flight is pretty it's pretty  it's pretty fast because it's within the country   uh not so many requirements and uh yeah now I'm  just walking around so after finding out the what   I need to do uh and I'm booking the the flight  and uh and how how frequent the flights are and   all that stuff so I'll keep you guys updated uh  as I uh as I uh as I Journey a little bit out of   Bot this time if I'm able to I think I'll be able  to go yeah so it's not very expensive it's very   cheap tomorrow is actually Independence Day uh in  Colombia so uh a lot of things might be down but   uh as of now the I mean might be slow or maybe  expensive but as of now the as of now the what   do I call it the internet is back so uh flights  are back uh here in bota uh Colombia and I think   the in the US the flight should be back also on  track and O guys almost knocking knocking each   other I don't know what they're doing there  but that's B aair bet lafair looks like it's   uh he's on Amazon Prime he's a she's a Colombian  actress and I need to watch that I've got Amazon   but I don't watch Amazon Prime uh so I think I  need to watch Amazon Prime and see what uh was   this was this thing about Bal Affair uh they're  trying to advertise yeah behind me here is just   like a dog per and uh yeah and uh stuff around  yeah I think is a Somerset oh yeah there's a   restaurant up there and this also part of a mall  behind here so uh so in the mall there are a lot   of things I think I'll probably need to go back  later I need to buy a t-shirt I need to buy some   sports t-shirt cuz that's what I want to wear  when I'm around here in this land of kachimba Ro Sports church and here you can see  oh sorry stuff going on B Fair uh histor   Contin uh noev Series in in Amazon  Prime well I need to find out what   it is it's they advertising for bet Fair  on Amazon Prime so even on Amazon Prime   you can watch that show I'm back at the park  this is my favorite Park my favorite place Place uh yeah my favorite par so my exercise place over there and of  course kids play zone sorry sorry my kids   playing kids playing Zone over there and that  just uh there's a statue up there actually I   need to see what that statue is about cuz there's  always a story behind behind virtually everything so I story behind this park hello yeah so  today I've not ventured to the mall I'll   actually probably go to the mall much  much later in the day maybe around uh   maybe around uh maybe around 5:00 the end of  the day uh when I'm going out for dinner and   I'll probably buy some some some t-shirt  some sports t-shirt maybe some designer   t-shirts like Tommy Hilfiger yeah so otherwise  I'm trying to cut down my expenses a lot of dogs off um and uh let me go to that statue and  see what that statue is all about a ghost there's a kids playground over here kids  come and play uh in the Park free of charge yeah   this is what most uh countries most cities  should do this should have a playground for   kids free of charge yeah our kids I remember  when was a kid we used to have a playground   like this where we used to go and play Swing  and all that and that are some of our favorite   pastimes after school or you when you don't go  to school basketball court over here and this   the statue I was coming to look at is a statue  of Joan Montalvo Joan Montalvo El Ecuador abot   elad AB so it looks like one montavo was a one  of the one of the I can say one of the one of   the fathers like the founding fathers of Bot or  one of the the the the the I can say the yeah   the founding people more less in bot let me just  switch the camera so there is uh one Montalvo elor Bo so is a is one of the p in bot and uh just the  St just out this park where people are relaxing   and uh yeah quite Surin it's not such a big Park  actually many cities can do this many towns can be   able to do this sorry not pleas many many cities  can be able to do this it's just like 1 2 3 4 5   6 10 20 30 40 50 like 50 m by 50 m and then the  area is uh grass and uh trash cans and uh places   where somebody can sit maybe a pable a gym and  any small town can actually do this so this is   something to learn from something to copy copy and  paste to copy and modify so um so I I'll bring you   more as I encounter uh fresh new stuff that is  worthy of actually showing you guys yeah I don't   know what kind of tree that one is this one I  think I have in my home but that one I don't have   that one I don't know yeah so different species  of trees over here that's the palm tree I was   talking about yesterday wow very huge palm trees  very very huge growing very straight and very tall so that's it guys uh just ch coming  so that's it guys after showing you uh my   surrounding I tend to be tethering just around  around the hotel not going very far and then   I'll go to the mall much later and go go for  some food and go for a drink and uh yeah and   uh then tomorrow I change my hotels and then after  that we'll see how it goes spontaneous spontaneous   spontaneous we got to make uh this trip fun this  trip something memorable uh no drama no drama no   drama just daily life daily Vlogs daily life no  big drama guys I love you guys to the beach and   back