I ate at every Margaritaville in the Country

I ate at every Margaritaville in the Country

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foreign [Music] [Applause] so you clicked on the video thinking is this guy really gonna go to Every Margaritaville in the country well technically that title is a lie because I'm going to every Margaritaville in the country and Canada uh Margaritaville a tropical beach-themed restaurant chain created by America's greatest singer-songwriter James William Buffett AKA Jimmy Buffett now if you don't know who Jimmy Buffett is let me catch you up before we hit the road hi I'm Jimmy Jimmy Buffett is a multi-platinum artist who's been touring the world since the 1980s but think of Jimmy less as a musician and more like royalty because this man has built an empire in the last few decades by not just writing tropical country style songs but by creating a world around his music and no song has built that Empire more than Margaritaville Margaritaville is a simple tune created by Jimmy in the late 70s that then inspired the creation of his restaurant Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville as the business started to thrive they made margaritaville's shirts shot glasses keychains and other merch until they expanded to Margaritaville hotels and resorts across the globe but the restaurant that started it all is the official Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville there are 22 locations in the United States and Canada with one in development in Boston Massachusetts and we will be hitting every single one last year Ted nivison and I went to every single Rainforest Cafe in the country there were 18 total locations and it took us three weeks to do it the trip also nearly drove me insane so you must be thinking what kind of [ __ ] would go on such a pointless road trip not enjoy it and then decide just one year later to do another even longer pointless Road Trip the night before we started our trip across the entire United States for 24 days we decided to go to the first Margaritaville now the closest one located to us is the one at CityWalk at Universal Studios Hollywood City Walk is just an outdoor mall in front of the theme park but you might recognize it from Justin Bieber's famous music video baby and I can't tell you what kind of honor it was to start this journey where ludicrous himself told us that when he was 13 he had his first love as we headed toward the restaurant I was getting increasingly nervous because this trip is even longer so I was about to find out what I was dedicating a 12th of my year to after finally arriving we were greeted almost immediately by the Margaritaville sign and I could not have guessed what was inside Jimmy Buffett's likeness plastered across the entire restaurant Jimmy's music was playing on the speakers there was Jimmy themed food Jimmy drinks there was a giant Jimmy Buffett's Margarita blender there were even screens playing Jimmy video at the table it began to dawn on me that this restaurant wasn't named after just one song Margaritaville that Jimmy Buffett made this entire restaurant was a cult dedicated to everything Jimmy Buffett they even had my favorite Jimmy Buffett quote on the wall pour me something tall and strong this door is to remain unlocked during business hours as we were seated we were given the absolute honor of sitting at the boat table now the Boat table was interesting because it's a table that looks like a boat but finally it was time for the Moment of Truth the menu I was about to find out what 22 meals of the next 24 days of my life would look like and to my surprise it actually wasn't that bad on our last trip I was shocked to find things like Mojo Bones boom boom sauce Iggy's piggy sandwich and more but this menu looked pretty normal other than the fact that the names of the items were themed to Jimmy Buffett songs that I didn't know for my drink I ordered the perfect margarita and as somebody who loves Margaritas I feel like that name is a little too confident and after tasting it I was correct perfect margarita Jimmy I might want to call this the just okay Margarita now that's a buff it burn the group got some onion rings as an appetizer and as we waited for our entrees we were just having a good time I did notice that there was a stage in this restaurant it looks like it's fully prepared for live music but it was completely empty for us so I'm kind of wondering what that's all about for my entree I decided to start my Margaritaville Marathon on with a cheeseburger in Paradise which I believe is Jimmy's second biggest song The Burger was exactly what you'd expect out of a chain restaurant I also need to stress that we are not being paid by Margaritaville on this trip so as this journey progresses I will be criticizing Margaritaville the whole way but Jimmy if you're watching this I do take bribes so our first dinner experience was exactly what you'd expect out of a chain restaurant the food and drinks were just okay but it was a dinner with a bunch of friends where we were just having drinks and hanging out so I had a blast but that fun was cut short because it was time to say goodbye Ted and I officially sealed Our Fate with a handshake because tomorrow we begin one of the most pointless journeys of our entire lives so I woke up this morning with a stomachache I think it was almost definitely the Margaritaville food because I had nothing but a breakfast sandwich that morning and then the Cheeseburger in Paradise and two perfect Margaritas completing this Margaritaville trip will mean that I've done two tours and I've already experienced my first casualty my tummy my tummy hurts I have I have a tummy ache I really hope my tummy doesn't hurt most days of the trip no my tummy hurts you guys don't know how hard it is to be a YouTuber So the plan for the first day was to drive from LA to Phoenix because the next Margaritaville on our trip was the one in San Antonio Texas now last year we took Ted's 2002 Toyota Tacoma across the country and it um head is over there with the Tacoma as it gets loaded onto a tow truck so this year to avoid ruining Ted's car for good we decided to rent a newer Tacoma and I'll be honest Ted was uh in denial quite a bit it's not squeaking it's fine I feel like I'm hearing a squeak right now this is too clean the tires are fine I I ears like a dog so maybe it might be dog whistle I think it might be tinnitus so for the second and final time we hit the road again over 9 000 