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what's up guys long time no talk   i have a little bit of an update for you  guys but to start title of this video   so as you already know i was just in pakistan and  i was actually planning on going to afghanistan   right after pakistan and as you've seen in the  news things have gone very south in afghanistan   and i was actually going to be  there at the perfectly wrong time   as you can see from this instagram message i  had been talking to a tour company about going   and i knew that it wasn't the safest place to go  but as you probably know if you've been following   this channel for a little bit i had the hefty  goal of going to every country in the world   and so i knew that i should do  afghanistan before this happened   and here you can read that i was planning to  go in august at pretty much the worst time   i asked them about the safety of it and they  said don't believe what you hear in the news   the taliban is not going to take over afghanistan  and luckily i went with my gut feeling which was   telling me over and over again that i  should not go and then i decided not to   so that's the first part of this video i wanted to i'm getting to something else actually i've  actually recorded this video this will be the   third time recording this and i just can't seem  to get the word straight this is a very difficult   video to put together mostly because this is  a big change i've been working on this youtube   channel uh and my other youtube channel basically  traveling on youtube for the last five years   almost now and it's been great i fulfilled a lot  of my dreams my dream my dream 10 years ago was to   figure out a way to travel around  the world and share it with people   make enough money to continue traveling and  just be able to experience the people the places   of the world and i've been very blessed to  be able to do that for the last five years   with that being said it is a lot harder than it  looks like on the surface from social media and   what you see on youtube it's not only a dream it  is very difficult to make it happen and to keep it   going so the general gist of this video is that  i want to try something different i'm going to   take a little break it's an indefinite break so i  don't know if i'll be coming back to this channel   to continue showing my travels or if this is the  last video there are several reasons for this   one is my health my physical health it has been  a difficult ride with my physical health over   the last five years or actually before that even  but travel did not make it any easier you could   probably tell from the videos that at certain  points i didn't really look completely well and   that's you know getting sick from food while  traveling food poisoning those kinds of things   but also i'm gluten intolerant and it's pretty  hard to avoid gluten and wheat especially when you   don't know what you're eating and how it's cooked  and all of that so i was probably consuming this   all the time which contributed to feeling bad all  the time and i think you could see it in my face   and since i've been home i took a food sensitivity  test which who knows how accurate it actually is   but it showed that i am sensitive to a ton of  foods i'm allergic to foods and not only foods   pollens and grasses and dust and all these things  that makes it pretty difficult to travel and   experience all these different environments and  try the foods and do all of these things when it   constantly makes me feel bad so my physical health  is one thing that i need to get in order so that i   feel good health is probably the most important  thing in the world without your health what can   you really do in your life which brings me to the  next thing which is mental health and i know this   is kind of a buzz word a trending thing that  everybody's talking about and i never thought   that i would be talking about this on my channel  but things happened and as you guys have seen i   if you've been around for a while you've probably  seen i've gone through a couple relationships   during these travels and relationships are  not the easiest thing to keep afloat while   you're traveling whether it's long  distance or your partner is with you   and you're with each other 24 7 you never get a  break from each other you're going through the   ups and downs of travel and everything that goes  with it covid making things even more lonely hard   to meet people it's been hard to meet people it's  difficult to get in certain countries i've gotten   stuck in countries for weeks or months it's  just cova has made everything really difficult   all over the world even if you're  home but especially with travel   so all these factors and many more  contributed to my mental health just going   and i have not felt good mentally or physically  for many many months now and so i wasn't able   to enjoy what i was doing and i don't want this  all to be negative so that's as far as i'm going   to go there and so that brings me to the future  my plan is to find a place here in california   whether it's in or around san francisco  or in or around the los angeles area   hey if you're from one of those places if you're  from california and you know of a place where   you have any info for me let me know email me  or something i'm currently looking for a place   besides sticking around here i am actually very  excited for what the future holds what i would   like to do is pursue photography and videography  in a different way while i was traveling it was   just a quick run and gun thing just putting out  content for youtube it was all for youtube i don't   want to do it for that reason anymore i want to  get back to my roots my artistic side which is   kind of why i started this in the first place i  wanted to travel but also i wanted to put my art   into my videos and i lost that over time so  the plan is to kind of become a freelancer   a freelance photographer videographer so i'll  still probably be making videos and making photos   but there should be some kind of correlation  between what i've been doing here and what i'm   going to do so once i can figure out all of  this over the next few months hopefully i am   hoping to continue traveling just not every day  so finally we're here to the meat of the video   i have put together a few minutes of clips  from my last five years of travel on youtube   very nostalgic very sad but also but also a good  thing and although it's sad to kind of stop doing   that full-time i'm sure there will be some of that  in the future who knows where it's going to go   so the last five years of travel  take a look ready to go through it so my friend eddie is from mexico all right so look at this we  have a huge crowd on our boat the main plaza of candelaria okay so all right turning i mean i can do a scorpion i think our private limousine i'll share it with you guys salute good morning guys we are on a good trail it looks  like we're about to have some tea and coffee okay the largest indoor aquarium in a mall ever   all right we finally made it  to the top and it was worth it look at this just huge salt crystals i should get out of here quick we're on the roof of the bus wow what is  this this is our second pink chicha ever wow the black spicy so so and let's see it's the most  expensive coffee in the world so much actually all right cheers getting a michelada welcome to inky punk so this is how to build a bed in the back of your  van you have to knock off the rest of the drawers   it's like peeling off a sunburn the town  seems to be obsessed with their rock so this is our first well it's just us oh look at he peeled the whole thing   it seems like they lost the trail uh oh so we're good hey potato not near anything do perfect ending to a good day great cheese comes from happy cows but happy cows come from california that's  probably why they don't have cheese here massive today marks the first day of  my travels around the world   the adventure begins today today marks the  first day of my travels around the world and   i'm gonna be filming and sharing it with you  every day and the plan these are the plans the plans might change they  always do but that's the plan okay okay really quick before we end i  don't know if there's gonna be another video   or not so i just wanted to say thank you to all  of you everybody who has watched these videos   who's contributed to the views contributed to  the likes and uh follows on social media and   everything that allowed me to do this for the  last five years you guys have been awesome and   couldn't have done it without your guys support you guys are awesome and i will  see you in some other capacity see you guys you

2021-09-30 02:59

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