keep watching keep watching till the end  hey guys today is a is a new day is a sunny   day uh we are here in I'm here in Andino uh early  morning in there Dino over there um from hey girl   poster over there so I just uh bought some t-shirt  and um heading back to my hotel I've been able to   change my hotel to another hotel so I'm going to  another hotel and then uh tomorrow is another day so so that's Andino mall and I'm just  looking around because uh this is where   I met a lot of my my friends from last  time this I've met a lot of uh friends   from Venezuela so I'm not seeing anybody  today so so that's good so that means uh that means um everything is good with them  they're not like hanging out here today so but   um all in all uh a it's a good day and uh I'm not  met anybody I know yet although the manager at   the hotel was able to remember me as oh I saw you  here you have Prim no say I mean I'm coming from   the second time say oh I remember you from last  year yeah so um so I've just bought myself a a t-shirt Adidas so why I'm wearing spots you see  Puma and Adidas is that uh it's football season   it's soccer season and right now uh cop America  season so everybody's crazy about football or   about soccer and uh people a lot of people  wear soccer jazzes like uh or Sports jazzes   so so that's like uh just to fit in I decided  to buy some uh Adidas on top of my pummer and   maybe I'll add something else later yeah so uh  I didn't carry a lot of clothes that's why I   decided to buy this t-shirt um um uh so that at  least I have uh something uh a little different   to wear uh once in a while yeah so we're just  from Andino so I'm heading back to the hotel   I'm actually going to check out of that hotel  and uh check into this other Hotel uh it's a   tricky situation I may just make sure I'm checked  I've made sure I'm checked into the second Hotel   before I check out of the first hotel so that  I'm not left homeless in between so uh that's   the reason why I want to check check in first  before I check out so today is a holiday is   a national holiday is a Liberation day of  uh of uh Liberation day of uh Colombia 214   years celebrating 214 years of Independence  uh I was just watching TV and I watched uh   quite a bit of it and then I decided uh um I  decided to let me see if I can draw withdraw   any money from here then I decided to then  I decided after that to to to go and uh and   and book the and book the hotel so let me draw  some money there's an ATM over here so let me   just dress some Bunny and see how it works uh so  guys uh I was successful I just withdraw $100 in   in peses which is 400 uh 400 K 400,000 Colombian  pesos so uh that's enough for me to use for the   next uh for the next two days basically um as a  hang out uh as I check out any new destinations um no car yeah they say run so I just got U $100 which is 400,000  coloman pesos I just a little a little   money for me to use when I'm uh I'm uh are  moving around like by stuff by Snacks by   food and so on and so forth so uh this very fair  advertisement which I showed you yesterday uh it's   actually an Amazon Prime they just promoting  it so that uh people can go and watch Amazon Prime yeah I feel a little tired they told me  to check in at 2:30 so I'm just walking slowly   breeding time I'm supposed to check out of this  other hotel at 2:00 and then check in at at the   new hotel at 2:30 I wanted to buy some sorry some  Tommy Hill figer t-shirt so I think I'll go back   to the Tommy Hill figure shop um No Maybe not  maybe later maybe maybe in the next town because   I'm planning to to to see if I can get far than  bot so probably when I go to the next town I'll   I'll buy it over there yeah there's no point of  buying everything here other my bag will be so   full I have to have load some clothes throw them  away yeah so back at the pack this is my favorite   pack over here yeah the palm trees uh basketball  so SOA Soca soccer beach like soccer hockey yeah   and of course the gy over there that's for   the dogs and then there a lot of  people stealing around one or two palas for I don't have any ma yeah so  this is my favorite spot this is my   Forest so right now I'm in the bush I'm in a  little forest in the middle of the bot City yeah so guys uh if not subscribed to my Channel  please do subscribe let's get those numbers up   as I bring you this uh travel Vlogs as I travel  across across Latina Latin America the Americans   in general as a backpack across the Americas in  general uh so uh I flight South America and uh   Central America and then I'll hit the Caribbeans  and then after that I'll probably um go to Europe   after that so if I exist maybe Canada then I  hit the I hit Europe so so that's it for now   I don't have much to say and I will see you guys  in the next just watch Until the End subscribe   if not subscribed remember I love you guys the  beach and back as I bring keep bringing you this   beautiful content with good positive energy  no negative energy no drama just good energy   calm calma calma very calm good energy hope you  guys enjoy ciao see you soon watch till the end

2024-08-14 10:42

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