miles 22 restaurants and 24 days on the road 24 days of my life for Margaritaville one thing Ted and I immediately realized while driving was that we did not get a truck cover for the rental and you can't just have your stuff out in the open for rain or for somebody to steal we decided to go with camo so people wouldn't see our valuables in the truck bed they would assume there was just a nice little Forest back there finally it was time for bed we had completed the first day of our new Journey but not before we experienced the smoothest and quietest elevator ride of my entire life okay day two the plan for the day is to drive from Phoenix to El Paso I went for a quick run in the morning and then I hopped into my favorite elevator once again we hit the open road and I gotta say as someone who's been pretty busy lately it's been really nice to just drive and not think about it wait what is that what's what is the thing sorry as I was saying it's just good to get out there and hit the open is that another the thing sign okay there are a lot of the thing signs and we need to stop for gas anyways so I guess we'll pull off and see it I would never be able to guess though what was in store for me behind those doors in front of us was an entire Museum dedicated to the what if scenario of if aliens had come to Earth while dinosaurs were here now I didn't know you could make an entire Museum off of a hypothetical scenario but apparently the aliens had come to teach the dinosaurs technology and they they were there to teach them technology until a war broke out between the aliens and the Dinosaurs the war got to a point where eventually the aliens had to click a big button and send a meteor hurtling towards Earth and the exhibit didn't stop there it told us about all the hypothetical secrets of our history what if the aliens were a part of World War II what if they drove around Winston Churchill in a car and what if what if 911 are we implying what I think that we're implying here what if Ted did it finally it was time for the main event the thing Ted and I inch toward it terrified of what this secret would hold and what it would mean to our lives and I was shocked to find that it was just some paper mache fake Skeleton thing and not only that the guy who said he found the things name was Binkley number one rule in life I'm not listening to anyone named Binkley day three and it is time for Margaritaville number two Ted and I spent most of our day Crossing about halfway through Texas until we finally arrived at the San Antonio Riverwalk we actually came here last year and I just like this spot a lot it's a very beautiful place in the city so we finally located our second Margaritaville and met up with our friend schlatt who would be joining us for this meal now this being my second Margaritaville ever I was actually surprised that it looked somewhat similar to the one in CityWalk but it also had like a Texas twist to all of the theming immediately when we sat down I spotted this quote on the wall and I had to know where it was from turns out it's from one of Jimmy's songs called Who's the blonde one stranger where the main character of the song vacations in Texas with his wife then proceeds to cheat on her with a blonde stranger while she's getting over a sunburn but when he wakes up hungover he finds that she's also cheating on him with a different blonde stranger named Dan is this important to the overall trip no is it important to me that you knew this yes anyways I ordered the fish and chips Margaritaville has so much fried fish and shrimp on the menu that I thought I should definitely try their fish and chips because it must be a flagship dish for them as we waited for our food I ordered a watermelon margarita that was way too sweet I also mentioned a stage at the last Margaritaville where it looked like live music could be played that was happening here which was kind of nice to hear just somebody playing live music in a chain restaurant finally my fish and chips arrived and these look like frozen fish fillets do you right now they tasted okay and we had a fun time just chatting and drinking over dinner we seem to be in the most Texas corner of the entire restaurant it had the two things that Texas is famous for cattle and a big old puddle next to your table when you see a big old puddle you know you're in Texas after finishing dinner we decided to stroll around the even bigger puddle the San Antonio River but not before Ted gracefully took a seat in this big Margaritaville chair foreign and honestly after it was just a really nice time strolling around this area I remember liking this last year but for some reason I associate it with something negative and I can't quite put my finger on what it was but honestly I'm having such a good time that it doesn't even matter anymore [Music] all right I think it's time to head to bed for the night okay day four of the trip and we're headed from Austin Texas to New Orleans Louisiana and as we made our way across Texas we decided to stop at Bucky's if you're unaware of what Bucky's is it is a chain of absolutely massive gas stations it is chaotic in there but people love it they make their own food inside they have their own merch people lose their mind for Bucky but to be honest he kind of creeps me out a little bit and some of these buckies are so big busy and frantic that as a child you could easily get lost Bucky's nuts Ted up [Music] did I say child because I meant adult I have lost Ted I am not freaking out and Bucky doesn't scare me but uh yeah where is Ted I can't find Ted all I can find is everything Bucky's Bucky's rubs Bucky's nuts Bucky's pillows Bucky's blankets Bucky's onesies this place is so big I'm never gonna find him I'm gonna be stuck in his buggies forever I'm gonna have to move in with Bucky s uh he's just at the checkout aisle crisis averted we also ran into this dude Braden who had met us last year while we were on the trip for the rainforest cafes because he watches our videos what are the odds that we see the same guy in a different part of Texas one year later for this trip after our stop at Bucky's we drove all the way to New Orleans no Margaritaville this night so we went out on Bourbon Street and had some drinks and a good time I didn't record a lot because I just wanted to focus on relaxing and having a good time so we will see you tomorrow hitting the road today is special because for the first time on the trip Ted and I are headed to stay at our first Margaritaville Hotel this one was in Biloxi Mississippi and we were shocked pulling into the parking lot before us was a massive building right on the water of the Gulf of Mexico but Ted needed the room to get some work done so I decided to explore and see what this whole place was all about and as I headed up the escalator in the main part of the building I was met with one of the largest arcades I'd ever seen in my life they had everything rock climbing zip lines bowling and even the globally known and Incredibly popular game stinky feet apparently this place used to be a failed Margaritaville Casino that was converted into a family resort which would explain the giant arcade floor and as I explored a bit more and saw a pool and a theme park attached I started to realize just how many Jimmy Buffett quotes echoed throughout the Halls they were on screens in elevators near the pool I caught people talking about Jimmy to each other and to me the quotes were all about living his lifestyle and it started to feel like I booked a one night stay into a Jimmy Buffett cult after that I met up with Ted to go to dinner which was located above the arcade next to the volcano rock climbing wall the menu was different here with a flaming crawfish dip that Ted and I really enjoyed and I didn't really want another fried meal but this was Mississippi and they had a catfish platter so I went for it and it was pretty good but I really should have listened to my gut on this one because this fried food so frequently is starting to kill me then suddenly an alarm went off the room turned red and the volcano began to smoke like that time Justin Bieber used a smoke machine on his fans [Music] it continued on for a while until the smoke stopped and this happened [Music] what the [ __ ] was that [Music] then after our meal we hit the arcade all right Ted go easy Ted go easy closed I played one final game of the world famous stinky feet the thing is you need two players to play stinky feet and Ted was busy on another game so I charged my card twice and decided to play by myself when a child no older than four walked up grabbed the water gun and started playing next to me without saying a word mama [Music] and after a fierce battle I won I beat the child I am the king of stinky feet today started with a lunch at the Margaritaville in Destin Florida now this Margaritaville was directly on the water unlike say the one at Universal CityWalk this one was not themed to be on a beach it just actually was on a beach our lunch here was going to be my first of two Margaritaville meals in the day I got an uptown Margarita even though I'm getting pretty tired of having sweet Cocktails so often and also got the jerk salmon the drink was fine and the salmon was actually pretty good especially after a bunch of days of fried and road trip food the view of our meal also featured a bunch of weird boats that was just really fun for me to see a lot of boats that look like they're not supposed to be on the water we then paid the check and got ready to drive just an hour and a half before we had another Margaritaville meal in Panama City Beach the PCB location was at this this Boardwalk area called Pier Park and even though it was a little bit cloudy this location was right on the water and beautiful yet again which was a great distraction because the last thing I wanted to do an hour and a half after my last meal was to eat a meal at the same restaurant in a different location the interior was pretty big and elaborate compared to some we had seen But the place was super busy so Ted and I opted to sit at the bar I was still so full from the salmon but I decided to get a chicken quesadilla for my food and a ruby what the [ __ ] was it called a ruby red Renegade for my cocktail why did I choose it because the name of the vodka in it was called Deep Eddy and that's my name so I got it even though we were both full and exhausted at least Ted and I had a perfect view of a very blue tinted TV screen that exclusively showed Jimmy Buffett's Instagram posts and boy does this guy know how to post you had to kind of squint to see what the pictures were because the tint of the TV screen was so blue blue but this guy's posting feet for free Jimmy you are a celebrity you can charge for those puppies then we headed to the beach to see the sunset and wow this was absolutely beautiful I had a great time wiggling my toes in the sand and staring at the sunset but you don't get to see my toes because you didn't pay me in the last six days we had driven over 35 hours and over 2 000 miles and my stomach was absolutely full of two Margaritaville meals but either way I couldn't deny that this trip had brought me to such a beautiful spot Ted and I were even lucky enough to see dolphins out there swimming in the water I don't think the Dolphins saw us but if they did and are watching this you saw my toes for free and you owe me money the drive today was a big one going from Panama City Beach to Hollywood Beach Florida and I'll be honest it was pretty taxing Not only was it a nine hour drive but we had multiple stretches of heavy rain well I'm from Florida and the rain isn't such a big deal shut up okay shut up and go tell Mickey Mouse I do not care rain is slippery and slippery is dangerous we got to the Margaritaville hotel completely exhausted this was another massive building it featured a chandelier of margaritas and what seemed to be a Jimmy Buffett Museum lining the hallway the restaurant was attached to the hotel so we sat down exhausted and starving now this menu was a bit classier than other locations we ordered a shrimp ceviche and poke nachos both were pretty good unlike my Ginger Margarita which was not great but my entree the lemon tahini Bowl made this the best meal we had so far turns out the best meal you could have at Margaritaville is when you have food that isn't from the standard Margaritaville Menu and after an exhausting day having some decent food and drinks was exactly what I needed they also had a live band playing and for the first time at Margaritaville I I was feeling it I had Jimmy fever Jimmy's concert footage was playing on screen and it was a comforting presence after a hard day after dinner Ted let me know that he had the last minute record something for his channel so he got a separate room and I got hours all to myself but lucky for me I was kept company because Jimmy was on the hotel TV hi it's me Jimmy thank you for escaping to Margaritaville for many years the Margaritaville was only a song about a mythical place now Margaritaville is real watching the hotel TV made me realize just how strikingly handsome and Charming Jimmy was so now enjoy Margaritaville and remember waking up on day eight we had two margaritavills on the schedule the first on the list was in Miami as we headed into the city we spotted the coolest guy that's ever lived what's he doing and then we pulled up to the Miami Margaritaville which was right on the water at this point I am about to give up on trying one cocktail at every Margaritaville we just drank last night and it's not even just about the alcohol it's the sugar when you're having cocktail after cocktail but for now I got the last mango in Paris and good for me this is one of the best cocktails I've had so far but a little hungover an exhausted I spotted a familiar face I looked up and saw Jimmy once again on the screen as if to say you're all good pal have a good time I ordered the grilled fish Tacos which for Margaritaville were pretty damn good now if this were at a good taco stand somewhere they would be mediocre to kind of bat but for now they're hitting the spot then it was time to book it to Key West Florida we got lucky on the drive and just nearly avoided this storm but I gotta say once we actually hit the highway to Key West this drive was abs absolutely beautiful if you're unaware the Florida keys are a collection of islands off the mainland of Florida in American culture these islands are pretty famous I'm sure you've heard the Beach Boys talk about it or our boy Jimmy Buffett himself whose entire culture around his songs is really based in Key West Florida we made our way through the keys and I was excited because Key West was the location of the original Margaritaville but before we arrive just a quick word from our sponsor hey guys I just bought this new desk and I was a little worried it would be too big but I'm happy with it I think it's the perfect size I want to thank Sophie for sponsoring this video because it was not cheap to make Sofi is an all-in-one finance app helping you Bank borrow and invest their checking and savings lets you earn up to 4.4 apy which is 10 times the national savings rate average your typical savings account at your local bank earns you just point four two percent in interest which is way less can you do math because that's way less than what I just said if you're new to high yield savings accounts they're pretty responsible ways to store your money it's basically an account that makes your money work harder for you by giving you something back in interest and with Sofi checking and savings you get paid up to two days early pay no account fees and can cash up to 250 dollars when you sign up for direct deposit and as a nationally Chartered bank with Sofi your money is FDIC insured and very exciting with this video so far is giving away ten thousand dollars to one of you all you have to do is open the sofa checking and savings account using my link that link is sofi.com Eddie with a Y so click the link in the description or scan that QR code on screen to have a chance to win the 10K okay I'm gonna enjoy my big desk back to the road trip and as we arrive to the first Margaritaville restaurant I was pretty surprised by how local it felt I mean the rest of the Margaritaville locations we went to felt like a big and branded American chain and while this one was definitely still themed it felt more preserved from another time rather than this huge corporate thing we were feeling pretty good so Ted and I decided to order some drink thanks I got a who's to blame because it's from the lyrics of the Margaritaville song I decided to get a cheeseburger in Paradise because it just felt right to get at this location everything was just going really well my burger tasted a little bit more like a local Burger than a chain burger and in such a tropical location I mean how can you not enjoy yourself after being done with dinner we headed to the hotel yet again I am happy we had a sponsor for this thing because oh my God I would not be paying for this [ __ ] by myself the location was right on the beach so after checking in we decided to go relax and see the sunset last year when we did our Rainforest Cafe road trip it was fun but also incredibly taxing but the last few days on the beach were just too beautiful to stress about this entire road trip and that's when it finally happened staring out at the water I felt my stress melt and wash away with the tides even though we'd driven over 40 hours in eight days and even though my last five meals in a row were all Margaritaville I got it I understood Jimmy Buffett wasn't just some guy who turned one hit song into a corporate Empire he's the king of being chill and enjoying yourself right where my toes wiggled in the sand is where Jimmy started this whole thing I can't do this trip like Eddie would I have to do it like Jimmy because no matter how stressed I get in life mentally I have to be just like Jimmy Buffett you come to a place like this and you can forget about wars you know famine class disparity I mean all that stuff is still happening but I'm in Florida and I had a margarita today liking Buffett isn't some weird cult thing it's what can fix me [Music] the next morning I woke up feeling better than I ever have in my entire life and as I was going through my bag I mysteriously found an article of clothing that I had never packed this shirt not only looked great on me but also it put itself on my merch website yikeshop.com and you can get it by going there or clicking the link in the description what the hell that's so weird anyways I felt refreshed and was ready to head back to Mainland Florida today's plan was just to drive up to Orlando and stay at the Margaritaville Resort there we decided to give ourselves one break day because it's near the halfway point and then the next day we'd be going to Universal Studios Orlando where there's a Margaritaville restaurant at their City Walk The Resort in Orlando was Giant now Ted was a little bit late to the bookings of the resort but luckily even though they ran out of rooms at the hotel they had these cottages for him to stay in I instantly just felt relaxed surrounded by my favorite quotes from my favorite guy oh and also it it was nice to be you uh with my my lovely girlfriend Chrissy Chrissy actually wrote a song last year about wanting to live her life at Margaritaville but unfortunately for her that's my life now so that's so that's my thing the two of us had a bit of a date night and had a fun night walking around Disney Springs enjoying the sights and just having a nice time [Music] foreign [Music] we were just hanging out in Orlando I got footage of this Manatee eating some lettuce so that's pretty cool we were also hanging out with we were hanging out with Drew Gooden my good friend Drew Gooden but Drew and Amanda did join us on the Rainforest Cafe trip in Orlando last year so I figured of course I would ask them if they wanted to do it again it's tomorrow your place you live here anyways I want to go home you can do it whenever I don't want to back when we were in Biloxi I feel that I was a bit misguided in how I felt about Jimmy staying at our third Margaritaville Resort brought me so much comfort Jimmy was constantly speaking to me and reminding me to be calm to breathe in and appreciate the beach and also to drink alcohol leaving the resort though we were headed to Universal Studios Islands of Adventure because Margaritaville was located just outside the park at CityWalk in Orlando before we entered the park Chrissy got this awesome hat I also tried on a hat that I was totally pulling off am I pulling it off but I decided against it because I did didn't want everyone at the park to be jealous of me today we then entered the park and immediately Ted got something called who hash which is you know a Dr Seuss themed food that looks like it's served out of a dog food can Cindy tastes like Cindy Lou Who or uh I don't know the mayor we then spent the day going on rides and having fun but right before we left Chrissy and I decided to go on the Cat in the Hat ride this ride was absolutely terrifying [Music] [Music] what the hell is this is this supposed to be for children because this would absolutely terrify me as a kid it terrified me right now [Music] and after being absolutely traumatized by The Cat in the Hat ride we decided to go to the Margaritaville just outside this one had an extra bar across the walkway with a plane next to it and this is where I figured out that every time you see a plane in Margaritaville it's a replica of Jimmy's personal seaplane the hemisphere dancer wait a minute quick clarification here uh this is the actual [ __ ] plane they retired Jimmy's plane and it is decoration at the Margaritaville in Orlando I was next to Jimmy's real plane and I had no idea I'm such an idiot well we sat down for dinner I got the Huli Huli chicken and shrimp and this dish uh sucked the chicken was fine but the shrimp was really dry [Music] but hey just like my favorite guy I spent the day in the sun I ate some food and had a margarita by the water and also got to see Margaritaville employees on stilts it's always fun to see somebody on stilts you're not supposed to be that tall and I'll be quite honest it'd be funny if you fell over the next day I had to say goodbye to Chrissy as we headed out from the Margaritaville Resort oh to meet at the truck we had to head to the Cottages that Ted was staying in and I got a good look at this neighborhood who would have thought that Jimmy also owns Full neighborhoods across the country and normally this would make me feel kind of weird but I'm just glad that they're providing housing to those in need retired people in Orlando once again we hit the road headed for Myrtle Beach South Carolina now we're not eating at the Margaritaville there tonight we're actually doing it tomorrow afternoon which is great because my stomach is on fire but I've learned from Jimmy you know all of it is worth it at the end of the day when you're rewarded with a tropical location and looking at the rest of the trip I can't wait to explore the other tropical locations this nation has to offer margaritaville's in places like Atlanta Georgia Syracuse New York or Cleveland Ohio so yeah I might be speaking too soon but I'm pretty confident that I totally won't get tired of Margaritaville when we woke up in Myrtle Beach we didn't get to see the beach or the ocean at all because we had to go straight to the Margaritaville this will start a stretch of four Margaritaville meals in a row this one was located at Heroes Harbor and was pretty standard for most margaritavilles except for the giant Margaritaville hurricane on the ceiling hovering above one of their giant blenders due to the fact that I was gonna have Margaritaville a second time today I decided to take it easy and get a grilled chicken sandwich the sandwich was um wet it didn't seem like this was butter or anything it was it just it tasted like water I'll be honest this morning I am out of energy and my chicken sandwich is super Bland normal Eddie would be bummed but it was like I could almost feel Jimmy's large warm ham on my shoulder as I took in a breath and pictured myself on the beach pixelated toes wiggling in the sand ly I was okay again immediately after Hero's Harbor we had to book it to Atlanta Georgia our schedule was very tight so we had to get to Atlanta before we went to bed that night because the next day we had a very long drive and two margaritavilles to hit but on our Drive traffic completely stopped stuck on the highway I have to pee the delay was so long that we ended up calling the Margaritaville and asking when they closed because our ETA was 10 pm luckily they said the kitchen was open until 11 so we were fine if we got there an hour early but when we arrived we found the doors were locked and when we asked one of the employees they said they closed the kitchen early this would completely ruin the next week of planning for us but Ted threw a hail Mary and told them that we were going to every Margaritaville in the country and that we absolutely needed to eat here tonight but we didn't want to bother them so if there was any way they could even give us like a bowl of chips to eat that would be enough and the manager said I got you so they had to sit down and the bar was open but the kitchen was absolutely closed they got us margaritas and then brought out a piping hot plate of ribs fries and spinach and artichoke dip Ted and I were kind of in disbelief because they had no reason to do this for us but they just did it because they saw we kind of needed some help with our extremely stupid road trip and all the manager asked was that we just give her a good Google and Yelp review so we absolutely did that we of course left a tip and I just gotta say this is not me praising the Margaritaville Corporation it was just every single employee in there was so nice to us they did not have to do that we are two guys doing the stupidest thing in the world and they did not need to do any extra work for us and I am very grateful that they did so thank you to everybody who works there it is uh 7 A.M and it's now day 14. two whole weeks of my life

on Margaritaville today was another double Margaritaville day that included eight to nine hours of driving Ted caught up on some sleep as I drove both of us mentally exhausted and as we got to Downtown Nashville to have lunch we walked our way to the Margaritaville this one was pretty standard you know it had live music a tiki room and a plane on the ceiling did I want to be in another standard Margaritaville eating another standard Margaritaville meal not exactly but it's not about what I want it's about what Jimmy would do I got a southwest chicken salad and when the salad arrived the chicken was so so so dry which is fun you know I don't have a problem with that in fact I think that's cool as hell give me another oh yeah give me another margarita Margaritaville number 12 I think how you feeling Ted I'm [ __ ] losing it then it was time to head for the 13th in Pigeon Forge Tennessee now Pigeon Forge is famous for its theme park Dollywood now Dollywood is a magical place created by country Legend Dolly Parton [Music] [Applause] [Music] to be honest I would love to check this out but we have no time to do anything on this trip but go to margaritavilles heading into Pigeon Forge their Main Street reminded me a lot of the Wisconsin Dells where I went frequently as a kid both feel like Vegas strips for Midwest Family tourists the Pigeon Forge Margaritaville was a hotel and a restaurant but I did not expect it to be in the middle of this huge entertainment center with a ferris wheel Ted and I were splitting this very interesting room it was covered in Margaritaville branding and also had a balcony that went out into the shopping center we headed down for dinner and this Margaritaville restaurant was pretty standard except for two giant jugs of margarita ingredients with piping that led to the restaurant's Blender at this point I can say that we are officially burnt out 13 meals at the same restaurant in 14 days but in times like these it's important to turn to Faith a higher power that can give you strength length I need to think wwjd what would Jimmy do if Jimmy didn't want a single bite of this food or a margarita he'd kick off his sandals throw his feet on the table lean back and Order A Cheeseburger in Paradise and another margarita I mean if that's what Jimmy would do I guess I loved every single bite of it and I was very glad that Jimmy was keeping a watchful eye on me the entire meal I ate the entire thing I wasn't sick of this food or extremely full I was cool as a cucumber does this look like the face of somebody who isn't as chill as Jimmy Buffett to prove how chill I was I decided to grab this hat from the gift shop and I was totally pulling it Off Ted went to finish his video in the room and a chill guy like me decided to cruise around and see the sights normally even though I don't have a fear of heights I've generally avoided Ferris wheels I also don't like doing things socially in public when I'm alone like riding a ride but I wasn't normal me anymore I'd been born again as something much better cool Eddie so when I got in line I spotted the family ahead of me being forced to take a green screen picture before getting on the ride and I thought they're not gonna force me to take that picture by myself right I got on that Ferris wheel and was totally chill the whole time I am so chill in fact that I fell asleep while on the ride swear to God swear to God I was dead asleep after I felt phenomenal normal Eddie wouldn't have gone on that Ferris wheel alone but thanks to Jimmy I have faith the next day all we had to do was drive from Tennessee to Atlantic City New Jersey after yesterday I have absolutely zero complaints about the trip um chill um fun I'm not exhausted in the slightest and because of that I decided to catch up on a little bit of reading from my favorite guy you know that Jimmy Buffett is 76 years Young Cool Joe Jimmy actually has over 30 albums most of which have gone gold platinum or some even have gone multi-platinum they would Hoot and Holler and roll all round up there at the church they built out of an old school bus and they'd run through this don't you know nobody's snake Reverend sonny boy and his followers snake bite key was his domain we started day 16 at the Margaritaville in Atlantic City this one was located inside of a casino and even though it was 11 30 I got a margarita for Jimmy I enjoyed my morning Margarita because that's the kind of guy that I am now other than that though this was a pretty uneventful Margaritaville the waiter complimented my shirt which you could get at yikeshop.com my lava lava shrimp was crispy and I liked the sauce I was having a great time I even saw oars on the wall of Jimmy's most famous moments like when he performed for Facebook when he played the electric guitar when he rocked on and when he had a mustache then we headed to the beach to see the ocean so I could really take in the atmosphere New Jersey next we made our way to New York City now normally staying in Times Square would be my nightmare New York is great but the crowds the germs and the general Vibe of Times Square is a fever dream but cool Eddie didn't think about those things so we checked into the hotel and went to our rooms this is the whole room when we headed downstairs before we went up the escalator to go to the restaurant I was talking to one of the employees and they gave me a warning they said don't order the Jimmy's Jammin jambalaya and I said why they replied with it's bad steer clear of it so I will not be getting that right now as we walked into the restaurant a shining Beacon caught my eye in the center of the room was a giant replica of the Statue of Liberty holding a margarita to the sky the margarita glass was made out of an LED screen that played video on it this was a shining Beacon of light for all of those across the world who wanted to head to America and eat at a Margaritaville in Times Square and this wasn't just the Statue of Liberty this was a sign from Jimmy that I had not gone far enough so we ordered some food and some drinks with Ted's friends Katie and Devin and this is where I decided to go all in any time I felt a moment of being hired on this road trip or wanted to go home I'd cut it short with another sip of a margarita and we had Margarita after Margarita the Margaritaville in Times Square also has bars on multiple floors so we decided to do the Margaritaville Bar Crawl drink after drink I could feel myself becoming closer to the man himself and his ten headed home for the night I wander around Times Square I was invincible I could make a beach out of anything and it was then that I saw the absolute beauty of this place Times Square was just like the beaches I'd been to and I could live like this every night for the rest of my life alright it is seven in the morning I fear that last night I jimmied a little too close to the sun I don't know how Jimmy does this I don't know how you can sustain this lifestyle after getting out of bed I got locked in the bathroom as we make our way out of New York I need to be honest with you I know this may come as a shock but I have not been loving every single Margaritaville I just can't do it I can't be like Jimmy but we were headed to yet another in Syracuse New York with Ted's friend Tucker pulling up in Syracuse it seemed to be a mall called Destiny USA not exactly a tropical beach somewhere I parked in a different spot from everyone else and got lost in the mall trying to find them so I went to this guy Spencer for directions word of advice do not go in there arriving to this Margaritaville it was clear that this one was probably the worst we'd ever seen it was a lifeless Margaritaville in a mall the food was below average and if it wasn't for good conversation in the group I would have really hated this lunch next up was Niagara Falls so yet again the boys were headed to Canada any plants or animals coming in no any alcoholic tobacco yeah once we were through the Border we decided to park and walk over to the Margaritaville and the energy at the Niagara Falls Margaritaville was different we were seated next to a massive Niagara Falls screen and aside from the projector waterfall the menu was different and they had this pirate mascot guy hey Canada Jimmy's the mask you don't need a pirate Jimmy Jimmy's already there I got the Buffalo poutine because we were in Canada and to my surprise this was by far the best thing I've had at Margaritaville the chicken and fries were crispy the gravy was really good this was just a really great meal and then just over the falls a giant animatronic of a tequila bottle came over the Cliffside it then poured tequila into the giant blender in front of us we were having a blast in Canada we then decided to walk over to the falls I saw this skunk on the way check it out as we were showing up to the falls we happened to catch it right at the time that the fireworks show started with a couple drinks in us we had the best possible time in Canada I should have a couple margaritas every night bad news guys my tummy hurts again I don't care anymore I'm over this whole thing today we went to Cleveland the most tropical Margaritaville that exists I got a Caesar salad and the chicken on this thing wow without exaggeration this was the toughest piece of chicken I've ever chewed in my entire life and for some reason out of nowhere Ted has started liking Margaritaville now what the [ __ ] is wrong with this guy lucky for me day 19 was in Chicago Ted and I took the metro into the city because this one was located at Navy Pier now I've mentioned before that I'm from the suburbs of Chicago so it was really great to be home and when we arrived to the city it got even better because we met up with my brother Tony [Applause] [Music] when we finally got to Navy Pier we also met up with my good friend Danny Gonzalez heading into this Margaritaville I was surprised to see that it looked more like a Chicago Tavern than a regular Margaritaville restaurant everyone in the group obviously wanted margaritas and I didn't want to be a buzz kill so I went for another one again we noticed that the photos for the fish and chips made them look higher quality than we'd seen before so out of curiosity I ordered them again they looked almost exactly the same and even though everyone except for me was excited to eat after the meal none of us felt good okay so we just got out of Margaritaville and we're all feeling uh like we've had a pretty heavy meal but I think I know what'll make us feel better [Music] beep beep beep beep [Music] oh but even the bean couldn't stop my tummy from hurting what makes it worse is that Jimmy wouldn't have a tummy ache he'd probably be cool and chill about all this I am such a failure [Music] all right we're about to leave my mom's but I can understand why I felt so bad after eating the fish and chips I woke up and my stomach is legitimately like I'm in a little bit of pain it's not like food poisoning or anything I just think my body cannot handle this much Margaritaville eventually I got my stuff together and we started the drive to Bloomington Minnesota to go to the Margaritaville in Mall of America during the drive however I found out that I was not the only one who was affected by yesterday's fish and chips so uh Ted and I both got the fish and chips yesterday and we've had some let's say stomach issues today yeah so I think I can officially say that we're getting pretty damn tired of eating Margaritaville all the time what you know what do you mean you had intestinal trouble today what are you talking about yeah but I mean like The Vibes get kind of kind of counteracted it a little bit Vibes counteracted were you talking about you're unhappy while we're on tropical beaches through all of Florida I don't know I think my my you know I realized I had some self-reflection I realized some things were maybe a little bit different than I was saying the day you had self-reflection is the day you had diarrhea finally we got to Mall of America the largest mall in the United States so I could have Margaritaville for the 20th time and Ted seemed more excited than ever for absolutely no reason not only are there more margaritavilles than rainforest cafes but this one is taking a toll on my body and I cannot wait to be done as we entered the biggest mall that the U.S has to offer I felt a disturbing energy oh I had somehow forgotten that this Margaritaville was directly across from the Rainforest Cafe the two restaurants that have broken my soul and made me look like a fool sharing a space right next to each other we headed inside to get this one over with and as I went to order a water Ted ordered us two five o'clock somewheres in a blender and an order of volcano nachos the thought of drinking one of these drinks just six hours after trying to recover from yesterday's meal was sickening and before I knew it a giant mound of nachos arrived at the table but somehow next to my misery was Ted enjoying himself to a weird degree for the first time at the 20th Margaritaville then it was time for our entrees and I realized that in my attempt to order as much of the menu as possible I had only a few chances left to get a dish that I had been avoiding one that sent shivers down my spine I'm just hearing the name Jimmy's jamming jambalaya as I went for a bite I clearly burned my mouth right here I burned the [ __ ] out of my mouth it doesn't look hot when you look at the plate but when I picked it up on a fork look at the steam my God Jimmy's jamming jambalaya was fine but when you eat at a restaurant 20 times in 20 days everything from them starts to taste the same and instead of joining me in my misery Ted yet again was having a blast at the Mall of America [Music] I know that's when for the first time the thought crossed my mind I might kill Ted after finishing our meal and paying Ted demanded that we go on a roller coaster immediately I mean can you let me digest after the Troubles of this morning and forcing down this meal and having another super sweet cocktail going on this ride broke me even though they didn't let filmed Ted insisted on going on the ride a second time right after we got off so nauseous and tired I walked around alone there I was again wasting away in Margaritaville now not chill like Jimmy just Eddie day 21 and thank God we only have one Margaritaville left in Las Vegas Nevada there's another one in Tulsa Oklahoma and it's a 10 hour drive oh my god when we arrived in Tulsa we were shocked to find that this restaurant wasn't just in a casino the casino was owned by Margaritaville walking past the slot machines to get to the restaurant I noticed that there were Jimmy Buffett quotes on the wall but they were less about being peaceful and more about luck and winning in the casino we got to the restaurant and this one was pretty big lucky for me the menu and food quality at this one was much better than most margaritavills and having this food was actually pretty refreshing after a month of Cheeseburgers in Paradise but as we left dinner I noticed how Margaritaville branded the machines in the casino were and they had these Margaritaville characters on it that I had never seen before Mr Moneybags lucky ducky who the hell are these people Ted and I were on the final stretch across the country and all we had to do today was camp at Santa Rosa Lake in New Mexico on our way I stopped to buy snacks at the gas station when this dog came out of nowhere and was just hanging out near me whose dog is this I'm in a gas station anyways I grabbed my snacks and then oh oh hey the owner said it was his dog his name was Buddy and he was very sweet we got to our campsite and it was beautiful Ted made some steaks on the grill and I made a little spread of meats and cheeses for us to snack on having a full day to enjoy ourselves and nature got me thinking as we near the end of this road trip I realized that maybe I was trying a little too hard to be like Jimmy Buffett and on our way to Vegas I questioned why I had strived to be a beloved rich and famous musician that gets to Vacation all the time I mean what was I thinking I don't need to be Jimmy Buffett I need to be myself and to truly be myself I need to face what I fear most something that has been haunting me for over a year of my life and finally I think I'm ready stand right there Ted we are headed to the final Margaritaville but what do you say we make one Pit Stop first do you want to go to the Rainforest Cafe and get one drink I do the Las Vegas Rainforest Cafe was just as I had remembered it it had a Tracy tree a cheetah elephants monkeys and of course [Music] thunderstorms Ted and I got two cheetah Rita's and man they were bad but to my surprise I liked being back it was comforting in a way not like being home but sort of like when you pass your old high school and it feels familiar but you'd never want to spend a full day there ever again after our quick pit stop Ted and I said goodbye to the cafe and we're ready to close this whole thing out one more one more one more we walked just two blocks down the strip and finally arrived at the final Margaritaville this one was one of the busiest and most decorated margaritavills of the entire trip and for the first time I truly felt it we ordered two perfect margaritas and a key lime pie a dessert to end our 24-day Margaritaville meal turns out I can experience true Joy like Jimmy but only when I'm done doing a thing that I have to do our pies arrived and as the key lime hit my mouth it tasted like one thing limes or oh sorry Victory and that was it we had eaten it every single Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville in the U.S and Canada finally I could go home we were done again and the only thing left to do was to say goodbye to the man that had helped me through this whole thing goodbye Jimmy goodbye Jimmy goodbye Jimmy goodbye Jimmy's dog goodbye Jimmy I truly cannot believe that we did this a second time and after celebrating our accomplishment that night in Vegas Ted and I ended our journey looking out on the strip in the exact same spot we had just one year before our second and final road trip doing something like this was now over and these two Journeys have done so much for me I've been able to see so many beautiful locations across this country I've been able to make countless memories with people that I love and care about as a person I've been able to grow and learn more about myself but these trips were about something so much more than all of those things what it's all about at the end of the day is giving two giant corporations a ton of my money and knowing that I did that means that I wouldn't trade these trips for the world not even if my family was in danger and doing so would save them so now after just 45 Days of Our Lives Ted and I are the only two people on the planet that can say we've been to every Rainforest Cafe and Margaritaville in the U.S and Canada

it's actually not that impressive oh my God was this a giant waste of time 45 days that doesn't even count what I planned both trips or or when we were editing our videos oh my god oh no oh [Music]

2023-07-24 20:51

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